"No one saw him again, did they?" Aiden's voice flowed over Lydia as she lies strapped to her hospital bed. More like a prison.
"No." Lydia says softly, looking up at Aiden, trying to process that he was alive in front of her, but, it was impossible. He couldn't be him. He runs his fingers through her hair, stroking her forehead in a comforting manner. It felt odd. Different.
"But that was the start of it, wasn't it? The beginning of senior year. What happened after that, Lydia?" He asks.
Sweat coats her face as she really looks at him, she rotates her neck a little, "Oh, you're not Aiden." She says in realization.
'Aiden' stands up straight as she finally figures him out.
"You're not real." She whispers.
"Tell me, Lydia." Aiden says as his figure blurs out and transforms into Dr. Valack. He sits in his seat and leans in close to her.
"Tell me what happened to them. What happened to your friends?" He asks.
"I...I don't remember." She whimpers.
Oh, but she does, she remembers Scott and Liam trying to kill each other. She could hear the growls as if she was there.
"It started just after you began senior year. What happened?" Valack tries again.
"I don't remember." She shakes her head. More memories pour. Josie kissing Theo. But she remembers it was against Josie's wish. Which leads to Scott's ignorance. Their fight.
"What happened to Kira?" Valack asks.
She remembers Kira leaving...with Edward.
"Tell me about Parrish." Valack says.
Parrish...how she misses him. She remembers...what he told her. What happens to him...
"And Malia. What happened when the Desert Wolf finally found her."
Malia...it wasn't what expected. Far from that.
Valack leans in closer to her, "I know you remember what happened to Stiles."
Her eyes widen a little...Stiles. She remembers the accident. Stiles...hanging out of his burning car when it was flipped. Blood sprayed in his face.
She whimpers, slowly shaking her head, sniffling.
"I can't remember."
"That's all right, Lydia. There are other ways to get to the details." She watches him grab a drill, holding it up. "This special device is designed for trepanation. The medical art of drilling into the human skull. Let me you show you how it works." He brings the drill closer to her. She couldn't move. She couldn't do anything but feel. The loud whirring sound was all she could hear.
Ms. Martin sits at her desk, speaking to a student, Tracy Stewart, about her GPA and College. Tracy sits anxiously as Mrs. Martin speaks. But all she could think was her nightmares.
"Most of these colleges require recommendations. Yours will need to be pretty stellar considering your GPA. Tracy?" She snaps Tracy out of her thoughts. "You feeling a little overwhelmed?"
"No, I'm...I'm okay." Tracy smiles meekly, shaking her head.
"Have you been getting enough sleep?" Ms. Martin asks.
"Not really."
"You know, teenagers have different circadian rhythms. When you're waking up for school your body is still producing melatonin. You all need more sleep." Ms. Martin explains.
"It's not just that." Tracy says.
"What do you mean?" Ms. Martin asks, confused.
"I get night terrors."
Ms. Martin's eyes go wide, "Actual night terrors? Parasomnia?" She asks, incredulous.
Tracy nods, "I usually don't remember them."
"Usually? Was there one night you do remember?"
She tells her about the night when she was sleeping and a crow was tapping at her window, somehow the skylight manged to open, so she gets a chair and shuts her herself before the rain came in her room. She did, but when she looked down, a hand grabbed the leg of the chair, making her fall.
"My dad found me on the floor, lying beside the chair."
"What about the skylight?" Ms. Martin asks.
"That's the thing. It doesn't actually open. It was sealed shut a couple of years ago to weatherproof it." Tracy says, confused as well.
"So some of it was definitely a dream?"
"And some of it wasn't." Tracy says.
"Honey, I'm going to propose that most of it was. You know, there's a theory that one of the iological functions of dreaming is to simulate threatening events. It's a way for our brain to rehearse dealing with them. I think you're dealing with normal anxiety, Tracy. The kind very common to seniors."
Tracy smiles, "I better go. Class is going to be starting soon." She starts to get up and suddenly, her throat starts to feel funny. "And I should..." She clears her throat and starts to cough uncontrollably.
"Tracy, are you okay?" Ms. Martin asks.
Tracy could only cough, she kneels over a little. Ms. Martin could see she couldn't breathe, "Oh, my God, Tracy." She gets up and goes behind Tracy. "God! Tracy! Breathe."
Tracy smacks the pencil cups, papers, paperclips off the table and leans forward on the desk. She opens her mouth and throws up black ooze and feathers all over the desk.
"Oh, honey! Oh!" Ms. Martin exclaims in disgust.
Breathing heavily, Tracy picks up a black feather, dripping with ooze, "Is this common?" She asks, her voice trembling with the ooze dripping from her lips.
(Josie's outfit for the day)
Scott and Josie were at work before school started. They had to assist with Deaton with a dog, giving the dog his injections. Josie holds the dog down, rubbing its ears.
"Remember, for intramuscular injections in the hind leg..." Deaton instructs Scott.
"Stay clear of the sciatic nerve." Scott says as he does the injection.
"Excellent." Deaton says, impressed.
Josie smiles at Scott, he'll be such a great vet.
"Aspirate back to make sure you haven't hit a vein. Then just keep he needle still." Deaton says.
