Chapter Forty: Closing The Book

(Your POV)

This place is about as interesting as I expected. The colors are far more saturated, the plants seem to have minds of their own, and there are spirits everywhere. Some have even come to greet the three of us and congratulate us on our multiple victories which I found kind of strange. I never thought spirits would care enough. Olivia is having the time of her life. When we camp to sleep she's often seen chasing some spirits that glow. They don't speak but they seem to enjoy themselves as they let her pet them in some fashion. We are currently walking through what looks like a field. We are currently walking to where the Owl Spirit Wa Shi Tong lives. I wish to ask of he has any knowledge on my clan's past beyond what I know already. Korra and Olivia like the idea and decided to go with it. That was surprising considering I was suggesting going to a giant library essentially. We've been walking for what felt like hours... But I see a large building form in the distance. I then see a large bird fly from one window to the other. We've found it. We approach the building with caution. Once we are close enough we head inside and take in what the building looks like. It seems to be made of a white stone and has multiple arches that seem to lead to different book aisles. The roof is a dome esc structure and there are sevarl torch staunches giving off smoke. We stand there waiting fir the spirit to come forth. Eventually the large owl lands in front of the three of us. It is completely black except its face which is pure white with black eyes. Like many owls he has a small beak and rather large talons though the majority of them are covered by his feathers.

Wan Shi Tong: "You know humans are not allowed here." Wan said rather flatly to us three. I merely smirk at him before looking him in the eye.

You: "Unless they're allied with Vaatu right?" I asked him with slight irritation in my voice. He looked at me with anger until he sighed in defeat. I cross my arms waiting for his response.

Wan Shi Tong: "Yes that was foolish of me. Still doesn't change..." He stops mid-sentence as his face comes closer to mine. I do not move as he inspects me deeply. After a few minutes he pulls back. "Raiden's vessel." Is all Wan said before tilting his head at me. "I have little knowledge of the six... Could you provide a small amount?" Wan asked me with his head tilted.

You: "Only if you give me knowledge on my clan... I was never able to learn the history before... They were destroyed." I said sadly to him as I uncrossed my arms. He hummed for a moment before nodding to me.

Wan Shi Tong: "I can do just that... My condolences." Wan said as he bowed slightly to me. I nodded my head sadly. I feel two people grab my hands. I smile and look at the two as Wan raises his head back up. "Follow me." Wan requested us flatly. We nodded and began following him through his large library. As we followed him I took in all the books he has. I suppose he's earned his title of 'One who knows a thousand things.' Soon we come to a larger room with a single table. "Sit at the table. I will return." Wan said flatly before flying off.

Olivia: "Why aren't humans allowed here?" Olivia asks me. Korra was about to speak but I do instead.

You: "Because Aang's team Avatar lied to him. He hates people who seek his knowledge to inflict harm on others. Sokka promised that was not their intent but... That wasn't true." I explained to her in a neutral tone. Olivia tilts her head at me before looking at Korra whom has planted her face in the table. I chuckle at that action.

Korra: "Yeah... Sokka wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed." Korra said sounding tired. Me and Olivia laugh slightly at her reaction. I then take another look around.

There are... Thousands of books in this room alone I'd wager. Though I cannot read all the titles I see a few. 'The Sounds Of Silence.' 'The Fourth Dimension.' And several others that would be interesting but nothing I want to read. All I want is my clan's history nothing more. I see Olivia simply looking at the markings on the walls. That makes me smile a bit though I didn't know why. Korra on the other hand already looks bored. I chuckle a bit but grab her hand from across the table. She looks up and smiles at me slightly as I grab her hand. She squeezes it back and soon we hear wing beats telling us Wan is coming back. Soon he lands near the table and places a stack of maybe six books in front of me. He also has blank paper and a writing tool.

You: "I'll tell you of the six first since this." I said as I gestured to the books. "Could take a while." I said with a small smile in a calm tone of voice. Wan nodded to me. "Which one first?" I ask him. He thinks for a moment before speaking.

Wan Shi Tong: "In order. Gaius, Mogul, Leviathan, Avion, Discord, and Raiden please." Wan requested of me calmly. I nodded to him and began speaking.

You: "Gaius is a spirit of the earth. Not the element but the planet itself." I said as the writing tool began writing on the paper. "She is the guardian of the world. Some say even its mother. She cares for all life. From the smallest of plants to the biggest of ocean dwellers. She is kind and caring much like a mother... But is also a terrifying force when she feels she must defend the earth. She is tall. As big as a mountain. She is covered in a black fur that has moss growing over the top of it. She has no mouth yet can speak. Her eyes are not normal. They change color depending on what she's feeling. Her feet are rounded much like a ball. She does have two arms but her right arm is mainly a giant pillar. It is said if she strikes the earth with the pillar it could shatter entire continents." I explained calmly. I see Olivia looking amazed while Korra seems surprised. Wan however just seems curious not that I'm surprised.

Olivia: "That sounds amazing!" Olivia exclaimed happily. I chuckle at her reaction and then turn to Korra.

Korra: "How have I never heard of her?" Korra asked sounding surprised by the information.

You: "Simply. Many assume legends are just that. Fiction. When the truth is all stories are based in some truth at some point. So odds are you've heard of her... You just assumed she was not real." I explained to Korra calmly. She nods in understanding as I turned my attention to Wan whom seems pleased with the information provided.

Wan Shi Tong: "Fascinating. That matches perfectly with what little information I had on her... Please continue." Wan requested as he looked at me. I nodded towards him.

You: "Mogul is next. He... Thinks humans are foolish and are unworthy of any respect." I said trying to be polite. "He embodies the cleansing and purging power of flames. He is change incarnate." I explained as I looked towards Korra and Olivia. Korra looks upset at the idea Mogul does not care for humans. I then look at Olivia with a small smile. "He does like children though." I said calmly to Olivia. She seems to perk up slightly. "Children have no desire to control nature. He likes them as a result. I'd wager he wishes that we'd keep that sense as adults but I can't say if he does." I said with a small smile. Olivia smiles at me.

Olivia: "So... He'd like me then?" Olivia asks me sounding unsure. I nodded my head yes and she got quite excited at the idea. I chuckle at her before Korra speaks up.

Korra: "Any reason he doesn't like adults?" Korra asked me curiously. I nodded to her before replying.

You: "We like to think we can control everything. Prevent things from changing. He hates that aspect of humans." I explained calmly. Korra thinned her lips and bobs her head back and forth.

Korra: "Makes sense. Considering what he is especially." Korra says to me in a normal tone. I nod my head in agreement.

You: "Anyway... He is about thirteen feet tall. He has a light red skin town and wears a darker red robe over his lower regions. He has glowing orange eyes and black hair. One of his arms and legs are also black. He has a complicated horn structure on the right side of his head while on the left he simply has a signal goat horn. Both of which are adorned in some sort of jewelry. His presence also causes everything to become covered in an orange hue and the air around him heats up quite a bit." I explained to Wan as the writing tool wrote down everything I said. Wan nods and looks satisfied with the information.

