Chapter Five:A Help From My Brothers and to Save My Pinetree
(Bill's P.O.V) -In the Living Room-
After Pinetree is taken, we all have worried looks, except for me I have an angry look too, Pinetree and Shooting Star's Mom is crying as well as Shooting, but it stopped as they knew that I have a plan and they're right,I have a plan, I start to summon my Brothers, a few minutes later, a blue triangle and a purple star appeared, "Hey Bro, what's up" My oldest brother Tad Strange asks while they both turn into human form, "Ye-eah is th-there's so-something- Ooff" before Will finished he was tackled by Shooting Star "HEY WILL!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!" 'Wow! she is so cheery' I thought as she pulls back from the hug "Ye-eah I gu-guess so"he said "Guys I need your help" I said "Before that, this is Tad Strange my oldest brother, Tad this is the Pines Family, and that's Shoo- I mean Mabel" I introduced them pointing at them back and forth "HI!!" they said except for Shooting Star who yells louder. "Yeah, anyway guys can you pleeease help me, because Will's lover over here took my love away from me!!!" I said getting angry,"Ooooohhhh" the Pines including Shooting Star said while my Brothers laughing, "Whaat?" I ask "You admitted you loved Dipper" Shooting Star said as I blush, "I guess so, but I'm stil not gonna confess, I'll confess it to him in the right time" I said crossing my arms, "Say the THREE wordss" Tad said as I glare daggers at him"Ye-eah Bi-bill sa-say it" Will said, I sigh "Hurry up!! say it, say it, say it, say it" they started to chant "OK!!! I'll say it!!!-" I yelled as I whispered enough for them to hear"I love him" "Whhaaaattt???, we can't hear you??" they start to tease me, I scream "I LOVE HIM!!!!" "YEEEYYY!!!" they said in unison, "I'm going to have a new future son in-law!!!" Shooting Star and Pinetree's Mom screamed, I blushed "Hehehehe, I guess so 'Marie' " I said, while she stared at me in shock "How did you kno-" before she could finish Sixer continued "Because he's a dream demon and can read minds and knows everything" "Wow, my son gonna get married with Dream Demon!!!COOL!!!!!" I smiling nervously and rubbing my back of my neck awkwardly, "Now I know Why Shooting Star is so positive and cheeryself comes from" we laughed"Now-" Tad said walking up to me and putting an arm on my shoulder "-What's the plan to getting your Pinetree back?" I smiled and we all walk towards the kitchen and we circled around the table to have a plan..........
*Time skip* -In the Kitchen-
(Bill's P.O.V)
"Okay, guys you know what to do?" I ask the group "Sir Yes Sir" they said in unison I chuckle a little "Mrs. Pines you know what distraction you're gonna make?" I ask her "Please, just call me Mom, besides your my Future Son-in-law, anyways Yes I know. " I blushed beacause I'm gonna call her Mom, as We all laughed."Tad, Will let's make a portal to Reverse Falls" they nod and we star to concentrate, once our magic unleashed we made a portal. We all cheered, they stepped in the portal, before I took a step forward I say "I'm coming, my Pinetree"
-Reverse Falls infront of the Tent of Telephaty-
(Bill P.O.V)
"Okay we're here, Mom do your thing" I smiled and she smiled back, she walks in the Tent with the people to watch the Gleeful twins' performace, I turn on a walkie talkie to connect with her, "Okay are you ready" I ask her she replied "Roger that" I turn it off, and we all head behind the tent, towards the back door, "Okay Will, put some invisibility spell on us, and please make it longer," I ask calmly while smiling, he nods"O-okay" he chants a spell and we're invisible, "It didn't work, I can still ourselves"Sixer said while I roll my eyes, "Of course, you dumb dumb, we can still see ourselves but the other people, they can't see us "Cool" Shooting Star and Fez said, while looking around, making faces at the people pass by "and they can't hear us" Tad added as I and Will nodded in agreement "Fascinating" Sixer said taking notes while I roll my eyes again and chuckle, "Fascinating indeed, now let's go" I said they nodded and they followed my inside the tent. My Brother's and I know put some sleep spell to the crew of this performance as we entered the backstage I saw Tyrone, Reverse Mabel and My Pinetree..........STRAPPED ON A TABLE?!?!, 'What the?!?! what are those twins gonna do with my Pinetree!!' I thought angrily, my hands lits up blue flames and I'm turning red, "Brother calm down we're getting your Pinetree back I promise" Tad said, "Ye-eah Bi-ill ca-alm do-own for o-our pl-plan mu-ust go o-on" Will added I smile at them and hugged them, as I pulled away, I saw what's happening, the twins made Pinetree invisible, 'Phew, Good thing his not gonna kill him' I thought......The performance is finished and Marie, I mean Mom, walk up the stage to have the distraction ready, before that Reverse Mabel locked Pinetree on a room so he can't escape, well let's see about that, we follow them, and just as Reverse Mabel is about to close the door we all walk in for My Pintree's escape......
