A/n: A couple of things have been DRASTICALLY CHANGED from the episode. BTW, if you see {EDITED} by the title of a chapter, that means I've already proofread and checked for story mistakes and hopefully corrected all the spelling errors. Hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!!
The plan was set in motion. With the teludav completed and functioning properly, the team was ready to face Zarkon. Everyone was gathered on the bridge, Shiro standing on the central platform as he explained the plan with the hologram. "Alright, guys, listen up. I'll use the black lion to lure Zarkon's fleet to our current location and make sure he's within the teludav's area of effect. Keeping the teludav hidden behind the space-fold until the last possible second is essential. We can count on you, right, Slav?"
"Absolutely. I'll be fine." Arcadia's gaze drifted toward Slav, who's eyebrows were now furrowed together as he mumbled under his breath. "I'm not sure about the gravity generator, though."
"What? What was that last thing?" Hunk asked, having heard bits and pieces of Slav's last sentence.
"Hiding a ship is one thing, but I've never had to build a gravity generator for something this large before," Slav explains in small details, cupping a hand under his chin. "I know it'll work, but I'm not really sure for how long."
"For someone who likes to spout numbers and percentages every second of the day, you're not very confident in your own work, Slav," Arcadia comments, crossing her arms.
"Percentages are easier to calculate than to caliber a—"
Shiro quickly interrupted Slav before he could could wander off into another numerical rant. "That's a risk we'll have to take. Once Zarkon's ship is in position, Kolivan and Antok will coordinate with Thace. Together, they'll take down Zarkon's security system and upload the virus."
"And then, he'll be a sitting du-flax," Pidge smugly added while fixing her glasses. She looked around, seeing the baffled expressions on her friends' faces. "What? A du-flax is an altean creature with a beak and webbed feet."
Coran leapt past the small girl and headed toward the hologram as he was able to relieve the awkwardness between everyone. "We'll wormhole Zarkon 500 million light years away," he demonstrated before tossing the hologram across the room. "And he'll be in the Yggiz Galaxy before he knows what's hit him!"
Shiro looked away from Coran toward the Blade agents. "What about Thace?"
"He should be getting into position now. We received his last communication three quintants ago. We should hear from him soon," Kolivan stated.
Shiro nodded with a determined glint in his gray eyes. "Let's do it." He left the bridge and changed into his armor before heading for the black lion's hangar. Once inside his lion, he departs the castle and the plan commences.
Arcadia watches as Shiro took off to lure Zarkon to them. "I hope everything works out," she sighs, an odd sensation bubbling in her chest. Someone placed a hand on her shoulder, grabbing her attention. She looked to her left and saw Keith, who offered her a faint smile as reassurance. It didn't wipe away her worry, but it did bring her peace even though for only a few minutes.
At their stations, the paladins awaited to hear from Shiro. Arcadia stood a few feet from the two Blade agents, who were patiently awaiting the news.
After what felt like hours, Shiro contacted them. "Zarkon took the bait. He's got my location. Is everybody in position?"
"We've not yet heard from Thace. He was supposed to contact us two vargas ago," Kolivan informed the black paladin.
"He could've been captured," Antok spoke up.
"Or killed," the leader of the Blades added. "We need to abort the mission immediately."
Allura's eyes widened in disbelief at Kolivan's words. "Abort? No! We cannot back away now."
"The Blade of Marmora does not take chances. It's how we've survived for so long," Antok explained.
The princess glared at the two galra, snapping at them. "It's held you back. Your caution is the reason Zarkon is still in power."
"Allura," Arcadia called out to her best friend. She pushed her anger aside and stepped toward the altean. "The Blade of Marmora has been fighting against Zarkon much longer than us. They know better than us how dangerous Zarkon truly is."
Kolivan was taken aback at the girl coming to his organization's defense. He looked at Arcadia before glancing at Allura. "The draconian is correct. We would rather wait than jeopardize everything. Besides, it's too late to get someone else on the inside."
"I'll do it," Keith spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention.
Arcadia's eyes widen as she turned to look at him. Allura shared the same expression and mumbled a faint, "What?"
"I'll sneak onto Zarkon's ship. I'm galra, so I'll be able to interact with their technology." Keith looked away from the two girls and eyed the green paladin with determination. "Pidge, you can rig up one of those pods with a cloaking device, right?"
