And now, seeing of the worlds looks so peacefully and happiness, that everyone has been enjoying. And now today is Valentine.
Yep! Valentine time day is known for the holiday, that the lovers gives of their affections, attraction. Presenting of the lovers with their own gifts to each other. And now in Japan, the girls are making the chocolates to giving the boys they're likes.
Nox: Yo-ho-hoh! Today is the Valentine day! Isn't that great! *nudges his besties' arms with grins*
(Y/N): Ahahahaha.... I know that. *Nervous smiles and shut eyes*
And now, seeing of two best friends are currently walking in street, direction toward of their own school. And now... What their plans for the Valentines?
How the f**k should I know? (Y/N) just the kind and friendly young man novelist made the other girls attracted to him, and while the other one is just the idiot, dumbass love to breaking fourth wall.
Nox: Hey! Screw you, Author san! *pointed his finger at the sky breaking fourth wall*
(Doct..... *flipped the glass on button with Button ☠" Don't make me use it, that you'll regret it.)
Nox: not the death button aka the one will turns this story into the terrible movie known as Dragon Ball Evoluation that will bring disaster and destroyed the entire world!!! *freaking out in breaking fourth wall* Okay! I shut up!
(Doct: Good.... I out....)
(Y/N): You okay, Nox? *Sweatsdropped at his best friend's antic*
Nox: I fine! So what... What you going to do, (Y/NNY) san?
(Y/N): I don't know... Today is Valentines day.... Maybe I give them a bunches of roses and chocolates to them. *Small smiles in planning*
Nox: Like.... Bruh... (Y/NN) san. We're not in America anymore. some of the guys give to ladies, only ladies gives chocolate guys they like. *Squinted his eyes reminded him with deadpanned tone*
(Y/N): Hmmm.... You right, what should I do... *Interrupted by Nox when.... He place his index finger on his lip*
Nox: Don't worry, (Y/NN) san... I got this... I'll be your wingman... I make sure that.... *cough cough* Make sure that some femboy doesn't tried to kill you... *facing at (Y/N) with confident smiles 😎*
(Y/N): Okay.... *Sweatsdropped*
Meanwhile at Lumine
Seeing Lumine in her kitchen, she currently making of her homemade chocolate for the valentine. She check the oven to heat it up with the temperature rising.
She humming, wrapping her chocolate cake with paper before tied up with the ribbon on it. She writes the name of the tag for her love interest.
For (Y/N) ❤
Lumine: There! Hope (Y/N) would like it. *Smiles and proud of herself*
???: So what you making for? *Asking in curious*
Lumine: Gaaah!! *flinched and startled*
Suddenly, when the voice close by near to Lumine, she got startled. Making her turn to someone revealing her older brother Aether.
Aether the Femboy high schooler!!! ALSO HE LITERALLY REALLY HATE (Y/N) ALOT!!!
Lumine: Mouu! Onii san! Don't scared me like that! *Pouted*
Aether: Sorry, sorry, sorry. Who you making the chocolate for? *Asking her in curious and hoping it him*
Lumine: (Y/N), of course. You remember him, right?
Making Aether let out of the tense on his body, before hearing the damn novelist's name. As he quickly regained not to reveal his dark and serious expression, he kept his smiles. But... It's fake...
Aether: I... I... I see... Good for you, Lumine... I'm happy for you...*fake smiles with hint of frown and disgusted*
Lumine: Thanks! Oh no! I going be late for my school. I heading out, see ya Onii chan! I hope you find someone in Valentine! *rushes in hurriedly*
While Lumine left the house to the outdoor, leaving Aether alone in the room. Zooming in, Aether's fake smile has faded away, and his eyes turns into serious and dark look expression on his face.
Knowing that his younger sister has fell in love with the young novelist famous who is the son of Sam Williams. He takes out of his phone to calling someone.
Aether: Today is time... Operation: To End of Valentine known as to kill Williams if he get close with my sister... *cold tone*
Timeskipped brought you by the chibi Nox spying on Aether if he planning to killed (Y/N), said "I'M ON TO YOU FEMBOY!!!"
Later, (Y/N) and Nox has arrive to their school. As two boys going to changes their school on their lucker, suddenly the piles of love letters fell out covering around on (Y/N)'s feet before he open the locker.
Making (Y/N) sweatsdropped, while Nox with the snarky grins.
