Chapter Fifteen: Step Up To The Plate For A Spirit Showdown
(Your POV)
Me and Korra spoke on the ride to the southern spirit portal. We mainly talked strategy but I ended up asking why she ended it with Mako. She told me what Bolin did. Just different goals and she realized that it was more of a fling than true love. I slightly smirked and she rolled her eyes. She said I was right and I waved it off. I told her it was better to try than not know what would happen. She laughed at that and agreed. We kept talking until we landed at the southern water tribe. I now am getting a far better look at this tribe. Maybe they should rename it to city. The buildings are covered in a thin layer of ice and have simple shapes. I imagine it's done that way to keep the heat inside. They each were colored in some sort of offset of blue which isn't surprising. They also have a... Ferris wheel? Okay... I did miss the festival I suppose. There is also a large ice spire in the water in front of the walled city. We got off and I offered to carry Jinora to Kya and Kitara. I met Kya and a man named Bumi who I learned was Tenzin and Kya's brother last time I was here. He's nice but seems to complain about his lack of bending quite allot. Tenzin allowed me to since he was afraid that he may break down. I carry her bridal style into Katara's house. I lay her down in the pool that she asked me to.
Katara: "How long has she been out?" She asks waving her hands over the girl's sleeping figure. I suppose she's trying to heal her or something.
You: "A day at most. When Korra entered the spirit world this happened." She nods at my reply and continues to do her thing. She is probably trying to detect her spirit. After some time I speak again. "We'll only get her back if Vaatu is banished or destroyed right?" She looks at me with sad eyes. I just nod knowing my answer. "So we have to kill what is basically a god?" She just nods. I nod silently and leave the hut. I see the others looking at me. "The only way for her to come back is to banish or destroy Vaatu." They all look concerned. Tenzin looks defeated and speaks.
Tenzin: "Meaning... He gets the fight he wanted with Korra and Raava?" He asks while looking at me with his eyes that are heavy with worry.
You: "Yes... However, she won't fight him alone." They look at me. "I'll fight with her." They all went wide eyed. They looked like they were about to speak but I put my hand up. "I believe I know Vaatu's plan. Unalaq is nothing more than a tool for him to use. I'd wager he will fuse with him like Raava does with the Avatar." I say looking at Korra. "I'd wager unlike Raava however he will take full control of the body so he can freely leave the spirit world and potentially kill Korra and Raava." They look at me wide eyed. "I'm not an idiot. I've been thinking about this since you guys told me about Unalaq's dumb allegiance with Vaatu. If I can take down Unalaq at the very least Vaatu's plan goes out the window. Though he will still be a major threat I'd wager with the power of The Avatar and myself we could bring him down. Give me some time to come up with a strategy. Until then I'd recommend we each spar or train. We have sometime till the harmonic convergence. Tenzin... I'm sorry about Jinora..." He looks down. "Stay with her... She needs you. As does your mother." He looks up at me and nods. He walks into the hut and I look back at the others. "So... Who wants to take me on first?" Bolin almost immediately raises his hand. I chuckle. "Alright 'Joke master'. Let's find a spot." And with that we walk off.
(Korra's POV)
Didn't even let me protest. Of course he didn't. Still him offering to help me knowing Vaatu could kill him... Puts him in a slightly different light. Sure he defended us from the Equalists and attacked that guild because he wanted us safe but he knew he'd survive both from what he told me. This though... Vaatu could kill him easily if he's not extremely careful... Yet he's willing to risk his life to help me. To make sure I live and we win... Anyway before I dwell on that strange feeling I look towards Mako. Ever since we ended it he's been a bit awkward. I smile at him and speak.
Korra: "Want to spar?" I ask still smiling. He seems to think for a moment before smiling back.
Mako: "Yeah... I think we should." Maybe this will help things be a bit less awkward between us.
We walk in the same direction Bolin and (M/n) did. When we arrive at the location we see Bolin already on his back. However, they are both laughing. I smile at this. It's nice to see (M/n) able to be normal once in a while even in a situation like this. A kind soul like his deserves as much. I over hear them talking a bit.
You: "Really Bolin? We haven't even started and you already trip?" Bolin just laughs nervously.
Bolin: "Hey! It was an accident! My shoes were untied!" Bolin exclaims like it makes what happened that much better. (M/n) laughs loudly once again.
You: "As if that makes it better you dunder head!" They both laugh once again. They're almost like brothers. (M/n) helps Bolin up and forces him to tie his shoes properly. Me and Mako both laugh at the scene. (M/n) looks over at us, smiles and waves. Bolin looks at us and flushes slightly in embarrassment but we all share a laugh.
