Ch. 1: New Beginnings

Later that same night, NYPD had the whole scene on lockdown as they dusted and collected whatever evidence they could. Captain George Stacy of the Organized Crime Division arrived at the scene just in time to see Jose Quesada being carried out of the subway by a stretcher, a sight he was probably too pleased by. He went downstairs to meet with his leading detective, Yuri Watanabe, and get the full scoop of what went down here.

"What the hell happened here?"

"Somebody got back at our boy, Quesada, and gave us the keys to a place we've waited a long time to peak inside of"

She walked her squad leader to the center of the crime scene.

"He was found here with severe damage to his spinal cord and a much more cooperative attitude than he's known for" she almost had a laughing smirk as she spoke.

"Well, he certainly won't be committing much criminal activity after this" Stacy shrugged.

"He also immediately waved his right to council and sounded almost too eager to help us with some other cases he was involved in. It looks like he was the main target and after everything that went down at the bar, he was chased down here for a little personal chitchat"

"And on top of that, we now have a bunch of other thugs we've been waiting to nab in our custody. Was this another hit by our mystery guest?"

Yuri looked past his shoulder to see someone entering the subway and furrowed her brow.

"I'm not sure if I should answer that just yet chief"

George grew confused before following her gaze and realizing who she saw.

This is Alex Ambrose. He is a journalist for the Daily Bugle and a former protege of Ben Urich, the award winning journalist who helped Captain Stacy to expose the Kingpin. Urich was sadly killed during the movement, but Alex helped carry on his work and continues to ensure his legacy lives on.

He walked to meet up with George and Yuri as they sighed, knowing what he was here for.

"You know I like you Alex, but you're wasting your time. There's nothing to see here" George stated, trying to get him not to pry so much.

Alex briefly chuckled under his breath.

"Jose Quesada on a stretcher, right after he's exonerated, and everything I saw at the bar, really seems like a lotta nothing" Alex half-joked while lighting a cigarette.

"Look, if you keep pushing these weird theories of yours, we're gonna have a bunch of copycat vigilantes getting themselves killed" George tried to reason, but had a strick tone.

"So, are you here to confirm that the rumored crusader known as Daredevil was involved?" Stacy just rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Alex! Stop busting my-" he stopped when Alex showed him the recorder on his phone, making this an official scoop interview.

He sighed again before continuing.

"There is no evidence to cooperate that your so-called Daredevil was involved, nor that he even exists. Got it?" Stacy noted more professionally.

Alex stopped the recorder before noticing something on the floor that no one else clearly noticed. He then flicked his cigarette and suddenly two fuel lines caught fire, revealing two intersecting Ds, a symbol considered Daredevil's calling card, that caught everyone by surprise. Alex smirked proudly before turning back to Stacy.

"Got it!"


The next morning, Devlin Rose woke up to the sound of the front door opening in his sound proof apartment. The person entering was none other than the very person who bought him the apartment and the one he considered his very own sister, Gwen Stacy.

(A/N: Just FYI, if you prefer to picture Emma Stone or any alternative option than that's cool. Just felt like using my favorite fan cast choice)

"Rise and shine, Dev! Today's our big day!" She cheered as she set her keys on the kitchen counter.

Devlin slowly and reluctantly sat up with a tiresome groan.

"Oh, and great work last night. I wish I could've seen the look on dad's face when he saw Quesada" she smiled as she went to his closet to pick out a suit for him.

"Hhmph! Same here" Devlin smirked. "You know I'm a big boy and can dress myself, right?"

"Hey, you know I like helping you get ready; and besides, we're finally getting to open our very own law firm today. Why shouldn't we get to have our own quality time together?"

Devlin giggled as he slowly reached his feet to get ready. He had already showered after returning home last night, which he always does after a night out. He went to his closet to pull out a clean dress shirt and thought of something he needed to ask.

"I know I've asked you this a million times now, but are you sure you still want to do this with me? I mean, someone with your brains and talents could be anything you want"

"Yes and I choose to do this" she quickly reassured before he could continue. "I want to do this, not just for you, not just for dad, but for me too. I want to play my own part in helping this city, just like you and dad do"

Devlin smiled as his pale eyes just lingered.

"I just want you to have something for yourself and not just follow me around all the time" Devlin noted.

"Hey, that's why I have my band, which you still need to meet by the way"

Devlin briefly chuckled while rolling his eyes.

"And you also need to remember to check your messages too" Gwen added as she went to his home phone/answer machine and pressed the button that would play the message he has.

She started helping Devlin get ready as his voicemail played and then stopped in their tracks when a familiar voice came on.

"Hey, Devlin. Are you there?"

This was the voice of AJ Lee, the woman Devlin was currently dating.

"Of course not, you're never there. Honestly, I feel closer to this machine than you at times. *sighs* Listen, I didn't want to do this over the phone, but it's not like you're leaving me much choice"

Devlin and Gwen continued getting ready with some awkward tension, knowing where this message was going.

