Chapter Eight: That One Moment

(Your POV)

It's been a month and a half since the Equalists chased us out. However about a week ago we were able to take back the island. It felt good to be back but I couldn't help but feel guilty for damaging the courtyard. Tenzin said it was fine considering why I did what I did. Still. I've spent every day for the past week trying to clean it up. Bolin, Asami, and Olivia help though. It's nice to be doing something 'normal.' All I can say about the progress is this, it's looking good. I bring my current bucket of water inside so I can be rid of it. Once I am finished dumping the dirty water I walk out to the main room only to be greeted by Tenzin and Korra.

You: "Uh. Hi. Need something? I just finished the courtyard, for the day anyway." I said looking at them. Tenzin just shakes his head at me. Every day he tries to tell me I don't need to do this and I always reply I'll worry about it if I want.

Tenzin: "*Sigh* I told you that you don't need to worry about it." He said looking at me slightly befuddled. See? Once again he says that. I'm almost done so why should I stop now?

You: "Let me worry about what I want. Anyway. Did you guys need something?" I asked. Korra smiled brightly. Crap. Is it time?

Korra: "I'm fnished with Tenzin..." She was waiting for me to finish. I sighed. Yes it's time to start it seems.

You: "Let me take a guess. You want to start training with me?" I asked raising an eyebrow. She smiled wide and nodded,

Korra: "DING DING DING!!! We have a winner!" She replied in a sarcastic tone of voice. I just chuckled. Nice. Game show jokes.

You: "When do you wish to start then?" I asked smiling at her. This will be interesting.

Korra: "As soon as possible of course!" She said sounding excited. I chuckle once more. Very well.

You: "Alright... Meet me in the area you and Tenzin were using tomorrow at 6:00 A.M. I'll be up before that but that's only because I like to watch the sun rise." I said smiling slightly. I do love watching it. It's beautiful and calming and reminds me of... Never mind.

Korra: "I'll join you then! You can explain somethings as we watch." She replied. I look at her suspiciously. Sure she will.

You: "That's at like 4:30 you know..." I said sounding a bit cautious. I'm used to being up that early since I used every minute of daylight I could to continue traveling. She just smirked.

Korra: "Okay then. 4:30 it is. Though I may only do it this once." She said scratching the back of her head. I let out a small laugh. 'This once.' Nice.

You: "Fair enough. Well I'm going to go check on Olivia." I said. I was about to leave till I heard Korra speak once more.

Korra: "You really care about her huh? I'd go as far as saying you're like a parent." She said smiling slightly. What?

I paused for a moment. I never really considered that... I mean... I feel responsible for her well-being for some reason. I take care of her when she's sick, sad, or if she has a nightmare. I make sure she's fed and happy. I get on to her if she misbehaves. Huh... I guess I am...

You: "I... Huh... I never considered that... Maybe I am in a way... I feel responsible for her well-being for some reason." I said a little quieter than before. It's true ever since I met her I feel as if it's my job to take care of her in anyway she may need. She smiled. Tenzin spoke.

Tenzin: "You feel as if you should be the one to care for her. That along with the love you show her proves Korra is right. Have you considered adopting her?" He asked me in a serious tone. Again I was caught off guard. Could I? Would I be a good dad for her?

You: "I... Well... Hm..." I was thinking. Maybe I should. It would guarantee that I would continue to care for her. "Maybe I should... But what if I have to run again?... I don't want her to go through that..." I said trailing off at the end. They just smiled gently. I am eighteen so I could but still... She shouldn't have to live that life with me... No one should.

Tenzin: "Even if you did. I think she would be more sad if you left her. I'm sure she'd travel with you in a heartbeat. Though I doubt that will happen. After all. We are a new family as you said. We look out for each other." Tenzin finished with the same smile. They've been damned sure I know that... It's nice. I just smiled.

You: "I'll look into it. It may be hard since my clan is gone though." I said smiling. Huh. Me a father. Who would've thought? I walked off and saw Olivia and Meelo playing tag with each other. Well more like he's flying around as she tries to catch him. That's not really fair. I send the smallest bolt of lightning in front of him and he jumps back and falls on his rump. As he is rubbing Olivia tags him. I start laughing and they look at me. Well he glares but then starts laughing to.


