Chapter Eighteen: A Correct Suspicion And One Surprising Entrance
(Your POV)
Two days later the new benders arrived on a small air craft instead of Oogi. I hope he's okay. Maybe he's just tired. They were delayed due to a pretty bad storm or so one of them said. I took note of each one. One of them however stood out. He looked... Off. Almost like he's planning something. I'm going to keep an eye on him. He is an older man. Likely in his late thirties to mid-forties. He has a shaven head and is wearing dark pale green robes. He's much older than the others and has a certain air about him... One of control. He glances at me with his dark brown eyes before walking off. If I am not mistaken he increased his speed slightly. Interesting indeed. I'll keep the suspicion to myself until I have proof. As I shake hands with each one they each took note of certain aspects of my 'aura' as they put it. They each recognized me as the Electric bender. They all were intrigued to say the least. After a while they followed Meelo and Ikki to begin training. I intend to watch before I leave. After all when I watched the first time I met someone who was a professional painter. I ended up asking her about it and she said if I wanted she could teach me. I was ecstatic and said after she trained fully I'd love to learn from her... I could finally capture those beautiful scenes I love so much. As I go back into the Temple I am greeted by Kya who looks slightly annoyed. Oh boy.
You: "What's the matter Kya?" I ask looking at her. She turns to me and her annoyed look does not fade at all.
Kya: "Oogi can't make the trip back. He's been having stomach problems." I shoulders droop slightly. "But... We have a way to get you there." I perk up slightly. I nod wanting her to continue. "Lin can have someone take you in a smaller air craft but you'd have to... Jump." I get a wicked almost crazy smile on my face.
You: "Oh. Hell. Yes." I say still smiling at her. She is slightly taken aback at that.
Kya: "Are you one hundred percent sure? I mean it's dangerous." I just shake my head at her.
You: "I did something similar to try and shake Unalaq when we went to fight him." I smile at the memory. That was tons of fun. She laughs slightly at that.
Kya: "You didn't break your legs though." I nod in response. She looks slightly surprised.
You: "There are two factors that go into that stunt though. One: I can use my electricity fly or float depending on what I need. So I can use it as a make shift parachute if needed. Two: I channeled some electricity into my feet and that helped break the fall. Thus all the dust and small crater... I can't really do that for any other part of my body to the same extent." She smiles slightly and nods. It's also the reason I survived falling down that cliff a few years ago. I still got impaled but neither my got broken when I finally landed on the ground. Gods that stalagmite hurt allot. The cauterizing was even worse though... I shudder at the memory.
Kya: "Only being able to dampen the damage in your feet and legs... Not that useful." I start laughing at that statement. No it's not I've used it a total of... Twice now soon to be three times. I stop laughing shaking my head.
You: "Yeah... I've used it like twice in my whole life. I can't even use it in combat... So you know if someone stomps my foot it hurts." She starts laughing now. I just chuckle a bit. Once she calms down she looks at me shaking her head.
Kya: "Well I'll call Lin and tell her it's fine... Anyway..." She pauses for a bit. "Normally I'd be helping you heal. So what do you want to do?" I put my hand to my chin and think. There isn't all that much I'd like to do... There are a few things I need to do however.
You: "I need to take a trip to a smith and have my armor fixed. Something tells me I may need it." She smiles and nods at me. It got pretty banged up in our fight against Unalaq and Vaatu and I haven't been well enough to take it myself.
Kya: "Alright. We can do that and maybe get some lunch." I smile. What an exccelent idea.
You: "Alright... I'll be watching the new benders train so come get me when you're ready." She nods at me before turning and going inside.
I walk too my room so I can grab my armor. The breastplate is badly cracked and dented... I hope they can fix it. After I have it I head towards where the air benders are training. I walk into the area and I immediately see Olivia, Daw, and that man from before. I sit down on a bench and watch their fluid movements. However that man from before... His movements seem more precise... Like he's done this before... Before I can go talk to him however Kya fetches me... I stare at the man for a moment and then leave with Kya. We take a boat to get to the docks of republic city... Not much has changed. There are still vines about but other than that people are just doing what they normally did. We both agree that we should drop off my armor first. Once we arrive at the smithy we open the door and the heat wave hits us immediately... She leans on a wall while I go ring the bell on the counter. The interior is very simple. There aren't even chairs in here which makes since I guess. You either drop something off and leave or pick something up and leave. The walls are red with some different swords and plates sitting on the walls. There is a single shelf with what seems like an award for something. It reads. 'For fine craftsmanship, Allastair.' When I do this here a woman call out one moment. Another minute later a rather tall woman with short black hair, and sky blue eyes walks out. She looks to be about six feet tall. She's... Nineteen. Maybe this is her parent's establishment then. I'm actually two inches shorter than her. Heh. I smile.
