Chapter 7: Sweet and Elite
Princess Celestia was showing Rarity with Opalescence to a room in the castle and Rarity gasped at the sight.
Rarity: Here? I get to stay here?
Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle said you were coming to Canterlot for a visit and asked if I might accommodate you.
Rarity: Thank you so much, Princess!
Princess Celestia: You're very welcome.
Rarity zips over to her.
Rarity: No, really! This is so nice of you.
Princess Celestia: It's nothing, really.
Rarity: Oh, but it isn't nothing, it's everything! I-I just don't know what to say but "thank you." Thank you!
She throws herself at Celestia's hooves and starts kissing them.
Rarity: (between kisses) Thank you...thank you...thank you, thank you, thank you...
Celestia gave a pretty awkward smile to this and didn't speak until Rarity stopped kissing her hooves.
Princess Celestia: You are very we-
Rarity stood up quickly.
Rarity: Thank you!
A young unicorn colt porter whose back is piled high with luggage stepped in.
Porter: Your luggage, mademoiselle.
Princess Celestia: I'll leave you to get settled.
Celestia walked past the porter who bowed his head.
Porter: Your Highness.
Princess Celestia: Enjoy your stay.
She was about to leave, but then turned to Rarity.
Princess Celestia: By the way, I got your letter and I'm sorry about the violent way Y/n acted towards you.
Rarity: Oh, that's quite all right. My black eye has actually healed recently.
Princess Celestia: Either way, I'll have a firm talk with him.
Rarity: But what if-
Princess Celestia: Don't worry. My brother can be harsh at times, but he's not straight out cruel. (under breath) Not most of the time, anyway. (normal) He won't attack anyone who just told on him.
Rarity smiles at this; cut to outside as she darts onto the balcony to call after Celestia while the Princess was on her way down the winding staircase.
Rarity: Thank you!
Porter: Where would you like me to put these?
The porter's legs finally gave out and all the luggage dro onto him
Rarity: That's perfect.
Rarity was wearing a pink sun hat was at a café with Opal who was drinking a saucer of milk.
Rarity: Opal, do you know what I love about Canterlot?
The waiter brought her a tea cup and she drank it.
Rarity: Ahh... Everything! I may have been born in Ponyville, but I am a Canterlot pony at heart. Now I know that we're here to pick up some fabrics for the shop, but Twilight was such a dear to get me that suite at the castle, I simply must make her something to express my gratitude.
Rarity saw a passersby wearing a lacy white outfit sports a train of starry blue-violet layered on pink/white.
Rarity: Hmmm... (gasps) Ooh! An outfit for her birthday party this weekend! Perfect! (levitating cup) Don't you just love it here, Opalescence?
Rarity drank more of her tea when two unicorns walked over to her. A stallion and mare who regard her with a fair degree of skepticism. Rarity lowers the cup, realizes that it has left a dollop of foam on her nose, and wipes it away with an embarrassed smile.
Stallion: Please excuse our interruption. I'm Jet Set and this is my wife, Upper Crust. We saw you from across the café and just had to find out...
Upper Crust: ...where did you get that simply marvelous chapeau?
Rarity: What, this old thing? Oh, it's just something I-
Male voice: Rarity!
Rarity looks up with annoyance to see a bucktoothed window-washer Earth Pony stallion a couple of stories up.
Stallion: (waves) Hey, Rarity!
One of the harness rope gives way, dumping him out and sending the implements to the ground. He nearly follows them, but gets a hoof caught in the rig and ends up hanging upside down at Rarity's eye level.
Hayseed: It's me, Hayseed Turniptruck! We met at the big hoedown at Ponyville last fall!
Rarity: Oh... Yes. Of course. How are you?
Hayseed: Good! Real good!
The other rope snaps and Hayseed went down while the unicorn couple look at each other with disapproving looks.
Jet Set/Upper Crust: Hmmm...
Jet Set: You're from... Ponyville?
Rarity: Well, ye-yes, but-
Hayseed got up throws a foreleg around her shoulders.
Hayseed: She sure is! She's a real big-time fancy-pants dressmaker there! Prob'ly made that real purty thing she's got on her head!
Upper Crust: I thought it looked a little country.
Jet Set: I told you it wasn't something you could get here in Canterlot, dear.
The two turned up their noses and walked away, leaving Rarity with tears in her eyes.
Hayseed: Well, they seem real nice.
Rarity locked herself in her suite.
Rarity: (to herself) Looked a little country.
She threw her and on the bed and went to her drawing board by the window placing, a blank sheet on iy while the curtains are opened to let daylight fall across it.
