Jealous Fist

By the time they were done chatting and eating their snacks, Linda was already fatigued. She wanted Synn to hurry up with what he was doing and come get her and Silver. Silver was near the corner and seems to be doing quite just right with four women enclosing him.

Linda curled her hands into woven shapes. She was bored out of her mind. She wanted to explore more of the place but she wouldn't know when Synn will arrive and he'd be cruel enough to leave her. She shuddered against the thought.

She turned to look at the exit of the mall and what caught her attention made her jump. She saw Synn staring at her from the corner, his phone pressed to his ear.

A shiver runs down her ridge as thoughts fled her mind. Has he been staring at me ever since?

She instantly stands up and runs to meet Silver telling him that Synn was waiting for them at the exit.

"What are you talking about?" Silver asks in shock and confusion. Linda points her finger at the exit, her eyes dilating in shock.

He wasn't there!

She could have sworn that she saw him and Synn not being there anymore shocked her. Maybe he went to go get something.

"Synn isn't here. I just called him and he said he is on his way." Linda's cheeks flushed red from shame from all the women's stare. She timidly goes to seat back on her seat, staring at the exit.

She was sure she wasn't going crazy and that she saw him. The same attire he wore this morning and shoes. Was she hallucinating?

She strokes her forehead, tension steaming in. She was tired and an hour and a half were already consumed. She taps the surface of the table getting restless as time appears to be passing by. She was always known for being receptive and patient but Synn proved her wrong today.

Fifteen minutes later, she sees Synn walking into the mall with his cell phone pressed to his ear. He looked annoyed. She shakes her head and walks to Silver to inform him.

"Finally!" Silver mutters throwing a wave to the pouting ladies as they watch him leave. She walks to Synn, some of the things they had purchased still in her hands.

"What took you so long?!" Silver dins. Throwing a look at Silver, he only motioned them to follow him to the parking lot. As they reached, Linda placed the grocery bags on the seat and sat down. Her mind only strolling with thoughts that she can't seem to get away from her head.

She looks up and stares at Synn. He was calm but an angry look was still coated on his face. What made him angry?

She decided to take a nap and forget what had just happened as silence consumed her whole.

"Huh?" Linda's eyes languidly shuttered opened as she let her eyes ramble around the room she found herself in. It was her room which means someone must have carried her from the limo and into the house.

A small breath departs her pink lips. Running her hand on her arm, she gets up and goes to the bathroom to pee. After flushing and washing her hands, she jogs downstairs.

In front of her just below the last step were Synn and Silver who looked like they were in a fiery argument and had just stop when they heard her footsteps. Scrutinizing, she saw that Synn's hair was wet and that he had changed from his previous clothes into a more comfortable ones.

"H-hi." She murmured going around the both of them and disappearing into the kitchen. She wondered what they were arguing about but shrugged it off. On top of the kitchen island, she noticed that the grocery bags were not opened yet and that the foodstuff was still in. She decided that she was going to do it herself then. Opening one of the grocery bags, she removes fruits and biscuits. They were much of oats and cookies. She throws the biscuits into the cupboard and cleaned the fruits under flowing water before placing them in the refrigerator.

As she turns around to empty the remaining grocery bag, a maid walks into the kitchen.

Linda takes notice of the maid's entrance. She was tall in height but appeared a little too skinny but it fitted her. Her eyes were of wave blue and her hair was cut to average length. Moving to her face, her face was dusted with a few freckles and little breakouts on her forehead.

She was stunning.

She wondered why she didn't see the maids and butlers here that much. It was like they were not living here, to begin with. Linda walks timidly to where she stood and slowly wave to get her attention. She didn't know why she was doing this or how she even got to where the blue-eyed girl was anyways. She thought making friends would be good.

"H-hi. I'm Linda." She introduced herself, feeling somewhat intimidated by the girl's height. Why was everyone taller than her?

Looking stunned, the maid waves back, paying her full attention to Linda now. She also took notice of Linda's appearance. Full and black long hair. Curvy and petite. Average in height but she was way taller than her and had full plump lips and dark eyebrows.

Linda was pretty. She thought.

Biting her lips shyly, she answered. "I'm Anna," Anna clarified, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

Linda giggles at Anna's shyness and nods acknowledging her name. "It's nice to meet you, Anna." Linda was assuredly responding and she liked it. Though, she had forgotten about the fruits now.

"Why haven't I see you here before?" Linda asks, quirking her brows.

"Er- how am I going to say this? I live at the staff's quarters."

"Where's that?"

"It's just behind the back-"

Anna was cut through her sentence when she noticed Silver's hard facial gesture. She nods slowly and turns around going back to where she came from.


"Ah! Just the person I was looking for. Linda my favourite person." Silver enters the kitchen and drops her hand on Linda's shoulder.

"Why were you talking to Anna?" His voice came out a little stern.

Linda answers the question with another question. "Why did she go?"

"I don't know." He lied. "But it's best if you don't talk to her." He theorized.

"But why? She seems really nice and looks pretty too." Linda says going back to remove the purchased goods from the grocery bags. Silver just sighs and rubs his jaw.

