Chapter 3: Lesson Zero
The sun began to rise and in the Golden Oak Library, Twilight began to pull items to her with her magic while Spike was checking them off.
Twilight: Quill.
Spike: Check.
Twilight: Parchment.
Spike: Check.
Twilight: Extra ink.
Spike: Check.
Twilight: Extra extra ink.
Spike: Check.
Twilight: Is that everything on the checklist?
Spike: Yep.
Twilight: Great. Now that we've completed the checklist of things we need to create a checklist, we can make my checklist of the things I have to get done by the end of the day. Ready?
Spike: Ready!
Twilight: Item one: create checklist of the things I have to accomplish by the end of the day.
Spike gave a bit of a tired sigh.
Twilight and Spike were walking through Ponyville with Spike dragging a long list behind him.
Twilight: How are we doing, Spike?
Spike: Let's see... We've already dropped off your cape at the cleaners, returned the blackboard you borrowed from Cheerilee, ordered new parchment and quills from the stationery shop...
Twilight: Hmm... Seems like we just placed an order for those a few days ago.
Spike looked back at the list.
Spike: Can't imagine why we go through so many of them.
Twiligh: Sounds like we're ahead of schedule. What's next?
Spike: Cupcakes!
Twilight and Spike made their way to Sugarcube Corner and they ran into Y/n and his Generals who were outside the shop.
Twilight: Oh, hey, Y/n.
Spike: Come here for a cupcake?
Y/n didn't answer and just stared off into space which confused Twilight and Spike.
Twilight: Uh, Y/n?
Spike walked closer to Y/n and began snapping his claws in Y/n's face.
Spike: Hellooo. Anypony home? Equestria to Y/n.
Y/n finally snapped out of it.
Y/n: Huh? Oh, it's you two.
Twilight: Are you okay? You weren't responding.
Y/n: I'm fine. I was just... thinking about a few things.
Icarus: Well, I hope you're done. I want a cupcake.
Twilight: We came for some, too. Wanna join?
Y/n: ...Sure.
Y/n opened the door.
Y/n: You first.
Twilight gave a little blush at this and walked in while Spike gave a knowing smile.
Spike: Smooth.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Spike: Oh, I get it. Play dumb. I'll roll with it.
They followed after Twilight who was given a box of cupcakes by Mrs. Cake. Spike looked at the cupcakes in amazement.
Icarus: Oh, don't those look delectable.
Twilight: Uh, I only ordered twelve.
Mrs. Cake: Oh, I know, dear, but I had an extra. So I thought I'd make it a baker's dozen.
Spike and Icarus continued to eye the cupcakes when Twilight pulled them back with her magic.
Twilight: Oh, that was very thoughtful of you. It's just some of the icing from the extra cupcake is getting all over the one next to it. See?
Mrs. Cake looked at the 13 cupcakes and just played along.
Mrs. Cake: Ohh... sure...
Twilight: It's just that I'm planning on sharing these at a picnic later and I don't want anypony to feel like somepony else is getting more icing.
Mrs. Cake: Oh, no... of course not.
Twilight used her magic to pick up an icing stick.
Twilight: Not to worry, I'll just move some of this one to... hmm... I think I may have scooped too much... oops! Now those two have more. Let's just try this again.
Twilight began going crazy with icing fixing and began splashing it.
Twilight: Hmm, no, that won't do. Let me just... hmm... put some here, and... no, that's not right. A little more on this one, a little bit... and wait... I'll just... ooh, a little bit here, and here, and... perfect!
By the time she was done, the cupcakes only had a small drop of icing on them.
Mrs. Cake: Hmm, oh yes... much better...
Twilight put a lid on the box and picked it up.
Twilight: Okay, time to tackle the next item on our-
She saw she got a lot of icing on Spike and some on Icarus and Maximus. Even some on a shield that Y/n made to protect himself from the icing.
Twilight: Oops! Looks like we're going to have to add, "give a baby dragon a bath", to our list.
Spike licked all of the icing off of him.
Twilight: Very efficient! And a little bit gross.
The Gargoyles also began to lick themselves clean.
Icarus: Actually, it's pretty good.
Maximus: Very tasty.