"Well, yeah," Pidge replies.
"Going onto Zarkon's ship is a suicide mission. I would never command someone so inexperienced to go on a mission so dangerous," Kolivan said, glancing at the boy.
"No one's commanding me," Keith retorts. "I'm doing it."
"Then the draconian will accompany you," Kolivan said.
"Huh?" Arcadia muttered at hearing the galra.
He heard and stared into her golden eyes. "Your spells are powerful and would guarantee his safe return. Your battle with Antok was enough to display what you're capable of."
"No!" Keith shouted in disapproval. "I'm going in alone. I'm not putting Arcadia in danger."
"Do you not trust in her ability to protect you and herself?" Kolivan retaliates.
"What—no! That's not it! It's just..."
"I think Arcadia should go with you," Pidge spoke up, grabbing Keith's attention. "You never know when you'll need her protective magic. She's always been the one to get us out of tough situations with her spells."
Keith knew Pidge had a strong point, one he couldn't argue with facts, but he still couldn't bring himself to take her aboard Zarkon's ship. "No, she's staying here."
"May I speak?" Arcadia asked, raising her hand in the air. Everyone nodded and she took a deep breath before speaking. "I'm going with you, Keith. Like Pidge said, you never know when my magic will come in handy. I rather not lose you to something I could've prevented if I were by your side."
Everyone was silent, Keith staring with wide eyes at his girlfriend. Shiro was the one to slice through the tense silence. "I'm making this an order—Arcadia, go with Keith. Pidge, get that pod ready. Keith, Arcadia, let me know when you're on your way. I'll give you cover."
Once the couple changed, they headed to the pod bay with Pidge. When the alchemist looked at her significant other, she noticed the anger in his expression and how he was avoiding her gaze at all cost.
As Pidge rigged a single pod with the cloaking tech she invented, Keith grabbed Arcadia and tugged her out of earshot and view from the small girl. He placed his hands on her shoulders, pinning her against a pod and glaring at her. "Why?" He demanded.
"I already told you on the bridge why I was going with you. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I lost you to something I could've prevented." She stared into his lilac eyes, watching them soften as she explained her reasoning again.
Keith gripped her shoulders tightly before sighing. He dropped his head and rested his forehead on her shoulder. "You're just so..."
"Stubborn?" She snickered. "Yeah. I got that from you."
Keith smirked before lifting his head and moving his arms down to her waist, pulling her into a hug. They heard someone clear their throat and broke the hug. Standing next to them was Pidge. She adjusted her glasses with a smirk. "If you're both finished, the cloaking device is ready to go."
"Guess we better get going," Arcadia said, hiding her embarrassment by focusing on the dangers ahead.
Before the couple could climb into the pod, the door to the pod bay opened and Allura stepped through. She waltzed over to the trio, looking at the green paladin. "Pidge... May I have a moment with Keith and Arcadia, please?"
Pidge glanced up at the princess. "Sure thing. Have all the moments you like."
Once Pidge was gone, Keith wondered why Allura was here. "Is there something we can help you with?"
Allura took a deep breath before expressing her feelings. "I... I just wanted to say... The galra, they've done terrible things. Destroyed entire civilizations. They took my family. But, in time, I've grown to consider you and the paladins my family. So, when I learned you were galra, I... I didn't know what to think. I wanted to hate you." Then, she looked at Arcadia. "And what I said about your parents... I'm terribly sorry. You're my sister and I cannot lose you."
"Allura... It's..." Keith wasn't sure how to reply and was glad to have the princess interrupt him.
"But it's not you. It's me. Arcadia was right. My anger has blinded me for too long and I ended up taking it out on both of you. I'm so sorry I misjudged you. You've proven, it's not what's in your blood. It's who you are that counts." Allura wraps her arms around Keith and Arcadia. "Please come back to us, both of you."
"We will," Keith smiles.
When Allura pulled away from Arcadia and Keith, the alchemist leapt forward for another hug. She squeezed the princess in her arms with a smile. "I'm so proud of you, Allura." She pulled away and smiled at her best friend. "We will succeed and come back safely, I promise."
A stray tear trailed down Allura's cheek. The princess wiped it away, smiling back at Arcadia. "You always keep your promises."
