Chapter 1
Clive POV
We were riding to the mines to cleanse them of the Dragons nesting there, the one stopping the miners from working. It was also important cause the other kingdoms needed Green Riebhnite to enhance our weapons and mages to boost their Mana. I sighed as we rode to the mine, seeing the abandoned mines of the village, which was coated in dust and the equipment fallen into disarray
"This place has seen better days," Edward said as he looked around
"Hmm the place will need a sprucing up," Saida said as she walked into the managers building
I disembarked and walked behind her, seeing the place was absolutely deserted. Stacks of paper were still here, chairs rotting and over turned and some wall missing thanks to the Dragons, which means they might have scouts. I walked to the top level of the building and saw the overseers office, or was left thanks to the mess in it, so I walked to the desk and found papers
I looked them over and see that it was going well for the first few months of the year, product was coming out, money was flowing for the miners and the village. But then problems started showing up, cave ins, supposed Spirits attacking the miners and then...the Dragons. They popped out from a nest deep inside and attacked them, thus enabling the closing of the mine
"Says here they found a nest deep with in the caves," I said as I grabbed my sword handle
"Aye," Orekle said as she looked at the books,"seems they were booming with the waves of carts filled with Green Riebhinte. Though it seems a few months ago it slowed down due to the dragon's appearance in the mines, thus meaning they lost money."
"Makes sense, the village thrives on making money from the Green Riebhinte," Edward said,"if even they're short one ounce of it, they lose 1,000 Goren."
"Hey guys, come check this out," Zhuko yelled out
We walked out as we see the rest at one of the mine entrances, the tracks were still there, though there are claw marks around it. I hummed as I walked to the others and see Johnathan eyeing the claws and the marks all around the ground. Hunters were skilled trackers and navigators on the land, they can track things for miles, I smiled as Johnathan reminds me of my old Squad
"Anything Johnny," Edward asked him
"Hmm from the ground tells me, I count around maybe 5 or 6," he said,"judging from weight and the depth and width of the feet, I say they're Younglings."
"Scouts maybe," Saida said,"though, any Drakes?"
"No, these are all Younglings, but it doesn't mean they ain't far behind."
"They must be deeper in guarding the nest," Raya said
"Yeah, Younglings are the scouts, Drakes the Soldiers and so on," Edward said
"Yeah but what if we meet them or Wyrms we're dead," Zuko said as he grabbed his claymore
"Okay students, Alpha formation," I said as I grabbed my great sword,"cover each others backs and get out alive, thats your finale order!"
"YES SIR," they yelled
Timeskip, 3rd POV
"RAYA ON YOUR LEFT," Saida yelled as she fired at a Younglings head
It roared in pain as it dies from the sharpen arrow head, falling with it fellow Younglings. Raya looked to the side as she charged her Mana staff and formed multiple Shadow spheres and blasted them at the charging Younglings, ripping them apart with her projectiles. She breathed heavy as she looked at her staff and was surprised by the sheer Mana control it had
'Most Mana staffs would have to take a few minutes to acclimate to ones spells and mana, but this one took seconds,' she thought with a smile,'I wish I can buy it, this staff rules!'
Edward spins his lance as he slashed and stabbed a couple Younglings that attacked him, but he used his weapon with ease as he killed the last on attacking him. Zuko and Johnathan were back to back as they slashed and hacked at the Dragon Younglings that dared attacked them, Zuko cleaved through with ease as his claymore and Johnathan with his short sword, making clean work of them
With the last two, Orekle and Clive, they had a bigger problem right now. Two Drakes, both were 8 feet tall and 12 feet in length, one has scales the color of red and the second had white scales, meaning they were a Fire and Ice Drakes. Clive sighed as he was getting way to old for this, as Orekle was gripping her twin blades, unknowingly that a strange glow was on her handles
"I'll take the Fire Drake, you keep the Ice Drake busy," Clive said as he gripped his greatsword
"Understood sir," she said
The Fire Drake roared as it charged at Clive, who jumped high as he wanted to get some space to fight it. They came to a cavern as the Drake slashed at him, but he blocked and parried its attacks, since his sword was made from one of the Great Blacksmiths from the Dragon Forge, so it wouldn't break anytime soon. He dodged to the right as the Drake tried to slash him
He thrusted his blade into the Drakes side, but that won't be enough to kill it. He clicked his tounge as he used his lighting to blitz back as it unleashed a Fire Breath attack, since Lighting magic is used for its speed capabilities. He smiled as he grabbed his hilt, fusing his blade with lighting as he tighten his grip.
