Magic Knights Exam


(It's the next morning and the first to wake up was Y/N, like he always does, he goes to his training spot and starts to train for an hour. He learns how to use his senses to know when and where a person, animal, or magic attack is coming from ( Just like Yami's ki). Y/N also so learned some attacks that can overpower his opponent. He also learned something magic knights use which is called Mana Zone. Y/N begins to learn how to use Neunote by getting the feel of it and turning the basic steps into major moves. One day Y/N was training withe throwing Neunote and it landed in the tree that Incursio was leaning on. When he took it on Neunote grazed the sword and caused a red burst.)

Y/N: (Blown back and lands on the ground) Gah! (Looks up and see Incursio, but not Neunote) Where's Neunote? (Goes up and picks up Incursio and looks at the gem. It glows a shows a shadow of Neunote in it) Could it be? (Thoughts) What is this sword?


(It's the day of the magic knight exam and we see the boys outside to track to leave, before they set of they say go bye to the kids, Orsi, and Lily before they left.)

Asta: Okay bye guys.

Lily: (Tearing up) Don't forget to write us.

(Y/N sees Lily tearing up, he then goes and hugs her as she cries on his shoulder.)

Y/N: Don't worry we'll be safe, and we'll write back as well

Asta: Yea, and I'm come back and make you happy and marry you!

(Everyone then laughs.)

Yuno: Okay were of, we don't want to be late

The Kids: Bye Yuno, Bye Asta, Bye Y/N!

Nash: Why say bye to Asta? He's going to be back soon.

Orsi: Yea Asta, you're always welcome back home.

Y/N: Orsi, Nash, shut up, he's going to make it, I'm sure of it.

Asta: THANK YOU Y/N!!!

Y/N: Alright, see you guys later!

(They then walk off as Lily start to have flashbacks of their time together.)

Lily: (Thoughts) Good luck boys, Don't forget to write! (Wipes a tear out of her eye)

(The Boys were talking about what the Clover Kingdom might be like. Then the subject was changed by Asta.)

Asta: I'll became wizard king and come back for Sister Lily and get married!

(Asta than thinks about him picking up Sister Lily and him and her flying away in a broom.)

Asta: It will be fun!

Yuno: You can't fly a broom tho.

Y/N: At least he can try. I can't fly a broom too, but that's not stopping me.

Asta: Yea, let's race there to the Clover Kingdom!

(The Boys start to run, only to stop because of them being tried.)

Asta: Come on let's go again!

(They race again only for Yuno to catch his breath, Y/N on the ground tried, and Asta sitting on a rock.)

Asta: Again!

Y/N: Nope I'm good!

Yuno: Yea, it's useless if we keep running, besides, your tried your self.

Asta: Ok Ok, lets walk.

(After a long journey, they soon come to the sight of the clover kingdom.)

Y/N: Guys look.

Asta: Yea I see it.

Yuno: (smiles)

Y/N: This is where we start our rivalry really starts and journey to become the=

Asta/Yuno: Wizard King.

Y/N: Strongest Magic Knight.

Y/N: We may face trials like Nobles breaking our spirits, dreams. and strong opponents. But, let that not stop us from our mission. To fulfill our dreams!

Asta: (Smiles) Well, said Y/N.

Yuno: (Smiles) I'll keep that in mind bro.

(They then fist bump and start to walk to the Kingdom. Once they go in the Kingdom, they see a girl with red hair carrying some kids.)

Asta: They remind me of the kids back at the church. That's why I'll become the Wizard King so that every one that is called 'peasants' will have a good life.

Y/N: Count me in.

Yuno: Same here.

Asta: Hey look a food market!

(Asta then goes and buys some food and goes back to his brothers.)

Y/N: What is that?

Asta: Roasted Snake, what some?!

Yuno: No.

Y/N: I'm going to pass on that.

(They finally make it to the arena where they would be having the exam. People were cheering on the examinees.)

Citizen 1: Good Luck guys!

Citizen 2: Go show them what you're made off!

Asta: (Star eyes) Thanks, everyone! I WILL!

Yuno: You don't know him, you don't know him.

Y/N: This is nothing, This is nothing. Don't be scared

(Yuno then presented his Grimoire to the Exam Wizard.)