Wan Shi Tong: "A spirit of change... Interesting. His attitude matches that aspect. Change is never easy but is for the better most of the time." Was said as he looked over the papers that have been written on. He then nods for me to continue.

You: "Next would be Leviathan. She's... Rough to say the least." I said trying to be as polite as I can manage. "She takes the form of a giant sea serpent though I could not tell you her length exactly. She has a... Almost beak like mouth. She has four horns that protrude from her head and her body as several fins that are almost like kites or water waves.: I explained calmly. I waited for the writing tool to stop so I could continue. "She is the spirit of the ocean and its guardian. She used to love humans much like Gaius since all life came from the seas but... Over time we humans have become ungrateful to nature and its gifts. That includes the oceans. Some factories have dumped their waste into the ocean which I can only imagine makes Leviathan furious. Makes me upset just thinking about that kind of arrogance." I said as I clenched my hand in a fist. The others including Wan nod in agreement.

Korra: Makes me sick to think that happens... At least the Sato company didn't do that." Korra said sounding upset. I nod with her in agreement.

Wan Shi Tong: "She sounds like another spirit I have heard of... Though the Jormungandr acts on instinct not thought." Wan said as the writing tool finished its writing. He looked at me and gestured for me to continue.

You: "Next is Avion. He's far easier to explain thankfully." I said with a light chuckle. "He's much like you Wan. He resembles a large bird. Though he resembles an eagle with four wings. Two normal ones and two on his neck. In place of tail feathers he has twin tails. He... Is where the concept of the 'Baby new year' came from. He represents beginnings. He is 'reborn' at the start of every year but he does retain all his memories from the previous years. Its more symbolic I suppose. His habits do change depending which Animal the new year represents. Other than that he just loves the sky and is indifferent to humans. He doesn't hate nor like them." I explained fully as the writing tool scribbled away. "Sorry. That all he is." I said to Wan calmly. He shook his head at me.

Wan Shi Tong: "Not at all. Its far more than I had. Continue." Wan requested me calmly. I then smirk slightly remembering who's next.

You: "Discord is next. And she represents life." They all look at me slightly confused. "She's chaos brought to life. Nothing in life is certain and she embodies that truth." I explained to them. They all nod in understanding though I'd bet Olivia doesn't get it. "She doesn't have a set form. She often takes the form of an extinct creature called a draconequus. They were a jumble of creatures. A snake tongue. I horse head but has sharp teeth. Had one dear horn and one dragon horn. Its body was like a snake. It had a bird wing and a dragon wing and its tail was like a loin's. Their eyes were yellow with red pupils. It had four different legs. One Lion paw in the front along with a bird claw with a thumb. The back two were one horse leg and one dragon leg. That's her favorite form but she's known to have several. She likes humans mainly because we have survived and tend to create our own form of chaos. Though legends say she's been known to mess with humans in small ways. Like if you ever misplaced your pen. That's her." I said with a chuckle at the end. I hear a light hearted chuckle come from Wan before he spoke.

Wan Shi Tong: "Even if more information on her existed I'd wager we could not understand it. Now for Raiden." Wan said to me calmly. I think for a moment before speaking once more.

You: "Raiden would be considered the default leader of the six. He represents the natural forces of the universe. Plasma, electricity, anything energy related really. He... takes the form of an almost humanoid cloud. The clouds themselves are a very deep blue and often flash with light. His 'eyes' are simply white circles that have electricity flowing from them... He... Thinks humans have great potential. He quite likes us but... He's worried our arrogance and greed may destroy us in the end. Though he has faith that we will break from that in the future... That belief is only shared by Gaius. As I have said the others are not as sure short of Discord... But she likes us for our insanity... He also seems to be attached to some humans... and even grieves their deaths when their times come." I said rather solemnly. I hear the writing tool stop and hit the table. I look to Wan whom seems to be surprised at what I said to him.

Wan Shi Tong: "Mourning mortals... That's interesting to say the least." Wan said in an almost sad tone of voice.

Olivia: "He... hated what happened to our clan didn't he?" Olivia asked me in a sad tone of voice. I look at her and nod my head.

You: "Yes. He told me he did. He wished he was more clear when it came to my birth... He regrets their deaths." I said matching Olivia's tone. She looked down sadly. I move to sit next to her and wrap an arm around her to comfort her. She leaned into me as I looked back at Wan. "Have what you need?" I ask him respectfully. He thinks for a moment before nodding his head yes to me.

Wan Shi Tong: "Yes... You may keep the books... I have multiple copies." Wan said to me kindly. He placed the papers within a binder. "Now... I believe someone is waiting for you outside." Wan said in a happier tone to us. I tilt my head but shrug in the end. I put the books in my bag and the three of us head towards the exit as Wan flies off to put the new book away.

We started to head outside but when we got there we were greeted by a single figure. He was about Tenzin's height. He was bald with a painted blue arrow on his head and what looked like a style of beard that was colored brown. He was wearing similar robes to what Tenzin wears and now that I think about it he... Looks like Tenzin slightly as well. I then hear Olviia gasp before breaking into a run at said person.

Olivia: "AANG!!!" Olivia shouted happily. She ran up and hugged him tightly which he returned with a laugh. I look at Korra and we both look surprised. We both then approach Aang as Olivia separates from him. She happily runs over to me and Korra and drags us to him. "This is (M/n) and Korra! I bet you knew that." Olivia said happily to Aang. He chuckled and looked at us. I by instinct pull him into a hug which surprised him by the sound he made.

You: "Thank you... For saving my daughter." I said sounding a bit emotional. I hear him chuckle slightly before patting my back. Once I let him go I see Aang smiling at me.

Aang: "It was the least I could do. Though her skills made it easy." Aang said happily as he ruffled Olivia's hair a bit. He then looked back at me and Korra. "Raava and the six have prepared a gift for you three and have asked me to take you to it." Aang said to us in a happy tone. I raise my eyebrow and look at Korra. She looks just as confused as I am. I then look back at Aang.

You: "Um... what sort of gift?" I asked him sounding very confused. He simply smiles at us.

Aang: "One that will allow you to close a book." Aang said to us gently. Me and Korra just get a more confused look but he simply turns around. "Follow me." Is all Aang said before he started walking away. I look at Korra who shrugs with a confused face. I then look at Olivia whom is smiling and nods. I shrug and we begin to follow him.

