Chapter Fourteen: A Reunion, A Strange Notion, and A Spiritual Kidnapping

(Your POV)

I woke up from a rather strange dream... A Blue Humanoid Cloud was talking to me about Vaatu. I knew that vile name. It told me to be prepared to fight him and help the Avatar. But, he's trapped. Unless... The Harmonic Convergence is far more serious than we thought. I'll speak to Korra and Tenzin about this when I get back later today. I get up. I see my clothes neatly folded. I guess they washed them for me. I put on my pants then boots. As I am lacing them I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open it. It's Izumi.

You: "Apologies. I just woke up. Is there something you need?" She just smiles and shakes her head in a no fashion. That's good I suppose.

Izumi: "No. I have your ticket and I'd thought I would warn you that a crowd is waiting to see you off. You're somewhat of a hero. They've taken to calling you. 'The Electrical Conduit.' They love you." I smile and roll my eyes playfully at the name.

You: "Wow... Fitting but kind of childish. I like it." I smile at her. She just smiles in kind.

Izumi: "Unfortunately Iroh will not be there. He had to leave to go back on patrol." I just nod. I figured he'd be gone by the morning.

You: "That's fine. I figured he wouldn't wait around. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who takes breaks." She laughs and nods. We trade goodbyes and I finish dressing myself.

I grab some bread from the Kitchen. Okay more like the chef shoved it on my face. I gladly took it and ate it. He said thank you for everything and I say as I did before that it was the right

thing to do. He smiles brightly and hugs me briefly. I chuckle and say my farewells. As I walk out of the palace I see the same men that were with me and Iroh when we sieged the mountain fortress. They all salute with a hoo rah. I salute back and do the same. As I walk out of the palace the streets are oddly empty... Huh. As I turn the corner that leads me to the docks I am greeted with a large cheer from a crowd. There is where everyone was... Heh. Many of the people pat me on the back and give me thanks. I just smile. It feels weird receiving such praise. As I finally approach the boat I see Zuko and Izumi waiting for me. I walk up to them and they smile at me. I smile back.

Zuko: "We even warned you yet you seem befuddled." Zuko said while laughing a bit. I just rub the back of my neck a bit. It is strange. I'm just used to being ignored. Not that I mind this that much.

Izumi: "Here is the gift you requested for that little girl Olivia. The jeweler sends her regards as well." I smile at the memory. After I saved Izumi the following day I spent time getting to know the city. I walked into a jewelry store and was greeted by the owner. She wanted to thank me and I told her about Olivia and how I've been taking care of her. I asked if she could make a special necklace that would remind her of me. She agreed. I looked in the box at the blue necklace with gold lining. It has a (F/C) bolt of lightning on the top. I just stare at it wide eyed.

You: "I wasn't expecting something this nice... I feel bad for just taking it now." Izumi just waves me off. I smile as I look at it. She'll love this. She'll love this more than anything.

Izumi: "She insisted. She hopes Olivia will love it." I smile and nod. Oh she will.

You: "I know she will. She loves blue." I say still smiling.

Zuko: "You will always be welcome here. Maybe you and the gang can come visit. We would love to meet Olivia." He said smiling ever so slightly at me.

You: "We will when we get the time. I promise." And with that we each hug and I board the ship. I wave everyone off and the crowd cheers once more and says goodbye. I go to a spot on the ship that is out of the way and meditate once more.


I awake. I accidentally fell asleep before I could fully meditate. I wipe my mouth and stand. We are approaching the docks. I smile. It feels good to return. Once we dock fully I leave the ship. Nothing has changed and no one is here to greet me. They didn't know I'd be here. I go to a smaller boat and we head to the Island. I begin to think. Should I tell them what happened or keep it to what I needed to know? Or should I tell them who I encountered. I don't know... It's late today so I'll have time to consider. The boat docks and I leave. I float up the stairs because I am tired. I see the lights one. I wonder If Korra and the gang have returned. I walk inside. No one is in the main room but I hear voices in the kitchen. I decide to surprise them instead of shouting. I go and place my bag in my room and take Olivia's gift out and put it in my pocket. I walk to the kitchen door. I enter as quietly as possible and go to my spot next to Olivia. Since they were laughing at something they haven't seen me yet. Once they calm down Bolin is the first to notice me.

Bolin: "(M/N)!!!!!!!" He shouts. I whence slightly and everyone looks at me. I just smile. "Where did you come from!?" He shouts slightly. Again with the yelling?

You: "I gained god like powers and used teleport to get here." I said with allot of sarcasm. They all laugh before I continue. "No I actually got back about five minutes ago." I said smiling. Olivia hugs me tightly. I turn and hug her to. "Hey pumpkin. I missed you to." She laughs slightly. She keeps hugging me as the others ask me questions. "Stop! One at a time please." Olivia lets me go.

