XVI - Marco Gets Tackled By Little Girls

Marco was having a pretty bland day until Star came to his tent.

"Hey," Star said casually, "Whatcha doing?"

Frankly, Marco wasn't exactly sure what he was doing. His phone was drained from its batteries, so he was now fidgeting with the blacked out device out of sheer boredom. Star was wearing (slightly) casual human clothes, a white shirt with Mewman text etched onto the fabric, and tight jeans. Her hair was tied into a bun in the back of her head.

Marco couldn't help but blush at her attire.

"N-nothing," He stammered, "Just really bored. I mean, isn't the rule of mountain climbing just to go up the mountain, look at the view, and then to go right back down?"

"Well, it also gives people a chance to just... Spend some quality time together, right?" Star's face was bright pink as she spoke.

Marco had no idea what to say, "Uhm... You wanna go hang out for a while? Outside?"

Star looked flattered, butt Marco could tell she was expecting it, "You asking me out, Diaz?"

Marco turned dark red, "N-no! I-I mean, kinda..." He said, "I mean, my parents are hanging out with my aunts and uncles, and my cousins are a little crazy. So I sure don't want to hang out with them."

"Why not?" Star retorted, "I'm crazy! And you always hang out with me!"

Marco grinned, "You got me there Princess."

Star gave him a cheery smile and went to exit the tent, "You coming? Wild Man?"

A chill suddenly went through Marco's spine, "I'm coming I'm coming."

They reached the part of the hill still in the view was beautiful. Only now did Marco realize how high up they were. He felt like he could just reach his hand up and in his hands would be a tiny cloud. However they were just below the clouds, just enough for them to see the view of the valley, and the view of the clouds. Marco wanted to just grab the view and stuff it in his pocket, which he could have done, except his phone was out of batteries.

"Wow," He pointed to the bed of clouds just above the luscious green hills, "How long was I in that tent! I could have sworn that wasn't there when we started setting up camp."

"I don't know, but it looks like they still haven't noticed how gorgeous this view is." Star said as she looked back.

Behind them was a large flat patch of gravel. Littered across the patch were tents and pine tree stumps galore, just three miles after was a road and Pine trees swaying in the wind. Cars were located by the side of the road a small walk from where they were. There were people arriving and leaving here and there as well. Marco assumed it was around 12 o'clock, since most were eating already, A few brought tables and chairs with them, while others just set up a picnic on the ground.

His extended family was probably the loudest of all the families, they were sharing stories, laughing, and scrolling across their phones posting images of their adventure on Facebook. The men in his family were making dirty jokes, laughing, spitting, and making toasts every 10 minutes as a way to show off their masculinity and brotherhood. There was his dad, his uncle Carlos, his other uncle Fernando, and his other uncle Miguel, and then his other other uncle... Uncle whats his name, then there was Grandpa Sergio, and his scrawny, white, 20-year-old cousin Jiro.

His other cousins, which were all girls mind you, were playing around near the female's table, the mom's were gossiping about one another, breastfeeding, and casually playing Candy Crush on their phones, Mom things, basically. There was his mom, his aunt Maria, his other aunt Monica, his other aunt Karla, and his other other aunt... He also forgot her name, and... That was it really.

If you thought he had a lot uncles and aunts, his cousins were a horde, 15 if you round the girls all up, and 5 of them came from aunt Karla. All those pregnancies must have hurt, Marco thought. The girls were all 11 below, the oldest being Juniper, a spirited little fellow, she's usually the one leading the pack. Her vice-president was Jaiden, who's a little bossy, but is always does something funny enough to sooth away any bitterness. The youngest was Patri, she wasn't technically part of their squad yet since she still doesn't know how to walk, or talk, or do much except yawn and whine, but the girls still adore her, and who knows what she'll become? There's this other long list of cousins I'd want to show you, but I'm afraid there isn't enough time.

There is for time one though, Velvet, who skipped towards Star and Marco with a cheeky grin on her face. Being the third youngest of the group, you could consider her a prodigy of sorts. She acts much like Marco, keeping it safe all the time, yet doesn't want to be called a safe kid. Yet at the same time she's also like Star, goofy and fun to be with, as if there was something inside her that would break out and jump for joy whenever she wanted to, he could almost feel the energy radiating off of the both of them, Star and Velvet that is, it could be enough to power am entire house forever! If it wasn't already obvious, she was Marco's personal favorite.

