Part 8 ~ Jafar Is A Spooky Snake
~The Disney World Adventure~
Part 8 ~ Jafar Is A Spooky Snake
Characters: Me, Maddy, Piggy, Oswald (Plush), Merlin, Genie, Hades, Liquidator, Jafar, And Iago
(Thank you for 300 Reads everyone! Plus this took days to finish this Part wha-)
💕My POV:💕
So far so good... no wait... I DON'T EVEN KNOW. Well it looks like we meet a another Plush that has come alive which is Oswald and Maddy has to keep a darn eye on her for some reason in Magic Kingdom and we are freaking out how long we been practicing to try to defeat a villain and I cannot tell if it's going to be much harder than I thought. Well I hope that he doesn't annoyed me as long if maddy doesn't mind.
Ugh, next up will be one of my Internet Friends Movie that we love and Me and Maddy has to fight... Jafar? That spooky Snake or Genie? Welp, I hope we won't be killed. Wish me luck CRICKET MY GURL BUDDO.
And I really hoped that Megavolt doesn't win against me if we find him cause you definitely know why do I love him somehow... **Covers Face** Shush! I love Megavolt okay? >:'v
💙Back To The Story For All Of The Characters POV💙
We started to walk and find Merlin's next crystal to stop a villain by himself while we have to help him if its too late and Piggy just saw a key for the next battle along with Oswald too.
Oswald tapped Maddy and she started to reminded me that we are here to stop the next villain and it is Jafar.
"Oh boy... how do I miss that villain when I was little... GEEZ I Never have a favorite villain in Disney before but now I do believe it was Jafar when I was little! But isn't he easy to fight him just like we did it Scar girls?" I said with a weird look on my face and Oswald wasn't sure what I just said.
"Look, Faith! We came here to stop a villain! Not to talk about your favorite Disney villain that you finally Remembered as a kid!" He gave a little sassy talk right in front of me and he sighs in embarrassment. "Never-mind let's go fight Jafar already. But DO NOT Screw it up!"
I nodded as I put the card key on the little key hole symbol and the Magic to stop time so people won't see them going in the Portal.
The Magic Portal starts to show Merlin wearing a pirate hat and a sword to carry and he saws us that we are finally here to find the crystal to save our favorite Disney Park.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Avast there, Faith and Maddy! ...Oswald? What are you doing here with Maddy?" Merlin just notice that Oswald the little plush has join in to save and help the girls if they get hurt or lose the battle and he dodges the the sword before it gets him. He uses his magic to try and stop a bad guy before it kills him.
"I wanted to Join in the fun since your magic came to life, Merlin! I am brave enough to stop a villain for their help so I got her help for her birthday!" The Rabbit Plush says to him while he is still dodging the swords.
Merlin thinks that is a good idea to join in with Me, Maddy, and Piggy and he agreed.
Merlin stars to speak to us again while focusing to stop someone. "That's nice of you, Oswald, but Hades' Minions are closing in. I haven't much time!" He notice that Iago came up and starts to look mad at him. "Genie will explain everything! We're counting on you!"
Iago speaks loudly, "OH Shut your mouth old guy! ...And isn't that the girl who knows much about me? Or it was Cr-"
Suddenly some swords came right into the barrel and Merlin hides under it. Iago starts to fly away before he gets killed also. The portal changes into a different room and it shows the genie coming to see us for a first time.
"OH MY GOSH IS THE GENIE!!" I scream in happiness somehow that I loved the genie as a kid.
Maddy looked at me that I was getting too excited. "You must missed him huh?"
"Oh boy..." Oswald scoffs.
Genie starts to get happy also and speaks to us, "Faith, our favorite birthday girl! Maddy! Alright! Fasten your seatbelts... Cause here's goes a story time to see what just happened!"
The Genie starts to change into his suit with a good hair style so that he will tell the breaking news. There was a curtain in the portal and he gets his microphone to let us hear him more clearly.
He starts to speak in the Microphone, "Hades and gentlemen... Welcome to the Underworld Players presentation of "That Villain Jafar Has Returned and He's Really Really Mad."
It poofs right into a little play stage with puppets in it. The Genie starts to play as Hades, then Jafar, and then some water dog that looks like the liquidator that joined the fun to stop us for once and for all. He starts to acts like the three villains in this puppet moment. First off he played as Hades. "Oh, look. A lamp!" Next up was Jafar. "Hey! Jafar the evil genie here... To grant you... Three wishes! That's correct. You may want to start by wishing we have never crossed paths."
