The Gold Mine Crystal Cave and Battling Crystal and her henchmen

*A/N: This is gonna be the longest chapter of TEA*

Camilla soon arrived at the mountain. She then waited for her father to come.

Camilla: Alright! I'm here! But I don't see Dad anywhere. Where could he be?

???: CAMI!

A Flareon runs up to Camilla and hugs her as she hugs him back.

Camilla: Dad! It's great to see you again!


Nicknames: None

Age: 32

Species: Flareon

Gender: Male

Level: 65

Nature: Bold

Moveset: Flamethrower, Fire Fang, Will o Wisp and Iron Tail

Bio: Kai is Camilla's and Luna's father. He and his brother Andrew lost their parents from a forest fire. He is also the husband to Cambire the Jolteon/Umbreon Hybrid. He mostly works at a rescuer/explorer station to help others out and catch bad Pokemon. He also travels with a bag full of tools and other stuff.

Kai: It's good to see you too my eldest daughter!

Camilla: So dad. Why did you text me about something bad happening?

Kai: Come into the cave with me and you'll find out for sure.

So the 2 Eeveelutions then headed inside the cave.

2 hours later

Kai and Camilla have made it to a throne after going through so many puzzles but luckily they didn't hit any traps. On the throne was a Mew with a blue tip at the end of her tail.

Mew: Hello Kai. We meet again. I see that you brought one of your daughters with you this time.

Camilla: Who is that dad?

Kai: That's is an old friend of mine and our mom's. Her name is Audrey.


Nicknames: None

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Species: Mew

Level: 89

Nature: Modest

Moveset: Confuse Ray, Zen Headbutt, Teleport and Hydro Pump

Bio: Audrey is the current queen of the gold mine crystal cave. She's also an old friend of Kai and Cambire. Unlike all Mews, She's very special and knows Hydro Pump. She also protects the gold mine crystal cave from any intruders and evil forces.

Audrey: what is your daughter's name Kai?

Camilla: I'm Camilla. Nice to meet your your highness. (Bows down to Audrey)

Audrey: Why thank you Camilla but please call me Audrey. So why did you come here for me?

Kai: We're looking for someone that wants to steal whatever is in this cave.

Audrey: I see.

Just then, an explosion was heard on the other side of the cave.

Camilla: What the hell was that?!

Kai: It's coming from the other side!

Audrey: Let's go check it out! (Uses Teleport to teleport her, Kai and Camilla to the other side)

When the 3 got there, they found a Sylveon/Espeon hybrid along with an Oshawott, A Piplup, A Snivy, a Pikachu and a Fennekin stealing the gold and crystals from the cave.

Kai: Hey! What are you doing?! Those are not yours!

Camilla: And who are you anyway?!

Sylspeon: My name's Crystal and I was sent here with my henchmen by my so call boss to steal the gold and crystals in this cave.


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Sylveon/Espeon Hybrid

Level: 60

Nature: Quirky

Moveset: Discharming Voice, Zen Headbutt, Moonblast and Confusion

Bio: Crystal lost her parents to Michael and Electa when she was an Eevee and was forced to join his team with her henchmen. After she lost against Camilla in her dark form along with Rocky and Silver telling her that she's the monster, She betrayed Michael and Electa and joined Camilla's side. She's also the current leader for her team.

Audrey: I suggested that you return those gold and crystals back where they belong!

Crystal: Here's the deal. If you beat me and my henchmen, then all of it will go back to where it belongs. Do you have yourselves a deal?

Kai: Yes we do.

Crystal: Well then. Henchmen, attack!

Oshawott: You got it boss!

Camilla: Let's kick their asses dad and Audrey!

Kai: Right on Cami!

Audrey: They're going down!

(Note: This is the FNF song I'll use in this book when a TEA character fight a small boss battle)


What will Camilla, Kai and Audrey do?





What move will Camilla use?

>Leaf Blade

Razor Leaf

Magical Leaf

Solar Beam

Camilla used Leaf Blade on Rodney, Ash and Brooke

It dealt 100 damage

It's super effective

Rodney, Ash and Brooke fainted

Camilla, Kai and Audrey gained 50 XP

Kai used Fire Fang on Grace

It dealt 100 damage

It's super effective

Grace fainted

Camilla, Kai and Audrey gained 50 XP

Audrey leveled up

89 > 90

Audrey used Hydro Pump on Serena

It dealt 100 damage

It's super effective

Serena fainted

Camilla, Kai and Audrey gained 50 XP

Crystal: How did you defeat my henchmen?! Its impossible!

Camilla: Grass types are strong against Water types, Fire types are strong against Grass types and Water types are strong against Fire Types in which you forgot.

Crystal: Tch...Never mind that. Now it's my turn!

Camilla: Alright then. First let me get into my form.

