Chapter Seven: The Storm

(Your POV)

Everything has been going pretty well since the day I spent with Korra a week ago. For me and Olivia anyway. Mako, Korra, and Asami however. Well as Bolin put it, 'You could cut the tension with a knife.' Oh boy. I stayed in the Temple as they went to investigate Korra's claims. I was currently helping Pema do the dishes.

Pema: "I appreciate the help (M/N)" She said with a warm smile. She's said this every time I've helped her was the dishes. Why? I don't know. But I appreciate it.

You: "It's not a problem. It's the least I can do since you guys let me and Olivia stay here. Also I've been meaning to ask. How goes her studies?" I asked with a smile as I put away the last dish. Olivia tells me of things she learns but not much else. She's like a six-year-old sometimes with the things she learns.

Pema: "You'd be surprised and proud with how well she does. She's extremely smart and can grasp new concepts pretty well." She replied with a smile Good. Good. She'll have a nice life if that's true. I smiled back.

You: "Well that's good to hear. I just wish I could get her things you know? As a reward. She deserves it." I finished sounding slightly sad. She doesn't have a whole lot. That's understandable but she deserves it.

Pema: "You sound like her father. Hmm. Well she doesn't seem to mind. She's just happy to have friends... and a small family." She finished with a slight smile. I looked at her slightly confused by she just smiled and went to check on the kids. I just sighed and finished putting the dishes away. When I left the kitchen I saw Mako and Asami... But no Korra. Hell. I run up to them and ask sounding slightly angry. "What. Happened?" They looked at me with sad faces. Mako spoke in a slightly panicked tone.

Mako: "She was taken by the Equalists. Turns out she was right about Hiroshi." He said sounding slightly panicked. I just sighed. Look at who has realized he was an ass. i can find her easily. I then replied.

You: "Mako go fetch Tenzin and inform him on the situation. Asami. Come with me. We're taking a ride on Naga while I focus." I finished. Before they could protest I began to walk towards Naga. Mako would be useless right now. Not that it matters to much I suppose. Asami followed me and asked two questions.

Asami: "What's your plan and why didn't you take Mako instead?" She asked sounding a little surprised. I just shake my head. I have answers for both.

You: "I can sense the electrical impulses in people's muscles as they move. It's how I knew you were following me. If I focus, I'll be able to sense her heart beat. As for why I didn't bring Mako. He'd be controlled by his emotions right now so he would be mostly useless." I finished as I was climbing on Naga. She nodded as I helped her up. We headed towards the city. Once we landed on the docks I spoke. "Lead Naga around at random whilst I focus." We switched places and I assumed my meditative stance.

Time seemed to vanish. At first I could sense all heartbeats at once, however as I focused on her specifically the others seemed to vanish slowly. I focused on her hair, her eyes, her face, anything that was unique to her so I could focus better. There. I sense her in a club three blocks from our current location. I come out of my stance and lean towards Asami.

You: "I sense her heart beat in a club three blocks from here. Take a left up ahead and it'll be on the right." She nodded and seemed to shiver slightly. I guess I got to close. We arrived and got off Naga. I turned to her and asked. "Can you fight or am I doing this alone?" She just smirked. Stupid question I guess.

Asami: "I may be wealthy but I know how to fight. I even snatched one of their gloves." I smirked in turn. That'll be fun. Taste of their own medicine and all.

You: "Well then Madame Asami. Shall we kick their asses and get our friend back?" I asked. She just nodded. I walked up to the door and kicked it down. Some people screamed as we just waltzed in. There were some strange machines with slots in them making some noises. The interior was yellow and red likely to make people feel excited. Some Equalists noticed and began walking to us as I spoke. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are tonight's entertainment. Now I'm only going to ask once and if you don't answer me and my lady friend here will kick your ass six ways from Sunday. Where is the Avatar?" I asked with allot of venom in my voice. The five men that stood before us said nothing so I just sighed. "Fine. Show me what you can do!" I shouted as I took my stance as my body gave off electricity.

