First Day/Friend

It has Been a Few Weeks since then, and Y/N and Tohru are now Close as Ever in terms of Trust.

Kanna doesn't like Being Left out, But what can she do to make Y/N Trust her more?

Turns out, The Answer found her.


In the Living Room, Tohru was Cooking Breakfast for her Two Favorite Friends/Lover.

As Y/N was Busy reading the News paper, Kanna was at a Balcony stating at a Bunch of Grade Schoolers.

Y/N: *Notices Kanna staring* Tohru...

Tohru: Yes?

Y/N: You think Kanna wants to go to School?

Tohru: I don't know, What gave you that Idea?

Y/N: *Points at Kanna* Its Right there.

Tohru: *Looks at Kanna* Who Knows...

Tohru may not See it, But Y/N can see it as Plain as Day.

She wants to go to School.


After Meeting the Kids, Kanna and Y/N would Generally go there if he has Time to Spare.

As The Duo kept Walking, Kanna found none of her Friends there.

Kanna: Papa, Why there no one here?

Y/N: Huh? I'm guessing...

Y/N: Kanna, What Month is it Today?

Kanna: Ummm, July.

Y/N: That's Why. Summer is Already Over.

Kanna: Then, If I make it Summer Again, My Friends will be Here.

Y/N: If your thinking what I'm Thinking, Then don't.

Kanna: Where did they Go, Papa?

Y/N: School.

Kanna: School?

Y/N: Its a Learning Center, for Children to Learn about the World they live. 'Also Absolutely Hell.'

Kanna: *Eyes Sparkle while Being Amazed*

Flaschback End~

Y/N sat up from his Seat and Walked towards Kanna.

Y/N: Kanna, Come here for a Moment.

Kanna looked over her Shoulder and Saw Y/N with a Hand Gesture saying "Come here"

Kanna: Papa, What is it?

Y/N: This maybe be Unethical for you, But...

He Looked into her Lavender Curious Eyes and Spoke:

Y/N: Would you like to go to School?




Kanna: YES!

With no Hesitation, She Answered and Gave Y/N a Hug.

Kanna: Can you?

Y/N: Of Course, Turns out, they're Accepting Transferees.

Kanna: Thank you, Papa.

Timeskip to Y/N Filling out the Paper for Kanna, Printing the Necessities and Putting on his Clothes~

Kanna: Hurry up, C'mon let's go.

Y/N: H-Hey now, Stop Pulling.

After Filing out the Paperwork, Y/N, Tohru and an Excited Kanna made their Way to a Store that Sells Basic School Supplies.

Y/N: But Still, This is a Ludicrous amount of Supply. Why Would the School suddenly request such Items?

Tohru: That's Because the School and Stores are Working together for more Money.

Y/N: And Where did you Hear that?

Tohru: From the Internet *Proudly "poofs" Chest*

Y/N: Eeehh. 'Even Dragons get Sucked in the BS of the Internet.'

Tohru: By The Way, What Store are we Going to?

Y/N: I saw an Old School Store for these Kinds of Materials, And its Right around the Corner. So We should be Fine.

Timeskip to Tohru reading MORE BS from the Internet~

Old Lady: Welcome.

Y/N grabbed all the Necessities needed.

Y/N: This should do, I'm still Surprised the Store is still here.

Y/N Seemed Happy, But...

Y/N: *Notices Kanna giving a Dreaded Aura* Eh, Why?

Tohru: Oh, Simple Y/N. Let me Show what she Truly Meant.

We Walked out of the Store and came upon a Pet Store.

Y/N: Why are we Here?

Tohru: In this Time of Season, The Feathers of the Birds here would be Great as Pens.

Y/N: While I agree, I doubt the School would Provide an Ink Well.

When I looked at Kanna she also had the Same Aura.

Tohru: Eh!!!??? But, In our World, Everyone uses this.

Kanna: I want it to be Cute...Cute...

Y/N: And the Girl Says Cute. But Where are we Going to get the Items?

Tohru: *Idea* I Know a Store that Recently Opened, Maybe they will have it...



...What in the World...

And Kanna...