Sarah: "I'm Sarah. What can I do for you today?" She asks while offering a handshake. I take it, shake her hand and smile politely.
You: "I'm (M/n), a pleasure." I said as I let her hand go. "And I need some armor repaired." She smiles and nods. I place the cracked chest piece on the counter. She picks it up and investigates it closely. She slowly turns the armor around in her grasp until she comes across the big dents and cracks. She grabs what looks like a magnifying glass but... Different in a way and brings it to her eye. After about ten minutes of this she looks at me and smiles.
Sarah: "I can fix this no problem. Whoever designed this armor made sure it's integrity had fail safes of sorts. How'd it get damaged if you don't mind me asking?" She asked very politely. I chuckle.
You: "I helped the Avatar fight Vaatu. He hit me with a tendril. Then an Ice boulder plowed into the same side and finally a beam of some sort Vaatu fired hit me again." Her eyes went slightly wide. Yeah crazy I came out as okay as I did. Probably thanks to the armor.
Sarah: "Wow... This armor is pretty resilient then." I simply nod. She writes a few things down before speaking again. "I have to finish this ceremonial sword I'm working on for the President but I should have this repaired in say... Four to Six Hours. Simply because I have to finish the sword first. Before you ask I am a fire bender and my apprentice is an earth bender... That's why it won't take to long." I simply nod at her. Understandable.
You: "Nice combination for this business." She smiles at that. "No problem on the time. I'll be back by then... How much will it cost?" I ask her. I hope it's not too much.
Sarah: "You helped the Avatar stop Vaatu from killing everyone so... I can give you a sizable discount." I smile at that. People have been treating me... Nicely since that happened... It feels strange but not an unwelcome kind of strange. She hands me a paper. 50 eh? Not bad. I look at her and smile again.
You: "Thanks Sarah. It may be rude but how old are you?" I ask sounding as nice as I can. She smiles at me. I guess she gets that allot.
Sarah: "Nineteen. My father trained me in this practice since I was old enough to hold a hammer. This was his business but he has issues moving the joints in his fingers now, so I took over." I'm kinda surprised at that. Sure I was trained in combat at a young age but this is different.
You: "Family business then?" She nods happily. "Well that is interesting. Sorry for asking but I was curious." She just smiles and waves it off. "I'll see you in four hours or so." I wave goodbye and she does as well. She goes to where I assume her forge is. I look towards Kya and we leave.
We ended up having lunch at a noodle stand together. Not much since neither of us wanted anything to heavy. We talked about a multitude of things. After that we went shopping for somethings that the Temple was low on. About four hours at this point had passed and we decided to go and check on my armor. I was carrying the bags we had from shopping.
Kya: "You Know I can carry some (M/n)." Kya said looking at me. It's not really that heavy.
You: "It's fine. It feels good to be working again." I said smiling towards her. She just nodded and began to think I suppose. After a moment of silence she speaks.
Kya: "Have you given any thought to what I suggested?" She asked me. I sighed knowing what it was... It's just too hard...
You: "It's just... Hard Kya... Very hard." She nods in response. I would visit that place but... I can't... I should but...
Kya: "It's fine (M/n). Just know if you do decide to I'm more than willing to go with you... So would Korra I think." I nod in response. She'd defiantly want to go with me... But I'm just not ready yet.
You: "Thanks... Means allot to me... One day but... Not yet." She smile kindly at me and nods. One day I will have to if I want to overcome it... But not now... I just can't... After sometime we arrive back at the forge. I see a man in a rather nice outfit being followed by what I can assume are guards leaving with a sword. That's the president I suppose. We enter the shop and I see Sarah counting some money. "Hey Sarah." I say waving at her. She finishes quickly and waves back.
Sarah: "Ah (M/n)! I finished your armor not long ago. My apprentice is polishing as we speak." I smile and nod.
You: "Excellent. Thank you so much." She waves me off and heads to the back. I wait for a few minutes. She then comes back with my armor in tow. She hands it to me and I look at it. Damn. That kid polished it nice. "Very clean and well shiny. And I can't even tell it was damaged in the first place. You and your apprentice do damn fine work. Tell him for me please." She smiled wide, obviously proud of her apprentice receiving such a compliment.