Aang doesn't say a word as we walk. He's probably afraid he may spoil this 'surprise' he and the six have gathered for me, Korra, and Olivia. Olivia does try and chat with him but Aang merely hums in response most of the time. As we walk I start noticing... Familiar surroundings. We're passing through a field that I swear I have seen before. We continue walking this way for some time... Then we come to a canyon... A very familiar canyon. I know the spirit world sometimes mimics out own but... Why here? As we get closer and closer to where my village would be I feel a slight bit of anxiety pipe up. I grab Korra's hand and interlock our fingers hoping to relieve it somewhat. She squeezes my hand back and it seems to do the trick. Soon we begin to round the final corner. We are blinded by a light at first but once it clears I go wide eyed and my mouth hangs open... There it is... Just like it was before we were attacked. My village in one piece. I hear Olivia and Korra gasp at the sight while I just stand there in shock. I even see some people... or their spirits walking around like they normally would. I place a hand over my mouth as I stop walking.... I can't believe it... Aang then turns to us and smiles gently at us.

Aang: "This is the gift... A day with your clan." Aang says to us gently though I can barely hear it do to the fact I am in utter shock. I then remove my hand from my mouth to try and speak.

You: "H-how? W-hen? W-w-why?" I stuttered out to Aang in disbelief. He chuckled at me before getting closer to us.

Aang: "You deserve this and more. The six and Raava worked on this." Aang said happily. I looked at him and he nodded to me with a smile. I looked at Korra whom seems excited by the idea and then I look to Olivia whom seems even happier. I then try to walk forward but Aang places a hand on my shoulder. I then look at him and see his expression has changed to a more serious one. "This... Is temporary you should know... They're spirits will wish to fly free but they all agreed to stay here... For a day." Aang said to me in a serious tone. I was about to say something but he spoke again. "Make it count." Aang whispered to me. I nodded to him slowly in ayes fashion and he smiled at me. He then looked at the three of us after he stepped back. 'I must bid you all farewell." Aang said to us gently. Olivia ran up and hugged him goodbye which he gladly excepted. Then he faded before our eyes.

I stood there for a moment still dumbfounded until I feel someone grab my hand. I look at who grabbed it and see Korra smiling at me lovingly. I smile back and then I feel Olivia grab my other hand. I look at her and see her smiling happily at me. I smile back and take a breath+. We all three begin walking towards my village. Once we are close enough a small smile finds its way onto my face. All the buildings are in one piece, the bamboo is well taken care of, and mist of all everyone seems happy. I then see a familiar face... My uncle Kojima who's currently talking to the Farm Master. I gesture to him to Korra and Olivia. They smile and we all walk over. Soon the Farm Master leaves and I tap my uncle's shoulder. He turns to face me as I smile.

You: "Hey... Uncle." I said a bit meekly. He tilts his head before examining me closely. He then goes wide eyed and smiles wide at me.

Kojima: "NEPHEW!!!" Kojima shouted happily to me before engulfing me in a tight hug. I gladly return it feeling nothing but joy as I do so. Soon he separates from me with a huge smile on his face. He then looks around and shouts. "EVERYONE!!! (M/N)'S HERE!!!!" At the top of his lungs. I look around and see everyone stop and look at him. Once they see me they all smile wide and make their ways to me quickly. Many of them cheer and greet me with deep hugs and handshakes. I was beyond joyful but I wanted to share it. I waved Olivia and Korra over to join us.

You: "This is Olivia. She was Noct's daughter but..." I don't finish as many of them nod in understanding. They give her a similar greeting and the smith even lifted her onto his shoulders so she could see everyone much to Olivia's joy.

Olivia: "(M/n) adopted me though. He's been taking care of me since he found me!" Olivia exclaimed to everyone happily. Again they all start cheering for me and patting me on the back for being such a noble person in spite of what happened to me.

Kojima: "That means... I'm your great uncle!" Kojima exclaimed happily. Olivia giggled and had the smith set her down so she could hug her Uncle happily. I then look at Korra and see her smiling at me. She then mouths 'Parents.' I then go wide eyed... I never considered. I then turn to Kojima.

You: "Uncle... is mom and dad here?" I ask him with hope in my voice. He lets go of Olivia and turns to face me. Just as he was about to answer I hear a voice I never thought I'd hear again.

Mom: "We are son." My... Mom said to me with love. I slowly turn in the direction it came from and see them... My parents looking as happy as I remember them. I take a minute to process what I'm seeing before running up and engulfing them both in a huge hug with happy tears in my eyes. They return it immediately.

You: "I-i-i... I've missed you..." I said in joy with tears in my eyes as I tighten my grip even more. I feel them do the same to me.

Mom: "Us to son." Mom said in a loving tone sounding like she's on the verge of tears.

Dad: "We've watched you." Dad stated in the same tone as mom. I chuckle weekly as I pull away to look at them.

You: "You did?" I asked them with happiness in my voice. They both nod smiling at me with love. I then wipe my eyes and hug them once more. "I... I hope... I made you proud." I said sounding a bit shaky. I hear dad chuckle weakly before they pull away.

Dad: "Proud? Please you made us beyond proud!" Dad exclaimed happily as he patted my back rather roughly. "You survived! Not many would have been able to!" Dad exclaimed with a closed eyed smile. I chuckle a bit as I feel mom wipe my tears away like she would when I was a child and had nightmares.

Mom: "Not only that but... You helped save the world... more than once.. We were always proud of you son... But we couldn't be any more proud now." Mom said to me in a gentle loving tone. Now I quiver a bit as more tears stream down my face. I hug the two of them once more just enjoying their warmth.

You: "That's all I wanted... To make sure you were proud of me even after..." I trailed off as I tightened the hug more. I feel dad pat my back in a comforting manner as mom rubs it gently. They pull back slightly and look at me... Sadly. I gained a concerned look but they speak before I get the chance to.

Dad: "There was one thing... We did regret..." Dad said sadly. I look at him with concern before mom speaks up.

Mom: "We... Had to watch you... Fight off assassins... Kidnappers... And bandits..." Mom said as a tear went down her face. I wipe it off gently and once I'm done she holds it to her face with her eyes closed as more tears come from her eyes.

Dad: "We watched your sleepless nights... Without food... Or water... We had to watch you steal to survive... And we couldn't help you." Dad said sadly once more. I look at him and see him fighting back tears. "We're... so sorry son.." Dad said a single tear managed to escape his eyes. I grab them both into a hug once more.

You: "No... Don't blame yourselves... You couldn't of known what would happen..." I said trying to comfort them. Then I feel a familiar presence beside me. I knew exactly who it was.

Raiden: "He's right... It is my fault..." Raiden said solemnly. The three of us turned to face him. "If I were clear with your acolytes... None of this would have happened." Raiden said as we saw some of his lights within his body flicker. He looked to the ground before bowing to the clan. "I know I cannot make up for my mistake... But... I beg your forgiveness." Raiden said as he looked at the ground. I look back at mom and dad who nod yes to me. I look at the rest of my clan whom do the same. I then approach Raiden and place a hand on his head.

You: "We forgive you Raiden." I said to Raiden kindly. I then removed my head and he raised up. "After all. I've learned hanging onto the guilt... Does nothing." I said as I looked at Korra with a small. She smiled lovingly back.

Raiden: "Thank you..." Is all I hear Raiden say. I then look to where he was and saw that he has vanished though my mind feels lighter. It must have done him good to know we forgive him. I then go back to my parents.

