Chapter 51

(Adam dashes at y/n and goes to cut him but as he did y/n lift up his index finger and blocked his attack)

Y/n-Is that all you got?

Adam-Tch you wish human!

(Adam then begins a onslaught of attacks in y/n but he continues to block all of them)

Adam-Damn it fight back you coward!!!

Y/n-Said the guy who can't land a hit on me.

Adam-Damn you!!!

(Adam swings his sword at y/n but y/n just lean to his right a little bit to dodge his attack and punch punch Adam in the face so hard that y/n broke his mask and reveal his face)

Y/n mind-Now it makes sense on why he hates humans.

Adam-I will kill you!!!

(Adam begins to swing his sword with  rage at y/n but y/n dodge all of the attack then he kick Adam back)

Y/n-Tell me something what did they promise you.

Adam-What are you talking about human?

Y/n-What did Salem promise you?

Adam-The freedom for all faunes.

Y/n-Really and does that bother you that you are working with the creatures that killed so many of you and what makes you think that she will keep her end of the bargain.

(Some of the white fang agreed on what y/n said)

Adam-Its for the greater good for all faunes.

Y/n-Oh and this is for the greater good all this death and for destruction for freedom sorry but that is not what I see all I see is a psycho who latch on to an excuse to kill people and is so stupid that he doesn't know that he is begin used by Salem and dooming all faunes.

(When y/n said those words Adam lost his temper and used his semblance on y/n and not caring for the faunus near him and just as Adam launch his attack y/n then summon the boosted gear and stopped it with is hand)


Adam-There lives were for the greater good.

Y/n-You are so blinded by your own hatred that you would do anything to achieve your own goals no matter how many lives get in your way I took you lightly but now I'm serious.

(Without wasting anytime y/n begins his onslaught of attacks on Adam)

Y/n-Twin-dragon kick!!!

(Just as y/n finish that attack Adam was on the floor beaten and battered and y/n then dash at Adam about to give him the killing blow but stopped inches away from his face)

Adam-Why did you stop you had a opportunity to kill me so why didn't you take it?

Y/n-Because you and me are the same both wronged by people use our hate to motivate us and fight to make a better future for everyone and I know you don't want to admit to it and neither do I but it is true but the difference is that you are a version of me if I let my rage consume my soul and believe it or not maybe just maybe there might be good in you.

(Y/n then walks away from adam and the entire white fang watched what happened)

Y/n-Warriors of the white fang my name is y/n Belmont l/n and I need your help.

(The white fang continue to look at y/n without saying a word)

Y/n-Yes I know a human is asking help from you and you all must be thinking why is a human asking us for help after everything they have done for us I agree that the humans hurt you in some way and you are doing this to get equality or just pay back but I ask you this look around you.

(The white fang then begin to look around and see people dead or fighting off the grim)

Y/n-I know you all fight to be equal and not have to be treated wrongly anymore but look at what you are doing what you are doing is wrong peace can not be kept by force it can only be achieved by understanding each other and there are other ways of settling your differences help me and we can show everyone no the whole world that alone we can do so little but together we can do so much more so who is with me.

(The white fang were still silent and didn't move a muscle until one of them walked to y/n and stood beside him and began to chant till all are one then soon other began to follow more and more continue to come until the entire white fang was on y/n side)

Random white fang soldier-What is the plan?

Y/n-Go help everyone take down the grim.

RWFS-What will you do?

(Y/n then looks at giant dead grim body)

Y/n-I am going to end this nightmare now go out there and show the world who you all are.

(The white fang then ran towards the battle field and begin to help out the hero's,huntsman and devil's fight)

(Meanwhile with the other)

Yang-Damn it there is too many of them.

Rias-Don't stop fighting keep going.

(And just as rias finished saying that the white fang came and begin to help them out)

Blake-He did it he got the white fang to join our side.

Kiba-Yes he did but let's focus on the fight right now

Blake-Yeah let's do this.

(Meanwhile back with y/n he is running towards the dead grim until he sees Cinder, Hazel,Watts and Tyrian in front of him)

Y/n-I had a feeling when I would run into you guys.

Hazel-Our mistress wants you come with us or there will be trouble.

Y/n-Yeah no I will go to her my own way.

Tyrian-Thank you for refusing now we can beat you to an inch of your life then bring you to her.

Y/n-I would like to see you try but other than that come on.

End of chapter 51

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