I grab her by her soft milky skin pulling her petite body close to mine. Her body was warm and hot, my arms were wrapped around her waist.
I pull her closer needing her body against mine. I couldn't just stand there and have her in my arms without me feeling her. I stare open into her brown eyes that looked up at right into mine. She was just too beautiful! Too fucking beautiful! I never wanted her out of my sight.
Her body was fitted well with her height. She was not too short but her head reached just my chest. I chuckle staring down at her into her eyes.
"Leave me." She whispered. The words were like candy coming from her soft-looking lips. I granted her, her command unlocking my arms around her small waist.
"What are you doing here all by yourself?" I ask her. She looks up at me with her known well look of hers-full of hatred. I had to roll my eyes inside of me. She was just being too dramatic at this point.
"If you didn't know, I never heard anyone saying I wasn't allowed to go outside whenever I want."
Burn! Azon mocked inside of me. Azon was one of my powerful demons who was always getting on my tail. He was also one of the most annoying demons I had. In total, I had seven demons inside of me who keeps messing with me and my thoughts. Azon was just the absurd and lazy one.
Shutup. I say back.
"You're right. You're allowed to go outside whenever you want." I agree looking down at her soft small feet. "But aren't you hot under the weather?"
Since when do you care? Azon question. I flip him off by ignoring his side remark, focusing on my mate now.
"It's not even hot outside. Just sunny." She glares at me like I'm the sort of a teacher who was making her do tons of homework before going home. I had to say, she amused me in little ways.
You can't keep me from outside you duck! I read her mind.
Her thoughts were always pure even if she didn't know it. I'd never read anything crazy and wild off her mind before. Her insults were childish and not meant to be taken to heart. She tries acting tough at times but I know she wasn't. That was just what she wanted me to see.
I stood outside under the warm sun with a hoodie and black ripped shorts, exposing my tats. I was never the one to wear such exposing outfits as I only stick to one garment with was my furry coat. But everything changed when I came to this fucking earth here in New York.
Coming from the room, I had the A/C turned on while reading which resulted in wearing a hoodie. Never admitted it but my body doesn't react to the temperature that fasts.
He was starting to get a little weird with his questions. The Synn I knew never asked me questions like 'How I am?' Or 'if I was hungry. Everything he said was not related to what I knew he do. He was being super nice today which made me kinda suspicious.
I start walking on my heel going back into the house. Staying outside the sun wasn't good for my health plus, I was getting moody for a snack.
I glance back to see what Synn was up to but what I see surprises me. Synn was following me back into the house which I didn't expect him to. I didn't need him following me. I wanted him to wait while I go inside but he was trailing after me. He stops on his feet, looking at me profoundly.
"Why are you following me?" I question his action. He quirks his eyebrow at me like I'm crazy for asking such a question.
"Can't I go into my own home?" He inquires. I blush at my own foolish question. Of course you silly girl, it's his house.
I turn back on my feet and continue walking back into the warm house. I was immediately welcome with the flourish scent of coconut fragrance.
"You need to stop stopping on the way." I hear Synn's voice close to my neck. His breath fans my exposed neck making me flush red.
I make way for him to pass through while I wait at the entrance.
"Geletino!!" I hear his dark deep voice call out. It's been a long time since I saw the old chef since the day of the accident. I can barely recognize his face when he walks into the sitting room with a cup of coffee on the white saucer.
He puts the cup of coffee on the dining table and scurries off in long haste. I almost feel pity for him remembering the tragic story of the incident. Seeing him walk into the kitchen makes me feel more ashamed of myself than I was the day he got punished because of my clumsiness.
I push the guilty mind of my head taking a step further into the sitting room. This house was soon going to be the end of me with the boredom that followed.
From the side view of my eyes, I see Abriana walk nervously into the room and head to the dining space. I continue watching her seeing what was going to happen next.
Abriana sits on one of the chairs placed in the dining room, close to Synn. I see her shake loose on her spot making me question why she was there with Synn in the first place. Synn takes his eyes off me and diverts his eyes to Abriana.
"What do you want?" He asks her dryly. She clears her throat to start talking but Synn interrupted.
"And no I'm not letting you go see her." He groans. I couldn't hear what they were arguing about but Synn looked heated. His cold eyes could kill anyone on their spot.
"Please Master. I promise to come back after two days." I hear her soft voice beg but Synn wasn't having it. He stands up and storms out of the room.
The day went on so quickly with me sitting down on the couch and munching on junk foods. I hadn't seen Synn since the conversation between Abriana and him. Abriana too has been in the quarters getting some stuff done. I was going to ask her on the subject.
It is was November 25th, five days to another new month. It was something people would be happy about knowing that a new month was approaching which meant something new was also approaching. It was simply like this. Whenever a new month gets near, people have this energy in them. They feel like it's a second chance for them to be restored so something should be tried. It also felt like you were being re-born and everything around you feels new. But I know too well that there was nothing new about a new month. It only made me conscious that the year was ending and I had spent all my month away from my family in the chaos.
Nothing about a new month baffled me or made me excited like Anna was. She had something to be happy about but I had none. Either way, I was spending my new month here while she was going on a break or maybe do something exciting like going out of the house. A part of me wanted that freedom. Freedom to go out whenever I like and not just lay inside like a bag of potatoes. I was sixteen for crying out loud. Synn doesn't trust me enough only because he fears I'm going to escape and leave him. But he shouldn't because I also know well that he's just going to bring me back and sit me down in the house.
Just five days until a new month which was going to be December. A time of Christmas; a new celebration everyone was going to be happy about. I knew from now that it was going to start snowing which was why the weather was turning cold little by little. Only what was left was to wake up and be met by snowflakes.
How ironic was a devil going to be celebrating Christmas? It was a very image to laugh about. The only thing I could think of what my family. They are the only thing I grew up loving. They grew with me right from when I was a tiny toddler. My family was sadly just my mom. She was only what I could call family even if it wasn't just. Does she miss me? Does she cry as I do remembering me? Does she look out the window hoping to see me again? Unfortunately, no one could answer the question.
I grab the bag of chips laying on my lap as I tear it open. It was always the same routine. Wake up. Bath and brush teeth. Eat. Sleep. Go to the library. It was like my life was programmed. I was getting tired of living in such a way. I wanted freedom even if it wasn't away from Synn.
I wanted to explore the bright beautiful city of New York. I wanted to know how the beach looks like and to feel the sands under my naked feet. I also wanted someone to teach me how to ride a bicycle and taste the pink fluffy sweetness of cotton candy.
It was all good surrounding me. If only I could reach it.
I know hanging you guys on a cliffhanger wasn't the best idea because I was really into the story and emotion of Linda. She really does feel lonely.
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