(Y/N): I did not expect that. *Sweatsdropped and admitted*
Nox: Yep! You kinda did! *grins*
As (Y/N) releases of the heavy sigh, knowing himself that he is famous and popular novelist and even make the Light Novel. And he even considered Top 10 of number 1 of Japan!
He clean up to picking up the piles of the love letters from the several random students. Until his spotted Lumine before she approach him close.
Lumine: (Y/N)... *blush with smiles but felt with bit nervous.*
(Y/N): Hey, there, Lumine. How you doing. *friendly smiles and greeted*
Lumine: I'm good.... I'm good...
Her eyes turns corner, seeing of Nox smiles and nodded his head with the supportive looks expressi. With thumb up.
As she blushed in madly, she know she doesn't like Nox since he is the childhood friend of (Y/N). But... He has sense of honor and caring knowing he ship her and (Y/N).
Lumine: (Y/N)... Do you have time for that? In here?
(Y/N): Yeah, sure. What you wanted to talk about it...
Lumine: Well it kinda bit embarrasing to say this... But... *Blushing but interrupted*
Delivery guy: Special delivery for (Y/N) Williams! *Pops out of nowhere*
(Y/N) and Lumine: Gaaaaah!!! *Screamed and startled*
(Y/N): Wait a minute, I didn't order anything. Or something. *confusion and dumbfounded*
Delivery guy: Well, it said on your name, Mr William. *Holding the box*
(Y/N): Okay fair enough. Here. *Sign*
Delivery Guy: Thank you, I hope you have the nice day. *handed the box and left*
Lumine: What was that? *confusion tone*
(Y/N): I don't know. But why would someone send me the bo... *but*
Nox: Hey, (Y/NN) san can I have some of the box? *begging him*
(Y/N): Sure.... I guess.... *hand him the box*
Nox: Thanks! Man! Now.... Will you excuse me, I be right back.
As Nox rushes out to exited of the door throughout the building. He making a stretching on his body and then...
Nox: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETtttttttttttttt!!!
He threw the box in random direction.
At Another Location
Meanwhile in the alleyway, seeing of the same delivery man hiding in the shadow. Revealing it was a Abyss Mage.
Abyss Mage: Oh yes.... Everything is according to the plan... Prince has nothing to worried about the one who bring the light and vanished of the darkness... Now nothing can't interfere our pla... *cut*
Suddenly he was interrupted when the same box landed nearby him. He remained silence in few silence until he finally realize.
Abyss Mage: Oh fu...
At Nox
Nox: Yes! Take that f**k face! *grins*
Nox: Oh the school already starting. And looks like my spider-senses telling me that Lumi hasn't tell she like (Y/NNY) san. Welp! It time for me Nox Goldstar save the day! *maniac grin*
Some of the Students they liked (Y/N)
- Amber
Amber: Tadaa! Here (Y/N)! Happy Valentine, this is all the best I can... But I hope you happy if you like it. *Smiles with blush*
(Y/N): Thank you, Amber. I hope I like it. *Smiles*
Inner (Y/N): Dear Fruit Jesus. Please save me from her cooking like her uncooked steak... *Sweating with fear*
- Noelle
Noelle: Senpai... This is for you... I hope you like it and be my Valentine... *Smiles holding her homemade chocolate*
(Y/N): Thank you, I try it out. *take a bite on chocolate* Wow! This is really good taste of chocolate Noelle. I think you be excellent chef. And Thinking of your future career is your usual hobby you do cooking.
Noelle: Senpai... *Smiles with blush*
- Sucrose
Surcose: Here you go, Senpai. I hope you like it.
(Y/N): I se... *notices Sucrose's fingers covers with bandages* Sucrose... Have you been making chocolates for me.
Sucrose: Hai.... It was a bit hard and how to making chocolates for the girls giving the chocolates to the boy they like... But... I made it mis... *cut*
(Y/N): Thank you for making for me, Sucrose... *Smiles*
Sucrose: Senpai... *blush*
- Barbara
Barbara: Senpai! I have been looking for you after class! Now I finally found you, will you accept my Valentine. *Smiles holding her chocolate*
(Y/N): Of course, I be your Valentine Barbara....
Inner (Y/N): And I felt the menacing and tension aura surrounded behind my back...
He sweatopped, knowing the pressence of the dark aura with menacing and jealously of boys with their eyes went flashed reds glaring at (Y/N).
- Mona
(Y/N): Mona... This is...
Mona: Eheheheh... *nervous smiles and laugh scretch her cheek* This is all the best I can...
