"Quadrille of Depravity and Prohibition"
( 11 years ago Rea 6 years old )
" Roen your my very best friend and we will always be together "...............
" Together forever.......and......ever......and...ever................"
( Present day Rea 16 years old )
" Rea its time to wake up ! You don't want to be late for school do you ? " Ritsuka walked upstairs to her and Rea's bed room to wake her up .
" come on sleepy head its itme to get up . I know you don't like school but you have to be there just for today ok ? " when Rea didn't want to wake up Ritsuka tickle her sides . " GAH ! Ritsuka ! stop that tickles ! please I give up ! " " ok now that your up get dressed please I will start on breakfast ok . " " ok whatever you say sis . now please get out while I change " Ritsuka let out a small giggle " hay its not funny I like my privacy so don't judge me . " " you still act like a child some times Rea . You don't like it when people look at you when you change . " Ritsuka closed the door and went to start on breakfast .
( time skip )
Rea and Ritsuka put there shoes on and got there bags . " ok Rea do you have everything you need for the first day of school ? " " yes Ritsuka I have all my things . geez I'm not a baby anymore Ritsuka . " I know I'm just looking out of you ok . " Rea and Ritsuka where about to leave when there Maria asked them to hold on for a minute " Its Monday and you both need your charms . " she refilled Ritsuka's pendent and Rea's bracelet . " ok ready to go Rea ? " " sighing As I'll ever be Ritsuka . " And they both left .
( time skip at school )
( Rea's pov )
We got to the gats of our school and it looked so lively . That it made me want to gag " Ritsuka ! Rea ! hi ! "
I turned around and saw my sisters best friend Azuna Kuzuha she annoys the hell out of me with all the talk about beliefs and god its annoying . As we walked to the school door and on of the students came up to me and Ritsuka . " there you are girl what did you both do ! "
Rea and Ritsuka followed the student and she took them to the bulletin board witch had a peace of paper that said :
" Urgent Notice "
" Ritsuka Tachibana and Rea Tachibana , second year class D, report to the third library immediately ." " Student council president , Rem Kaginuki . "
" What but why ! What would the student council want . That's so weird " " This is down right outrageous we didn't do anything . " Rea said " You two must have done something to be summand my the great Rem . " " but we didn't do anything you know us . " The other students started gossiping . " hay your going to be ok don't freak ok you two . " " ok Rea lets go after all its only a meeting right . "
Rea and Ritsuka waked to the door that led to the third library . " third library hear we come . " "
Ritsuka I don't feel comfortable around this place . " " Don't worry Rea we will just in there for a few minuets then we can leave ok . You can also hold my hand if your scared alright . " " ok ..." and they made there way to the door .
🎶( play video)🎶
( Rea's pov )
Me and Ritsuka walked threw the big doors as we did I held on to her hand for dear life . I didn't know why but something was telling me that something was about to happen . " Ritsuka Tachibana and Rea Tachibana . " " yes that's us . " I looked over to where the voice came from and saw a man with blond hair and green eyes . " Rem Kaginuki president of shico academe student council . glad you both could meet with us . " The person called Rem and his way to us as he go closer I backed up and gave him a I'm going to kill you stare .
" Aww look Rem it seems that the black little butterfly is shy around you how cute .
" I looked over to see a man with brown hair and gold eyes . " look now she's mad that stare just gives me the shivers all over . " " Not to mention she is hot . " I looked to the other two who where sitting one of them had blackish purple hair with red eyes and the other had light brown hair with yellow eyes . I was about to say something but before I did my left eye started to hurt .
Rea put her hand on her left eye and she looked over at her sister .
The man was talking with her was purple and he was whispering something in her ear . Rea tried to run to her but found that she couldn't move . " R-Ritsuka..." Rem was about to do something
when Rea's covered eye started glowing and she ran and pushed Rem away as well blinded by Ritsuka's pendent . When he moved away Rea grabbed her hand and ran out the door .