Y/n let out a slight sigh when Mrs. Cake gave him a cupcake.
Y/n: What's this?
Mrs. Cake: I thought I'd give you a cupcake.
Y/n took the cupcake with his magic and inspected it before looking at Mrs. Cake with narrowed eyes.
Y/n: Why?
Mrs. Cake: (confused) Because that's what you usually ask for?
Y/n: Hm. I'll take it, I guess.
Y/n and the Generals walked out with Twilight and Spike. As they walked, Y/n broke off a bit of his cupcake and gave it to Icarus.
Y/n: Check it.
Icarus ate the piece and tasted it really carefully.
Icarus: Seems all right to me.
Y/n ate the cupcake.
Spike: Uh, what was that about?
Y/n: I had to make sure that mare wasn't trying to poison me.
Twilight: By giving a piece to one of your Gargoyles?
Maximus: Yeah. We Gargoyles can eat anything, which makes us immune to all types of poison.
Spike: Like bleach and Windex?
Icarus: Oh, Windex is actually my favorite drink. I might even bring a bottle to the picnic later.
Twilight: We're getting off topic. You thought Mrs. Cake was trying to poison you?
Y/n: Well, she messed up with your cupcakes, so who's to say she wouldn't mess up mine?
Twilight: Oh. Sorry if I freaked you out with my neatness. It's just-
Y/n: No need to explain yourself. It was her fault. Then again, what would a simple mortal like her understand?
Twilight: Well, I appreciate that- (pauses for a second) Wait, could you say that last part again?
Y/n: What would a simple mortal like her understand?
This made Twilight raise a brow.
Y/n: Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm off to prepare for the picnic.
Twilight: Wait! Uh, I need your help with something!
Y/n narrowed his eyes.
Y/n: With what?
Twilight: Uh, I need your help with something I'm organizing.
Y/n: ...Okay.
They walked to the Golden Oak Library.
Twilight: All right, just stay here for a bit and I'll get what needs to be organized.
Twilight went inside with Spike on her back.
Spike: You need Y/n's help organizing? What about me?
Twilight: I just said that so Y/n would come here. And I'm making him wait because I want to ask you if you think he seems... off.
Spike: I don't know. Being mean isn't such a big deal with Y/n. I lost count of how many times he's called Rainbow Dash and Pinkie annoying.
Twilight: But he's only referred to a pony as a mortal when... (looking down sad) Discord was controlling him.
Spike: He probably got too deep into his character when he was tricking Discord and is still shaking some of it off. I'm sure Y/n's just fine.
Y/n was just standing outside the library with his Gargoyles.
Maximus: Oh, the suspense of what Twilight needs help with just terrifies me!
Y/n: I'm also curious. What would a pony as organized as Twilight Sparkle need help with?
???: What indeed?
Y/n looked around frantically.
Y/n: Who's there?
Icarus: What's up, boss.
Y/n: Didn't either of you hear that voice?
???: No, only you can hear me, my colt.
Y/n: (Thinking: Where are you?)
???: Try looking down.
Y/n looked down at his shadow and it formed a creepy smile.
Y/n: (Thinking: Who, and more importantly, what are you?)
Shadow: Isn't it clear? I'm you. Now tell me, why did you come along with that unicorn?
Y/n: (Thinking: She is a comrade who needs my help.)
Shadow: Comrade? Don't make me laugh. I bet she brought you here with intention to hurt you. After all, she wouldn't be the first.
Inside the library.
Twilight: I just want to make sure. I'll ask for his help and see how he reacts.
Twilight went out to Y/n.
Twilight: Okay, it's ready.
Y/n and his Generals walked in the library.
Y/n: So, what am I helping with?
Twilight: I brought you here to... confirm the number of times we hung out.
Y/n: What?
Twilight: As of now, we have hung out a total of 312 times.
Y/n: You actually keep track?
Twilight: Yeah. It's always good to be organized.
Y/n: Well, I hate to tell you this, but there are times where you can be as organized as you can, but things will still fall apart. I can't even begin to tell you how many times we planned big events, but had them ruined by... (gives a grim look) Other forces in play.
Icarus: Forces that were pretty entertaining. Crazy, but entertaining.
