"E! IF YOU WANT TO BE EARLY YOU HAVE TO GET UP!!" A voice rang out, my eyes quickly opened and I sat up, "COME HAVE BREAKFAST!" my mom yelled. I slowly stood up and stretched.
"Coming, coming" I called out tiredly, yawning. I made my way down stairs to the kitchen, the white marble countertops glowed from the sun, and the skylights made the room light up.
"Awwww! Look at me soon to be a citizen and college student!!!" my mother said, ruffling my longish white hair as I sat down in my PJ's to have breakfast.
"Well they sure doesn't look like one!" my dad said coming down stairs from his room. I gave him a weird look.
"I just woke up! What do you expect!" I said, my dad let out a laugh .
"Relax! I'm just messing with you!" he said.
"I can't wait to see what your colors are! And you get to be Enlisted by Theodore himself! You are such a lucky boy!!" my mother exclaimed. "I would die to be enlisted by Theodore when I turned 18". I looked down at the pancakes my mom made me.
"Is it weird that i'm a bit nervous?" I asked. My parents looked at each other.
"No! Of course not! Your meeting out leader! The one who made the world amazing! You have every right to be nervous!" my mom said trying to comfort me.
"Hm.... I just hope I don't mess up... or say the wrong thing..." I said.
"Oh don't worry! You've already chosen everything, so you'll be fine! It's not like you're coming up with your gender, sexuality, name and job on the spot! You've prepared for this E! You'll be great!" my mom smiled. I smiled back.
"Thanks mom...." I trailed off, " well... I better get ready if I want to be early!" I said putting my plate in the sink and rushing upstairs. I went into my room and shut the door. I brushed my hair and got ready for the day, put my graduating hat and robe on. I couldn't help but freak out... not only was I graduating... But I was getting enlisted too... i'll be a real citizen... i'll get my colors... and my name and gender... and it was all in front of the LEADER! I looked at myself in the mirror. All of my friends had their birthdays before mine... and they got enlisted like regular... so why did mine have to be on the day I graduate? Why did the leader have to enlist me? Questions ran through my mind. "No" I said walking out of my bathroom. " Theodore say's thinking questions caused trouble... I can't think" I repeated the words of the leader. I walked out of my room and down to the living room. My parents were waiting there. My father smiled when he saw my robe and hat.
"Well there you go!" he exclaimed, " are you ready?" He asked. I took a deep breath.
"Yep!" I replied. My father nodded.
"We'll meet you there then!" he said. I nodded back and took the keys to one of the cars. I walked out of the garage to the carss, I always thought it looked weird how the cars looked when they were not floating. I unlocked one of them and got inside, I made sure I had my drivers licence and turned the car on. The car shook as it lifted off the ground.
"alright!...*sigh* let's go" I said out loud, I pressed on the gass and the car took off. I drove in silence, I didn't want to turn the radio on, because there wouldn't be music, it would only be playing the news on the graduation of the newest generation, and how no one had ever been enlisted on the same day. It just made me uncomfortable knowing they were talking about me without saying my name. I pulled up to a huge stadium, I had been there before when I was little to see other people graduate, but the past several years I haven't gone because of all the testing we had to do to get enlisted in the first place. I parked outside and waited leaning up against my car. I waited at least 20 minutes until i head a voice.
"MAN!! AND I THOUGHT I WAS EARLY!! How long have you been here, E?!" My friend Vise ran up to me, he had been enlisted a few months ago, he got to change his name from just the single letter we're assigned to Vise and he chose the male gender and picked his future job, he also looked a lot different from before, his skin went from white to dark, and so did his hair, his eyes stayed white though, everyone's eyes were white... The only person that has non white eyes was the leader, only he was allowed to have colorful eyes.
"I've been here for about twenty minutes" I replied, Vise rolled his eyes.
"Dude! Why do you alway get to places so EARLY!?" he cried. I shrugged.
"I dunno, I just do! It's better than being late!" I pointed out.
"But don't you think that's a bit TO EARLY?" a voice behind me said. I jumped and spun around quickly.
"By the leader! G you scared me!" I cried. G laughed, their long light grey hair was tied back into a bun and their partch white skin practically glowed. I covered my eyes. G hadn't been enlisted, yes, their birthday was later on, so they would get to choose their name and everything when that comes along.
"G... you need to get out more... your somehow paler than E" Vise grimaced. I punched Him in the arm.
"I'm only pale because of the whiteout!!" I said angrily, the whiteout is what makes our colors disappear when we're born.... Only people getting a doctor's degree get to know about it, so pretty much no one knows what it exactly is, but the leader said it was safe, and that had to be true because the leader said it, so we never questioned it. Vise laughed.
"ARG! Ok! I get it!" He said laughing. G rolled their eyes.
"You two need to grow up... you're both going to be enlisted at this point... and i'll be here all alone!" G grumbled.
"Oh you'll be fiiiine!" Vise said sitting on the hood of my car, "you'll still have us! We'll just be all colorful, and you won't!" he said smiling.
"I... that's what i meant!!!.... You know what, forget it... you're an idiot" G said annoyed. I laughed and sat down on the hood of my car as well.
"By the way... E... what do you think your colors will be??" G said. I though about this for a second.
"I have no idea" I shrugged.
"Maybe you'll be super cool looking because you're getting enlisted by the leader!" Vise exclaimed. I shrugged again.
"Hmmm... what if-"
"ALL GRADUATES TO THE SEATING!!!" A voice Shouted, cutting G off. G shrugged it off and started to walk with the crowd of students, Vise and I quickly started to follow. I walked in the large doors of the stadium.
If i knew what was there for me... once i walked through those doors... I don't think I would have ever gotten out of bed in the first place.
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