The Offer
Embarrassed at the circumstances and annoyed by her friend's insistent temptation for trouble, Marley stepped a few paces back from the open door, and shied away from the pair of eyes staring at her.
He had a smug, knowing little smirk on his face that Marley didn't appreciate. He did not however, have a shirt on, which Annie very much appreciated. She was too stunned to speak. "Well," the man started, after neither one explained their presence. "Are you two always so rambunctious?"
"We-we were just-" Annie stuttered.
"We're very sorry, sir, we-we just got lost on our way to find the exit-" The man laughed. He actually laughed. The nerve!
"There's a whole Exodus out there runnin' as quick as they can for the exit after the show we jus' put on," he said crossing his arms. Annie silently admired them. "Try to get away from us as fast as possible, ya' know?" He stood on the tips of his toes for a second before landing back on his feet. "You two seem to have actually liked us, eh?"
Very quickly Annie nodded her head, giving Marley a sharp elbow to the ribs. "Ow! Yes sir," she said rubbing her side. "You were all brilliant."
"Thank you," he nodded with a smile. "Now tell me. What are you two doin' in our closet?" Marley opened her mouth when Annie opened her bigger one.
"We really love your band," she said. "And we just wanted to see what it was like close up. Backstage and all." Marley noticed Annie rubbing the palms of her hands on her shorts, her face bright red. Marley herself could feel a cold sweat on her forehead, and touch of dizziness coming with it. "We're very sorry to have intruded-"
"Ah," the man said waving them off. "It happens more often than you'd expect what with tight security an' all. Alright, out you get." He beckoned them out of the closet and a few heads turned to see what caused the commotion. Marley turned to see the man had entered the closet himself, searching through the hangers. "Oi lads," he called. "Found a couple of stowaways hidin' in our coat pockets!"
Despite the awestruck hammer of her heart, Marley was humiliated. Every eye in the room had found them, scanning them up and down with uncertain and unappreciated faces. Annie had grabbed her arm and squeezed it, most likely feeling the same thing. The man came back out of the closet pulling a shirt over his head and joining the throng.
"Be nice, mates, they don't bite," he grinned. "Go on, take a seat over uh..." He scanned the room for an empty chair, most of which were taken by sweaty men and instruments. "Right there, next to that little guy." He smiled to himself. The little guy had a cup of water in each hand and a towel around his shoulders. Due to the rather unpleasant smell, the other men refrained from sitting too close to him.
"You pick up a couple of friends, Bon?" the man who Annie had recognized as Malcolm said. He also had a drink, this one in a glass bottle.
"Sure did, lookin' through our clothes, hopin' we'd be in 'em." Annie plopped right down on a bench, pulling a hesitant Marley down next to her. Marley's face didn't betray her heart, and she tried to catch Annie's attention. Instead, Annie was enraptured by her surroundings, surely surprised her plan actually worked. "Sorry, ladies, I didn't catch your names?"
"I'm Annie," Annie began, suddenly regaining a sense of courage. Being welcomed in large groups has that effect. Marley however, lost all courage, as well as the blood in her face.
"I-I'm, um-"
"This is Marley, she's a librarian," Annie finished for her. "A real woman of words." She grinned at the glare Marley gave her.
"Nice to meet ya'," a man sitting across from them said. He had long hair and seemed to be fiddling with something around his wrist. He looked up at them for a second with a smile, then back to what he was doing. Another man, whom Annie seemed rather excited to see, was standing by a few roadies helping them move equipment, a white towel around his neck. He appeared to have the most energy after the show, using it to help out. Marley couldn't help but notice a few other women there as well, each one with a backstage passes around their necks. They were just as awestruck, looking around the group with wide, curious eyes. Two men with backstage passes were speaking to some roadies, as well as helping out.
The man next to Marley, the 'little guy', had nearly finished the first cup of water, and began on the second. He hadn't seemed to notice their presence next to him, and Marley was okay with that. "Bon, hand me my stuff," he mumbled coughing on his drink.
Bon retreated back to the closet and pulled out a white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He tossed them at the smaller man, who caught them before finishing off the last of his water. "How did you two get back here?" A woman sitting across from Marley asked, obviously noticing her lack of a pass. Her voice wasn't condemning, just curious.
"We, uh, my friend sort of had the idea to sneak back here after the show." The woman nodded, looking to Annie who focused on the conversation between Bon and Malcolm. Marley couldn't even hear what they were saying.
"Have you ever done that before?"
"Not once. To be frank I'm a bit peeved."
"I'd be excited if I were you," the woman's friend said. She looked older, perhaps in her late twenties. "Most bands kick trespassers out, especially the men."
"Can't imagine why," Marley muttered. She noticed the two women wore AC/DC buttons on their shirts, which appeared to be homemade. They were quite impressive. A hand tapped her shoulder, and she turned to see Annie with a giddy grin on her face.
"And you said this was a bad idea!" she bragged. "Our parents would never believe us if we told them!"
"Our parents would never have allowed us to pull this stunt!" Marley whispered. She brushed some hair from her face that had fallen. "We can stay for a little while, but then we're going back to the motel, okay?" Annie's pout, if it could grow bigger, did just that.
