Chapter Eleven: Saving People... Again

(Your POV)

The following day I woke up packed and ready to go. I am currently walking to the ship that will ferry me to the Fire Nation. Everyone decided to come with me to see me off. Yesterday was amazing. We just hung out doing what the hell ever we felt like. I must admit out of everyone I spent time with I enjoyed my time with Korra the best. We ate, drank a tiny bit, and even manage to confuse some people that were hosting games in their stands by winning. We both knew they were rigged and were able to still win... With some help with our bending... I wonder why I feel so comfortable around her... Maybe it's because she was the first person I bared my entire life to the day we spent together before the Equalists attacked. She didn't judge me or pity me. She told me what I think I needed to hear. 'I think they'd be proud of you for coming this far.' Hmm. I'm gonna miss everyone but I think I may miss my talks with Korra the most. I always feel at ease with her around. Like all my problems in my life never occurred. I also find myself thinking about her more and more and when I do my heart rate picks up and I gain a small smile. Hmm. Of course I'll miss Bolin's dumb jokes allot to. No matter how bad they are I always laugh a bit. I'll miss Olivia's cheery attitude. I hope that project I started for her gets finished soon. I think she'll be ecstatic. We arrive at the docks and I turn around.

You: "I'd wager I'll be gone for maybe two weeks maybe three if I get unlucky." I said smiling at them. They all looked kinda sad. I sigh and open my arms. "Please in an orderly fashion." I said in a teasing tone. Tenzin came and hugged me first. It was brief and when he let go he made sure to let me know I'll always have a home if I need it. I just smile and thank him. Pema is next and just tells me to be safe. I joked and said "Aren't I always." She just playfully slaps my arm. Mako just gives me a quick bro hug and nods. Bolin looks so upset though. "I'm not leaving forever man." I say to try and comfort the poor guy. He just hugs me tight and makes me promise to come back. I just roll my eyes playfully and promise him. The kids all run up to hug me next. Meelo tells me to 'Be the leaf' whatever that means. Ikki hugs me and tells me to make sure her savoir returns in one piece and Jinora hands me a book. It just so happens to be the one I was looking at the day I spent with Korra. A man named Solar, Solas, or something wants to tear down the wall between our world and the spirit world to return to what it was like when he was young. I thank her and put it in my bag. Asami comes up and hugs me I hug back. She doesn't say anything. I guess she's bad at goodbyes. She lets go and smiles at me. I just nod and smile back. Next is Olivia. Oh boy. She looks at at me with some tears in her eyes. I crouch down and pick her up to hug her. "I told you I'm coming back. I wouldn't leave you or the others." I say softly as I rub her back.

Olivia: "I know... I'm just gonna miss you..." She says and sniffs at the end. I just hug her tighter and she does the same. I have to come back. For her if nothing else.

You: "I'll miss you to Olivia." I say. I put her down and hug her one last time. Then Korra walks up. She looks sad. It hurts me to see her this way. I much prefer her smile. "I'm not leaving forever Korra. You know that." I say looking at her. She just sighs and gives me a hug. I hate seeing her upset.

Korra: "You just take care of yourself... I'm gonna miss you allot." She says. I feel my heart rate increase a bit when she says that. I hug her back. We stay like that for a minute and part.

You: "I will. I'm gonna miss you to." I say looking into her blue eyes. I pick up my bag and board the ship. As it begins to leave I look back and wave to them goodbye. They do the same and we set sail.

A few hours pass as we are sailing. I do not speak to my fellow passengers. I am too lost in thought as I stare at the water below. I begin to think about... Well everything. Oddly though my thoughts kept drifting back to Korra. I think of the talks we had. Either the talks be about family, current events, things we are struggling with, how we feel about certain topics, or even just cracking jokes to see who laughs first. The more time I spent with her the more I enjoyed it. I also have started feeling a little nervous around her and my heart rate always increases whenever we hug or shake hands. I also take notice of her bright blue eyes and smile more often. It makes me happy to see her smile. I may need to ask Asami why this happens to me when I get back. Poor Olivia... I hated leaving her but these assassins will keep coming if I don't go to them first. I don't want her in danger. I decide to go find a place to sit. I find one and begin to meditate. I need to be calm when we arrive.