Asami assumed her stance as we just waited. It was a stare down. Whomever flinched first would start the fight. The other patrons just looked on as this was going on. The tension in the air was something else. The second man to the right moved first heading straight for Asami. I would've intervened but she countered his left haymaker and grabbed him with the glove. It shocked him for a while till he broke out. He was dazed but began fighting Asami head on. I looked back at the other four and smirked. I launched one line of (F/C) electricity at the man to the left. It wrapped around the arm that his glove was on. I forced him to his right and slammed the gloved in that man's face. He screamed before I pull the man I was hooked to towards me. I quickly detached the whip spun around, charged my fist and strike his face. He was down like a collapsed building. The other looked at me. Though I can't see their face I'm sure they were surprised. Well one of them is probably dazed. I saw the man Asami was fighting fly forward knocked out. She walked next to me and spoke.

Asami: "Ikki described your fighting but man. That was crazy." She said not looking at me. She sounded surprised. I've had practice but she has impressed me as well.

You: "I'm just getting started." I stated with a smirk. This'll be fun with her around.

The other three charged. Two went for me while one went for Asami. He hit her but she blocked it and jumped back. I duck under one of the man's punches and punch him in the gut with a charged fist. He coughs and saliva comes out of his mouth as he stumbled back. The other man grabbed my arm with his glove, but to his shock and my great pleasure nothing happened. I just smiled at him grabbed the glove and over charged it. It exploded as he flew back laying there in shock gripping his now destroyed hand. The other man finally recovered and came back at me. As I was going to punch him however the man Asami was fighting collided with him knocking him out. I just laughed slightly and turned to her.

You: "Nice work. Remind me not to piss you off." I am now thoroughly impressed.She is a fine fighter. She just chuckled and replied.

Asami: "Right back at you. You made that guy's hand explode. That was really brutal." She replied sounding a little surprised. It's true. Not like I wanted to do that but we're in a rush.

You: "I know and I hate doing that but we are in a hurry so I didn't have time to be careful." I replied sounding sincere. She just nodded. I led her to where Korra was being held. She wasn't injured as far as we could tell but she was unconscious. I burned a hole through the keyhole to the cell and opened it. I blasted her restraints and picked her up bridal style. We walked back out to Naga and placed her on his back. I boarded first and helped Asami up. As we rode back I spoke. "After we drop her off and get her looked at meet me in the courtyard. I want to discuss something." She just looked at me confused but I didn't clarify. She'd probably not show up if I did.

Once we arrived at The Temple. Everyone ran out as I was holding Korra, Mako ran up and tried to take her from me. I just glared and he backed down. I carried to a room that Pema led us to. I laid her down and left. Mako went in and didn't come back out. I sighed. I knew what that meant. I went to the main room and explained to everyone how I found her and what happened. I then went to the courtyard and waited. This is going to suck. I shouldn't get involved but one of them is going to be my student and the other two I consider friends as well. I heard footsteps behind. I turned around and there was Asami. She looked like she'd been crying a bit. I just sighed and opened my arms. She ran into them and I hugged her. She cried bit as I rubbed her back and told her it's going to be alright. After she stopped we separated and I took her to a place where we could sit. We sat on the steps and I spoke first.

You: "I wanted to talk to you about Mako and Korra. It seems you're guessing what I am. I'm sorry Asami. If you need to talk or vent or just something to yell at, I'm here." I said looking at her sympathetically. I felt bad for her... Can't be easy to watch someone who you thoyght loved you chase someone else. She smiled weakly.

Asami: "(sniff) Thanks (M/N). That means allot. How did you know this could happen?" She asked. I grew slightly nervous as I was afraid I'd upset her. I decide to tell her at least part of the truth.