Rarity: Not something you can get here in Canterlot.
She puts on her glasses and begins to sketch.
Rarity: I'll show you something worthy of Canterlot!
After a bit, Rarity has sketched a mare in a flowing dress with saddle, sporting a high collar secured with a ribbon tie; on the head is a hat that somewhat resembles a bishop's mitre, accented with a spread of long curling plumes.
Rarity, now trotting resolutely down a street and levitating several bags of supplies while Opal was slung in a carrier on her back at Rarity's side.
Rarity: (panting) I have to get started right away. This new design is very ambitious, and I've already written to Twilight to let her know she'll have something beyond fabulous to wear to her party.
While Rarity wasn't paying attention, she bumped into someone. She looked up to see she bumped into a white, unicorn stallion with a blue mane and black suit who was with a unicorn mare with a rose pink mane.
Rarity: (shuddery) Fancy Pants...!
He stands up with the mare brusing some dust off his shoulder while he sorts out a sleeve.
Fancy Pants: I say, that's one way to make an introduction.
Rarity: Oh, goodness. I am so sorry. I-I didn't see you there. (levitating bags) I-I've just got so many bags, and I was trying to get back to my suite at the castle, and-
Hearing the castle got their attention.
Fancy Pants: (adjusting monocle) You're staying at the castle.
Rarity: The Princess invited me to stay in one of the suites.
Fancy Pants: You know the Princess?
The mare levitated feather bag.
Mare: Mmm! A pony with expensive tastes, I see.
Rarity: Oh... It's for an ensemble I'm making for a friend. Her birthday's in a few days. Again, I am really sorry I bumped into you.
She hurried off, but Fancy Pants spoke.
Fancy Pants: I'm not. You are obviously somepony worth bumping into.
Rarity smiles at this.
Fancy Pants: Listen. I have a V.I.P. box reserved at the Wonderbolts Derby this afternoon. Would you... Would you be so kind as to join me and a few of my companions there, hm?
Rarity: Me?
Fancy Pants: But of course, my dear.
Rarity: Well... I-I'm... Sure.
Fancy Pants: We'd love to see you there, uh...
Rarity: Rarity.
Fancy Pants: (walking off) Rarity.
Fancy Pants walked away and his mare hurries after him.
Rarity her suite as she trots in and begins to pace.
Rarity: Pro: Seeing the Derby from a V.I.P. box is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. (eyeing the drawing board) Con: Going to the Derby cuts into the amount of time I have to finish Twilight's outfit. Pro: Fancy Pants is the most important pony in Canterlot. His stamp of approval could mean big things for me here. Con: Twilight's party might not be as sophisticated as the Derby, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't put all of my energy into creating her birthday ensemble. My Ponyville friends will appreciate my hard work more than anypony. I hate to let them down.
Rarity looked at the bare mannequin.
Rarity: And I won't! Opal...
Rarity steps out of the rooms for a second and jumps out with a feathered hat
Rarity: ...I am going to the Wonderbolts Derby as a guest of Fancy Pants!
She lets off a squeal of delight and jitters in place.
Rarity makes her way up the aisle of a venue that is filled with spectating ponies who are set up on a cliff at the edge of the palace grounds looking a long shot of an oval racetrack defined by a stretch of open air between two cloud borders.
Rarity: Pardon me... Excuse me... Excuse me...
She passes Jet and Upper, seated on the top row, who glare after her. At a doorway leading to an upper story, a gold-armored unicorn guard is on door duty. A few coquettish blinks from Rarity have no effect on the stoic sentry, but Fancy Pants comes down the stairs to meet her.
Fancy Pants: Rarity! Jolly good to see you!
Fancy Pants saying her name changes the guard's attitude in a flash, and the velvet rope across the door is magically unhooked so she can enter.
Fancy Pants: So glad you could make it.
Upper Crust and Jet Set look on in utter shock.
In the V.I.P. box.
Rarity walked along side Fancy Pants to a room with a few noble ponies who instantly swarmed Fancy Pants.
Fancy Pants: Everypony, this is Rarity. She's staying at Canterlot Castle.
That instantly got their attention. Then Rarity noticed a fancy looking chair.
Rarity: Who is that seat for?
Fancy Pants: That is for His Royal Highness, Prince Y/n.
Rarity: Wa-Wait. Did you say-
???: Well, well, what do we have here?
Icarus flew onto Rarity's shoulder.
Icarus: If it isn't Miss Rarity.
Mare: Ah! What is that thing?!