Sarah: " Well thank you. He'll be very happy to hear it. Now I hate to be a buzz kill." I nodded knowing what she needed. Pulled out the money along with some extra.
You: "The extra is for you and your apprentice as a tip for a damn fine job." She smiled widely slightly blushing at the compliment. I guess she doesn't get that much praise then.
Sarah: "T-thank you. Not many pay me or anyone that works here such compliments..." I just shake my head at that.
You: "I was taught that skill was something to admire. That's what I'm doing. You and him have fine skills and deserve the compliments and much more." She smiled wider if that was even possible and vaulted the counter and brought me into a bone crushing hug. Not that I minded but I was starting to lose air. "I... Appreciate the hug.... But... Can't.... Breathe..." She noticed and let go. I took in a lung full of air finally. "You're welcome Sarah. You deserve it. I hope we can see each other again my friend." I said smiling at her. She smiled wide and nodded in agreement.
Sarah: " I hope so to! Be sure to come by again my friend!" She exclaimed at me. I smiled, nodded and waved goodbye. With that done me and Kya head back to the docks to go home.
(Still Your POV)
Once I dropped the bags off in the kitchen I leave and see that bald man from before head towards the courtyard. I decide to follow him. Once he is at the center of the courtyard he takes a stance. I recognize it as not the normal Air Bender stance but one of different martial art. His stance is wrong however. I was right... He's done this before. I decide to sneak up behind him and expose the flaw in his stance by simply tripping him. He goes down but quickly recovers and turn to face me. He lowers his fists once he sees it's me however. I get a far better look at him now... I know this man...
(???): "Spotted my flaw... Impressive. I am Yorru." I shake my head at him. I know who this is. The damn liar.
You: "No... I know who you are... Arrested by Fire Lord Zuko himself for attempted capture of the new Avatar... You are the leader of the Red Lotus... You are Zaheer." His eyes widen ever so slightly at that. He then jumps back and takes a stance. I shake my head at him once again.
Zaheer: "Impressive Tunderer. I was sure my ruse was flawless." I smirk at him.
You: "I knew you were weren't who you said you were the moment I laid eyes on you... You will not touch the Avatar..." He looks confused. "I'll kill you before that happens." His eyes widen slightly at my statement. I know how to kill and if anyone deserved it was all of The Red Lotus.
Zaheer: "You wouldn't." My eyes darken when he says that. If needed I will. The Red Lotus are terrorists whom have harmed many innocents... I send a whip at him before he can respond to my changed expression. He deflects.
I then send another whip at him which he skillfully deflects only for me to detach it from my hand and send it flying back at him. He jolted and barley dodged the bolt. It flew back towards me and wrapped around my arm. He recovers only to see me about to hit his face with a charged punch. He sidesteps only for me to unfurl the whip and slam it into his side. He grunts and gets thrown back a few feet. He lands on his feet and sends some air attacks at me. I summon another whip and simply cut through the attacks as I approach. I can feel his slight panic in his attacks. I see an opening and send a whip towards him. He deflects and nails me with a wind attack. I simply skid back a few feet. He is about to launch another until I see a stream of water slam into him. He grunts but gets up immediately. I see who sent the water.. Kya. She nods towards me and I get close to engage this bastard again. He goes for a kick only to have my knee block it and gets hit in the face with a punch. He then attacks my right and I duck under it and send a punch to his gut after I charge some electricity into it. He grunts again. He's close to a cliff. I then start whipping at him mercilessly. He keeps blocking and takes steps back. One more step and... He fell. My whips vanish as I look over the edge. I see a gust of wind heading towards me and I dodge it. Once I recover I see him flying towards the city. He got away. I take a few breathes to recover as I hear Kya walk over.
Kya: "Are you okay?" I just nod still catching my breathe. "That was Zaheer leader of the-" I cut her off.
You: "Red Lotus I know... I had my suspicions when he got here but I stayed quiet since I had no proof..." I finally breathe normally and look at her. I begin to wonder why he could be here... Besides Korra of course... I turn towards Kya. "Thanks for the assist." She nods smiling at me slightly. "When will the craft be here for me in the morning?" I ask her. She sighs slightly knowing I want to leave to protect my friends.
