Part 7 ~ First Battle Day/Vs Scar

           ~The Disney World Adventure~
Part 7 ~ First Battle Day/Vs Scar Characters: Me, Maddy, Piggy, Oswald (Plush), Merlin, Rafiki, Hades, Negaduck, Scar, And Banzai

(Warning that this story is going to be long and probably rushed a bit in this but here it is finally! Also please do excuse my grammar in this Part also aCK-)

Back at Faith and Maddy...

After the long walk to find a place that we would find Merlin for our journey in Disney World, we have just founded a key that would fit in the symbol for the card and we put it the cards in my hand to find it. And we did!

"Does it work or not?" I said Confused.

Piggy Gets a little crazy, "HURRY UP I Don't know if the Fearsome Five is going to find us again please!!!"

*awkward silence...*

"U-Ugh sorry... please do continue!" The Doll says.

I start to sigh and I put in the key card right into the symbol what it says and the Magic portal comes up in the screen for what they are doing now in the Place where the old and new Disney movies in it.
It started off when the magic portal shows us to the Jungle and we found Merlin in Boat.
(Note that you can skip the video or watch it if you don't probably mind. Oh yeah, I haven't tried this game out but this is for the Story I made as a Fiction lol.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Glad you could join us Sorcerer, Faith, And Maddy along with Piggy! Hades and Negaduck set an ambush for me you see. So I'm afraid I won't be able to help you." Merlin says to us while we sigh Bored.


"Woah! Please do be careful sir! But who is going to help us now?!" Piggy gets scared.

"Maybe Rafiki will help you! Rafiki, will guide you in my stead. Good luck Girls!" He says while going into his Boat.
The Magic Portal changes as Rafiki comes in to see us how we grown and he was happy for a dream come true.
Rafiki laughs as he gets excited to welcome us for our help.

"There You Are! ...A-Sante-Sana-squash-banana!" Rafiki the Baboon says while singing his favorite part. We start to giggle how funny and sweet he is and he shows us a painting that what is happening.
Rafiki tells the story about Scar being returned back to life, "Scar Has Returned. In spite of his big fall. This is a very dark trick! It breaks the circle of life. Only one who is broken could do this. You see?"

"Now this brings me the c-chills..." Piggy speaks to me that she was scared of Scar and I start to hug her.

"Curse you Scar! Whoops! Continue please?" Maddy Speaks it out loud as nobody notice us.

Right until we saw a painting of Hades speaking to scar about his naughty plan, "Here's The Proposition, my furry friend. Help me take over this place. And fine me Merlin's Crystal of the magic Kingdom, and I will let you live Forever!"

Rafiki continue the story as he speaks it out loud to us that nobody will hear us also, "So Scar returned..."

"Oh Man!" Maddy gets shock.

"And this time, nothing can harm me! So if you wish to escape my wrath, you will obey me! Stampede the elephants and crush all who would stand in my way! When I find the Crystal, I shall be the King... FOREVER!" Scar says these words and we were shock for real and Piggy was scared and she flew right into my bag.

"I-I cannot believe it... This is our first day to go on a VERY BIG ADVENTURE And how are we supposed to save the Da-" I get interrupted while shouting too much and He shush me quite to calm me down.

"You Girls, must stop Scar. Fix this broken Circle. And you can travel in this portal of the Lion King Movie Land if you wanted too while the people won't notice you. Go on, and don't be scared to go in there! It will be fun to stop the villains quickly!" He Said kindly and he leaves while using his Staff stick (not sure what it's called lol) to end this message and the Portal starts to open to the Land where the Lion King Movie is.

"Weeeellll....? SHALL WE?!" Piggy says In brave but she is still nervous.

"Yeah! Don't be nervous like Piggy is! Trust us, and we will stop them once in for all!" Maddy said right into me.

I was just about to say a word but now I started to be very Brave than I thought due to the villains taken My mom and my sister and I nodded. They started to be happy and we all get in the portal real quick and we got into it while the people are stopped from time before they see us.
The magic portal takes us Into the Beautiful Circle of life where the Pride Rock is and we get excited. Right until the Magic Portal takes end of the ride and we landed randomly failed in the ground being OOF In Pain. Piggy landed safely while seeing the Africa place still being weird in her mind but she prefers the Pretty one since Scar gotten this place up BADLY.

Piggy gets nervous again and she tries to get us up for real, "Guys! Are you okay?! Come on!!!"

I get up and I got Maddy up too and I said, "M-MAN I Am okay! It's just that I never been to this beautiful place before in my life! Now, let's try to not mess this up! We have to stop Scar first before we could have new friends to meet us grandly nicely. Let's try to stop This Lion just like They said!"