"And I never plan to break a single one," Arcadia replied, her smile widening. "We'll be back before you know it."
With those final words, Keith and Arcadia hopped into the pod and left the castle.
"They're here," Shiro said.
Keith piloted the pod while Arcadia stared out the window, watching as Zarkon's entire fleet arrived. She felt her entire body tense up at seeing the large amount of ships targeting the black lion. "He really wants the black lion, doesn't he?" She murmured to herself.
"I've got Zarkon on the hook. Bringing him your way," Shiro said. "Keith, Arcadia, you ready? We've only got one shot at this!"
"Engaging cloaking device." Keith activated the cloaking device, the pod now invisible to the immense fleet of galra ships. "Moving toward the fleet now."
"Roger that. I don't see you, but I'm locked on your signal. I'll clear a path." Shiro flew into the fray and took down as many fighters as possible to create a safe path to Zarkon's ship.
Arcadia's fingers twitched, her need to help others arising. She leaned back in her seat, gripping her hands together to keep them from lashing outward in an attempt to cast a spell. Her nails dug into her skin as she watched the black lion zip and zoom around.
"I know exactly what you're feeling because I'm feeling it, too," Keith said, eyes still focused in front of him. "But Shiro's got this."
"I know. It's just..." Arcadia looked down before back up at the fight. "I'm not very good at standing on the sidelines, especially when I know someone I care about is in trouble."
"Yeah, neither am I," Keith answered honestly. "Especially when it comes to you..." He muttered the last part under his breath.
Arcadia heard and simply smiled, knowing she wasn't meant to hear the last sentence. She decided to hold herself back and tease Keith another time.
Shiro successfully cleared a path to Zarkon's ship. Keith held the controls tightly as they flew straight toward an open hangar. "Thanks, Shiro. We're coming in hot!" The alarms inside the pod were triggered as they flew into the hangar. After a few bumps and skidding across the floor, the pod came to a halt.
Arcadia hadn't realized she was holding her breath until the pod stopped moving. She unlatched her fingernails from the leather of the seat and sighed, sinking forward and off the edge of the seat. "Oh, dear Aethios..."
"You okay?" Keith asked as he recovered from the shock of the impact.
She nodded. "Yeah. Let's just get in and get out." The girl tried to open the pod door, but it was jammed from the impact. She groaned in annoyance before lifting her feet and kicking the glass window out. She used too much force and knocked out the entire window frame. It flew into the air before crashing on top of a sentry. She nervously chuckled as she saw the surprise on Keith's face at her brutality. "Heh, oops..."
The down sentry was immediately spotted by the other robots patrolling the area. Keith grabbed Arcadia's hand, yanking her out of the pod and out of the sentries' line of sight.
Once all the machines were focused on the destroyed one, the duo sprinted from their hiding spot and to a door. Keith placed his hand on the scanner and the door opened. It slid open and the two ran down the corridor. Arcadia talked into the communication devices wrapped snugly around her horns. "We're in."
Allura was the first to respond to the news. "The plan is working. Keith and Arcadia are on board and Zarkon's fleet is on the way."
"The Castle of Lions' defenses are up and ready to go," Lance informs everyone.
"Starting gravity generator now. Commencing cloak," Slav announces.
"Everything's going according to palm so far. Hopefully everything will fall into place," Arcadia told Keith as they continued to run.
"Don't jinx it, Arcadia," he retorts.
"Oh, another funny Earth word," she snickered.
"Okay, you've made it to the lower communication deck. Head left down that corridor," Kolivan directs the duo through Zarkon's ship. Keith checked to see if the coast was clear before proceeding. Fortunately, the corridor was void of sentries and galra soldiers, making their job easier.
"Based on the schematics from Thace, there should be a large door up ahead. This is the central hub for the galra fleet," Antok stated.
They kept running, spotting a large door located at the end of the corridor. Keith contacts the Blade agents to inform them of their find. "We see it."
Arriving at the door, Keith tried to open it, but it didn't budge. He grunted in frustration, glaring at the door. "How're we supposed to get through?"
"I don't see a control panel," Arcadia surveyed. She held out her hand, a bright flame manifesting and consuming it. "Guess we're going with fire." Placing her hand on the metal door, she melted a hole big enough for them to maneuver through.