"You're no fun," she mumbled.
"Don't do that, Ann," Marley groaned.
"Make me feel guilty doing the right thing." The man next to her looked up, Marley could feel his eyes on her. "We came here to see the show, and get your ice cream. Then we're going home."
"How did you two get in?"
The same question now had a man's voice attached to it. Marley turned a white face to see the man next to her, and curious frown on his own. He had also noticed their lack of privilege for gaining entrance.
"I let 'em in, ya' didn't see 'em?" Bon asked from his spot. He had picked out his own glass bottle to drink from, this one a few sizes larger. "This is Annie an' Marley, my guests."
"I see. You weren't the ones who threw their garments onstage now, were ya'?" the man asked. Marley wasn't sure how to respond. Despite the answer being a big fat no.
"No, we didn't think to do that," Annie answered for her. "But if we remember next time, we'll bring some good ones."
After a few seconds of carefully eyeing this man, Marley soon realized he was the one playing lead guitar. As well as the one who performed such an enticing one man show halfway through. She quickly averted her eyes when they caught his. "Hey," he said, sitting up on the bench. "Were you the ones with the little circus act?" Marley once again didn't know how to respond. "One of youse was on the other's shoulders?"
"Oh! Yes, sir," she answered folding her hands together on her knees. He held a hand up.
"No need for formalities, we're all jus' blokes here."
"Angus!" Both of them turned their heads to see Bon pulling out a few bottles of beer from a cooler. "Give these to my guests, will ya'?" he asked handing them over. "Don't wanna be rude to such sweet women."
Annie could have fainted.
"Here, courtesy of Ronald B. Scott," Angus said handing over the bottles. Marley noticed he didn't have one himself. Handing one to Annie, she tried to give hers back.
"That's alright,I don't drink." Angus took it back and raised his eyebrows.
"Really now? Well it won't do me much good, I don't drink much meself. Bon!" Bon stood back up from his chair and came over. "Take this back an' get a uh-" He turned to Marley. "What do ya' usually drink, darlin'?"
"Uh..." Marley wasn't sure what other options they could possibly have in that cooler. "That's alright, I'm not that thirsty." Angus raised an eyebrow.
"Bring a water then," he told Bon over his shoulder. Marley watched as Bon, rather than putting the beer back in the cooler, set it on the table next to his chair. Malcolm had stood up to help move a few things while the fifth man now fiddled with the strap of what looked to be a bass guitar. Annie opened her own bottle and took a good drink, looking at the label.
"See, Marl, these guys have taste." One beer wouldn't hurt, right? It's not like they drove to the venue. Marley coughed on the thick cloud of cigarette smoke mingling with the heavy smell of sweat.
The rock and roll lifestyle was not as glamorous as it looked.
Angus had taken a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket and placed one in his mouth. It wasn't until Bon came back with the water that he let him use his lighter, more smoke filling the room. "Here you are, love, a straight water. Fresh from the Nile."
"Thank you," she smiled politely at Bon.
"Point your smoke somewhere else, Ang, you're stainin' her shirt," Bon said pointing at Marley's shirt. Marley coughed again, trying her best to stay quiet. "You can't see the name if it's covered in ash!"
"Pardon me, love, I'm a bit reckless after a show," Angus said puffing out smoke in the other direction. He couldn't help where everyone else pointed their smoke and Marley coughed again. "So. I hoped you ladies enjoyed yourselves?"
"Yes, sir-" Marley paused at the look Angus gave her. "Yes, we did." He crossed a bare foot over his knee.
"Good, good. I did too, 'cept when the bastards start throwin' things. Nearly hit me, did ya' see?"
"Angus, we need your help!"
Marley couldn't see where the voice came from, but it sounded deep. Angus gave her a pat on the hand and stood up, holding the cigarette with his lips. "Hold that thought, I'll be right back."
Left alone to her thoughts, Marley couldn't help but wonder if it was always this packed backstage. Packed, stuffy, smoky, and sweaty. Not exactly her idea of a good time. If her parents could see her now, she'd be forbidden to leave the house for six months.
Annie on the other hand, couldn't have gotten any closer to Heaven. Surrounded by members of her favorite band, cracking open a cold one, and socializing with fellow fans. The two women across from them soon became some fast friends. They both had black curly hair, though one of them wore it in a ponytail. Her name was Lisa, the other's name was Katherine. They were nice enough, each drinking a beer of their own. Marley opened her water bottle up and drank. It was cold, much to her relief in such a crowded space.
"Did Angus leave you by yourself?" Marley looked up to see the long haired man, the strap removed from his bass and the brace removed from his wrist.
"He said he'd be right back-"
"Ah, I see. You two are the hideaways?" he asked pointing at the two girls. Annie, engrossed in a different conversation with Malcolm, didn't have the time to answer.
"Uh, yeah, that's us." Marley was sure they all saw her as a rather boring conversationalist. The man smiled and held out his hand.
"Name's Cliff, nice to meet you."
Marley grabbed his hand and after a hesitant pause, shook it. "I'm Marley."
