

🎼"How did you get home yesterday?" Henry questioned as I signed his cast.  

"I flew." I said not really wanting to explain to him that I was forced to spend my afternoon with Blaz. "You're my best friend you should know by now I have supernatural powers." I stated in an annoyed tone and he rolled his eyes. "How are you anyway?" I asked concerned and he searched for something in my eyes, I'm not sure what but I put on my best poker face.  

"I'll live but what about you?" He asked and I stared at him confused. 

"What about me?"  

"You blacked out again." He said and I groaned.  

"Dehydration and severe back pain." Was all I said and I silenced him with my hand before he could question me further. 

"I also saw a few pictures... Of you and Blaz." He said awkwardly and stared at his shoes. Do I sense jealousy? I couldn't help but smile.  

"He took me home and we worked on our assignment." I then made a whining noise. "Now he knows where I live!" I fake cried and Henry laughed wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pushed me down the school hallway.  

"Maybe I should move in with you. You know to protect you." He said sarcastically and I scoffed. 

"Yeah because a guy with a broken arm is so threatening. I'd have to be protecting you." I remarked staring at his blue eyes and he smirked at me. The smile is genuinely new to me, his blue eyes are sparkling and the grin kind of looks sneaky. But in a good way. I cleared my throat awkwardly and stared nervously at the door. Is that Ranger? Ranger casually strolled in hiding beneath his grey hood, backpack slung over one shoulder, light blue ripped jeans and of course the lip ring. Coming directly towards me. I feel awkward with him near. Last night I had this really realistic dream about him, it was really... Well we almost kissed then I woke up. But it felt too real... 

"Hello Angelica." Ranger said shining the room with his sparkly white teeth.  

"Hello?" I said playfully eyeing him suspiciously. "Why are you back?" 

"I go here now." He said so casually my mouth formed a 'o'. He looked next to me and I realised Henry is next me, his hand very close to mine. 

"Oh sorry. Ranger this is my best friend Henry, Henry this is Ranger." They nodded at each other since Henry's right arm is unusable. But even though he is disabled now he still managed to stand tall looking down at Ranger.  

"So uh how do you two know each other?" Henry asked and I hesitated looking at Ranger. He raised his eyebrows at me expectantly and I mentally huffed in annoyance. Looks like I'll have to think of something. 

"Um... Well..." I looked around the hallway for some ideas unfortunately got nothing. I'll just have to twist the truth. "I saw him yesterday talking to Erica. And she introduced us..." I should be worried, lately I've been able to lie so easily. "Right Ranger?"  

"Yeah I'll have to thank Erica later for introducing us." He said and I raised an eyebrow at him.  

"Maybe it's best you just leave her alone." I said and he smirked. What is with these sneaky grins these guys have been giving me? I pulled my cap further down on my head then pulled my navy blue hood over my head.  

"Oh great now you're wearing caps and hoods at the same time what next?" Henry remarked and I scowled.  

"You should feel honoured Henry that you get to see my face." I said and Ranger chuckled while Henry rolled his eyes. 

"You know Nicole always looks out for the girl with the hood." He said. 

"And that's why I got a cap." I simply said. "Now lets away." I said then looked at Ranger. "Do you know where to go?" I asked and he shook his head giving me his timetable. "We have PE together. Your locker is close to mine as well." Suspicious or what? "Come on Ranger I'll see you at recess Henry." I said and he unexpectedly gave me a hug. "Relax Henry we'll only be separated for 75 minutes." I said on his shoulder. 

"But it will feel like 75 years." He whined and I chuckled letting go of him. "Nice meeting you Ranger." He said in a dull tone and Ranger nodded straining a smile. Soon we were at his new locker which was literally two lockers down from mine.  

"Looks like I'll be seeing your beautiful face everyday now." Ranger said neatly placing his things in his locker.  

"And I'll have to put up with your gorgeous one." I said not looking at him and he chuckled. 

"Who's Nicole?" He asked and this time I gazed at him. 

"She's a mole." I said smiling and he looked at me confused. "She's a snobby cow with boobs bigger than her head. She's been bullying me since year 7, I hate her guts. That's why her new name is Nicole the Mole." I said proudly and he laughed.  

"Would that be her now?" He said and I whipped my head around to see the mole strutting as if she was on the catwalk. Mini red shorts that go up really high to her boobs, and a blue and white horizontal striped top stuffed into her shorts.  

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I growled looking back at my locker. 

"Grandma Mildred."  

"Nicole the Mole." I said still not looking at her.  

"So who is this poor guy that's stuck with you?" She said and I can sense her flirtatiously smiling at him.  

"I'm Ranger. Pleasure to meet you mole." He said and I laughed silently. I then looked at Ranger and beamed at him. 

"I think I'm in love with you." I said to him. 

"They always come around." He said flexing his arms and I rolled my eyes. Yep definitely a blond Blaz. I heard Nicole scoff then forced me to look at her freckled face, her brown curls bouncing as she moved. 

"Another helpless boy, how many now Angie?" She said and Ranger prepared to interject but Nicole won't shut up. And now other people are surrounding us. "Also keep away from my boyfriend." She said holding her nose high. 

"Which one?" I asked smiling innocently and she gave me this deathly glare. 

"You wish you had so many guys following you around." 

"Wow Nicole, first I'm a slut and then I'm a complete loser who can't get guys. I'm on fire." I sarcastically remarked slamming my locker and walked away from her. 

"Oh yeah well at least I don't have to use my money to get them." She yelled and I soon caught Ranger walking beside me. 

"She didn't use money, she used her natural beauty. Something you'll never know anything about." Ranger yelled out back to her and I couldn't help but stare at him incredulously. I think I like Light angels better than Dark. Oh great I'm blushing. 

"Thank you Ranger. I think you and I are going to get along just fine." I said patting his back then he took that arm and linked it with his. I stuttered a little and felt a little weird being this close to him. I tried tugging my arm from his grip but he held on tighter and gave me a sideways smirk. "What do you think you're doing?"  

"I'm merely being friendly." He said and I grunted remembering everything that happened yesterday. I stepped on his foot and his grip on my arm loosened so I took a step away from him. 

"You'd have be friends with me for a very long time before we can link arms." I said and he playfully glowered at me. 

"How long?" He questioned and I thought about it. He's a Light angel and Blaz is a Dark angel. Light kind of sounds trustworthy, plus Ranger seems nice even though I met him when he was threatening Erica. And Blaz is an asshole. 

"Let's just say if you keep up on the insults with Nicole it may not be very long." I said smiling then walked away. 


I crossed the finish line mentally cheering and then I collapsed on my knees panting heavily. We'e in PE now and our teacher is making us so laps just because he enjoys seeing us suffer. I recognised Ranger's runners in front of me so I looked at his calm face. 

"How are you not sweating?" Must be an angel thing I guessed as he helped me up.  

"I'm good at long distance running." He said and I simply nodded impressed and wiped the sweat off my brow. "You are pretty good to. We both are ahead of the class look." I turned around to see everybody just cross the finish line and I chuckled.  

"We got skills." I said looking at all the exhausted students and our PE teacher Mr Danver saying the usual good job and well done but his face said it all. I took a big gulp from my drink bottle then sat down on the ground, tempted to fall asleep. "You think Mr Danver will notice if I take a mini nap?" I said and Ranger chuckled staring at me softly with his grey eyes. "I know stupid question." I sighed watching Mr Danver picking out students for a little race. Don't pick me. Don't pick me, please!  

