Chapter Nineteen: Raiden's Temple

(Your POV)

I awake from dreamless sleep. Not that I'm surprised we all stayed up pretty late talking about things. Today is the day they want me to explore the Temple with them. The only reason they wish to do this is because they have yet to hear of any new air benders at the moment or sensed them lately. Which is fine considering the amount they have located. In fact I met one yesterday. His name is Kai. He's about Jinora's age has a skin tone a shade lighter to Korra's, black hair, was apparently a pickpocket before they found him, and obviously has a huge crush on her. I'd wager that's why he won't go to the Island. Heh. He had so many questions for me I ended up having to ask him to stop asking so many. He apologized but I just waved him off. I was just tired. I get up and see my clothes neatly folded on the end of my bed. I put everything on, stretch and head to the field this monstrosity is docked into. Though we stayed up late I still awoke at six in the morning. Everyone else is still asleep. Time to get back in the groove of things. I remove my white shirt and assume my stance. No distractions this time... I breathe in and out slowly as I begin my routine. Just as always I begin with some fluid movements before adding electricity. I handful of jabs, punches, and kicks later I perform a bicycle kick and stomp my foot to the ground. I now add electricity and a whip forms on my forearm that reaches to under my stomped foot. I kick it out swiftly and yank it back with enough force to have it dart pass me in a similar fashion. I then yank it back once more and spin it around my neck and hold the opposite end with my hands. I begin punching, kicking, and jabbing being mindful not to tangle the whip around my body. I then let the tip of the whip go and start spinning the whip around above my head. I pick up the speed as I crouch ever so slightly for my area of affect attack. As I raise back up the whip grazes my back and I lower my head so the whip is not obstructed. I once again yank the whip back one I stand up and start darting it in different directions. I then begin spinning the whip around my arms switching sides with each flip. I then detach the whip and send it into the air to practice fighting with a bolt as assistance. The bolt did its job s I manipulated it with my fists. After some time with that I bring it back to me, spin it in my hands, absorb it and sent it up into the sky as one bolt to dispose of it. I then take a few breathes. This entire process took about thirty minutes. It feels damn good to be back into the groove of things. I drink some water I got from the kitchen and head back out to repeat the process all over again.


(Korra's POV)

I wake up and yawn. I sit there for a moment waking up enough to get dressed. I do just that and leave my room. I was about to get some food in the kitchen until I heard a familiar cracking sound on the deck. Knowing Sparky is practicing I just get some water and head out there. As I step outside I see him yank a whip back, wrap it around his neck and hold the tip with his free hand. Then my eyes begin to... Wonder... To his body... Despite being out of commission for months he's still in damn good shape, which is nice... Wait... Never mind. But that's not what caught my eye. All those scars... The multitude of large slashes on his back. The burns on his sides. And the other burn and slash scars on his chest. The stabs and cut scars on his arms. He also has a sizable impale scar right above his stomach. He said he got that from falling off a cliff. Still... That's the only one that was an accident. The others people gave him throughout his time alone when they either tried to capture or kill him. I don't know how long I was staring at him because I was shaken from my thoughts when a loud boom was heard. I shake my head and see him pointing two fingers up. I guess he disposed of the bolt he was using. I then see him take a few breathes and walk to the side where his shirt is. He pulls out a small flask and takes a swig. He then looks up and sees me. He gains a gentle smile when he realizes I was standing here. He begins to walk over to me. I smile at him in kind.

You: "Good morning Korra. Sleep well?" (M/n) asked me still smiling gently at me. My mind finally kicks back into gear so I can reply.

Korra: "More or less. What about you?" I ask him. He simply nods his head still smiling. He then walks back to where his shirt is a put it on... I feel slightly disappointed... Wait.

You: "We should get breakfast." I hear him suggest to me. I nod and we walk back inside. He walks ahead of me to the kitchen and I am greeted with a smirking Asami.