Tenzin: "How is Zuko and his family?" He asks calmly. I look towards him.

You: "They're doing pretty well. I got to meet his dragon and even talked with it. It's strange it seemed to understand me. Not like my speech but the feelings I have." They all looked at me and smiled.

Korra: "How did it go? Did you get what you need?" My smile fades and I look down. Great... That was fast...

You: "Yes. The Earth Queen sent them and Unalaq put money behind it to have me killed in front of you to weaken your resolve." She doesn't seem surprised. "I'm guessing you know him then?" She nods and looks angry at the thought.

Tenzin: "Why are you upset (M/n)? You got what you needed." I just sigh. I decide not to tell them. Olivia and the kids don't need to hear it.

You: "Look... I'll tell everyone later. Just not in front of the kids." He nods and I look up. Pema sets a plate in front of me and I smile. I may like meat once in a while but Pema's food will always be king.

Asami: "It's good to see you healthy. We missed you." I just smile. I missed them all too.

You: "I did say I'd come back didn't I? I missed you all to. Also I have an interesting story of a lizard I encountered when I went to scout the guild's base." They all smile and egg me on to tell what happened. This is a doozy.


They all are exclaiming how awesome it sounds. Bolin, Olivia, and the kids are laughing like crazy. Korra looks at me smiling wide. Asami is chuckling shaking her head while Mako just face palmed. Tenzin on the other hand is laughing with Pema ever so slightly.

You: "I know. I was so enthralled I watched the entire thing. That little thing actually survived. I couldn't believe it. I accidentally shouted how awesome that was and... well felt embarrassed. I then realized I was alone and felt really stupid." They all laugh pretty hard at that. I flush slightly.

Korra: "What a survival story. I wonder if it will tell its kids." I laugh at the thought.

You: "Could you imagine? 'Hey kids... Boy do I have a story for you about some snakes and some creep that was watching.'" They laugh again. It was nice being back with everyone then the questions started again.

Mako: "You said you spoke to Zuko's dragon? How'd you know he was there? Did Zuko show you?" I just shake my head in a no fasion.

You: "No. I felt a powerful force as I approached the palace. I asked Zuko if it could be a dragon and he seemed surprised I guessed correctly." Tenzin looks at me. He seems slightly shocked. "What?" I asked him. He shakes his head quickly and speaks.

Tenzin: "Not many can sense a dragon's presence (M/n). Only master fire benders and master air benders can sense the energy coming off a dragon. Let alone an adult. You shouldn't be able to sense them." He finishes. I just give a confused look and tilt my head.

You: "I've always been able to sense stuff like that. Spiritual energy I mean." He just looks more surprised. "Okay maybe I should shut up before I make your brain leak out of your ears." The kids start laughing at that. He shakes it off and speaks again.

Tenzin: "Maybe it's because you're the electrical bender." I nod. Makes sense to me. Though I wonder if it could be something else.

We finish dinner as I tell them about everything that happened. Once we finish, I tell the adults in the room to meet me in the main room if they want the full story. They nod and me and Olivia go to our joint room. We head inside and I unpack. After I finish I feel her tug my sleeve. I turn around and see she is holding my necklace. I smile and take it from her and put it on.

You: "Thank you for taking good care of it. I have your gift by the way." She smiles slightly as I pull out the box. I hand it to her and she opens it. Her reaction is priceless. She's speechless. She slowly takes out the necklace and then looks at me. I see tears in her eyes as she smiles. She puts it on. "Looks beautiful on you." She smiles and hugs me tight. I hug her in kind. I wonder if any progress has been made on that thing for her. After some time she let's go wiping her eyes.

Olivia: "Thank you... Thank you so much." I just smile and hug her again. It makes me happy to see her so happy.

You: "You deserve it for being so strong." She hugs back. I'll be sure to write a letter to that jeweler. Maybe I'll send her some glass I made using my lightning. It's very rare and I'm sure she'd be ecstatic to see it.

After that I spend some time with her. I then tuck her into her bed and leave the room quietly. I sigh as I close the door. I just stand there for a moment thinking... I then turn and head to the main room. They are all here.

You: "Okay..." I sigh again as my shoulders shake slightly. I take a deep breathe to calm myself. "The Grandmaster of the Crimson Brotherhood was... was..." I breathe again. They look worried. "Was the man that killed my father in front of me. He said he led the attack on my clan..." They all looked wide eyed at me.

Korra: "Oh... I'm... so sorry. Did you?" I know the question she wishes to ask.

You: "No... I wanted to. Every bone in my body said 'Kill the bastard' but Iroh asked me a question that stopped me." I said looking down. I'm sure they're curious what the question is.

Korra: "What question? If that's okay for me to ask that is." I look at her. I wonder what they'll think of me.