"Ranger you're in this race." He said and Ranger strode off getting ready to run. "Ready! Set!" He roared as the five boys got into position. "Go!" I thought Ranger was fast but that is a complete understatement. It's like he's feet aren't even touching the ground, he just zoomed ahead of the others. This caused me to stand up and my eyes widened. They're only meant to go a quarter of the way, so when the other boys reached the line collapsing to the ground he kept running. "Your friend is fast Angelica. He should join the track team." Mr Danver said to me then blew his whistle. There's a track team? Wow I'm slow. "Go Ranger go!" Ranger sped around the oval to the finish line and I heard Nicole's nasally voice nearby. "Look at his legs." She's not even in my PE class. I saw her walking past with her friends surrounding her all eyeing at him hungrily. For some reason this is really ticking me off but I ignored her and stared at Ranger, who is coming towards me. He smirked at me not a single drop of sweat in sight and I scoffed. 

"Show off." I accused and he gave me a wink which surprised me a little. He's just teasing me, I think.

"Alright Angelica get moving." Our teacher yelled and I mentally groaned staring wearily at the track. Ranger patted my back encouragingly and I smiled at him before taking my place on the end. Here I go. "Ready set go!" He said and I sped off past the other guys and girl. The finish line is right there, just a few more meters. I smiled at myself proud that I'm ahead of the others but out of nowhere a ball flew at the side of my head knocking me down. My knees started stinging and I knew they were bleeding however I also know that they will heal just as quickly. 

"Angelica are you ok?" I heard Ranger's voice and saw his face inches from mine. I felt the tears coming but forced them away, but they came out when I heard Nicole burst out laughing. Ranger helped me to my feet and cupped my chin forcing me to look at his angelic face. "Even bruised you're still beautiful." He said dusting my shoulders off and I couldn't help chuckle. 

"Thank you Ranger." Sadly I don't have a smart remark so I just smiled at him then looked down at my knees. 

"You're bleeding." He said and I shook my head mentally freaking out. I can't have him knowing I heal quickly, not until I at least find out how I do it. 

"No I'm fine. Could you just get me my drink bottle please?" I said slowly walking off the track.  

"You alright Miss Shanley." Mr Danver asked and I nodded. I'll kill her, I'll kill that mole. I got my jumper, sat down on the grass and covered my knees with my jumper. I felt Ranger's arm wrap around my shoulders but I'm too sore to do anything about it. He passed me my drink bottle and sat really close to me. 

"You did alright." He said and I sighed. Yeah I did ok until a ball flew at my head. I can't believe Nicole would physically hurt me. She's a cruel human being. Sure she hates me but she's only ever verbally abused me.  


I joined the cafeteria line hiding under the hood but I did not take notice of who I was standing behind. 

"Angie!" Ronny said excitedly and I flinched mentally groaning.  

"Heeey.... Ronny." I said looking down at my tray so he wouldn't be awed by my face. It's probably too late anyway.  

"How are you?" He asked almost desperately and breathed nervously. 

"Fine thanks." I said hoping to stop the conversation there. 

"That's good. So this weekend some of my friends are going to the movies and I was just wondering if..." He started and I mentally screamed no! But Henry came to the rescue crashing beside with the tray in hand. 

"Sup Ron?" He said and Ronny looked like he was ready to punch someone.  

"Hey Henry... So..." 

"Angie and I already have plans this weekend." He said for me and I mouthed thank you to him with out Ronny seeing. He nodded at me then looked sternly at Ronny, I've never seen him look so tough.  

"Oh really? Um... I guess another time." Ronny said before storming off leaving his tray behind. I feel so relieved but at the same time a little guilty, I wouldn't mind hanging out with Ronny if he wasn't so desperate for attention. 

"Relax Angie he's gone lets go eat now." He said. Loosing my appetite I just grabbed an apple and found a table where Lara sat leaning back in her seat and laying her Demonia black platform goth boots on the table. Her red hair is in a low ponytail and she's wearing that cool silver dragon earring that circles her whole ear. "Hey Angie... Can you tell me what her name is?" Henry whispered in my ear as we neared the table however it was Lara who answered opening her eyes to look at him. 

"My names Lara." She said and I saw Henry blush a little before he introduced himself but she interrupted. "I know your name is Henry." She as I sat down in across from her, Henry falling down beside me. "How's your arm anyway?" She asked him just being nice. 

"Could be worse." He said then looked at me. "How do you really know Ranger?" He questioned and I hesitated. He didn't believe it, damn of course he didn't he's smarter than that. Plus he always knows when I'm lying, he always could tell. That's his sixth sense.  

"I told you Erica introduced us." I said. 

"You never talk to Erica." He said and Lara groaned annoyingly. 

"Erica was in trouble, Ranger was attacking her so Angelica stepped up and saved her skinny ass, and for some random reason he started being nice to her, and now she is being nice to him." She said in one breath and I stared at the apple.  

"Thank you so much Lara." I said sarcastically as I slowly turned my head in Henry's direction.  

"Ranger was attacking Erica?" Henry asked surprise written all over his face. 

"Well, not attacking. More like..." I stuttered. I've got nothing... "It was just an argument that was meant for Blaz. Ranger..." Suddenly I saw Ranger crash down beside Lara and we all jumped in shock. 

"I was questioning the wrong person. Blaz is my nemesis and Erica is his sister..." Ranger started. 

"Wait Erica is Blaz's sister?" I asked and they all stared at me in disbelief. 

"What you thought they were just friends?" Lara questioned. Actually I thought she was his girlfriend... But I'll keep that to myself. 

"I just thought she was his bitch." I joked and they chuckled. 

"Close enough." Ranger said. "Anyway I didn't mean to take my anger out at her, she was there and I'm really ticked off at Blaz." 

"Aren't we all." Henry murmured and I chuckled looking over to Blaz's table. Blaz was glaring at Ranger's back and Erica sat next to him staring at me. We just locked gazes again but this time I broke it and took a bite from my apple. "What did he do?" Henry questioned Ranger so I spoke up for him. 

"What hasn't Blaz done?" I remarked and they all laughed until Erica appeared at the end of the table staring right at me. We sat silently watching and waiting for her to make a move. 

"Can I please talk to you?" Erica said ignoring the glare of pure hatred she was getting from Ranger. I looked at Lara who just shrugged then at Henry who sat there dumbfounded on this whole situation.  

"Sure." I said softly and stood up slowly walking around the table and so Erica started walking to, expecting me to follow. Obviously this unusual because even Blaz is looking at us curiously. I can't believe I mistook them as girlfriend and boyfriend, I mean apart from the eyes and colour skin they are pretty similar in the their faces. She led me into the girls toilets and we stood next to the sink waiting for the girls to leave. One girl attempted to wash her hands but Erica stared at her in warning as if daring her to come near so she just speed walked out. Erica smirked evilly so then and there, at that minute she looked so similar to Blaz. She then gazed at me seriously her eyes dilating.  

"I'm just going to get to the point..." She said then took a deep breath. "Is Ranger blackmailing you?" My eyes widened at the question? 


"You can tell me Angelica. Has he questioned you at all? Threatened you? Is he stalking you?"  

"No! Why? Because he's a light angel?" I said without thinking and she her eyes widened. 

"Did he tell you?" 

"I've known since I was five about angels. I've seen them I'm looking at one right now and every time I try asking Blaz about..." 

"Stop. You asked Blaz! Why the hell would you ask Blaz?! Shit!"  

"He hasn't told me anything but I've pretty much figured out enough to know you and him are Dark angels." I stated and she unexpectedly grabbed my shoulders. 

"Never again mention angels to Blaz. From now on just act dumb around him and Ranger. I'm surprised he hasn't killed you already." I gasped a little when she said that last part. 

"Erica there's something else..." Should I tell her about my quick healing? My soul walking out of my body... The feathers.  

