Part 5 ~ Taken/Meeting Merlin

~The Disney World Adventure~
Part 5 ~ Taken/Magic Practice
Characters: Me, Maddy, Piggy, Allison, Hades, Pain And Panic, Negaduck And His Villain Friends, And Merlin.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there ye-"

"NO. Please Piggy, Just no."

"Aww man!"

The adventures of me and my friends are still continuing in the Magic Kingdom place since we are trying to find in a Ride, Food Place, Pictures to take, and many more to find since it's been a long year to be in Disney World.
I remember going to a Disney water park and it keeps making me a little tired to go there but I always wanted to go to Disney World again because of the rides and the characters... and even Donald Duck. :'/
While after a short walk we made after going into the ride of Space Mountain which is really popular that kids and adults love, we started to sit down again in by the seats we founded while everyone sitting also.
One ride or not ride thing is the Stitch Great Escape which is close since we went there. Not sure if it's going to be replaced or going to be something else with new updates but we will find out soon in the future.
(You don't get it? Here's a picture about it but it isn't mines though rip:)

"Awww bummer and that was my favorite!" Piggy says it while sadly bored.

I started to speak to her, "Well I heard that this gotten replaced way back in the 2000's when there was a different alien ride by in 90's if I do believe. And I am not sure if it's getting replaced though with a new one if it's not A-"

"Okay that is enough of this." My sister said.

Before we could do something, we go into the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor and we laughed hard on it. It's been so long since I went into that place though.
We got off into the Attraction until Me and Piggy saw someone playing The game of Sorcerers Of The Magic Kingdom and I was shock that people are still playing it if it's underrated.

T I M E  S K I P

As time has come by, we went to see that new thing that is happening into The Magic Kingdom place which is this but I don't know it so far so I decided to take a picture of it as

(This is really cool though up close)

Since then after when it's over, We stared to find a character again to take a picture of one but it's might be that hard to find one in Magic Kingdom.
Since we taken a picture with Goofy and Pluto, we were having fun to much into this place until we need a break before going somewhere in Magic Kingdom. We got off to go into the Train But suddenly it started to rain when we have to keep ourselves clean and not wet.

"It sure is raining around here in Disney... I thought it would stop a minute ago?" Piggy asked to me quietly and also Maddy.

"Not sure how long it will last but I hope it won't ruin my birthday as for a Hour..." I replied.


After the train takes us to that place we were about to go to the Big Thunder Mountain again, it was still raining and we have to hide into a store until it stops.
We started to talk for a little while and I start to sit down and I was REALLY Bored about this and what to do now.
I can REALLY Imagine seeing Donald Duck again but it will be hard to find right from the other characters in this place.

"Hey Faith? Do you wanna talk about something like Oswald and Different stuff we liked too do?" Maddy said to me and we did and we started to sit down in a chair and eat some popcorn we have left still.

When Time skipped again and we finally got out from the store and we started to check the rain and it was finally over so we can have some fun still.
Until Piggy had heard a sound that she feels like we been watched by a villain or a creeper...

"Huh? Hey! Faith and Maddy!" Piggy keep trying to notice them until we did.

"Now what? Is it time for us to check something like... You know? Fun? Or you are hungry again?" I said curiously.

"Or its the time that we will become super hero's!" Maddy explained.

Piggy shook her head as a no and she gets nervous really badly, "No! Not that! I feel like we are being watched a Villain if it's Pain And Panic or a Different Villain that is really ready to battle us! And there is isn't much time to talk about it!"

"Faith?! Now who are you talking too for real!" Allison starts to get very strange and she gets the bag out and the Doll just come out and it's piggy who is actually alive and she Gotten shock.

Piggy was scared but she is brave to tell my sister about this, "AAH! Don't tell your mom that I am alive! But You guys are going be Caught by a villain and we need to see Merlin real quick before we could stop the villains if it's true!"

"Faith! Maddy! Since when your doll talk to you and me and it came up right into your bag???" She gets a little upset and Me and Maddy had no words.

"W-Well it's a long story but what she said was true and I am not sure how did my doll come to life! Someone must had cast a spell on her for real! And idk how in a world that we are going to save Magic Kingdom from a Villain if they are about to have a plan to get us!" I explained real quick to her before she gets real confused.