"Just try to avoid her at all cost. She's no good." Silver goes up to Linda and helps unpack everything. Meanwhile, Linda thought it through. She didn't find it fair. But if Silver said she shouldn't then she wouldn't. He wanted the best for her.

The two had spent their time washing and unpacking groceries and decided to reward themselves with a movie. Silver's golden idea.

Linda seats on the couch, a cookie in her hands and the remote in the other. She was excited to watch the movie with Silver.

An acute sound brings them from their giggling mess. It sounded from upstairs and indeed it was a loud noise. Linda flaps on her seat, curiosity eating her up constantly.

"I'm just going to go check." Silver rally, standing up. She nods, sheathing her blanket securely over her shoulders. After a few minutes Silver had gone, she hears scuffling of feet going down the stairs. She looks up, Synn's form insight.

Tension suddenly starts building up. He appeared angry and to make things worse, she spotted his gaping fist.

A shiver runs down her body, fear seizing her tightly. She wondered whose blood was that. Was it Silver's?

Her emotions were all bottled up and she wanted to just crack it open and scream. She was tired of living in fear with Synn. With a devil that was capable of doing anything. But then she remembered Silver saying that he wasn't going to hurt her. She couldn't put her trust in his words even up to now.

She tries focusing on the movie that was paused by Silver before he left. She hated this ponderous silence that was just filling the room. Her fingers were drumming on her laps apprehensively, praying that Silver was okay.

Synn looks over to the corner and finds Linda sitting down tranquilly. He could feel her rushing heartbeat. He knew she was scared and somehow, it brought him satisfaction. He goes to the kitchen sink to wash his bloody fists. Turning off the tap, he walks to the movie room and sits down calmly taking a seat next to Linda.

His mood was suddenly switched, an evil grin laying on his lips. "How was the mall, Linda?"

The way he spoke was different from when he did. His tone was unresolved and dark, something alien beneath it. She couldn't even look up at him and meet his eyes. She was afraid of what she was going to see.

A twisty glint in his eyes was sure enough to make anyone frightened. It was something frightening. She shakily answered in a soft tone bringing the blanket closer to her shoulders.

"G-good." She mumbled turning around a little not see his face. Synn takes note of her jittery self and smirks.

"Did you miss me?" His voice was deep and audaciously confident. Linda blushed red, remembering everything she had gone through today. How she was angry and was dreading for Synn to show up. She wouldn't call that missing someone.

She stayed silent for a while before speaking up. "No."

The smirk on Synn's face immediately falls. Turning her over firmly, he pulls her by her wrist and yanks her closer to him, her body heat was defying.

Linda quivers in fear from being close to him, skin to skin. She had never been this close to him before to the extent their skin touches. A whimper escapes her lips, his hold even more painful than any other times he had held her.

"And why is that? Did any male catch your interest at the mall?" He asks with disgust laced in his tone. She shakes her head diffidently trying to free her wrist from the devil.

A low chuckle escapes his lips. "But I missed you, Linda. I really did. And hearing from you that you didn't really hurt my ego." A small sly smile covers his features. "I guess Silver caught all your interest that you forgot about me."

Linda was still in his hold, carefully listening to his words. He sounded angry and jealous but at the same time, his tone was burlesquing.

"N-no." Linda coughed on her sobs. She didn't know how she even started crying or for what reason. It just hurts. Everything.

"That's not t-true." She spoke up raising her head to look at him. A cold shiver takes over her body just by looking at Synn in the eye. And just like Silver said, his eyes were a deeper shade of red. Almost like she was swamped in blood.

"Then tell me what's true."

She looks down at her wrists, gesturing for him to free her in which he gave into. Although when she tried to shift away, he held her down.

A stroll of salty tears falls on her lips as she tastes them. "Silver and I only went shopping." She candidly originated.

He cocks his eyebrow waiting for her to continue. "And we ate some snacks while we were waiting." She explained through small sniffs. A painful wince escapes her lips, the red printed mark he had given her stinging.

"That's all?"

She nods, looking down at her wrist as she clenches her teeth in pain. She didn't tell him the conversation Silver and she had to leave it aside. However, she still wondered where Silver was. He hadn't come downstairs ever since.

Synn harshly but gently grabs her wrist and brings it close to him to examine it closely. He rubs his thumb pad on it, erasing the pain away.

Eyes wide open, she didn't feel the small pain she was beforehand having. He was soothing her marks.

Dropping her wrist to her lap, he gently caresses her chin. His touch was so fragile throwing Linda over the edge. And with that, he walks away.

No one should please comment stuff like I hate him! (Synn) he's a jerk and all those kinds. Remember he is a devil so he's allowed to do rude and hurtful stuff because that is what a devil do. They are not nice so please just for future references. There are more chapters to come, each of them having some side of Synn's personality. Be expecting more of him and in some of it, will be his Point Of View...

Please stay away from rude comments and keep them to yourself. Instead of commenting rude and harsh stuff, why don't you give me tips to improve more on my writing? 😑🤧😌

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