I find myself staring at (M/n) a tad longer than intended. I shake it off and look towards Mako who's smiling and shaking his head at Bolin. He looks at me still smiling and gestures to an empty spot. We all begin sparing.
(Unalaq POV)
They brought him. Damnit. I have no experience against him. Only what the Crimson Brotherhood told me before he ripped them apart with lightning and fire. I must inform my master of this... Complication. He will not be pleased. No one has ever encountered his kind of bending in the past and odds are Vaatu will not know it. I approach my master unafraid as before.
Unalaq: "We have a complication sir." Vaatu turns and looks towards me. "The electric bender is here and will fight alongside The Avatar and her friends." I may not be able to see his facial expressions due to his form but... He doesn't seemed to phased.
Vaatu: "Even a spirit as ancient as 'him' is nothing to me. The fool will only waste his one chance." He states plainly. Spirit? He's a man.
Unalaq: "No disrespect sir, but he is human." I can almost feel him roll his eyes.
Vaatu: "I know that. Do not take me for a fool again. Do not worry. This is a minor hiccup in our plans. It won't stop us." He laughs at the end of the statement.
I nod and turn to leave. He may not be worried but I am... I have never faced or met this bender. I have no strategies to fight him what so ever. However, I can trust Vaatu. Still it's strange he said 'spirit' and not mortal as normal. Not to mention he said 'ancient spirit' at that. He knows something I do not. Maybe... No... Only Raava and Vaatu are capable of that. No other spirit can without help... Correct?
(Your POV)
I thoroughly whipped poor Bolin. It was like watching a shark devour a guppy. Though he is laughing about it which is good. I didn't want to hurt him too badly. I offer a hand to help him up and he accepts.
Bolin: "Man you're a crazy good fighter!" He exclaims after getting to his feet. "The others weren't kidding when they said you were something else." I wave it off.
You: "I appreciate the compliment but I've had almost a decade's worth of practice with the bending and even more with rope darts in total... You weren't bad yourself you know. I'm thoroughly impressed that you lasted as long as you did. With more practice you may be able to beat me." He rubs the back of his neck at the compliment.
I look over at Mako and Korra. She is in my situation where she thoroughly whipped Mako. He however is sitting on his but shaking his head chuckling to himself. I smile.
You: "Man Mako, you and Bolin are in the same boat." He looks over to see Bolin breathing a little heavier.
Mako: "Yep. Seems so." He says before laughing slightly. I stand there and think for a moment. I smirk as I get an Idea.
You: "Korra." She looks at me. "How about me and you spar?" She smiled and nods excitedly. "Mako, Bolin, stand back please." They do just that. Me and her get into position. "I would recommend refraining from using electricity. Use the arsenal you are accustomed to." She nods smirking a bit. She gets into her Fire stance. "Smart. Speed will be an ally against me." I get into my stance and summon a single whip. "Shall we?" I ask in a nonchalant tone.
Korra: "Gladly." She charges me with excellent speed.
She quickly tries to jab my head. I simply side step. However her speed nearly catches me off guard as she follows that up with an attempted kick to my gut. I block and deflect sending her leg back. As she stumbles I let my whip vanish and proceed to go for a jab to the shoulder. She narrowly dodges and we begin to trade blows. Blocks, punches, and kicks were sent out. Hell we even got into a small fire fight, while dodging each other's thrown elements. After sometime a crowd has gathered and with every missed or blocked hit I can hear them go "Woah." Or. "Oooh." As more time goes on me and her end up locking hands in a struggle.
You: "I haven't had to work this hard in a while. This is the most fun I've had in a fight in ages." I said smirking at her.
Korra: "Likewise." She replied. However I can hear the weariness in her voice. I take note and begin pushing back.
She tries to push against me but I still have energy left. I break the hold and go to punch her in the gut. She tries to block as I predicted and I change my move to a kick. She quickly reacts by grabbing my leg only to have me use my other leg to jump slightly and nail her in the gut. She flies back a bit. I jump back up to my feet, walk up to her and smile.
You: "I think I won." I said smiling innocently at her as she catches her breath. Knocked the damn wind out of her.
Korra: "No (pant) joke... I have (pant) no idea why (pant) I was even worried (pant) about you fighting those assassins." I smile a bit wider at the comment and offer her my hand. She accepts it and I help her on her feet. "You are something else. You know that?" I look at her slightly confused. She knows I am a good fighter.
You: "What do you mean? You knew I could fight like hell." She shakes her head slighy. I guess that's not it.
Korra: "I know that Sparky." I playfully roll my eyes at the new nickname. "No it's just... beyond everything you've already done for all of us you're going right back into danger without fear. 'Once more into the breach' as they say. Though this time..." She looks down. I know what she's talking about. Yes Vaatu could kill me and yes I could fail. I put my hand on her shoulder and speak softly.