You: "Well when me and Korra spent that day together I saw a look on Mako's face that looked like he was jealous. I figured he wanted to be in my position for that day. I then figured if that is true then that was what that 'spat' was about. Then she asked me about what to do about a crush. I told her I had no idea and asked who it was. She said it was Mako. *sigh* It seems she didn't take my advice. I would've told you but I didn't want to upset you. I'm so sorry Asami." I finished hugging her gently. I felt bad for not telling her but I didn't want to upset her in any way. She hugged back weakly.

Asami: "It's alright (M/N). Thanks for looking out for me." She said with a weak smile. I just nodded. At least she's not mad at me.

I smiled back and we just sat there stargazing for a bit. She did end up hugging me a few times when she was about to lose it again. I just hugged back and said it's gonna be alright. After about an hour we headed back inside. She went to her room and I just sat at the table in their dining room head in my hands. What the hell have I thrown myself between? I have no experience with relationships yet here my stupid self is offering my help. I sighed deeply and just sat there. Then I heard someone walking around me and sitting in front of me. I looked up and saw Bolin.

Bolin: "You alright brother? You look like crap." He said with a small smile. He has no idea. I just sighed deeply.

You: "I seemed to have thrown myself into a three way spat between two friends and my student. I want to help but have no idea how. *sigh* I'd wager before tomorrow is over we'll have one heartbroken friend and a new couple. Crap." I finished as I sighed again. Why did I do this? Am I an idiot? All evidence says yes. He just shook his head.

Bolin: "See? This is why I try and help by being funny. Less drama that way. But hey. I'm here for ya and here to help if I can." He replied with his stupid grin. Not a bad plan I guess. Still...

I said thanks and left to my room. I laid on my bed thinking to myself until I heard Olivia wake up. More like bolt up panting I should say. I quickly sat up and looked at her. She looked terrified. I put a hand on her shoulder. She flinched but saw it was me and clung to me. I held her and spoke.

You: "Nightmare huh? Want to talk about it?" I whispered while I rubbed her back. She sniffled a bit and shook her head no. I only nodded. I tried to think of a way to calm her down and then remembered my mother's lullaby and decided to sing it while rubbing her back as I held her.

You: "Come stop your crying it'll be alright, Just take my hand, hold it tight, I will protect you from all around you, I will be here don't you cry. For one so small you seem so strong, My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm, This bond between us can't be broken, I will be here don't you cry. You'll be in my heart, You'll be in my heart, From this day on, Now and forever more. Why can't they understand the way we feel, They just don't trust what they can't explain, I know were different but deep inside us, Were not that different at all. You'll be in my heart, No matter what they say, You'll be here in my heart, Always, Always. Don't listen to them, What do they know, We need each other, To have and hold, They'll see in time, I know, When destiny calls you, you must be strong, I may not be with you, But you got to hold on, They'll see in time, I know, We'll show them together cause. You'll be in my heart, Yes you'll be in my heart, I'll be there from this day now and forever more. You'll be in my heart, You'll be in my heart always, I'll be there always."

I finished and looked at her to see her fast asleep with a smile on her face. I let a single tear fall as I place her back on her bed. It wasn't a sad tear it was happy. I can pass on something mom left me. Now I know she'll never be forgotten. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead. I heard a content sigh from her as I pull away. I laid back down so I could get some sleep. Something tells me tomorrow's gonna be exhausting.


(Still Your POV)

I woke up later than normal. I here chatter in the dining room. I get up, put on my clothes and walk out to the dining room. Once I enter see Olivia sitting next to the other kids holding her stuffed air bison she has named 'Fluffy'. I also see Korra has woke up standing next to Mako and they were talking to Tenzin. I just sat down and got some food. That's when I heard Korra walk over to me. I stood up quickly to greet her only to have her hug me. I stiffened at the contact and then spoke.

You: "Okay you people hugging me out of nowhere seems to be something of a habit you all have. What's this for?" I asked as I gently hugged her back. It is very strange for me. Not that.. I mind I suppose. We separated and she spoke.