"Hi Uncle Marco!" Squeaked Velvet, her height reached up to about the height of Star's waist,  she was wearing a cute dark red Hello Kitty dress and her brown hair was done into messy pony tails (The other girls probably did it), she went to face Star "Hi Auntie Star!"

"HIIIII!" Star boomed, and jumped to pick Velvet up, "Oh my Gooooood! You're so CUTE!"

Marco couldn't help but smile, "She's adorable isn't she?"

Velvet gave the single cutest angry-pouty face ever in human history, "I am not adorable!"

Marco pinched her cheeks, "Of course you are Vel." He grinned.

"Oh shush Marco," giggled Star,  they cuddled there for a few seconds until a big smile formed out of Star's mouth,  "Hey Vel! You wanna play a game with me and your uncle Marco?"

Velvet cheered, "Hooray! I'd love to play!"

Star whispered something into Velvet's ear, the toddler giggled as she spoke. Marco couldn't make out what Star was saying, so he focused his attention on the scenery. The sea of clouds was still there, and Marco could feel the cold sinking in. To the left was the mountain range, a vast array of elevated earth. Tall Pine trees spread across the mountains like ink in water. To the right was a vast collection of barren hills with old wooden houses. Separating the two was a pine tree forest that crept back up to the mountains.

Velvet climbed out of Star's arms and ran back into their group of girls. Marco saw the sneaky look on Star's face and got a little worried. He shuffled his feet towards her.

"So," Marco said, "What'd you tell her to do?"

"Oh, nothing really."

"Please, you have that look on your face," Marco grinned, "how could that be nothing?"

Star giggled and faced him, "Give it a second!"

Soon, Velvet and Marco's other cousins gathered into a group around Star, they were murmuring things like, 'What did Velvet wanna show us?','Isn't Star like, Marco's new girlfriend?' (That one got a few giggles), or 'Is Star gonna say something?'. Marco was utterly confused, until Star said,: "LISTEN UP GUYS!" The girls snapped their heads and stood in attention, even Juniper was frightened. Marco was even more worried now, and then it turned into outright horror when Star gave him a cheeky smirk.

This won't end well won't it? Thought Marco.

Star pulled out her wand and spawned a cute blue narwhal into the air, she caught it when it fell down and cradled it into her arms, the girls all immediately went: "AWWWW!!!"


And all hell broke loose.


It wasn't as bad as you'd think really.

Of course Helena got the Narwhal, she was the best when it came to getting things from Marco. It kind of reminded him of Janna.

Marco almost lost an arm when the army of girls finished chasing him, he was fast, but the girls were determined, not to get the wallet, but the narwhal, and lets not forget they had opportunity to beat their cousin up with a valid excuse.

So they didn't hold back.

Marco was able to reach the near end of the road before exhaustion set in and the girls tackled him to the ground.

Now he was lying down in his tent with an almost broken arm ("Oh thats just your arm being a pussy! Lie down for a while and you'll be just fine!" Uncle Miguel said. Easy for you to say, it's not your arm thats broken).

It was around 5:00, when the moms and children went to take an afternoon nap. He can't blame them, it took almost 6 hours to get here, they deserved it. His dad and his Uncles went to go fishing, hunting, or other manly sort of things they could do around here. Maybe even savor the sunset somewhere else.

Velvet went to sleep in his tent, with Aunt Karla's approval of course, she was sleeping soundly to his right. But right now, he wanted some air.

Fuck it, I don't care if this arm is broken or not, I need some fresh air.

Marco carefully got up, trying not to wake Velvet. He gave her a little kiss on the forehead, and left the tent.

There wasn't anybody around. All the tents had either sleeping people, or nobody at all. The sunset wouldn't come in this view. But it gave an orange glow across the vast view.

Marco figured everyone went to do other tasks, like hike a mountain or go drive to a cool cave. They'd be back by nightfall. Right now, Marco had time to savor the cold. A cool breeze washed over the side of the mountain, giving Marco the chills. Marco liked the cold, heat was violent, but the cold was relaxing. Strange how something negative in a thermostat can make someone feel so positive in the real world.

He was brushed away from his thought when he heard a small crunching noise come from behind him. He turned around and saw Star. She was wearing a soft cloth jacket and a red scarf. The woman still gave him goosebumps every time he saw her.

"Hey," She said casually, "How's your arm?"

