Chapter 45
(After the match with issei and mineta everyone were taking a break so they can continue in refreshed and ready to go but while doing so y/n was spending time with everyone)
Kiba-Man I gotta say that putting all that effort into training sure was worth it.
Yang-Yeah and soon you will be fighting me and it comes don't hold back alright.
Kiba-Same goes to you too.
Y/n-Hey guys where is Weiss and ruby?
Blake-Weiss went to go see someone that is coming here and ruby went to follow.
Y/n-Hm I wonder who could it be?
(Just then jaune,midoriya,Kirishima and the others went up to y/n to ask him something)
Jaune-Uh hey y/n can we ask you something.
Y/n-Sure what is it?
Midoriya-During the battle royal we notice something while fighting you you showed us that we need to continue to improve ourselves and we were wondering if you could train us to get stronger.
Ochako-If it's ok with you that is.
Y/n-Sure I don't see why not I will happily accept you guys as my students.
(Everyone then cheered)
Y/n-But just remember that what I say goes ok and the training will be hard that is your warning ok.
(Just then people started to gather around and being to look onto something and y/n and the others went to investigate it and just when they did they see two people fighting each other but just when they were fighting each other y/n then recognize the woman with white hair)
Y/n mind-Hm didn't expect her to be here so early but I should of expected her to be here since ironwood is here as well oh well doesn't matter time to put an end to this fight.
(Just as there blades were about to clash at each other y/n got into the middle of them and stop them at mid-swing)
Y/n-Hey as much I would love to see this fight continue you guys are causing destruction of property.
Y/n-Hey winter it's been a while and didn't your boss tell you I go to this school now.
???-Wait you know this kid?
Y/n-Oh boy does she know me uh I'm sorry but what is your name exactly.
Qrow-My name is Qrow Branwen.
Y/n-Wait really say after I beat winter can I ask you a question.
Qrow-Sure I don't see why not and by all means the spotlight is yours.
Y/n-Thank you.
(Y/n then let's go of Qrow sword and and still continues to hold winters sword and then push her away)
Y/n-I gotta say winter how many times are you going to keep fighting me and still continue to lose I mean this gotta be what the 10th time you fought me and still lose.
Winter-Tch this time will be different.
Y/n-That is what you say everytime before I beat you but enough of that let's do this.
(Y/n then summon the black whip sword and begins fighting winter and none of them are landing a blow on each other)
Y/n-I see that you have been training since the last time we met good but will it be enough though.
Winter-You will be defeat here and now y/n.
Y/n-Yeah I don't think so.
(While the fight kept going y/n was just toying with winter and then he jump back and unsummon the the black whip sword and looks at winter and taunts her to come at him and so she dashes at y/n but y/n catches her sword with his two hands and used her momentum against her and made her hit a hard hard)
Y/n-Oh man now that gotta hurt and face first as well.
(Winter then gets up and looks at y/n pissed off)
Winter-Is that all you got.
Y/n-No not really but I am done fighting you.
(Winter was surprised by what y/n said)
Winter-What why?!?!
Y/n-Because one I just got bored fighting you and two I fought you in public and made a fool out of you so that is good enough for me so if you would excuse me I will like to have a chat with Qrow.
(Just when y/n turn his back to winter she dashed at y/n and swing her sword at y/n but y/n lift up one finger and stopped winter min-swing and moved so fast that he cut her breaking her aura and making her bleed all over)
Y/n-Attacking a person with there back against you shame on you winter oh and I suggest you look behind you.
(Winter then looked behind her and sees ironwood there mad at her)
Ironwood-Schnee what is the meaning of this.
Winter-Sir he is here we can finally take him down here and now.
Ironwood-No we will not we can't do anything to him even if we tried other than that me and you need to talk.
(Winter then reluctantly agreed)
Winter-Yes sir.
(Winter then picks herself up and walks with ironwood)
Qrow-I gotta say kid that was pretty badass what you did your ok in my book say I never got your name.
Y/n-Oh my name is y/n Belmont l/n.
Qrow-Oh so your the guys my niece talks about and the guy who destroyed part of the moon.
Y/n-Yeah that was not my intention but it is what it is am I right.
Qrow-Well you are not wrong say I believe you had a question for me.
Y/n-Yes I do are you in relation of raven Branwen.
Qrow-Oh she is my sister what have you met her before.
Y/n-By met you mean her trying to get me to her pregnant with my kid then yes I have met her.
Qrow-That rough buddy sorry to hear that.
Y/n-It's all good she doesn't know where I am.
(Just then ruby the speed pass y/n and begins to talk to her uncle until he gets called by ozpin then after that he leaves leaving only y/n and ruby there by themselves)
Y/n-You have a pretty cool uncle.
Ruby-The best uncle in the whole world.
(Just then they hear a alarm going off signaling that the match is going to begin)
Y/n-Welp seem the fight of kiba vs yang is about to begin better Head there before it's starts.
(Ruby and y/n then go to the arena to see the fight)
End of chapter 45
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