Once inside, they dashed over the catwalk and to the console located in the center of the large room. They were bathed in a crimson light as they stood in front of the panel. Keith contacted Kolivan, wondering what to do from here. "Kolivan, we're in. Now what?"
"Now, you need to reset the system using the codes that Thace obtained. It'll be down for a dobosh. That's when we'll upload the virus," Kolivan answered.
Keith did as Kolivan instructed, typing on the keyboard as he could clearly understand the strange characters. The computer beeped rapidly, startling Arcadia. "What's wrong?"
"It doesn't seem to be working," Keith said with a hint of irritation in his voice.
"Try it again," Kolivan commanded.
Keith did as ordered while Arcadia looked around the enormous room. When she heard another beep, she knew it wasn't from the computer. Spinning around, she saw the door beginning to open. "Oh, now it opens..." She grumbles with a small eye twitch. Without hesitation, she grabbed Keith and pulled him away from the console to hide from the approaching figure.
The two peer around the sides of the component they were concealed behind, wondering who had interrupted them. They saw a galra typing on the console, trying to use the same code Keith tried twice only a few seconds ago.
"Keith, Arcadia, are you there?" Kolivan asked after receiving only silence. Neither one of them dared to respond in fear of alerting the galra standing only a few feet from their hiding spot.
Arcadia went to approach him when she saw him sweat nervously but stopped her pursuit when she heard the door opening again. She ducked back behind cover beside Keith, watching as two hooded figures walked in.
"And now, we know you were attempting to shut down the system," one of the hooded figures retorts.
"You're too late," the galra hissed.
The second hooded figure chuckled. "No, Thace. You're too late. We already changed the code."
Thace's eyes widened in horror when he heard the console rapidly beep, signaling the code was incorrect. The figures lunge toward him but didn't make it two steps before being blown back by a large fireball. They scream from the impact, slowly beginning to recover.
Keith and Arcadia emerge from their hiding spot, facing off against the assailants. With a better view of them, she recognized the robes and masks. "Great, druids."
The two enemies get back on their feet, but they freeze when they spot the young girl. "A draconian," one of them mumbled.
"Leave the girl unharmed. Zarkon must have her eyes," the other replied.
"Y'know, all of us can hear you," Arcadia hissed. She formed another fireball and tossed it, but the druids vanished into a puff of smoke. She clicked her tongue while Keith and Thace readied their weapons. They scanned the room for the two magic users until they reappeared. Keith dashed forward, sword at the ready. He swung at one of the druids, but each strike was dodged.
Arcadia and Thace faced off against the other druid, who was forming a dark energy sphere in their hand. They tossed it and Thace went to dodge, but he stopped when he realized the girl in front of him caught it with ease. She then proceeded to throw it back at them. "This alchemy is not draconian. Could it be...?"
The druid raised their hands and lightning erupted from their fingers. Thace was quicker than Arcadia and grabbed her, dodging the lightning blast. He released her and charged forward, swinging his blade at the enemy.
Keith was able to land a few strikes with his sword by using his jetpack to propel him forward. The druid countered his strike, forcing him over the edge. He acted quickly and used his jetpack to fly back up to the platform and rejoin the fray beside Thace while Arcadia handled the other druid.
Arcadia ran toward the enemy, weaving back and forth to dodge their spells. When she was close enough, she grabbed their head and stopped them from vanishing by delivering a powerful shockwave. The druid screamed as lightning coursed through their entire body.
Once the screaming stopped, Arcadia relinquished her hold and stepped away from them. She watched in satisfaction as the enemy's body collapsed before vanishing into another puff of smoke. Turning to Thace and Keith, she saw how the druid kept disappearing and reappearing. She held out her hands toward the tall and lanky figure before murmuring under her breath. "Ice, don't fail me now."
This was her first time trying an ice spell and she prayed it would work. A small sphere of ice formed in her hand and she smiled. "Praise Aethios," she cheered with a relieved sigh. With all her strength, she tossed it at the druid and it hit them directly in the back. Their body slowly began to become encased in ice, freezing them in place. Thace and Keith took the opportunity and knocked the frozen druid across the room. Their body slammed into a machine, short-circuiting it and the ice around their body shattered before they disappeared.