Maddy looked around and she gasped that My mom is gone but maybe lost?!

She come up to me and says, "FAITH! Where's your mother?! I thought she was right here while talking!!!"

"Wait what?! What do you mean she is gone?" I gasp and I gotten really nervous about this...!

Piggy gets scared and talks in her mind, 'Oh I knew it... It must be Pain And Panic that must be stolen her mom without noticing! I hope we won't get caught as well! But we gotta tell Merlin and fast before everything is too late!'
The Doll got up and starts to speak at us again real loudly.
"We gotta go to Main Street U. S. A in Magic Kingdom! Now and Fast! I told you that we don't have much time to waste around and talk!"

We all nodded and we run to find the same train we go but it was too late so instead we run into our lives before we get caught by a villain.
Until Pain, Panic, And Negaduck with his evil friends gotten a idea from their portal.

Negaduck Speaks to them, "You know, since you guys gotten Her mom... The Fearsome Five will get them and tell about their true self that they liked in Disney world or in their future self! You stay here until we get them! But for me... Well I might watch and see how they come."

"Are you sure? Her doll will call Merlin away if she can do that!" Panic Talks back.

"And what happens if we released Faith's sister if she doesn't care about herself?" Pain says back too.

"Then we might let her go and give them a little warning if they Escape from us!" The Liquidator says while being Happy that he is going to get them for real just like her dream.

"Have Fun you awesome boys! Negaduck will be proud right here!" Hades says while high five Negaduck.

All Fearsome four nodded to them and they got out of the portal that they have from the Disney Park as they run off.

"Time to stop the time from the people! Now take that Merlin!"

Everyone and this place was stopped expected the other parks in Disney and the world and we was in fear. "Don't stop running! Keep going! We are almost there!!!" Piggy gets Really Badly scared until we passed the Castle since it was up there still. Right until suddenly really bad happened...
"Do you remember us Miss Faith?"
"Do you remember us from your Dream?"
"Well your time it's time for us to get you again without that Darkwing Duck because..."

RANDOMLY QuackerJack came up right into our faces while we stopped running and all of the gang was there.
Piggy Jumped and screams out loud, "Oh No! We been caught from Megavolt, QuackerJack, Bushroot, And Liquidator at last!"

"That is right! Without DWD And your friend Merlin of yours... Now we will stop you so we will know yourselves as for your powers! So be prepared my little enemy friends!" Megavolt Chuckles while saying that.

"Finally our chance to get you! Oh I can to wait how it turns out!" QuackerJack gets happy but insanely happy.


"R U N!!!"


We started to run so fast that we hope that they won't catch up, Megavolt and QuackerJack tries to stop them but they are too fast until liquidator has a plan Yet also Bushroot and starts to use his water powers to get Allison first since we are Hopefully almost there. The water and grass powers gotten us when Megavolt and QuackerJack tripped into Bushroot and he fell down except Liquidator with his powers that gotten Allison and we fell down also. Piggy Is surprisingly shock that she didn't escape like us until She starts to speak out the words that we will remember if she will come back, "Don't worry!!! I will be okay even though that I'll be with my mom! Please do help us and keep running and I am not sorry for this!"

I started to get very nervous from them and we keep running and we dodged Liquidator water powers and then we gotten into Main Street U.S.A. From Disney. Piggy got out into the bag and she runs with her own lives and Maddy with Piggy gotten into the Sorcerers Of The Magic Kingdom Place Game and the magic door was locked and I lost breath to get in and I was too late. Megavolt finally catches up to me and grabs my arm just like in my dream since Allison is now gone with my Mom and the whole Gang was here to push me into Hades place with Negaduck. I gotten scared really badly and shy about this since Megavolt was really this close to me and also his friends and i was terrified to speak with them again without my friends to help.

"Hah Hah! Now I can tell you're to shy to speak again just in your dream if you can remember! So I guess that Mickey Mouse Or Darkwing Duck won't save you now and now we can hear your Secret of yourself!" Megavolt gets really excited for finally catching up on me.

I started to speak back whiling being too Shy and scared for life (oof), "N-No you can't! I don't remember anything about myself! Someone! HELP!!!"

"There is no saving you now little birthday girl! And now your evil gift if finally here in your dreams!" Liquidator winks before he continued to walk away from the place so they can throw me into the portal with Hades.