Marco looked at it himself, "Looks fine, at least it didn't fracture."

Star walked a little closer to him. Marco looked back at the view and Star went beside him.

Another gust of cold wind blew along the side of the mountain. All the trees seemed to be swaying in the wind's direction. A force of nature that all must obey. Marco took a deep breath, letting the cold air rush into his lungs. And let out a big exhale.

"Its not everyday you get air this fresh." He said.

Star nodded in response.

Marco looked at Star, she was a little too close to him, but that was fine. She looked like a goddess, her expression was light, her face was innocent, her hair was still tied to a bun, two strands of curly blonde hair fell from each side of her face, her blue eyes sparkled in awe at the beauty of Earth. And her heart cheeks shimmered in the orange light of the sunset.

He was in love.

He was in love before, he knew what love was. But now it felt so real, as if the love he felt before wasn't love. He had felt it many times before, but this was something else, something foreign, something he's never felt before. It was love, and it was something he didn't want to hide.

Marco recalled scenes from last month, to him it felt like centuries ago.

Their love was secret. Unknown to the rest of the world. They would sneak out and make love, but not real love. Marco was right, that wasn't love, this was. Courage, the courage to let other people know, to let the whole world know they were in love. That was missing when it came to love.

Marco knew what he needed to do.

Marco reached for her hand, brushing his fingers against hers so that he wouldn't seem demanding. Star voluntarily locked fingers.

They stood in silence for quite a while.

Marco appreciated silence. Silence was rare in the world they lived in.

"Hey Star."

"Yeah?" She kept her gaze on the view.

"How did you and Tom meet?" Marco bit back a curse. He didn't mean to say that, but he rolled with it.

Star's eyes opened wide in shock.

"Well," She began, "We were friends at first, we'd sneak out and do silly things alongside Ponyhead. I only fell in love with him after our first Silver Bell Ball waltz, after that we became a couple.

"But soon enough I realized he wasn't right for me. He was easily-angered, rude, and would burn down entire villages if someone ticked him off."

Marco grinned, "Wish I could do that."

Star smiled, "You're not like him Marco. Your sweet, gentle, kind, funny, and understanding. Not to mention really cautious. And annoying at some times. But still, you're nothing like him, if you could have the power to burn down a village, I knew you would never use it to harm any innocent people. That's how sweet you are."

Marco blushed crimson red, "Woah... We've been friends for a while then! You saw right through me!"

Star laughed, and he felt butterflies in his stomach.

They stood in silence again. Marco's lip quivered, he was ready to tell her.

"Hey Star," Marco said slowly, "Do you... Do you still want to be friends?"

Star raised an eyebrow and a smile, "Of course silly!"

Marco felt his heart sink, "O-Oh..."

Star's smile wavered, "Y-You don't?"

Marco's eyes grew wide, "O-Of Course I do! It's just that-- that--"

Marco wouldn't let it come out, but he broke loose as soon as he heard Star sniffle.

Marco cupped her crying face and told her, "There's been this thought in the back of my mind since we became friends with benifits. A thought that you and I could be together without hiding it from other people. I'm tired of hiding, tired of talking bullshit to everyone that thinks you and I are together. It's too much."

Star had her mouth open in shock her eyes glistening in tears, "I-I..."

"I love you, Star." He meant every word.

Star was speechless, so she did the only thing she could, the only thing Marco expected to happen, slam her lips against his.

Again the feeling was amazing, he closed his eyes and deepened the kiss, he could feel all the passion coming from Star, and in return he gave all of his passion to her. The feeling of kissing her was ecstatic, but it was different from before, before he only thought of what he wanted, what he needed, and what he had to do to gain it. Now, he found it, and he thought of nothing but the girl in front to him, and how much he loved her. It was heaven for the both of them. Star wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. Marco put his hands on her waist, and they just kept going.

Marco wished it could have gone on forever, until.

"Gross!" Velvet shrieked, "Aunty Star and Uncle Marco are kissing!"

Immediately, they broke the kiss.

"VELVET!" They both shouted in unison.

"Star and Marco are what?!" Shouted Layla from her tent.

"They're kissing!" Another girl replied.

Suddenly, all the girls started coming out of their tents and gossiping about Star and Marco.

"They're so cute!"

"Eww Gross!"

"I wish I could have a boyfriend like Star's!"

Thankfully none of Marco's Aunts woke up.

