8 - Tree Surprises
A/N: Just thought I'd throw in an interesting fact - I live down the road to this tree. In fact, I used to work next door to New College where they filmed this!
The first task drew closer and I was feeling extremely anxious for Cedric.
"Relax, Rory," he chuckled, as we took a walk through the grounds one sunny, but cold afternoon.
"But the task is tomorrow and you have no idea what you're facing! Why are you not scared?" I asked incredulously as we paused by a tree.
He draped an arm around my shoulders, sighing. "Look, Rory - it'll be fine. It's just a competition after all. The worst that could happen is that I don't win."
"Hey, Cedric. Can I have a word?"
We both wheeled round to see Harry scurrying towards us, his face red from exertion.
"Sure." Cedric answered, waiting expectantly.
Harry glanced at me, giving a nervous chuckle. "Sorry, Aurora - but do you mind? It's about the first task, you see."
"Oh. Sure. I have to stuff to do anyway," I lied. "I'll see you at dinner, Ced."
Giving them a little wave, I watched them walk off down towards the lakeside, praying that Harry was at least telling Cedric something that might be useful to him.
"Ditched for Potter? That's got to hurt."
I looked around, startled at the sound of Draco's drawling tones. I had had no idea anyone else was nearby.
"Up here!" He called, letting out a soft chuckle as I confusedly looked around for the source.
I squinted up at the big tree next to me, and sure enough, there he was, draped languidly up in the branches, his long white fingers curled around a half eaten apple.
"Spend most of your time spying on people from up there, do you?" I snapped, knowing I was being unreasonable but my anxiety about Cedric getting the better of me.
"Now, now," he smirked, his grey eyes glinting down at me amusedly, "play nice or I won't let you come up and join me."
"And why would I want to climb up there?" I snarked, feeling irritated by this boy. He was so cocky and arrogant, it was unbelievable.
"Hey, I ditched the badges for you, didn't I?" he said sounding genuinely hurt. "The least you could do is keep a lonely boy company."
Looking up at his hangdog expression, I felt my resolve weakening.
"I'll get into trouble." I said glancing warily up at the high branches he was sat in.
"No you won't, there's no one else around."
"It's not ladylike." I said looking down at my pale blue silk Beauxbatons robes, imagining the horror on Madame Maxime's face if she saw me trying to climb a tree in it.
"Nonsense. Here, I'll help you."
And tossing his apple away, he shimmied himself along a thick branch, lowered himself down, before landing stealthily to the ground right in front of me.
His silver grey eyes glinted wickedly in mine, and before I could say anything, his hands whipped to my waist, spinning me around to face the other way, and effortlessly lifted me up towards the branch.
"Draco!" I cried, as in a panic, I grabbed onto the branch for dear life.
"That's, it, now pull yourself up!"
Not giving me much other choice, I heaved myself up, literally cringing when I felt his hands move to my bottom as he gave me one last helping push.
I felt my cheeks flame furiously. Keeping my face turned away, I shifted myself along the branch so that I could nestle myself a bit more comfortably in the centre of the tree where Draco had originally been sat.
"You had no right to do that!" I fumed, trying to flatten down my blue school robes so that they didn't crease up, looking fretfully around for any sign of Madame Maxime.
"Relax," he chuckled, settling down in the centre next to me so that his right side was pressed right up against my left. "You worry too much."
I was hyper aware of the feel of his body next to me, the way his shoulder was pushing into mine and the closeness of his face. I could even smell him. A distinct waft of cologne making me feel quite faint all of a sudden.
"Are you okay?" He asked, frowning at me, "You don't look so well."
"I- I'm just worried about tomorrow," I said, only half lying. "About Cedric."
"He'll be fine," Draco muttered. "As if Dumbledore would ever let anything bad happen to anyone in an event that Potter is involved in."
I flicked my eyes up at him. This boy really had a thing about Harry.
"I never thanked you by the way," I said, softening towards him.
"For what?"
"For ditching the badges. Even if you had sort of made them for me."
He shrugged, and I could have sworn the tiniest hint of pink tinged his cheeks.
He turned to look at me and the sudden closeness of our faces made my heart race as I felt his warm breath tickle softly against my skin.
"You're beautiful," he whispered.
This unexpected sentiment coming from him took me by surprise, and I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks.
My eyes darted to his lips, and my heart pounded as I wondered what it would feel like to kiss them.
"Draco," I breathed, as I glanced up into his silver eyes which seemed to be swirling intently back into mine.
We both blinked, quickly moving our faces apart. I looked down to the ground to see who had called my name.
Harry was stood, bag slung over shoulder, gawping up at us.
"What are you staring at, Scarhead?" Draco snapped irritably, "can't you see we're having a private conversation here?"
"That's Cedric's sister!"
"I know who she is, Potter - and if she wants to sit with me up in a tree, then that's her choice."
"Aurora," Harry said, glancing back at me, "you deserve better than this git. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if it was his father that killed your mum!"
Draco moved so quickly, I didn't have to time to react. One second he was sitting next to me in a tree, and the next he was launching himself off and landing stealthily on two feet in front of Harry, brandishing his wand.
But Harry, looking nonplussed, decided to turn and walk away.
"You dare speak of my father!" Draco snarled and started to aim his wand at Harry's back.
"Oh no you don't laddie!" A gruff voice rang out from a spot I couldn't see.
There was a blast and Draco disappeared, and in his place, stood a little white ferret.
Horrified, I scrambled down from the tree, as Harry span around and started laughing.
"Stop it!" I yelled, as the Professor, who I could now see had cast the spell, started bouncing the ferret around. "You're hurting him!"
But the Professor, who I knew to be called Moody, just ignored me and bounced him higher.
Panicked, I looked around for help, and to my relief, saw Professor McGonagall in the distance. I immediately called towards her and she came hurtling over as soon as she saw the commotion.
Unfortunately, the scene had also attracted a crowd of students too, who had all gathered around to laugh.
She immediately turned Draco back to normal whilst admonishing Moody.
"My father will hear about this!" Draco roared, his cheeks tinged pink with humiliation.
Moody scoffed as everyone, including Harry, howled with laughter.
Draco's eyes met mine and my heart went out to him at the mortification in them.
He stormed off in the direction of the castle.
Hesitating, I glanced at Harry who was still chortling with glee. I gave him a look which I hoped conveyed my disappointment, before racing off after Draco.
"Wait!" I cried, as I chased him through a door, leading into a deserted corridor.
He paused, slowly turning around to face me. His normally pale cheeks were still high in colour.
"Why are you following me?" he spat. "Did you not get enough of the show?"
"You didn't deserve that," I quivered, wanting to run up and comfort him, but forced myself to remain where I was.
His face softened, the frown lines across his brow disappearing.
"Aurora?" he murmured, as a flicker of confusion crossed his features.
He started to take a step towards me, but a screech coming from the other end of the corridor made him halt.
And I found myself being pushed aside as a dark haired Slytherin girl literally launched herself at Draco, kissing his face all over.
"I heard what happened, my poor baby!"
Feeling a whole new humiliation of my own, I turned around on the spot, and left.
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