You: "I know. I could easily die. But doing nothing would be far worse. I'm not going to let my friends fight alone. I'd hate myself if any of you got hurt while I did nothing. I will do everything in my power to help and protect you all. You know that." She smiles a bit and looks deep into my (E/c) eyes. We linger in the stare before she hugs me abruptly. I stiffen but quickly hug her back. "There's that bad habit I've grown to love." She laughed. Such a lovely laugh. I shake my head of the thought.
Korra: "Yep! Bad habits are hard to break." I smile as we let go.
You: "Don't break it. It's kinda nice." She smiled slightly wider. I swore I saw a blush on her face but I shake it off. I must've been seeing things.
When we separate we all walk off together heading to Katara's hut. We walk in and we still see Jinora asleep. At least she's not injured. I sigh and sit down against the wall of the hut. Bolin's little fire ferret sits on my lap looking at me like he wants something. I know what it is. I just chuckle and begin to softly pet him. He lets out a sound akin to a purr and relaxes in my lap. As they are all talking I begin to nod off. Before I realized it I fell asleep.
(Korra's POV)
As we were talking about (M/n)'s strategy I look over at the guy and he's out cold with Pabu on his lap. It's almost too cute. I stare at him for a moment before turning back to the others. They agree that though his plan may be not well thought out it is the best idea we have.
Asami: "I still have no idea how he deduced Vaatu's plan." She said with a small amount of disbelief in her voice. I'm not that surprised to be honest.
Tenzin: "Odds are his clan had stories of Vaatu's trickery. Though he may have had a different name." We all nod. That may be true but that's not all of it.
Korra: "Or he's wicked smart. I mean according to the letter Iroh sent ahead of (M/n), he's the one that came up with the strategy to tear the assassins apart." Tenzin grunts in agreement. He knows I'm right. I look back over to the sleeping man and I see him mummer in his sleep. Maybe he's speaking to that spirit again. He looks cute like that... Wait what did I think?
(Your POV)
I awake. Well 'awake' sitting on the top of a familiar hill. It's the same hill my parents and I used to sit on and watch the sun rise. However here and now I see nothing but A thunderstorm. The scene itself is like a shattered mirror. This scene has been scarred I suppose. I then hear a voice.
(???): "You could die against Vaatu." It's that spirit again. I roll my eyes and look at it. It's a blue cloud humanoid figure that is emitting lights from its body much like a thunderstorm cloud.
You: "No... You think? Yeah I know but... I won't let them get hurt... I won't lose another family." I said looking back on the broken scene. It resembles cracked glass. The scene is distorted where one part features the sunset I remember but it gets clouded by an extreme lightning storm... A reminder.
(???): "You refuse to tell the others how much your clan's destruction bothers you... Why not tell them? They would want to know... They care about you. They are your new 'family' as you put it." I just sigh deeply and look down. It won't understand. They won't understand.
You: "Look... They can't understand... What Asami said makes sense for someone who didn't..." I can't finish. "I just want to protect my new family. Why do you care so much? I don't even know who or what you are." It laughs a bit. What so damned funny?
(???): "I was once important, but not anymore, to a large group of people. A god some would say... You will learn in time. But till then all you need to know is that I am always within you. Please (M/n). Consider my words." And with that I hear it vanish. And silence fills the void once again.
I just sit there thinking as the 'rain' begins to pound and lightning strikes all around me. The scene of that day plays in my mind again. Now I am in my village as it burns. I see many of those masked figures killing people and burning their houses down... Looking for me... I look towards my home... I hear my mothers blood curdling scream... Then it gets cut short... Mom... I then hear the audible snap and I whence. Again I hear his death. Not long after I see my younger self running out of the house towards the village gates. I follow and see the boy push me and yell at me. Then the scene fades and I hear nothing but the screams. I fall to my knees and cover my head and ears. As I begin to cry I feel... A warmth on the side of my face. The screams fade and I look up. It's the scene where me and the gang played charades after a long day of training. We all are laughing and having a ball. I smile through the tears and think. (In Thought): 'They mean everything to me.' The scene fades as I awake. I feel tears on my cheeks and there I see Korra cupping my face with a worried look. Tenzin is on his knees next to her with a look of sorrow.
(Korra's POV)
As we continue speaking I hear a whimper. I shake it off at first until I hear Pabu squeak. I look over and (M/n)'s face is one of extreme sorrow... He's lied to us about nothing eating at him... We figured that considering he is more concerned for others but still... He looks scared now and is shaking slightly. I start to get worried and walk over to his sleeping form. I then see tears form in his eyes... He's being plagued by a nightmare. I silently wave to Tenzin to see if he can tell us what it is. He puts his hand on the top of his head and concentrates. He let's go and looks at me.