"I'm glad that I bring my Phone with me for memories! Right? ....Right?" Maddy gets a little too excited and we have a Blank face but a disappointed face that she just Said that. She sighs in embarrassment and she speaks it again better, "Yeah I am not going to do that. But let's go everyone! Or maybe we should call ourselves... Team Sorcerers! Hah Hah!" Maddy saids in a better we get happy also and we started to walk to find a Villain to stop Once or Twice.

After for all the walk to find a villain to battle as a First Battle Day, we hear a voice which is Rafiki itself says something about A Dark Magic, "There Is much Dark Magic here, and Scar has shared it with the Hyenas! You must stop them!"

"Oh that's nice- WAIT HYENAS?!" Piggy screams and we shush her right we hear a Elephant sound that hit Banzai he was right there into us.

"Ugh Man! Elephants are not easy to scare. If it wasn't for Scar's whole invincibility thing, No way I'd be taking orders from him again." Banzai says almost in pain a little.

Piggy asked kindly a little to Banzai, "Awww are you okay Hyena?"
I get a Dumb face at her while Maddy laughs right until He notice us and we get Surprised.

"Hey, You're one of those guys Scar warned us about!" Banzai gets a mad face at us we screamed in terror and he gets a dumb look in his face also.

Banzai starts to get angry that he doesn't liked us, "Alright you can shut it! Now let's see if you try to beat me first Miss something something in your birthday today-"

"It's Faith Darn it! Now let's see which Magic Card that will stop him.... how about this one? The Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster? This was a Classic one for a Disney Pixar movie." I explained to them and They nodded. I nodded also again and I speak it out, "Well then... then I choose this! HAH!"
I putted the car right into him to make sure if it works but nothing happen with a awkward silence...

Banzai Laughs, "Hah! Nothing could stop me from a silly magical card you had! Hah HAH- *GASP* I Was WRONG!!!"

The Magical Card works and it appears that Buzz using his laser to stop Banzai for the first time and he got defeated.

"I-I'm just gonna lie down for a minute..." He says and he fells into the grown while lying down in defeat.

Piggy Gets Excited while defeating Banzai, "Alright! You did it Faith!"

"WOO-HOO!" I scream happily as hug my doll.

"Wait! I hear a sound again from Rafiki! Shhh! Let's listen!" Maddy asked quickly so we can hear him.

"Ha-Haaa! You did it! Now you guys must catch up to Scar. There is still a way to stop him and put things right!" He says.

"Just like Rafiki said! We need to catch up to him real fast! Come on!" I start to run and all of us run quickly to find him

After for a 2 or 4 Minutes to find Scar, we actually did found him and with his plan with the Hyenas again. We start to hide and the voice of Rafiki in our head says this, "Scar is getting closer. But the Lion, he tricked the hyenas... they are not so smart. You must show them the truth!"

"The Truth... that's it! I got an idea! Maddy, how about you can do this since you are... are... well silly and Random." (o_o) Piggy speaks quite as a quick thinking and Maddy Winks at her for a Idea.

Scar speaks out for the Hyenas, "Starting an Elephant Stampede. Such a... small task. Yet somehow beyond you feels. I seem to be the only one around here capable of doing anything right?!"

The Noise of Rafiki gasp about his horrible plan, "The Hyenas think Scar cannot be beaten. Show them, Miss Maddy!"

"Alright...! I got this... with my Sorcerer Crest card! Even though I might try to do the next challenge soon if it's a different villain." She said and uses her Sorcerer's Crest to stop this once in for all and it actually work to stop Scar.

The Lady Hyena ask out for Scar, "Hey! You're not invincible! Why, you lying, mangy, no good, wanna-be... king of the Savannah! We are out of here!"

All of the Hyenas leave Scar alone and we get happy also.
"Yes!" Piggy squeaks happily.

Rafiki laughs, "Good Work, Maddy! Scar will disappear Here! But you can follow him to another place... and Face The Lion."

"The-The-The Lion?!" Piggy Squeaks Differently.

"Calm down also! We got this and let's follow him just like he says!

"She is right. We have to agree with her so be brace Piggy! This is the reason why I wanted you to be here with me since your a Pixie!" I explained to her and Piggy hides into my Bag and we follow him but we founded a Portal that will leads us Where is Scar now.

"Shall we?" Maddy Speaks out to me and we laugh. We got into the Portal where Scar is and we finally founded it after a Second.