Asami: "There was a nice view out there wasn't there?" She asks still smirking at me. It takes me a moment to realize what she meant but when I did my eyes widened slightly. She simply points to her cheeks telling me I'm blushing. I then hear (M/n) shout.

You: "You guys want some eggs!?" He shouts so that me and Asami can hear. Asami nods still smirking at me. Great she wants me to reply. I calm myself before replying.

Korra: "Sure if you don't mind!" I shout back. I hear him say a simple alright and goes about cooking. Probably with Jinora. I look back at Asami with a 'Really?' look. She smiles sassily.

Asami: "Was it... A 'Rock Hard' view?" Oh sweet heavens she's been taking lessons from Bolin. I then hear the said boy snicker from behind. I turn and see him holding in laughter and Mako looking at me. He is shaking his head at me.

Korra: "I hate you all." I said and they just shook their heads no. "Okay no I don't but really guys?" They all then start laughing. I can even hear Sparky chuckle at us. Once they calm down I asked Bolin a question. "You were the mastermind behind that right?" He smiles wide at me.

Bolin: "Well duh! It was way too easy not to do." I hear Asami Snicker. I just shake my head at them once again. "Come on. You made it to easy! Especially since you two are so close!" I flush slightly at that and look down sheepishly. I am reminded of when I assumed Asami and Sparky were together just because they hung out so much... Do they think the same? Should I... No never mind.

Asami: "Sorry Korra. It was just too funny to pass up." I just smile when I look back up. They are all smiling at me. I shake my head and then hear Sparky shout again.

You: "Food's ready!!" That was fast. Then again it was just eggs and probably some toast. That and he probably could just cook eggs with his hands if needed. Equally cool and gross.

We all walked into the kitchen to see Sparky setting plates down in front of Tenzin, Lin, Jinora, and Kai. When we sit down he does the same before getting his own. Everyone began to eat and I will not lie I was surprised by how well it tasted. I thought with all that time on the road he wouldn't have this skill. Judging by what the noises the others are making they are just as surprised as I am. I wanted to compliment him but I wanted to keep eating. I chose the ladder and chowed down. Is there some cheese in this? It's delicious. Everyone but him is eating at a break neck pace. He's taking some time. I know why Jinora and Kai are. It's so they can train. The others have no excuse except that they find it amazing. Asami oddly enough is the first to finish and speak.

Asami: "That was delicious (M/n)!" She exclaimed. He looked at her and swallowed so he could reply.

You: "Thanks Asami. I'm glad you liked it." He said smiling at her thanks to the compliment. She just shook her head.

Asami: "I loved it! You should cook for us more often." Everyone nodded in agreement including myself. He flushed slightly at the compliment.

You: "I-if that's what you want I will." He said smiling with a slight stutter. That's a good thing. I like Bolin but he can't cook. Asami nodded her head enthusiastically.

Korra: "I agree... Sorry Bolin." I pipe up after I finish. I see Bolin simply shake his head in a no fashion.

Bolin: "Non taken. I much prefer this over what I can make. This is amazing!" Bolin exclaims. I see Sparky rub the nap of his neck. He's used to getting compliments on his fighting skills but I guess he didn't think much of his cooking skills.

You: "Thanks." He states simply while smiling. He then changes the subject. "Hey Asami." He says. This takes me by slight surprise. His tone changed to a more serious one. She looks at him with her head tilted.

Asami: "What do you need (M/n)?" Asami asks looking slightly concerned. He looks down for a moment and then looks back at her.

You: "Remember that advice you gave me before we fought Vaatu?" Strange he'd brink that up now. Asami nods almost immediately. He breathes in quickly. "It... Was what made me keep my promise to Korra... I couldn't do it alone." She smiles wide at that as do the others except Lin. She wasn't there. At this point Jinora and Kai already have ran off. I knew it would help in some way... But I didn't know how. "So... Thank you... And thank you Korra for making me promise to go to someone if I had the dream again." I smile even wider at that. It makes me feel... Some sort of pride that I got him to talk about it with Kya.

