Crystal's Dark Past: Prologue

It was the day after Camilla, her father and Audrey battled Crystal and her henchmen and Rocky, Ken, Silver and Crystal along with her henchmen joined Camilla's team. Crystal then apologize to Camilla for what she had done and she forgave her.

Camilla and Crystal were now walking to a lab to help Crystal with her past. eventually, they made it.

Crystal: So this is the place?

Camilla: Yep. Trust me. She will help you find out why you joined forces with my former boyfriend. Anyways, see you soon.

Camilla then left leaving Crystal alone by herself. She then opened the door and head in the lab.

Inside the lab was pitch black.

Crystal: Hello? Is there anyone there?

Crystal looked around in the dark lab to see if someone or anyone was there. Then all of a sudden, a pair of lavender eyes and a glowing sky blue circle started staring at her which caused her to be both shocked and scared.

Crystal; (Shocked and Scared): AAAAAAHHHHHH!

She then took some steps back only to trip on a potion bottle and fell backwards on her back.

???: Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you.


???: No need to be hostile. Let me turn on the light so you can see me better.

The mysterious person then turned on the light and it was revealed it was a female Shiny Espeon wearing glasses, a collar on her neck and has a prosthetic left paw.

???: My name is Sakura.


Age: 18

Nicknames: None

Species: Shiny Espeon

Gender: Female

Level: 89

Nature: Serious

Moveset: Psybeam, Zen Headbutt, Confusion and Psychic

Bio: Sakura is a scientist and inventor at the same time. She got a prosthetic paw from working on an invention that accidentally cut off her left paw. She wears a collar that allows her to boost her psychic powers just by taping on the power button on her collar. She's smart and serious at the same time. The lab she lives in was previously her parents' lab before they died.

Crystal: Nice to meet you Sakura. I'm Crystal.

Sakura: It is very nice to meet you too Crystal. So what are you doing here in my lab?

Crystal: You see, Camilla and I met in the cave where my henchmen and I were stealing both the gold and crystals from the cave but then she stopped me and my henchmen. Then Rocky and Silver told me I was a monster for what I did so that's why I'm here because my past was dark and brutal.

Sakura: I see. So you want to discover the truth about your dark past?

Crystal: Yes. I was forced to join by a Shiny Jolteon and his Raichu GF after they murdered my parents when I was an Eevee. *Has a shadow over her eyes* And I regret joining them and stealing the stuff from the cave.

Sakura: Oh. I'm sorry that happened to you. Anyways, I want to come with me.

Sakura and Crystal then walked to the elevator. Sakura pressed the button and the elevator doors opened. They then headed inside the elevator and Sakura pressed the button again and the doors closed and it started to go down.

Crystal: So, where are we heading too?

Sakura: We're heading to the 10th floor. I have some Eeveelutions I want you to meet.

Crystal: Why am I gonna meet them?

Sakura: Because We're gonna form an exploration team to discover and find the truth about your past.

The elevator arrived at its destination to B10F. Crystal and Sakura walked out of the elevator and walked through the hallway. Then, they entered a room where they saw and found 6 eeveelutions in the room. One was a Flareon with his mane, top head fur and tail were blue, his inner ears were light blue, his eyes were dark sky blue and his ears, paw and tail tip were sky blue. He also wore a hat, a dark sky blue bow with a wand in his paw and he's performing an illusion for a Shiny Eevee with 2 pink bows, a strawberry necklace and has different pink markings on her ears, paws and tail. Even her eyes were a dark magenta and a light hot pink, a small Umbreon that looks like a bee was having nectar from a flower that a Jolteon/Espeon Hybrid planted with red and orange, ears, paws and tail markings. Her eyes were also orange, A Shiny Sylveon with different blue markings on her ears, cheeks and tail was making different flavored muffins. She also wore a muffin necklace and blue leg warmers. Her eyes were light blue and a Shiny Glaceon wearing a blue hat backwards, 2 bandages on his top nose and cheek and a black hand band was looking up pictures of Lillie from the Sun and Moon anime. His ears, top icicle crown and ice hangers, top paws and tail were in different blue and white colors. His eyes were also light sky blue and light lime green. Just then, they turned and saw Crystal and Sakura and the Flareon blushed after seeing Crystal. Even the small bee like Umbreon grew to the same size as the rest of them.

Shiny Sylveon: Who is she Sakura?