Twilight got an uneasy feeling from this response when Spike dropped the list a quill.
Spike: Ugh... I've been holding that quill so long, I've got a claw cramp!
Icarus: Oof. Been there.
Spike: Well, good thing we don't have anything to report to Princess Celestia this week... I don't think I could write another word!
This made Twilight's eyes go wide.
Twilight: We haven't sent a letter to Princess Celestia this week?!
Spike: Why? Is that bad?
Twilight got in his face.
Twilight: Bad? Bad?! Of course it's bad! I'm supposed to send Princess Celestia a letter every week, telling her about a lesson I've learned about friendship! Not every other week. Not every ten days. Every. Single. Week!
Spike: Huh?
Twilight began rummaging through her things.
Twilight: Ohh... Where's my calendar, where's my calendar?!
Spike pulled out a calendar book.
Spike: Where it... always is?
Twilight pulled it towards her.
Twilight: When did we send the last one?
Spike: Last... Tuesday?
Twilight Sparkle: And today is...
Y/n: I believe it's Tuesday.
Twilight: Ah! Oh nononononononono!
Twilight looked outside to see the sun moving.
Twilight: If I don't send her a letter by sundown, I'll be... (gasp) tardy!
Spike: What's that, now?
Twilight: Tar-dy, Spike! Late, I'll be late! Oh, how could I let this happen? I'm usually so organized. I've never been late with an assignment.
Y/n: And that's what I was saying earlier.
Spike: Oh, please! You're the most studious student ever! I'm sure the Princess will forgive you if you miss one little deadline.
Twilight: I'm afraid to take that chance, Spike. This is the ruler of all of Equestria we're talking about. The pony who holds my fate in her hooves! What if she doesn't forgive me?
Spike: Yeah... I don't think she'll-
Twilight teleported beside Spike.
Twilight: What if instead she starts thinking I'm not taking my studies on friendship seriously?
Spike: Why would she-
Twilight Sparkle: What if she makes me come back to Canterlot and puts me back in school and makes me prove I've been taking them seriously by giving me a test?! (gasps) What if I don't pass?!
Spike: Well, why wouldn't you pass-
Twilight: She's my teacher. Do you know what teachers do to students who don't pass? They send them back a grade! But she won't just send me back a grade. She'll send me back to... magic kindergarten.
Y/n: The Tartarus is that?
Maximus: I heard it's where young unicorn fillies and colts go to learn basic magic.
Twilight was shaking with her eyes shut tight, so Spike went to shake her out of it.
Spike: Twilight? Twilight!
Twilight: Huh?
Spike: That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! You're not going to be sent back to magic kindergarten.
Y/n: He's right. My sister's way too soft to actually do anything for a punishment. After all, why do you think Discord was still a problem? Celestia won't do anything to you.
Twilight: You're both right. I have no reason to worry. Because I'm going to solve a friend's problem and get that letter to Princess Celestia before sundown!
Y/n and Spike sighed in frustration.
Twilight: So... got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I as a good friend could help you solve?
Spike: Nope.
Icarus: Uh-uh.
Maximus: Not that I can think of.
Twilight looked to Y/n with a hopeful look.
Twilight: Prince Y/n?
Y/n: I've done all my work today. I fixed the buildings I destroyed when I was acting like I was under Discord's control.
Twilight: (sigh) Then it looks like I'm going to have to find somepony who does.
Twilight trotted out of the library leaving Spike to let out another sigh.
Spike: This won't end well.
Icarus: I'm actually interested to see where this goes.
Y/n: I concur. Let's go.
Y/n and his Generals went after Twilight.
Twilight was walking the streets with Y/n and the Generals not far behind.
Twilight: You've got this, Twilight. You still have plenty of time to get that letter to Princess Celestia! There has to be somepony who needs the help of a good friend!
Y/n: Sparkle, you really have no reason to get so worked up over this letter. You're beginning to sound like-
They suddenly heard Rarity screaming from a distance.
Twilight: Rarity!
They went over to the Carousel Boutique and Twilight kicked the door open.
Twilight: Don't worry, Rarity! I'm here!
Rarity was crying on her modeling table.