Scott gives the injection and pulls the needle back, but the dog yelps and bites Scott.
"Ow." Scott winches.
The dog growls at Scott, but Josie holds him back, soothing him.
"He's a little one, but his teeth are still sharp." Deaton chuckles.
"Sorry, buddy." Scott apologizes to the dog, petting it's ears.
Josie lets him pick up the dog and carry it to his owner. A little girl.
"Come on. Good boy!" Scott talks softly to the dog and puts him down in front of the little girl, "Here you go, Stephanie." Scott says.
"Thank you, Dr. McCall." She says.
Deaton looks up in surprised and Josie places a hand over her heart, so touched.
"I'm not a doctor yet." Scott smiles and shakes his head, sending her off.
Josie smiles at him and he comes back to the table, "Dr. McCall. Has a nice ring to it."
Scott smiles, "Something I'll be getting use to hearing...hopefully."
"You two just need to get to college first." Deaton says as he examines the talons that Scott pulled out of his chest last night.
"Find anything?" Scott asks.
"Maybe. Are you sure this guy was a werewolf? As far as I can tell, these claws are actually talons. In fact, they're the talons of a harpy eagle, one of the largest known birds of prey." Deaton says, completely baffled.
"How does a werewolf get talons?" Scott asks.
"Personally, I'm more interested in how these talons somehow were able to absorb your power. The only one who should be able to do that is a Beta of your own making."
"Someone like Liam." Josie says.
"Exactly." Deaton nods.
"And what if I let someone into my pack? Like another Beta?" Scott asks.
Josie looks at him, jaw dropped, completely against with the fact he's actually considering letting Theo in his pack.
"I would normally say no but I'm starting to wonder if the rules to our supernatural world aren't as rigid as I once thought. Or maybe someone's trying to change those rules." Deaton states.
"Speaking of supernatural, " Josie says as she lifts her shirt up, showing Deaton the bruises. "This happened after Scott was stabbed by the talons."
Deaton frowns in confusion and moves to exam the bruises, he touches one and she winces.
"Incredible. This is exactly how Scott was stabbed? Same area?" He asks.
"Yeah. As soon as that guy got me with those talons, Josie started to scream." Scott says, frowning at the memory.
Josie looks at him sadly, she could feel his fear...of losing her.
"Theo said it was cause of the bond. Is he right?" Scott asks.
"Judging from this, he's right on the money." Deaton stands up and looks at them both. "Your bond is growing stronger. So strong, to the point where you two share one soul. Not many mates have a bond that strong. It's as rare as you two are. Also, Josie," Deaton turns to her. "I've been doing some research about your bond. Now, this is a one in a million chance, but seeing how rare this bond is acting, it might just happen."
"What?" She asks.
"There might be a chance where you won't have to have Scott bite you to become like him. Scott is an Alpha...and your not just a true Anchor. You're an Alpha Female. A Luna." Deaton says.
Scott and Josie look at him in shock.
"But, it's unsure. We will just have to wait and see." He adds.
"I know his family left town around the time Theo was nine or ten, his older sister died in an accident when he was eight." Stiles says as he follow his dad into his office.
"Please go to school." Sheriff begs, pathetically to his son.
"Dad, this kid's a werewolf." Stiles exclaims.
"Your best friend is a werewolf. You are dating a werecoyote. Liam is a werewolf. Josie is an elemental. I'm still don't know what Kira's supposed to be. When the flying monkeys come soaring through this station, you will have my undivided attention. Until then, just go to school." Sheriff begs Stiles again.
Stiles frowns and notices something about his dad, "What did you do?"
"What? What do you mean, "What did I do"?" Sheriff asks, baffled.
"There's something different about you."
"What are you talking about?" Sheriff shakes his head in confusion.
Stiles walks closer to his dad, eyeing every inch, "What is it? What's different?"
Sheriff groans in frustration and pushes Stiles off of him, "For the love of God, Stiles, just go to school."
"I will go if you promise to do a full background check of the Raekens."
"No. You know what? Just because I'm the only law enforcement officer who knows anything about this, does not make it my responsibility to do something every time you have a minor suspicion." Sheriff says.
Stiles had an idea, "Except you're not the only one." Stiles turns and points to Parrish who was drowning in paperwork.
Sheriff groans and rolls his eyes.
Parrish rubs his eyes and does another form, "Parrish!" Sheriff shouts out, gaining his attention.
Stiles finally goes to school once Parrish was done with the background check. Stiles was disappointed with what he found.
"So you ran a background check, and all you found was a speeding ticket?" Malia asks as the two of them walk to class.
"Speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago." Stiles points out.
"Which means what?"
Stiles stops in the middle of the courtyard and faces her, "Who speeds? People trying to get away from something." He states.
"Well, how many tickets do you have?" She asks.
"How many would you have if your dad didn't get you out of them?"
"Seventeen." Stiles stutters out.
Malia sighs, "I don't know, Stiles. I mean, I see why you're worried."
"He's really hot. He's got like great hair, perfect body. You should definitely feel threatened." Malia points out.