"Skill Art: Lighting Arc Slash," he yelled
Like a bolt of lighting, he flashed to the Drake and slashed the Drakes eye making it roar in pain. He rolled on the floor as he looked to see the neck, it's major weak point, and aimed the tip of the blade and stabbed it, severing its throat and killing it. It roared one last time before falling down, dead on impact. He panted as he swiped the sweat off and looked around
"It's official...I'm getting to old for this shit," he said as he ran back to Orekle
Who was...doing pretty good. She jumped high in the air as she fused her blades with Fire to melt ice the Drake launches at her, but it took a second since the ice was colder them her flames. She frowned as she lands on her feet, sliding into a wall, which now means she was cornered by the Drake. She looked at it as it had a smug look on its face
She narrowed her eyes as she gripped her blades and focused her magic onto them. The Green Riebhinte glowed a bright green as it channels here flames and something else, more like her flames we're getting powerful and her body was enhanced. She didn't remember casting an Enhanced spell for her, but she shook her head as she got ready
"Skill Art: Fire Lotus , The Strike of Amkena," she yelled and blasted off from the wall
The Drake growled as it fired off a huge Ice Breath attack to her, making huge and gigantic glaciers of ice to block and hit her, but she preserved. Her blades danced as she ran to the Drake, slashing and dicing them with ease as her flames were raging and even got bigger each second she moves. The Drake got nervous as it tried to back up, though he was to late
Orekle appeared at its neck and sliced its neck with both of her blades, cutting the Drakes head clean off. Its body flopped on the floor, its head rolled to the side, and she landed on her feet. She panted as she stood up straight and looked at the dead body, then her blades, confused to the power up.
"What was that," she asked
"Orekle, are you alright," Saida yelled as they ran to her
"I am fine, the Drake is dead. Though..."
"Whats wrong," Zuko asked her
"My blades...I think Garrus did something to them.
"Here let me see," Clive said
He grabbed one of the blades and suddenly noticed that the straps were falling off, he was going to fix it but stopped. He notice a glow as he started taking the straps off and froze. He looks at the strange markings and looked scared and conflicted by this development, making the students nervous as to what was going on. Orekle looked at the markings and just say curves, scratches and some weird glyphs on them.
She didn't know what they were, but they were powerful cause she can sense the magic used in it, a strong powerful and ancient magic...something like a Dragon. She looked at Clive as he wrapped the hilts of her blades and grabbed Rayas and took her straps off, and their was more of the markings. Clive rolled his tongue in his mouth
"Sir, something wrong," Raya asked him
"....Clean the last area and we're heading back to Willsden," Clive said, walking to the nest,"we have to take care of something."
"Understood sir," Orekle said, confused and concerned,"come on, we have to move."
Soon they rechecked everything in the mines, making sure no monsters or Dragons were left in it. After making it cleared of any threats, they rode back to Willsden, where they see miners and other towns folk, all awaiting much needed good news.
"So, are the Dragons dead," one asked
"Yes, they're all dead," Clive said as he got off his horse,"we doubled check and they're all clean."
"Great to hear, we'll gather a force and get ready to mine again," another said as they disembarked to get to work
Clive and the others looked at one another, nodding and walked to the bar, where they hope to find Garrus. They walked in the bar, they see less people then last time, but Doris was still there and she was actually quite happy for once.
"OH AND HERE ARE OUR HEROS," she yelled lining mugs,"FREE ROUNDS FOR THEM!"
"No need, we're on a separate mission ma'am," Clive said with a neutral tone,"where's Garrus?"
"Oh want to thank the boy who gave you those weapons?"
"...We actually wanted to know why he didn't tell us he was a Dragoniod."