Y/N: What in the World of Shiny has Happened?

Kanna: Papa, Look at this.

What Kanna is Holding is...

Y/N: That's a Multi-Color Pen.

Y/N Grabbed the Pen and Wrote her Name in the Different Colors.

Y/N: It Allows Ink to Flow into the Tip for you to Write, But You'll be Using Pencils though.

Kanna: WOW!!!

What Y/N didn't know, Was that Tohru took a Pen and Wrote on a Piece of Paper MULTIPLE Times about Loving Y/N.

Tohru: Take a Look at this, Y/N!!!

I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N, I 💗 Y/N.

That Immediately sent a Chill to Y/N, but was Broken by Kanna asking...

Kanna: What is This? It Looks like a Dragons Mouth.

Y/N: That's a Stapler.

He Grabbed the Paper he Used and Stapled it Together. Leaving a More Amused Kanna and a Broken-Faithed Tohru.

Tohru: That was Unpleasant.

The Trio then Heard a Commotion from their Right as Hundreds of Kids swarm to a Unicorn Set.

All the Girls grabbed a Piece and Talks about it.

Kanna: Look Lady Tohru, a Unicorn.

Tohru: True, Our Unicorn would be Quite Famous if he Stays here.

Y/N: 'Why must I Defy Logic now of all Times?' Well, Come one you two, We still have a Lot to Grab.

Just Then, Kanna grabbed a Stamp for Younger Generations.

Kanna: What is this?

Tohru answered, And it came from her World.

Tohru: Of Course, That's for Marking your Slaves for the Black Market. It makes it your Property as such.

Just Then, Tohru laid her Back opened for Y/N.

Tohru: Oh, Y/N. Please Mark me as your Slave for the Rest of Eternity.

Y/N: No...

That Broke Tohru's heart even More.

And the Trio went Shopping Again.

Timeskip to Kanna and Tohru having a Talk with Said "Mythical Beast" ~

Kanna held all of her Requirements, as she Huffed with Determination.

Y/N: Then, The Last thing we Need is a BackPack.

Tohru: THEN, LETS GO *Says Excitedly*

Tohru: *Twitches in Anger* I Understand that we need her Bag. But here...

What she and the Two were staring, was the One Place she would Never go to. The One Place she Despices all and her First Place she would Destroy if needed.

The Mall...

Y/N: Well, we can't help it. Its the One Place here that Sells BackPacks.

Tohru: *Says Darkly* ı ʍıll dǝsʇɹoʎ ʇɥıs plɐɔǝ ʍıʇɥ ǝʌǝɹʎ ɟıbǝɹ ın ɯʎ bodʎ ɐnd ı'll ɯɐʞǝ snɹǝ ʇɥǝ ɥuɯɐns ʍɥo ɯɐdǝ ʇɥıs ʍıll suɟɟǝɹ  (I WILL DESTROY THIS PLACE WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BODY AND I'LL MAKE SURE THE HUMANS WHO MADE THIS WILL SUFFER)

Y/N: Then, While you stay here, Me And Kanna will get the Bag. *Says while Walking to the Mall, Ignoring Tohru Warning.*

Tohru: *Defeated* Wait a Minute, I didn't satly I would Join!!!

As Y/N, Kanna and an Angered Tohru, walked inside, they walked directly towards the Shop. While Tohru Glared at EVERYTHING she saw.

When they reached said Shop, Kanna picked a Simple Red Bag.

Y/N: Pretty Bland, Don't you think?

Tohru: Impressive Choice Kanna, The Blood of Humans suits you well after all.

Y/N: 'Why am I not Surprised'

As Y/N carried the Bag to the Counter, Kanna saw a Key Chain as it Showed...

As Kanna was about to Give it to Y/N...

Store Employee: 30,000 Yen, Please.

Y/N: GEH!!! *Surprised by Amount of Money*

Tohru: Is it Ok?

Y/N: Y-Yes, I would like to use Credit.

Store Employee: Of Course, we Accept all kinds of Payment.

Kanna saw the Worried Expression Y/N took and ran back to put the Rabbit back.