Keith felt solace once the druids were gone. He turned to Thace and introduced himself and the alchemist. "Thace, I'm Keith, a paladin of Voltron." He then gestured to the girl walking up beside him. "And this is Arcadia."
Thace noticed the familiar blade in Keith's hand. "A fellow Blade, I see. I guess we haven't failed." His eyes then traveled over to Arcadia. "It's an honor to meet you, Arcadia. Word of your survival has spread throughout the galra empire. It's a relief to know the last draconian fights alongside Voltron."
"I just hope we can succeed," she sighed.
"We will," Keith reassures her.
"Yes, let me try to find a way around the code," Thace said.
While Thace worked on the console, Keith and Arcadia heard Lance's voice over the comms. "This is getting hairy. How you doing, Keith, Arcadia?"
"The galra switched the codes. We're trying a work-around," Keith informed the boy.
"We've found Thace and he's trying to find a way to bypass the code," Arcadia added.
"We'll explain later," Keith said.
"Copy that," Shiro replied.
The transmission ended and Keith turned to Thace just as he was fiddling with a couple of cords. His brows furrowed in confusion. "What exactly are you doing?"
"I'm using the main power to overload the system," Thace explained, turning his head to look at the boy.
"You plan on rigging the console into a bomb, aren't you?" Arcadia inquired.
"As much as love big explosions, this is too risky," she retorts.
"It's the only way," he said with a dreadful frown, returning his attention back to the cords.
Arcadia wanted to stop Zarkon as much as everybody else, but she feared Thace's plan was a little overboard. She didn't want to risk anyone's life, not even his. She went to speak up against his plan, but her train of thought was derailed when an explosion rang out. Spinning on her heels, she saw the door was blown to pieces and sentries flooded into the room.
Keith's bayard transformed into a gun and he shot as many enemies as he could. Arcadia used projectile spells to keep the mechanical soldiers from coming any closer. She managed to knock a few off the edge with her spells before she used a lightning spell to force them back through the doorway.
Keith used his gun to fire at the machine located above the door. It shattered and one of the large pieces landed on the walkway, blocking the door. He lowered his weapon and looked at Arcadia. "That solves one problem, but now we're trapped in here."
"No, we're not," Thace said, looking over his shoulder at the couple. "There's an exit through the main power conduit. It leads to the second deck."
Arcadia and Keith peer over the ledge, staring down at the long drop. The girl tore her gaze from the conduit, staring into Thace's yellow eyes. "But—!"
"Go, now," he demanded, silencing her.
"What?" Keith gasped before shaking his head. "No, we're not gonna leave you."
"You must. I will shut down the system," Thace's melancholically replied. "Paladin, draconian, this is where my journey ends, but as a member of Voltron and a powerful ally, you both have a bigger mission. You must understand that."
Keith looks down before back up at Thace, his expression showing sorrow. "It was an honor to meet you."
Arcadia's feet remained glued to the floor as Thace yelled at them. "Go! Now!"
Keith went to jump off the edge but stopped when he saw Arcadia wasn't following him. He reached out to grab her hand, but something grabbed his arms before his fingers brushed over her skin. Looking to his left and right, he saw shadow figures that resembled the alchemist. Their eyes were red and wisps of shadows seeped from their beings. They lifted him off the floor and over the ledge as they flapped their wings. He glanced down at Arcadia, who's back was turned to him. "What're you doing?!"
Arcadia remained silent as she waved her hand. The phantoms flew Keith to the exit point as he screamed her name in anger and desperation. She turned off her communication devices when she heard his voice continue to call out to her. When she looked at Thace, she saw the confusion on his face. "Is this where you really want your journey to end?"
"I..." Thace was unable to reply.
The girl held out her hand toward Thace with a smile. "It doesn't have to end here, but... it's your choice. I know it's impossible to save everyone, but I want to save as many people as possible. That includes you, Thace."
His eyes widen at her words. He wanted the same as her and never thought even twice about sacrificing himself until now. He looked away from her piercing gaze for a few seconds to think. He still desired to help others and he couldn't do that if he dies here. Without wasting another second, he took her outstretched hand with a determined expression. "Thank you, Arcadia."
The young girl smiled, squeezing Thace's hand. "Don't thank me just yet. We still gotta get out of here." She looked between the console and the galra. "Trigger the explosion. I'll protect us."