Icarus: I'm a Gargoyle, Miss. So is my friend over there.
They saw Maximus on a snack table who was nervously looking around.
Maximus: Oh, what do I choose?! What if I pick something wrong? That would be so terrifying.
Icarus: We are Generals of the Prince of Destruction himself, Prince Y/n the Destroyer.
Stuck up Stallion: (scoff) You really expect us to believe that?
Sparta stepped up into the booth.
Sparta: Attention, please. I, Sparta, Captain of the Agents of Destruction, would like to present to you, Prince Y/n.
He bowed his head and a pair of violet eyes were seen from the darkness, but to normal when Y/n stepped into the light. Everypony and Gargoyle bowed.
Fancy Pants: Ah, it is good to have you here with us, Sire.
He noticed Y/n's eye bags.
Fancy Pants: Uh, if I may. Are you feeling all right, Your Highness?
Y/n just turned to him.
Y/n: I'm fine. Now, where are my Generals?
Icarus and Maximus flew to him with treats.
Icarus: We've got the snacks, boss.
Rarity: Prince Y/n?
Y/n turned to her.
Y/n: Oh, hello, Rarity. Didn't expect to see you here.
Rarity: I could say the same for you.
Y/n: (sigh) Blueblood usually comes to oversee things like this, but apparently, he had a date today. So, Celestia asked me to come in his stead in exchange for enough bits to keep my Gargoyles properly fed for three months.
Fancy Pants: I'm sorry, but you know Prince Y/n, too, Miss Rarity?
Y/n: She does. She and I actually worked closely together on certain occasions.
This definitely got the ponies attention when the announcer spoke on the P.A.
Annoucer: Fillies and gentle-colts! Welcome to the Wonderbolts Derby! The competitors are taking their places as the starting line, and our race will begin momentarily!
Fancy Pants: I'll be rooting for Rapidfire, of course. He's sure to take home the grand prize.
The four nobles nodded in agreement.
Rarity: I don't think he has a chance against Fleetfoot.
Y/n: I actually second that opinion.
Icarus: Well, let's see what happens.
They watched the race and Fleetfoot did end up winning.
Announcer: And it's Fleetfoot by a nose!
Fancy Pants: Bravo, Rarity! I say, how did you know Fleetfoot would be victorious?
Rarity: My friend Rainbow Dash talks about her all the time. She says what Fleetfoot lacks in size, she makes up for in speed.
Y/n: It's because of her small size that makes her more aerodynamic.
Mare: And who is this Rainbow Dash?
Y/n gave her a look.
Y/n: I don't see how that's any of your concern, but if you must known... She is another one of our comrades.
Fancy Pants: Well, I must say. You do know some pretty important ponies, Rarity.
He grabbed her hoof.
Fancy Pants: Three cheers for Rarity! My new favorite party guest!
Fancy Pants/Nobles/Icarus: Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray!
Y/n stepped back.
Y/n: Well, now that this is over, I'll be taking my leave. Generals, Captain, let's go.
The Generals and Sparta went after Y/n.
Fancy Pants: Why don't you lot get to know each other? I've got some business to take care of.
He followed Y/n and eventually caught up to him, but his attention shifted to Sparta.
Fancy Pants: Why, hello, Sparta old chap.
Sparta looked at him and smiled.
Sparta: Chip. Almost didn't recognize you.
Icarus: Who's Chip? I thought this guy's name was Fancy Pants.
Fancy Pants: It is, but Chip is my middle name and one I allow few to call me nowadays. Anyway, I would like a few words with His Highness.
Y/n: Make them quick. I'm busy.
Fancy Pants: I have heard the stories about you being in the small town known as, "Ponyville."
Y/n: I am.
Fancy Pants: Well, wouldn't you rather be here in Canterlot?
Y/n: Ponyville may not be as sophisticated as Canterlot, but it's a place that can give me what I need.
Sparta: And he's not going to be roughing it for much longer, because me and the rest of my team are building a castle for him. That's actually another reason we came to Canterlot. To get more materials.
Fancy Pants: Are you sure you wouldn't rather live lavishly.
Y/n: And become a weak, incapable beta male who can't even fight? Yeah, thanks but no thanks.
Fancy Pants: (sigh) I say, Y/n, you are indeed a peculiar one.
Y/n stopped and got in Fancy's face.
Y/n: Who told you you could use my first name?
Fancy Pants: I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend.
Y/n: I understand your frustration in dealing with a Ponyville pony who can't be persuade with a cart full of cider, a balloon full of blonde mares and a Swiss bank account, but please, hold on to what class you have.