"What?" She asked now staring at me warily. 

"Can I trust you?" I questioned and she turned blank again. 

"I owe you my life. But this is not the time to talk about this. Now I'm not saying avoid Ranger because that's equally dangerous but just be careful." She said and I think I'm more confused then ever. "You have my number call me and we'll talk. Oh and I got you something." She reached under the sink and pulled white flat box with a black ribbon tied around it.  

"What's this?" I asked holding it in my hands. 

"Let's just say I'm sick of your jumpers." She said and gestured me to open it. So I slowly did. I wonder, if she is anything like Blaz. Would she plant a prank in this box like he would? Inside however is a glamorous black studded leather jacket, the lining had a grey leopard print and it looks about my size. "You're rich Angelica might as well look like it." She said and I sighed. I have my reasons not to. 

"Thank you but you shouldn't have."  

"Least I could do after yesterday." She said sort of pouting. She then shook her head and walked to the door. "If anybody asks just tell them to fuck off." She said smiling at me and I laughed. 

"Will do." I followed her out and we walked together back into the cafeteria. "Will you tell me more about all this?" I asked. 

"Perhaps. Now lose the cap would you, you want Henry to recognise you as female if you want him to make the first move." Seriously! I eyed her but she looked straight ahead. "Personally I'd try and take control of the situation. Make the first the move and sink your claws into him. Then he's yours."  

"Is it really that obvious?" I asked smiling at the ground. So far I'm liking Blaz's sister. 

"I was just guessing." Erica said so I scowled. "So you do like him. And why not you've been friends since forever, he's handsome, bright, athletic well sort of."  

"He's working on it." I whined. 

"Who's working on what?" It took me a second to realise we had reached Blaz's table and he sat there gazing between us curiously. His fingers on his mouth as he leaned back on his chair, the skeleton ring winking at me.  

"Nothing little bother." Erica remarked pinching his cheek and he gave her a venomous glare. 

"Hey babe." Nicole squealed shoving Erica out of the way to sit on Blaz's lap. Babe? Nicole's boyfriend is... Blaz. He welcomed her with open arms and held her close still eyeing at me. My mouth hang open until I notice Erica make a disgusted noise. 

"Really Blaz? This little trollop." She said and Nicole scoffed. She probably doesn't even know the meaning of the word. I don't know what got over me but when I looked between Blaz and the mole, I burst out laughing. They all stared me, even their friends stared as I just covered my mouth trying to stop myself from giggling. 

"What are you laughing at Mildred?" Nicole sneered and I cracked up again. I stared at Blaz in the eye sort of calming down then thinking about what happened yesterday how we flirted... I laughed again. They're perfect for each other, stupid with the stupid. Erica stared at me amused then started giggling. I took a deep breath then grabbed Blaz's shoulder. 

"That awkward moment when even the person that hates your guts wishes you luck on..." I stared at Nicole and giggled. "That." Erica snickered as I leaned away from him. He stared at me dumbfounded and I strolled away feeling just a little bit proud.  

"She's right you know brother. You have gone low." Erica said and I giggled as I stood at my table. 

"What are you smiling about?" Lara questioned. 

"Blaz the spaz and Nicole the mole are dating." I said then giggled again when her mouth dropped. 

"Is that why you were cackling over there?" Henry teased. 

"I don't cackle." I said then smiled deviously. "Mwhahahaha." I cackled. 

"You idiot." Lara said then she looked behind me and and gasped so I turned around and Nicole through spaghetti at me. I ducked out of the way just in time and I saw where it landed. 

"Oh my gosh Henry I'm so sorry..." I stood up and looked at Henry who was up as well... And has spaghetti in his hair, the sauce dribbling down onto his face. I gasped mentally laughing, as he looked at himself incredulously. I wiped off some sauce from his cheek and he gazed down at me, as I tasted the sauce. 

"Mm it's good." I mocked and then picked up his meat pie and turned around to face Nicole. She saw the pie as I threw but unfortunately she ducked out of the way and the pie hit Blaz square in the face. "Oh my god!" I cracked up laughing as he stood up wiping hot meat off his face then he picked up his own plate. "No." I warned and he smirked. "Put it down. No... Blaz don't!" I quickly moved away and the chips flew onto Lara. She stood up really ticked off but then glared down at Ranger who was laughing his ass off. 

"Oh you think this is funny." She growled and poured her coke all over his head. Suddenly someone yelled out. "Food fight!" So everything went chaotic from there. Nicole disappeared and soon Erica and Lara were at my side under the table with food in their hands and their hair.  

"Best break time ever." Lara said and we all chuckled. 

"Let's go out there and hunt down Nicole. I've seen her running around and she has not even got one chip in her hair." Erica said and I agreed with her.  

"Let's go kick ass." Lara yelled out then crawled out from under the table. As soon as I stood up, pizza was thrown on my chest so I looked up to see the thrower. Of course Blaz stood smirking five metres away and I glowered at him playfully. I'm not wasting this slice of chocolate cake on him, I have a better prize. I stuck up the finger at him and he laughed until Ranger squirted him with a bottle of tomato sauce, I chuckled a little then yelled out. "Go Ranger!" He smiled at me however Blaz narrowed his eyes at both of us. I ignored both of them so I can hunt her down. "Where are you mole?" 

"Angelica!" Erica called and I saw standing on a table pointing near the door. And I saw the back of the Nicole trying to sneak away unnoticed. I ran pushing people out of the way causing myself to get covered in more sloppy food but I don't care. She's my target, my prey. She's using a tray to protect herself as she rushing to the exit so Erica and I ran at her.  

"Oh Nicole..." I yelled out and she whipped around and stared at me, scared as a mouse. Has the big ears for it too. I prepared to throw wishing myself good luck because I know I have bad aim, but I froze when our school principal Mr Brown stormed through the doors. Mud brown moustache curled up at the end making him look comical however right now, while he stood there in a smart brown suit, his face turned bright red. 

"What is going on here?!" He bellowed silencing the entire room and I slowly hid the cake behind my back. Nicole charged at him yelling at the top of her lungs. "Mr Brown! It was all Angelica! She started it!" That self centred, lying little shit. My mouth just fell open and I shook my head at Mr Brown who stared at me sternly. I looked at Erica and we both nodded at each other, I got out my cake and she got out her meat pie and we both squashed the food mush on her head. She squealed loudly and Erica wrapped her arm over my shoulders. 

"Miss Furia and miss Shanley!" Mr Brown growled then Lara appeared next to me. 

"And miss Anderson." She said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Fine then you three can stay behind and clean this up and there's a detention for you three tomorrow at lunchtime. Oh and Nicole Martin?" 

"Yes Mr Brown?" She said smiling innocently. Erica murmured in my ear 'fucking cow.' So I silently giggled. 

"Put some clothes on." He stated and the three of us bit on our tongues from making any smart comments. "Everyone get ready for class... Now!" I've never seen Mr Brown so furious, it's hilarious. He stalked throughout the doors and Erica exhaled biting her lip. 

"Was it just me? Or did anybody else find Mr Brown... Attractive when he's angry?" She said seductively and I stared at her in astonishment.  

"You're all disgusting." Nicole sneered at us and we just chuckled. 


I dunked the mop in the bucket and the water splattered all over my jeans. The good thing about being in detention is missing out on maths, again. But annoyingly Erica, Lara and I are stuck doing all the work. It's not even our fault this happened, the mole started this chaos not us. 

"I can't believe that bitch accused you and got us into deep shit." Lara stated wiping the tables.  

"I can't believe she's with my brother, my own flesh and blood with that pin head." Erica said amazed then she looked at me funny. "I guess it makes sense they're both..." 