You: "Want to meet your granddaughter?" I ask with a happy smile. They both nod looking happier now. I gesture for Olivia come over. She does so and smiles up at her grandparents. "This is Olivia... She was Noct's daughter but." Both of my parents nod so I don't have to continue. "I adopted her three years ago." I said in a happy tone. They look at her and smile wide. Dad picks her up to hug her tightly while Olivia is laughing it up obviously enjoying the moment. Once dad lest her down mom hugs her as well after crouching. After that moment ends Olivia is smiling wide at the two.

Olivia: "I'm so happy I got to meet you! (M/n) told me allot about you guys!" Olivia exclaimed happily. Dad chuckles while moments out a small giggle.

Mom: "Well I hope it was all good things." Mom says teasing me a bit. I nod my head yes which makes her smile more. She then smiled at Olivia. "If you're anything like your dad." Mom said gesturing to me. "You're a perfect granddaughter." Mom said with love which makes Olivia smile.

You: "In some ways she's better than me." Said to my parents. Olivia and them look at me as I smile at Olivia. "She loves life and is always positive... Even when she almost..." I shake my head to be rid of the thought. "She still was more concerned about me after she was healed." I said looking at Olivia with a loving smile. Olivia blushes a bit but comes over to me for a hug which I gladly accept. "Love you pumpkin." I said to Olivia lovingly.

Olivia: "Love you to dad." Olivia says sounding quite happy. She giggles while I chuckle. Once we separate I look at my parents whom are smiling at me and are beaming with pride. I then look over to Korra whom is talking to the Farm Master. She looks at me and gesture her to come over. She nods but looks nervous. I then look back at mom and dad.

You: "There's one other person you should meet." I said to my parents. They look at me waiting. Soon Korra stands at my side and I look at her and then back at my parents. "This is Avatar Korra." I said to my parents with a smile. They go a bit wide eyed before smiling at Korra. Dad sticks his hand out for her to shake which she gladly accepts. Mom simply nodded to her and Korra did the same.

Dad: "So you ended up finding the Avatar anyway." Dad said sounding a bit happy at the aspect. I nod my head yes.

You: "Yep. Even trained her. Though she did train me when Toph told us her theory... Turns out if I use the different bending stances my powers change." I said to them with a slight bt of pride in my voice. Dad and Mom both look surprised. "Also... Korra here... Is my-" I get got off by the woman next to me that I love.

Korra: "I'm his girlfriend." Korra said happily as she wrapped an arm around me. I blush slightly at her actions but nod my head to confirm. I then wrap an arm around her once I recover from the slight embarrassment. Mom and dad look at us surprised before dad bursts out laughing while mom giggles slightly. Korra looks at me confused while I just shrug not knowing what was going on.

Mom: "That wasn't part of the prophecy." Mom said in between a giggle fit. "My son and the Avatar..." Mom said in a happy tone as she looked at Korra with a smile on her face. She then looked at me with a soft smile. "I'm glad you were able to find your Kadan." Mom said to me happily. I stifle a small chuckle and nod my head at her. She then looked back at Korra with a more serious face. "Please... Take care of him." Mom said to Korra in a more solemn tone. Korra looks surprised but quickly nods her head yes. We both then pull my mom into a hug to comfort her a small bit. She returns our hug for a time before pulling back with a smile on her face. We then hear dad chuckle a bit and look at him.

Dad: "Please do. If he's anything like his old man odds are he'll hurt himself doing something stupid." Dad said with a chuckle towards the end. Mom sighs sounding exhausted and turns to him with an annoyed look.

Mom: "Yes. Like that time you used a ladder it fix a beam in the roof by placing it between a gap. You feel and broke your foot." Mom says sounding annoyed at the memory while me, Korra, and Olivia begin snickering at them. Dad put his hands up in defense.

Dad: "Hey! I got it foxed!" Dad said trying to defend himself only to receive a light smack on the back of the head. He begins chuckling at mom as she sighs once more. They both look back at us once more smiling at us. Mom was about to speak but I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and saw a man with black hair and green eyes standing with a blonde woman with blue eyes.

(???): "Excuse me... But... We overheard you adopted a little girl named Olivia." The man said sounding a bit hesitant. I nodded my head slowly confirming what he said. He seemed to perk up slightly. "You... May not remember me... I was merely a teenager when you saw me last." The man said with hope in his eyes. Then take a closer look at him... I notie a small scar just above his eyebrow... I know exactly who this is.

You: "Noct?" I ask sounding surprised. He nodded his head yes and I smiled at him. We bro hugged and I patted his arms. "Man... You used to look like a girl." I said teasing him slightly. He rolls his eyes and pushes me playfully as I chuckle. "Who's this?" I ask him as I gesture towards the woman beside him. Noct smiled at me as he wrapped an arm around her.

Noct: "This is my wife. Freya." Noct said in a loving tone as he kissed Freya's cheek. I stick my hand out for her to shake which she gladly does.

Freya: "Pleasure (M/n)." Freya said to me with a small smile on her face. I return said smile.

You: "Pleasure is mine." I said calmly. I then think of something... This may be her only chance to ever meet them. "Want to see her?" I ask the married couple in front of me. They give me a worried look but I merely smile at them. "Its fine... She may never get this chance again." I said in a softer tone of voice. They both look at each other and then back to me. They nod slowly in a yes fashion. I then look back towards the group and see Olivia and my mother talking. "Olivia... Come here please." I said to Olivia gently. She looks back at my mother who nods and she walks over to us. She looks at the two in front of me. Freya gasps seeing her while Noct looks like he's on the verge of tears.

Olivia: "Who are you?" Olivia asks with a smile obviously trying to make the two feel better. Noct breathes in deeply trying to calm down while Freya just stares at Olivia.

You: "Pumpkin... Do you remember what Smith told us about you?" I ask Olivia though I know the answer to my question already. She nods her head yes rapidly. "Okay... This is Freya." I said gesturing to said woman. Olivia waves happily to her and Freya waves back still in shock it seems. "And this... Is her husband... Noct." I said looking at Olivia waiting for a reaction. Olivia seems to process this for a moment before going wide eyed staring at the two.

Freya: "Look how much she's grown..." Freya whispers softly as she looks at Olivia. Noct chuckles weakly but nods his head in agreement. He then crouches down to Olivia's level.

Noct: "We... Have never met in person but... I'm... Your biological father... And she." Noct said as he gestured to Freya whom crouches down as well. "Is your birth mother... We... Had to..." Noct can't finish as he merely looks down unable to say what he needs to say.

Freya: "We didn't want to... Give you up... We just didn't want you to die with us..." Freya said solemnly as she looked down as well "We're so sorry." Freya said as some tears fell from her eyes. I then look at Olivia whom does have tears but... They seem to be of happiness. She has told me in the past she wished she could meet who made her... And now she has... And that makes me beyond happy for her. She walks up and places a hand on one of theirs. They look up and see her smiling at them. She wipes their tears away before hugging them tightly. I decide... To go talk with my mom and dad more and leave her to her moment.