*Southern Water Tribe*

(Shadow POV)

Damn Triad. They delayed my trip to many times. Maybe I'll kill them all. Hm. It took me a damned month to get here. This was his last known location. I see a small... Tribe. Savages. I look around and see some kids practicing their bending. As I continue walking I got a few odd glances but no one said a word. I then saw a man I recognized. Unalaq. He was... Well less then reputable. I knew he'd tell me what I needed to know.

Shadow: "Excuse me. Have you seen this man?" I asked handing Unalaq the rendition. He looks for a moment. He then gains a look of suspicion. Not that I blame him. One could easily mistake me for an Equalist.

Unalaq: "Who wants to know?" He asked with a slight bit of venom in his voice. I smile under my mask. Little does he know I want him dead.

Shadow: "The Earth Queen has hired me to retrieve him or kill him if he resists." I stated simply. He chuckles. He would want him dead to if I am correct about him being an ex Red Lotus member. Natural order and all.

Unalaq: "Well you're about a week late. He left with the Avatar." He replied. Hell. He's allied with the Avatar. This may be more difficult than I expected. Ah well. If I fail they'll just send more and more of them.

Shadow: "Where, pray tell, did he go?" I asked. He smiled darkly. I bet he does want him dead to. Lovely.

Unalaq: "Republic City." He stated simply. I nodded and smiled under my mask. That was easy.

Shadow: "Thank you kind sir. Once I am finished I will send you a stipend." I said. Those are the rules. If I get help I send a small portion of money to them. Honor among killers I suppose. I turned to leave until he spoke again.

Unalaq: "Kill him in front of the Avatar will you? It'll weaken her resolve." He said darkly. I felt some dark spirit energy on him. He's made an interesting friend. Not bad for a savage blood bender.

Shadow: "I can try. It will cost you your stipend." I replied. He just smirked. I nodded and left to go back to the boat. This is going to be a hell of a fun fight... Maybe I'll make them suffer.


(Your POV)

I woke up at 4:20 A.M. I got up, got dressed, got my usual glass of water and went outside and sat on the steps. I hear footsteps behind me. I look to see Korra who looks quite tired. I just smiled and patted the spot next to me. She sat down. We didn't speak. I wanted her to appreciate what was playing out before us. Not long after she sat the sun began to peak over the horizon. It's gentle yellow and orange hues slowly started to paint the sleeping republic city with their rolling lights. Though there were some small areas that were still dark it just added to the complex beauty of the scene before us. It was beautiful. I look at Korra who's watching the sunrise intently. She seems to be enjoying it. For the next hour we just sit there in silence enjoying the beautiful scene before us. I then stood up and she did the same.

You: "Let's begin then shall we." I said looking at her. She just smiles and nods as we head to the training area. She looks like she's ready for a workout. To her surprise however I just sit down. She looks at me confused but she sat in front of me.

You: "Before we begin I need to set ground rules and discuss what the 'drive' is and what we will be doing." I said in a normal tone of voice. She just nodded and smiled. "First, Do not, I repeat, do not lose control of a single bolt. They can tear through almost anything short of insulated wood and rubber." She nods. "Two, If you get frustrated we will stop and take a break. We do not need an accident with this kind of power." She nods again. "Three, Don't call me sensei or master please. There's only one of me so titles are useless. And besides that we're friends aren't we?" She nods again. "Any questions before I explain the 'drive'? It may take some time to word it properly." She thinks and then speaks.

Korra: "Will you be teaching me your fighting style as well?" I nod. She smiles at the idea. "That's it." She adds. Good now. How do I explain this. I think for a moment and then decide to continue with my original comparison.