Asami: "You are very welcome (M/n). I bet Korra already offered." She said as she looked at me quickly and then looked back at him. "But I'm sure any of us here are willing to be woken up if you need it while we are on the road." He looks at Mako and Bolin and they nod still smiling at him. I'm glad we were able to help him somewhat... Maybe he'll tell us exactly what he feels soon... That way we can help him through it. He smiles back and once again changes the subject.

You: "Why do you guys want me to explore that temple with you? Why did you wait till I got here to d so? " He asks looking towards Tenzin. He's going to be excited.

Tenzin: "We saw a... Set of carvings on the doors leading inside... One matched the description you gave us for Raiden." Tenzin said looking at Sparky. I see his eyes widen and his mouth slightly hang open. Yep he's surprised. "There was also a language we hoped you knew. We can't understand it." Tenzin added. At this point I think Sparky blew a fuse. He's just staring at Tenzin. He shakes his head before replying finally.

You: "I was never told he had a temple..." He said trailing off at the end. He then looks down like he's thinking. "Alright... Where is it and when do we go?" He asked. His eyes are now showing curiosity. Tenzin smiled.

Tenzin: "You'll be headed there today with Korra, Asami, Bolin, and Mako. It's about an hour north from where we are now." Sparky nodded in response and actually looked excited. I don't think he's looked like that in a while.

You: "Alright when do we leave?" I can hear the excitement in his tone. Tenzin then chuckles. I guess he's noticed it to.

Tenzin: "I'd say in two hours. That way there's plenty of sunlight." Sparky nodded quickly. Our own adventure that doesn't involve fighting evil. This should be nice.


(Your POV)

I pack a bag of supplies. Just in case there is a cave in or something of the sort. Gods only know how old this place may or may not be. I pack a few flasks of water, some bread, and minor medical supplies. I put my bag on and head out of my room. I head to the exit of the monstrous ship. I see the gang waiting for me chatting about something. Once I approach they notice me and I smile. I am quite excited for this. I get to learn about the spirit fused with my being. They each have bags packed to. I guess I'm not the only one that considered the possibility of something going wrong.

You: "We ready?" I ask. I know they are but still. They each nod and with that we begin trekking to the temple. I have a smile plastered on my face and I guess Asami noticed.

Asami: "You seem very excited (M/n)." I look at her still smiling and nod.

You: "I didn't get to learn much about this 'Raiden'. So if this temple can give me the smallest bit of knowledge about him I will be ecstatic." I said still smiling at the thought. Then my smile fades ever so slightly when I remember why I didn't know much. They never got to teach me. I feel Korra place her hand on my arm that snaps me out of it. "Huh? Sorry. Just thinking." I say shaking my head.

Korra: "You sure you're okay?" I look at her and nod. It wasn't a flashback or anything just a sad thought one gets. She nods knowing I'm telling the truth. "What do you hope you find?" She asks me. Interesting question.

You: "Maybe I could learn more about the title my father had." They all look at me while still walking forward down the dirt path. "His title was 'An Acolyte Of Raiden.' I am unsure what it means. I hope this temple will tell me if it is dedicated to that spirit." They all look at me slightly confused. "See that's what I'm hoping to cure in myself... If not maybe I can learn something." They all smile and nod. Then silence fills the walk to the temple. Not the awkward kind either but the kind that says they are glad I'm here.