"Thank you. Because I do. Now more than ever. But, considering, Josie use to go out with him, then dumped him after discovering he was a shady cheater, that's score one for me and Scott. Now do you think he's so hot?" Stiles says, sarcastically.
"You want me to torture him?" She asks bluntly.
"No, I don't want you to torture him."
"I'm pretty sure I can take him." She says.
"No, but Josie might like that idea. Anyway, I have a plan. All right? There are steps to doing this right." He says.
"What steps?" She asks.
"We get the story. Verify the facts. You find the piece that doesn't fit and and catch him in the act. That's how you do it." Stiles looks up and sees Theo arriving. He turns and sees Stiles and Malia and gives them a friendly wave.
"Why are you so suspicious of this guy?" She asks.
"Because I remember Theo from fourth grade. Okay? That's not Theo." Stiles says, eyeing Theo cautiously.
Scott and Josie make it to the school in time and enters the building, hand in hand. Scott stops and stares out at the sight. It's starting to hit him now. He was a senior. This was the last year for him at this school. He smiles big and looks down at Josie, kissing her softly.
Josie smiles into his kiss and pulls away slowly, "First day of senior year." She says.
"Last first day ever." He says.
She giggles. The bell goes off and together they walk to class.
Mason and Liam were walking down the hallway while Mason was reading a book.
"This is the one I was telling you about. I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany. Cost me two hundred bucks, but it was totally worth it." Mason says, flipping through the book excitedly.
"You're still reading about this stuff?" Liam asks.
"I was attacked by an armor-plated giant wearing a bear skull." Mason states, Liam looks around cautiously, making sure no one was listening. "It left an impression. Look. Look. Have you ever seen anything like this?" Mason points to a picture of a berserker.
"Uh, no. Never." Liam denies.
"And then there's this whole section about the Nagual." Mason says as they walk to the classroom.
"Have you ever heard of the name Tezcat..." Mason stutters, trying to pronounce the name.
"Tezcatlipoca." Liam corrects him. "No. No, never heard of him." Liam denies again as he walks to his seat.
"Take your seats, everyone."Mr. Yukimura announces.
Liam turns to sit, but is startled to see who was sitting next to him. Hayden Romero.
"Oh!" He jumps.
Hayden runs her fingers through her long, curly brown hair and looks over to him, eyes widening at him, then turning cold. Mason looks over and sees Hayden, his eyes widen as well.
"Great." Liam mutters.
Hayden blows a bubble then turns to the teacher.
"Liam." Mr. Yukimura calls out. "You're not gonna just stand there, are you?"
"Maybe." Liam looks at Hayden then back to Mr. Yukimura.
"The whole semester?" Mr. Yukimura asks.
"Liam, have a seat." Mr. Yukimura says.
Liam groans and takes his seat, but it felt weird. He gets up a little and realizes he's sitting in gum. He looks over to Hayden who was smiling knowingly.
Mason smiles, laughing silently.
Liam rubs his face, hating his day right now.
"All right, welcome to History 103." Mr. Yukimura greets his class.
Scott takes his seat next to Josie and gets his Biology book out. Kira and Lydia look over at him weirdly. Lydia nods to her, but Kira shakes her head. Lydia does it again. Kira sighs and leans over to get Scott's attention.
"Scott? Are you in the right class?" Kira asks.
"AP Biology." He says.
"Do you know what AP stands for?" Lydia asks.
"Advanced Placement." He says, chuckling.
He opens his book and both of them could see it was labeled and highlighted.
Josie leans in, "We've been studying during the last weeks of summer vacation. He really wants to pass this class."
Scott nods and sighs anxiously.
Lydia and Kira but shrug and turns their attention to Mrs. Finch.
"Welcome to AP Biology. Let's see who's awake." Mrs. Finch stands before the class.
"Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?" She asks.
"Circular, self-replicating DNA molecules often used in cloning proteins." Lydia answers.
"Nicely stated, Lydia. Now, can you tell me what vitamin is absorbed in the stomach via parietal cell production of a glycoprotein?"
Lydia was about the answer, but..."Uh..."
"B-12." Josie answers.
"Correct, Josie. Mr. McCall, did you know the answer?" Mrs. Finch asks.
"Um, no."
"It's a common test question. What's your number one college pick?"
"Stop saying, 'Um'." She says.
"Sorry. UC Davis." He says.
"Good choice. It's the best school on the West Coast for biological and physical sciences. You're in the right class if that's what you're hoping for. Who else thinks they're in the right class?"
Only Josie and Theo raises their hands. Josie looks over her shoulder and both Scott and her could see a smirking Theo. Josie puts her hand down, rolling her eyes. Then everyone starts to raise their hands.
"Good. Then you should all be prepared for the test tomorrow." Everyone starts to groan. "Don't be so disappointed. This test is specifically to help you determine whether you should actually be in AP Biology. You have two weeks to drop. Tomorrow's test will just weed out the ones who shouldn't be here. And that could be any of you." She walks over to Scott and Josie's table, looking at them. Scott had a worried look. Full of doubt. Josie reaches over to take his hand, giving him a reassuring smile.
Theo looks over and sees Josie's hand on Scott. Eyeing the two of them with a knowing look.
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