Two - Is This Seat Taken?

"Ugh." Math class. Not my favorite way to begin the day, even if it was one of my best subjects. Still clutching my crumpled schedule, I walked into a classroom with barren walls and took a seat near the back of the room. Just as I pulled a pencil and notebook out of my bag, the shrill of the bell went off. It echoed throughout the school and scaring away any doubt that I was here to stay for at least another hour of my life.

As if to avoid any possible escape attempts, the awkward looking man at the front of the room, which I could only guess to be the teacher, walked over to the open door to shut it. However, when he was only a few feet away from reaching the door, our last class member strode in to join us, making me wish spontaneous human combustion was possible.

"Kellan," the teacher said. "I see your punctuality hasn't improved since last year." He plucked a piece of chalk from the tray. "Let's hope your math skills have. I trust that you can find a seat so that we can get started."

"Uhhh, will do Mr. Mac." He looked around to see which one of the three remaining seats he should claim in the room. His gaze was locked in on my location like he had radar in his head. He nodded in my direction, letting me know in silent acknowledgment, yup, I'm definitely taking that chair. Then he smirked and headed in a beeline toward the seat behind me.

Double torture served up on a stick. Should I die from my earlier clumsiness or from my obvious gawk-fest that I had earlier? Oh, let me see, how about the random blundering remarks my mouth spewed earlier? Maybe I should just start a list, at this rate, it would probably be easier to keep track of. Can someone just put me out of my misery, please? I began to panic. I wanted to bury my face in my hands like an ostrich and pretend I wasn't here, but at some point in time I'd have to surface, so I might as well face whatever he had planned to dish out.

When he brushed past me to get to his seat, my heart raced and a million tingling goosebumps raised all over my arms. Without needing to turn around to watch him, I listened to what he was doing. He had taken his seat and was rummaging through his bag looking for something.

I forced my attention back to the front of the room where the teacher dropped the piece of white chalk he was holding back into the chalkboard tray. When he stood back from the board, the name Mr. McIntyre was written in messy large capital letters across the middle of the board.

"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mr. McIntyre or Mr. Mac will also be fine too, as Kellan has already mentioned." He smiled. "This year, your grades will base on the results of twenty-five chapter tests that will be covered in this textbook," he said, holding a huge book. "Each of you will require a textbook to complete the year, so no time like the present, please come up to take a book from the table next to my desk, then return to your seats once you have your book."

A moment later, an orchestra of chairs scraped against the floor creating a noise that reverberated throughout the room as everyone moved to stand up and claim the least marked up version of text they could find.

As I stepped forward to search the table to find a book, Kellan strategically leaned in from behind me so only I could hear, "So, do you use that pick-up line on all the guys?" he whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I replied in a hushed tone.

"You know, 'Don't I know you from somewhere?' or was it, 'Have we met before?' comment you made earlier," he taunted. "Hey, while you're on a roll why not add 'you seem so familiar, are you sure we don't know each other from school or something?' to your repertoire." He grinned and continued, "As far as pick-up lines go, I think those have all been used before, none of them would be very original of you."

"Ha, ha, not funny you jerk," I said, swatting his arm with my hand. "You're not the one with amnesia, so laugh all you want. If I'm lucky, maybe later I'll just forget this conversation altogether." I paused then continued, "Or worse. Maybe I'll remember it and recall what a jerk you really are. Yelling at a lady and not even offering to help her up off the ground after you knock her over."

"Hey, wait a minute, that's slightly unfair. Maybe I was just in shock at how the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen had just plastered herself all over me, trying to get an introduction."

"Seriously? Now I know you're teasing me, 'The most beautiful girl.' Ha, ha you've had your fun torturing me over my morning's clumsiness already without adding to it." I wiped my clammy hands across my back jean pockets.

He tilted his head to the side as if to consider my remarks then smiled and said, "Okay, all right but back up a minute, what's this about your memory? Is that part for real or are you just trying to make that part up to me feel bad?" he asked.

I don't know why I felt like answering his question. I pretty much never talked about the car accident with others, it was more surprising I even mentioned it to him at all. I guess maybe I just felt the need to explain the bumbling first impression I made earlier.

"Real," I replied. "Three years ago, I was in a car accident. Now, I'm left with what I like to call memory zero, at least for all things before that day." I turned and walked back to my desk with my chosen book, leaving him standing in front of the pile of books next to a half dozen other students still trying to find their prize text for the year.

From where I was sitting, I could see Kellan out of the corner of my eye, still standing there where I left him. For some reason, he was staring in my direction like he was digesting what I just told him. Then a moment later, he reached behind him and grabbed a text from the top of the pile without even a glance at the heap of books, then started back to his desk.

"All right, now that everyone has a book, please turn to the chapter on mathematical functions and we'll begin there," Mr. MacIntyre said, starting his lecture.

I flipped through my book to find the chapter and my mind began to wander. It felt like the temperature increased tenfold with Kellan in the class. A tingling sensation layered over me from behind, completely distracting me in an annoying, irritating way. Then a moment later a comforting warm feeling washed over me. It felt like the tear-shaped mark was on my skin like it was glowing inside of me trying to radiate out. I glanced down at my collarbone and touched the tiny mark through my shirt. But when I lifted my head and looked around the room again, the entire classroom was empty of students. I felt like a piece of driftwood in a sea of deserted desks.

What the heck? I slowly rose to investigate what had happened. When I turned around, I came face to face with Kellan. He was standing so close to me. His ocean breeze scent lingered on his skin, washing over me, waiting for me to lap it up.