-Inside of the Tent of Telepathy
(Marie's P.O.V)
As I entered the tent, I sat infront to see the performance, so I can save my son. The light turned off, the show has started........a few minutes later......... The performace is now over and I walk up to the stage to see the performer, and that person is Tyrone the one who took my Son, "Hey" I said to get attention "Hello, can I help you?" he asks in a very sweet and innocent voice, "I must say that performance is cool, especially the finale" I said while forcing a smile, "Thank you, are you a tourist here?" he asks "Yes, Yes I am, could you show me more of your tricks, please?" I ask in a very sweet voice, "Of course, you may sit down, again" I smile and sat down and he show some tricks like make things float, vanishing things, invisible and so on.....'I wish my Son is safe' I thought........
(Dipper's P.O.V) -In a room-
As Reverse Mable lock me inside the room, Bill, Mable, Will, Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford and another guy appeared, I grin widely and hold back mt tears of joy from them to save me, but the water works I cried full of joy, I ran to Bill and hugged him "Bill*sniff* thank you for saving me" I said calming down from crying, some tears fell but he wiped them away and he cupped my face, and leans closer and I lean too, we were about to kiss but someone interrupt us, I grunt that made Bill laugh,"Sorry, if I interrupted, but let's go get your Mom and get back at Gravity Falls...By the way I'm Tad Strange, Bill and Will's oldest brother"Tad said as I smile he takes my hand and kiss it, that made Bill mad,"Relax Bro I'm not gonna take your precious Pinetree over here, his yours anyway, I would never take him away from you, and because your my Brother" Tad said, as Bill calmed and blushed, Tad nudged him in the head and hugged him, I wonder 'Oh, that means Bill loves me?' I thought,"You got that right Dipper" Tad said, and Bill and I blushed, Mabel hugged me, and said that we're gonna get out of here, "HEEYY!!! Who are you people!!!" Five crews walk in the room, Me, Bill, Mable, Tad as Will is behind Bill shaking, we stood in shock but Grunkle Stan knock the two out with his brass knuckles and Grunkle Ford, use a tranquilizer gun to pu them to sleep, We cheered for them and walked out of the room, and we hold hands to teleport outside of the Tent of Telephaty, but Me, Bill, Mable, and Will walks in leaving, Tad,Grunkle Stan and Ford to keep an eye ouside, even though it's night they can't see much, as we walk in we see my Mom sitting infront while Tyrone performed some tricks to distract him, according to Bill's plan though, we hide behind the last rows and wait for them to be finish, after all Bill's plan is to save me, and we escape Stealthy..........
(Marie's P.O.V) -Inside of the Tent-
When Tyrone is done, from the tricks he show me, I stand up and clapped, "Thank you for showing me some of your tricks, I must go now because my son is waiting in home, Bye!" I said waving goodbye,"Your Welcome!!" he said, walking in the backstage. I ran and I saw my son, my daughter,my future son-in-law and Will, Bill's brother, I hugged my son and daughter. After that we all walk outside, I hugged my family, that means Tad, Will and my future son-in-law Bill is part of the family. They make another portal and we're back in Gravity Falls..........
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