Tenzin: "He's spoken to that spirit again. I can feel it's presence." I look at Tenzin waiting for him to continue. "It's the day his clan was destroyed I believe... It's scarred him. The scene I saw before the storm kicked in was that hill he described to us. However, it was... Like a broken mirror. Damaged while a lightning storm played within the mirror." My eyes go slightly wide. I may not know much about dreams but I can guess what that means. The one happy memory he recalls of his parents has been scarred as well.
Korra: "Should we... Wake him? Or..." He shakes his head no. I'm a bit upset at that. Shouldn't we help him?
Tenzin: "What he needs is comfort." With that he looks back at (M/n)'s sleeping form.
I see tears begin to roll down his cheeks. I begin to think of what I can do... I remember what my mother would do for me if I had a nightmare and it always eased me. I gently cup his face with my left hand after I move closer to him. Tenzin looks at me curiously. It takes a minute or two but (M/n) begins to look more peaceful. I see a small smile on his face as he unconsciously nuzzles into my palm. I stifle a small laugh. I then see his eyes flutter open to reveal his glowing, yet saddened and hurt (E/c) eyes. He looks at me and then realizes my hand is on his face. I see small blush on his cheeks likely out of embarrassment. He doesn't move it roughly though. He gently takes it off and looks down.
Korra: "Tenzin saw the scene of the hill (M/n)..." He sighs deeply not wanting to look at us. "Asami's advice not working?" He shakes his head no. I didn't think it would. She wasn't sure either but she wanted to try and help him as much as she could. Heck those months while I was with Mako she was hanging around him allot to make sure he never felt alone. Her advice though may not of helped his feelings about what happened, It probably will be what helps him open up more... She had her father and Mako for a long time to help her with her grief... He needs to realize we care for him and want to help him and will be there for him. It's just he's been alone for so long... He's afraid. He told us as much when we first met...
You: "It... It makes sense if you didn't... If you weren't..." That damn Grandmaster... He screwed his emotional state up worse than we thought. Bastard... "I just... I don't know..." He then looks up at us with sad eyes. "I'm sorry for lying and not telling anyone... I just don't know how to deal with this... I dealt with it alone for so long that I..." He can't finish. I look at him sympathetically. I want to help him in any way I can... I have an idea.
Korra: "Still... We want to help you (M/n)... How about this. Promise me when you have this dream again, whatever it may be about, you'll tell someone about it?" He looks at me with sad eyes before speaking.
You: "I don't want to be a bother to anyone." I shake my head at him. It's not a bother.
Korra: "It wouldn't bother anyone... At least anyone with a heart. If push comes to shove come wake me. After all were friends right?" He looks at me and laughs slightly. I threw his exact words at him. He smiles weakly at me.
You: "If It'll make you happy." I just smile and nod. He hugs me quickly and lets go. "Thanks Korra... That means allot... I don't think this will be solved so quickly but... Talking may help... Even if it's ever so slightly..." He then stands up. "It's getting late. I think we should get some sleep." I nod. He's right.
Korra: "Remember." He cuts me off before I can finish.
You: "If it happens again I'll come to you... I promise." I give him another quick hug. He hugs back gently and with that he says good night to everyone and goes to where he will be sleeping. Pabu jumps on my shoulder and looks at me.
Korra: "He's in pain and still only thinks of others... That may be noble but it's unhealthy." Pabu nods at my words and jumps over to Bolin. I watch him leave until his visage vanishes and I turn back to the others to see them smiling. "What?" I ask them. Asami speaks up first.
Asami: "That was an amazing thing you did for him. You know that?" I just smile and shrug. "Korra, I don't think you realize what it means to him. I may have been able to help him slowly but surely realize this isn't something he should face alone but you did something more." I look at her confused. Mako then speaks up when he sees my face.
Mako: "Though he knows we care he still refuses to tell us how he feels about his clan's death. As far as we know only Olivia may have an Idea about how it's affecting him. Even then she may not know all the details." I look at Mako. "He feels he's a burden I'd wager and you just assured him he was not a burden to any of us. Especially not to you." I... didn't consider that when I said it. I look down slightly shocked. "See... You didn't even realize it huh?" He asks me. I shake my head in a no fashion.
Korra: "No... I guess it makes sense though. Those assassins. Constant threats form the Triad and Equalists... He must feel he's A burden to us." They all nod except for Katara. "I get that he wants to help so his past doesn't repeat but... It'll kill him to not confront this... Something tells me we won't be able to force him too." Tenzin nods. I guess he's figured that out as well.