Marco was as red as his hoodie. Star just kept laughing until her gut hurt. Soon enough Marco started laughing as well. Then the girls started laughing.

"Looks like you got your wish! No more hiding!" Star chuckled as she gave Marco a little knudge.

"Looks like it." Marco said between laughs.

"I love you too Marco." Star muttered, and gave him a kiss in the cheek.

"I wanna be the flower girl!" Squealed Velvet.


The dad's came back after sunset, the rest of the people around camp did as well. Marco told his parents he and Star were officially dating ("She's a fine girl Mijo! Pray to God she isn't like your aunt Monica, she'd pull my cock off if she had the chance!" said his uncle Fernando). And all was well.

Marco was relieved to finally tell Star he was tired of hiding. He really was. It was like pulling a bullet out of your leg. He could finally brag to that brat Jeremy that he could get a girlfriend!

More and more thoughts rushed from Marco's mind until Star opened the way into his tent.

"Hey," She said casually, "What a day huh."

Marco smiled, and gave a nod.

"Your abuelo says dinner is in a few minutes," Star was finally learning how to speak spanish.

"Alrighty," He replied, "I'll go ahe-"

Before Marco could reach for the zipper to the door, Star pushed him down, closed the exit, then held his arms against the ground, and licked her lips, as if she were a predator ready to take a mean bite out of her prey. The look on her face suggested this wasn't going to end well.

Depends on the kind of person you are, though.

"Hold up Wild Man," Star's words came in to Marco's ears like honey, "Don't think just because you and I are officially dating doesn't mean I don't get to do this anymore." She somehow removed her jeans on her own, and started massaging Marco's crotch with her hips.

Marco was trembling, he had no idea this would happen. What if they get caught? What if his parents found out? What if someone just stormed right in and saw what they had been doing?

I'm tired of hiding.

"G-Go ahead..." He whispered, "I won't stop you..."

Star giggled in delight. She opened her lips and closed in on Marco. She freed Marco's arms, and Marco wrapped them around her body. Pulling her deeper into the moment. A small moan escaped his mouth, he was being overwhelmed by this woman.

Star used her one hand to open his underwear, Marco's member stood like a watchtower. Star giggled and slowly slipped her womanhood in. The feeling was indescribable, almost mimicking the feeling of his wet dream from long ago.

Star moaned in high octave as she shifted her hips deeper into him. She moaned again, maybe a little too high, but Marco didn't care anymore. He never, never wanted this moment to stop. He was no longer the safe kid, his transformation out of his teenager phase was complete, he was a man now.

There was a sudden stop, Marco could feel something solid touching the tip of his penis. Her hymen, Marco thought, I forgot she was still a virgin.

Despite the temperature, They were both sweating. Marco wasn't sure Star was willing to continue. He got his answer pretty damn fast.

"AAH!!~~~" Screamed Star as Marco's manhood broke through her clean. He could feel the blood racing down the shaft of his penis.

Marco's eyes became bloodshot, he could hear the shuffling of gravel outside of his tent. The two suddenly scrambled away from each other and hid their privates as the zipper of the tent started going down.

"Marco? What was that?" Asked Aunt Karla from outside, Star hid inside Marco's sleeping bag, and was butt naked. Marco was able to pull his pants up just enough for Karla to think nothing was going on.

"N-nothing! Just Uhm..." He desperately searched for something to put the blame on, he found Velvet's squeaky toy she left that afternoon, "I just got surprised 'cause I heard this thing squeak all of a sudden!"

Karla scoffed followed by a grin, "Oh that Velvet, always a troublemaker."

"Still my favorite cousin."

"Favoritism is bad Mijo."

"Yeah I know," Marco said, "But being bad shapes us to be better."

Karla snickered, "Such a philosopher."

And with that Aunt Karla left. Once she was out of earshot, Star jumped up and said, "Is she gone?"

Marco smiled, "Yeah, she's gone."

Star got her jeans and panties and slipped them back on. "I go out first so we don't be arouse any suspicion of what we just did." She said before exiting the tent.

Marco sighed and rubbed his eyes, it looked like Star still wanted to hide, that was alright with him. Star's head popped out of the zipper exit, "Hey By the way. You. Me. The Car. After dinner. Got it?"

Spoke too soon.


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StarTehFreak  - One of the best SVTFOE Smut Writers on Wattpad!

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