And now seeing of (Y/N) meet up with Mona, she already her homemade chocolate for (Y/N). But... Unexpected she made it very small.
(Y/N): I see. Well then. I hope you don't mind for that. *take the bite of her chocolate* Hmmm.... Wow! This is pretty good, Mona!
Making Mona to be blushed and can't help to be forming the smiles in happiness, that her lo- friend has seem to be like it.
- Fischl
Fishcl: Here you go, my senior of Knight warrior! That be glad that I... The great von Luftschloss Narfidort has given you for your worthiness.
Oz: Actually milady hade it for.... *cut*
Fischl: Silent Oz! *Hush him with bit of embarrassed*
(Y/N): I see... Thank you for giving me, Fischl. *Sweats dropped with squinted eyes&
- Keqing
(Y/N): Keqing is this...
Keqing: Don't get the wrong idea. Looks I know I may be your childhood friend before that I meet you, that you have Nox, Leon and Clyde! Don't think about it. *shouted in embarrassed with blushed*
(Y/N): I see... But thank you for giving me... Keqing... I treasured it... *Smiles and held her chocolate*
Making Keqing open her mouth, felt her entire blushed become red tomato blushing in madly, felt her heart beating skipping in race of rapidly. (Y/N) notices of Keqing's red tomato face.
He examined, placing his hand on her forehead felt her temperature is rising up, as her heart continue hearting rising that her face close to him. And then...
Keqing: (Y/N) YOU BAKA!!! *Shouted tsundere and then....*
(Y/N): Ittai!!!
(Y/N): Itai.... Why does Keqing have to slap me so hard.... I was checking her if she is sick or not! *muttering*
Ganyu: You okay, (Y/N)? *worried and treated his injury*
(Y/N): Yes, I fine. Thank you, Ganyu... *Smiles and appreciate to her*
Ganyu: Also... (Y/N) san here. I made it for you, that you really being special and treated everyone with your kindness and caring supportive. I even qingxin for you. *Smiles with blush*
(Y/N): Thank you, Ganyu. That very kind for you. *Smiles*
- Hu Tao
(Y/N) walked back to his classmate, but he senses of the wary something coming down to him before he enter the down.
He made the quick reaction swiftly turns before up grabbing the bucket drop down. He land back to ground to swing to filling in the water in bucket before it could wet and spill on the floor.
(Y/N): If you tried to prank me Hu Tao... It won't work on me... *Smug grin*
Hu Tao: Boo.... Your no fun. You always detected and predicting my pranks since of your ghosty power senses thing. *pouted pop out of nowhere with fake frown*
(Y/N): That is correct, I gotten use and know the movements and predications of the prank. Now I got used to it from my little sister. So why you here, Hu Tao.
Hu Tao: Well duh! I got you this! *pulls out of her chocolate*
(Y/N): A.... A cho-chocolate... You not going to kill me, right? *become suspicious with bit of anxious*
Hu Tao: Hmmm.... Nope! Or.... Maybe... *she was joking for the bit, and then let out of the devious smiles and grins*
(Y/N): I see.... -_-... I taste it if this thing will kill me... Also... You seems doesn't worried if I take this... *notices her expression*
Hu Tao: Wha-Wha- What you talking about?! *Blushed madly with worried tone*
- Yun Jin
Yun Jin: Here, this is for you. I made it for my novelist greatest hero! That he will save the world from the end! *giving chocolates*
(Y/N): Thanks, Yun Jin.
Seeing of the few boys behind his back, unaware they were going to beat him up fore being jealous. But end up got hit by the rubber bullets. Revealing from far distance on another building is Nox Goldstar protecting his besties.
- Ayaka Kamisato
(Y/N): You did improve yourself, Ayaka.
Ayaka: Hai! It was thank for your training lesson, (Y/N) san!
As they're currently training in the Kendo class, Ayaka asking to offer him to train with her. And he kindly accepted.
Ayaka thrust her wooden sword forward, skidding her feet in movement of dash, but (Y/N) block from multiple few strikes attempted to him before he could thrust his wooden sword forward at her.
But Ayaka swing her wooden sword to block against his wooden sword swept to move away forcefully for the bit. But (Y/N) swiftly turns to throw the sweep kick on Ayaka's foot causing her lose her balance to fall.
Suddenly in the blink of eyes, (Y/N) dashes in quick speed grabbed on Ayaka's waist back around on his arm.