Tenzin: "We will know when he is ready... Till then however we must ensure he knows we don't view him as a burden but as family and a valued friend." We all nod. "For now however, we should take his advice and get some sleep." We all nod and walk off. He stays though. I understand why.
As I arrive in my room Mako's word echo in my mind. 'I'd wager and you just assured him he was not a burden to any of us. Especially not to you.' He's right. I smile slightly a begin to drift off.
(Your POV)
I actually had a nice dream last night. It was nothing more than me Korra and Olivia, sitting on some steps watching a spiraling light. It was nice and peaceful. I get up, get dressed and head outside to find some food. It didn't take long since I heard some laughing in the distance. I walk towards the hut and walk in. The second I do everything goes quiet and I feel their eyes upon me. I sit down and wait for someone to speak.
Korra: "How are you feeling Sparky?" Korra asked looking at me. I want to just stay quiet but I know she won't let it go.
You: "I assume you want the truth?" She nods. "To be honest I'm not sure..." She just nods. "However, I know I'm better than last night... Not that it's a really high bar to jump over." She laughs a bit. It's true though.
Korra: "That's good... Hey thinking about that..." I was slightly nervous. "Did you get that spirit's name?" I sigh in relief.
You: "No... All he said was the 'I was once important, but not anymore, to a large group of people. A god some would say... You will learn in time. But till then all you need to know is that I am always within you.'" Tenzin looks up from his food slightly wide eyed. I look over and poke my cheek. He gets the hint and wipes his face before speaking.
Tenzin: "Those were its exact words?" I nod as a reply. "Interesting... That would suggest it is much like Raava... But who could it be?" I shrug. I have no idea.
You: "I wish I knew... It's the second time I've seen it and it still won't tell me." I look at the food that was set in front of me and begin eating. It was delicious. It seems that they know they're breakfast.
We finish eating. I was mostly silent. I was contemplating the battle ahead of us today. We must win or Vaatu escapes. After we finish I offer to help the cook with the dishes. He waves me off and tells me to go relax. I decide to meditate. I find a spot with a view of the portal and sit down on my knees. I put my hands on my knees and close my eyes. As I am about to enter my state I hear someone walking up to me. I open my eyes and peer over my shoulder. Katara?
You: "Something you need Madame?" She shakes her head no and sits next to me. "May I ask why you are here?" She nods before speaking to me in her normal kind tone.
Katara: "I was just curious as to why you haven't sought help in your grief." I sigh and look down Of course that would be the question. Out of every question she could ask of course it would be that one.
You: "It's not that simple... The last thing I heard from a fellow clan member was to 'Go die.' And 'It's your fault.' Not to mention I was alone for years running for my life. I was... well I was doing better till that assassin came. Then the Grandmaster was the man that killed my father." She doesn't seemed fazed but I can see the sorrow in her eyes. "I just... I don't know..." Silence fills the air. She then speaks once again.
Katara: "I won't pry further... They refused to tell me out of respect for you. They said I should ask you." I nod and look at her. I appreciate that they didn't tell her and let me do it.
You: "Just try and refrain from telling others." She nods. I didn't even need to tell her but still.
Katara: "I am sorry child... But you have friends now... They don't blame you. They want to help." She says putting a gentle hand on my shoulder.
You: "I know... It's just going to take time." She nods and smiles slightly.
She gets up and leaves as I close my eyes again. This time I enter my meditative state. Everything begins to fade even time... Almost a year I have spent with these people and it has done me good. I smile slightly as my state takes hold.
I come out of my state when I sense a presence beside me. When I open my eyes I see it's the late afternoon now. We will be heading to the portal soon. Asami suggested we come in from above and I have to agree. I look over and see Bolin. He looks like he was about to shake me. I gove him a small smile and stand up.
You: "Are we heading out now?" He shakes his head no.
Bolin. "No but soon. They wanted me to fetch you." I smile and nod and we walk back. As we walk he asks a question. "You think we can win?" I just smirk slightly,
You: "Hell yes... We've come this far. Vaatu and Unalaq won't stop us." He smiles wide and nods.
Bolin: "RIGHT!" he shouts. I laugh slightly as his antics. We keep walking and talking about the plan till we arrive at the ships. "Found him!" Bolin shouts once more.
You: "I'm sure Katara told you all where I was right?" They all nod and I look at Bolin who his laughing nervously. "You didn't pay attention huh?" He shakes his head no. I just laugh and pat his back a few times. After we calm down I look towards the others. "We ready?" They nod and we board the ships. I get in the one Korra is in since we will be the ones on the front lines. This is going to be rough as hell.
We are above the portal. I look down and see Unalaq walking towards it. I stand, look straight down, and smirk. This will be fun. Korra looks at me confused.