Keith struggles against the phantoms as they dragged him through the ship. "Let go!" He growled, but their grip only tightened. He continued to squirm in their grip until he heard the explosion, which caused his entire body to freeze. He knew Arcadia was still in the central hub and felt dread crawl through his veins as he saw the explosion catching up to him and the phantoms.
With the force of the blast, Keith and the phantoms were hurled forward and out of Zarkon's ship. His eyes were wide, body petrified as he saw the small portion of the large ship was destroyed with no sign of Arcadia.
One of the phantoms vanished and Keith promptly grabbed the other one. He held onto one of its shadowy appendages, staring up into its crimson eyes. His heart felt as if this was the only remnant of Arcadia and didn't want to let go. When the phantom looked down at him, he gripped onto its arm tighter.
When the phantom vanished, Keith was left floating alone in space. He couldn't bring himself to move, watching as Zarkon's entire ship was disabled. He heard a faint growl and pushed his body around to see the red lion heading straight for him. He entered its mouth and sluggishly dragged his body over to the chair. He threw his body into the seat, reaching out and taking the lion's controls. He gripped them tightly, slumping forward and staring down at the floor of the cockpit.
"Keith? Arcadia?" The boy heard Pidge's voice over the comms. "Are you there?"
"I'm here," Keith mumbles back.
"Where's Arcadia? She's not responding to any of us," she asked, her tone filled with concern.
"She was still on the ship when the explosion was triggered."
"What?" Lance gasped in horror. "You left her?!"
"You really think I would leave her?!" Keith yelled back. "She stayed behind willingly! You think I wanted her to?!"
Allura overheard their conversation and felt tears threaten to fall. She shook her head in disbelief. "No! Arcadia cannot be dead! I will not—!"
"Paladins, Allura, can you hear me?" A familiar voice came through the comms.
Keith's head shot up as he heard Arcadia's voice, his eyes widening as he saw her large form flying from the cloud of smoke with something in her grasp. He reclined back into his chair, anger boiling in his veins for her rash decision to stay behind. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself, but it was difficult to keep his rage in check.
Shiro sighed as he heard her voice. "Glad to hear you're safe, Arcadia." He dodged a few fighters, maneuvering the black lion easily out of their path.
"Space dragon is okay!" Hunk wailed with teary eyes.
"Yes," Arcadia huffed with laughter. "Space dragon is safe and sound. I'm heading back to the castle. I need to drop someone off."
"Someone? Who?" Lance asked.
"A friend," she simply responds.
Keith loosened his grip on the red lion's controls. "Thace..."
"I'll provide cover with the alchemy cannon."
"Good," Shiro said. "We're gonna need all the firepower we can get."
Arcadia flew to the castle and landed in the black lion's hangar. She released Thace, who removed his helmet as he stepped away from the dragon. She transformed back to her normal self and told him where to go in order to reach the bridge before storming off to man the alchemy cannon.
Once seated in the comfy chair, she activated the cannon and watched as Zarkon's ship was forced through the wormhole created by the giant teludav. The enemy was out of sight and in another galaxy far away.
Coran called out to the team as Allura guided the castle toward the wormhole. "Everyone, hang on! Here we go!" Arcadia latched onto the handles more tightly as the castle lurched forward. "Hurry, Paladins! We must make it in before the wormhole closes!" The advisor shouted. The five lions followed the castle into the wormhole and were transported to the same galaxy where Zarkon's ship was.
"Coran, how's Allura?" Shiro asked as they traveled through the wormhole.
"She's weak, but okay," Coran explains.
"You take care of her. We got it from here."
Zarkon's ship exited the wormhole, followed by the castle and the five lions. Arcadia heard Pidge's jubilant voice ring over the comms. "We did it! I can't believe we did it!"
"See, I told you we could do it," Slav said in a confident tone.
Arcadia scowled at his words. "You were the one who doubted us the most!"
"Yes, but the possibility of our success in this reality is—"
"I don't care! Shut your beak!"
Shiro interrupted the shouting girl before she could throw a colorful insult at the multi-armed alien. "It's not over yet. Everyone, form Voltron!"
Arcadia watched as the five lions combined to form the mighty defender. She redirected her gaze toward Zarkon's ship with a determined expression. "We can do this. I know we can."
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