Korra: "Yeah it may be a bad habit. *snickers* But I wanted to thank you for finding me." She said with a smile. I am slightly surprised. I thought she'd assume Mako saved her... He told her the truth then... I'm kind of surprised.

You: "Oh? Well... Your welcome. I honestly expected... Never mind. They tell you how I found you?" I asked with a slight smirk trying to ignore the thought I just had. She just smiled at me.

Korra: "NOPE!! I asked but they said you should explain it." She said grinning at me. I just chuckled. She's going to love this ability.

You: "I can sense the electrical impulses in someone's muscles as they use them. If I concentrate, I can feel people's heart beats no matter how faint. I meditated on the back of Naga as Asami rode him around. I had to focus on what you looked like and I was able to pinpoint your heart specifically from about half a mile away." I finished looking at her. She went wide eyed and then smiled wide at me.

Korra: "THAT'S SO COOL!!! Are you going to teach me that to?!" She asked excitedly.

You: "Probably. I'd hate to only teach you some skills. That'd wouldn't make me a very good teacher. It took years of practice to get to that point however. I'll be able to get you started on it but you'll have to practice on your own." I finished with a slight smile. She smiled widely and told me she looks forward to it. In that moment however I sensed something was going to happen so I went to the courtyard. Asami and Bolin followed me seeing the look in my face.

Asami: "What's wrong (M/N)? You looked concerned." I didn't reply and kept looking forward. I hear... No.

Then I see them. A fleet of redair ships flying over the city with a very specific symbol on their hull. I know of only one organization that uses them The Equalists are raiding the city. Shit. I turned and ordered.

You: "Asami you're with me. Bolin go inside and tell Tenzin that an Equalist fleet is over the city." He seemed to look confused so I shouted. "NOW!!!" He ran inside after that. I see two of the ships start turning. They're headed this way. I began to formulate a plan. I could utterly flatten both ships but there could be prisoners on board. I sighed and heard running behind me. I see Tenzin, Pema, Korra, Olivia, the kids, and some old woman with grey hair. I turned to Tenzin and spoke. "Tenzin take Pema, the kids and Olivia and get the hell out of here. Asami, Bolin, Korra, Mako, We'll hold them off as they run. They will not get the kids understand me? They will not take them!" Just then Pema begins screaming. Of course that would happen now. I come up with new plan. "Kids, Olivia, Tenzin. Take Pema inside and help her. We'll hold them off. Once she can walk okay get the hell off the island." They agreed and went inside. I stood next to this old woman and looked to Bolin and the others. "Here is the actual plan. I'll hold them off here and you guys go and protect the city till we can run." They looked at me wide eyed. I was about to shout to go now until the older woman spoke.

(???): "You heard him now go! I'll stay here and help." She said cracking her knuckles. AT least I'll have help. I wonder who she is. They looked like they wanted to argue but I gave them a look that said if you argue I'll be pissed. They just nodded and ran to Oogi. I turned to the old woman and spoke.

You: "What's your name? Mines (First Name) (Last Name) but just call me (M/N). Since were going to fight and possibly die together it'd be nice to know who my partner in this is." I said as I charged some electricity up. She seems to be about Tenzin's age. She has medium length wavy gray hair. She has green eyes and has two scars on the right side of the lower part of her face She seemed un phased by my ability. That's good.

(???): "I'm the old chief of the metal benders. Just call me Lin Beifong. Just Lin is fine." I nodded as we took our stances. This is going to be one hell of a fight. As the ships arrived a handful of men came down. One of the men was quite larger than the others. I have my target. I begin focusing my electricity. I need to take this guy down fast.

(Asami's POV)

When we arrived we sent Oogi back so he's ready to take Tenzin and everyone off the Island however I was upset... No. I was pissed we just left him and Lin alone. I know he's skilled but... After we landed in the city we began to formulate a plan. As we were speaking I decided to speak up about just leaving him.

Asami: "We shouldn't have left him with just the chief. He could get killed. Then what?!" I shouted at the end. We don't need him dying... He's our friend.