Rarity: (sobbing) Why me-e-e-e-e-ee... (gasp) WHYYYY?! Why? Why-y?! And of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!
Twilight: What's happened? Are you alright?
Y/n: Let me guess, you couldn't find your favorite hat?
Icarus: Or is it your boa?
Rarity: Worst! (gasp) I've lost my diamond-encrusted purple ribbon! I have searched high, and I have searched low. Low and high! High and low! But I can't find it anywhere!
She used her magic to grab a sofa and she began to cry into it.
Rarity: Anywhe-e-e-e-ere! How can I possibly finish my latest creation if I can't find it?!
Y/n: That is tragic. I wonder who will play you in the theaters.
Twilight: Never fear, Rarity. As your friend, I'll do my best to help you fi-
Rarity: Oh, there it is.
Turns out the ribbon was on the floor.
Rarity: Isn't it always just the last place you look?
Twilight: So... you just lost your ribbon?
Rarity: Mm-hm!
Twilight: But now you've found it?
Rarity: Yuh-huh.
Twilight: And nothing else is bothering you? Nothing that I, as a good friend, could help you with?
Rarity: Hmm... there is one thing.
Twilight: Yes?
Rarity: I think I left my measuring tape under the fabric over there. Could you get that for me?
Twilight: (sighs) Measuring tape? Sure.
Twilight used her magic to drop the tape at Rarity's hooves.
Y/n: Now with that tape, you can make your dress and stop your senseless crying.
Twilight's eyebrow furrowed and she went over to Rarity.
Twilight: (Whispering: Hey, Rarity? Do you think Y/n seems a
Rarity: (Whispering: Not really. Being passive aggressive is normal for him.)
Twilight: (Whispering: But it seems like it's more than usual.)
Y/n and the Generals were watching this from a near distance.
Maximus: Oh, what could they be talking about? The mystery is just so terrifying!
Y/n's shadow began to talk again.
Shadow: Terrifying indeed. If they were trustworthy, they would have no problem speaking at full volume when you're around.
Y/n stiffed at this.
Y/n: Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, what are you both talking about?
Twilight: Uh, nothing, Your Highness. We should get going.
The two began to leave.
Rarity: Twilight? Is there something bother-
She turned to see they were already gone.
Rarity: Twilight? Prince Y/n?
Twilight and Y/n were walking through Ponyville again.
Twilight: No need to panic. Rarity is just one pony. I'm sure one of my other friends will need me.
Maximus: Oh, boy. This letter thing is really getting to her.
Icarus: Yeah, I love seeing ponies struggle as much as the next Gargoyle, but I don't know. What do you think, boss?
Y/n: We shall see where this goes and step in if necessary.
Twilight and Y/n walked until they reached Sweet Apple Acres and saw Rainbow jump kick into a small barn.
Twilight: What in the world...?
Icarus: Of all the things Rainbow has done, this has to be the most interesting.
Twilight: Rainbow must be angry with Applejack! She must hate her guts! How wonderful!
Twilight ran over to Rainbow and used her magic to grab Rainbow's tail.
Twilight: Rainbow Dash! Stop! Listen, Rainbow. I know you're upset with Applejack, but don't worry. Whatever it is that has come between you two, I'm sure that I, as a good friend, can help you resolve your problems.
Twilight dropped Rainbow who got up and looked a bit confused.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, what are you talking about?
Twilight: Oh, Rainbow Dash, you don't have to hide your feelings from me! I can tell you two must've had a terrible fight.
Twilight had her mane in a bun, put Rainbow on a bench and held a clipboard and quill with her magic while wearing glasses.
Twilight: Now, why don't you tell me all about your issues with Applejack.
Rainbow Dash: I don't have any issues with Applejack.
Twilight: You don't? Then why are you destroying her property?
Y/n: Have you finally developed and appreciation for the art of Destruction?
Rainbow Dash: No, because Applejack asked me to. Right, Applejack?
Applejack came out from a ditch.
Applejack: Yes, ma'am. I wanted to put up a new barn, but this one's gotta come down first. Hehe.
Y/n: Well, you'll never get it done at this rate.
Rainbow Dash: Hey, I was just getting started!