(Olivia's POV)

I can't believe it... I never thought I could meet them and yet here they are... Crying out of shame it looks like. I simply keep hugging them to let them know I'm not angry... I understand why they did what they did for me. I then pull back slightly smiling at them.

Olivia: "I'm not mad... I know why you did what you did now... I'll admit for a while I wondered if... My parents hated me... I know now why it happened thanks to Ms. Smith... She even helped dad adopt me." I said smiling to them. I wipe their tears away once more but at least now they are smiling. I smile back happily. Then Noct seems to chuckle at something.

Noct: "Just like Freya... And (M/n) from what I remember... My kadan always likes to make sure people are happy... (M/n) would never admit it but he always told bad jokes until one of us smiled." Noct said chuckling at the memory I'm guessing. Noct then looked at me with a small smile on his face. "You look just like Freya." Noct said before he looked at he said person. I looked at her and she is smiling at me as well. Noct looks back at me. "We're so proud of you... Make no mistake though." Noct said with a smile. I start getting nervous until they both place a hand on either of my shoulders.

Freya: "That man." Freya said as she pointed to (M/n) who is currently giving Korra a kiss much to my grandparent's joy. "Is your father." Freya finished in a gentle tone. I look back at them concerned but they just have loving smiles on their faces. "We... Love you... But we didn't raise you... We can't... But (M/n)... Can and will. He loves you." Freya said with love in her voice. I look back at (M/n) and then back at them. I smiled wide and nodded at them

Olivia: "I love you guys to... I'm so glad I was able to meet you!" I exclaimed to them happily. They both laughed and hugged me deeply which I gladly returned.

They are right... They can't raise me... But they are also right about (M/n) being my father. I do love him as my father... But I a beyond grateful I was able to meet my birth parents. As we pull away we smile to each other. I then gesture them to join the fun and they ith nod before standing. As we are walking I feel... A comforting presence nearby. When I look in the direction I felt it I see Aang winking at me. I smiled at him before looking forward once more o join my dad in the fun.

(Your POV)

Dad was about to tell the worst joke ever as some people went off to bring some food for everyone. Before he started he smiled and someone. I turned and saw Olivia with Noct and Freya. They both looked at me with thankful eyes and I simply nodded to them. I then look at Olivia and pat the other side of myself that Korra is not sitting on. Olivia plops down happily.

You: "Good timing. Dad was about to tell a joke that actually made me slightly angry at myself." I said chuckling at the memory. Olivia tilts her head at me but then looks at Dad looking excited. Dad chuckled and gestured for everyone to shut up.

Dad: "It's actually two jokes." Dad explained to Olivia whom nods in response. Little does she know that's what made me so mad. "Okay. So there are three guys that want to see who can throw bricks higher. But they have no way to measure it until one of them finds some mud. Whichever one sinks deeper is the one that was thrown highest. Two of them throw them and both go about three feet down. The third guy throws his but it doesn't come back down... Okay now for the second joke." Dad said with a sly smile. I look at Olivia and see she's just as confused as I was. We heard some chuckling around us before dad continued. "A woman needs to travel to the fire nation. But she can only afford this one airship's ticket that does not allow birds. Owning a parrot she decides to hide it in her shirt. When she got on the airship the captain came from the control room smoking a pipe speaking to the passengers. He gets to the woman from before and suspects nothing until her bird starts squawking. He gets mad and starts accusing her of having a bird on board. He pulls it out and yells "You can't have a bird on board!" The woman gets angry and stands to face the man and shouts. "Well you can't smoke on the ship!" They go back and forth until the Pilot opens a window and throws the bird out yelling what he did before. The woman gets very angry and does the same to his pipe before yelling what she did. The pilot goes back to the control room and hears some taps on the window." Dad said as he tapped the table. "He looked up and saw the parrot. What do you think the bird had in its mouth?" Dad asked Olivia whom thinks she knows the answer.

Olivia: "The pipe." Olivia states confidently. I'm holding in a laugh as dad simply smiles at her.

Dad: "No the brick." Dad said smirking at Olivia. Everyone including myself start laughing out loud as Olivia groans and hits her head to the table. I then hear the same from my left and laugh even harder seeing that Korra had the same reaction. After everyone calms down I look at Korra whom seems quite upset.

Korra: "Why didn't I see that coming!?" Korra exclaimed sounding irritated. I try not to laugh more. She turn to me looking upset but it soon return to a look that says 'I'm an idiot.' I chuckle more before kissing the top of her head. I look at Olivia whom looks like she's just witnessed a crime. I chuckle and ruffle her hair. She looks back at me and then at dad.

Olivia: "I trusted you!" Olivia said jokingly before giggling a bit. Dad chuckled deeply and as that finished the others came back with food and... We began to celebrate seeing each other again.

We ate good food... Food I haven't had in years. It nearly brought me to tears tasting my favorites again. They taste just as I remember. Of course when I got some on my face my mother had to baby me... I didn't even fight it... I missed this too much. Dad told more of his infuriating jokes to the point my body sparked slightly. That only made him laugh loudly and more often... I missed his laugh. It was joyous. I even danced with mom when the music began... She kept telling me she loved me and how proud she was... It never failed to bring a tear to my eye... Hell Olivia got to dance with her birth parents much to her, and their joy... It makes me so happy she got this chance... Not many do get the chance to meet their real parents... Especially if they're orphans... But here is my daughter having the time of her life with them. Korra and a few of the benders got into a contest at some point. They wanted to see whom was more powerful. Her or the strongest amongst the clan... Only Noct was able to put up a decent fight and even that was short lived. Everyone loved the spectacle... Hell we were even able to tell stories of the might of the six to Olivia and Korra. Gaius shaking the earth to protect the first humans. Discord tempting humans to harden their resolve. Avion giving humans the gift of knowledge. Leviathan nurturing us until we could leave the seas. Mogul showing humans their non-permanence with natural disasters. And Raiden guiding humans to a better tomorrow. Hell they even told of how the six helped trap Vaatu the first time with Raava. We had an amazing time. I constantly told my parents how much I loved them. They always said the same... But... As the hours passed away... Some remembers said their goodbyes to us... Always hugging me and Olivia telling us how proud they are of us before fading into their spirit forms and flew away... It's selfish of me to think this would last longer but... Aang said make it count... And I intend to. I was about to ask Mom and Dad a question until I heard Olivia say a quiet 'oh.' I looked and saw her and her birth parents talking... It's their time to.

Olivia: "But... It feels like we just met..." Olivia said on the verge of tears. I get the urge to comfort her but mom holds me back. I look at here and she gestures back to Olivia whom is now crying into her birth father's shoulder.

Noct: "We have to go... But know this." Noct said as he made Olivia look at him. "We love you, are proud of you and will always be with you." Noct said with a loving smile... He would've been a good father... If he survived. Freya then comes down to Olivia's level.