You: "He asked what my clan would think if I killed him. He also asked what you guys would want me to do so I dropped him got my answer and walked away." They all smile slightly at me. "I know what my clan would think. They hated the idea of Vengeance. They would've been angry if I killed him for that reason. As for you guys... I wasn't sure but I knew I didn't want to let you all down." They all smile a bit wider. "Still... Something he said before I attacked him bothered me..." I start to shake slightly as I take a seat. Korra sits next to me and rubs my back. The others sit around us.

Tenzin: "What has shaken you so much?" I look at him as I feel tears well up in my eyes.

You: "He... He said that if the elders or my parents just handed me over they would've... Spared my clan." I now feel a tear creep down my cheek. They all look at me sympathetically. Korra then gently hugs me as I try and calm down.

Tenzin: "I see... (M/n) you may not wish to hear this but... It's not your fault." Tenzins says to me in gentle tone... He has no idea... No idea what it feels like to know if you were never... If they just... I can feel more tears stream down my face as I begin to shake more. Korra's hold on me tightens as I breathe deeply to try and calm down. I speak trying to hold back the sobs.

You: "It's... Not that simple... Zuko said the same but I... I don't know...." I finish... I don't know what to do with myself. Korra is still holding onto me at this point. Gods... Then I hear Asami speak up.

Asami: "(M/n). Grief isn't that easy. It's like someone blasted a hole in your stomach. That hole begins to close from the outside in... And one day it'll be different. The load won't feel as heavy... Of course there will be times where something reminds you of those you miss and the hole will tear open again... But take it from me... An expert... It heals back faster after each time..." She looks down for a moment and then looks up. I can see the hurt in her eyes. Her mother. That's who she speaks of. She told me how and when she died. I remember being saddened by her tale. "Death isn't like a break up or a divorce... You don't just get over it. You have to learn to live with it... I know it won't be easy... Especially since your whole clan is who you grieve and I only my mother... But you have to keep in mind life does get better. You can't do this alone and you're not alone here." She finishes looking at me with sad eyes... I know she's right... I mean meeting these people is proof that life gets better... But still...

You: "You're... You're right... Meeting you all is proof that life does get better." I say looking at them tears still in my eyes while smiling weakly. They gain small smiles at that. "But for me it's not that simple..." I say as the smile fades from my face. "I don't think it will ever be..." She simply nods knowing what I'm talking about. Her mother has been dead for a long time and still the thought she can never see her again can still make her sad ever so slightly. And that's just one person. My whole clan is dead and I lived... Alone for years out of fear... Knowing I... "I don't know if I'll ever be fully over it... Or if I even can grieve fully..." They slightly frown at that. "Having everyone here though... It'll makes it easier... But I'll admit... It's still hard and that bastard made it worse." They all look at me sadly. "But I know I am not alone... And I'll never be able to thank you all enough for that. You all mean more to me than I can say in words..." Though I feel I am a burden at times, it still feels nice to have people around me. They each smile at that and Korra hugs me tighter once again. I hug back and we let go quickly. After some time to calm myself down, I change the subject. "What did I miss while I was away?" They looked at me with serious faces. This is going to be good.

Tenzin: "Unalaq has allied himself with the dark spirit Vaatu." I just sigh at the stupidity and shake my head. He's dead. "Korra will be traveling to the spirit world tomorrow." I look towards Korra who is smiling.

Korra: "Yep. Gonna try and stop this before it begins." I smile and nod. Smart Idea. Not that I'm shocked I suppose.

You: "Nice. Still... How stupid is Unalaq? Has he not heard the stories of that spirit?" Tenzin sighs. I guess he has but doesn't care. Vaatu will turn on him. Odds are he just wants a vessel to possess to get out of the spirit world.

We continue talking for a little bit. I tell them about my dream and Tenzin tells me to heed it's warning since Unalaq is allied with Vaatu. I ask him if he recognized the spirit's description and he says no. Crap. Meaning he's either very new or very, very old. We decide it's getting late. However... Before we all leave I see Korra and Mako trade a small stare. Not one of love either. I decide to pull Bolin to the side and ask what happened to them while I was away.

You: "What happened to Korra and Mako while I was gone?" He sighs and shakes his head. Oh boy. This is going to be good.

Bolin: "They broke up. It was mutual since their goals are just to different but still." I roll my eyes. Not drama at least but I was right in the end. Dammit. Well better to try and know than not try and never know what could be.

You: "I told her basing a relationship off looks was really stupid but what do I know? At least they tried it. Ah well thanks man." He nods and leaves for bed. I stand there for a moment. I feel... Somewhat happy that they're not dating anymore. I mean I did think it was stupid from the start but that can't be it. I shake the thought from my head and go to my room. I lay on my bed and go to sleep.