Kai, Audrey and Crystal: Your form?!

Camilla's aura from Blackness then began to form her causing Camilla to still control herself. Camilla's body started changing color.


Camilla's fur turned white and pale. Her leaves were now grey, dark grey and black. Her eyes, inner ears, nose and paws because blood red.

Crystal: Hmhm... This is rather getting interesting. You're the first ever to fight me in this form. You know that right? But You never cease to defeat me, Leafeon. Its a shame that I must kill everyone that stands in my way for my boss and his plans to destroy you and your friends.

Camilla (Dark form): What is his name?!

Crystal: His name is Michael and he's your former boyfriend.

Camilla (Dark form, Angry): Don' THAT TO ME! I WILL KILL YOU! TIME TO DIE CRYSTAL!

Crystal: Bring it on!

Camilla then charged at Crystal in full speed.  The 2 began to fight each other. They were punching, hitting, biting and scratching each other. Fortunately, Camilla was too strong for her and knocked her out. 

Camilla then revert back to her original form.

Camilla: It's over Crystal.

Crystal: No! It can't be! I won't give up! (Proceeds to scratch her but a paw stopped her)


Crystal turned around to find both a Jolteon and an Eevee in her way of Camilla.

Crystal: Rocky! Silver! Let me go! She's the monster that defeated me and I'm getting my revenge on her!


Age: 18

Gender: Male

Nicknames: Rock

Nature: Serious

Level: 60

Moveset: Thunderbolt, Ancient Power, Dig and Thunder Fang

Bio: Rocky is very protective to his brother Silver. He's sometimes serious but is mostly kind to his friends. He is also a great digger. He and Silver lost their parents and were raised and adopted by a family of Onix and Steelix.


Age: 9

Nicknames: None

Gender: Male

Level: 32

Nature: Timid

Moveset: Copycat, Swift, Bite and Iron Tail

Bio: Silver is Rocky's younger brother. He's sometimes shy but is friends with other Eevees and Pokemon alike. He also hunts for crystals, gems and other treasures under ground. He misses his real family but is happy to be with the Rock, Ground and Steel type family.

Rocky: That Leafeon is not the monster. You're the monster Crystal!

Crystal stopped on what Rocky said. She look at her paw and realize he was right. She was the monster. She then cried into her paws.

Crystal (Tears): What have I done?!

Camilla then ran up to her, hugged her and Crystal apologize to everyone for what she did. Then she fainted. Camilla then put the unconscious Crystal on her back while Rocky carried her unconscious henchmen with Silver.

Audrey: Thanks to you. This cave has been saved. I'll return the stolen items back where they belong. And also goodbye to you all. Hope we'll meet again soon.

Sliver: We will!

Audrey then teleported the Eeveelutions outside of the cave.

Kai: Thanks again for coming with me on this mission Cami! I have to go now! Bye!

Camilla: Bye dad! Tell mom I say hi!

Kai: I will!

Kai then left.

Camilla: Hey Rocky and Silver. Do you guys along with Crystal and her henchmen want to join us?

Rocky: Sure!

Silver: Yay! Now I can be on Camilla's side!

And so the 3 Eeveelutions then headed back to the treehouse after a long day. On their way, they found an Umbreon laying on the ground. He wore bandages and a dark blue bandanna.

Rocky: Are you ok?

The Umbreon then got up and looked at the 3.

Umbreon: Yeah. I'm ok. I have bad luck anyways.

Camilla: Who are you?

Umbreon: I'm Ken!


Nicknames: Kenny

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nature: Adamant

Level: 46

Moveset: Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Crunch and Assurance

Bio: Ken is an unlucky Umbreon. He leads a team but no one joins him because he has bad luck. He wishes to find a penny and a four leaf clover for good luck someday. He often get injured and wears bandages.

Camilla: Well then. Welcome to my team Ken.

Ken: Thanks!

After meeting Ken, they made it back to the treehouse. Star and the others accepted Rocky, Ken, Silver and Crystal along with her henchmen to join them permanently. Crystal and her henchmen were sent to the healing room that Star made while Rocky, Ken and Silver got their own rooms to stay in.

Camilla: Feel free to decorate the empty rooms you're in Rocky, Ken and Silver while Star and I are gonna make Rika, Cream, Ashlen and Zephyr a younger sibling.

The 2 girls then went in Camilla's room and Star locked the door.

*Moaning and other weird sounds are heard from Camilla's room*

Everyone else ignored it and went in their to sleep for the night.


The mysterious figure from the 1st chapter turns out to be a Shiny Jolteon.

(Fourth Wall: *Breaks*)

(Me: FUUU-)

Shiny Jolteon: That traitor! I'll have to come up with a plan to kill everyone here and rule the world with my future wife of course.

End of Chapter

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