Kya: "Around six in the morning. No sooner unfortunately." I sigh and nod. I'd leave now if I could. "Anyway. My original purpose for finding was telling Pema needs help cooking." I nod. She smiles and walks off. I stand there for a moment before following her.
(Still Your POV)
After dinner and explaining what happened to Pema I went to my room and began packing up. Once again I see the mask but this time I sit on my bed and stare at it... I should feel relief or even anger when I look at it but I don't... I feel nothing which in some way is worse. I sigh and place it back on the dresser. I then hear someone walking to my room. My door opens and it's Olivia. She always visits me before bed ever since she got her own room in the women's dorms. She smiled before hugging me quickly. I hug back and we let go.
Olivia: "How was your day?" Olivia asks innocently. I just smile and ruffle her hair.
You: "Good more or less. What about you? How's training going?" I ask her as I retract my hand. She giggles before speaking.
Olivia: "It's tiring but I love it! Meelo and Ikki are great teachers." I smile wide at her statement.
We talk for a bit about somethings for a while then she leaves and I lie down. My thoughts begin to drift to the reunion I'll have tomorrow. I smile at the thought. I'll get to hear Bolin's bad jokes again. I'll see my... Well I guess I see Asami as a sister in a way. And I'll get to see Korra... I wonder what she'll do when she sees me. I smile at that before drifting off to sleep.
(Still Your POV)
I awake at my normal time at 4:20 in the morning. That gives me about forty minutes before Meelo will tear through the Temple waking up everyone with his yelling. I get up, get dressed, and walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Once I drink it I go outside and sit on the bottom step to once again watch the sunrise over a sleeping Republic City. After the forty minute timer is up, as if on Que Meelo is shouting at everyone to wake up. I chuckle at that. Not long after I hear some chatter in the distance. After the sun rises completely rises over the city I get up and walk to where the benders are training. After watching them train for an hour I hear the rumbles of an engine in the distance... That's my ride. Everyone stops and looks at me. I tell them I'm leaving to Join Korra and the others on their mission and they all decide to see me off. I go to my room and grab my bag. I then walk back out to the courtyard to see the craft landing. I turn and see a large group of people looking at me.
You: "Well... I'll see all of you at the Northern Temple." I said smiling. They all began saying goodbye to me one at a time. After a few minutes the crowd dispersed leaving a few people. Kya, Pema, Olivia, Ikki, and Meelo. I smile at them. Olivia runs up and hugs me tightly. I chuckle and hug her back. I pull away and smile. "I'll miss you Pumpkin." She smiles at me.
Olivia: "I'll miss you to da- (M/n)." She says still smiling... I know what she wanted to say but don't acknowledge it. Once that thing goes through I will. Then the two kids almost tackle me to the ground hugging me tightly. I hug back.
You: "I'll miss you guys to." They laugh and finally let me go. Pema then comes up to me and hugs me gently. I smile and hug her back.
Pema: "Be safe (M/n)." She says as she pulls away. I chuckle.
You: "I'll try... No promises." She punches my shoulder slightly. I just chuckle some more. Then Kya walks over after handing the baby back to Pema. I smile at her and she does the same. Then we come in for a hug. Again it's a motherly hug... "I'll miss you to Kya." I had to fight the urge to say mom. She laughed slightly and pulled away.
Kya: "Me to kid... I know it's pointless but be safe." Again I chuckle at the idea. I then grab my bag and board the craft. I put my bag in my lap and look towards everyone.
They all said goodbye and waved and I did so as well. Then the craft took off. The Pilot doesn't speak not like I could hear him all that well. As we fly over the city I can't help but admire the top down view. It is an interesting perspective on the waking city. That combined with the clear day made it seem like a drawing. The light dulls the colors ever so slightly. I then look forward at the horizon. This trip will take a few hours... Not that I mind. I just continue admiring the scenery around me as we fly.
(Still Your POV)
We are still flying... Then a I see a rather large ship docked below us... That's an airship. That's Beifong's I believe. The Pilot begins to slow down and I stand. I look towards him after I stand on the wing. He nods and I smile. I then leap off the wing and aim for the ground. I feel the air rushing quickly past my head as the craft's engine fades into the distance. I flip In the air and perform the same trick I did when we fought Unalaq. When I land there is a loud boom and some (F/c) Electricity flows from my feet. Once again there is a small crater but thanks to the softness of the ground it's not as bad. I raise up smiling as the dust settles. My gods that is amazing. Maybe I should start doing that for fun. The area they are docked in is a large field surrounded by a forest of sum kind. I begin walking towards the airship and a door opens almost as if they are expecting me. Before I can step inside however I get tackled to the ground by a blue blur and get squeezed into a hug. Korra. I chuckle and hug her back. We linger in the embrace for a time. When she finally lets go I stand up to see her smiling widely at me. I smile widely in turn.