Sakura: This is Crystal. She's here to discover her dark past with us as an exploration team!

Shiny Sylveon: Nice to meet you Crystal! I'm Muffin!


Age: 17

Gender: Female

Nicknames: None

Species: Shiny Sylveon

Level: 47

Nature: Gentle

Moveset: Discharming Voice, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast and Surf

Bio: Muffin is a well known baker. She loves to make every kind of muffins. She also likes to help Amber in the kitchen most of the time. Unlike other sylveons, her eyes, inner ears and fellers are the same blue and light blue colors as a normal sylveon and she knows a water type move. She's the older sister of Strawberry.

Bee like Umbreon: I'm Bea the Umbeeon!


Age: 17

Gender: Female

Nicknames: None

Species: Umbeeon

Level: 55

Nature: Jolly

Moveset: Snarl, Shadow Ball, Crunch and Fell Stinger

Bio: Bea is the 2nd oldest of her siblings. She's a really helpful Umbeeon that will assist anyone. She can shrink in the size of a bee. She really likes honey and helping out. If she's beeing attacked, she won't hesitate to sting you with the gray stinger on her tail. Of course, she won't die like any other bee. Her origins are unknown. She also knows a bug type move. If you give her honey or a flower with nectar, She will bee happy.

Flareon: *Blushing* I-i'm Soulfire.


Age: 16

Gender: Male

Nicknames: Soul, Fire

Species: Flareon

Level: 75

Nature: Impish

Moveset: Flamethrower, Will o Wisp, Bite and Fire Fang

Bio: Soulfire is an illusionist that uses fire to create illusions. He has a crush on Crystal. He uses his wand for illusions. He also has a twin sister named Maple and he loves to do magic shows. He also loves to cosplay.

Jolteon/Espeon Hybrid: I'm his twin sister Maple.


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Nicknames: Mappy

Level: 45

Nature: Bashful

Moveset: Thunderbolt, Confusion, Thunder Fang and Bite

Bio: Maple is the twin sister of Soulfire. She's very kind to her friends and a little shy when meeting new people. She is the 2nd Eeveelution to be a hybrid. She loves fall and maple syrup on her pancakes and waffles. She is also good at baking and is mostly in the kitchen with Amber and Muffin. She's also childhood friends with Muffin

Shiny Glaceon: Yo! My name's Clef!


Age: 15

Gender: Male

Nicknames: None

Species: Shiny Glaceon

Level: 37

Nature: Hasty

Moveset: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Ice Fang and Ice Shard

Bio: Clef is a bit of a pervert. He loves flirting with girls and looking up (REDACTED) pictures of hot and sexy women including Lillie from the Sun and Moon anime. He finds it cute when the girls hear their reaction when he's flirting with them.

Shiny Eevee: And I'm Strawberry!


Age: 7

Gender: Female

Nicknames: Shortcake

Species: Shiny Eevee

Level: 5

Nature: Naive

Moveset: Swift, Covet, Copycat and Sweet Kiss

Bio: Strawberry is a sweet and curious shiny eevee. Her favorite dessert/food is Strawberry Shortcake. She is also Muffin's younger sister. She wants to learn how to bake like her big sister does. She also wants to be a Leafeon when she evolves.

Crystal: Nice to meet all of you. And Soulfire is a very cute name.

Soulfire: T-thanks Crystal and I think your name is cute too.

Crystal: *Blushes* You think so?

Soulfire: Yeah.

Clef: *Smirks* Lovebirds.

Soulfire: Shut up Clef!

Crystal: Plus it's not like that! We just met!

Sakura: Alright! Now that introductions are out of the way, we need to come up with a team name for all eight of us and after that, we're heading out to discover about Crystal's dark past.

Maple: What should our team name be?

Muffin: How about Team Shining Voyage Shadow Claw Star Explorers?

Strawberry: Great name big sis!

Bea: I agree with Strawberry.

Soulfire: Same with me, my sister and Crystal. So from now on. We're Team Shining Voyage Shadow Claw Star Explorers!

Clef was disappointed that he couldn't get the chance to get a team name.

Clef: Dammit! I was hoping I'd get to name it. I suppose that name should do.

Sakura: Alright then! 

Crystal: Let's go Team Shining Voyage Shadow Claw Star Explorers!

And so Team Shining Voyage Shadow Claw Star Explorers began their adventure to discover the truth about Crystal's dark and sad past.

To be Continued...

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