Exam Wizard: "Ah! The Four Leafed Clover?" # 1124. Next!

(Everyone was quickly amazed by Yuno's Grimoire before he was given a number. Asta was next.)

Asta: Asta from Hage Village!

Register: Are you sure this is a grimoire? It's dirty.

Asta: Yea it is look!

Register: Okay, Okay # 1125. Next!

(Y/N was next. )

Y/N: "My Name's Y/N L/N, and I'm from Hage Village.

Register: And your Grimoire?

Y/N: Well, uhhh... I've uh, I've got this thing.

(Y/N said to the Register as he took his Incursio off of his back, causing the Exam to look at the boy with a bored expression, while the people behind Y/n tried to hold back their laughter. The girls were looking at Y/N with blushing faces.)

Girl 1: The red-eyed one is cute~.

Girl 2: I wonder if he's single~?

Girls 3: I just want kiss him all over his face, he's so cute!

Y/N: (Laughs Nervously while blushing. Turns back to the register) Anyway, this is my magic.

Register: It's a sword....

Y/N: (Sighs and smirks. Grips Incursio as red aura surrounds him) 

Exam Wizard: Oh... you're number #1126.

Y/N: ALRIGHT! Thanks!

(Y/N placed his blade on his back and began moving into the arena with Asta and Yuno. But, he than felt something on his head. Y/N looked up and it was an Anti-Bird but it was odd looking, with two horns on the side of it's head, and a very bored/tired expression on it's face.)

Y/N: Oh, hello there friend. Do you think my head is comfy too?"

Anti-Bird: Cluk.

(The bird said while nodding, causing Y/n to smile.)

Y/n: Well, I don't mind you staying in there, just be sure to move when the tests start, I don't want you to get hurt.

Anti-Bird: Cluk Cluk.

(Y/N pet his new bird friend as it nestled itself more into Y/N's head. Y/N smiles at this as he walks into the Arena. But, he than heard Asta screaming.)


(Asta was running away as a flock of Anti-Birds chased after him, a bunch of people watched and laughed at Asta's pain as the magicless boy ran... only to run into somebody, causing the Anti-Birds to panic before flying away.)

Asta: Phew, guess they finally had enough. Hey there, sorry about that.

???: You've gotta death wish Kid?

Asta: (Thoughts) WHO IS THIS GUY!? He's got the eyes of a Killer! THAT NECK!? MAGES DON'T HAVE NECKS THAT THICK!? And the way he carries himself! How can we be the same age!? Wait a second. Don't judge a book by it's cover, just be nice and friendly to him.

Asta: Man, you look really old for your age. You must have had a rough life, huh? HeHa.

Everyone: "........."

Y/N: (Thoughts) (Sigh) Dumbass.

(The man then grabbed Asta by his head and began squeezing with intense power, slowly crushing his head.)

???: Guess I was right about that death wish.


Finral: "Oh finally, there you are, what are you doing?

Yami: "Right now getting ready to wring this kid's neck.

(Suddenly, two more people appeared wearing off black cloaks with Black Bull skull emblems on them, one wore green clothes with brown hair, while the other wore black with a hat, with a very pale face that looked like makeup.)

Examinee 1: Woah, is that who I think it is?

Examinee 4: Yeah! That Finral Roulacase! Weilder of the Rare Spacial Magic!

(The female examinee said in awe as Finral approached.)

Finral: And who is this lovely lady?

Examinee 1: The womanizer who flirts instead of doing his job.

Examinee 5: And that's Gordon Agrippa! He's a Hex Magic Expert! People say he's got problems with communicating, and he's really creepy...

(The Examinee said as Gordon turned towards him... very creepily.)

(Meanwhile, Asta's head was still being crushed while Finral and Gordon did their own things, so Y/N tried to stop the man from crushing Asta's skull.)

Y/N: Uh, excuse me sir? But could you please stop. We wouldn't wanna die before we even get to start out te- (Gripped by Yami's fist as the bird flew away quickly)

???: You got a death wish too, huh? Fine I'll just kill you both then!"

Y/N: WAIT HOLD ON! THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M SAYING AT ALL! (Grabs Yami head and trying to pry it off)

Finral: Hey now, stop! A Squad Captain can't kill two examinees!"

