Chapter Nine: Taking Care of The Kid And Some Jealousy

(Your POV)

It's been two weeks since I began training Korra. She's slowly getting the hang of using a rope dart. She's nearly been able to go through all the motions I did when we began training. Her determination is very admirable. And seeing that look in her eye when she succeeds makes this all worth it. Today however it seems Olivia has caught a cold. With everyone busy either with studies, work or business in the city I am the only one that can take her to the doctor. I told Korra and she offered to help me with her today. I thanked her. Right now I'm carrying Olivia to a doctor.

Korra: "What do you think she has?" Korra asked looking at the poor sickly girl. I have a few guesses. Odds are it's nothing serious though.

You: "Considering how her cough sounds I'd guess something like Strep Throat or just a really bad cold. She'll be fine." I said rubbing the girls back. "Sorry about training today. Pema didn't have the time to do this and Mako, and Asami are working. And Bolin's doing whatever he does." She laughs at that. What does he do I wonder... I'm snapped out of that quickly.

Korra: "It's alright. We've been training pretty hard. One day won't hurt." She said smiling at me. I nod in return. That is true. It also helps that she has caught on really quickly.

You: "Well still. Thanks for helping me. I sure appreciate it. I'm sure Olivia does to." I said looking at her. She just nodded weakly smiling. It must hurt too much to talk. Korra smiled and lightly ruffled her hair. "Not to pry but how are things going with Mako?"

Korra: "Alright. Just with him working I can't spend allot of time with him." She said smiling slightly. "What about you and Asami?" My breath hitched. Then I got a confused look. Where did she get that idea?

You: "Uh. Hate to disappoint but we're not dating." I said plainly. She looked at me a bit surprised. Sure I spend time with her but I spend time with Bolin to but she doesn't assume we're dating.

Korra: "Oh... Uh... Sorry I just assumed. You guys talk allot and hang out." Yes. But I spend time with her herself and Bolin allot as well. That doesn't make Asami my girlfriend or whatever.

You: "I also do the same with Bolin you know." I said laughing slightly. She just blushed from embarrassment a bit. I laugh a little more. "To be honest we started hanging out so much after Mako left her. I guess I'm easy to talk to. You'd be surprised how many people just spill their feelings and secrets to me. I guess I have one of those faces." I said scratching my chin with my free hand. She chuckled.

Korra: "Your face does contain something... Something that does seem trustworthy and honorable. Like you would never tell a soul what you know and would never judge someone no matter what." She said looking at me. Well... That's not an answer I expected.

You: "Well... Thanks... That actually is nice to hear." She smiles and nods. I then decide to change the subject. "What made you think that anyway? Sire we hang out but that can't be it." I finish readjusting Olivia in my arms so that it is easier to carry her.

Korra: "I guess it's the way you guys act around each other. You guys seem comfortable around each other. Like you've known each other for years." She replied. That may be true but like I said...

You: "Same could be said for you and I you know." I retorted. She laughed.

Korra: "Fair enough." She said looking forward. I stare at her for a moment longer than normal. I shake it off and look forward.


We arrived at the Doctors. It was pretty average for a doctor's office. There were white walls and white tiled floor and there was a small waiting area for people. Korra went to go get us some lunch with some money I handed her. I've made a pretty penny betting on those Matches Bolin and Mako take part in. I walk up to the counter and see the lady sitting there. She is young. Likely 25 and has brown hair and hazel eyes.

You: "She needs to see a doctor please. She seems to have caught a cold." I said politely. The lady looks up and smiles warmly.

Receptionist: "Aw. Well I'll need some basic information. Her name?" She asks politely.

You: "Olivia." I stated simply. She has no last name as far as she knows.

Receptionist: "No last name?" She asked a little confused. I just shake my head.

You: "She's an orphan I've been taking care of." I replied smiling at the lady. She gains a huge smile.

Receptionist: "Aw, that's so nice of you. Just give me yours then." She says looking at the paper in front of her.

You: "(Last Name)." I said to her. She nods and has her stand so she can take her height and weight.

Receptionist: "Okay. Height check. Hair color check. Hm. Birthday?" I just hand her a piece of paper that contained that stuff. I picked Olivia back up. "Okay. Just sit and wait. He should be with you guys shortly." I thank her. Before I can go to sit down though she speaks up again. "You know... I have some free time after work Mr. (L/n)." I stop and look at her slightly confused.

You: "My name is (M/n). And that's a good thing right?" I said smiling as I began to go sit down. What the hell was that about? As I sit down I hear her sigh a bit but nothing more.


Turns out she's caught Strep Throat. We went and got her medicine and headed back to the Temple. When we arrived however we were greeted by an annoyed looking Mako. Bolin and Asami were looking at us with a look that said 'Sorry'. I looked at them and raised an eyebrow. He spoke.