Despite his Skills being Old, Y/N looked at Kanna as she Put the Rabbit back and came back to them.

Timeskip to Y/N Using his Rogue skills to "Grab" the Rabbit~

Then, at the Final destination, The Trio were at an Old looking store.

Tohru: Y/N, Kanna is gonna get Sad again from this shop.

Y/N: Well, We've got no Choice. This is one of the Schools recommendations.

As Y/N grabbed the Basic Needs as he Prepares for the Purchase.

Y/N: Definetly this one.

Tohru: Why not the Other one? They're all the Same to be Honest.

Y/N: That's the Point.

Tohru: What do you mean?

Y/N: Remember our Talk, Tohru?

Tohru: What Talk are you in about?

Y/N: About Our Clothes Personality...

Tohru: Yeah, About how Clothes represent to what we are and how we feel.

Y/N: This is Similar Case.

Humans are an Adaptive Species, and will Withstand all sort Challenges.

But the One Challenge they Hate, is Change.

We were from a Line of Apes and Evolved so Much and stayed like this for so Long, that if One Evolves again, The Others...

Y/N cuts his Sentence short as Small Tears came out from his Eyes.

Tohru: Y/N...

Y/N: Ah *Wipes Tears* Sorry, I get too Emotional like this.

Kanna pulled Y/N's shirt, as she Looks at him with Worry.

Y/N being taken back, Petted her Head.

Y/N: Sorry for that, Thanks for Caring so Much.

Kanna was Pulled into the Affection.

Shortly after Purchasing the Supplies, The Trio walked home.

Y/N: OK Team, When we reach Home, we Prepare for School.

Kanna gave a Triumphant sound on the Way.

As the Trio were still Walking, Kanna held Y/N's hand.

Y/N felt the Warm, Small and Soft sensation as he Looked at Kanna who was looking ahead, And He Smiled ever so Brightly.

Y/N: Come on, Let's pick up the Pace.

Kanna once again, Triumphantly says while holding her hands in the Air, Showing Tohru the Holding Hands.

Tohru: Y/N, YOU SHOULD BE HOLDING MY HAND AS WELL!!! *Goes to Hold Y/N's other Hand*

Y/N: Fine. *Smiles internally*

Timeskip to Kanna hugging Y/N's Waist~

The Trio arrived Home, Safe and Sound. As Kanna, the Energetic Child in the Room, Brought out her Back Pack and Showed it to Y/N.

Kanna: Papa, Look at Me!!!

Y/N: Wow, That looks Really Cute. I love it.

That Struck Tohru, as she was Preparing Dinner, as Kanna showed it to Tohru as well.

Kanna: Look at Me, Lady Tohru.

Tohru: Kanna, *Bent down to her Level* Can I Borrow that?

Kanna gave Ber Bag to Tohru as she Tried to do the Same thing as Kanna did.

Tohru: Master Y/N, Look at Me!!!

Y/N looked at Tohru with Wonder, as he Imagined her Going to a Maid School.

Y/N: It Does suit someone like you, A Happy-Go-Lucky Lass...

That Really made Tohru Happy, As she Out Right Hugged Him.


While Tohru was "Hugging" Y/N, Kanna asked for her Bag back from Tohru's "Affection".

After Dinner, Kanna went to Sleep Early...

With her Back Pack on...

Y/N: Should we Worry?

Said Y/N, as he was Looking at Kanna, then back at Tohru who just Smiled at Kanna's antics. So did Y/N.

Tohru: Well, She's still a Child.

They saw Kanna turn in her Bed...

And Turn...

And Finally, She got that Back Pack out.

Which made the Two Sweat drop.

Timeskip to Kanna Naming her Items, Which made Tohru to Name Y/N as her Item~

It was Finnaly School day for Kanna, as she was inside the Class Room.

Teacher: Okay Class, Today we have a New Classmate. Say Hello to Kanna L/N.

Kanna: I'm Kanna L/N, Its Nice to Meet you. *Bows while Holding her Bag*

Then All of the Class said she was "Cute" and "Adorable".

Boy: Where did you Live?

Kanna: Ushishur Islands.