???: Then I'll just kill the white haired one and break the red eyed one's knee caps."

Finral: You can't kill either of them! What are you even doing in this place?"

???: Went to take a dump and got lost!

Examinee 6: "Wait, he said Squad Captain, then that means he's... Yami Sukehiro! God of Destruction!"

(Yami began counting down for some reason)

Yami: 10... 9... 8"

Y/N: What are you counting down to?"

Yami: The end of your little lives.


Examinee 4: You mean the Captain of the Black Bulls!? As in the squad of scoundrels that cause more harm than good!?

Examinee 3: Every single member of that squad has a screw loose. Ones and shameless flirt, and one's mute, I'd hate to find out what the rest of them are like. I'd hate to get on that squad!

(Yami's grip onto got stronger as he got closer to crushing Y/N and Asta's heads.)

Asta: (thoughts) I picked the wrong guy to run into! And then this guy tried to help me and he's in this mess too! AAAGGGHHH! MY HEAD'S GONNA EXPLO-"


Asta: 2!


(Yami's eyes widened a bit as Y/N and Asta began working together within an instant of talking, grabbing Yami's arms and squeezing them tightly as they planted their feet into the ground. Yami then felt an odd mass of red aura surging from Y/N's body, through him and Asta increasing their strength as they tried to free themselves, causing Yami to quickly get serious.)

Yami: 3, 2, 1. Now you two di-

(BANG!. Suddenly some fireworks exploded from above, causing Yami's grip to lessen.)

Finral: Well, would you look at that, the exam is about to start.

(Yami then let go of the two of them, causing Asta to hit the ground holding his head in pain, while Y/N fell on his butt holding his head in pain aswell, groaning as they did.)

Yami: Well would you look at that Kiddos. You've both got a second chance at life. Better do something with it, or I'll comeback and kill the both of you. (Thoughts) That red eyed kid kinda looks like him.

Finral: See ya later!

(Finral, Gordon and Yami then said their goodbyes as they began walking out of the stadium, leaving Y/n and Asta there, as they recovered from the Captain's assault.)

Asta: That was a whole lot of not fun.

Y/N: (Rubbing head) Yeah, Asta next time you interact with someone please make sure they're not a magic knight captain. (Sigh) Idiot.

Asta: (Chuckles nervously) Noted.

???: Confronting Captain Yami of the Black Bulls without warning like that, I can't say I envy. Oh, my name's Sekke by the way. It's nice to meet you. Fuhha!

(A boy said as he walked over to the two of them with a smile on his face.)

Asta: Same, I'm Asta.

Y/N: Y/N, nice to meet you too.

(Soon after those introductions, 9 powerful figures walked onto the stage above them all, towards the 9 seats infront of they got ready for the Exam to begin. These 8 figures were the 9 Magic Knight Captains.)

Y/N: Incredible! They must be the Magic Knight Captains! 

Sekke: You've heard about them.

Y/N: Yeah, I've read about their battle and abilities. 

Y/N: "Nobody knows... All the captains in one place... they're all just as amazing as I thought they'd be! Each Magic Squad Captain is said to be more powerful than 100 Mages Combined! From their ranks will come the next Wizard King!"

Asta: "Oh! And the Wizard King? Where is he?

Sekke: Fuhha! Like the Wizard King would waste his time with something as pedestrian as an exam. Getting all the captains in one place is hard enough.

(Sekke crushed Asta's Hope's of seeing the Wizard King anytime soon as the Exams began.)

William: "Attention Examinees! Thank you for waiting, I will be administering this years Entrance Exam."

(William said as he held up his Grimoire, summoning a spell.)

William: Magic Trees: Descend.

(A green aura surrounded Willaim as a mass of clouds and wind blew in the sky. Then a mass of trees descended from said sky towards the Examinees. Each branch forming wooden brooms as they were handed to the young mages.)

