Chapter 32
(The next day y/n was sleeping until he heard neo yell his name)
Y/n-Oh shit she is mad.
(Y/n then goes where neo is and he sees her upset and sees eri with Stitch and the two cats)
Neo-Y/n why is their a little girl in our house and sitting on the couch.
Y/n-Ok you may want to sit down because this might take awhile.
(Y/n then proceed to tell neo what happened last night)
Y/n-And that is what happened.
Neo-Wow well that is alot to take in.
Y/n-Yeah sorry about all of this.
Neo-No I should be the one who should say sorry to you what you did y/n was a good thing just tell me about this kind of stuff ok.
Y/n-Ok well I'm glad that you understand why I did what I did.
(Y/n then goes to see eri)
Y/n-Hello eri how are you today.
Eri-Good I heard screaming was I the cause of it.
(Y/n then kneel down to eri level and put his on her shoulder)
Y/n-What of course not we were just talking about something else ok don't ever think like that ok.
(Y/n then hears eri stomach growling)
Y/n-Seems like someone is hungry here let me make you some food and luckily it is lunch time.
(Y/n then takes eri to the table and begins cooking food for her)
(Y/n then finished making the food for eri and gave it to her)
Y/n-Here you go eri I hope you like it but be careful it is hot so blow it first ok.
(Eri follow y/n direction then ate the ramen then after she ate it she burped)
Eri-Excuse me.
Y/n-Hey at least it's coming from the attic not the basement am I right.
Eri-Yeah I guess so.
Y/n-Hey eri why did that man from yesterday want you so much?
Eri-It because he said that I was a monster and and quirk only brings death and so he would hurt me cut me and hit me for not doing what he says maybe he is right maybe I am a monster.
(Then eri horn began to glow and y/n not caring what would happen to himself hug eri tight and even when eri power was touching y/n he still didn't let go of her)
Y/n-Eri you are not a monster you are a special little girl with an ability that no other has and I don't care what ever your ability is or the person you turn into you will always be my daughter ok.
(When eri heard those word her horn stop glowing and she hug y/n back as tight as she could and began to cry not of tears of sadness but tears of joy because of someone seeing her as someone special and not as a monster)
Eri-Thank you papa thank you.
(Y/n was surprised at first by what she said but smiled at her and continue hugging her)
(Y/n and eri let go of each other and neo smiled at them)
Y/n-Well since everyone is here let's go watch a movie
Neo-What kind of movie do your have in mind
Y/n-Well either avengers endgame or Zach Snider justice league movie.
Neo-Hm why not both.
Y/n-Hm that is not a bad idea what do you think eri.
Eri-Yeah that is a great idea.
Y/n-Alright then movie day it is then.
(Y/n,neo,eri,Stitch and the two cats began seeing the movie then when finished seeing both of them eri was asleep y/n put her her in the guest bedroom then realize that it could be eri room)
Y/n-Good night eri sweet dreams.
(Neo then rub eri head and kiss it as well then they both left the room to let eri sleep)
Y/n-You know you make a good mother you know that right.
Neo-Really thank you I kinda always wanted to have a kid when I was little.
Y/n-Well we got one now but I am curious tho.
Neo-For what?
Y/n-What is eri ability.
Neo-Any ideas.
Y/n-Well the only thing that comes to mind is her horn growing and the light emitting off of its and while when I was hugging her her powers came in contact with me so we will have to wait and see what it is.
Neo-What it touch you why did you let it touch you.
Y/n-Because she was panicking and started to hate herself I couldn't just stand there and let it happen.
(Neo sigh's)
Neo-I guess by tomorrow we will figure out what it is I guess.
Y/n-I would seem so and I will let you know it anything happens to me or if something is off ok.
Neo-Ok until then we wait say now that everyone is sleeping have you spoken to rias.
Y/n-No not really why.
Neo-You should talk to her.
Y/n-Yeah I know but I how should I approach it?
Neo-Just talk to her normally.
Y/n-I guess but what if she still have feeling for me.
Neo-Well I don't mind sharing.
Y/n-Wait what neo do you even know what you are saying.
Neo-Yes I and I don't mind sharing with you.
Y/n-I don't know if I can do that.
Neo-Why not.
Y/n-Because I feel like I might pay attention to the other more and hurt the other ones feeling and I don't want to do that.
Neo-Y/n I know you won't do that because that is not who you are and I know this may come new to you but I promise you that we will deal with it together ok.
Y/n-Ok welp I'm tired I'm going to bed.
Neo-Yeah me too.
(Y/n and neo then go to the bed and sleep together and preparing for the next day)
End of chapter 32
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