"Hmmm... No, I already got my wish list: 1) Take over this land. 2) Find the missing Crystal piece. And Three 3) Capture Merlin. Oh right, Introduction..." The Hades puppet said and The it poof in real life to see Hades, a Genie Jafar, and The Liquidator all here to see him.
Hades smiled at the Genie Jafar, "Name's Prince Azure. But you can call me... Master. Heh hah."
"And do forget the Liquidator! I'm mostly sure you will have fun to stop the Girls from saving Magic Kingdom!" Liquidator speaks to him and Jafar Grinned to see how good they are.
"Now what they are up too..." Oswald said in anger that he doesn't wanted to see Merlin hurt.
"Just keep watching!" Piggy says to him to shush him up cause she really needs to know and Oswald rolls his eyes.
"And, Curtain!" Genie speaks out and the curtain closes and opens to see a news letter that says (Jafar Frees Again!) "Oh, this is bad news! That evil Genie Jafar is free again... and already controls this land and a piece of the crystal! Now I can't seem to reach your friend Merlin, Either."
I started to gasp in fear out of no where.
"Doh! I knew it they wanted to get rid of Merlin in the first place over in my Magical birthday!" >:V
"Faith! It's okay! As long we gotten those magical cards we will be fine." Maddy says to me.
The Genie has come back after turning this back into his place where he lives now, "We need for help to Stop Jafar! Come into this Portal to our world before you can us all for sure!"
His message ends also but The Portal changed right to their world for a Aladdin movie to go. Are we feeling like to see Aladdin and Jasmine or what? Okay now this is a promise for my best friend to see over here! I must be dang lucky...
We all nodded that we are ready to take the Magical cards with us and some powers to stop Jafar and we were all ready to go in.
"Let's be careful not to- AAH! JAFAR IS ACTUALLY A SPOOKY SNAKE! Nope!" I shriek that I forgot that Jafar can turned into a snake somehow.
"Faith. He is no longer a snake. He's a Genie." Piggy gets a dumb look at me and I somehow chuckled.
All of us got into the Portal where the Aladdin Movie is to go and we see some pretty stuff while traveling in the Portal of Aladdin's place. Maddy sees this one scene and she remembers that Jafar can turn into a Snake also. She was noticing that until now.
But then Genie head came up to us out of no where since we are in the Portal- WAIT HIS HEAD?! "HEYA GIRLS And Boy!"
"AAH! Don't you DARE Scared me like that ever again, Genie!" Oswald gets jealous that he was the first one to be screaming but all of us just jumped.
He apologize to the Little Bunny and continues to speak, "Whoops! Sorry to interrupt but looks like Polly what's the Sultan's powerful Mystic Blue Diamond Ring. Hey! I got it!"
I gotten shock that I think we are supposed to battle Iago first. Oh no. This is BAAAD CAUSE He doesn't know Us until now in the first place and he's a TAKING BIRB. But as long if I won't hurt him so much, then we can maybe someday let him join in the fun cause I think I remember that Iago used to be a good birb now. Eh. LETS TRY IT OUT IF CRICKET DOESN'T MIND--
"YOU Two shake him down for the lowdown on Jafar... while I look for Merlin. Good luck girls!"
We landed on maybe Jafar's old room when he was defeated but we have to be very quite if Iago is here to stop us with his... feathers? Okay NOW I BETTER BE GENTLE. Oh Lordy!
"Remember what he said earlier? We need to find that Mystic Blue Diamond Ring from Sultan before that Bird comes out to find it!" Oswald says that he wanted to make this adventure quick as it can but Piggy doesn't know why he wants to be rave just for Maddy.
My Doll looks around if there is something wrong but she notice that Iago was here all along. "Shh! I heard a voice coming up here! Come on!"
"Welp... time to save his little feathers to be good I guess." I randomly said to myself.
"What?" Maddy says weirdly.
We all go upstairs and we saw Iago was trying to find that Mystic Blue Diamond Ring right until he actually founds it and I sigh in defeat somehow. He puts the ring on somehow and he liked it so much.
"Okay, now where is that ring? AH! Here it is! Magic rings go well with anything Especially plans to Mr. Goody-Blue-Shoes- in the Cave of Wonders where we hid that Dumb Crystal!" Iago somehow gets happy but a little mad but right until he saws us.