Icarus: Yeah, listen, Dashie, why don't you and the others step back and let a real professional show you how it's done.
Applejack: That might get it done faster.
They all stepped back and Y/n fired a magic blast at the barn and it exploded and even sat fire to a few apple trees, leaving the three ponies in shock while Y/n kept his straight face.
Y/n: And that's how you destroy something properly.
Twilight shook off her shock and whispered to Applejack and Rainbow.
Twilight: (Whispering: Do either of think Y/n seems... off?)
Rainbow Dash: (Whispering: Not really. Blowing things up and being a downer is pretty normal for him.)
Applejack: (Whispering: And he did get the job done. Even though burned more trees than I would've liked.)
Y/n: Hm. Generals, put out the flames.
Icarus/Maximus: Yes, sir.
The Gargoyles flew to some water buckets and used them to put out the fire. That's when Y/n's shadow spoke again.
Shadow: You shouldn't have done that. Now that farm mare will think she can use you.
Y/n: (Thinking: I didn't do it for her. If the fire had spread, it could've burned the other trees and we could have lost out on some valuable resources.)
Shadow: That's actually pretty smart.
Twilight and Y/n were walking towards Fluttershy's cottage
Twilight: (sigh) I can't believe I wasted all that time. I should have just come here first. Fluttershy always has some fear she's trying to get over. As a good friend, I'll be able to help her.
They went to Fluttershy's backyard and saw Fluttershy with a bear that roared at her and Fluttershy uncharacteristically kicked it from behind and began pulling its ankle.
Twilight/Maximus: Fluttershy?
Fluttershy stomped on the bear's back and twisted its neck.
Icarus: Okay. I actually like this Fluttershy.
Twilight: How can this be happening? Of all the days she had to stop being such a scaredy-pony, she had to pick today?! What am I going to do?!
Twilight walked away and when she left, Fluttershy gently rubbed her hooves on the bear's back.
Fluttershy: You really should have come to me sooner. You were carrying so much tension in that shoulder.
Y/n: Oh, she was just giving it a message.
She turned to Y/n and his Generals.
Fluttershy: Oh, hello, Prince Y/n.
Maximus: Uh, Fluttershy. You're not hurting that bear, right?
Fluttershy: What? Of course not. I was just giving him a message.
Maximus: Oh, it's just that I saw you being so rough with it and it scared me.
Fluttershy gave Maximus a sympathetic look.
Fluttershy: Oh, Maximus. I'm so sorry. I have some spare bits that you can have. Will that make it up to you? They're made of gold.
Maximus gave a small smile and meekly nodded. Then Y/n's shadow spoke again.
Shadow: This mare is a comrade? She's too soft.
Y/n: I preferred it when I thought you snapped it's neck.
Fluttershy: What?!
Y/n and his Generals left without another word.
With Twilight.
Twilight was in the park laying on a bench.
Twilight: It's fine. It'll all be fine. The day isn't over yet. But it will be over soon!
She saw the sun was going down and began to cry into a puddle.
Twilight: It'll be all over! My time in Ponyville! My advanced studies! Nono. You're a good student. You can do this. Ooh! But what if I can't? You can! You just have to keep it together. Keep. It. Together!
Spike approached her with the box of cupcakes.
Spike: Are you talking to... yourself?
Twilight didn't respond so Spike waved a claw in front of her.
Spike: Twilight?
Twilight saw three fillies playing and pictured them pointing and laughing at her.
Spike: Snap out of it!
Twilight: Huh?
Spike: Are you okay?
Twilight looked to the fillies and saw them just playing again.
Spike: Twilight, I'm really worried. I mean this letter thing is really getting to you. Here. You've been so anxious all day that you completely forgot about the picnic. Why don't you just relax and go hang out with-
Twilight: The picnic!
Twilight's sudden outburst startled Spike before Twilight took the cupcakes from him.
Twilight: I should go see my friends!
She ran off.
Spike: I'm glad you've come to your senses.
With Y/n and his Generals.
Y/n: I let that mare out of my sight for one second, and she goes running off.
Icarus: Hey, at least we were able to get my Windex.
Icarus pulled out a spray bottle and drank a little from it.