You: "Okay." I say. "You know the drive that fuels fire bending is something you care for deeply correct?" She nods. "Well electricity's is similar yet more precise than 'my friends'." I say as I put air quotes around 'my friends'. "It's... Hard to explain... It's one of those moments where something just clicks." I snap my fingers. "In your head. Like you figured something out and that moment helps build you or changes you as a person. At first my moment was when my bending surfaced when I was a kid... Now it's... The day my clan was destroyed. It changed my life and outlook as you can guess." I finished slightly solemn. It still hurts to talk about. "There are moments which mark your life. Moments when you realize nothing will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts- before this moment and after this moment." I finished. She seemed taken aback yet she smiled. I guess it explains what I mean better. "Tell me. What moments like that have you had in your life? And if you say 'Meeting Mako' I may slap you." I say playfully at the end. She chuckles and begins to think. She sits there for a good while. She then seems to nod to herself.

Korra: "The first time I ever entered the Avatar State. In that moment I felt connected to everything and I knew I was the Avatar and I could do great things." She finished with a smile. The look in her eyes tells me that's the moment she needs to focus on.

You: "Then as you try and produce your electricity focus on that moment. It will fuel your 'sparks' so to say." I finished. She nods. "Do as I do."

She nods and I begin. I place one hand palm up in front of me. She does the same. I place the other on my heart. She does the same. I close my eyes and begin to breathe deeply. She follows suite. I almost immediately produce some sparks. I tell her to close her eyes and focus. I stare intently at her hand in case a bolt comes out. She sits like that for a good hour. We do not move nor speak. We barely moved at all and apart from the occasional bird there are no noises accept our breathing. I then see it. A spark a blue one unlike my (F/c) ones. I smile slightly as more come out. She opens her eyes and looks. It's not much but it's there. She smile brightly at this and looks at me. I nod and she stops. I stood and she did the same. I walked over to a box. I open and toss her what looks like rope and a small knife. She looks confused.

You: "You didn't think I was just going to say, 'Okay now produce whips and we'll begin,' did you?" I asked with a smirk. She blushes slightly and turns her head away. I just chuckled and grabbed my own. I walk to the middle of where we were. "Now I want you to watch how I do it. Aright?" She nods.


I finished by wrapping the rope dart around my forearm. I turn to her just to see her wide eyed and smiling. I blush a tad and scratch the back of my neck.

You: "Well... What do you think?" I asked slightly timidly. She just continues smiling at me. It is an interesting fighting style.

Korra: "That was very impressive (M/N). It looks like it was hard to master." She says still smiling. She's not wrong. It is one of the more difficult styles to master.

You: "I had years of training and practice. Though mastery isn't necessary it helps. Now. I want you to go into the stance I was in before I began." She nods and proceeds to do as I say.

It was wrong. Her feet were too far apart and they pointed straight forward. Her hands were mostly right but the one holding the said dagger is crooked. Her elbows are too low as well. I sigh and walk over and begin adjusting her stance myself.

(Korra's POV)

I hear (M/N) sigh as I take my stance. I guess it's a bit wrong. Instead of telling me what to correct however I look to see him walking over to me. He gently takes and guides my hand so it's more straight. He does the same to my elbows to raise them a bit. He then gently touches my back to straighten it ever so slightly. He steps back and looks at my feet. At this point I'm blushing slightly. No guy other than Mako has touched me in that way. It was strange. Despite his image and stoic nature he handled me like a Glass doll or a Wine Glass. He nods to himself and crouches in front of me. He then gently takes each foot to guide them into the right position. He stands up and goes back to where he was standing. I still had a tint of blush on my face.

You: "There. That's better. You would've severely hurt yourself that way." He says as if nothing happened. Was that how they did it in his clan? I guess it's faster.

Korra: "T-Thanks. W-wouldn't want t-that now would we?" Why did I stutter. Idiot. Great now he looks like he feels bad. Good job brain good job.

(Your POV)

I guess I made her uncomfortable. I sigh. That was not what I wanted, It's the way my father taught me.

You: "Sorry about that... It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable. It was just faster that way." I say sounding genuinely sorry.

Korra: "No, its fine. I just wasn't expecting it." She says with a smile. I nod and smile in kind.

You: "Alright one thing to remember about this as you move is to try and not overthink what you're doing. If you do that you'll end up with a busted nose like I did on my first day of practice." She stifles a laugh but stays in position. "Just like when you bend water. Be fluid." Now I'm trying to see if she breaks composure. She nearly does but still stays in position. "Now it's nothing like fire bending, that'd be too spicy." She's so close to snapping. "And it can't be slow like Earth, that's too close to the ground." She finally loses it and howls in laughter. I join her soon after. After about five minutes we stop and she re assumes her position correctly this time. "Sorry. I just wanted to see how much it would take." I say still laughing a bit.

Korra: "I tried so hard. Damn those puns were bad." She says laughing a bit. I guess they were. At least I made her laugh. She has such a nice... Nope not finishing that thought.

You: "Seriously though you do need to be fluid and not overthink what you're doing. Setting a broken nose is not fun." I say slightly more serious. She nods. "Now do what I did without the weapon drawn." She nods once again. This'll be interesting.

Before she unwraps it I have her copy what I did by memory. She seems to have most of it down. I simply correct her when I see a flaw. This is a test. I want to show her just because it seems like easy movements once the rope dart is added it becomes very hard and erratic, just like the lightning I can control. Once we finish I tell her to unwrap the dart and coil it up her arm. I step back a few feet and tell her to begin.


She's determined, I'll give het that, but falling on her ass fifty times, however funny, is enough. I just signal her to stop. She does and I have her sit next to me. I put her rope dart away and sit down. She looks exhausted and slightly defeated.

You: "Please keep in my that this style of weapon is the hardest one to use properly." I say trying to comfort her. She sighs and looks down. She did better than my first day... My poor nose. I shake the thought off as she speaks.

Korra: "I know... But I couldn't get a single move right." She says sadly. I just shake my head and smile. It's never that simple. At least the lesson stuck the way I wanted.

You: "That was the idea. You need to accept this won't be easy. Keeping lightning under control is extremely difficult. It is erratic by its very nature so keeping it tame is hard. That's why Rope Dart combat fits it. They are both extremely hard to master, once you do however you will be a force to be reckoned with." I said. She looked at me with her head tilted.

Korra: "You knew I'd fall on my ass that much.?" She questioned. Yes... Well not that damned much but still. I did. At least she didn't bust her nose.

You: "Yep. Well not fifty or so times but yeah. What a better way to make sure a lesson gets remembered than having the student perform exactly what the lesson intends to teach." I said smiling. She looks at me. I'm guessing she just figured out what I wanted her to learn. She smiled and chuckled.

Korra: "Alright then smarty pants. What's next?" She asked. I smirk and stand. I offer her my hand and she takes it. I help her up and we begin again.


It's about 3:00 in the afternoon now. I decide that's enough for the day and she agrees. I suggest we go get something to eat and she nods then bolts. She is something else huh? I walk to the dining area to see lunch waiting for us. I sit down next to Olivia and begin to eat.

Olivia: "(M/N) guess what I learned today." She said looking at me with bright eyes while smiling. I put down the bread I was chowing on, turn to her and smile. I love it when she gets like this. So excited about learning new things..

You: "What? That you're a good kid?" I asked. as I ruffled her hair slightly. She just giggled and shook her head.

Olivia: "No silly. I learned Lightning can melt through any metal!" She said excitingly. I just chuckled. Little did I know Korra and Pema were watching us smiling.

You: "Yep. That's because it burns as hot as the sun." I said smiling at her. She went wide eyed.

Olivia: "REALLY!? That's amazing!" She shouted happily. I just chuckle and ruffle her hair again. She giggles again. I return to my food only to see Korra and Pema staring at me. I raise an eyebrow and they just laugh.

Meeting Olivia and everyone here has changed my life... and myself. I was so cynical and reclusive when I first arrived. They found me and treated me with nothing but kindness. I began to open up and become... A bit happier... Though it still eats at me... I think back to what I said when teaching Korra earlier. "At first my moment was when my bending surfaced when I was a kid... Now it's... The day my clan was destroyed. It changed my life and outlook as you can guess." Now I wonder if I should focus on when everyone here comforted me when I broke down finally. Almost ten years running and these people helped me begin to open up somewhat. Olivia has summoned in me something I didn't think could exist. An almost fatherly aspect of my personality. I then decide. These new friends... No.. New family will be my moment... They are the best thing that has happened to me in... A long damned time... I feel my power increase ever so slightly. Strange, but... Not unwelcome.

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