What Kanna didn't know, Was that Tohru was Watching the Whole Thing.

Tohru: No Surprise there. Kanna is Doing so Well.

'I want you to Watch over Kanna today, Do that an I'll give you a Reward.'

Those were the Words that Y/N said to Tohru after we went to Work.

Tohru: *Small Laugh* Do not Fret, Master, I will do whatever it takes to get that Reward.

Next Period, Kanna was shown a Problem and The Teacher called her to Answer.

Of Course, Being a Dragon means you have Superior Knowledge about this.

Kanna effortlessly answered the Question, which leas to more Praise and Comments.

Which made Kanna more Flustered.

Tohru: This is what What Kanna wants to be in? This is Useless, If they Put Students in Subject their good at then the Human Race wouldn't have to be so dimwitted.

That, Of Course, She's talking about Cram School Approach.

When it was Physical Exam, They were Playing Dodgeball, which again, Kanna Passed.

More Friends came to Kanna as she Acknowledge all of them.

Tohru: 'Humans are Weak Creatures, They Rely on Powerful Creatures to make them feel Superior.'

'But the One Challenge they Hate, Is Change.'

But One Girl was Being Jealous at her.

Timeskip to~

???: Kanna-san.

At The End of the Day, All Students are going Home.

And Everyone Befriended Kanna, All Except one Girl.

???: Don't think that your Getting bout of here Alive.

Her Name was Saikawa Riko, Previous Popular Girl of Class.

She was what you call, a Bully.

She Cheats in Games, Bribes to Win and Wants everyone to be her Friend.

Boy at Back: Uh-Oh, Saikawa is being a Queen again.

Saikawa: Why Thank you- NO DONT SAY THAT!!!

Friends of Kanna: Don't talk to her Kanna, She's a Bad Influence.

Kanna: Bad Influence?

Saikawa: Whatever, I Challenge you Kanna.

Friends of Kanna: Don't do it Kanna-chan, She always Cheats.


When Saikawa Looked at Kanna... She was....Crying.

Fake Crying, To Be In fact.

But Saikawa doesn't know it, So She was saying "Sorry" and "Pleased Forgive me" as Others just Sweat Drop at this.

She Offered Candy to Kanna, which gets Retorted by the Boy at the Back of Saikawa.

Kanna and Saikawa made up and Kanna met Tohru as the Two went Home Together.

Tohru: Fake Crying huh, Not the Most Subtle but Effective. I would've Destroyed them anyway.

Kanna can only muster a Grunt, as she was Eating the Candy Saikawa gave her.

Tohru: Why did you want to go to School?

Kanna: Because I Like how they Talk to Each Other.

Tohru: We maybe Living with Humans, That doesn't mean we have to be Like them.

Kanna: But... *She Looks down as she Continues to Walk Forward*

When they are so Close together, It Feels like we are apart of them.


Y/N: So, I'm letting you stay here.

She widened her eyes and looked at his Face, as it Showed Annoyance then a Kind one.

Y/N: I really don't have a Choice in the Matter, Right Tohru?

Tohru: *Nervously laughing but turned into a Glooming one* How come she got it Easy to staying her, While I got till you need me.

Y/N: First, She is still a Child. Second, You have enough Power to go back and Last, if you already have a Dragon, why not get another one.

Kanna was Still Shocked, knowing a Human, a Weak and Powerless Human, Showed kindness and gratitude towards a Dragon in its Knees.

Y/N: So, Kanna, Do you want to stay here?

He asks with a Smile and reached for her Hand.

Kanna cryed Softly as she Grabbed his Hands.

As Small, Soft hands Grasp a Giant, Hard hand and felt the Warmness of his Heart.

Feeling warm, She hugged his Arm and Cried softly.

Flashback Ends~

Kanna: It Feels Better Cooperating them than Hating them.

Tohru: I see...

Tohru remembers back when Y/N talked about Being the Same, As Humans, Change is the Most Difficult Challenge they Have and Refuses to Accept it. Resulting in those who HAVE Completed the Challenge are Shunned by Everyone.