"Irrational." I answered for her and she smiled nodding. 

"Screw them." Lara remarked. 

"No thank you." I said and they giggled. Erica pulled her phone out from her pocket and played a song by the pussy cat dolls. She left it on one of the surviving tables and dances to the music while using the dustpan. Bobbing my head to the music I swirled around the mop then decided to try a different song. "Let's have some fun... Erica do you have that song... Uh what's it called... Right there by Nicole Sherzinger?" I asked her and she scoffed which must be her of saying, 'of course I do.' Then her phone started playing the song. Love this song... 

'Come here baby, and be my baby and be my baby oh oh oh' I started and they danced with the music. 

'Come here baby put your hands on my body, hands on my body oh oh oh' I trailed my hand down to hip and swayed them a little.  

'Right there keep it right there, I love when you put it right there oh oh oh 

Yeah yeah oh oh oh yeah' Erica raised her arms in the air and moved around singing along with me. 

'Me like the way that you hold my body me like the that you touch my body me like the way that you kiss my yeah yeah yeah me like it' Erica got really dirty with the moves and so Lara and I just joined on for the hell of it.  

'Me like the way you put it on me, me like the way that he push up on me, me like the way he go down down down down down down down down 

Never gonna let a girl take him from me never gonna let a girl steal him from me. Never gonna let a girl get that close now, hey baby don't go too close now.' I climbed up on the table and and just continued on dancing, swaying my hips side to side.  

'Come here baby, and be my baby and be my baby oh oh oh,' 

'Come here baby put your hands on my body, hands on my body oh oh oh' 

'Right there keep it right there, I love when you put it right there oh oh oh 

Yeah yeah oh oh oh yeah' I jumped off and slid across the wet floor spinning around then I froze and pointed at the girls. 

'Me like the way that you talk dirty, don't wash your mouth I like dirty, you like to please yeah I like that, yeah yeah yeah yeah me like it.' We started bobbing our heads then just started twirling around again. 'Me like the way that you keep me coming back at you, so had me running me like the way he go down down down down down down down down' I stopped singing when I thought I saw someone through the cafeteria door's window. Eh probably nothing. 

'Never gonna let a girl take him from me never gonna let a girl steal him from me. Never gonna let a girl get that close now, hey baby don't go too close now.' I saw Erica and Lara freeze, Erica glared at something behind me while Lara blushed a little but still glared. I turned around and instantly rolled my eyes at a smirking Blaz. Great I'm blushing... Not because Blaz caught me shaking my butt, because Ranger did too. They both stood exactly two meters apart and from the tension in their jaws they trying very hard to ignore each other. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest as I gave them both curious stares.  

"Just hanging out..." Ranger said at the same time as Blaz said. "Watching your booty shake." I heard Lara snicker and Erica sigh as Ranger shot daggers at Blaz.  

"Well both of you better cherish this moment for the rest of your lives because you'll never see me doing that again." Then I turned my head to smile at the girls. "Not sure about you guys though." They giggled deviously. 

"I do a ten minute booty shake before I go to sleep." Erica said then snapped her fingers and posed like a diva. How is she so calm when her attacker is standing right next to her brother? 

"She's not kidding." Blaz said disgusted and I chuckled when Erica poked her tongue out at him. She then stood her ground next to me and eyed at Ranger suspiciously. 

"I get why my brother's here since he's a pervert. But why is goody two shoes here? Never thought of you as the type to skip class." 

"Since I'm part of the cause of the mess I've come to clean up." He said then smiled at me. I raised my eyebrows at him then saw Lara come towards him with a a bucket and the mop. 

"Well have fun with that, come on ladies we have places to go." Lara stated as she dumped the bucket at his feet and made him hold the mop. 

"Yeah Blaz the table could use a bit of wiping." I said as I followed the girls out. Hehehe... Once out of sight from their dumb struck expressions we burst out laughing.  

"Did you see their faces?" Lara cracked up holding her belly, so I mimicked their faces. "Oh God Angie!" She cackled and I laughed at her laugh. However I looked at Erica and she seemed nervous, tapping her foot as her ice cold eyes stared down the hallway. 

"I'm sorry I can't leave him alone with Ranger." She said to me looking so stressed. 

"I understand go back to him before they burn the place down." I said and she hesitated before bolting down the hallway.  

"What was that about?" Lara questioned me suspiciously watching Erica run off. Would Blax and Ranger really kill each other, is there some kind of war going on between their kinds? 

"They hate each other that bad." Was all I said then we walked off to prepare for next period.  


Mrs Somer sent us to the schools theatre and I can't believe how creepy I find this place after yesterday. Also I'm sick of this place... I have to practice my solo in front of everyone. The solo that Blaz auditioned me for, bloody bastard. I wore the jacket Erica gave me because well my jumper is covered in food stains. And we started with voice warm up exercises but I looked at Lara who stood in the Alto section and she poked her tongue out at me playfully. I rolled my eyes then made my tongue touch my nose and crossed my eyes. She silently laughed at me but we both froze when Miss Somer said. 

"As funny as you girls look lets concentrate on our singing." She smiled warmly and we had to just nod and giggled deviously. "Alright here are the lyrics." She said passing them around and then she told me to step forward. I don't want to do this! 

"Um Mrs Somer... Could I get a drink?" That's all I could think of? Seriously? I smiled innocently but she shook her head. 

"After. Did you practice the song at all?"  

"Oh you caught me do you think you could give me five minutes to practice outside?" It gives me a chance to run and hide. 

"Do you really..." 

"I really need it." I interrupted. 

"Angelica you shouldn't be embarrassed you have a beautiful singing voice." Yes but that doesn't mean it has to be heard. "Lets just start and see how we go." She said and she pressed play on the CD, it's a back track CD so it's just the music. When it came for my part I bit my tongue, the music often takes over me. I have to do something when music plays or I'll go insane. This is really hard. 

"Uh Angie, you have to sing." 

"Sorry." I apologised then heard the rest of the group whispering. Oh god it's already starting. She played the song again and I mentally fought against my instinct. But lost. 

'There's a fire starting in my heart 

Reaching a fevered pitch and it's bringing me out the dark 

Finally I can see you crystal clear 

Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare 

See how I'll leave with every piece of you 

Don't underestimate the things that I will do 

There's a fire starting in my heart  

Reaching a fever pitch 

And it's brining me out the dark 

The scars of your love remind me of us 

They keep me thinking that we almost had it all 

The scars of your love, they leave me breathless 

I can't help feeling 

We could have had it all' 

Mrs Somer directed the the rest of group and they sang behind me. 

(You're gonna wish you never had met me) 

Rolling in the deep 

(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) 

You had my heart inside of your hand 

(You're gonna wish you never had met me) 

And you played it to the beat  

I let the music take me over! God I can't do anything right! I started smiling and really enjoying myself forgetting about the others around me. 

'Baby, I have no story to be told 

But I've heard one on you 

And I'm gonna make your head burn 

Think of me in the depths of your despair 

Make a home down there 

As mine sure won't be shared...' 

"Stop hold on, Angelica very good I just want to work with the rest for a little bit." She said and I nodded feeling sick.  

"How come I haven't noticed how good she is?" Some girl questioned behind me. 

"I know... Hey Angelica?" I turned around to face the two girls and everyone is staring at me genuinely surprised. "You have a truly amazing voice." 

"Thank you." I nodded at Julia then Jayden some guy who has never taken notice of me smiled flirtatiously at me. 

"Pretty nice Angel." He complimented and I frowned at him. 

"It's Angelica." I corrected. 

"You sure." He winked and I had to roll my eyes. 

"Ew Jayden." Julia flipped her brown hair in his face to tick him off. "No just no." I giggled then turned back around to face the unnoticed audience. Oh my god. 