Fancy Pants: Your Majesty, I truly apologize.
Y/n: This discussion is over.
Y/n walked off and his Captain followed.
Sparta: With all due respect, don't you think you were a bit harsh, Prince Y/n.
Y/n: Ponies in Canterlot have things to say about Ponyville and the way the ponies there live, but what about the ponies here? They become stuck up and think they're everything, but don't have a shred of strength to back it up. And as I constantly tell you, I hate ponies who can't put meaning in their words. Furthermore, once they see someone who's more important than them, they instantly start to, what's the word? "Suck up."
A unicorn bumped into Y/n.
Unicorn: Hey, watch it, you-
But then he saw it was Y/n and his face turned to one of terror.
Unicorn: Oh, Y-Your Majesty! I-
Y/n: Perfect time to prove my point.
Y/n grabbed a table with his hoof and proceeded to hit the unicorn with it, sending him through a wall. He then proceeds to beat the stallion with his hooves until Icarus stepped in.
Icarus: Okay, boss. He's got the point.
Y/n looked at the stallion who was unconscious with a bloody face.
Y/n: Yep. He's had enough.
They flew past Sparta who had a look of pure shock on his face.
Y/n: So, what did you learn, Captain?
Sparta: Uh, never to anger you.
Y/n: Well, that's also a good thing to learn, but the main point is that the easy life of Canterlot makes ponies weak and fragile. Is that clear?
Sparta thought for a moment.
Sparta: Yes, Sire. I... understand.
Y/n: Good. Now, the shipment should be on the train by now, so let's not keep the others waiting.
A few days later.
Y/n looked upon his nearly completed castle.
Y/n: All right. This castle is coming together pretty well.
Crash: I'll tell you, those blocks are heavy as a motherbucker.
Twister Hurricane: Oh, quite down, you big baby. I had to lift those blocks in the air and you don't see me complaining.
Sparta: Okay, enough arguing.
Y/n: You all go back to Canterlot. I need to prepare for the two parties I'll be going to tomorrow.
Hawk Eye: Two?
Icarus: The first is the Canterlot Garden Party. From what we heard, it is second only to the Grand Galloping Gala.
Y/n: Fancy Pants and a few other of the Canterlot elite asked me to come. However, I'll only be there for a brief moment. As I have promised Twilight Sparkle I would be at her birthday.
Sparta: Wait, Twilight's birthday is tomorrow?
Maximus: Yes. I believe she said this was her 24th birthday.
Sparta: Oh, well, could you ask her to come to Canterlot after her party? I want to give her a present.
Y/n: I guess I could.
Sparta: Thank you so much.
The next day.
Icarus and Maximus flew into Twilight's window.
Icarus: Hey, Twi!
Maximus: Happy birthday, Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight: Aw, thank you both. Uh, where's Y/n?
Icarus: Oh, he'll be here, don't worry.
Maximus: His Highness is just going to be running a bit late as he has things to take care of in Canterlot.
Spike: Well, at least he's coming.
Icarus: What's that mean?
Spike: Rarity sent us a letter, saying she couldn't come because Opalescence, her cat, is sick.
Twilight: I understand, though. I know I would do the same if Owlowiscious was sick, but it won't be the same without her.
Icarus: Well, if Rarity can't come to the party, maybe the party can come to her.
Twilight thought about that for a second.
Twilight: Hey, your right!
Twilight and the rest of the Mane 5, along with the Generals went to Canterlot and went over to Rarity's suite.
Pinkie: Oh, she's gonna be so surprised!
Applejack: Shh. I think she's coming out.
Rarity did step out with a nice dress and hat on.
Mane 5/Generals: Surprise!
Upon seeing them, Rarity past out, only to wake up a little later to Pinkie standing over her.
Pinkie: And swoosh! Then right before she hit the ground, shoom! She-
She then realized Rarity was waking up.
Pinkie: Hi again!
Rarity: W-what are you... How did y- Why are you-
Applejack: Listen to her. She's so excited to see us, she can hardly talk.
Rarity: What I mean to say is, what are you all doing here?
Twilight: When I got your letter saying you were stuck in Canterlot, the Generals gave me the idea to bring my birthday to you so you wouldn't miss it, so I asked Pinkie Pie if it wouldn't be too much trouble.
Pinkie: Balloons are super-easy to pack.
Pinkie lays down a small case and opened it, letting out a bunch of fully inflated balloons in assorted shapes and sizes.
Rarity: Wow... first you get me a suite at Canterlot Castle, and now this. I don't know what to say, Twilight.