The Human World is the Most Complicated Species the Dragons have Faced, And their Losing...

Timeskip to Kanna Improving her Writing to some Magazines found in Y/N's Apartment~ 

Tohru and Kanna: We're home.

When they opened the Door, They were Astonished. Everything is Cleaned to the brim and Food was still Hot at the Dinner Table,  As it shows Many Wondrous Food at the Center.

Kanna was Amazed beyond Amazed, and Tohru was Dumbstruck.

Tohru: I didn't do this.

Y/N: Of Course you Didn't.

The Two Dragons turned their Heads to Y/N, who was at the Center of the Room, as he was Wearing his Bartender Uniform.

Y/N: I did.

Tohru: *Completely Love Struck* M-M-Master Y/N.

Y/N: Not Tonight.

Tohru: Huh?

Y/N did a Bow as he Explained the Situation.

Y/N: To Congratulate your Work, I Cleaned and Cooked Tonight's Feast, and I will be your Personal Butler at the End of the Evenings Night. So, Welcome Home, Masters. 

Tohru was Squealing in Exitement and Kanna was...Hungry.

Kanna: I'm Eating.

Kanna Dropped her Bag on the Floor, Which Y/N picked it up and puts it at the Couch, and Sat on the Table.

The Smell of each Food and the Sight is just Mouth Watering.

Y/N: For Tonight, I have Prepared a Feast of Beasts.

Appetizer: A Giant bowl of Clam Chowder with Bits of Meat and Vegetables in.

Drinks: Beer (Mainly Store Beer)

Meat: Roast Duck with Mashed Potatoes

Greens: Salad with Croutons and Salt

And Rice: Java Rice with Peanut Sauce. 

Kanna's mouth was Watering, As She Gobbled down her Food with a Face of Satifaction.

Tohru soon Joined, After making Y/N Carry her Bridal Style and Putting her in her Seat like a Princess. She Gobbled down Every Last Food with Satisfaction and Kept Eating with Kanna.

10 Minutes Later~

After the "Feast", The Two Dragons patted their Stomachs with Satisfaction taking Over.

Tohru: *Hic* I could Die Happy.

Kanna: So.....Full.....

Y/N then Gathered all the Dishes and put them into the Sink.

Y/N: Who wants Desert?

Instantly, The Dragons shot up with More Energy. And Tohru's Tail was Waging Alot.

Y/N: I thought so, So...

He went to the Fridge as he Pulled out...




A Simple Ice Cream Banana Split.

Tohru: Whats this, It looks like a Boat Transporting Boulders.

Y/N: How do they Even Do it?

Kanna: It Looks so Delicious.

Y/N: This is a Banana Split, a Delicacy for humans.

It Features Three Flavors of Ice Cream, Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry.

Along with Banana's at the Side, Nuts, and Chocolate Sauce, It is an Excellent dish for Finishers.

The Dragons suddenly have Stars in their Eyes as they took a Scoop of Ice Cream and Shoved it in their Mouths.

They Suddenly Cried for joy, As they Ate the Ice Cream.

While Y/N can Only Watch, Good Thing he Ate before all of this.

3 minutes Later~

After Eating the Ice Cream, Kanna was Asleep in the Table, so was Tohru.

Y/N picked up the Bowl that once held the Ice Cream and Puts it at the Sick, He then Washed all the Dishes and Cleaned the Mess the Dragons Made.

Tohru suddenly opened her eyes and Saw Y/N still Cleaning.

Tohru: Y/N...

Y/N: Yes, Master?

She sat up Straight as she Blushed a Deep Crimson red and Fiddled with her Fingers.

Tohru: Thanks for the Meal.

Y/N: No Problem, I'm Just Glad you two were Satisfied.

He finished the Cleaning, Put Kanna to Bed and Sat at one of the Couches in the living Room.

Tohru: Y/N, Ca you do me a favor?

Y/N: What is it?

Tohru: C-C-Can you, um, G-G-G-G-........

She was Stuttering a lot as she Blushed More and More.

Y/N: Tohru? *Gets up and Approaches Tohru*

Tohru: CAN YOU MASSAGE ME!?!!?!?!?!?!?!