Doris stopped as she stood there frozen, she didn't expect them to find out so fast already. She took a deep breathe as she placed the mug down, but under the counter was a short Mana staff, half the size of a regular Mana Staff. She stared at the Dragon Knights, who covered the building incase anything happened, cause they needed to be prepared
"How did you find out," she asked
Clive presented one of Orekles blades, unwrapping the straps to show off the hilt and the markings. She took a deep breathe as she knew what's they were, and she cursed that the wraps loosen and exposed Garrus
"You know what these are correct," Clive asked her
"...Aye I do," she said as she narrowed her eyes at him,"Dragonic Runes, the language of Dragons."
"Indeed, its their language for their tongue and magic. Its strong and powerful magic, the other races have tried for years to use the runes but to no avail, it was useless and didn't effect our weapons nor the magic. But these...these runes are pure Dragonic runes, written and made by a Dragon...or a Dragoniod."
Dragoniods were beings born from Humans and Dragons. They were rare but not uncommon in the lands, but they weren't very liked due to the constant war between the races and Dragons. Most were captured, imprisoned or even straight up executed cause they were born, so you can see why Dragoniods stay in the shadows, passing off as Werelizards and such
So you can see why the people of Willisden didn't tell them about Garrus, who and what he was. They view the boy as like a child, as they helped raise him, feed him and he repaid them with his works, making them glad to have his craft and skills.
"Why didn't you tell us," Clive asked her
"Why do you think, you would have just chained him and dragged him to the prison," she said,"all for being part Dragon! He did nothing and your already doing a witch hunt for him!"
"His a danger to the people here and others, if he gets out, he'll do anything to get out alive and hurt any to do it."
"He rather hurt himself then hurt anyone in this town, he's been in this town since he was a little tyke! We raised him like he was one of ours! So what if he used some Dragonic runes for his work?!"
"Still his a danger ma'am," Edward said,"please think of the people."
"I am and Garrus is one of them! Garrus is a good boy who did nothing wrong in his life! You ain't taking him for living, now, just forget he existed and leave, you did your job!"
"We can't," Raya said,"his a danger to the other villages and the Kingdoms."
"He doesn't give a ratsass about the kingdoms," a bar patron said,"he likes where he is and makes good money, he doesn't need any think else."
"Still, we just want to talk with him," Clive said,"now, where is he?"
"Go to hell," Doris said,"I rather die then yell ye where he is."
"Rather ya didn't do that Doris," a voice said
They turned to see Garrus there at the doorway, holding a massive bag with weapons, with a couple kids helping him. He walked in as they placed the weapons on tables, making the students surprise to see in only half a day. Garrus sat down in a chair as he crossed his arms and stared at Clive, who sat across him and they stared at one another, having a silent conversation
"So...when you were gonna tell us," Clive asked
"Oh there's this new word called never," Garrus sassed to him,"I have my reasoning to not tell Dragon knights that I'm a Dragoniod. Doesn't really help keep me alive."
"How much sass do you have," Zuko asked
"Pft hehehehehehe," Edward and Johnathan chuckled a bit
"Enough," Orekle said as she walked up,"look we understand your situation, but still, its dangerous for you here."
"Its not like I had a choice," Garrus said,"I came here when I was 4, alone, hungry and cold. I tried I to steal food and guess what I got?"
"What," Saida asked
"I got people who cared for me, who raised me more then my own fath-...that man did. As I grew up, I took up the mantle of blacksmith since the old one died years ago. I owe this town so much that I'm willing to do anything for I'll surrender to you."
"What," they all asked
"I'll give myself up, but you have to swear that nothing happens to this village...or you'll see what my Dragon side can do."
Garrus eyes glowed a bit as flames came out of his mouth, black flames came out. They were surprised to see that a Demonic Dragoniod was in front of them, as they were a rare breed even amongst the Dragoniods. Clive nodded as he placed his sword down and they shook hands, meaning they were in agreement.
"So question, when you take me to the Academy, what will you do with me," Garrus asked him
"Oh thats simple," Clive asked as he sipped his drink,"I'm gonna convince the Dragon Knight Council to make you a Blacksmith for the school."
Well...let's see how this will end shall we!?
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