Korra: "Did you see the look on his face? He clearly wasn't going to take no as an answer. He'll be fine. Between what you and Ikki told us this will be child's play for him." Korra retorted. I just sent her a glare. I'm still pissed about what happened.

Mako: "Look Asami. I doubt any of us are happy about leaving our friend behind but he was right. The city needs help." Mako said looking at me. I glare at him as well for a moment. I just sighed. I know they are right but I can't help but feel guilty about leaving him behind. We began running into the city.

Asami: (In Thought) 'Be careful (M/N). Be safe.'

(Your POV)

This guy just refuses to go down. I keep on powering up my electricity hoping it'l knock him out. Now here I am at my limit and He still doesn't go down. Why? I then start taking stock of his outfit. He seems to be wearing some king of red combat armor along with his mask. Then I see a small bit of something stick out from his collar. Rubber. Hell. I can't pass my electricity through that... I can however melt it to his skin. I change tactics to defensive. I dodge and roll out of the way of his attacks. Thank the gods that the Chief can take on those small guys alone. I began to heat up my electricity as fast as possible After some time I get to a point where I can melt the rubber. In that moment however the large man lands a kick to my gut that sends me flying back a few feet. He chuckles when I land. Damn that hurt. I get up relatively quickly and wait. He charges and tries to land a punch on my face I side step and manage to grab his collar. I can smell the rubber melt as he screams in agony. I then punch him in his temple and he finally goes down. I take a deep breath and look up to see that Lin finished the smaller goons. I stood up straight and stretched a bit. I then see the airships. They aren't leaving. Meaning there are more of them on board. Hell. I then see Tenzin and the others come out of the Air Temple and run to where Oogi should be. I hope they stay safe. I turn to Lin.

You: "Go. I'll hold them off." She stared at me wide eyed. Great. I'm not in a mood to argue with her.

Lin: "You can't take them all! You'll be killed!" She exclaimed. I just sighed. I looked directly in her eyes as I spoke.

You: "I know. But I won't let anything happen to my friends or new family. Not again. So go now!" I shouted at the end. She looked at me and ran. I sighed. (In Thought) 'Hell. This is gonna be rough... There is one way out however... The Storm.' I begin charging said move. I hope it works because I won't be awake to see the results till later.

(Korra's POV)

We arrived back at the docks to see Tenzin, Pema, Olivia, and the kids riding on Oogi. I however noticed (M/N) was missing. We run up to them. Then Asami spoke up with relief in her voice.

Asami: "Glad you're all okay. Wait. Where's (M/N)?" She asked now sounding worried. Tenzin shakes his head at that question saying he doesn't know. Then we see Lin Beifong walk up slightly panicked.

Lin: "The kid stayed back to hold them off so we could escape!" She exclaimed. What!? Is he crazy!

We all went wide eyed. He'll die alone up there! Just as I was about to shout we heard a loud crack followed by a huge boom and felt a slight gust of wind. We looked around until we saw a flash of (F/c) light. We turned in the direction it came from and saw two giant (F/C) lightning streaks tearing through the ships as the (F/C) bolts set them ablaze. The people were evacuating by jumping out of the ships into the water and swimming away. I could not believe my eyes. (M/N) did that. Alone. He just destroyed two war machines in a manner of seconds.

Tenzin: "My gods..." Tenzin said in disbelief.

Mako: "No way..." Mako whispered with his mouth slightly agape.

Bolin: "Holy..." Bolin said with a small grin on his face. He was obviously impressed by the display of such incredible power.

Asami: "How? ..." Asami asked in shock.

Korra: "I... That's insane..." I said wide eyed staring at the incredible scene before me.

Olivia: "That's my hero." Olivia says in a whisper.

This continued for a good minute and just as fast as the bolts appeared they vanished. I swear I could almost feel the heat wave after it ended. The ships slowly descended into the water. By the time they landed they were nothing but metal husks. I got a sinking feeling that he may be unconscious. I turned to the others.