"OH. UM. Don't mind me! We are just finding the Blue Crystal sir! Please don't hurt us-" My voice speaks quietly after talking to him for a first time and I was quite creeped out that I just talk over a talking bird for the first time.
Iago gets a dumb look in his face that he doesn't know why am I acting like this. "Can you speak a little louder? Cause you sound shy a bit."
"She said she wants to have the Blue Crystal of yours! Please share it for us!" The Pig Doll says loudly and I quickly shush her and it's makes Him realize till now that we are stopping Jafar next.
"Piggy WHY?!" Oswald gets upset.
Iago wasn't happy about this at all oml.
"Okay, now you see, that's not fair! What with the sneaking up and all. I was really not expecting that. Kind of like... you're not expecting..."
Well. Here's goes nothing! I have to make maddy next to battle since this is going to be fricken tricky to battle him.
"Maddy just use the darn magic spell card USE IT BUT BE GENT-"
Iago used the Blue Diamond Ring to try to attack us but Maddy chosen a Card to fight him already. Wait a minute... isn't that the whale from the Pinocchio movie?
"Now time for you to get wet Big Bird! Get it? No? Okay I should continue. Nyeh!"
Oh good lord was that a pun and I guess a joke or no-
Yet, that card from the whale actually works to stop Iago but it probably hurts him maybe a lot for a defeat. Oh boy! What have I done?!
"A-Alright! You made your Point..."
'Goodness! I never seen a pretty girl being much better and stronger than I thought so.' Oswald says to himself.
"Iago, I need that ring!" A voice came up and Iago looks disappointed.
"And me, Jafar! Eh heh... don't forget your trusted Assistant!" He says in defeat still.
"Oh, alright." That voice says to him again as the Blue Ring disappeared so he can have it but it didn't make him disappear yet but he looks at us while I start to hold him and let him be on my arm.
Iago isn't sure why he is suddenly getting a weird feeling that I'm going to let him help us out where is Jafar to his place again and he gets embarrassed to himself that he doesn't know what is happening. "Wait! What are you even doing??"
I smiled at him that we know how he feels. Dang he's adorable all along? "Well we are sorry that we Hurt you so we need your help to see how we can stop Jafar, Hades, and Negaduck for sure when they are trying to-"
"Ruining your birthday Yeah, Yeah, I know! Plus I may heard that your friend does really liked me so much. Is that true?" He probably knows all along about Cricket in WAIT HOW DOES HE KNOW HER.
Oh great. Maddy wants to do it again.
Now Oswald isn't going to like this idea tho.
"MADDY STOP. We are trying to-"
"Calm down little bunny! ...Okay! I might help you to stop Jafar as long if you listen to me! Well here goes nothing being nice all over again..."
Finally the Parrot is nice again w o a h.
"Thank the lord!!" I said while starting to hug the Bird gently.
Genie head pops up and he was happy that Iago wasn't mean to us anymore.
"While you were going toe-to-toe with the Parrot... Jafar went after Merlin. The wizard's on the ropes! So I have to get back in his corner!"
Piggy randomly speaks to herself that she knows that Jafar is a spooky snake but she listened to the Genie again. "Keep going!"
"The crystal place is in the Cave Of Wonders. You have to go after it!"
The Portal opens up and it will show the Cave Of Wonders is already right there and we get in the Portal again and starts traveling in.
Genie comes back with his head floating around us that we are okay somehow. "Okay Birthday Girl and your best friend over here! Looks like Prince Azure and that snake Jafar are blocking the entrance of the Cave Of Wonders!"
"OH NO! That Cave of wonders gets me scared as a kid! I can't do that to see it upcl- Not again. WAAH!" I suddenly fell and landed on sand on my rear end and it's hurts just a little.
"You okay?" Genie says while his head was floating around somehow. I guess he will get his normal self whenever he stop Jafar first.
"She's alright." Maddy smiled and grabs me up and wiped the sand off of me.
Piggy randomly plays the sand with Oswald but they noticed that the cave of wonders is right there with Hades and The Liquidator and bringing up Jafar the Genie back into the desert.
Piggy oinks in fear that she knows she is afraid of Jafar for the first time and hides in my bag while started to take a closer look to see them up close so they won't get distracted.
Iago looks at Piggy for a second and realized that he is already there. "Be ready cause I'm going in your bag also. Plus you should let Oswald join in the fun too."