"I mean, we've been going out for months now. I still haven't seen your apartment, I barely hear from you half the time, and every time we're together, you always either have to run off to God knows where, or I always wake up to an empty bed. I mean seriously, where do you go in the middle of the night?! *sighs again* I thought if I waited, if I was patient enough, you would let me in and be willing to take the next step with me. Now I realize, this is the next step.....

...Goodbye, Devlin. I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for"


After that, all that was left was the awkward silence that filled the room as Gwen helped Devlin finish getting ready.

"I'm sorry, Dev" That was all she could say.

"To be honest, I didn't think it was going to work out anyway"

Gwen just sighed with an eye roll.

"Because you didn't even try to make it work out. Honestly, it's amazing she stuck around as long as she did"

She helped him with his tie as Devlin seemed down and sighed again.

"I'm sorry, but you can't keep doing this to yourself. You need something besides the job and your... 'nightly outings.' You need to experience something good, take some joy in your life"

"I have you" he shrugged.

"You know what I'm talking about" she narrowed her eyes at him, as if he could see. "You need to experience the good things in life, not just fighting the bad. You know that isn't healthy in any way"

Devlin was silent in thought for a moment before Gwen continued.

"Look, I don't wanna upset you, but I am going to be frank; does your... struggling with commitment have anything to do with-"

"No, it does not have anything to do with her" Devlin calmly cut off with a sigh. "Well, not completely... at least"

There was a moment of tension before Gwen replied.

"Look, I know in some ways, you're still hurting, but you need to learn to move on and take a chance with someone else. I mean like really let them in and allow yourself to just... be happy and vulnerable with them"

"Even if it could be dangerous for them?" Devlin notably asked.

"Well, you never know till you try, do you?" She shot back as she helped him put his jacket on. "After all, even crime fighters deserve to be happy"

They straightened his jacket out as Devlin had a thought.

"You know, any time you give me one of these 'you need to get out more' speeches, I feel like that's another way of you begging me to come see your band"

"Well, A. You do need to get out more and B. I've been with this group for almost a year now and you still haven't met them"

"Alright, point taken. I need to enjoy life more" Gwen laughed as he sighed in defeat. "I'll make an effort, promise"

She kissed his cheek and gave him a tight hug. They stayed like that for a moment but had to break apart to get going.

First, they were going to celebrate at a place Gwen picked out, then check out their new office.

"So, what's this place you're dragging me to?" Devlin asked as they walked down the city, now wearing his red sunglasses with one arm around Gwen's and the other holding the walking cane, which just so happens to come out one of his batons.

"I told you, it's a bakery one of my bandmates told me about and it sounds really good"

"What's it called?"

Gwen grew a laughing grin before answering.

"Bakery of Bliss"

Devlin lightly giggled.

"It's a cute name"

"I thought so too and it sounds really popular"

"Well, who doesn't love a good bakery?"

"That is true" she giggled and a minute later, they reached the Bakery of Bliss.

It seemed to have a decent crowd. Everyone sounded happy to be here too. It just felt like a great place to be in, a perfect vibe for a place like this. When they entered, the third member of their little law firm, Foggy Nelson, was waiting for them. Foggy was Devlin's roommate in college and the two bonded like brothers. He even strived to go into business with him and Gwen, given their similar goals, and they've been an unbreakable trio ever since.

"Dev! Gwen!" He called from the table he was at.

"Hey, you beat us here" Gwen greeted.

"Well, I wanted to beat the crowd. Place is pretty well packed"

"Sounds like it" Devlin joked.

"Place looks great though. I like it here" Foggy nodded.

"See? Aren't you guys glad I recommended it?" Gwen smiled proudly.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself. I only just got here" Devlin noted and she giggled.

"Well, luckily for you, I already got our orders" Foggy stated as he passed around the coffees and breakfast meals, receiving thankyou's in return.

"So, whatchu looking at there?" Gwen nodded towards Foggy's phone.

"Oh, just the latest Daredevil sightings"

"Here we go..." Devlin irritably sighed and even though he couldn't see it, Devlin could feel Gwen smirking at him.

"Yea, apparently, he was responsible for crippling Jose Quesada last night and about a dozen of his friends"

Gwen couldn't stop smirking at Devlin as they continued.

"You know I love you Foggy, but I don't know why you read that trash"

"What? I've been reading about this guy for years. There's gotta be something to him" he defended.

"Is there any like... actual witnesses with credible proof?" Gwen chimed in.

"Yea, I mean Bigfoot even has those. So, how come this guy doesn't?" Devlin added.

"Well, there's.... kind of a picture" he tried to reason and Devlin grew worried for a second.

"They have a picture?"

"Yea, it's like a drawing, sketch artist. It's very grotesque"

"Lemme see" Gwen said and leaned over as Foggy showed her his phone.

She laughed at the cheesy devilish monster drawing that wasn't anything like Devlin's suit.

"Looks like something ripped off a bad 80s cartoon or something"

"Yea, well, I'd hate to see this guy's therapy bill"

'Ouch' Devlin thought to himself and could hear the little snicker Gwen gave.

"By the way, what took you two so long to get here?"

"Oh, just the usual talk about Devlin's emotional availability and inability" They both stared at the poor guy.

"Great, now this again" Dev irritably replied.