Icarus: Refreshing.
Y/n made it to where the others were meeting for the picnic and already saw Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie were already there.
Rarity: Please tell me I did not forget the plates. (gasp) I did. I totally forgot them. Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!
Rarity pulled her couch to her and began to cry in it.
Rarity: Why, why, why...
She noticed the others looking at her.
Rarity: What? You didn't expect me to lay on the grass, did you?
Rainbow Dash laid back and that's when Twilight showed up with a messy mane and a wide, unsettling smile.
Icarus: Now this is where things are gonna get interesting.
Applejack: You alright, hun?
Twilight: No! I am not alright.
This surprised the Mane 5.
Twilight: It's just terrible.
Mane 5: Yes?
Twilight: Simply awful.
Mane 5: Yes?!
Twilight: It's the most horrific trouble I've ever been in, and I really, really, really need your help!
Mane 5: YES?!
Twilight: My letter to Princess Celestia is almost overdue, and I haven't learned anything about friendship!
Y/n: (Thinking: Okay, now that they know, maybe they'll help Twilight calm herself.)
Shadow: I'd think again.
The Mane 5 gave sighs of relief.
Fluttershy: Oh, thank goodness. I thought something really awful had happened.
Twilight was a gasp while Y/n was slightly surprised. Then Twilight then teleported to the center of the picnic blanket.
Twilight: Something awful has happened! If I don't turn in the letter on time, I'll be tardy! TARDY!
The Mane 5 looked at each other and laughed.
Applejack: No offense, sugarcube, but it looks like somepony's gettin' themselves all worked up over nothin'.
Twilight: This is not nothing. This is everything. I need you guys to help me find somepony with a problem I can fix before sundown! My whole life depends on it!
Pinkie Pie: (giggles) Oh, Twilight, you're such a crack-up!
Applejack: Come on now. Have a seat and stop sweatin' the small stuff.
Twilight groaned in frustration and teleported away.
Fluttershy: Wow. I've never seen Twilight so upset before.
Rarity: Oh, what a drama queen. (clears throat) Relatively speaking...
Y/n still stood and watched as his friends dismissed Twilight's concerns.
Maximus: Poor Twilight.
Y/n's shadow continued to talk in his ear.
Shadow: You see that? They saw someone in need and instead of helping, they laughed. I bet they'd do the same to you.
Hearing that, Y/n's brows furrowed, changing his usual stoic look to one of anger.
Y/n: Why didn't you help Twilight Sparkle with her concerns?
Applejack: Oh, Y/n. Twilight's just overreactin'.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, who gets that worked up over a letter?
Y/n: Hm. (looks to Rarity) Did you remember to bring drinks?
Rarity: (gasp) I didn't get the drinks! Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE-
Before Rarity could cry on her couch, Y/n broke it in half with his hoof and it also cracked the ground the picnic blanket was on, shocking everyone. Then Y/n got into Rarity's face.
Y/n: Are you upset I did that? Oh, dear Rarity, you're just... (got in Applejack's face) Overreacting. After all... (got in Rainbow's face) Who gets that worked up over drinks?
Y/n walked off without another word and his Gargoyles flew after him, leaving everyone stund.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, did Twilight come to you about Y/n being more... Y/n then usual?
Rarity: She may have discussed it a little with me earlier.
Fluttershy: Prince Y/n did say something pretty strange while I was giving a message.
Applejack: When it comes to Y/n, I think Twilight might be onto somethin'.
With Y/n.
Maximus: Sire, don't you were a bit harsh?
Y/n: I wonder now if I took it far enough. Now, I got a job for you, Generals. Go to the library and make sure Sparkle isn't partaking in self-destructive nature.
They both nodded and flew away, leaving Y/n to sigh.
At the library.
The Gargoyles flew in to see Twilight looking out the window and saw the sun going down.
Twilight: Clock is ticking, Twilight. Clock. Is. Ticking. Keep it together. If I can't find a friendship problem... I'll make a friendship problem!
Twilight opened a chest and pulled out a wore out doll before running out.
Icarus: This definitely is getting interesting.
Maximus: But also terrifying! We need to report to Prince Y/n immediately!