Mako: "What were you guys doing?" He asked with the slightest amount of venom in his voice.

You: "Olivia caught something and I had to cancel our training session for the day. She offered to help me get Olivia here to the doctors. Why?" I asked. I have a feeling I know the answer though.

Mako: "You should've told me or someone." Again with venom in his voice. What is his freaking problem?

You: "Oh yes. Let me barge into where you work with a sick child and Korra and say 'Hey this kids ill and needs a doctor.' That's a pretty stupid thing I would've done Mako. Olivia was my priority. Why are you upset?" I asked. I know the answer but I want him to admit it. Mako just looked more annoyed. I just shake my head. Olivia is more important than his dumb ego.

Mako: "Well... I uh." I just sigh. I begin walking away. I need to get her in bed.

You: "Look I'd stay and chat but the sick child in my arms is my priority." I said walking off. Asami and Bolin followed me. I could hear Korra and Mako begin to Argue. I sigh deeply.

Asami: "Don't worry too much about it. He was like this when we were together to." She said putting her hand on my shoulder. I just shake my head at that. What? Did he think I would take her away? I would never do that.

You: "How on earth did you stand it? I'm not gonna take Korra away or anything. I'm not that kind of person." I said as I opened my room door. I heard Bolin chuckle lightly. I guess he's witnessed this crap before.

Bolin: "We know. He's just an idiot sometimes. Thinking of relationships. Do you have a girlfriend?" He asked. I just chuckle lightly before placing Olivia on my bed. I give her the medicine and have her drink the water that I had in there. I gave her a bell.

You: "Ring this if you need something okay?" She just nods. I kiss her head before leaving my room. "No Bolin. Why would I? I know two women in total." I said raising an eyebrow at him. He looks surprised. What? That makes no sense though.

Bolin: "REALLY!? But you're like awesome!" He shouts. I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up. What is up with him and shouting? Geez.

You: "Olivia's trying to sleep remember?" I whisper at him. He just nods. We walk away from my room before we continue. "That doesn't matter. I don't think I'm really relationship material as is anyway." I said plainly. They look at me confused. I just shrug. "That's just what I think. I could be wrong but I'm usually right." I said with a normal tone of voice. It's just how I feel.

Asami: "I beg to differ. You're an amazing guy. Caring, kind, and honorable." She said smiling at me. I just sigh. It's just how I feel. Though I appreciate the words of encouragement. Even if I met someone like that i wouldn't know what to do.

You: "Well like I said my opinion. Anyway. I'm gonna continue working on the courtyard. Bolin." He looks at me. "Can you watch Olivia for a bit?" He smiled wide. Being the youngest, besides the kids, he gets along with Olivia the best.

Bolin: "Of course man! Uncle Bolin is on it!" He says excitedly. He'll make a great father one day. I laugh and thank him. I go and get my rag and bucket. Asami follows me and tells me she's going to help. I said thanks and she just shrugs waving it off.


(Korra's POV)

What the hell is Mako's problem? (M/N) didn't hit on me or anything. Does Mako think he would?

Korra: "What was that about Mako? He just had to take her to the Doctor. What did you think was happening?" I asked annoyed. We've both had time to get to know him. We both know he would never do that unless he felt he could. Even then he always asks if he may pay a compliment.

Mako: "What am I supposed to think? You just vanish and show up with him." He replied. Okay he does think (M/N) would do that. I can almost feel (M/N) roll his eyes from here. He's probably able to hear us right now.

Korra: "We've known him for a few months Mako. Does he really seem like the kind of person who would try and take me away? Or do you think I would just leave you for him if he tried?" He looks at me wide eyed.

Mako: "What!? No I don't think you would... It's just-" I cut him off. He;s being a bit of an idiot again.

Korra: "Why are you jealous of him?" I ask. He seems taken aback. I guess I hit the nail on the head. He then shouts.

Mako: "WHAT!? Me jealous of him!? What would I have to be jealous about?!" He asked. Yep he's jealous. Very jealous. Why though? (M/n) wouldn't try anything. He's not that kind of guy. Which is nice.

Korra: "You're not? Then why are you yelling about me even suggesting it?" I asked sternly. He starts tripping over his words. "Look nothing happened. Hell. He even bought lunch to apologize for dragging me out. Even when he did compliment me on anything he asks if he can first." I said. He sighed. I walked over and hugged him. "Stop worrying so much. It's unhealthy." He sighs and hugs me back. Still... (M/n) would never do that.

(Your POV)

After I got my bucket and changed into some clothes I don't mind getting dirty. I.e just some pants and some sandals Tenzin gave me for just lying about. I walk out with Asami whom was wearing something more casual for cleaning. I looked towards Korra and Mako and see them hugging.