"Do you live around here?"
"We both live in San Francisco, we drove for three days to get here," she said. The three days suddenly began to catch up on her and eyelids grew heavy.
"I'm glad you could make the show. I gotta pack my bass up, but we'll catch up later, alright?" He smiled kindly at her, leaving her once again, alone. Annie looked over her shoulder, waving at Malcolm.
"I'll talk to you later then?"
"Why not?" He nodded his head in goodbye then stood up to find a bathroom. Annie sat down next to Marley, now a bit flushed from excitement and beer.
"Isn't this fun? Adventurous?" Annie asked taking a drink. "I'd love to hang out with them all again, wouldn't you?"
As far as first impressions go, Marley wasn't sure she had made a good one. But the gentlemen surrounding her seemed to be rather polite, and they enjoyed meeting new people. She yawned, a few coughs coming from her as well. Perhaps they should call it a night.
"Annie, maybe we ought to head back, it's getting late."
"Late? We just got here! I haven't met everybody yet!"
"We have a long drive home, and we have to be checked out of the motel by eleven," Marley said standing up. She took her water bottle with her, feeling it rude to leave her garbage behind. "And we still have ice cream to get, they might close soon."
As tantalizing as the idea of ice cream sounded, Marley could see something else, some other desire sparkle behind Annie's eyes.
"If we skipped the ice cream, could we stay with the boys? Just a bit longer?" Annie continued before Marley could answer. "When they have to leave for their own hotel we can go, but until then, I want to stay. We might never see them again, this is our one chance!"
"You're leavin'?" Marley jumped at the voice behind her. There stood Angus who had a bottle of Coke in his hand.
"Uh-well, it's getting late, and we have to start for home tomorrow..." Angus stood still, patiently waiting for a straight answer. "Yes, we're going."
"Ya' just got here!" Bon returned from entertaining a group of young girls, all of them looking to be in high school. "You can stay a few more minutes, can't ya'? We usually stay a bit before callin' it a night."
"We don't wanna keep you if you've got somewhere to be," Angus added taking a drink. His cigarette was in his other hand. "You can do what you want," he added. "Don't let us sway you."
Marley took one last look at Annie, who, as disappointed as she was, knew Marley was right.
"What time do you have to be outta the motel?" Bon asked. "Not tonight, surely?"
"No, we have to be out by eleven."
"Well..." Bon pretended to check an imaginary watch on his wrist. "We've got at least twelve hours to kill or so. You're sure you wanna leave us?"
"I-" Marley looked at Annie, and knew right away she shouldn't have. Two big blue eyes stared right back at her, pleading to stay.
"You can come back with us to the hotel we're at, yeah? Or we'll give you the address, how's that?" Bon searched around him for a pen and paper, leaving the company to grab one from a dressing room.
"If you really have to go, don't let Bon make you feel ya' have to stay," Angus reminded her as he took a drink. "I know he likes to have a lot of his 'guests' over an' if it gets to be too much, or..." He shrugged. "I never caught your name then, are you Annie or Malory?"
"Actually it's-"
"Got it! Got it," Bon said running back to them. On the lined notebook paper he had scribbled a set of numbers and a hotel name, along with a street address. And, Marley noticed, a smiley face. "'Ere, you two take that, an' whenever you want, if you want, give us a visit. We're always up all night anyway, jus' knock an' someone will get it."
Marley stared at the paper, then back at Annie who found Cliff returning without his bass. In a minute she introduced herself. Turning back to her company she saw Bon and Angus had stalked away to talk to Malcolm and a few roadies. Along with being crowded, backstage was sure busy.
Angus turned to look at Marley, Marley feeling a bit embarrassed at being caught staring. With a quick look in the other direction, she scanned the room for Annie, who rushed at her with a big smile. "I just met Phil and Cliff, they're the sweetest boys! What's that?" She pointed at the paper. Wordlessly, Marley opened her hand to reveal the messy writing. "That's-Marley, we have to go!"
"They said we didn't have to if we couldn't," Marley explained. "I don't think it's a good idea to go out to some party."
"This isn't some party, this is having a little chat with the best band in the world. C'mon, be a rebel! You're never gonna get this chance again and you're gonna regret it! I'll go even if you won't, but please? I'd like a friend."
Looking down at the blonde, big-mouthed, bubbly, butterfly, Marley knew deep down she shouldn't let her be anywhere alone with men she didn't know, at a hotel that wasn't hers. Two is always better than one, right?
She sighed, then closed her fist containing the address. "Alright, I'll go." Immediately her hand was grabbed and dragged away to the little door they sneaked their way through. "Where are we going?" The cigarette smoke filtered out and the air in the empty stadium was much cleaner, but the floor was certainly messier. Broken bottles and glass chips were littered across the ground along with empty bags with potato chip crumbs. A sea of cigarettes painted the floor white, and Marley was sure she saw something not unlike a piss stain.
"Come on, slowpoke, we gotta get back to the motel as fast as we can," Annie said running through the dumpster of a stadium. It was much colder without the throngs of people, and even colder outside in the night air. "We have to get changed!"
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