The two flew off.
With Y/n.
Y/n was just flying in place in the Everfree Forest and his shadow's face showed up again, but this time, Y/n was the first to speak.
Y/n: I've come with a name for you. "Y/n Whisper."
Y/n Whisper: Hm. I claimed to be you and I basically whisper in your ear. Very clever.
Y/n: And I believe you're nothing more than a figment of the darkest parts of my mind to ensure I continue a dark path of thinking.
Y/n Whisper: Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. Believe what you want, but just know; Discord was right. Ponies betrayed you once and laughed as they did, they'll do it again. But it doesn't have to be so. If you want more advice, you know where I'll be.
Y/n Whisper disappeared and that's when the Gargoyles showed up.
Maximus: Sire, we have news. Terrifying news.
Icarus showed Y/n what they saw.
Y/n: Things may not seem bad now, but they can and will escalate.
Maximus: Should we send a letter to Celestia?
Y/n: No. We'll get there faster than a letter.
The Generals flew onto Y/n's shoulders and Y/n rushed to Canterlot in his light form.
Y/n appeared in the throne room where Celestia was talking to Sparta, but stopped when they noticed him.
Princess Celestia: Y/n?
Y/n: Somethings about to go down.
Y/n gave a brief explanation and even showed the recording Icarus had.
Sparta: (sigh) Yep. That seems like Twilight alright.
Princess Celestia: And you are a hundred percent sure something bad will come of this?
At that moment, Celestia received a letter and when she read it, her eyes went wide.
Y/n: Dose that answer your question? Let's go.
The two Alicorns teleported to Ponyville where the majority of its citizens were fighting over Twilight's doll, except for the Mane 6.
Twilight: Don't look at it!
Rarity: Don't look at what?
Twilight: My Smarty-Pants doll! I enchanted her and now everypony is fighting over her!
Fluttershy: Why would you enchant your doll?
Twilight: Oh, I had to do something! I had nothing to report to Princess Celestia! I thought if I couldn't find a problem, I'd make a problem! The day is almost over!
Applejack: Not almost!
The sun had finally set and Twilight slumped to the ground, but then two bright lights took the sky.
Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle!
It was Celestia's white light and Y/n's violet light form.
Applejack: Whoa, nelly.
Y/n: "Whoa, nelly." Is right.
Y/n looked at the Smarty-Pants doll and pointed his horn at it.
Y/n: Hakai!
Y/n destroyed the doll which broke the enchantment. Then him and Celestia landed in front of Twilight.
Princess Celestia: Meet us in the library.
They flew away and Twilight looked defeated.
Twilight: Goodbye, girls. If you care to visit, I'll be in magic kindergarten, back in Canterlot.
Twilight walked away with her head down.
Fluttershy: Magic kindergarten?
Rainbow Dash: Canterlot?
Pinkie: We're never gonna see Twilight again!
Applejack: Uh, what are we gonna do, y'all?
Rarity: Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!
The others looked at her.
Rarity: What? I really mean it this time!
At the library.
Y/n was waiting for Twilight with the Gargoyles and Celestia.
Y/n: So, let's say I'm interested in what you do on a daily basis. What were you talking about with my Captain before I showed up?
Princess Celestia: Oh, he was actually making a request to build you a castle here in Ponyville.
Y/n: A castle?
Icarus: That actually sounds nice. Do tell us more.
Princess Celestia: He thinks you've been roughing it a little too much, so he and the rest of your guards volunteered to make you a castle.
Y/n: I don't know. Being indoors makes it hard to train.
Princess Celestia: You can leave the castle whenever you want and he even has a training room in the design plan. Me and Luna liked the idea, but they need your permission to do it.
Icarus: A castle would be nice, boss.
Maximus: I agree. It would be just like Dark World.
Y/n thought for a moment.
Y/n: Fine. But tell him I'll be watching him and the others closely while they make it
Princess Celestia: I'll be sure to tell him.
Twilight finally arrived.
Y/n: Generals, go sit with Spike.
Maximus: Your Highnesses, p-please go easy on her! Everyone makes mistakes, and her friends wouldn't-
Princess Celestia: Relax, Maxie. You act as if we're gonna eat her alive or something.