Rainbow Dash: How about you start by saying what you're doing in that fancy getup?
Rarity: This? Uh... ...well, I-I always put on something a little fancy when...Opal's feeling under the weather. (laughing nervously) Cheers her right up.
She forces up another giggle.
Fluttershy: Oh, poor Opal. Where is the sick darling?
Rarity: Oh, uh...she's... Hold on a minute.
Rarity slammed the door and the others were confused until Rarity came back.
Rarity: She's resting on the bed.
They went in to see Opal looked like she was drenched with water and Fluttershy zips over and cradles the cat in her front hooves.
Fluttershy: Poor baby. She looks awful.
Opal snarls at Rarity's, who grimaces and turns to Twilight who was looking at a mannequin with a simple yellow dress.
Twilight: Is that my dress?
Rarity: Yes.
Twilight: It's so simple. So practical.
Rarity sweats a bitm
Twilight: (smiling) So me! It's the perfect dress for my birthday party! (hugging Rarity) I love it!
Rarity gives a relieved sigh.
Rarity: You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that!
Rarity flick her original sketch with her tail into a nearby trash can.
Twilight was in her dress and walking her friends.
Twilight: When I told the Princess that I was moving the party to Canterlot, she was kind enough to offer us the Canterlot Castle ballroom!
When they entered the ballroom, it was already decorated..
Pinkie: Isn't it fancy-pants?
Rarity: (shocked) Fancy Pants!
She dives behind Rainbow Dash.
Rarity: Where?
Not seeing the sophisticated pony, she stepped out.
Rarity: I mean, uh... where did you find the time to put up all these decorations?
Pinkie pulled out her party cannon.
Pinkie: Oh, I never leave home without my party cannon!
Pinkie fired the cannon and it covered a table with a cloth and party hat onto it and sends up balloons and showers of confetti.
Pinkie: Ta-da!
Twilight: I thought about having my birthday outside, but they're having another party on the castle grounds today.
Twilight pointed to the window where the Canterlot Garden Party was happening.
Rarity: Uh, where is Prince Y/n? I thought he'd be here.
Twilight: His Generals told me he would be running late.
Applejack: Hey, where'd they go anyway?
The Generals flew in at that moment.
Icarus: Sorry to leave you like that, ladies, but we had to get someone who really wanted to come.
Sparta walked in.
Sparta: Is this where Twilight Sparkle's birthday party is being held?
Twilight: (gasp) Sparta!
Sparta: Twily!
Twilight ran at Sparta and gave him a tight hug.
Fluttershy: Hey, I've seen this stallion before. Aren't you the captain of Y/n's guard?
Sparta: I am indeed.
Rainbow Dash: Well, how do you know Twilight?
Sparta: I knew Twilight here since she was a little filly. I was hoping I could join the party.
Twilight: Of course. I would love to have you here, Sparta.
Pinkie: Let's party!
The ecstatic birthday mare got tossed in the air a few times by her friends, then telekinetically uses a knife to cut the cake while Pinkie is eating it. This slice goes to Applejack, who starts eating alongside Fluttershy when both of them suddenly get cake thrown into their faces by a laughing and pointing Rainbow Dash who kept laughing until Sparta hit her with some cake. This lead to the others following and the bits of cake that fly past and splatter Rarity, making her cringes a bit, but ends up smiling with cake on her chin and hat brim.
Rarity had cleaned up and was at the end of a seven-pony conga line being lead by the Gargoyles who were holding the music play. Rarity, as she danced, took a quick glance out the window at the Garden Party.
Rarity: (to herself) Hmm. No reason I can't at least make an appearance.
Rarity slipped away and went to the garden party.
Rarity: I'm here!
Upper Crust walks over to her.
Upper Crust: Darling, I'm so glad you made it.
Then came Fancy Pants.
Fancy Pants: Rarity! So happy to see you here.
Rarity: I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
Fancy Pants sniffed the air.
Fancy Pants: I say, what is that scent you're wearing? It smells like... (sniff) that...cake frosting?
That made Rarity nervous.
Rarity: Yes, I always dab a little frosting behind my ears before I go out.
The two Canterlot ponies aim very puzzled looks her way.
Rarity: After all, who doesn't like the smell of cake frosting?
Fancy Pants: I know I do.
Upper Crust nodded at this.
Rarity: Well, all this talk about cake has made me hungry. Think I'll go and see what's on the hors d'oeuvres table. If you'll excuse me.
Rarity ran off and while Fancy was talking to Upper Crust, he saw Y/n at a table talking to the rose maned unicorn.