(Still Your POV)

The forest is rather thick now and the dirt trail has since vanished. But after all this time I see it. It isn't massive by any means but to is impressive. It is a tall building but not as tall as say a skyscraper. It has redwood outlining its edges and a small bridge over a small creek leading to an overgrown courtyard. There are a few stones layed about and one larger stone that simply reads 'Welcome'. Many of the nearby trees are colliding with its walls. They let me take the lead so I can begin transcribing things if I can. Once I get close to the door I can see it's made out of the local sandstone in the area... That's him... That's Raiden. A humanoid cloud. I turn to the others with a small smile and nod. With Bolin and Korra's help, I open the door. The air rushes inside telling me this place hasn't been visited in at least three years. Once the air stops Mako creates some fire with his left fists and walks beside me inside. We end up funding a wall stanch and the second the fire touches it all the others turn on. Impressive. The darkness fades to reveal a large singular room with some 'door' ways leading to other areas in the temple. The same orange yellowish rock makes up the room but unlike the exterior this room has many intricate carvings on the wall.

You: "Okay. You guys look around for more interesting carvings while I begin transcribing." They all nod and walk off in different directions. "And be careful!" I shout so they all will hear.

Korra: "We will Sparky don't worry."Korra said looking back at me with a small smile. I nod and smile and look back towards the wall.

I know this language. My clan was bi lingual. We spoke the common tongue and this. I can't quite recall what it was called however. Jap something. This wall is simply stating the purpose of the temple. I.e. what spirit it's dedicated to and things to that nature. Not much information here so I move to another wall. I continue this for some time and then I see one that gets my interest. A single figure is standing above other smaller ones. I take out my paper and pencil and begin writing what I'm reading.

You: "One whom may distinguish themselves in the service of the spirit of Thunder and Lightning may be raised to the status of "Acolyte". This position is granted only to the finest of those who serve the Thunderer. They are the peacekeepers and watchers. They watch for the day he picks his vessel." The inscription ends there. This would suggest they knew that he would pick a vessel at some point in time... Meaning that they knew I would be born... Hmm.

I continue doing this for some time. I learned about the initiation ritual for The Acolytes. It apparently involved being shocked with electricity. Seems foolish to me but whatever. I swear I almost hear a chuckle in my head when I thought that. I guess Raiden agrees. Heh. I learned all of his different names. All of which he's already told me when we fought Vaatu. I then see... Something interesting... It looks like a prophecy. I again get ready to write down what I read. As I do I hear the others walk up behind. I again read it out loud.

You: "One day, during one of The First Spirit Of Light's incarnations Raiden will choose his Vessel. On that day, the day they are revealed to be the Lightning wielder their world will quake. When it is surfaced they will be drawn to The Spirit Of Light's Incarnation so the knowledge they gain while training at the Temple built by the first Acolytes can be passed on to them and Raava so that this bending can be passed on to future Incarnations." I finished writing down the last word. This inscription stood in front a a rather large statue of what I assume is Raiden. Unlike his true form this one resembles a man in his thirties who is wearing robes similar to... My clan... And is wearing a large straw hat... 'Their World?'

Mako: "That's the prophecy Tenzin told us about when we went to look for you." I hear Mako say. I turn to face him only to see a sad look on his face. "But one difference. 'Their World.' Not 'The World'. It's small yet... It makes me sad for some reason..." He said as he trailed off at the end. I look at the others and see they have similar faces. Bolin goes to comfort his brother with a hug. It... Also hits me pretty hard... I wonder why.

Korra: "Yeah... It gave me a sinking feeling..." Korra adds. I begin to try and figure it out what it could be... Hmm... Nothing comes to mind at the moment... Unless... Before I can finish that thought I hear Asami pipe up.

Asami: "Let's show him what we found before we overthink this." I look at her to see her wiping a tear away. I give her a hug to comfort her which she gladly accepts. Once we let go they lead me to a the another room where I see what looks like a list of names written in that language. I take aout a new sheet and write down the names.