As he prevented Ayaka to be fall down, before her back head could hit to the floor. (Y/N) and Ayaka having eyes contact feeling of the romantic tension surrounding them. As Ayaka regained her conscious.
Ayaka: Um... (Y/N) san... Do you mind for... "that"? *blushing*
As (Y/N) confused for the bit, until he regained his attention and snap back realize he holding Ayaka in his arm. Making him blush a bit before place Ayaka back to floor.
(Y/N): Sorry about that... *blush*
Ayaka: It fine... Also (Y/N) san.... *pulls out object* I hope you like it, that I made it for you.... Happy Valentine... *Smiles with blush*
(Y/N): Thank you... Ayaka... *Smiles*
- Yoimiya
Yoimiya: (Y/N)! Happy Valentine Day! I got you of the chocolate I made it for you. I hope you like it. *Cheerful smiles*
(Y/N): Wow! Thank you, Yoimiya! *Smiles in apprtiecate*
Yoimiya: That not all! I got you this!
(Y/N): Wow.... You really are the Queen of Festival.... Would that make me a "King of Festival." *Smiles and joking with tease*
Yoimiya: *blushed in madly* Mouuuu!!! Don't take my title become as the king you meanie! *pouted with whine before light punch his shoulder*
- Kokomi
Kokomi: *giggles* Look at you, being a popular man.
Seeing of (Y/N) has the tons of piles of chocolates in his arms, before carefully placing down on his desk with no hesitation.
(Y/N): Yeah.... Holding the bunches of chocolates which it gave me like aroun.... 250 chocolates. *deadpanned clarified the chocolates*
Kokomi: Ufufufufufu.... It kinda your fault.... For being popular, also here your chocolate. Happy Valentine. *before she could leave*
(Y/N): Kokomi.... *pulls out the object* Here....
Kokomi: What this? *examine the box*
She opens the box, before she released of the box and cover her mouth, recognizing of the object.
Kokomi: This is...
(Y/N): I know this is a bit early for your birthday coming up, I decided to buy this present in Valentine due to my culture back home in America. Kokomi.... Your smart, intelligent, beautiful giving supportative and caring to others. I hope you like it, happy Birthday Valentine day, Kokomi. *Smiles with genuine*
Kokomi: (Y/N).... This is so beautiful... Thank you! *hugging him*
(Y/N) forms the smiles and he proceed to hug back.
Timeskipped I got doing the other parts for the girls are older then him because I am kinda tired like.... LMAO but... Bruh...
And now after (Y/N) receiving from his seniors and teacher, (Y/N) meet up with Student Council President Jean and Eula and fighting over for him, because Eula declare that (Y/N) will be her future husband. But Jean doesn't allowed it because she jelly.
Later, he meet up with Rosario, as he felt bit scared and intimidated by her a bit. Instead she gave him chocolate and kiss him a cheek.
(Y/N) meets up his three teacher, Lisa, Ningguang, Beidou, but instead.... They're seduced him wearing the ribbons without their clothes but exposing their naked bodies, luckily the ribbons covers their boobs! And covers with chocolates.
(Y/N) tried to escaped and resist of their flirtatious lust, but end up found out by Principal aka me, I scolding the teachers, (Y/N) negotiate his teacher making the teachers felt touch their students' kindness that they're didn't have to lose their jobs!
Later he meet up with Shenhe, giving him chocolate before giving him a kiss on his cheek, while Chongyun teasing (Y/N) as his uncle as he stunned.
He meet up with Yae giving him the pack of hot chocolates and chocolates, and secretly send him the picture of her nudist picture cover with fox plushie, making (Y/N) blushed madly and tried his best keep control.
Sara gives her chocolate to (Y/N) but interrupted by Arataki ruined their moments, as Sara angrily beat him up. And Ei give him her dea... I mean chocolate. As (Y/N) hesitated to eat it, but spotted Ei's teary face would threathen to fall. As (Y/N) decided to eat but.... Dead!
Meanwhile at Aether
Aether growled and curse at Nox for ruined their plans for interrupting attempting to killed (Y/N) for close with his sister. But Lumine tried to close with (Y/N) but end up seeing the other close to him.
They're tried everything like putting the bombs on him, using the killer drones, bribes the student of school, tried to poison his food, set up the booby traps like floor spikes, moving walls squished to death but failed by Nox Goldstar!
And now they decided to meet up and end this.
Nox: I told you, that.... I was crazy.
Aether: I told you... I crazier.