"The Hyenas Have Fled! Yes! But Scar Seeks another's help. You must stop him before it is too late!" Rafiki says right when we are in Scar's Cave.

"Let's hide again Girls!" Piggy says to us and we did right unit we saw Scar. But with that, we saw Hades and Negaduck also.

"Surely you can appreciate... if I am to rule this Land, I must be more powerful than my brother, Mufasa." Scar Said to Hades.

"Well I can appreciate... is you keeping your part of bargain. So, get those elephants moving... And bring me that Crystal... Or Our Deal IS OFF!" Hades Speaks back as a explain to him as a warning.

"So don't try to forget, Scar! We don't wanna lose to a Kid who is now... FORGET IT I Don't know her age yet! So keep doing what you are Doing first! See ya!" Negaduck was almost Angry and they're gone already when Scar is alone.

We start to have a plan again as a Whisper and we started to be ready to Stop Scar once in for all. We are still going to be Brave like Simba and we are going to be smart like Mufasa and Darkwing Duck. So we take a Step back first, And we stop hiding from Scar and we show up right into him.

"Not so fast, Scar! You're not getting that Crystal first!" Maddy says first to him.

"Please don't try to hurt us!!!" Piggy Said also.

I said lastly to him as a warning for a battle, "So Surrender now or Prepare to Fight! ...Wait was that a Pokémon Reference?"

Scar Chuckles evilly and speaks to Me, "Ah, there you are. The birthday girl who loves This place eh? You certainly proved your skill against that... Tree branch." Scar was about to say something again but he got interrupted by Piggy laugh. He growls at her right until she hides into the Bag.
He continued to speak right into us, "Unfortunately... this time you have to contend.. with ME!!!

"GAH!" Piggy hides into my Bag again.

"Which card should we pick out next?!" Maddy Says to me very scared.

I pick out a Card that Merlin gives to us and it was the Lumiere's Candle Blast and the Plan worked for me.
"This should Work...! Hey Scar! Remember Beauty and the Beast? Well here's something pretty to have! BE OUR GUEST!" I said to him and the Magic Card actually made him Lose the battle. He feels tired and Hades with Negaduck came up to him while we hide.

"Late night stealing the crystal of the Magic Kingdom I ho- Wow. Looks like you been... •cringe cringe• Defeated" Hades saws Scar in defeat while Negaduck wasn't happy.

"Oh no, no, no,...." Scar feels sick about being in defeat from Us.

Negaduck gets a nasty Idea, "We should have a better plan Hades. How about this... •WHISPERS WHISPERS•"

"Hmmmm.... thank you, Negaduck. Now where were we? Ah yes. Scar.... I got you something better to use. So... Gtg and let me get yourself in a better place." He says and he snaps his fingers to poofs Scar away into dust.

We started to run away after they disappeared from a blink of a eye and we got outside in the Lion King world to find them.
Right we finally here Rafiki voice to us.
"You busted him, My friends! HAH HAAAH! But, the fight is not over yet until the last part when your able to stop Scar one more time! Be watchful!"

Piggy says bravely, "Yep Yep, So where is that Scar again with Hades And Negaduck?! We wanna stop Scar for real!"

"Oh, Piggy, Well we don't know if he is Easy or Hard to stop him but we may find out when A Only good power can stop him... Like You Girls!" Rafiki stops talking when we saw them releasing Scar as in his new form and it's Scares Piggy.

"Oh... My... WORD!!!" I gasp.

"Geez Louis WHAT IS THAT?!" Maddy randomly shouted.

Scar finally came up right into us after being much powerful than he thought, "I have only one bit of advice for you Three Girls... rrrrRUUUUNNNNN!!!"

Piggy randomly Screeching in fear as she hides into the Bag all over again and We get nervous that we don't know what will happen next.

Maddy gets Brave for real once again, "OH Yeah?! Well let me Use my magical Card... The Blue Fairy Wand Wish!"
The magical card did work into Scar but only a little bit of magic did stop him almost.

"Back Way, Ma'am! Or my lighting will stampede the elephants below!" Scar said to Maddy as he gets disappointed at her.

Rafiki knows what is Scar self, "Ah! That Scar is a Tricky One! But old Rafiki already sent the elephants home. HAH HA HA HA HA!!! Now, Blow that Storm away Miss Faith!"

"HURRY! I don't wanna lose you and everyone guys!" Piggy asked Bravely better and finally sticks up to herself and I gotten that right.