Well. He joins in the fun with Piggy to calm her down again. And Oswald doesn't care about that? Oh well let's keep going and see if we won't get caught.
The Genie Jafar speaks to Hades and Liquidator and said this to them saying this, "The Wizard Merlin is... elusive... Master."
Hades starts to talk back to Jafar. "Well, so's your freedom... until you catch him. I mean, seriously, whatever happened to... your wish is my command sire?! And jeeze loueez, your clothes? How about you put a shirt on? Come on."
Liquidator gets happy and starts to agree with Hades already. "You know, I think it's time for him to find Faith and Maddy already. So have fun battling her for the first time, Sir!"
Oh GREAT Jafar has returned to his normal self. At least he won't be a snake for real tho.
"Get ready! Cause he might me tough than we thought so. PLUS Get in the bag, Oswald!"
Iago does Not want to get caught somehow geez.
"Alright find! But this is promise for you bird!"
And Oswald just join in too. How cute!!
"Piggy says Please stay safe...! Please!!!" Piggy is sure is scared alright. Oh goodness.
We started to get closer to fight Jafar and he sure is happy again to take revenge. Whoops, looks like he does notice us and I froze a bit while Maddy is doing her battle pose?
"Oh, please! Not another feeble Sorcerer challenge. Well then. Why don't you amuse yourself... With THIS!"
Well I was wrong. He is turning into a darn snake. And geez, Piggy is really scared and hugging Oswald to be protective. Still... Why did it have to be snakes?
Yet we are starting to brace ourselves for good for our next battle so here we go again...
"While I finish with Merlin and watch your demise from a Distance!"
"...we're dead. HOW CAN I STOP HIM AGAIN???" I worried so much over a freakin snake oh lord.
Looks like maddy wants me to stay Strong from being scared of a Snake tho.
"Look! If you use another one do your Magic Spell Cards you might able to stop Jafar as a snake! Remember Girl, make your birthday much better and stop that dude for real!"
"Oh you will never scare me! Even with that silly spell cards you founded from Merlin!" The sneaky Darn SPOOKY Snake of Jafar saids to me and he clearly doesn't like me over in my birthday. Welp. I'm dead still.
I gotta pick out a card fast... BUT WHICH WHICH WHICH? >:v
"Well I guess I gotta pick out... AAAYY Rapunzel Magic Spell eeeh?"
This card looks fun to pick out. Does everyone remember Rapunzel from Tangled? Well I do and I hope it will work to stop Jafar as a Snake. I grab the spell card of Rapunzel and looks like the long hair of hers really does work and it actually scares Jafar off after hitting him a lot over her hair. And dang! Looks like it did work after all! Yay me!
And FINALLY That Spooky Snake of Jafar has been DONE! Geez...
"Did we did it?" Piggy pop up along with Oswald and Iago.
"Umm... I'm not sure that we win the Crystal yet." I looked In a serious mood to watch out from his next plan.
Looks like the battle is still not over yet for us though... Still Jafar looks pretty mad at us after we stop his Snake self still. But hey! We beat his Serpents butt!
"You may have beaten my serpent... But it's all for naught. The last defenders of this Kingdom are about to fall! Even for your birthday too! Hahahaha!"
Well geez that is freaky as heck. But hey! At least we beat him but it's not even over yet. Surely enough that we are still letting Piggy and Oswald in my bag If they get caught or run away but glad they listened to us.
Iago starts to get up and flies from the bag and lands on my top arm again.
"See? I told you he's powerful than you thought so! What did you even except anyway? AH! Okay, Genie, don't you dare do that to me ever again!"
Oh yeah I forgot that Genie is still has that head floating around us.
"Iago! We haven't seen each other for a very long time eh? And I'm glad Faith knows how to stop that Serpent since you were brave to him. Still good work stopping that snake, Faith!"
"Alright!" Maddy seems happy that I was somehow proud of myself.
"Thank you so much!" Piggy got out of my bag and starts hugging me.
Oswald doesn't know what just happen for Merlin so it's his turn to speak to Genie.
"Umm... But what about Merlin? Did he escape and stay safe like us?"
The genie hears Oswald the Plush Rabbit request and right until he notice about what happened to Merlin.
"Well Unfortunately, Jafar's Captured Merlin... AND We're running out of time! You got to go into the next portal so let's hurry up!"
Looks like Oswald seems scared for the first time. (Awww poor Oswald lol)
We get back to go into the next portal looks likes something smells funny that I maybe know what's Jafar up too. And here goes Genie finally explains to where was Merlin was Captured at!