Mare: Are you Prince Y/n?
Y/n: I am.
Mare: I heard about the disagreement you had with Fancy Pants.
Y/n: What about it?
Fancy Pants walked over to them.
Fancy Pants: Ah, Prince Y/n. I see you've met my dearly beloved, Fleur-de-lis.
Fleur: Yes, but you can just call me, "Fleur."
Y/n: So, you two are together? Like, as a couple?
Fancy Pants: That we are.
Fleur: If you'll excuse me, gentlecolts, I'm going to get myself a drink. Would you like anything, Chip?
Fancy Pants: No thank you, my dear.
Fleur gave Fancy a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off.
Fancy Pants: Listen, Your Highness, I just came to apologize for upsetting you a few days ago.
Y/n: I've forgotten about it. You and that Fleur-de-lis seem happy together.
Fancy Pants: We are. We've been together for about two years now.
Y/n: Hmm. I wonder how much she charges.
Fancy Pants: I beg your pardon?
Y/n: How much does she charge to give the appearance that you're in a happy relationship?
Fancy Pants: Uh, she doesn't charge a bit because we are in a happy relationship.
Y/n: Oh, please. I doubt love is involved. You're the highest standing member of the Canterlot elite with lots of money and lots of face. Meanwhile, what is she?
Fancy Pants: I'll have you know, she is a very successful fashion model.
Y/n: I believe the word you were looking for was, what was it? A prostitute.
Fancy Pants slammed the table in front of them.
Fancy Pants: I will not have anyone speak about my Fleur-de-lis that way!
Y/n just narrowed his eyes.
Y/n: I'd think carefully before speaking against me, Fancy Pants.
Fancy Pants: I heard from Sparta those little quips you talked about a few days ago, and just know that not everyone in Canterlot kisses up to those that are higher. Ask anypony here and they'll tell you that no matter who you are, I will give you a piece of my mind if you dare to speak ill of those I care for.
They looked at each other intensely for a bit until Fleur came back.
Fleur: What happened, dear? I thought I heard a table slam.
Y/n: Nothing happened. I was just taking my leave.
Y/n walked away.
Rarity came back to Twilight's party while everyone was dipping into the chocolate fondue and ended up dipping a small hors d'oeuvre in it and ended up not liking it before zipping back out when everyone was distracted.
Rainbow Dash: Did you see how Rarity acted.
Sparta: She doesn't normally act this way?
???: Only when fashion is involved.
They turned to the entrance to see Y/n stepping in with a wrapped box.
Twilight: Prince Y/n, you came!
The Gargoyles flew over to him.
Icarus: Just in time boss.
Y/n: My apologies for taking so long, I had somewhere to be and by the time I went back for my gift to Twilight Sparkle, I had heard you moved the party here. Anyway, here's my gift. Or is it too late for that?
Twilight: No, not at all. I was actually going to ask if it okay to open them.
Applejack: It's your birthday, sugarcube. No need to ask.
Sparta: Yeah. Here, open mine first.
Sparta gave Twilight a box and she opened it to see a book.
Twilight: (gasp) The special extended version of The Housemare! With extra stories, and a behind the scenes look on how the author wrote it! How did you get this? I thought it sold out last year.
Sparta: I may have found it at an antique shop and thought it would be perfect for a gift.
Twilight: Well, I hope it wasn't too expensive.
Sparta: Twily, it's your birthday. You deserve to be spoiled.
Twilight smiled and gave Sparta a really big hug.
Twilight: Thank you! I'll take good care of it.
Rainbow Dash: Okay, now that you got your egg head gift, open your next present!
Twilight looked at rest of her gifts and pick the one Y/n brought.
Twilight: This one's from you, Y/n. Right?
Y/n: It is. Don't know if you'll like it, considering it's not exactly a special book.
Twilight: I'm sure it'll be great no matter-
Twilight opened the box and her eyes went wide. The box held a necklace with blue and purple jewels with the center jewel being in the shape of a book. As Twilight levitated it with her magic, most of her face was red.
Y/n: Does it not please you?
Twilight: (blushing) No! I-I love it.
Twilight put on the necklace.
Twilight: How do I look?
Sparta: Very beautiful.
Rainbow Dash: Styling!
Fluttershy: It's very pretty.
Icarus: What do you think, boss?
Y/n looked at Twilight and seeing her wear his necklace with her simple, yellow dress made something inside him leap.
Y/n: She... looks great.
With Rarity.
She ran back to the Garden party for a bit.