Freya: "He's right darling... As long as you keep us in your memory... We'll always be here." Freya said as she pointed to Olivia's heart. Freya than looked at me. "Please... Take care of her and love her." Freya requested of me. I nod my head slowly as she looks back at Olivia. "Just try not to die again.." Freya said jokingly though she had tears in her eyes. Olivia lets out a weak giggle before all three hug once more. "We love you." Freya says to her child as I see her body begin to fade along with Noct's.

Olivia: "I love you to..." Olivia said in a very sad tone... Then her arms closer around themselves. Olivia looks up to see two spirits dancing with each other. They dance around Olivia for a moment before flying away. Olivia smiled sadly at the sight. I take that as my que to approach her. I touch her shoulder and she looks at me. She stands fully as I crouch down. We hug each other deeply as I pet her hair.

You: "Not may get to meet their parents if their orphans... Just further proves how special you are." I said as I tightened my grip on her. "I love you pumpkin." I said in a loving tone as I kissed the top of her head.

Olivia: "I love you to dad... I'm happy I was able to meet them but..." Olivia trailed off at the end. I pull back slightly to look at her. She looks at me with tears. I wipe them away gently and she smiles at me. "You're my dad." Olivia said as she smiled at me. I smiled wide and nodded to her. We hug once more then I stand up fully. I take a look around and see that... Only mom and dad are left... There's one thing I want to do. I turn to them and see them smiling at me.

You: "I know... You'll have to leave to." I said sadly to them. Mom and Dad return the look until I smile weakly. "But... I have one thing I want to do." I said to them in a bit of a happier tone of voice.

Mom: "Anything." Mom said in a loving tone while Dad nodded in agreement. I shift my attention to a certain hill with a certain tree on it... I can still see the one crack within the landscape. I then look back at mom before pointing.

You: "One... Last time... Please." I said as I felt some tears well up in my eyes. Mom and dad look to where I'm pointing. They both then look back at me smiling warmly. Mom and Dad nod yes before mom comes up to wipe the single tear crawling down my cheek with her thumb. I leaned into her hand.

Mom: "Come on." Mom said as she gestured to the tree. "We have a little bit of time left... Let's not waste it." Mom said with a loving smile and tone. I nod and look at Korra and Olivia. I hold both hands out for them. Olivia grabs my left and Korra interlocks her fingers with mine on my right. The five of us then walk towards the hill.

Once we arrive we all sit down. I sit next to Mom while dad sits next to her. Olivia plops into mom's lap much to my mother's joy as she wraps her arms around said girl who giggles at the action. Korra sits on my other side and once again grabs a hand. I gladly accept and interlock our fingers once more. We all then look forward... Though the final crack is there for me its still as beautiful as I remember... gentle orange hues bathing the grass in its light... The water reflecting the sun and trees and gleaming the light back out giving the water an almost fantasy look. The trees gently swaying in the wind... I smile at the scene as some tears fall from my eyes... This is the last time I'll ever see my parents... I then look over at mom who is watching the scene closly with Olivia as mom leans on dad's shoulder. Mom then glances back at me and sits up. She cups my face with both hands and wipes the tears away once more. I feel Korra let go of my hand and I lunge at my mother to hug her deeply as I let my tears fall into her shoulder. Mom rocks me back and forth like she would when I was a child. I feel dad begin to rub my back gently. I then look up from mom's shoulder and see dad smiling at me like he always did when I was upset as a child. I let mom go so I could hug dad as well. He merely chuckled slightly but held me back. I then pulled mom back in and the three of us hug for a time as I let my tears fall more. Soon I feel a small pair of arms wrap around my side as I feel a strong slender pair of arms wrap around my back. I smile a bit knowing Korra and Olivia are trying to comfort me. Soon mom and dad let me go and go to stand... I know what this means... I stand up with Korra and Olivia. I look at mom and Dad who are smiling at the three of us lovingly. I go to speak but dad puts a gentle hand up to stop me.

Dad: "You've grieved enough son... You can't change the past..." Dad said to me gently. I look down but ultimately nod my head in a yes fashion. He then approaches me and grabs both my arms. I look at him. "There will always be a slight pain there... But never let it get you down... Understood?" Dad asked me with a smile. I smile back and nod my head yes at him. He smiles a bit wider. "Also... Please tear down the village... nature should be abe to reclaim it now." Dad requested of me in a respectful tone. I chuckle at him slightly.

You: "We... We're going to do that regardless." I said to dad in a bitter sweet tone of voice. He nodded his head slowly. He then pulled me into a big hug which I gladly return. "I love you dad." I said sadly. Dad tightens his grip on me slightly.

Dad: "I love you to son... I'm so proud of you." Dad says gently to me. When we let go I see a few tears in his eyes and smile a bit more. He wipes his eyes and shakes his head at me. "Hey. I can't help it." Dad said half-jokingly. Me and him share a small laugh before he takes a step back to let mom come forward. She smiles at me with motherly love before we hug each other tightly.

You: "Mom... I..." I have to breathe in sharply to calm my nerves enough to continue. "I love you..." I said as I buried my face into her shoulder. She tightened her grip on me. I hear her sniffle once which nearly makes me break down in tears completely. But I hold fast so she won't do so as well.

Mom: "I love you to son... You've made me and your father so proud." Mom said stifling some sniffles. I look and see dad nodding in agreement. Mom then pulls back just enough to look my face fully. "You've grown into such an honorable and good man..." mom said as I see a single tear creep down her face. I wipe it away as gently as I can as one of my own tears goes down mine. She wipes mine away just as I did hers. "You've shed enough tears for us... Please... No more." Mom said to me in a loving tone. I can't answer the request right away so she brings my head down to kiss my forehead gently. She did this often when I was a child and was too emotional to respond to anything. It worked and I was able to nod my head yes to her. She smiled and then peered over my shoulder. I turn slightly and see Olivia and Korra have been crying slightly. Mom opens her arms for Olivia and she immediately runs into mom for a deep hug. "Watch him." Mom requested of Olivia. Olivia sniffs once before pulling back and nodding her head yes. Mom smiles at her and kisses her forehead like she did mine. "I love you my granddaughter." Mom said to Olivia lovingly. Olivia giggles a small bit before hugging mom again.

Olivia: "I love you to grandma." Olivia says to my mother sounding a bit happy. Mom pulls back and dad is looking at Olivia with his arms open. Olivia runs up and hugs him. He hugs back as he picks her up. "Love you to grandpa." Olivia says sounding much happier now. Dad chuckles deeply before he sets her down.

Dad: "Never doubted that." Dad said confidently. Olivia giggled at his response. Dad then ruffled her hair slightly. "I see a great leader in you my granddaughter. Who knows maybe you'll be the one to rebuild the Scorch." Dad side with a big toothy grin. Olivia gets excited at the idea and lunges at him again. He returns the hug just as happily. "I know you'll do me proud." Dad said in a gentle tone to Olivia. He then pulls back and smiles at her widely.