I was tapped on the shoulder by one of the men that worked on the boat.

Worker: "We're here." He says flatly. Good.

I thank him and get up. As I walk off the ship I take in the scene around me. I'm in a city though it seems smaller than Republic city is. Thank the gods I won't have to ask for directions that way. I also take stock of the crowd. I hear people cheering for someone. I guess the Fire Lord is addressing her people. I decide to make my way to the front of the crowd. There stands two people. One is a woman who seems to be about Tenzin's age. She is about 5.5 feet in height. Has gray hair and has a strange resemblance to the man next to her. The man standing next to her is far more interesting. He is old. Likely in his sixties or seventies. He has long white hair with a well kept beard. He also has a large burn scar covering his right eye. If I remember correctly only one person I have ever heard of has that kind of scar. He must be The Zuko whom helped Avatar Aang defeat his father. I may want to talk with him. As they continue their speech I look to the left down an alley. I see a man in a familiar mask walking down it. I push through the crowd and follow him. I make sure to keep a decent distance. I pull out a normal rope dart as I follow him so I can keep my presence a secret. He stops at a road and I hide behind a corner waiting. He waits till what looks like a parade rounds our corner he walks out in front of it and pulls out his small crossbow. He's aiming to assassinate someone here. I rush to the sidewalk and see the Fire Lord and Zuko walking down the road. He takes aim but before he can fire I throw my rope dart at him and yank it back to force him to fall. I begin to wrap the rope dart up my arm and kick him in his temple. He doesn't get knocked out but he is dazed. I look to see Zuko in a battle stance. I just wave and he seems to calm down. I see the assassin's gaze look behind the two lords. I see a figure on the roof behind them knocking an arrow in a bow aimed at The Fire Lord. Hell my rope dart won't reach. I toss it to the ground and throw my (F/C) electricity past the fire lord. She flinches slightly then looks behind her she sees and arrow about five feet from her head. My whip tears through it and hits my target. He falls off the roof into the crowd. I pull the whip back and it vanishes. I tie up the first assassin quick and rush to the second one but by the time I got there the guards have him handcuffed. I take a breath of relief. As the guards' hall off that assassin I go back to the one I tied up. I rip his mask off and ask as simple question.

You: "Where. Is. Your. Guild?" I charge a small amount of electricity in my hand. He just smirks. I sigh and punch him in the face. I untie him and the guards take him away. I stretch and turn around to be met with the Fire Lord and the man I assume is Zuko.

(???): "You do realize you just saved the Fire Lord yes." I just nod. She continues. "Well My name is Izumi and this is my father Zuko." She says pointing to the elder man. I was right. he's a legend even in my clan. Though he isn't the one I admired the most... I wonder if I'll ever meet her... Never mind.

You: "My name is (F/n) (L/n) but I prefer (M/n) and Isn't this a happy accident. I was attacked by one of these assassins on Air Temple Island in Republic City. That's why I'm here. Since they have a contract on my life they won't stop until I'm captured or dead." I finished with a neutral expression. "So though I'm glad I was able to save you I's not why I am here obviously." I finish while putting my rope dart away. They just nod understanding what I meant.

Zuko: "Why would The Crimson Brotherhood want you dead?" Zuko asked with a raised eyebrow. I look at him and almost want to give him a 'Are you joking?' look but refrain from doing so out of the respect I have for him.

You: "You can't tell me you didn't see what I did. That's why. I've been hunted for that power my whole life. This time though I have a reason to take my fight to them. I actually have a contract on my head that says 'capture if possible'. I think I know who hired them but I need proof before I can act." I said looking at Zuko. He nodded closing his eyes for a moment. He opens them again and speaks.

Zuko: "Smart boy... So the prophecy has come to pass. An electric bender has been born. Are you teaching the Avatar?" I nod smiling at the thought slightly. Yes I am. And she's a quick learner.

You: "After some convincing yeah. She however had to go and try to stop a civil war between the water tribes. I took the opportunity to come here and get my answers." He smiles and nods. Good. Maybe I'll get help here after all.