You: "I missed you allot to Korra." I say still smiling at her. Before she can reply I get tackled again. Judging by that strength behind it it's Bolin. I laugh a bit. Then he starts squeezing harder. "Bolin... Need... Air." Once the final word left my mouth he lets go and sheepishly apologizes. Mako, Lin, Bumi, Tenzin, and Jinora come over to greet me as well.
We all went inside and began talking. I informed them about Zaheer and they said they'd keep their guard up. The whole time we were talking I'd often catch Korra staring at me smiling. Not that I minded. I also notice something strange... Is she blushing? Huh... Before that thought can consume me I am once more hugged tightly. I chuckle and hug back,
You: "I missed you to Asami." I said as we pulled away. She smiled gently as we all sit down to eat.
I quickly updated Asami on Zaheer and the other things we discussed. They also caught me up on what's been going on. Apparently there is a temple nearby they want to explore with me. I agreed immediately because despite my life style I still enjoy learning about history and different cultures. Tenzin says that he'll give me the details tomorrow. I said it's fine and we eat some food. Anyway after we all eat Lin has Korra show me to my room. I walk in and invite Korra inside. We sit next to each other on the bed. I look at her and decide to tell her about the promise I kept.
You: "I kept my promise." She looks slightly confused. I look down and sigh. Better to get this out of the way now. "I've had... The dream a few times since you left..." She nods looking concerned. "Kya thinks I suffer from 'Shell Shock'." She gasps slightly. I guess she knows what that means.
Korra: "I'm sorry (M/n)." I just shrug my shoulders. Then she asks the question I was waiting for. "Can you... tell me the dream?" She asks very hesitantly. I look at her and nod.
(Korra's POV)
That's the dream he's been dealing with for nearly a decade? He dealt with this alone for that long... No one should have to go through that... Not someone as kind, caring, and honorable as him. He doesn't deserve it... I'm unsure as to how I should respond... 'Sorry' seems to small of a word. I hear him sigh shakily and I then see him look up at me. I can see the hurt in his eyes. He isn't sobbing or crying but I can see how much this has eaten away at him. I simply frown and bring him into a hug trying not to get to emotional for his sake. He hugs me back quickly. I try and find words to comfort him but come up empty.
Korra: "I... I'm not sure what to do Sparky... Tell me if there is something." I can feel his chest vibrate when he chuckles slightly.
You: "You're doing fine as you are... Just... If it happens while we're on the road." I don't let him finish. I know the question he wants to ask and I know my answer.
Korra: "You can come wake me up. I won't mind." That is true. Out of everything I thought about when we left without him his nightmare was what bothered me most. His ribs will heal but the mind isn't as simple. He pulls away and smiles at me.
You: "Thank you Korra... You're a hell of a woman." I break eye contact and try and suppress the blush coming from his comment. I just shake my head and look at him again.
Korra: "Thanks... You're a hell of a guy." He chuckles at that and then smiles at me. Then we lock eyes again.
Every time this has happened I always feel... Comfortable in the gaze. His (E/c) eyes glowing like his spirit. Yet I can see the sadness behind them and If I'm not mistaken... Guilt for something... I'm unsure what... Unless... No... I hope that's not it... He shouldn't... I often have to force myself to look away. He then smiles at me ever so slightly. Then he breaks the gaze for once... Thank goodness because I began to feel nervous... Like when I first met Mako... Is that a blush on the great Sparky's cheeks? Heh. That's a new one I haven't seen yet. He then speaks up.
You: "We should join the others. I imagine they have questions." He says looking back at me with the same smile. I smile in turn
Korra: "Sure thing Sparky." I then stand up and he does as well. He opens the door for me like the gentlemen he is and we walk towards the main room.
It's nice having him back... it's even nicer to see him smiling more. This mission will be allot more interesting with him on board. I enjoy his company as it is and I missed it allot. He looks towards me and smiles. I smile back. Then we enter the room and everyone starts asking him questions on what he's been up to. I smile at the scene. He deserves to be happy. I just hope I can help in that en devour.
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