Rarity: I think I left the bath water running in my suite.
She ran back to the birthday party.
Rarity: I really should go check on Opal.
Back to the Garden party.
Rarity: Is that Princess Celestia?!
Back at the birthday party.
Rarity: (Whispering to Twilight: I need to use the little fillies' room.)
Back at the garden party.
Rarity: Can I get anypony more punch?
After a bit of this, Rarity came back with a croquet mallet in her mouth.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, what's with the croquet mallet?
Rarity: (muffled) What croquet mallet?
Rainbow Dash: Duh! The one in your mouth?
As soon as Rarity realized the mallet was indeed holding a mallet, she dropped it on the floor and lets off an unsettled giggle as the others slowly gather around.
Rarity: Oh! That croquet mallet! I...well, I- you know, the truth is... the truth is-
Twilight: Were you at that other party in the garden?
Rarity: Uh... I...
Twilight: Rarity, I'm surprised at you.
Rarity threw herself at Twilight's hooves.
Rarity: Twilight, let me explain! I-
Twilight: I hadn't realized you were such a savvy business-pony!
Rarity: You must understand! I-
Rarity stopped talking when she heard Twilight's words and she stood up.
Twilight: All of those ponies look so posh. And with the Grand Galloping Gala coming up, I bet you could totally get some of them to buy your dresses. Very smart.
Rarity: Wh-Why, yes! I-I didn't want you to think I was being rude, so that's exactly the reason I didn't tell you. The... (chuckle) one and only reason.
Twilight: Oh, well, you didn't have to do that. You should totally go over there and mingle.
Rarity: Twilight, you really are the best friend a pony could ever ask for.
The two of them hugged.
Rarity: I don't know why I ever thought you wouldn't understand.
Twilight: Understand what?
Rarity: (hastily) Nothing.
They broke it off.
Rarity See you all later!
Rarity was about to walk out when Rainbow caught up to her.
Rainbow Dash: Hey! Wait up! We're your friends. I'm sure they won't mind if we check out the party, too.
She turned to the others.
Rainbow Dash: Come on, you guys! Let's show 'em how to party Ponyville style!
They others went by Rarity.
Rarity: Oh, no!
Rarity ran out and Sparta, Y/n and the Generals followed after.
Sparta: What's up with her?
Y/n: Canterlot ponies don't exactly mingle with ponies from small towns like Ponyville.
Maximus: Yeah. Hating ponies just because of where they come from is horrible.
Sparta began to sweat a little.
Sparta: Uh, yeah. Who would do such a thing?
Y/n: That being said, I'm not exactly in a hurry to join the garden party again. Me and Chip, Fancy Pants, whatever he calls himself, had a disagreement.
Sparta: About what?
Icarus: Was it something funny?
Y/n: I'd rather not say.
When they got to the party, they saw things like Rainbow failing at croquet and accidentally knocking a mare's wig off, Fluttershy feeding birds, Pinkie making a mess of the snack table, Applejack pulling out weeds, and Twilight dancing.
Icarus: (laughing) What is she doing?
Sparta: I think it's kind of adorable. Just like it was when she was younger.
Y/n: She danced way more gracefully at the Gala.
Sparta: Well, on her birthday, Twilight just let's loose and can be a more goofy version of herself.
Fancy Pants walked over to them.
Fancy Pants: Sparta, good to see you here, old chap.
They shook hooves.
Sparta: Great to be here, Chip. Hope we're not causing a ruckus. It's my little sister's birthday today, and she and her friends wanted to stop by just to check out your party.
Y/n: (raise brow) Twilight Sparkle is your sister?
Sparta: Well, not by blood, but she's the closest thing I've ever had to a sister.
Fancy Pants looked at Y/n and his face formed into a frown.
Fancy Pants: Prince Y/n.
Y/n: Fancy Pants.
It silent for a bit before Fancy went to speak to Twilight.
Fancy Pants: Excuse me. (magically adjusting monocle) Might I ask where you got your ensemble?
Twilight: Why, yes. Yes, you may. A very, very close friend of mine from Ponyville made it for me.
Rarity spits out a mouthful of punch on Jet Set and Upper Crust before running towards Fancy and Twilight.
Fancy Pants: Ponyville. You don't say.
Twilight: I do say. Her name is-
Rarity showed up.
Rarity: Fancy Pants! Come with me! I'd like to show you... this, uh, thing that's over there... on the other side of the room!
Fancy Pants: In a moment, my dear. This lovely filly from Ponyville was just about to tell me who made her charming dress.