Too close, my heart raced. I started to take a step backward to put some distance between us until Kellan grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him. He folded his arms around me, making my heart stop. I could feel the hard ripple of his muscles crushed against my body. Almost too nervous to look up, I lifted my eyes to take him in, and my breath hitched. He was so smoking hot. His brown hair hung slightly over his eyes when he looked at me. Oh, his eyes. They flickered a crystal blue color like sunlight reflecting off the water. Then with a warmth that could undo me, he smiled and picked up a stray lock of my hair that had come loose from my braid and tucked it behind my ear.

"I've wanted to do that from the moment I saw it knock free of your braid this morning," he said. Then ever so slowly he lifted my chin to raise my lips to his and leaned in as if he was going to kiss me.


The bell shrieked breaking the spell, leaving me completely dazed as to what had just happened.

I glanced around the room. Everyone was packing up their bags and Mr. MacIntyre was placing the chalk back into the tray. When I looked down at my notebook, the pages were filled with notes that matched the writing on the board in front of me.

"Take care to ensure you completed math questions from pages twelve and thirteen tomorrow. They are to be handed in. Your assigned homework counts towards fifteen percent of your grade," Mr. Mac said reminding everyone. Just then, I felt a pencil jab me in the back from behind.

"Hey, you've been quiet the whole class. Was it something I said?" He laughed, then zipped up the remaining of his stuff into his bag. As if not expecting an answer, he turned and sauntered out of the class.

Jerk, I thought. Wow, I had to get a grip. My clammy hands and racing heartbeat lingered reminding me of my daydream fantasy. I shook hands out, took a deep breath and leaned on the desk help me to my feet.

I never thought I would welcome being in a boring French class. I thought as I left the room. Okay, only one more class till lunch. I could do this, I reasoned, as if I was trying to prevent myself from fleeing the school to run home and avoid life. I quickly corralled my belongings back into my bag and started off find my next class, Biology.

Finding this room was the easiest of the day, being only about five classrooms down from my French class. When I walked in and looked around, I wasn't surprised I was the first one to arrive. The room had three islands of lab tables with stools surrounding each of them. With no desks in the room, I walked over to the lab table that was farthest from the front and plunked my bag next to the stool. I guessed this would be more of a hands-on class this year based on the set up of the room.

Still feeling a little rattled from this morning's adventures, I took a deep cleansing breath in and then let it out. That was when the next student strolled in the room overhearing my sigh.

"That bad?"

" could say that," I replied, twisting around to see a guy saunter through the door. As soon as I got my first look at him, I could feel my breath hitch a little as I took him in. He was tall, lean, and muscular, with a face that could grace the cover of magazines. His eyes were a striking green color that I'd never seen any other person with before. He oozed with a cool sense of confidence. His blond hair was a little messed up like he had just run his hands through it only moments earlier and left it that way not caring if it wasn't perfect.

I was beginning to feel a little like the ugly duckling in a lake of swans at this school. What was with the students here? Was it something in the water? If so, they could sell the stuff and make some serious money, especially if this guy and Kellan were their spokes models.

"Hey, I'm..."

"Wren," he said finishing my sentence.

How on earth did he know my name?

"Sorry, not trying to be creepy," he said, reading my expression. "I heard you made," he paused as if looking for the right word, "an impression on Kellan this morning." He smiled and gave a shrug. "News travels fast. It's a small school. Being the only new girl I've seen in a class all morning, I can only guess you're her."

"Ugh," I groaned and dropped my head into my hands. "So, I guess the whole school knows I'm a total klutz already. Fan-freaking-tastic." I took a breath and looked up to see a few more students had filed in taking seats at the other lab counters leaving the hottie and me together alone at the back table.

"I wouldn't worry about it. Only the cool in-crowd keeps track of the on-goings in the school and I can tell you from my previous years here they will likely have something else to talk about by noon." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "By the way, I'm Jaxon." He dumped his book bag on the floor and plopped down on the stool beside me.

A few more students had come in to fill most of the seats in the front two rows and a couple more were now settling on stools at our lab table.

Jaxon arched around to face me. "I remember what the seniors said about this class last year. There's a ton of lab work to be completed. I'm pretty sure if I'm correct, everyone needs to partner up to work on assignments with," he said like he was almost suggesting I should be his partner.

Before I could even respond, as if on cue, Kellan strolled into the room to take a seat. He wasn't looking for a stool. His eyes immediately darted in my direction, then lingered over to where Jaxon was sitting beside me, and he froze in mid-step.

Like having a sixth sense, Jaxon turned to look at the door while throwing an arm over my shoulder, "Hey Kellan, Wren and I were just discussing how she and I should be partners." He smirked. It was obvious these two had some complicated history between them.

Kellan's eyes turned steel gray blue. I could almost feel the anger roll off him.

Jaxon just kept going on like he hadn't noticed the storm brewing in front of us. "Oh yeah, I caught a glimpse of the football practice this morning. A long way from the team they were last year." He laughed at his words. "And they picked you to lead them? I guess we'll just have to count on the basketball team for this year's school victory."

That was it. Kellan took three running steps forward and launched himself across the lab table landing a right hook hard across Jaxon's jaw. No sooner than Jaxon fell on the floor, he was up like lightning and throwing some killer jab-cross punching combination at Kellan with me in the middle.

To my dismay, the class joined in the action chanting, "Fight, fight, fight," in the background cheering the two testosterone raged lunatics on.

When I looked up to see if there was any semblance of authority that might take control of these two idiots, the teacher had rushed through the front door in a panic. And the next thing I knew, my cheek flamed in pain and my whole world went black.


Hey Weaver fans,

Whoo! Another chapter up and edited. If you find any additional edits needed please let me know. If you liked the chappie, ***please VOTE, COMMENT or both*** I'll be sure to thank you. HUGS to you all. :)

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