Korra: "We need to go get him! Something is telling me he's knocked out!" I shouted slightly. Tenzin nodded and signaled me to follow him. Mako came with us so he could carry (M/N). I hope he's okay.


When we arrived at the island's courtyard... It was sparking with some (F/C) electricity that was left behind after such a powerful attack. We looked around at the scene. Luckily the Temple itself wasn't damaged but the courtyard was severely burned. Probably from what was coming off his body. That can be fixed however. We can smell the burning husks of the Airships from here as the remainder of their contents burn. We continued to look around and then we saw him in the center of a third scorch mark. I was right he was out. His body was still sparking slightly. Tenzin touched him to see if it would hurt. He said it didn't and Mako picked him up and slung him over his shoulder as gently as he possibly could. We took one last look at what this man had done. I... I can hardly believe it. I can see why people would want to use him or want him dead. He could take an entire army down on his own. This... This is amazing. I look at the unconscious man with a gentle smile gracing my lips. He was willing to die to save us. That's something. We head back to Oogi and take off to pick everyone up. As we fly I take one last look at the scene before it's out of sight. To have all that power and still be a good person who only wishes to help and keep people safe... Olivia is right. He is a hero. We pick everyone up and fly to the southern water tribe. The second we pick everyone up Olivia goes to the back with Asami and Ikki to check on (M/N). Asami lays his head in her lap so Olivia can make sure he's actually okay. I chuckle slightly. I wonder if he even can see how Olivia sees him.


(Your POV)

I had the dream again. The fire, the screams... The deaths... The same dream I've had since that day... Not every day but... I wake with a start. I rub my eyes and look around. I seem to be in a hut of some kind and in, cold water, yet it's not bone chilling. I then see a woman with white hair and dark skin who looks to be in her seventies or eighties looking at me smiling. I sit up and look at her.

You: "Where am I and who are you?" I said with suspicion in my voice. I refuse to take my eyes off her. She may not seem like a threat but still.

(???): "I am Katara. I believe you know my son Tenzin. You are in the southern water tribe. They brought you here after they found you unconscious." She said with a slight smile. I just sighed in relief. Even I knew the name of Katara. Wait...

I then remember what I did and what happened. I quickly jolt out of the pool, grab my clothes, throw them on, and run out side. I was met with a small village and fields and mountains of what seemed to be pure ice. I didn't really care. I wanted to find her.

You: "OLIVIA!!! ARE YOU HERE!?!? OLIVIA!!!" I shouted. I was beyond worried almost panicking. I was almost in tears when she didn't call back immediately. I then hear a familiar shout.

Olivia: "(M/N)!!! YOU'RE OKAY!!!!" I turn to where the shout came from and begin running towards the little girl.

I meet her half way and pick her up spinning around. I hug her tightly with some tears in my eyes. I kiss the top of her head over and over again just to make sure I'm not dreaming. I keep holding her like this till I hear footsteps. I look up to see Tenzin, The kids, Pema with her newborn baby, Asami, Mako, Bolin, and Korra. They are all smiling at me. I put Olivia down and hug the life out of each of them. I was so scared I failed them. After I let go of Asami I spoke with some tears in my eyes.

You: "I... I thought... I Feared I failed you guys... I don't want to lose my family a second time." I stutter out with some tears falling down my cheeks. Asami quickly wiped them off.

They all just smiled at me more. They all hugged me again. After that we all sat down around a fire to warm up. Olivia sat in my lap and the kids sat in their parents' and grandmother's laps respectively. They started asking questions.

Korra: "We... We saw two giant streaks of lightning tear through the ships... Was that you?" She sounded like she was in disbelief. I just sighed. That was me... That's why people want me as a weapon...