Nox: *Scoff* You can't out crazy me, Femboy. My crazy will take your crazy to shove it in a metal tube, fill it with rats and then blowtorch it. Until the rats have no way to escaped, but excepted eating their way went to your way, femboy!
Aether: Wow! You are the oblivious to the avalanche of insanity! I am about to unload, you don't know what I can do to you!
Nox: You don't know, what I'll do to you! I will spin around until I throw up at you and your friends! I simply don't care because I am f***ing Nox Goldstar known as Gokai Gold! *Shouted*
Aether: I'll stick your dumbface in maple syrup and make you sing in gospel outside the public! How does blow that, your hair back, Goldstar?! *Shouted*
Nox: I will crawl inside of your head, and lay eggs like a little spiders babies! *Shouted*
Aether: I welcome it! I got long hair is style of braid, I looks a femine and someone joked that I am femboy!! So should I lived with my life!!! *Shouted*
Nox: I will bring a bunches of folks and guitars to the pumpkins fight! Because that's a way, I was brough up!!!
Aether:.... Okay, you lost to me the last one. *felt defeated*
Nox: Yep, true that.... And also... SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!
Making the Abyss Gangs open wide with the shocked looks.
Aether: Oh fu...
Seeing (Y/N) open wide, he get up sit up on the bed in normal speed, he move his head wonder around, realizing he in the infirmity room.
Remembering that (Y/N) taken the bite of Ei's homemade chocolate, which nearly killed him.
He notices the outside the window.
(Y/N): Is that.... Mushroom cloud?
Before he could get up, suddenly he felt his left arm held in gripped. Making him glance to turns someone to his side, revealing is...
(Y/N): Lumine?
Yep! Revealing it's Lumine. She has been with his side after knocked out by Ei's death choco. She currently sleeping and holding his arm, for never losing his side.
(Y/N) couldn't help to be surprised for the bit, as he gentle caressed on her hair for the bit. As it made her groan before slowly awake. As she regained her conscious and notices on (Y/N) on her side.
(Y/N): Morning... How was your sleep?
Lumine: (Y/N)!
She lunged at (Y/N), before wrap around his back to embracing him. He was bit surprised, he returns hug back to her.
(Y/N): Sorry, I made you worried...
Lumine: *let go of him before punch his arm* You damn right, you did! I even thought you were dead from Raiden senpai's cooking!
(Y/N): Dude! I can't say no or resist for that, because I am kinda nice guy and likes to help people!
Lumine: That true... Also (Y/N).... I know that we known each other for long time ago, since I joined the school. Everything I am close to you, felt very special, bringing warms and happiness to others. You always helps me, supportive me, encourages me and always stay with my side. *Smiles*
(Y/N): Lumine... *Blush a bit*
Lumine: (Y/N).... Will be my Valentine... *Smiles with blush*
(Y/N): Lumine.... Of course... I be your Valentine... *Smiles with blush*
He slowly reaching at the chocolate she made, but instead he held touching her hand holding making them look up forms the small tints of blush on their cheeks.
They both said their names in quietly, before leaning their heads closer and shut their eyes. Pressing their lips to connects.
(Pretend that (Y/N) holding Chocolate present cover their kissing part)
Zooming out, revealing is (Y/N)'s younger sister and cousins are Erma and Mitsu and Momo. Tehy are currently spying and watching their older brother/cousin personal life on the video on computer.
Erma making the gobssmacked and awe knowing Lumine love her older brother, plus she ship them. While the twins are...
Momo: Lame....
Mitsu: This is so boring! We wanted to see Nox! We were going to see the wreckage and havoc on femboy!
Yeah.... The little gremlins are the big fan of Nox Goldstar and has the major crushed on him. And unamused their older cousin Fumiko like Nox.
Erma squinted her eyes in deadpanned, knowing they are on team Nox and her, she on team of her older brother.
Until that peeked their interested.
Coming soon!
From the Creator brought you by Dimensional Dragonic Knight!
Nox Goldstar...
Main Character/Protagonist!
Super GoldPirate x HighSchool: The Golden Pirate messes Supernatural boiiiii!!!
This made the twins to be interested before forming the grins on their mouth.
Mitsu/Momo: Now that we're wanted to see!!!
As for Erma has the other plan....
New Story coming soon
Moon Knight x Genshin Impact Modern AU: The Moon of the Teyvats
Making Erma shining her eyes in interested.
End of Special Chapter
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