"And it will be so much fun but yet Dangerous! I hope you will LIKE IT!" He chuckles Very Wacky since QuackerJack is very wacky from his powers.

"Yeah let's forget about Maddy so we can find her and Get her so Our plan is finally- YAH!!! I-I-It's...!" Bushroot starts to get Terrified.

Megavolt gets strange out from Bushroot until he realize also, "Oh now what? WHAT?!"

"No Way!" Liquidator Gasped.

"AWWW Not again!" QuackerJack Says.

"It's Merlin!!!" The Whole Fearsome Four Says.

(Only kids from the old days will remember him lol)

"That is right! Now it's the time for me to save you Faith! Take that you beast!" Merlin speaks as he used his powers and they stopped the 4 Guys and I escaped quick and Merlin Grabs my hand to get into his portal that where he lives and it opens.

"THANK YOU! I've been saved! But what about Allison?!" I spelled while breathing hard.

Merlin gets a bit nervous while speaking, "It is too late to get her! We won't come back until they let her go for real! Come on! We are almost there!"

I gotten shock and get sad a bit and we gotten into Merlin's place in the Portal and it closes before the 4 Villains get in there but they are too late.

"OooooOOOOO!!! Curse you Portal! This sucks badly!" QuackerJack says while being mad and jealous.

"Ooohh Man! This is the Second Time we get defeated!" The grass guy said and starts to be afraid what will happens next.

"Calm down guys! If we talked to our boss, they will be fine! What do you think boys?" Liquidator talks to them.

All of the Four nodded their heads.

"I agree! Let's go ask the good and bad news to Hades and... Our boss! And we will be back Miss Faith! Cause your birthday will be ruined soon!" Megavolt said and they went back into the portal also where they lived.

The time and the place came back to normal and the people started to walk and have fun again while we was gone.
T I M E S K I P (Again-)
After from a minute, I got up and I was awake for real and Merlin sighs in relief if I was Fainted.

"Good! You are awake! Me and your little friends was scared if you are hurt from those nasty villains if they tell your memory of this place." Merlin gets happy and I got up from him.
"FAITH YOU ARE ALIVE!!!" Piggy gets Sadly happy that I was okay while crying a bit and I hugged her. You know... This place isn't that bad after all with my doll being alive with my friend though!

"Oh thank goodness you are okay! So thank you so much for saving us Mister Merlin!" Maddy my friend says.

"You are very welcome! So, I heard that your Family is taken from Pain And Panic right?" Merlin says while I nodded my head as in sadness. "I'm sorry for what happened Miss Faith. Well I know it's your birthday but I will be coming here to save it before at night starts! So I know that your family is taken but your friend is still okay to fight back but I'll tell you the hole story about what happen to me too. Just listen my story and you will know what will happened to me too since it is the Roleplaying game that they made from Disney!" He said and he shows us the video from YouTube if I could have remembered.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Maddy started to speak, "So that what happen to you too..."

"I remember this when I was little kid though. I never played it yet but it's my Or our first time playing it." I said.

"Now it is your time to stop Hades and Negaduck with his other villain friends to save Magic Kingdom before it's too late! Here! You need some cards so you can stop them and you can use Your Powers if you can stop a different villain Miss Faith And Maddy. I know it's your birthday but we need to save it before they ruin it even more." He tells me.

"Okay... we will save the world!" I tell him.

"Alright! I will be going with you to be ready!" The Pig Doll says in happiness.

Maddy gets happy too, "Woo HOO! I hope we will find Mickey With His Gang again or we will find Darkwing Duck also if you still remember him!"

Merlin gets happy and gets up and he gives us our new powers and the cards so we can stop the villains for good.

Merlin finally speaks out and says, "Now it is the time for you get some practice first and start getting out to save the world in Magic Kingdom my friends!"

"YAY!!!" Maddy & Piggy Gets Happy.

"Wait What?" I said and you know it that my REALEST Adventure is about to come right now in real life to go into someone's place from a different movie from Disney.

(The Next Part is coming to be worked on soon cause there is going to be a song in it from Disney or something else though if it's short or long as a hope.)

Real Characters In This First Story: Me, Maddy, And Allison

Words Created: 2884 Words (NEW RECORD FINALLY YAY)

~Faith (LilTilOne3231)

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