Olivia: " I promise I will." Olivia said happily. Dad chuckles once more and truffles her hair again. Olivia then comes back over to me smiling happily. I then see dad and mom shift their attention to Korra.

Mom: "Please Avatar Korra.... I know my son may have a hard time showing his feelings now but... Take care of him... And love him... He deserves that much and more." Mom requested of Korra respectfully at first but grew a bit more solemn as she went on.

Korra: "Like you even need to ask that." Korra said jokingly trying to lighten the mood slightly. Mom simply smiles at her and open her arms for Korra. Korra tilts her head a bit.

Mom: "You may be a daughter in law one day... This is the only chance I have to hug you." Mom suggested smiling. Korra and I both blush at the suggestion, Korra then smiles before walking over to mom and hugging her tightly. Mom returns it happily. "I need you to promise me you will." Mom said gently to Korra. She was obviously referring to what she said before. Korra nods her head yes in response.

Korra: "I promise I will." Korra said in a gentle tone of voice. Mom sighs in what seems like relief as she tightens her hold on Korra slightly. Korra does the same obviously enjoying the moment... While she can.... We then hear dad sigh in relief but it sounds allot louder. We all look at him to see him smiling a bit.

Dad: "Thank the gods... I thought I'd have to worry about him being stupid." Dad said jokingly to Korra. I give dad a certain look and he just starts laughing. Soon we all join him after Mom lets Korra go. After the laughing dies down I see mom and dad's bodies give off a faint glow... They both look at it and then at me. "It's time son." Dad said to me in a gentle and loving tone. I sigh as I feel more tears well up. Both mom and dad come to me. Me, mom and dad hug each other tightly and deeply.

You: "I love you guys... So much... I'm... I'm going to miss you." I said as I feel tears crawl down my face. I feel their grip tighten on me as I say that.

Dad: "Us to son... Us to." Dad said to me in a gentle and peaceful tone of voice. "Never forget... We love you and are proud of everything you have done." Dad said in the same tone of voice. I sniffle and nod my head in a yes fashion.

Mom: "We love you sweetheart... We'll always be with you... I know you'll go on to do great things... And we will always know. We will always be proud of you." Mom said in the same tone of voice dad used. I tighten my grip more afraid to let them go again... But I know I must. I feel both of them kiss either side of my head gently before they pull back. Mom and dad both wipe away my tears once more.

You: "I love you... I'll do our name proud." I said to mom and dad sadly. They nod gently to me smiling. We then separate fully and I see the bottom of their bodies begin to turn into shining lights that begin to fly away. I sigh shakily and look back up at them and see them smiling lovingly at me.

Mom and Dad: "We love you to son... Goodbye." Mom and dad said in unison. The light reaches their chest and... I... For some reason feel happy... I smile a small bit at them.

You: "Goodbye." I said to them with a small smile on my face for some reason. Then... Their bodies dissolve into light completely leaving two spirits in front of me. One is of a hawk which was dad's favorite animal and the other is that of a catfish... That was mom's favorite.

Both spirits then begin flying around me in a circle. I laugh slightly as I watch them go around my legs and body. I lift a single hand up and both swirl around it before looking at me. They both then fly around my head as I let a few tears fall through my smile... Yet... They don't appear to be sad tears... I think they're... Tears of joy. The two spirits stop at my head and press their heads to mine. I smile and laugh slightly as I press back. Soon enough they fly around me. I look and see them doing the same to Olivia whom is giggling up a storm. They swirl and fly around her body for a time before doing what they did to my head to her. She giggles at the act. They then fly to Korra. They look like they want permission likely do to Raava. Korra nods at them and they begin doing the same once more. She laughs at their actions until they do the same thing they did to me and Olivia's head. Korra closes her eyes smiling at the action. The two then fly around all three of us before flying away/ I watch them smiling a small bit until I cannot see them anymore. I close my eyes as I feel another tear creep down my face... Yet... I find myself still smiling. I don't know why... But I feel... Happy I think. I then feel someone tap my shoulder. I look and see Korra pointing to my village. I look and see all the buildings turn into light particles at once. They explode into the sky and come cascading down on us and the surrounding area. I hear Olivia say 'wow' rather loudly as the lights come down to our level and seem to fall quite a bit slower. Korra and Olivia are looking around enjoying the added beauty to the scene. I lift a hand and 'catch' one of the lights. I then face my pals up and stare at the light admiring its light. It stays in my hand for a moment before falling into my skin. The light vanishes and I breathe in deeply. I then look... At the broken scene. The singular crack is still there but... It seems to be shifting slightly. I watch out of curiosity and then... The crack... Makes one last shift... Then seals shut. I nearly gasp at the sight of the now fixed scene in my mind... I do notice... One small distortion in the scene... 'There will always be a slight pain there... But never let it get you down.' He's right but now... I can see the full beauty of the memory without focusing on the small scar... I let out a small laugh.... That quickly turns into a laughing session. I feel some more tears creep down my face but I know for sure now that they are of happiness. I eventually stop laughing and close my eyes and focus on my breathing. I feel someone grab my shoulder. I know Korra and Olivia are looking at me. But I'm focusing on the calming feeling that is over taking me right now..

Korra: "You okay?" Korra asked sounding concerned. I take a moment but nod my head smiling I then feel Korra step in front of me as I feel a small hand grab my own calloused one.

You: "Yeah... I am." I said as I took in a deep slow breath. I then aim my head to the sky. "For the first time... My mind feels..." I then open my eyes and look at Korra and Olivia with a smile on my face. "Fully clear." I said with a calm tone and breathe. Korra and Olivia are staring at me in awe.

Olivia: "Dad... Your eyes." Olivia said in... A happy tone? I tilt my head at her as she smiles wide at me. "Korra! I'm not crazy am I?" Olivia asked Korra happily. I look at Korra who is shaking her head in a no fashion. Korra then looks at my face closer. I give her an awkward smile but Korra simply smiles wide at me.

Korra: "You're (E/C) eyes... They're..." Korra seems to have to process what she's seeing. I then get a small bit worried... I'm not blind. "They're... So much clearer! They don't look nearly as dark as they did an hour ago!" Korra said happily as she wrapped her arms around my neck laughing greatly. I smile and wrap my arms around her in turn.

You: "Really?" I ask staring into Korra's eyes. She nods her head excitingly. I smile wide. "Well... Maybe my mind is at peace..." I suggested smiling to her. She smiles even wider before pulling me into a hug as we hear Olivia giggle up a storm. I then look deep into Korra's eyes. She seems to blush at my sudden change in expression. "Korra... There's something... I need to say." I said to Korra in a very gentle tone of voice. She looks at me with concern as her blush seems to vanish.

Korra: "Sure. What is it?" Korra asked me as her concern made itself obvious in her voice. I smile at her and brush her cheek with the back of my hand. She smiles at the action... She's told me how much she likes how gentle my touches are.