I wake up after dawn. Not that I'm surprised I was exhausted. I stand up get dressed and head outside. I see everyone getting ready to leave. Well accept Ikki, Meelo, Olivia, and Pema. They look towards me.

Tenzin: "Will you be coming (M/n)?" He asks. I think for a moment but decide against it. I'm still beat from my trip and need to take a day to relax some,

You: "No... I'm still pretty beat I won't be any help." He nods. I see Korra look at me slightly sad. I hate that. But it can't be helped. I'd be useless there at the moment.

Korra: "You sure?" She sounds almost disappointed. Like she wanted me to go or something. I just sigh and nod.

You: "Normally I would but I am still really tired." She nods but doesn't look happy. I wonder why. Though I hate doing that to her. Making her sad. "Hey. To make up for it we could hang out or something afterwards." She smiles slightly at that.

Korra: "Sure. Just rest alright. Don't want you collapsing." She says smirking. I playfully roll my eyes and agree.

You: "Fine, I will. Go now. And be safe everyone." They all smile and leave. I sigh softly. I watch them walk away. I turn around to see Pema smiling at me. "What?" She just smiles more.

Pema: "You seem fond of Korra eh?" This again. Iroh refused to clarify last time and that irritated me. Let's see if she'll tell me.

You: "Alright. Iroh said the same thing. What do you mean? He refused to say." She just keeps smiling at me. Oh boy. A guessing game.

Pema: "Think about it. How often do you think of her?" She asks me. Or maybe twenty questions.

You: "A bit." I reply. She is my friend after all.

Pema: "And does it upset you to see her sad?" This is getting repetitive I feel.

You: "Yes." I reply again. Where is this going even?

Pema: "Would you be willing to be in harm's way to protect her?" Are these even questions anymore?

You: "Yes but I'd do that for any of you. What are you going towards?" I ask she just sighs and shakes her head.

Pema: "You really are disconnected from your emotions." She says. I roll my eyes slightly and cross my arms. I know it's true but I'm getting better what she says next takes me off guard. "You're in love with her." My breathe hitches and I stare at her wide eyed.

You: "What!? Where did you get an idea like..." Those questions. "Look. She's one of the first friends I've had in nearly ten years alright. So of course I think about her and what not." She rolls her eyes. I keep staring at her waiting for her reply.

Pema: "You'll realize it. Just watch." With that she walks away while I just stand there thinking.

Why would she think that? I shake off the thought yet it lingers in the back of my mind. I choose to ignore it and decide to go spend time with Olivia. Throughout the day I teach her some things and we play games with Ikki and Meelo. I end up helping Pema make lunch. Luckily she doesn't bring 'that' up again. Which was nice. It was getting late and they have yet to return. We start getting worried but we know they're fine. Olivia goes to play with Ikki and Meelo once more while I go to my room. I read my book some more. Interesting. An organization known as 'The Inquisition' is working to seal a hole into the spirit world. Once that was done the man responsible attacks the town known as Haven. Before I can continue any further I heard a knock on my door.

You: "Come In." I said as I put my book down. My door opens to a sad Korra. "Korra what's wrong?" She just looks at me as I see tears well up on her eyes. Oh no...

Korra: "Jinora's trapped in the spirit world. And it's my fault." She sits on my bed and I pull her into a hug as she cries into my shoulder. I gently rub her back. How on earth? Vaatu... His influence must be getting more extreme.

You: "Can I help in any way?" She shakes her head no. Crap. I just keep hugging her.

Korra: "The only way to help her is to stop Vaatu and Unalaq." I nod. We're going to have to beat him. One of the original two spirits. Crap. After sometime she let's go and I pack a bag for me. I also equip my armor. It's pure black probably from when it was tempered. It's a simple, lightweight, study chest piece with matching shoulder pads and gauntlets to where over my gloves.. I see the mask from earlier and decide to leave it. We walk into the main room and see everyone getting ready.

You: "Alright... This is not going be easy. But I'm coming with. You'll need the help" The others nod. Olivia walks up to me and hugs me. I pick her up and hug back. "I'll be safe. I promise." She nods. Not crying this time.

Olivia: "I know. Just kick his stupid but my hero!" She exclaims. The others laugh and I chuckle. She just pulls away slightly and smiles. I ruffle her hair.

You: "We will." I set her down. We all begin to walk outside.

We go to Oogi and Board him. Me, Tenzin, Korra, Asami, Bolin, and Mako wave good bye to Pema and the other kids and we take off. Tenzin is holding Jinora's unconscious body. I sit next to Korra in the back and Mako, Bolin, and Asami are up front. Korra is watching the water go by as I stare at her for a moment. I shake my head and look away. We are going to fight what is basically a god. Great. This is what that Spirit was talking about huh? I wonder who he was. He felt... Familiar.

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