"Not bad." Ranger complimented admiring me with soft eyes and now I'm blushing.  

"Where did you come from?" I asked then cleared my throat unable to look at him in the eye. But I feel him smirking so I glanced for second to check if I'm right and yep he's grinning. I curled my lips in then smiled at Mrs Somer who tried to quiet everyone down so we could start all over again.  

"I over heard that you have an amazing voice." He said, and I jumped down off the stage to walk right up to him. 

"From who?" I questioned as I thought about the people that would have told him. Nope no one, Henry doesn't seem to care much for him, Lara is suspicious of him other than that no one else heard me sing, except Blaz but come on no way. Then I remembered the angel watching me while I sang to those animals. No Ranger would white wings right I mean he's a light angel... This is all going to drive me to the edge. 

"How did you meet Blaz?" Where did that come from? He can't just answer a question with a question. But eh why not answer? 

"It was a very unfortunate event." I said in this weird English accent. I don't why I did, I don't know why I do half the stuff I do. 

"Let me guess he found you hot and decided he wanted to take advantage of you." My eyes widened at his random assumption and I mouthed a wow. 

"Um... I think he thought girls had cooties back then. We were both at least five years old when we met." I explained really questioning myself on how much I should tell him. How am I not nervous around these angels? They're just so human and so normal. 


"Yep and between you me I've seen no difference in the brain area if you get what I mean." I said sarcastically and he chuckled stepping closer to me. Too close for comfort so I stepped back still smiling. "So yeah we were young and I was just minding my own business and building a sand castle for the fairies." He giggled looking at me unbelievably. 

"I was five!" I complained. "Anyway he comes over with his gang and destroys mine and Henry's masterpiece." He seemed to frown a little when I said his name but I continued on. "And well we've kind of had a strange dislike towards each other since then."  

"That's it. He just destroyed your sandcastle and you've hated each other since then." Hate? That's a little strong... He's more annoying and irritating but then we have those weird moments where we can stand each other.  

"I don't hate him as such. I think now we have some kind of understanding." 

"What kind of understanding? Blaz is moronic you can't trust anything he says." He growled and stared at the ground venomously.  

"What makes you say that?" I questioned and he shut up then calmed down a little. 

"Blaz is a spaz. We've hated each other from the beginning of time." He said sarcastically but could that possibly be true?  

"But why?" I pushed stepping closer to him and gazed up at him right in the eye. He hesitated then smirked leaning in towards my face. "Hey what are you..." 

"Sorry," he interrupted and smiled sweetly. "I got lost in your eyes." Oh my god that is so corny. But I blushed anyway and mockingly batted my eyelashes. 

"You're the first to admit it. Others make excuses like why are your eyes so creepily black?" 

"They're just hiding their true affection." He said mockingly and I giggled. 

"Of course that's the only explanation." I said dramatically then Mrs Somer called out for me. "Sorry I would talk longer but..." 

"It's alright I'll see you tomorrow." He pressed his lips on my cheek the lip ring cold against my skin while his lips are soft and warm. He pulled back and smiled at me ever so innocently while I stood there dumbfounded. 

"You haven't insulted Nicole enough to do that." But he ignored and kissed my other cheek so I shoved him playfully making a disgusted noise. "I'll see you tomorrow." I prepared to turnaround but he grabbed my hand gently and pointed at his cheek smirking. "Oh go kiss yourself."  


"Jelly!" Michael ran and leaped into my arms so I fell back through the front door smacking my head onto the concrete ground. Ow... "How was school?" He yelled at my face and I beamed up at him. 

"It was AWESOME!" I yelled back then groaned. "Oh please get off me." I begged and he stepped off me as I got myself up. I brushed myself off then headed upstairs with Michael following on behind.  

"Was Blaz there?" 

"Unfortunately he was." 

"Why are your clothes so dirty?" 

"Had a food fight but don't let mum know that." 

"Too late." My mother growled and I turned around on the staircase smiling. "I got a call from the school just now." She stated then looked warmly down at Michael. "Sorry sweetheart but do you mind giving us a bit of privacy." 

"Do I have to?" 

"Yes." Both mum and I said at the same time and he huffed walking around mum into the living room.  

"Angie explain to me why you hit Nicole with a piece of a cake." 

"With a piece of chocolate cake." 


"I don't know time of month. Beside she started it by throwing spaghetti at Henry I had to defend my friend." (Defend my friend ha that rhymed.)  

"She threw spaghetti at Henry?" She said literally shocked and I rolled my eyes. 

"Still want her at my birthday party?" 

"I've already sent out the invites." Of course she has. Without consulting me that's just typical of her. "Angelica I want no more trouble at school I know you're having a bad time with your dad and I but.... Is that a new jacket?" Took her a drive from school to here before she realised it.  

"A friend gave it to me as an early birthday present." I said admiring it. 

"It's very nice.... What friend? It wasn't Blaze was it?" I cracked up laughing when she got his name wrong. But I don't need to correct her. 

"No his sister Erica, she is so nice. It's hard to believe they're related."  

"He has a sister, oh. She has good taste." Yeah she does. And she knows everything about angels, I really badly want to question her. Wait what was mum mentioning about dad? 

"Are you and dad getting a divorce?" I asked and her face went blank, no matter how much makeup she puts on I can still see the dark bag under her eyes. 

"Yes, I think it's for the better. He wasn't any good at being fatherly anyway, we'll do fine without him here. He was barely here in the first place because he was with her...." She burst into tears and I ran to her and gave her a bone crushing hug. She hugged me back and just sobbed, I've never seen her so upset before. I wonder if dad even cares. "Why would he do it? Do her!" She sobbed and I pulled to gaze up at her. 

"He's a guy." I said and she giggled while tears of mascara slid down onto her cheeks. She gets so emotional. The worst thing in the world is seeing your own mother cry. 

"Oh god I shouldn't be crying. Especially in front of you." 

"Hey you've seen me cry there's nothing wrong with getting a little teary, your heartbroken. How about we do something?" I suggested and she sniffled sobering up. 

"How about we find that dress for your birthday?" I mentally groaned but just smiled appreciatively. 

"Sure when?"  

"I've scheduled something this Saturday." Oh great... I'm sorry I was never interested in being my mother's barbie dress up doll. It killed me! All the dresses she chose out for me. Ridiculous! But what I can do? She scheduled it. 

"Ok cool." She beamed up and I have to admit its nice seeing her smiling. Then Aunt Gladys stepped into the room and blessed us both with pixie dust. My mum and her just went back to doing what they were doing and I ran upstairs then walked towards my bedroom. 

'Meow' he appeared out of nowhere again walking beside me. 

"Meow to you to." I said and he froze hissing at my door. "What is it?" I asked him then I heard a crashing on the other side of the door. I gasped and swung the door open looking furious and I caught the evil twins going through my things. One of them broke my lamp! "What the hell are you doing in my room?!" It's a mess! Clothes are tossed all over the place, my walk in wardrobe has been violated and my bed... No not my bed... I mentally whimpered. 

"What were you doing in our room!?" One of them questioned and I don't know which one. 

"I wasn't in your room." I growled knowing that I'm lying and they can probably tell to. 

"Don't lie to us, we know it was you, you evil little bitch!" The other snapped. I wish they didn't look the same, I can't tell if I'm seeing double or if they're real. 

"Get out of my room." I grabbed the nearest ones arm and pulled her out through the door. Then I went for the other but she slapped my hand away. 