"Lemme guess, things with AJ didn't work out?"

"Nope" Gwen popped.

"Yea, thanks sis" Devlin groaned.

"Well, she has a point, Dev. You haven't gotten serious with anyone in ages; haven't even gone to see her band yet. I've even gone to see her band"

"Oh my God" He ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm serious, and remember the Seeing Eye Dog I tried to get you last year?"

Devlin waved his arms around in protest.

"I didn't ask for the dog. I didn't want or need the dog"

"That's besides the point. Those dogs are meant to bond for life and yours ran away. Tell me that doesn't scream emotional detachment"

Devlin laughed again.

Then suddenly, Devlin heard this voice through the crowd. This adorable, pure-hearted, full of life voice that was the most lovely thing he had ever heard. He honed his senses to follow the direction of the voice and discovered it came with a scent just as lovely to perfectly match the voice. It was a cross between a bakery smell and a sweet perfume that actually mixed well with it. Some could even say it smelled like Heaven.

Gwen and Foggy noticed the sudden trance Devlin was in and tried to figure out what had stolen his attention.

"Uh, Dev? You good buddy?" Foggy asked with concern.

"Just wait, it's someone at the counter" he said without turning away, his full focus in that particular direction.

They glanced in the direction to see a small group of friends at the counter, unable to tell which in particular he was referring to.

"Not them, just wait" Devlin urged and just a moment later...


The group moved to reveal the person behind the counter...

"Oh..." Gwen shot up her eyebrows.

"Wow" Foggy followed with a small smile.

"Tell me" Devlin practically pleaded.

"The truth?" Foggy asked and Devlin hummed in response. "She's hideous"

Devlin laughed, knowing he was just messing with him, which could only mean she truly was as gorgeous as he could imagine.

"As your friend and your attorney in this matter, I advise you to take no further action"

"I'll take it under advisement" Devlin sarcastically stated as he was already up and making his way to the counter.

Gwen and Foggy watched intently and with amazement as he made his move, wondering just how he was going to impress this person. Devlin seemed confident on the outside, but was already feeling the adrenaline on the inside.

What he didn't know, was that she had noticed him and Foggy as they were watching her. Therefore, was under the impression he was just another guy looking to flirt with her and impress his friend. He wouldn't be the first. This led her to "sort out the register" as a way of not looking as he approached.

"Excuse me" he greeted politely.

"Yes sir, can I help you?" she gleefully smiled, trying to stay professional and offer the best service as required.

Devlin was already starting to draw a blank.

"Uh... I'm just looking for some honey, if you have any?"

"Of course, it's right there in front of you" she nodded to where the honey was, clearly oblivious to his condition, causing him to almost laugh.

"Could you be a little more specific, please?"

This got her to actually glance up at him with her full attention and realize the situation.

"Wait, are you-"

"Blind? Yea" he almost laughed again as she blushed in embarrassment.

"I am so sorry!"

He finally laughed a little, but tried not to do it hard, as she shut the register and grabbed the honey bottle for him.

"Here you go, sir. I sincerely apologize"

"It's ok, it's my first time coming here" he laughed but assured.

"Oh! Well, glad you gave us a chance. What do you think?" She smiled cutely.

"It's a great place, great environment"

"Thankyou, we try to make it as welcoming and positive as possible"

"Well, you're doing a great job" she blushed from the compliment. "I'm Devlin Rose by the way"

She seemed surprised by the name.

"Dev... Gwen Stacy's brother?"

Now Devlin was confused.

"You know my sister?"

"Yea, I'm her band manager"

That was quite a surprise for him. He glanced back towards Gwen's direction and could hear her snickering.

"Hmm, how interesting"

"Yea" she nodded in agreement before they laughed. "Well, I'm glad I finally got to meet you, Devlin" she added after checking the time. "Come again some time"

Devlin grew confused when she started to leave.

"Wait, I didn't get your name"

She turned back to him and grew a cheeky smirk.

"Maybe next time"

She walked into the kitchen as Devlin laughed in disbelief, slightly impressed. He returned to his table with a smirking Gwen and Foggy waiting.

"Not bad Dev, but I guess some people have no respect for the handicapped" Foggy said.

"Apparently not" he faced towards a laughing Gwen.

Before either of them could respond, Devlin's attention was stolen by a conversation he could hear from all the way back in the kitchen.

"She's going on an early break"

Gwen shot up her eyebrows as Foggy grew confused.

"Where you going?" Foggy asked.

"To file an appeal" Devlin joked as he went to the door.

"Hey, don't forget, we have our office opening at noon" Gwen urgently reminded.

"I'll be there!" Devlin assured before leaving.

Gwen and Foggy just stared at each other in disbelief before laughing.


Meanwhile, Captain George Stacy and Yuri were leaving Jose Quesada's hospital room when they ran into someone they were never thrilled to see.

"Well, well, Mr. Murdock"

A/N: Thankyou Lokis03277 for Alex Ambrose!
Stay tuned for the next chapter and lemme know what y'all think! Take care!

P.S. Sorry a couple of the photos were bad quality. I'll make sure the rest are much better

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