You: "All Acolytes in service to Raiden." I start with. "Takashi Kojima, Russell Giampietro, Altus Lefew, Diana Percy, Jackeline Serea." I recognize some of these names. Uncle Takashi specifically. "Kiki Terian." This goes on for some time till I reach the end of the list. "Terra Ganji, (Father Name) Kojima, (Mother Name) (L/n)." I stop at those two. They are the end of the list but I just stare at their names for a moment. I remember them... All the love they gave me... And how they died... I feel tears try and well up so I tear myself from the list and turn away. Korra seemed to notice and placed a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly and wiped my eyes before looking at her. Her blue eyes staring into my (E/c), heavy with concern. I just breathe in deeply to calm myself.

Korra: "Are you alright?" She asked sounding quite worried. I nod my head yes before pointing at the last two names.

You: "These two are my... Parents' names before they got married... It just brought some memories back." I breathe in once more and exhale before continuing. She nods in understanding as do the others. "Let me continue." I said as I began walking towards the last inscription in a rounded room to our left. Korra and the others followed me inside. I guess they're worried about me. I walk up to the wall and begin translating. "It is the Acolytes duty to protect their people and the followers of Raiden." That seems obvious enough. This next part though... "When Raiden's vessel is born and their powers surface. Either they be man or woman it is the Acolytes and Followers duty to protect this vessel. Either it be from disease, injury, or death... Even if that means you must drown your enemies..." I stare in disbelief as I finish. "In a sea of blood..." I start to breathe heavier... This just confirms what I felt was true... They died for...

(Korra's POV)

(M/n) went silent as he finished. Almost as if he realized the truth... I don't quite understand what that last part means. I then hear Asami audibly gasp. She must have an inclination what it must mean. I quietly walk over to her and ask.

Korra: "Do you know what that meant?" I asked in a whisper while looking at her. She nods her head slowly. It must not be good if she's this stunned. She then speaks with a shaky voice.

Asami: "It... Mean if they must die to stop the enemy... Then so be it... Keep going until the enemy gives in... Drown them in a pool of your own blood if necessary." My eyes then widen at her reply... This wall basically told him it was his fault that they all died... They did it to protect one kid... No... Don't tell me he feels guilty...

I say nothing and head back to where (M/n) is. The others excuse themselves to give us some privacy. I see him simply looking at the floor. He has no tears but he looks... Deadpanned... As if the world around him doesn't exist. I tap him on the shoulder to try and get a reaction... Nothing... I then gently take his shoulder and get him to face me. He doesn't react and is still looking down. I gently place my right forefinger and thumb on his chin and make him look at me. He isn't crying but I can see the severe hurt and... Guilt in his eyes. I retract my hand and gently pull him in for a hug. He doesn't hug back but I don't care. I just want him to know that he's not alone. I hear him sigh. I look over my shoulder. I see Mako looking sadly at (M/n). I also see Bolin looking like he's on the edge of tears. Asami on the other hand is wiping a tear from her eye. I then pull back from (M/n) a bit and have him look at the others. He sees them and smiles an almost unnoticeable smile. I then see Bolin lean his head on the door frame and I hear a click. (M/n) bolts up and immediately grabs my hand and tries to get to the exit to the room only to have it slam shut. Luckily the Stanches stay lit. I see him crouch and try and lift the damned door. He fails and begins punching the wall with electricity. That barley scratches it. I then try to earth bend the door out of the way but it doesn't work for some reason. I can hear the others shout from the other side as (M/n) shouts back.

You: "Go get some explosives and blow the door!" He shouts at them. I hear muffled noises that sound like conformation and I then hear them run off. He walks over to a wall takes his pack off, leans on the wall and slide down. "Get comfortable. We may be here for a couple of days." He says looking at me. I just sigh deeply and take my pack off and sit next to him. "If you get cold tell me." I look at him when he said that.

Korra: "I will... Are you okay?" I ask him in a sympathetic tone of voice. He looks at me and shakes his head no. He says nothing else after that... Maybe this is a blessing in disguise... Maybe I can get him to finally talk about what he's feeling exactly... I just hope he trusts me enough to open up fully... He needs to admit what he's feeling before he can ever hope to overcome it.  

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