William: You've waited long enough... the time has come! Let the entrance exam begin! In just a few moments, we'll begin the first of a series of tests. The 9 Magic Knight Captains will be serving as your judges, and when the exam is complete, we will chose the individuals that we want on our squad. If chosen, you are in. If more than one squad decides they want you, then you will decide who to join. However, if you are not selected by any squad that means you have been deemed unqualified to join the magic knights. And now for your first test. You must use the brooms you've been given to fly. A mage who is in control of his or her magic power can do it on instinct alone. It is our mode basic way to get from point A to B, if you can't fly on a broom then you aren't worth out time. Now, Enough talk! Now begin!"

(The magic knight Exams had started as people quickly began to concentrate their magic on the brooms, making themselves fly into the air, some had a hard time and others did it with ease. Meawhile above all the rest were those who had an extremely easy time with this test, flying with ease and style, with one of those people being Yuno.) 

Examinee 1: "Hard to believe that guy from backwater villages can do so well."

Examinee 2: Well, one of them was chosen by the four lead clover and the other's got some super rare magic.

(Meanwhile, on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, Asta and Y/N stood there, trying to fly with their broom... but were stuck to the ground.)

Fuegoleon: What's going on there? Even if they dont have any significant talent, they should be able to fly on a broom.

Y/N: (Thoughts) I have planned for me not being able to fly. I learned that Incursio doesn't just give me the armor. It also enhances my agility, strength, and sight. (Squats and pulls out Incursio.) That's why I've decided to enhance the enhancement with my own. And thanks to the training I've made it to where my legs can push off the own air. 

Asta: (Looking at Y/N) WOAH!

Yuno: (Looking at Y/N) Incredible.

Y/N: (Lands with a strained face, but with a smile) (Thoughts) I have to be careful, sky walking puts a huge strain on my legs.

Fuegoleon: (Thoughts and looking in Astonishment) Being able to fly without a broom. Incredible!

Yami: (Looking at Y/N who has a strained face) (Mumbling) You have to push past your limits.

《Natural Magic Power Test》

(Small brick walls had appeared infront of the Examinees as they were told to fire their natural magic power it without the help of their Grimoires. As you can already tell, everyone had their own good/bad times with the test... but Y/N and Asta couldn't even damage their wall without the help of their Grimoires.)

《Natural Magic Power Control Test》

(The Examinees were then told to shoot at Targets that flew around to see how well they could control their natural magic power. Needless to say, Asta and Y/N didn't hit a single target.)

《Evolution Test》

(For the next test, the examinees were given tree seeds and were told to imbue the seeds with their magic and make it grow....Y/N and Asta failed that as well.)

《Final Test》

William: "Onto the next test, the final and most difficult. A display of Combat Skill."


William: The test will end when one surrenders or is unable to continue. We have mages with recovery magic for the injured. Show us everything you've got."

Y/N: (Smirks) (Thoughts) This is the test I've been waiting for.

Sekke: Asta, fight me!

Asta: Sekke! You're willing to fight a loser like me?


Y/N: You've got this Asta!

(Pause at 0:46)

Y/N: (Thoughts) Come on Asta! Show him what you've got!

(Continue Video and stop at 2:16)


(People than began to laugh at Asta, telling him to withdraw as Sekke was take to the recovery mages. Asta then began walking over to where the rest of the Examinees getting ready to watch the next fight.)

Y/N: Yeah, Asta!

Asta: (Rubbing the back his head) Awww, it was nothing.

Exam Wizard: The Second Match will start in a moment! Whoever wants to fight, please step forwards!

Y/N: (Stepping forward) I'm in. Whoever wants to fight step up!

Yami: (Leaps to the ground) How about me?

Examinee 1: What a magic knight?!

Examinee 2: He's a goner.

Y/N: Wait,  you can't actually expect me to beat you. Do you?

Yami: (Puffs out smoke) Of course not, but I need to pass the time. So, if you can leave a bruise or a scar on me than you pass. If you don't....I get you sword. Deal?

Y/N: (Thoughts) What!? I can't actually do this, I could lose Incursio. But, the strongest magic knight can't be scared. (Speaking and pulls out Incursio) Bring it!

Yami: (Smirks and pulls out katana) That's what I like to hear.

Asta/Yuno: (Thoughts) Good luck, Y/N!

Exam Wizard: Begin! 

Y/N: RAAAHHHHHHHH!!! (Red Aura surrounds him)

(Trunks and Gohan is Y/N. The gold aura is red.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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