You: "Yes... It's my trump card. Or one of them. I call it 'The Ionic Storm.' I don't use it unless I absolutely have to because I am never awake after I finish as you all saw." Their eyes widen a bit. "No worries. They can't kill me. It's like if you ran for twenty miles straight with no breaks. Odds are you'll pass out." They seemed to relax a bit. "I pick targets in my head as I charge it. Once it's charged it releases the same amount of bolts as targets I have chosen, however it will group up if possible since electricity is attracted to its self unless it's the exact same charge. I.e Positive to Positive and Negative to Negative.. For people the bolts would be smaller but more than likely that would kill them so I never use it on people. On things like those ships however... Well you saw the result." I finished. They all seemed amazed by this. Especially the kids.

Korra: "That's... Insane... It's almost like when Avatar Aang created a tidal wave to threaten the Fire Nation's invading fleet." She said still sounding astounded. I shrugged. Good comparison but I never saw it so I have no idea if it can compare.

After some time talking and discussing how we will go back, Korra walked off. Mako followed behind her. Me and Asami watched as she bent all four elements. She's reached her spiritual level as the Avatar. Yet she didn't take my advice as I see her holding Mako's hand. I looked over at Asami who just looked utterly defeated. I tugged her sleeve gently and flick my head slightly signaling we should leave. She nodded and we left. I grabbed Olivia and the three of us went stargazing. I can't remember the last time I could see the galaxy like this. After all that chaos and drama, we all finally have a moment to breathe.


(Shadow POV)

I approached the court room where the Earth Queen sits. I am wearing my traditional garb. A completely black long coat that wraps around the front and has a large slit in the back, My black hood with a beak at the end, my black boots which contain a multitude of knives and a hidden surprise, and lastly my mask. It resembles grey dead flesh with two eye holes cut into it. I am also wearing my gauntlets with their hidden blades inside.

(Something like this but with thicker gauntlets. I.e Assassin's Creed Syndicate type gauntlets.)

I begin to wonder why she summoned me from my brotherhood. Maybe it's a bender she wants dead. I do specialize in killing benders after all. I open the large doors and step forward.

Shadow: "You summoned me Hou?" I said in a monotone voice. She glared at me. Like I'm going to call her 'My Queen.' Please, I have some self respect.

Hou-Ting: "You will show me the proper respect Assassin!" She shouted at me. She looked unnerved when I didn't flinch. She's weak. She will die at the hands of someone.

Shadow: "Respect is earned not given. You are not my queen, and you do not own me so watch your tongue or you will lose it and all your guards." I replied in the same tone. She flinched slightly but dropped the subject.

Hou-Ting: "Your target is a man named (First Name) (Last Name). He is the electrical bender I bought from those raiders on the islands. He escaped the ship he was being delivered on when the Triad and Equalists attacked it with the intent to use and kill him respectively." One of her guards hands me an artist's rendition of the man. "I would rather him be caught alive, however if you need to kill him so be it. If I can't have him as a weapon. No one can." She finished darkly. An electric bender? Interesting... I have fought fire benders that can use it but a straight up electric bender? Not bad.

Shadow: "You know our fee I assume?" She doesn't reply. She simply looks to one of her guards. He reveals a rather large sack of what I assume is our fee. I can almost feel them from here. I smirk under my mask. "I accept your contract Hou-Ting. Know this however. If I get a single inclination that you are going to try and cheat me you will die. If I get a sense you will try and betray me. You will die, and lastly if I die to this bender you will die, but not by my hands. I doubt he'll take this assault lying down." I finished. She glared at me again. *Sigh* Those are the rules. SHe should read our rules before summoning us.

Hou-Ting: "Are you threatening me?" She replied darkly. I smile under the mask. No I am not.

Shadow: "No... I'm making a promise." I simply turn and begin to walk away until she speaks again.

Hou-Ting: "Very well. May the spirits guide you. I also wish you luck." I did not turn around.

Shadow: "Luck will not kill this bender. Skill will. As for your spirits, keep them. I do not need them. Never have, never will." I continued to leave the palace. (In Thought): "This will be fun." I smile wide under my mask and chuckle.

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