Izumi: "Then we have a similar goal. If what you said is true. Then they won't stop until I'm dead correct?" I nod. "Follow us back to our palace. You can stay there while we try and discover their guild's location." I am taken aback. Is she serious. We just met and she's offering this?

You: "You sure? I don't wish to be a hassle to you Fire Lord." I said looking at her. She looked at me like I was foolish for a moment. Then she went back to her normal demeanor before speaking.

Izumi: "You saved my life and still expect no reward? You are honorable. However, yes I am sure. If we work together we can put this threat down faster." She says smiling ever so slightly at me. I smile back. That's a wonderful offer.

You: "Very well." I pick up my bag. "Lead the way than Fire Lord Izumi." I said. She smiled and gestured for me to follow. As I followed her I did get a few odd glances. Probably because of what I did. Some people openly thanked me for my actions. I always told. "I was just doing what was right." As we passed by I can see Zuko and Izumi smile at this. We walk for awhile. After sometime we arrive at a rather large palace. It was red orange and yellow and was built out of a material I can't quite identify. the paint is sow well kept that I can't tell what it may be built out of. The middle of the said palace is shaped almost like the front of a mighty ship. Interesting way to build this palace indeed. The middle also has a tower of sorts coming out of it. Once we get close enough by walking through it's rather large entrance area however I feel a powerful presence. A dragon I think. I look at Zuko and ask. "Is there a dragon here?" He looks at me slightly wide eyed. What? Is it surprising I can feel him.

Zuko: "Yes. He is a set of two brothers. The other brother died some time ago. He is now the last. Dragons live in pairs and he looked for a powerful partner." He said looking at me. I guess it picked him. Not surprising I suppose.

You: "And if the stories I heard of you are true than I am guessing he chose you." He nods and smiles. We enter the palace and Izumi turns to me and speaks.

Izumi: "The guards will show you to your room. Go get some rest we will share our collective information on the guild with you tomorrow." She says smiling at me. This is very nice of her. At least I won't have to worry about a place to stay again.

You: "Of course. Thank you Fire Lord Izumi." She just waves it off. She's being awfully nice to me.

Izumi: "Like I said you saved me. I will send for you when dinner is done." I smile and thank her again.

The guard guides me to my room. It is far larger than the one I was given at the Air Temple. It has a wonderful view of the city outside it's window. The bed was... large to say the least. It was, much like the exterior, a dulled orange with soem brown mixed in. The floor awas red wood. That much I can tell. I put my stuff down and walk over to said bed. I take my boots and coat off and lie down. What a day. I arrived at the Fire Nation and immediately saved the Fire Lord. Huh. I guess I'm not going to remain unnoticed here. But I may get to return early thanks to the Fire Lord's help. I close my eyes. I'll get to see everyone again. Olivia will be ecstatic and I'll get to talk and teach Korra again. There I go again gaining a smile at the thought. I begin to fall asleep.


(??? POV)

The Grandmaster will not be pleased. The Electric Bender is in the fire nation and saved the Fire Lord. Odds are they will become allies against us. Meaning if they find us we may have an army beating down our doors. An Army of skilled fire benders at that. That's on top of the Electric Bender. I knew we shouldn't of let Shadow accept that contract. I walk into the Grandmaster's office.

(???): "Grandmaster." I salute him as he looks up from his desk. "The Electric Bender is in the fire nation and stopped our assassins from killing the Fire Lord. They will most likely ally to destroy us." I finished he looks at me still as stoic as ever.

Grandmaster: "Than begin reinforcing our boundaries. Also... Go and have an assassin kill the two they captured." He said not changing his facial expression what soever. I saluted and walked out. He speaks before I leave. "Do not under estimate this man." I look back and nod and continue on my way.

How come he didn't seem fazed. Does he know something? I wonder if this bender killed Shadow. No. The bender doesn't seem the type. I order two Assassins to go kill the two that were captured. They nod and leave. Too bad. Those two held great promise. I continue walking and order everyone to begin reinforcing our facility. They all nod and get to work. I wonder what will happen. Will this bender destroy us? No. No one man could. An army maybe. But he alone could not.

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