Icarus: Well, considering Y/n has done arguably worse than that.
Y/n: Corner.
The Gargoyles flew into the corner with Spike.
Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, what were you thinking starting a riot like that?
Twilight: But, but... I'm supposed to send you a letter about friendship every week. I missed the deadline. I'm a bad student! I'm... tardy!
Princess Celestia: You are a wonderful student, Twilight. I don't have to get a letter every week to know that.
Y/n: I told you, she wouldn't punish you over it, Sparkle.
Twilight: Really?
Suddenly, the Mane 5 bursted in.
Rainbow Dash: Wait!
Pinkie: You can't punish her!
Applejack: It wasn't her fault!
Princess Celestia: I'm listening.
Y/n: Yeah, let's hear what you lot have to say.
Fluttershy: Please, your Highnesses. We all saw that Twilight was upset.
Rainbow Dash: But we thought that the thing she was worrying about wasn't worth worrying about.
Applejack: So when she ran off all worked up, not a single one of us tried to stop her.
Rarity: As Twilight's good friends, we should have taken her feelings seriously and been there for her!
Pinkie: Even N/n thought we should've done more.
Fluttershy: Please don't take her away from us just because we were too insensitive to help her.
Celestia put on a small smile.
Princess Celestia: Looks like you all learned a pretty valuable lesson today.
The Mane did a solem nod.
Princess Celestia: Very well. I'll forget Twilight's "punishment" on one condition.
Mane 5: Anything.
Princess Celestia: From this day forth, I would like you all to report to me your findings on the magic of friendship when, and only when, you happen to discover them.
The Mane 5 cheered and Celestia was about to leave when Twilight stopped her.
Twilight: Princess Celestia, wait! How did you know I was in trouble?
Princess Celestia: Well, a little Prince and a couple Gargoyles told me. Along with your friend Spike. I commend him for taking your feelings seriously.
Twilight looked back to Y/n who gave his usual blank look, with a bit of arrogance in it this time.
Y/n: Well, someone had to if these knaves wouldn't.
Princess Celestia: Now, Y/n, don't hold it against them. You should know how important letting things go is.
Y/n's face darkened.
Y/n: Yeah... I do.
Princess Celestia: You know, I think it would be best if you also reported findings of friendship to me.
Y/n: Doubt I will, but I'll look into it.
He walked away and this made Celestia raise an eyebrow and look at the others.
Twilight: Yeah, that's something I wanted to talk to you about. Y/n has been... off.
Pinkie: You know how I said he told us that we should have done more.
Rainbow Dash: He did that by breaking Rarity's couch, breaking the ground we were having a picnic on and threw words we used back at us.
Applejack: To be fair, that last one is actually understandable.
Celestia was surprised to hear this.
Princess Celestia: Oh, my. Hmm. It might be nothing, but if he makes any other actions like this, tell me along with your friendship report.
The Mane 6 agreed.
Princess Celestia: Now, if you will all excuse me, I must return to Canterlot. I'm expecting some mail.
Celestia flew into the night before teleporting away.
Applejack: Y'all heard the Princess. Spike, take a letter.
Spike got out a paper and quill.
Applejack: (clears throat) "Dear Princess Celestia,We're writin' to you because today we all learned a little somethin' about friendship."
Fluttershy: "We learned that you should take your friends' worries seriously."
Rainbow Dash: "Even if you don't think that she has anything to worry about."
Rarity: "And that you shouldn't let your worries turn a small problem...
Pinkie Pie: ...into an enormously huge entire-town-in-total-chaos Royaltiy-has-to-come-and-save-the-day problem."
Y/n: (sigh) "And even if you think you're alone, there is someone who'll look out for."
Applejack: "Signed, your loyal subjects."
Y/n: "And your brother."
Spike: "P.S. Obviously, Spike did not have to learn a lesson, because he is the best, most awesome friend a pony could ask for. Unlike everypony else, he took things seriously, and-
The others gave Spike a look, but Y/n's gave Spike a shiver.
Spike: Eheh... uh... yeah... I'll just, um...
Spike marked that part out and the others except Y/n laughed while Spike snorted.
To Be Continued.
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