"Don't touch me freak." She exclaimed then walked around me. So I watched her to make she didn't violate anything else and then Mr Cat attacked her ankle. Piercing his fangs into her ankle. "Ah Stacy get it off me!" I evilly giggled as the cat ran off under my bed leaving her bloodied ankle and she scurried out but turned on me her eyes burning a hole through my face. "You're going to pay for that." 

"I'm so scared." I mockingly acted afraid then smirked slamming the door on their faces. They dug through my pillows? What the hell were they looking for? "I need to put a lock on my door." I mumbled to myself then stormed out. "Mum!" I yelled taking the steps two at a time ran straight into the living room. "Ah mum!" I covered my eyes at the sight.  

"Oh you can't see anything... Oh Gladys that feels nice." I can't believe how wrong that sounds. I removed my hands and saw mother lying on a massage table, a small white towel just covering her bum and Aunt Gladys giving her a massage on her oiled covered back. 

"Why can't you do this in the privacy of your room?" I asked looking at everything but her. 

"Let me relax Angie... Now what is it that you wanted?"  

"Macy and Stacy vandalised my room." I stated not caring that their mother is in the room. As a matter of fact she doesn't seem surprised.  

"I'm sorry about them. They have a few difficulties respecting people's boundaries..." Aunt Gladys said and I almost scoffed.  

"I'm sorry too but can you please do something about them." I begged then Michael ran into the room clutching my hand tightly. He watched as he stared weirdly at the sight I front of us. "Michael close your eyes." I ordered but he didn't so I covered them and waited for either of the mothers response. 

"I'll have a talk with them." Aunt Gladys said and I smiled in appreciation but that won't be enough. They're worse than Blaz and that's really saying something. 

"Thanks." I said pulling Michael along with me out of the room. Michael removed my hands and walked out if the room quietly. I followed him suspicious of his silence and once we were alone he turned around and looked up at me with regret. 

"Mummy won't do anything..." He said and I kneeled down smiling at him. 

"I'm sure she will." 

"But they never listen." He said and I frowned. Poor Michael I wish he was my little brother, if I had the power I would never let the twins near him. They used to just ignore me, they've never really bothered me before. So now I don't know what to expect from them. Oh well they're not worth pondering over I have bigger things to worry about.  

"I'm sorry Michael, why don't you go play with toys?" I suggested and he humphed. 

"Only if you play with me."  

"I can't I..." I heard a distant meow and I looked around for Mr Cat. "I will be right back." I said to him not actually looking at little Michael.  


Where is he? I walked down the hallway to back glass doors and Mr Cat was staring through them waiting. When I stood next to him he didn't look up at me just outside so I opened the door and he stepped outside swishing his long tail from side to side.  

"I didn't know you have a cat." Michael surprised me and took my hand.  

"He's not mine. He's Mr Cat, a proud and worshipped king of all the feline creatures." I said and got a ooh from Michael while Mr Cat looked back at us amused. He really is no ordinary cat. 

"He doesn't look like much." Michael said and the cat literally frowned and then chose to ignore us.  

"Never judge a book by its cover." I responded then we slowly walked down the stone steps onto the green grass. "From my experience I've learnt that everything is more than what it seems."  

"You're talking funny." I chuckled and continued following the cat around the pool, further to the back of the house. "Why are we following him?" I don't know yet, he always leads me somewhere interesting so we'll just have to see. We reached the back of the house, a part where I have never actually been before. It's just a lawn of grass between our house and the wall, nothing special and no animals hanging around.  

"Why am I here?" I asked Mr Cat and he just leaped three meters up onto the wall. Oh great I have to climb over. "Michael I have a mission for you. Go into my room and find my phone this is important." I checked my pocket to make sure my phone is actually in there and held it tightly.  

"What about the cat?" 

"Believe me Michael this is super important." I said urgently and he saluted me then ran off on his tiny little legs I huffed not feeling the slightest bit of guilt that I should be feeling for lying to little kid. I turned around and started climbing up the wall, fitting my fingers and feet in the cracks of the stone. Then sat up on top of the wall looking for the cat, but what I saw instead was something I never would have guessed. Her wings are white as snow and smooth as silk, however her skin is dark like chocolate but covered in her own blood. She looks around 19 or 18 I don't know but on instinct I jumped down landing awkwardly on my knees and rushed to help her. A light angel, is lying bleeding before me.... What do I do? As I stared closely at her I noticed how even in this state she still looks amazingly beautiful, and ferocious. She sat up with such feline grace it is almost hard believe she's hurt. "Can I do something?" I asked awkwardly and she turned her head in a questioning way while her hazel eyes curiously looked me over. Then she whimpered in pain and her hand reached over her shoulder. 

"Do me a favour and pull this out." She said her voice low and deep, very strong. And I reached over her and saw the black feathers stuck in her back near her wings. How is she so calm?  

"Which one?" 

"Preferably all of them... Ugh there you are!" She said as Mr Cat appeared out of nowhere and stood to my left eyeing at the angel. "Out of all the places I could be.." She growled. 

"Why didn't you fly somewhere you can be helped?" I asked pulling the first feather out and her body jolted but she made no noise." 

"Because he told me to come here." She said and I stared at Mr Cat then back at her, then at Mr Cat again. He just sat there swishing his tail and my mouth fell open. 

"You can understand him?"  

"My special pow... Ah!" 


"It's ok... Oh no..." She said silently and her eyes half closed. No... No! 

"Hey! Don't die! Let me get some help!"  

"You sing." She said then lay flat on the ground and rested her head in my lap. That's a random assumption unless the cat told her. "My last request is for you to sing me something."  

"Last request? Come on you're not... Oh my god..." She is going to die and she knows there's nothing that anyone can do. All her blood is oozing out on the ground or soaking up into her white dress. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't be stupid you don't even know what's wrong with me."  

"A dark angel did this." I stated and she stared up at me and smiled. 

"You are a strange one... Now come sing me something while I willow in despair and soon turn into nothing but dust." She closed her eyes and I'm surprised at the harsh words, it doesn't seem like she cares. 

All along it was a fever 

A cold sweat hot headed believer 

I threw my hands in the air, said "show me something." 

He said, "if you dare come a little closer." 

"Stop." She said abruptly then glared up at me. "Who are you?" 


"Angelica... Would the name Dara ring a bell?" The angel from my dream, the one who kissed William. 


"You look exactly like her," she looked at the cat and I watched as they had some mental conversation. "That's why you brought me here. Angelica who is your mother?" 

"Sally, Sally Shanely." 

"And father?" 

"Robert..." She chuckled then shook her head while it still lay in my lap. 

"You may want to look on that Angelica." She said then closed her eyes again.  

"I'm sorry...?" Why would she say something like that? I have no doubt that they're my parents. Well I didn't until now. 

"Some advice, stay out of all this. Be a good girl other wise you end up dying in some stranger's lap." Another person who is telling to keep out of this, but I can't. Not when I know so much, not when I've seen so much. 

"What's your name?" I asked trying to keep her awake and moving. 

"Ania. Useless information by the way. Now Sing me to sleep Angelica, your voice is just like hers." I'm assuming she means Dara which I don't know what to think of that. I cleared my throat and stared again. 

All along it was a fever 

A cold sweat hot headed believer 

I threw my hands in the air, said "show me something." 

He said, "if you dare come a little closer." 

Round and around and around and around we go 


"There was a reason I stopped you first time. Sing something else, I'm not going to die listening to that song." 

"Make a request then." 

"I'm on my death bed and you want me to think of everything." She growled and I had to huff in annoyance. Seriously? How does she have the energy to argue with me right now when she's dying? "Beyonce! Halo by Beyonce! There now sing, I'm aloud to be bossy it's another last request." 

"I get it, no point in being miserable in your last minutes of life so here I go..." 