" Well well it seems that the black butterfly has a secret how interesting . " " This might tack longer then expected Rem but I must say that was awesome the way she pushed you and then blinded by the pendent it made me laugh so hard . " " And that sent of hers was just so irresistible Right Rem ? Rem ? " " hmm were did he go ? "
( time skip Noon )
"Rea hurry up we need to get dinner started soon when we get hom-! "
" Ritsuka what's the matter ? oh my " The fence to there home was trashed and the plants where scattered all over the ground . " who could have done this ? " " Ritsuka quick look over hear . " Ritsuka ran to Rea and they both looked threw the window . There where three me in the house and it looked like they where looking for something . " Ritsuka ....R-Rea..." " Mom ! " " Mother ! " Ritsuka dropped the bag of food and the men heard it and went into the other room . Ritsuka was about to open the glass door " ...No...don't..." Maria shook her head to tell them to move away from the house . " we need to call the police . " Ritsuka took out her phone but it didn't work . " lets go to the police station Ritsuka and get help there . " and they ran to the station .
( time skip )
" no way " " what's going on " Rea walked in to there yard and saw that everything was back to normal . Ritsuka tried to explain to the officers that there really where three men that took there mother and trashed the house too but they didn't believe them . " Oh Rea what are we going to do the police men wont believe us . "
" I'm way ahead of you Ritsuka I'm going to call Lindo . " Rea took out her phone and called Lindo and gave it to Ritsuka .
Ritsuka when she was done she gave it back to her . " Lindo says we should stay at Azuna's place he's coming tomorrow evening . " " Ritsuka you can stay at her house I'm going to my secret place and staying there its better than being at her house . " " geez you really are still act like a little kid . Its better to stay together right now what if they come back and one of us is in danger and besides its only for tonight . "
Rea mad a pouty face at her older twin " man I hate it when your right . " " ok now lets go pack . "
( time skip night )
" ok lets go Rea . " " right ! " they went outside Ritsuka locked the door . After a few minuets of walking the three men came out of know where . " y-you where the people in our house ..." " WHERE'S OUR MOTHER ! " Rea shouted but soon after she did one of the men grabbed Ritsuka and the other one grabbed rea . The man with his face covered walked over to Ritsuka
" tell me where is the forbidden Grimoire and the devil's clock " from under the mask his eyes glowed red ." p-please stop that hurts ..." " hmm that's odd " he then moved back and saw Ritsuka's pendent " dame " "R-Ritsuka " he the looked over at Rea and got an idea ." If you don't tell me where the Grimoire and the clock are then you can watch your sister die right in front of your eyes . " He pulled Rea to him and bit into her shoulder . " REA !! NO STOP IT !!!! " He let go of Rea's limp body and it hit the cold ground then he moved away . " Her blood is so sweet and rich . Such a rare blood type . " " Rea..." He was about to say something but it was interrupted by a bright light .
( Ritsuka's pov)
" I suggest you let them go " I heard a voice say but i couldn't see who it was because of the bright light . " That's not going to happen . " Soon the man that was behind me let go and I ran to Rea's side " REA! REA! Please don't die on me ! " I put my hand on Rea's neck and got out my handkerchief and placed it on her bleeding neck . As i did that i could hear screaming but it soon died down and was replaced by foot steps . I looked up and saw it was Rem that saved us . " Oh Rem its you ...." " Is she ok ? " I looked down at my sister she looked like she was dead I put my hand on her cheek and it was slightly cold . " I dont know ! oh Rea im so sorry ! " Before i could say anything else Rea was picked up by Rem " Follow me " So I got up and did what he said
( Time skip )
( dream of the past Rea 6 years old )
" Roen hear boy fetch ! "
Little Rea was playing with her best friend Roen the Pomeranian puppy .
" Good boy Reon. " Little Rea picked the puppy up and lied on the grass with it .
" Roen your my very best friend . And well always be together . Forever right. Woof ! Woof !
" ah ha ha ! I guess I'll take that as a yes . Oh Roen guess what I love you ......."
( present Rea's pov)
" ...i...love you..." As i said that i felt something wet on my face . So i opened my eyes and saw Ritsuka staring at me " Rea ! Rea ! your ok oh i was so worried " " I'm ok sis but where are we and why does my face feel wet ? " Ritsuka got up " we are at Rem's house . when he found us he brought us hear . And the reason you face it wet is because Rem's puppy dog licked you . " Ritsuka walked to the door and turned the lights off and closed the door . Soon my thoughts where interrupted by an animal noise . i looked to my left and saw a cute little
Pomeranian with blue eyes and it walked over to me " hay there little guy where did you come from ? " when it got closer it crowd under the blanket and cuddled right next to me . " you want me to cuddle you little puppy. " So I lied down next to it and held it close and drafted off to sleep .
( Act 2 "Jitterbug of Doubts and Secrets" )
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