You: "I know I'm not really good at showing my emotions... But... I need to say this." I said to her in a loving tone. She looks deep into my eyes. I then take a breath. "I... I... I... Love you.... I love you Korra." I said to her in a loving and gentle tone. She blushes slightly and smiles lovingly back at me. She then cupped one of my cheeks with her hand as she used her thumb to brush it softly. "I know I haven't said it until now... And I know you've said you knew but... I need I say it as much as I possibly can. I love you." I said in a loving tone but I sounded more frantic. Korra then pulled me into a hug and I buried my head into her shoulder. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." I repeated over and over... All this time of wanting to say it... Nearly three years of holding it in and being unable to say it and I was finally able to say it out loud now that my mind is at peace. I held onto her for a time and then pulled back slightly. She cupped my cheek once more repeating her brushing action from earlier. "I love you so much Korra... I just wish I could've said it sooner." I said lovingly to Korra as I brushed her cheek with the back of my hand once more.

Korra: "I knew you loved me. I understood you had a hard time with your emotions and that's okay... I love you to." Korra said to me in the same loving tone I used. "I love you to." Kora whispered to me in a gentle way. I then smiled before lunging towards her and crashing our lips together. She doesn't even make a surprised noise; she simply returns it with the same passion I was giving to her. She kissed me back eagerly and we began moving our lips in sync slightly. We then hear a giggling sound. We separate and both look at Olivia whom seems very happy at the sight. Korra shakes her head at Olivia. "That's not the reaction I expected from his kid." Korra said with a slight chuckle towards the end. I then fully separate from Korra and look directly at Olivia.

You: "I have to agree... Most kids get all grossed out when they see one of their parents kiss someone." I said to her with a slight smirk. Olivia simply smiles and shrugs her shoulders at me.

Olivia: "Not me. Everyone at the temple wanted you guys to get together for years. Me included." Olivia said with a big goofy smile in a happy tone of voice. I shake my head and chuckle at the thought.

You: "Pema started a club eh?" I suggested jokingly. Olivia nods her head before bursting into laughter. Me and Korra join her not long after. After we are able to Calm down I look back at Olivia. I gesture for her to stand with us and she does so. I then look back at Korra. I once again caress her face. She leans into my touch. "My life... For a long time... Was far from perfect... In fact... It was hell." I said to Korra gently. She then looks at me worried and grabs my hand that is free.

Korra: "Are you okay?" Korra asked me in a concerned tone of voice. I nod my head yes before continuing.

You: "But... All that pain and suffering... All that uncertainty... All those sleepless nights wishing for the warmth I once had... Led me to a wonderful little girl." I said lovingly as I look at Olivia. "One I am beyond happy I get to call my little girl, My daughter. Olivia (L/n)." I said in a loving tone with a smile on my face. Olivia then hugs my side. I let go of Korra's hand and wrap my arm around Olivia. "A little girl I love very much." I said as I hugged Olivia with my one arm. Olivia looks up at me with a smile on her face.

Olivia: "I love you to dad... I'm so happy you found me that day. You've changed my life into something amazing." Olivia said to me in happy tone of voice. I smiled wide at her. I removed my hand from Korra's face and hugged Olivia fully. She gladly accepted it.

You: "I'm glad I found you to." I said to Olivia in a loving tone of voice. I then let her go while keeping a single arm wrapped around her. I then looked back at Korra. "That was not the only thing that painful road led me to." I said with a smile. "It led me to people... people that actually loved me... Accepted me with open arms... Helped me through the nightmares... The guilt... The memories..." I said still with a smile. I then began brushing Korra's face with the back of my hand once more. She leaned into my hand smiling at me. "It also led me... To a remarkable woman... She had shown me nothing but kindness the moment I met her... And I nearly turned away..." I said a bit sadly at the thought. I then regain my smile. "Dumb luck led me back... Then we fought through so many things together... That road led me to a daughter... A family... And... A woman I love very much." I said in a loving tone to Korra. She smiles at me with happy tears in her eyes. I wipe them away and go back to caressing her face.

Korra: "I love you to... You were so cold when we met... Hell I could even tell that smile you put one when talking to us was fake... Then... As I got to know you... I found one of the most caring and gentle souls I had ever met... One that stayed with me for nearly three whole years just to see me walk again... I was able to meet someone I fell in love with... Even if that wasn't the plan." Korra said lovingly with a chuckle at the end. "I love you and I know you love me to." Korra said in her loving tone once more. I then start leaning in a bit as I speak once more.

You: "My life... Was far from perfect... It was lonely... But... Now... My life... With all my friends... My family... My little girl." I said lovingly as I heard Olivia giggle. She gets out from under my arm and I immediately wrap it around Korra's waist and slowly lean in. "And the woman I love." I said lovingly. I see Korra blush slightly but start to lean in as well. "My life... Now... With all of that... Is... As far as I am concerned anyway..." Me and Korra are now mere inches from one another... We both close our eyes as I finish. "Perfect." I said in a whisper before capturing Korra's lips with my own and kissing her with love. I hear Olivia giggle happily as I do so.

My life... Heh... Wasn't much of one for nearly ten years... But now I wouldn't trade it for the world...Was all that pain worth it? In some strange way it was. Mom. Dad. I hope you'll enjoy your afterlife... After all I have a wonderful new family. You don't need to worry about me now. You can rest. Though I doubt I could tell you what to do. Maybe I will rebuild the Scorch with Olivia... I will marry Korra one day... I just have a feeling I will. Korra... I love you more than you may realize. Though you are pretty sharp. My life was one long and lonely road for nearly ten years... But now... I love it... I love everything about it... Why? Some may ask. Simply put... As of now... My life... With everyone that is in it now that I love... From Bolin and Mako... Asami, Lin, Sue, and Opal. Pema, Tenzin, Meelo, Ikki, and Jinora. Zuko and Izumi. Alistair and Sarah. Tonraq, Senna, Katara, and my mother figure Kya. My little girl Olivia (L/n) and finally last but far from least, the woman I love, Korra. With all these people I love very much... My life now... For me at least... Is just perfect.

(A/n: To all my readers on both deviant art and wattpad... And to new readers who find this shortly or long after it is posted. Thank you for all the love and support. I will not lie. When my English Professor suggested that I post things I write on Wattpad... I was beyond nervous... At first my story got a few views which was exciting... But as I continued more and more people found it and you guys seemed to love it. I cannot thank you all enough for the support... I was in a pretty bad place when I first posted this story... My father had a severe heart attack and I had to rush him to the hospital because 911 did not answer the phone... He is alive but... The risk of death for the first few months was very high... Now he's relatively okay but still... Thank you all for the love so much... I will be writing more stories... In fact I have three ideas that are ready to go. I hope you all stick around. I love you all and can never thank you enough. I love you all. Also a side note. Don't be afraid to message me. I will write back as soon as I can. If you just want to give me a suggestion to improve something or just wish to talk to someone I'm here. Again I love you all.)

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