'Remember those walls I built 

Well baby they're tumbling down 

And they didn't even put up a fight 

They didn't even make a sound 

I found a way to let you in 

But I never really had a doubt  

Standing in the light of you halo 

I got my angel now.' 

No complains from her? Good. Making her mad even in this state seems like a bad idea, so thankfully she's smiling but paling. 

'It's like I've been awaken 

Every rule I hade you breaking 

It's the risk that I'm taking 

I ain't ever gonna shut you out 

Everywhere I'm looking now  

I'm surrounded your embrace 

Baby I can see your halo' 

She suddenly gasped and her hand went to her chest. For a second I thought she was squeezing her boob then I realised her heart pumping so wildly that I could see it. I don't know what to do, the cat is calm and he's never given any reason to doubt him but I can't just sit here while she's dying.  

"Please let me call someone." I begged. 

"There's nothing you can do." She said so calmly that it ticked me off. 

"Are you sure?"  

"Don't fuss I know exactly where I'm going." She closed her eyes for the last time before she fell limp. Her white wings disintegrated at first turning into sand then she started crumpling into dust. Her head is just white sand falling through my fingers onto my lap.  

Meow Mr Cat rubbed his head against my shoulder and walked onto my lap to rub his head under my chin.  

"Why did you bring her to me? She could have been saved by someone else." The wind started blowing her away and I felt my stomach drop. "Are you trying to warn me or something?" I gazed into his amethyst eyes and got no answer. Not even a meow. "Not even a nod? Or shake? Blink twice for yes." He didn't blink at all just stared up at me frowning. "You don't want me to find out about the angels." I said in realisation but he only blinked once. 

"Jelly! Jelly where are you?"  


Dinner was just pasta made by Aunt Gladys, tonight we all seemed to be in such tense silence. I found that kind of comforting, I don't know how to socialise after that. In fact I don't feel like eating. She just right in front me. No funeral. No one to morn her. Just me who plainly sat there pathetically and sang to her. It was her last request but is that all I'm good for? I glanced up over the food to the twins who for some reason had to sit opposite me. They whispered about to themselves but whenever one glanced at me I felt a kick on my shin. Exactly where Blaz kicked but I'm too down to even care. That's probably why they're still doing it. Next of course was Michael who had pasta sauce all around his mouth but he doesn't care and apparently neither does his mum. But I'm sure my mum finds it the slightest bit disturbing. I looked down at my barely touched pasta an felt my stomach twist. I want to eat it but I just can't. The sauce reminds me of Ania's blood bleeding out from her back. 

"Angie? Are you alright?" I looked up at mum who didn't being fancy dressed for dinner for once, I guess she only did that to please dad. "You haven't touched your food."  

"I'm sorry I'm just not that hungry." I said then gulped. "May I be excused?" Her eyes saw all my discomfort so they became worried.  

"Sure sweetie. Michael do you want Angie's food?" He nodded immediately so I quickly just left, rushing up to my room. I cleaned most of it up, and found new pillows that weren't ripped to shreds. Next time I'm in their room I'm checking for weapons. I opened up a book that has some shirtless god of hotness on it and opened it at a random page. I laid back on the soft covers of my bed and laid there not necessarily reading the book. Just staring at the words. Eventually I dumped it on the bedside table wondering why I ever bought that book. Then I looked at the cover again and remembered. The guy is super hot. Then there was a knocking on my door and I knew exactly who it was. 

"You can come in mum." She opened the and peeked her head in staring at me with soulful blue eyes. 'You may want to look on that,' she's my mother, of course she is. I mean we may not look exactly alike but blame the hair. If I was blond people could see it. 

"Are you alright Angelica?" She asked sitting on the end of my bed. 

"I'm fine I'm just so tired." Which is true.  

"What's bothering you?"  

"Nothing." I assured her. "Today has been exhausting."  

"Really? What's been happening? What's the goss?" I chuckled thought about the right things to say to her. 

"Where do I begin?" Um... "I've somehow convinced everyone to call Nicole the mole." 

"Angie that's not very nice." My mother scolded quietly and I had to roll my eyes. 

"I know but she's treated me a lot worse."  

"In what way?" She questioned. 

"Well ever since year seven she's been so mean to me, her new name for me is grandma Mildred." From mum's surprised expression, this is new information for her. 

"That's pretty bad but mole? Angie when I was in high school we used that word for sluts and whores." She whispered the last words and I raised my eyebrows. 

"Exactly." I said and she covered her mouth then started giggling. "And somehow Nicole the mole has caught on. And soon it will be Blaz the spaz." 

"Blaz? I thought you liked Blaz?" I stared at her in disgust. Wow parents really don't understand anything. 

"Where would you get that impression?" 

"When he came over you guys seemed to having a good time. Especially when you trashed the twins room."  

"You knew?" 

"I'm your mother, I know everything." Why didn't she say anything? Maybe she dislikes the twins as much as I do. "That's why I thought you two were very close." 

"He's pain in the... He's a pain. I'm just unfortunately stuck with him for music. To make matters worse the mole and the spaz are dating so now I'm doomed."  

"He seemed sweet."  

"That's because you were in the room. He's anything but sweet. I admit he's hot but isn't the devil meant to be hot so he tempt his victims." I stated and she gasped at me. 

"I've never heard you speak like this before." That's because I'm quiet around her. Now that I think about it would Dark angels be demons? "If I knew you did we'd be talking more often." She said sarcastically and I laughed. Knowing the kind of friends she has I'm sure she has a lot to say. "So apart front the mole and the spaz who else have you met or done recently." Oh god that sounds so wrong but I swallowed that comment down my throat. Do I want to talk about Ranger? Maybe Lara first.  

"I've made a new friend from choir. Her name's Lara, it's good to finally a girlfriend to talk to." 

"How's Henry?" She asked again smiling in this weird way. And for some reason I felt my cheeks heat up. 

"He's ok apart from the broken arm."  

"Oh poor boy." She sympathised then gave me this smirk and I really don't understand it. 

"What?" I confronted and she sighed. 

"Nothing. Do you want him coming with this Saturday for dress shopping?" The funny part is she's serious. 

"I don't think he looks too good a dress mum." 

"I'm suggesting he switches genders Angie. But you know he could help you pick out a dress." Noway, no-uh.  

"He'd be bored." 

"Alright your right. I just thought that him seeing you looking beautiful might appeal to you." 

"What does that mean?"  

"Oh don't be naive Angie." She said then stood up. Oh my God! Ok I like Henry, I'm just not sure I 'like' him. I'm still convinced it's hormones but I guess it would be sweet if came he with me.... Nope never mind. 

"Mum please he and I are just friends." I said then fidgeted around with the sleeve of my new jacket. 

"Alright, alright you're in denial goodnight Angie." She teased opening the bedroom door so I pretended to throw a pillow at her. 

"Mum!" She closed the door behind her and I brought my knees up to my chin. This day has been weird. And what's up with that Ranger guy? He's getting to close for my liking. And I'm going to be with him everyday as well as been stuck with Blaz. I don't know how that will play out and poor Erica. I have to tell her about everything, I need her to explain to me everything. Why I'm part of this? The pain erupted in my back again and I cried quietly but then it was gone. I think I have to talk to Mr Riley about the pain. He seems to know something about this. Well that's what Blaz thinks. I got up from the comfort of my bed and walked to my walk in wardrobe to get out a black singlet and purple rose covered pyjama bottoms. I have a walk in wardrobe but not my own bathroom which is strange considered the twins have one and take showers together. Yuk. I stepped out of my wardrobe but felt something strange in the air. I a nervous feeling, even all the hairs on my bare arms stood up. I turned left to look through the window and for a split second I thought I saw someone watching me. But in the blink of an eye it was gone. I shrugged it off and walked out to a bathroom, canary yellow walls and white tiled flooring with a bath/shower, toilet and sink. As usual to my so ordinary routine I avoided looking in the mirror. I brushed my teeth, rinsed then just headed back to my room. Once I got comfortable sleep hit me within five minutes and for what felt ten seconds turned out to be an hour later. Three minutes past seven to be exact and my phone rang. It's worth than the alarm clock. I checked the caller ID and it is a number I don't recognise but I answered anyway. 