I grabbed a Magical Card one last time and it was The Headless Horsemen's exploding jack-o-lantern spell. I used it right into that Stormed Scar and it worked as the Magical Card really did stop Scar for good.
"I think it's working!" I said in happiness after it gets one more shot as the Stormed Scar gets shocked and he gets Hit one last time and now he is gone for good.
We yell in happiness when we first defeated our first villains and Hades wasn't happy about that. "Great! But did he listen? NO. HE WANTS TO BE A CLOUD! Who's afraid of a cloud?! AAARRRGGH!"

Negaduck sighs in madness as he slapped Hades, "Come on, Hades! Maybe we will find a different villain so they can stop her for real. And next up will be Liquidator to come and join you as a next up fight. But he won't fight the girls yet until they will get much better and show them how powerful they are now. You get it now Sir?"

"Alright fine fine... AS LONG If they won't mess things up! Now I really promise you for real." Hades finally calmed down as he snaps his fingers to go into his evil world again with Negaduck.

10 Seconds Later...

We finally found a Portal which leads back into the Disney world place where we first gotten our first Fight just right in time in the Real World and we saw Merlin with Rafiki having fun in the boat.

"Very Well done Miss Faith and Maddy! Congratulations sorcerers!" Merlin says as we get excited but he continued speaking we finally shush.
"Unfortunately... Hades & Negaduck still had other villains afoot."
We started to groan Piggy was okay since she is getting better at being scared.

Merlin starts to continue to us again while we stop groaning since we got tired, "You know, I could always use your help again if you can spare the time! But you can have a break since you will rest a bit if it gets dark. Do not worry, we gotten A lot a money to use since if the people who are working Here doesn't mind! So have fun enjoying your minute Break first before getting our next battle to a Villain!"
The Magic Portal finally ends as the people finally watched us why we are groaned in real life and we jumped and start to walk away from them randomly since we have a lot of money to do now.

After a 14 Minutes Later we started to have food for day since it hasn't been dark yet. Well almost but not sure why if it will happen but it was probably maybe 5 PM When we got back.

"I'm finally that we are going to have a Break first and get some food and I can continue checking on something like my food!" I said in excitement while eating the food.

Maddy laughs, "Looks like you are hungry after all."

"Boy! This food is REALLY Great!" Piggy says while eating also and she really loved the food they made in Disney World while hiding in a table from a bag that they won't saw her being A Real Talking Pig Plush.

Before that we can leave from eating all the food, I saw a another Plush which is right behind me and it was a Oswald Plush. Do I really remember him in the Game 'Epic Mickey' and his show itself since he hasn't been around in the modern days? Eh, I think it might be a Magical Talking Rabbit Doll too just like my Doll since they probably forgot to put him in a Store but I actually started to grab him up and show it to Maddy.

"Yooooh! Look what I found!" I showed to her and she gets happy and Stars to hug him and once I realized he starts to blink and gets shock and Piggy Notice it also.

"Wait... is he... ALIVE Like me since he is now a Pixie too?!" Piggy shocks as she wasn't the only one who is alive still in Disney World.

I get surprise and I hugged my Doll so nobody can hear us. Right until the Oswald Plush started to get annoyed a little bit.

"Thank so so VERY MUCH FAITH!!!" Maddy screamed right The Oswald Pixie starts to shush her as he is finally alive.

The Oswald Pixie Plush finally speaks to her, "SHUSH Miss Maddy! You have no idea what will happen to us if something will bad happen right now or tomorrow! ...Uh... Maddy? Faith!"

"HE IS ALIVE?!" Piggy randomly yelled a little as she get happy.

Oswald starts to speak again, "Oh No-"

Me and Maddy started to scream for real since nobody didn't notice us again until now that we was talking into a Oswald the lucky rabbit Plush who is now a Pixie too and we stop screaming and started to run away randomly. The people thought that we saw a random thing but they didn't care and they continue what they are doing.

To Be Continued For Their Next Adventures In Disney World...

(AUTHORS NOTE: OKAY. I AM SO REALLY SORRY For not continuing this due to fricken School but I have a great Christmas Break and a good New Years. But HEY!!! It's 2018 right now so I am definitely going to get back into the parts for now on. So here it is again. But anyways Here is fricken part 7 y'all! 👌🏻)
(And do not worry, I will continue the parts again by either tomorrow or In Saturday's OR MAYBE In Sunday's as a Next Week Work just in case in January. So please do stay tune for their next adventures in this Fan Fiction!)

💖Also Happy Almost Martin Luther King, Jr Day By Tomorrow since I have no school for just in case to relax in this important day!🎶

Real Characters In This First Story: Me And Maddy

Words Created: 3745 Words (ALSO A NEW RECORD OH GEEZ :'/.)

~Faith (LilTilOne3231)

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