Korra: "What are you thinking?" She asks nervously. I just turn my head towards her and smirk. I turn around to where my back is facing the open air. I do a small salute before falling back. I hear her shout "WHAT THE HELL (M/N)!? YOU CRAZY BASTARD!!!" I laugh as I fall. She's going to be so pissed.
I turn around in midair and that Unalaq is getting close to the portal. I begin charging my electricity before I hit the ground. He stops and looks around. I do a single flip so I can land on my feet. As I hit the ground an exceptional amount of (F/c) electricity comes out from my feet. A small crater forms as I stand up straight. He turns around slowly with a small look of shock on his face. I smirk. The dust clears and he sees me standing there, Unharmed. Unalaq is about Tenzin's age. And is apparently Korra's uncle or something. He has a similar skin tone to korra and long grayish hair. He is also wearing a heavy blue coat to fight off the extreme cold.
You: "Hey how's it going?" I ask like nothing happened. A small scare tactic that fails but was worth a try.
Unalaq; "Don't play coy boy!" He says loudly. I shrug. "You can't stop us!" I laugh a bit and he looks confused. I smile at him.
You: "Want to put a wager on that?" I ask as the others land around me. He backs up slightly. I feel a smack on the back of my head. Korra. I rub it.
Korra: "WHAT THE HELL (M/N)!?!?" She shouts at me.
You: "I knew I'd live. I was hoping to scare the idiot." I can almost hear his scowl. She rolls her eyes and looks back at Unalaq.
Korra: "You're done Unalaq." He just smirks. I then feel an immense Spiritual energy spike. I waste no time and send a whip at him. He deflects and runs inside.
You: "DAMN! We have incoming." I look back at the others. "Think you can stop the dark spirits advancement?" They all nod. I look at Korra. "Into darkness. Unafraid." She nods and we charge for the portal. A bright light flashes and we enter the Spirit world. We see Unalaq talking to a... Children's toy? It's dark red with glowing highlights whatever it is. We run up to him but the Kite slams a tendril in front of us stopping our advance.
(???): "You have come Raava... And you brought that thundering pest." I think it's looking at me. Don't tell me this is... I should ask before I assume.
You: "Who the hell are you?" I ask it. If I am not mistaken it seems annoyed at my question.
Vaatu: "I AM VAATU FOOL!!!!" It shouts. No. Damn. Way. I take a moment to absorb what he said. Then I begin to laugh my ass off. "ARE YOU MOCKING ME!!??" He shouts. Even Korra looks at me.
You: "I-I'm... Hang on." I laugh a bit more. "The great and evil Vaatu is a(PFFT) A CHILDREN'S TOY!!!?" I laugh once again. I can even hear Korra chuckle lightly.
Vaatu: "SILENCE PEST!!!!" He shouts. I wipe my eyes and calm myself down."Typical Raijin... No respect for his elders." I look at him confused. "So you don't know do you fool!?" I then hear a familiar voice speak from nowhere..
(???): "Why would I respect something that can get blown away in a moderate wind storm?" I almost lose it again. The spirit from my dreams appears beside me but looks more transparent than he does in my dreams. "I told you, you would know when the time was right." It said looking at me.
You: "Who are you?" I ask it. Finally I'll know.
Raiden: "Some called me Zeus. A warrior culture called me Thor Odinson. Others Indra. A long dead empire called me Sekhet Iaru Ialu. I was Raijin before. However, child you would know me as Raiden." I went wide eyed. My clans favored spirit is within me. Why? How?
You: "How?" Is all I could ask.
Raiden: "I learned to Fuse as Raava does. I am apart of you." Tenzin was right.I was about to speak then we heard Vaatu yell.
Vaatu: "ENOUGH!!!!! I will end all four of you." I just smirk and I get the feeling Raiden does as well before his visage fades. My body begins to emit my (F/c) electricity.
You: "Fine. Korra the talking kids toy is yours." She nods, lifts herself into the air and charges after him. I look at Unalaq menacingly.
Unalaq: "What!? I did what was needed! I served a purpose!" I just shake my head. That's a damned lie.
You: "You did what you wanted. He'll kill you in the end. Despise your 'purpose'." I can see the rage in his eyes. "Also..."I get into my stance. "I see a foolish man. Who seems to have a death wish." His rage is seething. Then We charge each other.