She just Out right Shouted at Y/N, as he was taken Back by her Tone.

Y/N: M-M-Massage?

He stutters as well, Leaving Tohru to Explain.

Tohru: Dragons carry a lot of Strain when Doing Certain Jobs, So I was Wondering if you would Massage me.

Y/N: I-I see... Then, I'll call you when Ready.

He sat up and Went to his Room to Prepare, Also Giving Tohru to Prepare as well.

A Few Minutes later, Tohru was at Y/N's Bedroom with Nothing but her Bath Towel. She was Blushing more as She Wags her Tail in Anticipation. 

Y/N: Come in.

He says from the room, She Opened the Door and Saw Candles around the Room and Soft Music Playing.

Y/N: Welcome, Please Lay down in the Bed.

She nods while Blushing, as she Layed there and Opened her Back to Her Master. Her Tail was Between her Legs and Golden Hair infront.

Tohru: Please.....Be Gentle.... *Says looking at him with a Blush and Heart Filled Eyes*

Y/N: Sure.

Y/N grabbed a Lotion from his Desk and Smeared it to his hands, Rubbed it Together and waits for his Moment.

Y/N: Let me Know if it Hurts or not.

He Puts his Hands on the Dragons Back, Instinctively Showing her Wings, and Let out a Moan.


He Continued as he Works on her Shoulders to Behind her Wings, She Moaned every time he hits her Sensitive Spots and held into the Sheets of the Bed.

He Continued making his Way Downward into her Sleek and Meaty thighs and her Green Twitching Tail.

Y/N: Let me know to Stop.

He continued to her Ass, as she Moaned Louder than Before and Went to her thighs, He rubbed it up and down with Force to Ease the Tension in the Muscles and Tohru was ever more Louder.

He made it to her Feet, as he Made all the Toes Crack with Pleasure and Massaged the base of the Foot.

He Grabbed the lotion again and Smeared it into her tail, Which sent a Shiver to her Spine.

Y/N: Then, I'll continue  with your Tail.

He Grabbed the Squishy, Scaly tail and Massaged each Nook and Cranny there is, And Again made Tohru Moan Louder.

After that, He stopped and Finished the Massage, as he Sat down near Tohru.

She was still Lying down and her Face was More redder than ever.

Tohru: Wow...Humans have such Strong Fingers.

Y/N: Its the Life of Things. Now, I'm Gonna Wash up now and give Kanna her Present.

Tohru: Present?

Y/N: Yeah, It will be a Memento for her First day at School.

He Left the room, as He Blowed all the Candles and Left Tohru to Sleep.

Y/N Grabbed the Bag from the Mall and Went to Kanna, who was Sleeping.

He made his Way towards her and put her Present at the Night Stand.

It was the Bunny Kanna Wanted, Along with a Letter from Y/N.

Y/N: Good night, Kanna.

Somehow, Y/N's Voice to Kanna was so much Better than her Previous Parents as she mumbled in her Sleep.

Kanna: Good Night....Papa....I love you.

That REALLY struck Y/N, as he Smiled and Kissed the Fore head of Kanna, Leaving her Smiling in her Sleep.

 He left the room, and Saw that Tohru Put the Candles away in the room and Slept there.

Feeling his Heart more, he Freshened up and Went to Sleep in Kanna's room.

The Dragon Instinctively Hugged Y/N, as Y/N did as well.

Leaving More Heartfelt Actions, and Words.

Kanna POV


I had a Pleasant dream Last night, And Papa was there, With Lady Tohru. I was at Papa's Lap and he was Eating something. Lady Tohru was Sitting near Papa as he Listened to her Story.

Papa noticed me staring, and Asked something from me.

Papa: Is there Something wrong, Kanna?

Kanna: No, I love Papa.





When I woke up, I saw a bunny from before. I sat up and say there was Paper near it. I opened it read the Words at the paper.

Dear Kanna, If your reading this, then you've already saw the Present I gave you. I want to Congratulate you in your first day of School. So, think of that "Bunny" as a Memento of it. Keep up the Good Work.



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