"Hello?" The caller didn't respond but I someone was on because I can hear their breathing. "Hello who is this?" He or she stayed silent so I freaked out and hanged up. Then it rang again but this time it's just Lara. 

"Hey Angie." 

"Hey what's up?" 

"I just wanted to tell you that Ranger was asking about a little while ago." This surprised me. 


"Yeah I was just on Facebook bagging stupid posts from stupid people and he sent me a friend request. I accepted and straight away he asked questions about you." Why? What does he want to find out from me? He sure does ask a lot of questions. 

"Like what?" I asked then yawned.  

"What's your background, who your parents are just really weird things. No offence but I find him creepy. But I guess there are worse guys like Blaz." 

"Yeah there's no one worse than Blaz. Which is unfortunate because he knows where I live." 

"What? He's been to your house!" She yelled through the phone and I shuddered. He has and he harassed me then. And now all of a sudden he's with Nicole, it's like he's doing all these things just to spite me. "I'm so sorry." She mocked and I laughed. Suddenly my stomach grumbled so I dragged myself out of bed. I slowly descended down the steps and heard the mothers laughing in the living room.  

"So am I anyway is he still talking to you?"  

"Nah I started ignoring him so he gave up... Ewe!" She suddenly exclaimed as I opened the pantry.  

"What? What is it?" I questioned grabbing a packet of marshmallows. 

"I'm looking at a post on one of Nicole's friends wall of the she devil herself snogging Blaz. At some party." I pictured that in my mind and I found it so disturbing. "Henry's in the background..." What? Henry's gone to a party and never told me? "He's walking past behind them outside holding groceries." Oh ok late night shopping... That's even more confusing. 

"Henry doesn't shop." I said as I opened the packet and stuffed a soft mushy marshmallow in my mouth. "Especially at night." I suddenly heard more voices on the line then Lara came back on apologising. "Sorry I have to go... Mothers."  

"I completely understand. I'll talk to you tomorrow."  

"Goodnight." I hanged up on her and stuffed another marshmallow in my mouth. I heard the doorbell ring so I peeked my head out through the doorway to my mum opening the door. 

"Oh hello Henry." Henry? He's here! And I'm in my PJ's! I can't see him because mum's slim body seems to be blocking the view. 

"Hello Sally, just came to see Angie." I heard his sweet voice say. Oh god I've gotten mushy and lovey.  

"She's asleep right now Henry."  

"No I'm not. Just woke up." I called out walking towards the door. Mum turned around in surprise and moved away so I could stand beside her seeing Henry holding plastic bags and wearing a long black coat partially hiding the grey pyjama bottoms and then on his feet just a pair of run down sneakers. "What are you doing here?" 

"Sleepover." He casually said and I gave a 'seriously' look as he grinned up at me. "I bought the Emperor's new groove, Tarzan, Aladdin and the lion king." I love Disney! I gasped at him then pulled on his arm to drag him inside. I slammed the front door shut and smiled innocently at mum. Who was looking at me smiling a little deviously. 

"Mother dearest." I started and Henry snickered beside me. "Please!" I begged loudly and she rolled her eyes thinking about it. 

"I don't know it's a school night and.."  

"Please you'll be the best mum in the whole world. And plus, it's the Lion King." I sated and after a few tortures seconds she nodded and I gave her a life threatening bear hug then turned around to Henry. 

"Thank you Sally." Yes they're on first name basis now. I helped him with the groceries and we dumped everything on the glass coffee table in the living room. The walls are a light beige colour while the furniture are some soft white fabric. The floor is white carpet and right on the wall is a big plasma screen tv. There were photos on the walls of my whole family together, mum must have taken them down because now they're bare and dull. 

"I can't believe you came over." I said looking at the DVDs. I sensed him shrug then step beside me. 

"It's been a long time since we had a sleepover." He pulled out Tarzan from my hand and went straight to the DVD player. 

"Tarzan it is." I said while I watched him kneel down to put it in. He had his jacket off and from behind he even looked good. His hair was a little messy and I'm so tempted just to run my hands through them. He hunched over and I saw the little bit of his skin between his pants and his T-shirt. I looked away and went off to grab some bowls from the kitchen and when I came back the movie was ready and we set up all the junk food and sat down on the couch together. We were sitting close but we just seemed distant. My whole left side of my body was touching his right side and I love the feel of his warmth, I just felt relaxed and safe. It's always been like that with him I just wonder if he feels the same. 

"How long has it been since we last had a sleepover?" He asked. We didn't really used to do it a lot.  

"Um... I think we stopped doing sleepovers at ten... So for me it's five years ago. Why did we stop?" 

"Me going through puberty made your dad uncomfortable." He said and I laughed even though technically it's true. He thought I was getting old for sleepovers but then thought I was too young to have sleepovers at a guy's place.  

"Yes well puberty has treated you well." I said smiling up at him and he kept his gaze on the movie but he smiled warmly. "This is the part where you compliment me." 

"Right like you need to be reassured how pretty you are."  

"Every girl needs to be reassured."  

"Angelica you're an angel." He complimented but I froze at the word angel. Need to calm down he just meant that as a compliment he doesn't know anything. He couldn't. I know I was silent for too long because he looked down at me worried and unsure. "You ok?" 

"Yeah I'm fine. Just surprised at the choice of words." I smiled up him so he shrugged and watched baby Tarzan being found the mother gorilla. He's so cute! And I'm not just talking about Tarzan. We sat there enjoying the film and after awhile he stretched his arms up and yawned. I gave him a sideways glance and watched as he shuffled a bit then I felt his arm rest over my shoulders. I tried to hold back the smile, believe me I'm close to jumping with joy but I kept my cool as he sort of relaxed. I took a deep breath and snuggled into him, placing my legs over his. This used to be normal, just cuddling together without hesitation. But now things are different. Now it means something more whether he realises or not. I tried concentrating on the film but his heat has made think of other things. This is Henry I'm thinking about! Not just some hot guy! Henry! My best friend. My Henry... That's a bit possessive. The next thing I know I'll go so insane I'll start calling him my precious.  

"Angie..." He said out of the blue and I gazed up at him. Sort of staring at his lips... Ok I'm definitely staring at his lips but then I trailed up to his eyes. "This is you know hypothetical, but how would you feel if we ever went steady?" I bit my bottom lip thinking of a good answer. "Hypothetically." He added again and I feel like I'm walking in a mine field. One wrong move and I'll blow to millions of pieces.  

"Um... Hypothetically I think it wouldn't..." He sort of frowned and inhaled deeply. "Be as bad as we may assume. We've known each other for along time, there's nothing we really don't know about each other." That's lie, oh that's lie. "We do have fun together..." He somehow brought his face closer to mine and I started stuttering. Stop stuttering!  

"So you if I ever happened to ask you out, on a date you would want to?" He's nervous, and so am I. That's a good sign. Right? I leaned in closer and when he didn't move I managed to gain some out of nowhere confidence. 

"Are we still talking hypothetical Henry?" I asked and started to smile at him as he licked his bottom lip and started blinking nervously.  

"Angie..." He whispered after forever and I want to reach out for him. We both suddenly leaned in closer.

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