You: "*Sighs in relief* At least they worked it out." I said out loud. I didn't mean to but oh well. Asami heard me I suppose.

Asami: "Yeah. That would've been bad if they didn't." She replied. I simply nod. Did he think I would take her away. I'd never do that. I'm an ass but come on.

You: "I wonder what crawled up his ass and died anyway." I said as I got on my knees getting ready to scrub the scorch mark. Asami did the same.

Asami: "He's probably jealous." I just chuckle and we begin scrubbing. Thanks the gods I'm almost done.


(Shadow's POV)

Here we are. Republic City. What I wouldn't pay to see this city burned to the ground. Ah well. I begin walking into town. At this point I have changed my mask to something less, creepy. I begin asking people if they've seen this bender. None say they have. Three hours now and nothing how can no one have seen this man. Hm... Strange... Why is that metal bender not in uniform. I approach her and tap her shoulder. She turns.

Shadow: "Before you ask. No I am not an equalist. I just have several scars on my face and I wish to let people remain comfortable. Now I do have a question. Have you seen this man?" I asked politely sounding as nice as I can.

(???): "Why do you want to know?" She asked me. I know the perfect lie. He's lost his clan. She would want to see him reunited with any survivors. The fool.

Shadow: "I am a fellow surviving member of his clan. I wish to recompense for blaming him for what happened. I have grown and have realized it wasn't his doing. I need to apologize and make amends for saying such awful things to him." I said sounding sincere. She seems to have bought it.

(???): "Oh well at the moment I am unsure. He had somethings he had to do in the city. If you head to the temple during the day he should be there." She said smiling at me. Perfect. Away from potential witnesses.

Shadow: "Thank you so much Madame. I am very pleased to have this opportunity." I said sounding happy. She nods happily and continues walking.

Fool. He will bow or die. I leave to find a hotel. I need to prepare before I can fight him safely. I'll raid an equalist hideout and collect some of those wondrous gloves. It may take a week or so to find them. But this man will die. If not... Then they'll just keep coming.

(Your POV)

You: "No I didn't get that scar from a fight. Honestly I tripped and fell down a cliff. I survived because I can use my electricity to fly." I said dumping the water that I had been using. Meelo, Ikki, and Jinora have been bombarding me with questions about my scars.

Ikki: "Hahahahaha! Really!?" She asked laughing. I just sigh. Not my best moment but yes. I tripped and fell down a cliff face. I'm an idiot sometimes.

You: "Not my proudest moment but yeah. Let me tell you something. Being impaled hurts allot." They all just laugh again. Well at least they think it's funny.

Meelo: "That's too funny man!" He said after recovering. I just sighed again. I walk out of the kitchen to go grab a shirt. I turn back to them when I get to my room.

You: "That's enough kids. I need to get a shirt. We can continue after dinner if you want." They all groaned but nodded and left. Tonight will be story time it seems. I chuckle. I walk to my room. I walked into my room to see Olivia and Bolin playing a game. I just smiled and put a (F/C) shirt on.

You: "Alright Bolin, if you want you can leave." He looked at me and shook his head. I guess his pride won't let him leave yet.

Bolin: "No way! She's beaten five times! I want to prevail at least once." He said proudly. I just chuckled. Even I can't beat her at that so he's not ever going to win unless she takes pity in him. She won't. She is merciless when it comes to that game.

I decide to leave them to their game and went to the main area. I see Mako. I intended to avoid him but he saw me and walked up to me.

Mako: "Hey man. I'm sorry for acting the way I did. I'm just a bit protective." He said sounding sincere. Protective? More like possessive. Whatever. It's fine.

You: "It's fine man. I'd never take her from you. You should know that or do I need to work on your impression of me?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head in a no fashion. Then why did he think that? I'm a bit of an ass sometimes but I'm not a complete jerk.

Mako: "I know I know. It's just you get to spend more time with her than I can and I guess I'm a bit jealous." He said. I chuckled. I couldn't tell. I mean he only wanted to interrogate me for having Korra with me but what ever.

You: "A bit? I could barely tell." I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. He nods. He knows what I'm going at. He does look like he feels bad though.

Mako: "Okay maybe very jealous." He said. I just laugh. There he admits it. That's much better. It's fine really. They don't spend allot of time together thanks to his job and me training her.

You: "No harm done Mako. No harm done." I said patting his shoulder. He smiled slightly.

Mako: "Thanks man. Let's get something to eat." He suggested smiling at me. I agreed.

Things have been calm. Very calm. Even so I refuse to let my guard down. Someone could still come for me. When they do I will not show mercy. My new family will be protected.

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