"Merlin is Locked up! But I found a way to signal us. I'll open up a little old portal at his location... Now! O.K. While I deal with the Guards... You make a jailbreak! I am not joking. Still... Ready?"
Iago was not sure about that idea.
"Well? Shall we? I know it's a dumb idea but you must do it for once!"
Oh boy... I never done a jailbreak before but I hope it will be good and fast. So I nodded my head just in case if he doesn't mind for sure.
And hey! Genie is happy that I accepted that challenge.
"Great! Keep up the good work girls and save your birthday Miss Faith! And start making a break!"
Hey look! We finally found Merlin but looks like he is stuck inside of something like maybe a lamp. Anyway, we finally founded Merlin while he notice us that we are here.
"Merlin! Are you okay?" I asked him kindly and he nods as a yes.
"Yes! And Genie's right, the lamp really is an itty-bitty living space!"
Well looks like his Magic works to make him small though.
"Thankfully you heard my distress spell girls! It's about all I could master after my battle with Jafar. The villain caught me off guard. I'm afraid."
"Merlin we missed you so much!!" Piggy and Oswald was actually missing him while being caught in the lamp and he hugs them.
"Isn't your Pig doll yours?" Iago whispered to me.
"Oh she is for a very long time ago." I said to him kindly.
"Okay Oswald, that's enough. Now back in the Bag before you get lost." Maddy said to her and Oswald finally listen to her for the first time.
"Since we finally founded Merlin... how are we supposed to make him out of the Lamp?" Piggy says in confusion that she thought that a Genie would release from the lamp to have Three Wishes.
"Well let's found out if Merlin wants to speak first." Dang i must be in a hurry mood to save Merlin's life while saying it?
"No worries Girls! But I did weaken him! Now, I need your help to break out of this miniature prison"
Merlin is sure is really nice to us somehow to break this lamp to be free.
We was about to find the Magic Spell Card to make him escape but right until we heard a sound and it's from Genie??? Please I hope he is okay...
"Oh dear! Sounds like Genie's in trouble out there! Remember what I said about the Sorcerer Crest you did over in Scar's evil plan out here? Well you must do it to me next when we have to escape before he gets captured too! Now try it out Miss Faith! Try to Release me from its prison!"
Iago head pop up and whisper to me again.
"There no time to lose kid! Come on! And don't let that Fearsome Five to capture you next!"
Shoot. Now I'm next since Maddy knows how to do it. This is going to be tricky. I started to brace myself for that Sorcerer Crest Spell and BAM! The Spell did work for real!
Hey! It looks like we did it to make him escape. That's a relief...
"That was fun! Can we do it again?"
Oh piggy making references over a movie that I liked heh.
"Oh, nice work, Faith! Only looks like we're out of the frying pan and into the fire!"
Genie is still okay out here? I thought he was getting in trouble from the guards? I definitely think he is so let's continue on.
"Girls! Go to the next portal while I go stop Jafar if you make it on time and fast! Good luck out there!"
Merlin says while being on the Magic popping out of him still.
"We will!" Me and Maddy both said as the Portal was where in time and we got all In there.
"Geez I never known the Portal looks pretty amazing in here."
Iago looks around and sees if everything is okay.
"Say when can I meet your other friend of yours?"
I give a shock face out of no where.
oh no.
"Listen up Solider! Get out there and if you play your cards right we might just beat Jafar."
Looks like genie's head didn't scare us or pop up but looks like we are ready for the final battle of Jafar? Eh, I hope it will be a HUGE Promise that we will get the next Crystal from Hades evil plan.
We all landed in the Cave Of Wonders place and we gotta remember that we don't wanted to touch anything but the lamp. We all run and try to find Jafar and help Merlin out but the Three Animals take a peak and look all the golden stuff that the Cave Of Wonders has.
"Let's show that Snake or Genie what he got!" Oswald gets happy and mad at the same time since he hated Jafar somehow.
"Where are you going Iago?" Piggy is still hiding in the bag with Oswald and gets nervous a lot.
"Hey! I'm going to check on Jafar if you will actually defeated him soon so don't even think about it! Oh yeah, he's over there!"
Iago flies away from my bag and I hope he better not be stuck in that lamp again like a long time ago.
We finally founded Jafar and somehow the Liquidator came in to see how he's doing But we notice that Jafar is playing tricks to Merlin.