I send a wave of electricity at him which he easily deflects. I expected as much from a master water bender. He begins to form ice quickly only to have me throw my whip out towards his chest. He stops to block the attack but gets knocked on his back a few feet away. He quickly gets up as I charge him. He does the same and we begin clashing. Blow for blow. He is skilled but unlike him I am hardened. By resolve and my time alone. Kick, block. Punch, deflect,counter. He finally lands a hit and manage to stay on my feet but get sent back a few feet. We then engage in a fire fight. He launches several ice spikes at me as I send electric balls and bolts at him. We are running to our left as this happens. One bolt comes close to hitting him and he dives behind some cover. I do the same and wait. After a few minutes I peek over my cover only to see an Ice spike headed my way. I duck back down and charge another ball. I do as I did before and see his arm. I send my ball faster than he can send his spike and it knocks him from his cover. I vault over mine and throw a whip at him. He deflects. As I get close he wraps a fist in ice and goes to hit me. I deflect with my elbow and land a hard gut shot. He coughs but doesn't go down. I then cup my hands and slam both into his ears While he is stunned holding his ears I charge both fists with electricity and perform a double punch to his chest. He goes flying quite a way back. When I get to where he landed he's getting up still coughing from the gut shot.. Korra lands next to me and looks weary. I touch her arm slightly to revitalize her muscles with a small shock. She twitches but knows what I was doing. I then speak.
You: "Want to trade sparring partners?" She looks at me and nods and begins to engage Unalaq. I look at the rather large kite in front of me and smile. I use my electricity to fly and summon two (F/c) electricity whips. The difference this time is the end splits into nine tails.
He sends a tendril at me but I simple dodge and strike him at a distance. I see the tear I created simply seal. Ah... Dammit. I then begin whipping at him mercilessly .He does the same but I dodge. He begins to get far fiercer in his attacks. He goes to whip my head but as I dodge it he hits my left side with a tendril. I spin in the air to recover. Shit I think he broke a rib. But I continue fighting. We begin whipping each other once more. These is like an unstoppable force, me, meets an immovable object, him. After he tries and whips me again I decide fighting at a distance isn't working. My whips fade and the electricity is emitting from my fists now. I charge him. He sends several tendrils at me but I just keep dodging. As I approach I charge as much power as I can into my right fist and when I'm close enough I punch him with great force. It tears a whole through his form and slams him into a rock. I summon my whips quickly and lash him multiple times before he can recover. Though I bought some time his holes and slices begin healing. We engage in a whip battle once again. As I dodge another tendril I see an Ice boulder to my left that slams into me hard.I grunt in pain as I fall. I land and use my electricity to land on my feet. I lean on a rock and look up. Shit... My whole side is in immense pain. I see Korra trying to stand. I quickly rush over to help her up ignoring the pain that accured.. Once she stands we look and see that Vaatu has fused with Unalaq. Hell. I look towards Korra only to get blasted back by some kind of energy. I get up holding my side... Gods... I then look only to see what I assume is Raava pinned to a rock. Shit shit shit! I try and get to him but the abomination blasts him. He's gone... I look towards Korra and see she has been weakened by the attack I rush to her and stand in front of her in my stance. It turns to me and laughs.
UnaVaatu: "What can you do old weakling!!! You have nothing!!!" I look back at Korra who is barely awake. I then hear the same sound from before. It fires it's beam at me. I think quickly and use a weaker Ionic move called Lighting Beam. I fire and manage to hold the beam back. When our beams collide a few shock waves could be felt at a constant rate as his purple energy swirled around the impact sight as my (F/c) electricity is whipping about cutting super-heated lines in the ground and rock. Gods this hurts but I have to hold just long enough. I look back at Korra.
You: "RUN!!! NOW!!!! I CAN'T HOLD IT BACK FOR LONG!!!!" I shout. She looks wide eyed. She knows I'll be unconscious after this and stands. She gets out of the way and tackles me to the ground. I didn't use the full move so I am awake but very weak. We see this abomination walk towards the portal. The convergence has come and he vanishes. "D-dammit..." I mutter out. She helps me up and we use each other as crutches to get to the exit. We both collapse and Bolin and Asami rush to our Aid. "H-he fused...A-and escaped." I mutter. Tenzin Looks at me. "T-they destroyed... Raava. T-the gate i-is o-open..." Tenzin looks at us wide eyed and then takes Korra somewhere. I don't know where. Bolin helps me up and lets me use him as a crutch. I don't say a word as he guides me to a rock to lean on as I sit. "T-thanks. I say weakly.
Bolin: "Is... Is it true?" I know what he's asking...
You: "Yes..." I then start thinking. Vaatu is power hungry... Maybe he absorbed Raava. My eyes went wide. "M-maybe n-not." He looks at me. "V-Vaatu a-ccording to my c-clan's legends is p-power hungry." He nods. "M-maybe he absorbed him. M-meaning we -h-have a s-small c-chance to w-win."Bolin's eyes went wide. "Help me up." I mutter weakly and I guide in the direction Korra and Tenzin walked off in. I walk up to a... cave to see Korra coming out of some state. I repeat what I thought and they nodded. "W-what's the p-plan?" I ask weakly.
