Chapter 2: The Return of Harmony: Part 2

Previously on the Destroyer of Equestria...

A bunch of strange things began happening around Equestria, so the Mane 7 were summoned to Canterlot where they were told about Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. Celestia was going to give them the Elements of Harmony, but it turns out Discord took the Elements and hid them. The Mane 7 along with the Gargoyle Generals went to the labyrinth where they think Discord hid the Elements, but they were separated and Discord corrupted them one by one, with Y/n's being the worst of them all. Will Twilight be able to find the Elements of Harmony and fix everything, or will Equestria be drowned into the throws of Chaos and Destruction? Find out now on, "The Destroyer of Equestria."

Discord continued to laugh until he fell on his back and Pinkie got in his face.

Pinkie: And what are you laughing at?!

Y/n: Isn't it obvious? He's laughing at you, clown.

Pinkie: What did you call me?!

Y/n: I called you exactly what you are. A clown for my entertainment. You try to act tough now, but I know you're just as idiotic as you were before.

Pinkie: Why you-

Fluttershy laughed at that.

Fluttershy: He's got a point, you know.

Y/n: Don't think you can talk. Or did you forget that instead of punching that Griffin in the face, you cried in my shoulders?

Fluttershy: That's changed now!

Y/n: As if. All I need is one hit, and you'd beg me for death.

Icarus gave a small chuckle at that and this angered Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Wanna go?!

Pinkie: Get in line! He's mine!

Y/n: Now, now, ladies. There's plenty of fight to go around, but I do say the odds are a bit unfair.

Fluttershy: Oh, here come the excuses.

Y/n: I meant unfair for you. How about you get a third fighter to even things out?

Y/n looked around and saw Rarity obsessing over her boulder.

Y/n: Found her.

Y/n used his magic to take Rarity's boulder and Y/n stood on top of it.

Rarity: Hey, that's my diamond!

Y/n: Is it? Well, if you want it...

Y/n jumped down in front of the boulder.

Y/n: Come get it.

Maximus: Your Highness, a-aren't you going too far?

Icarus: Oh, please. What are they gonna do to Y/n?

Y/n: Just sit on the sidelines, this won't take too long.

Icarus and Maximus flew over next to Twilight and Applejack and Discord soon joined them with some popcorn.

Discord: Oh, this is gonna be good.

The three mares surrounded Y/n.

Y/n: Before we start, anyone want to join in?

Applejack: I do! Put 'em up!

Twilight: Okay, she didn't mean that! She's lying-

Before Twilight could finish, Y/n speed blitzed Applejack and sent her some distance away.

Y/n: Didn't think so.

He went back to the boulder.

Y/n: Let the battle, begin.

Y/n let out a roar as he emitted a wild, white aura and he broke the ground beneath him.

Twilight: That was the roar I heard earlier!

Discord: Yeah, I unlocked Y/n's hidden potential. Kind of a painful process, but he likes the results I believe.

Fluttershy rushed Y/n who punched her in the jaw and sent her back. He then went to Pinkie and swept her leg before bucking her in the face. Y/n turned back to see Rarity try and take the boulder and he rushed to grab her by the tail with his magic.

Y/n: You haven't earned this yet.

Y/n slammed Rarity into the ground before bucking her towards Fluttershy who came back and flew over Rarity, but Y/n caught her with his magic and kneed Fluttershy in the stomach with his right foreleg, making Fluttershy spit blood. Y/n did it a few more times before throwing her to the side. Pinkie tried to come from behind, but Y/n elbowed her, then kicked her in the air, flew up and gave Pinkie a tombstone pile driver. Rarity jumped at Y/n, but he just blasted her away.

Y/n: You're techniques are sloppy and lack discipline. There's no plan of attack. How pitiful.

Fluttershy and Pinkie slowly got up.

Fluttershy: As much as I hate to say it, he's right.

Pinkie: And as much as I hate to say it, there's only one thing left to do.

Fluttershy and Rarity looked at her.

Pinkie: We're gonna have to jump him.

Rarity: Agreed. But remember, that diamond is mine after we beat him.

Fluttershy and Pinkie went for a pincer attack, but Y/n blocked them with his forelegs. Then Rarity came in and tried to swing a punch at him, but Y/n flew up and axe kicked Rarity into the ground. Pinkie then tried to jump at Y/n, but he bicycle kicked her into Fluttershy and grabbed Rarity to throw at them. Then to finish it off, Y/n blasted them with a decently strong blast which caused a small explosion that left all three of his opponents groaning on the ground.

Y/n: Pathetic. You mortals aren't even worth destroying.

Y/n picked up the boulder.

Y/n: I'll be taking this. Actually...

Y/n broke off a piece of the boulder and threw it at Rarity.

Y/n: Keep it as a reminder of what I did to you.

Rarity: What about the rest?

Y/n gave an evil smirk.

Y/n: Rest? What rest?

Y/n aimed his horn at the rest of the boulder.

Y/n: Hakai!

The violet light covered the boulder and it was destroyed.

Y/n: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to deal with. Generals!

Y/n's Gargoyles flew on his shoulders and he flew over to Canterlot Castle.

On the sidelines.

Twilight was absolutely astonished by the power Y/n displayed while Discord clapped.

Discord: Oh ho! Jolly good show.

Twilight: Are you girls okay?

Fluttershy slowly got up.

Fluttershy: Such a bad colt. I think he's got it for me, though.

Pinkie: Uh, no! He's mine!

Rarity: No, MINE!

Fluttershy: You like him?

Rarity: No, but if you want him, I want him!

Twilight: What?!

Discord: (chuckle) Oh, it's just too entertaining.

Twilight: Stop it, Discord. You're not playing fair.

Discord: I'm not playing fair? Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Hello?

Twilight: How are we supposed to find the Elements of Harmony when you took away the labyrinth before we could get to the end?

Discord: Oh, wait, did you- (laugh) How funny! You thought the Elements were in the labyrinth?

Discord took him and Twilight into a flashback of when they were in the castle.

Flashback Discord: Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.

Discord took them back.

Discord: I never said they were in the labyrinth.

Twilight: But... but...

Discord: Keep trying, Twilight Sparkle. Maybe the magic of friendship can help you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some chaos to wreak.

Discord was about to snap his fingers, but then stopped.

Discord: Do you honestly believe you have a chance with Y/n?

Twilight: Wait, (blushing) what?

Discord: I have eyes, you know. I see the way you look at him. Let me just tell you, sister: You don't have a shot. He's an immortal, Godlike being while you're just a librarian.

Twilight: I don't like Y/n because of his status or what he is, I like him for who he is.

Discord: (laugh) Oh, please. I bet you don't even know all his titles.

Twilight: Prince Y/n, Y/n the Destroyer and Prince of Destruction.

Discord: So close, but you missed one. Prince Y/n the Fallen One.

Twilight: The Fallen One?

Discord: Y/n isn't the great stallion you or even he thought he was. That attitude he showed earlier that was just him being more honest with himself.

Discord teleported out of there and that's when some cotton candy clouds pulled up and began to rain chocolate milk.

Pinkie: Chocolate milk? I hate chocolate milk!

Twilight: (grunt) Think, Twilight, think! "Find the Elements back where you began." Back where you began...

Rarity: Don't touch what's left of my gem!

Fluttershy came over and touched it with the tip of her hoof.

Fluttershy: I'm touching your gem, Rarity. Ha, ha.

Pinkie Pie: What 'chu laughin' at?!

Twilight: Ugh. I just want to go home... Wait a minute... Home! "Back where you began!" The Elements must be in Ponyville.

With Y/n and his Generals.

Y/n hovered near the castle and saw it had a pink dome around it.

Y/n: That dome wasn't there before.

Maximus: Sire, wi-with all due respect, d-do we really have to do this?

Y/n: We've gotta start setting examples, General Maximus. I already tested my new power on those mortals, and now I'll use them to claim what is mine.

Y/n flew down and saw Shining Armor on the other side of the barrier.

Shining Armor: Oh, it's you.

Y/n: You speak as if we've met. Who are you?

Shining Armor: Don't you remember me? I'm Shining-

Y/n: Wait, I just realized I don't care. Now, deliver a message for me, mortal. Tell Princess Celestia to get off that throne and come face the might of Y/n!

Shining Armor: And why would I listen to a flank hole like you?

Y/n's eye twitched.

Icarus: Oh, you should not have said that.

Y/n: I'd think carefully before defying me, colt.

Shining Armor: I'd think before you risk my defiance, (mock bow) "Your Highness." There are over 50 guards that are ready to fight anyone who gets past the barrier.

Y/n: Maybe, but if they're as incompetent as you are, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Now, drop this dome, or else.

Shining Armor: Or else what?

Y/n: Why don't you buck around and find out.

Shining Armor: I will not lower this barrier! I will keep this castle and everypony in it safe!

Y/n: So be it. But just know, anything that happens next, you brought upon yourself.

Y/n let out a roar and his white aura surrounded him. He then punched the barrier and it broke like glass, shocking Shining before Y/n ramed him inside where other guards were and they were about to act when Icarus and Maximus flew in front of them.

Maximus: Please. For your own safety, don't fight Prince Y/n or interfere.

Guard: But the Captain...

Icarus: I get that you want to help your friend, but watch this fight first, then ask yourself if you really want any of it.

Shining Armor got up and tried to punch Y/n, but he blocked it and simply kicked Shining away. Y/n then saw the other guards, took one of their spears and threw it at Shining Armor's hooves.

Shining Armor: What are you doing?

Y/n: You can't beat me in hoof-to-hoof combat, so that spear should even the odds.

Shining Armor: That's nice, but it's too bad for you that you gave me the weapon I specialize in using.

Shining picked up the spear with his magic and and swang it at Y/n who ducked and punched Shining Armor, sending him back before leg sweeping him to the floor. Then Y/n used his magic to grab Shining by the face, lift him up and slammed into the floor. The other guards watched in shock.

Y/n: Had enough?

Shining Armor grunted and began to slowly get up.

Shining Armor: Don't underestimate me. I will-

Y/n: Beat me? Like I haven't heard that at least 20 times. I suggest you stand down before someone, most likely you, gets hurt.

Y/n began to walk away when Shining Armor used his last bit of strength to throw his spear at Y/n, but Y/n teleported out of the way of the spear and reappeared in front of Shining and began to shake his head before punching Shining so hard that it...

Shining past out and Y/n looked at the rest of the guards.

Y/n: Listen, I understand you all are just following orders, so let me give you a new one. Stay out of my way. Failure to do so will have serious consequences. Let's move, Generals.

Icarus and Maximus flew onto Y/n's shoulders and he made his way to the throne room. Some guards did fight back, but he made quick work of them until he entered the throne room where Celestia, Sparta and Twister were.

Y/n: Hello, sister.

With the others.

Twilight: Come on, girls. I'm certain this is what Discord's riddle really meant. If we get back to the library, I have a book that I just know can give us a clue.

Twilight suddenly got trampled by a herd of horse legged rabbits.

Fluttershy: Good boy, Angel. Mama's so proud.

Suddenly, day turned into pitch black night.

Applejack: Wow, I can see so much better now.

Applejack tried to walk, but she slipped and crashed into Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy.

Applejack: I meant to do that.

Twilight tried to get up, but slipped and the sky turned back to day to reveal soap where the ground was.

Twilight: Discord's turned our dirt roads into soap!

Discord came skating by.

Discord: Beautiful, isn't it? This is the new and improved Ponyville, and these are only my first of changes.

Pinkie was also gliding through the soap.

Pinkie: This may look like fun, but it's not.

Twilight let out a frustrated sigh and Discord wrapped his lion paw around Twilight.

Discord: Picture it. The chaos capital of the world.

Discord held Twilight out and turned it back to night.

Twilight: I can't picture anything. It's too dark.

Discord dropped Twilight into a soap.

Discord: Well, wait a few minutes and you'll see it in the beautiful light of day. Or not. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna check on my new partner in crime.

Twilight: Ponyville, the chaos capital of the world? Not if I have anything to say about it.

Fluttershy: Don't worry, you won't.

Fluttershy let out a cruel laugh and Twilight gave another sigh of frustration.

With Discord.

Discord appeared at the castle and looked around and saw things from damaged walls and floors, to beat up guards and the unconscious Shining Armor.

Discord: Yep. Y/n's psychotic flank was definitely through here.

Discord made his way to the throne room where Sparta and Twister ran past him and Discord saw Y/n and the Gargoyles standing over Celestia who had big bruise on her face and smaller ones all over her.

Discord: I'm sorry you had to do it, Y/n, but she didn't leave you much of a choice.

Y/n: I didn't kill her, I couldn't. We're linked. If she dies, I die.

Discord: Wait, then how did she not die when you did?

Y/n: When I separated my Destroyer Magic from me, I also separated what links Celestia to me. The part of her magic that was once merged with my soul. She however still has the part of my magic in her soul.

Discord: All right. Gotcha. Gotcha.

Maximus: What do we do now?

Y/n: We go out to seek and battle creatures that are worthy of my power.

Icarus: Sounds like a plan.

The Generals got on Y/n's shoulders and was about to leave when Discord spoke up.

Discord: Y/n, your old body might be buried somewhere in the Canterlot cemetery.

Y/n: What's that got to do with me?

Discord: Well, you know that magic never truly leaves a pony even after they deceased. So, hypothetically, if you were to absorb your old body, you could get some more of your power back.

This got Y/n's attention.

Discord: But hey, I'm just Discord. What do I know?

Y/n teleported out of there and Discord just smiled.

With the others.

They all got back to the library and it became day again

Twilight: Okay, we're here. Everyone please, please, please just go inside, please?

Applejack: I absolutely refuse.

As Applejack went in, her color faded even more and it turned gray.

Fluttershy: With pleasure.

Fluttershy stomped on some shrubs and her colors also faded more before she went in.

Pinkie: I hate libraries!

Pinkie's colors also faded more and Twilight let out another frustrated sigh while Rarity was holding her small piece of the boulder close and looking around.

Twilight: Pleeeease, we gotta hurry!

Rarity: Forget it, Twilight. I know what you're up to. The second I go in, you'll have your little minion Spike come and take Tom!

Twilight: Tom?

Rarity: Well, it's not going to work.

Rarity's colors also faded.

Twilight: You're not going in without him, are you?

Rarity shook her head no so Twilight picked her up and took them into the library.

Twilight: Fine!

Inside the library.

Spike was sleeping peacefully when Fluttershy splashed a bucket water on him.

Spike: Ah! What did you do that for, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: 'Cause you just looked so peaceful.

Spike: I, uh... Huh?

Twilight came in and accidentally dropped Rarity which made the latter almost drop Tom.

Rarity: Careful, Twilight! You'll ruin his beautiful finish.

Twilight: Oh, for the love of...

Spike: Twilight, what's going on? Why does everybody look so... gray?

Twilight: Don't ask. I need you to help me find something.

Fluttershy: Hey, Twilight, what's soaking wet and clueless?

Twilight: Fluttershy, I've had just about enough-

Fluttershy splashed water on Twilight.

Fluttershy: Your face!

Fluttershy slammed the bucket over Twilight's head.

Spike: What's happened to everypony?

Applejack: I guess you just bring out the worst in us, Spike.

Twilight: Ugh. No time to explain. We've got to find the reference guide to the Elements of Harmony before somepony does something she'll regret!

Spike: The Elements of Harmony? Oh, I know exactly where that book is.

Spike climbed the latter to grab the reference guide.

Spike: Found it!

Fluttershy threw a scroll at Spike and took the book away from him.

Twilight: Fluttershy, you'd better give me that book!

Fluttershy: Keep away!

Fluttershy threw it to Applejack.

Twilight: Hey! Applejack, give me that book!

Applejack: I don't have any book.

Applejack threw the book to Pinkie who instantly threw it back to Fluttershy.

Twilight: Pinkie! You guys!

It went back in forth between Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie.

Twilight: Stop it right now!

Before Fluttershy could catch it, Spike tackled her to the ground, letting the book drop. But before Twilight could take it, Rarity ran in and took it.

Rarity: Mine!

Twilight: Hey, do you even know what you just stole?

Rarity: No, but if you want it, I want it!

Twilight: (strained groan) GIVE ME THAT BOOK!

Twilight ran after Rarity and was about to pounce on her, when Fluttershy flew Rarity out of the way, causing Twilight to hit the ground hard.

Twilight: Where is she? Where's Rarity?

Applejack: Beats me.

Twilight Sparkle: Lies!

The four mares and Spike got into a fight cloud which ended with Twilight getting the book and Spike fending the others off with a scroll.

Twilight: Get back! All of you! This is my book, and I'm going to READ IT!

Twilight opened the book and she gasped when she saw...

Twilight: The Elements! They were here all along!

Spike: This is great! Now you guys can defeat Discord and put everything back to normal.

Twilight looked closer at the Elements and was shocked when she noticed one was missing.

Twilight: Wait, where's the Element of Trust?!

Spike: Isn't that Y/n's Element? Where is he anyway?

Applejack: Oh, he became a homicidal maniac.

Spike: Okay, now I know that's a lie.

Twilight: Actually, it's true.

Spike: What?!

Fluttershy: Yeah. Some of us got the bruises to prove it.

Fluttershy showed Spike her stomach where Y/n kneed her.

Fluttershy: Pretty hot, am I right?

Twilight: (sigh) I never thought it would happen. My friends... have turned into complete jerks!

Twilight took the Elements she did have and slapped them onto their respective owners.

Twilight: Necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, and... (puts on her own Element) big crown thingy! Come on, everypony, let's go!

Spike: But Twilight, aren't you missing two ponies?

Twilight: Nope. We've got the liar, the grump, the hoarder, and the brute. That just about covers it.

Spike: But what about Rainbow Dash? Or Y/n?

Twilight: We're gonna have to do this without him. The Elements worked without his Element before, so I'm sure it will this time.

Spike: And Rainbow Dash?

Twilight thought for a minute.

Twilight: Congratulations, Spike, you're the new Rainbow Dash. Now let's go!

Spike: Me? B-b-but what if she finds out I've been impersonating her? That won't end well.

Twilight: Too bad, you're Rainbow Dash. Now let's go defeat Discord so we don't ever have to talk to each other again!

Everyone rushed out of there and Discord was outside waiting for them.

Discord: Well, well, well, I see you've found the Elements of Harmony. How terrifying!

Twilight: Discord! I've figured out your lame riddle. You're in for it now!

Discord: I certainly am. You've clearly out-dueled me, and now it's time to meet my fate.

Discord summoned a pair of sunglasses.

Discord: I'm prepared to be defeated now, ladies. Fire when ready.

Discord summoned a target on his midsection.

Twilight: Formation, now!

The mane 4 did get into formation, but didn't look to motivated.

Twilight: "Rainbow Dash", get over here.

Spike gulped before joining the others.

Twilight: All right, let's get this over with.

The Elements began to glow except for Loyalty and the mane 5 began floating in the air with Twilight's eyes glowing white, but then it suddenly stopped.

Twilight: What's going on?

Applejack: Mine's workin'. There must be somethin' wrong with yours.

Pinkie Pie: I HATE the Elements of Harmony!

Fluttershy: (scoffs and throws her Element away) Garbage.

Rarity: MINE!

Rarity took the Element of Kindness and ran off.

Spike: Sorry, Twilight. I guess I'd better get back upstairs and clean up the library. Good luck with all this- (got grabbed by the Element of Loyalty) whoa!

Spike was pulled to Y/n who had a gray coat and his Generals on his shoulders.

Twilight: Y/n?

Spike: Icarus? Maximus?

Icarus: Hey, Spike.

Maximus: I-I'm so terribly sorry, but my liege has chosen you as his new opponent.

Spike: Wait, what?!

Y/n: You thought yourself worthy of being an Element of Harmony.

Spike: N-N-No! I would never think that!

Y/n: But you wear the Element of Loyalty, so that means you believe you can replace Rainbow Dash. Let's see if you're as strong. If you can't break out of my magical grip before my head contacts with your skull, there will be no further fight.

Spike: W-Wait! Please, I didn't even want to do this! Twilight made me!

Twilight: Y/n, please don't-

Y/n bashed his head against Spike's, not stabbing him with his horn, but it did cause Spike to bleed from his head. He did this a few more times, leaving Spike groaning as he passed out and Twilight could do nothing but watch in shock and horror.

Fluttershy: Ooh. (blushing) So bad.

Pinkie: (blushing) I know. So don't get any ideas!

Y/n threw Spike to the side.

Y/n: How disappointing. I was hoping he'd at least scratch me.

Y/n looked to Twilight.

Y/n: I saw that stunt you tried to pull, and because I pity you, I'll tell you why it didn't work. First, the Element bearers need to actually represent their Element. Second, the Elements can only be used by its original owner. And finally, you need all of the Elements to be together.

Twilight: But I couldn't find your Element.

Y/n: You mean, this Element?

Icarus began spinning Y/n's Element with his finger.

Icarus: It looks just a nice as Y/n described.

Twilight: You three had it?!

Y/n: Of course. I figured out Discord's riddle and came here before I went to the castle to claim what is mine.

Twilight: Prince Y/n, please! I need your help to stop Discord!

Y/n: And why would I help you with that?

Twilight: What?

Discord slithered next to Y/n like a snake.

Discord: See, unlike you ponies, I give my pal Y/n here the respect and acknowledgement he deserves. And with the two of us together, harmony in Equestria is officially dead. Discord and Y/n rule, Celestia drools.

Discord laughed before disappearing.

Twilight: Y/n, how could you turn your backs on us and side with Discord!?

Y/n: I'm just turning my back on all of you before you could do so on me.

Twilight: And what makes Discord so trustworthy?

Y/n: He isn't. I'm just keeping him around for power. The second he even thinks of stabbing me in the back, I will stop him by myself. You peasants will only slow me down.

Twilight looked to Icarus and Maximus.

Twilight: Icarus, Maximus, please. Say something.

Icarus: What can we say, Twilight? He's the boss?

Maximus: W-We can't defy the will of Prince Y/n!

Twilight: Y/n, don't do this. You can't just hurt everypony in Equestria.

Y/n: Who said I'm stopping at Equestria. See, I realized something. Why have just one kingdom, when I can have this entire world? Every dragon, Griffin and Yak will beg for their lives at the hooves of the Prince of Destruction!

Twilight: But Y/n, we're friends!

Y/n: Were we? It feels like such a long time ago. If only I could, "remember." I'll be leaving now, and unless you want to be erased, I suggest you stay out of the way. Generals.

Maximus: C-Coming.

Maximus just got done wrapping Spike's head.

Icarus: Figured it was the least we could do.

The Generals flew over to Y/n who teleported away and Twilight could just reach her hoof where he used to be and let tears fall.

Pinkie: It's your fault it didn't work.

Twilight: Who are you talking to?

Pinkie: Any of you! ALL OF YOU! I'm outta here!

Pinkie hopped away.

Applejack: I better go, too. I've got new better friends waiting for me at the farm.

Applejack left too and Rarity followed soon after.

Fluttershy: Yeah! I'm sick of you losers.

Fluttershy flew away.

Twilight: FINE! Leave! See if I care! I don't need you guys either! With friends like you, who needs... enemies?

Twilight's colors faded to gray and she let out another tear that formed a broken heart when it landed on the ground.


Twilight was just walking through the chaos filled Ponyville with a cotton candy cloud following her and raining chocolate milk on her. She was passed by things like the horse legged rabbits, Buffaloes dancing ballet, a pony running on the sky, floating pies, and a little pink Earth Pony filly with a whirly hat flipping her lips with her hoof, and occasional explosion that were most likely caused by Y/n. That's when Discord appeared laughing.

Discord: Oh, my stomach! Twilight, you've got to see what I just did.

Discord had a big pepper shaker shake pepper on a mare which made her sneeze so hard, she knocked all the houses around her down.

Discord: It's priceless!

Twilight was still down.

Discord: Come now, Twilight Sparkle. You've got to get into the spirit of things! After all, this is your new home.

Twilight: Not anymore...

Twilight walked away.

Discord: YES!

Discord gave atriumphant laugh as Twilight went back to the library. He then teleported to Y/n who was in the middle of a pretty beat up area.

Icarus: You did better that time, boss.

Discord: Hello, Y/n. You never did tell me how your "grave" detour went.

Y/n: You were right. My old body was in the the Canterlot cemetery and it wasn't too hard to find. It was mummified and missing a wing so I know what specific necromancy spell was used on me. I absorbed the body and even though it didn't have any Destroyer Magic in it, it gave me more power. Power I'm now testing on my Generals.

Discord looked at the Gargoyles that weren't no bigger than Spike.

Discord: Them?

Y/n: Don't let their small statures foul you. My Generals are more than meets the eye. Now, are we to discuss your end of the bargain?

Discord: Don't worry. I'm looking high and low for the rest of your power. Rest assured, I'll leave no stone unturned.

He looked at a small pebble and looked under it.

At the library.

Twilight: Pack your things, Spike, we're leaving.

Spike just laid on the ground groaning.

Twilight: Don't ask where we're going, 'cause I don't know yet. Just not here.

Spike: Can't... move... The Princess... has been sending these... since I came back upstairs.

Spike burped a letter that was added to a big pile.

Spike: Make it stop!

Twilight: These are all the letters I've written to the Princess since I've lived in Ponyville. But why would she send them back?

Spike burped out another letter and Twilight began to read them all.

Twilight: "Real friends don't care what your cover is."
"Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing."
"And like the path cut through the orchard, there will always be a way through."
"The best thing to do is stay true to yourself."
"Everypony has a special magical connection with her friends. Maybe even before she's met them."

When Twilight finished reading, she got her color back.

Twilight: Spike! Spike, it's all so clear! Can't you see?

Twilight took Spike into her magical grasp.

Twilight: Discord's trying to distract us from what's important. He knows how powerful our friendships are, and he's trying to keep us from seeing it. