Prologue: The dragonborn comes to Midgard (Reboot)


Alright the story begins.

"Wow that was sad"

There is a man sitting on the couch putting down his ps5 controller and turning off the ps5 after finishing Ragnarok and seeing the funeral of brok, the man is y/n L/n a 21 year old fan of the god of war series.

Y/n: And poor sindri he's now alone.

Y/n's stomach growled so he gets up to get something to eat in the fridge, only to find little food.

Y/n: welp time for shopping.

he left his home and head to the supermarket

as he walking he can here police sirens and helicopters then he sees a car begin chassed by police

Y/n: Oh shit a car chase.

then he sees a girl trying catch her ball across the road.

Y/n: Oh No.

He looks around and sees a rock so with no choice he grabs a rock and runs to to push the girl off the road and throws it at the tire at the last second, the car hits him and the rock got caught on the tire causing it to crash to the tree.

y/n laying there gravely wounded as the police calling for ambulance, y/n was getting tried but then he sees something that made his eyes widen.

Reaper: Y/n F/n L/n You have died, come with me.

Y/n began to float and look down to see his body begin covered by a white blanket.

Y/n: well shit what happens now.

Y/n has appeared in a room with two chairs and a table.

Reaper: Take a sit please.

Y/n takes a sit (Sitting on the chair not taking it)

Reaper: you have saved the little girl's life and killing the Serial killer who was fleeing from attempted manslaughter, and by saving a life and killing the dark soul, I am allowed to give you 3 choices

The first choice is to be reborn but you lose your memories.

the second choice is begin put in heaven but in the progress you will stuck there as a soul unable to do anything fun.

The third and final choice write on a paper on what you want to be send and what items and things you want to bring with you and other things to add.

Y/n: Well the third option please. 

the Reaper nods and hands him the paper and pen, y/n went to work writing on what he wants and where he wants to go.

after 5 Minutes of checking for spelling errors he hands the paper back to the reaper.

Reaper: Alright let's see here, hmm You wish to be send to the god of war Norse universe at the start of the story, and you wish for items is your gear and magic from your modded skyrim game, the other things is the items from the god of war Greek universe that kratos missed and the dovahndor as your home... Very well I shall grant you your wish and one more thing I should mention in your skyrim save flies there's the power to transform into a dragon so I'll throw a little surprise on your way.

Y/n: What is it?

The reaper said nothing

Y/n: Right spoilers.

Reaper: yes now I'll open the portal to Midgard and you can walk in when your ready.

a portal opens near y/n, he walks though the portal.

Reaper: Good luck.


y/n walks out of the portal and takes a look at himself, donning the Armor of akatosh with enchantments.

Y/n: (Whistle) nice.

but what about the magic? he opens his hand and a small fire appeared.

Y/n was fanboying in the inside.

Y/n: (This is so fucking Cool!)

and sees the land of Midgard

he was near the protection stave and the tree has been cut down meaning Baldur will arrive to hunt them down.

so y/n scale down the mountain to the lodge to give kratos a hand


after killing some wolves and draugrs he was nearing the hut, he made it and pyre has been burnt down now as ashes, but he was thinking on how can get on his good side, but he remembered that he said about what kratos missed, so he checks his inventory and found something that he will enjoy.

Y/n: nice he'll love this.

But then he hears voices far away.

???: But why would a fire troll burn mother's garden? And since when are Draugr so close to the house? And what was that frozen thing that attacked us?

???: I do not know. Now be silent, we are almost home.

Shit it was them so y/n cast his master Invisibility spell and sneaks behind the bushes, then he sees them.

Kratos the Exiled god of war.

Atreus the giant god child.

They have returned from a botched hunting trip.

Kratos opens the door for him.

Kratos: inside boy.

Atreus Heads inside while Kratos head to the pyre and gathered her ashes, then he goes in and closed the door, poor Kratos losing his wife and daughter by the hands of Ares, Faye passed away from unknown causes and now all is left is Atreus, now with some courage he walks up to the front door takes off his helmet and after a minute of hesitance he knocks on the door.

then he hears them inside.

Atrues: father who is that?

Kratos: Don't know hide boy.

y/n had one thought that emerged in his mind.

Y/n: I'm going to die aren't I?

After a few seconds Kratos opened the door with the leviathan axe on his back while Atreus was under the blanket.

Y/n: (breaths in and out) Greetings sir, please forgive my intrusion, But it's an honour to meet you sir.

Kratos: Who are you?

Y/n: my name is Y/n L/n or Akatosh, the god of time, and I come to meet you under good will sir.

Kratos doesn't trust him when he said that he is a god but still is cautious.

Kratos: (Growls) why would I trust you?

Y/n: well I know you had bad experience with some gods and others in the past sir but I promise that I will not do any harm to you or anyone you know, plus I bring you this gift may change your mind about me.

Y/n slowly grab the jar of olives and showed him it.

Y/n: may I present to you a jar of olives from the land of Greece.

Kratos was shocked to hear and see the jar of olives he grabs it, he puts his hand in and grabbed a olive and eat it

he sighed as he shallowed it, he looks at y/n.

Kratos: Why are you here?

But before can answer he heard dragon wing flaps.

Y/n: Oh shit he's coming quick close the door and hide your son!

Kratos was confused on what he said but closed the door.

a dragon has fly past and a figure lands on the ground, it was him Baldur.

Y/n puts on his helmet and wield zahkrii do dovahkiin and decides to pretend to not know him.

Y/n: Who the hell are you mate?

Baldur: My business is who's ever is in that house mortal I suggest you move aside.

Y/n: Nah I don't think I will Mate how about you piss off back to asgard.

Baldur (Growls) OI THOSE IN THAT HOUSE! You better get out of there or I might kill your friend here!

the the door opens and kratos walked out, baldur walks towards.

Baldur: Huh, I thought you'd be bigger. But you're definitely the one. Long way from home, aren't you?

Kratos: What do you want?

Baldur: Oh, you already know the answer to that.

Kratos: whatever it is you seek, I do not have it. you should move on.

he was about to go back in but then he laughs.

Baldur: Haha And here I thought your kind was supposed to be so enlightened so much better then us. So much smarter. And yet you hide out here in the woods -- like a coward.

y/n: hate to interrupt you but he is not the one you are looking for.

Baldur: you, stay out of this or I'll put you down.

Kratos: you do not want this fight.

Baldur: Oh... I'm pretty sure I do.

then he backhanded kratos in the face.

Kratos: Leave...  My...  Home.

Baldur: You are going to have to kill me for that to happen.

he was about to punch him again but y/n grabs his arm and pushes him away.

Y/n: Well that can be arranged.


Y/n's unrelenting force send him flying straight to the rocks imbedded to it.

Kratos: What was that magic?

Y/n: Thu'um now get ready he will be tough to take out.

baldur gets himself free stumbling trying to regain his footing.

Baldur: No... no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no... Fine My turn.

then he came right at them and uppercut them crashing in the backyard

y/n: Aggrr fuck that hurt.

then they dodge baulder attack.

Baldur: How incredibly disappointing. come on then.

Y/n: alright we'll take on each sides.

Y/n and kratos pull out their weapons and baldur leaps at them attacking them,

Baldur: (Scream)

then they fought him, they dodge his speed attacks while y/n and kratos bashed, slashed and throwing him into rocks and trees, baldur was not slowing down.

Baldur: So slow!

he kicks y/n away from the house and he punches kratos up in the air and tackling him on the roof.

y/n stands up and ran back to see kratos punching him on the roof

Kratos: LEAVE. MY. HOME!

Then they fell from the roof, kratos was suplexed and kicked to the tree.

Baldur: Struck a nerve did I?

 then he grabbed it and smack Baldur with it and charges at him.

Y/n: Boom still amazing!

Y/n catches up with them and saw kratos was stuck between the stones.

Baldur: You Won't talk? Fine Maybe whoever it is you've got stashed in that house will.

Y/n: Oh you're now Fucked!

Baldur: You again? Don't you ever give up?!

then they went into a fist fight

(Like homelander vs butcher in the boys season 3 episode 6)

They punched each other when they were in a stand still.

Baldur: why wouldn't you die?!

Then we heard kratos yelled in rage.

Y/n: I'll think I take a step back.

kratos punches Baldur into a tree and kratos charges at him with the tree, they kept on fighting, Y/n climped over the stones as  kratos flung him into a large stone (which it contains spoilers) he smashed him against the rock and he grabs the large rock and smashes it into him causing a small earthquake.

Y/n almost slipped but find his balance.

kratos was walking back home hurt, then y/n ran up to him.

Y/n: Hey you alright?

Kratos: yes he is now dead.

Y/n: Not yet.

Kratos: What?

then we felt a shake he wasn't dead

Baldur: Leaving so soon?

Kratos was about intervene but y/n stop him.

Y/n: Allow me, go get some breathing room.

he throws the stone at us y/n steps up.


The fire breath melted the stone and grabs manged to grab Baldur's fist and tried to punch him but Baldur caught it as well, they had a scuffle then they stand their ground and the land is tearing apart from the power.

Baldur: When Odin sent me here, I just need answers, but YOU had to intervene, Throw whatever you have at me, I'll keep coming. You will give out, But before I end this. I want you to know this...

Y/n: BLAH BLAH BLAH You can't be hurt and can't feel Anything BO FUCKING HO CUNT LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH!

Y/n eye began to glow as he takes a deep breath and yells out.


light emits and made Baldur to close his eyes to the brightness But was grabbed by the neck. 

Y/n has been engulfed by a C/c fire and formed the Dragon aspect

Baldur: What the fuck are you?


Y/n's Voice was unnatural and Serious that make the nine realms shake

Baldur tries to break hold but y/n flung him up into the sky and y/n followed him with heavy punches.

kratos felt the shock wave as he take off saw him flying high after him.

Baldur was immobile in the air and was Punched across the sky.

(Like superman's ultimate attack move in injustice 2)

y/n flies ahead and grabs his face and took off him to space


his goes into space and flies around the sun and throws him back to earth not without a force shout to send him back to earth.


The shock wave nearly obliterated Baldur and collided with a meteorite that followed to his burning re entry back to Midgard.

Meanwhile back with Kratos.

Kratos was watching the power of this akatosh while healing and resting and he saw the Stanger who attack them crashing down and the meteorites crashed on him. so he charged at him baldur smack his axe but kratos manged to hold him down ready by the neck.

Baldur tries to escape but couldn't, y/n landed beside them and hold him down by holding his legs.

Baldur: I Hoped that you both, of everyone I faced, Would finally make me feel something, But you both can't!

Kratos looks at y/n and y/n said.

Y/n: DO IT.

So with no choice he snaps his neck.


kratos snaped his neck and Baldur has "Died" Kratos chucked him into the newly large canyon.

Y/n's dragon aspect despaired and he also collapsed near him and erupting steam.

Y/n: Oh wow Holy shit, all that power and shouting, it's exhausting... It's exhausting!

two of them are breathing for air one who exhausted his power and the other one who was bloody and hurt.

Y/n: Crap, That was intense you alright?

Kratos: (Growls)

Y/n: True, but that wouldn't stop him, here this might help you.

Y/n gets up and pulls out a Potion of Well-being.

Kratos: No.

Kratos refused but y/n has not of it.

Y/n: Just take it you old bastard.

Kratos glared at y/n seeing no fear from him so no choice he snatched the potion and drank it. healing him.

Y/n: Better?

Kratos: hrrnmph

Y/n held his hand out for kratos only for him to stand up and walks back home.

Y/n: Your welcome.

Kratos almost collapsed but y/n caught and put his arm over his shoulder.

Kratos: Why are you helping me?

Y/n: well no reason, it's my trait and as a newly ascended god and may help anyway I can.

y/n steps back as Kratos was walking on his own.

Y/n: or I could just leave and never bother you again.

Kratos stop and begin to think on how to respond, if he refused him and Atreus might face some dangers themselves or allow the help of this young god to come with them and maybe finish it quickly.

Kratos: Fine but listen close, you will not tell my son that I'm a god nor you will hurt him, or you will regret it.

Y/n: Yes sir.

Kratos growled almost regretting it while y/n smirk that he get to help them to their journey.


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