Tenzin: "You are going to go get healed by Katara. Korra and I have an idea." I nod weakly. I would protest but I know she can do it alone. Not only that but I'm down for the count.
You: "O-okay..." I say weakly. "K-korra." She looks at me. "B-be safe, please."She nods and hugs me gently. I hug back weakly.
Korra: "I will." Just before they walk my consciousness fades As I hear Bolin shout my name.
I awake back in a pool. But this is Air Temple Island. Gods I'm sore. I try and sit up. Slowly and quite painfully I succeed. I hear cheering and stand up. Holding the side where that ice boulder, the beam, and tendril hit me I walk to my coat and struggle to put it on. As I am doing this Asami walks in. Probably to check on me. She runs over after I hear an audible gasp from her and gently hugs me.
Asami: "You're awake!" She says happily. I smile and hug back.
You: "How long was I out? I ask groggily. She smiles at me as she lets go.
Asami: "Just a day." I smile at that. AT least I didn't miss much.
You: "Good. I didn't miss much then... I'm in allot of pain right now." She nods. "Can you help me with the coat?" She nods and smiles. After I slide it on she helps me outside. I see people celebrating. I knew she could do it... I hear a familiar voice.
Jinora: "(M/n)'s awake!" She shouts everyone turns to me and cheers. I look around not sure what the hell is happening. Asami helps me walk to Jinora. "You look confused." She says in her normal calm voice.
You: "Yeah... Why are they cheering me?" She smiles a bit. I guess it's a good thing.
Jinora: "You were right. Vaatu didn't kill Raava. He absorbed his power and Korra was able to free Raava, with my help, and banish Unalaq and Vaatu." I went wide eyed. "You helped save the world!" She exclaims. I look around and see everyone smiling at me... I helped save the world? I try and laugh only to have to hold my ribs again. I still keep my smile though. Laughter is the best medicine after all.
You: "Where's Korra?" I ask. Jinora was about to answer till I heard a voice.
Korra: "Right here Sparky." I look at Korra and smile widely. She smiles in turn and comes up to hug me gently. Minding the wounds. "You know you held back a spirit beam?" I nodded my head yes as we let go. "Yep. That was difficult even for me." I smile and rub the back of my neck.
You: "Well then... I'm glad you're okay." She smiles wider at that and hugs me again. We linger a bit longer this time before letting go.
Katara: "You should be resting young man." I turn to my left and see Katara waving her finger at me like a mother does to her should when they misbehave. "You have three broken ribs on your left side and the rest are bruised." I just shake my head slightly.
You: "I wanted to see what was going on. I'm glad everyone is okay." She smiles. I guess she can understand. "Thanks by the way." She waves it off.
Katara: "Since you're up you might as well celebrate with us. There's a little girl dying to see you." I smile knowing who it is. "You'll need an escort though." Korra speaks up almost instantly.
Korra: "I'll do it! We are the reason for the party after all." I smile and nod.
You: "Alright then Korra. Just make sure I don't fall. Don't need to embarrass myself." She laughs and walks over and lets me sling my right arm over her shoulder. As we are walking I hear a familiar laugh. I look at Korra and she smiles and nods. We walk towards the sound and I say. "See... We whipped his butt." I said. The little girl turned around and squealed. She would've jumped on me but Korra used a gentle bit of wind to stop her. "Sorry Pumpkin. I'm pretty beat up. How about a gentle hug instead?" Olivia nods and hugs me gently.
Olivia: "See. You are a hero. And now the world knows it." I smile at that and feel a tear in my eye. She's quick to wipe it away as she let's go
You: "Yeah... I guess you're right." She guides me and Korra to a bench where there is plenty food a drink. Bolin, Mako, and Asami are sitting there. Korra helps me sit down and sits right next to me. "Hey guys." They all smile.
Mako: "Korra says you held off a spirit beam. Is that true?" I nod. I hear Meelo, Ikki, and Olivia squeal in excitement.
Bolin: "THAT'S AWESOME!!" Bolin shouts out loud with a huge stupid grin on his face. "Tells us please!" Him and the kids give puppy dog eyes. For the love of... I look at Korra and she nods.
For most of the day we just sit there and tell everyone what happened and answer the questions they had. It felt good to relax. We beat a god. Well more like I read him like a damn book and Korra beat him but still. As Korra is talking I stare at her with a gentle smile. What Pema said echos in my mind but I shake it off quickly even if... Never mind. For now I want to relax. I think we deserved it...
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