Rarity: That dress? Oh, come now, who cares? It's just a plain old-
Twilight: Oh, don't be so modest. This dress you made is beautiful!
Everyone there gasped and looked in their direction.
Twilight: We all think so.
The rest of the Mane 7 joined them and Fancy Pants turned to Rarity.
Fancy Pants: You know these ponies.
Rarity looked around and saw the Canterlot ponies whispering so she walked towards the crowd to make a determined confession.
Rarity: Yes. Yes, I do know them.
The crowd gasped.
Rarity They may not be as sophisticated as some of you Canterlot ponies, but they are my best friends. And they are, without a doubt, the most important ponies I know.
Jet Set: Important ponies? These ruffians?
Upper Crust: Don't make me laugh!
The two gave annoyingly obnoxious laughts and that's when Sparta stepped up.
Sparta: They are indeed important. Look, I use to think the same way most of you think, but after hearing some words from Prince Y/n and seeing how happy my sister's friends make her along with seeing how you all act, I now see how problematic that mindset is. I can 100% say that the ponies of Ponyville are very exceptional. Maybe even more than some of you.
Hearing that made Jet and Upper quit their laughing.
Fancy Pants: I, for one, find them charmingly rustic.
Fancypants: And I think the dress Rarity made for her friend is lovely. (chuckles) I daresay every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one.
Upper got in Rarity's face.
Upper Crust: Oh, I'd like to place my order right now!
Jet Set: I think you should get two, hmm?
Y/n/Sparta: (quietly) Suck ups.
Fancy Pants: Uh, yes. Now, then. How about you introduce me to your friends?
Rarity: (smiling) With pleasure.
Sparta: I want to start by introducing the birthday mare. She is the prized student of Princess Celestia herself, the wielder of the Element of Magic, one of Prince Y/n's greatest comrades, and my baby sister, Twilight Sparkle.
The birthday group made it back inside.
Twilight: This has been one great birthday party.
Sparta: Yeah. You got presents, you met new ponies. And I've gotta say, you found some pretty great friends in Ponyville.
Twilight: Yeah. Though, I can't help but feel like we've forgot something-
Maximus: Oh, no! We forgot Spike!
Back at Ponyville.
Spike was at Sugarcube Corner looking upset.
Spike: I leave for five minutes to get a cake and they took the last train out.
The next day.
Rarity was in her suite writing a letter.
Rarity: "Dear Princess Celestia... I wanted to tell you about the important lesson I learned during my visit."
Celestia walked in as she said that.
Princess Celestia: Now that I would like to hear.
Rarity was surprised, but stopped writing and went to the window where she got a good look of Ponyville.
Rarity: I learned that no matter where you go in life, you should never forget that you are the product of your home and your friends. And that is something always to be proud of, no matter what.
Celestia: (chuckling softly) A very valuable lesson to have learned.
???: It certainly is!
They turned to see the porter lifting Rarity's belongings on his back again.
Porter: But might I ask that we hurry things up a bit?! Oh, no!
The luggage collapsed on him again, causing Rarity and Celestia looked at each other with sheepish smiles.
Princess Celestia: I'll send someone to help him, I've got something important to do.
She walked out.
Princess Celestia was sitting on her throne and looked down at Y/n who was standing across from her.
Princess Celestia: Y/n, do you know why I have summoned you here?
Y/n: Not really. You just sent a letter to Maximus to tell me to get here quickly.
Princess Celestia: Okay. You are here because of the reports of violence I heard was caused by you.
Y/n: Oh, that? Whoever I did it to probably had it coming.
Princess Celestia: What?! So you're saying that Rarity deserved to get slapped so hard she got a black eye? Or what about that stallion you assaulted a few days ago?!
Y/n: Rarity spoke ill of the sacred bond between siblings, while that stallion was a mortal who needed to be reminded of his place.
Princess Celestia: There are better ways to express your distaste for those actions than resorting to violence!
Y/n: I didn't become the Prince and the warrior I am today by being soft.
Princess Celestia: I'm not asking you to be soft.
Y/n: Well, it sure seems like you are. Being soft is your thing, and being merciful those ingrates is what made you oblivious to Luna's pain.
Celestia heard that and it made her eyes go wide.
Princess Celestia: What was that?
Y/n: Nothing important. Now, I need to attend some of my own business.
Y/n went towards the door.
Y/n: This chat has been fun, but call me when you have a real problem.
Y/n walked out and Celestia could just sink in her throne and groan in her hooves.
Princess Celestia: Please, don't tell me it's coming to this again.
To be continued.
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