Maddy gets a idea to help me out to stop the villains.
"Faith! Jafar has the Crystal and Liquidator is keeping an eye Merlin if we are trying to get him out. What can we do?"
"Just wait and see..." I said bravely and starts to walk up closer.
Jafar starts to have much fun to mess around with Merlin while the Liquidator founds a empty treasure chest to trap Merlin in.
"Looking for the Crystal shard, are we? Well, I'm afraid you're out of luck! Hahahahahah!"
We hide and started to get a spell card to pick out and ready to battle him. It looks like Maddy wants me to do it just for Merlin to save.
"My, aren't we persistent? No matter..."
Jafar puts Merlin down in the Treasure Chest from his staff and the Liquidator already locked him in.
"Once Iago steals my lamp from that fool Prince Azure... he has but to wish me free... and then I answer to me one!"
"Be ready to stop his slithery butt off!"
The Pixie Rabbit said to us quickly.
"Cast a Spell!"
Huh?! Is that Genie's voice right over there?
And good lord Jafar isn't happy to us! We are definitely so dead to fight him again just like we did to Scar!
"This should quote you Genie!"
He uses his staff for his powers again to shut him up.
"Good card Faith! Let's go!" Maddy agrees for that spell card to pick and we all run and we meet face to face with Jafar and Liquidator himself.
But still. Dang looks like the Liquidator is having much fun also.
"I say that this Treasure Chest is a perfect way to stop him so he will never escape this- ...Hey Jafar! It's the Birthday girl and Her friend again! Be ready to make Faith lose so we stop her precious birthday once in for all!"
Jafar turns around and he gasp. "You again?!!"
"NOW! This is our big chance!" Piggy gives us a warning to battle him as he uses his staff to try to hurt us but we dodge it better like in last time over that Scar the lion crud. (Me: You're the best Villain Scar! Don't worry! :'v)
"Liquidator! Protect that Chest already! While I can take care of this last battle to fight!"
Liquidator nods and protects it once in for all just for Jafar and dang he's is mad snake alright.
"Well here's a Bitty Boppity Boo to you! Take this for a one Magic Spell! And get back into the Lamp!!"
DARN That is one good quote I made. I should Trademark that. ANYWAYS, that Spell Card actually starts to go out fast for what I just said and Jafar tries so hard to dodge one of them but right until that spell actually stopped Jafar and we finally did it to stop his evil plan.
"YES!" I scream in pure joy! Looks like it's getting better than I thought so!
"I knew it!" Maddy was also happy too! Aaaayyy!
"Go Faith! Go Maddy! We love you so much!" Piggy and Oswald said to us and We all high five and we just look at Jafar that he has... no hair. HE'S BALD HOW COULD I-
Wait. Wasn't Iago supposed to swipe the lamp? Oh wait... he didn't. The Liquidator maybe did it first cause I know he liked me to reveal my true memories in Disney World so he won't be bothering us anymore but I'm nervous if He and his friends will be mad or somehow almost about to get in a disappointed mood.
Oh BOY. Iago is back already but-
"Woah, YOUR HEAD! Uh, I'm blinded!"
(Yes this is what happens to Jafar's head in this part lol)
The liquidator suddenly chuckles and Jafar gives a deadly stare at him And it makes him shush up. He put his hat on again but right now The water dog cannot take it anymore to trap Merlin and the Chest Break open and the Liquidator Suddenly flies away. But maybe not that far.
Merlin starts to use his wand at Iago and it gotten him real good.
Iago roughly and randomly lands on my bag for a perfect landing while Oswald is giving a check on him in the Bag while piggy wants to see the rest if something bad happens.
"Merlin stop! He's on our side now! We promised!" I said very quickly right until Merlin interrupted me.
"Oh he is? Well I never know till now... WOAH! I better continue to stop him for real! Watch out for his powers girls! You don't wanted to get hurt!"
Merlin and Jafar uses their powers to try to stop themselves to see who is better and Jafar evilly laughs at all of us.
The Liquidator gets back up and tries to use his water powers to get the Lamp but until suddenly he hit himself over the gold again and the lamp flies away and landed on Piggy's plushy paws.
She warns Merlin that she found the Lamp for real and he noticed it till now.
Merlin finally talks to me that this is my chance to stop Jafar again so he won't notice that I gotten another magic card to stop him.
"The Lamp, Faith! Use one of your Spell cards to hit it! Any one of them will do!"
Okay I gotta really hurry up before it's too late! I pick out a card that I remember if it's from a old or new Disney movie that we seen so I chosen that Simba roar card and it distracted Jafar that fast.
"Uh oh! I gotta ft back to warn Negaduck about this! I don't wanted to be stuck in a lamp!" That Liquidator starts to realize that we are getting much braver than we fought so. He went into the Portal that Hades lived out of no where leaving Jafar alone with us surrounded him.
Well here goes Jafar to be in the Lamp again! Except Iago tho. He's still in the Bag as always again.
Merlin gets a lamp and starts to rub it. The Magic grabs Jafar that quick and it turns him to a evil Genie and it sucked Him away in his lamp forever.
"Whew! That was much too close!"
Merlin sighs in relief and The Two dolls hugged him once more and we was all safe from Jafar and Liquidator for that good time to have a good day again.
Genie starts to jump out form being tied up and he was freed again.
"Oh, you did it! You finally Did it Faith!"
Aww I guess I gotten love from the Genie!
wait now what's he doing-
💖 s m o o c h ❣️ 💖
"OH MY GOODNESS GENIE!!! Why did you do that?!"
My fave was suddenly red that I never saw him do that before which is really kinda cute? I better not let maddy making fun of me doing her tricks again.
"Oh, I'm tingly all over." Genie was okay and didn't get hurt after being tied up.
"Jafar? Are you in there..."
"Oh shoot. It's Him again. LETS GET Back home!"
Okay Iago stop.
🌟P o o f 🌟
💫Back at the place in the Sultan's home...💫
We was all here and is go was freed from my bag and sees Aladdin and Jasmine to a cute reunion. Man, he missed being good for my opinion.
Merlin and Genie came right up to us and give us a happy look.
"Faith and Maddy, you saved the day! And now Jafar is in no position to give Hades and Negaduck that shard from the Crystal of the Magic Kingdom and your birthday too!"
"Eh! No worries mate! Oswald the lucky rabbit is on the case with Maddy just as for a little help like Piggy too heh!" He smiled and Maddy blushed a little.
"You guys make the cutest team ever!" Genie said to us and I apparently blushed. Geez am I getting that much love from a favorite character I fricken love!
Merlin Starts to continue on, "Yet Hades is still recruiting other villains to his foul plan. We could still use some help after you have a break again. Oh, well you look at the time! Maybe you should hurry up before you could go into the next Battle! It's maybe almost time for you to have some rest before fighting your next villain to stop and get the next Crystal shard! See ya till the next adventure!"
The Portal to our Magic Kingdom world was opened and we started to get back to eat our next break. Maddy, Oswald, and Piggy got into the Portal to the Disney World home but when I got into the Portal I heard a voice from Iago?
"Hey! Is it okay that you can tell your friend name is Cricket from a online person to say hi? I actually liked her a lot for a Bird person to befriended with!"
oh my gosh. He finally did it!! I don't wanted to scream in happiness again but I give him a good look to him.
"YES." :333
"Thank you so much!"
Merlin and Genie waved at me and I got in the Portal to go where I was used to be. The time was back to normal where it was. It's about to be sunset sooner or not but we gotta eat some Ice Cream or more food to eat before we can do our next adventure before we can go back to the next adventure day in Disney World. I hope we get a Hotel if nobody doesn't know!
"That. WAS. AWESOME!" Piggy hugs me while I was expecting to be in a tired way. But eh. It's maybe 6 Pm and it should be dark sooner than I thought so.
"Now who wants to get some ice cream since we are already full?" Maddy says in a good worker.
"Oh let me have some! I might choose that Chocolate Ice Cream if they have one!" Wowie I guess I wanted some already.
We started to laugh and we start to get ice cream for a good work.
Maybe this day will surely come true if my birthday will be saved soon! ...Or maybe we should try to stay here for a little more time? I don't know It better be good still! So Ice Cream here we come!
✨To Be Continued For Their Next Adventures In Disney World...✨
💙SERIOUSLY. This part takes me few Days to finish this until a week but finally I finished it! Okay now how did this get into a lot of words again-💙
(Plus here's a free dancing Iago for today and a gift to chirpingcricket12 :3)
Real Characters In This First Story: Me And Maddy
Words Created: 6370 Words (GEEZ That took forever than I thought so to improve my story so far!)
~Faith (LilTilOne3231)
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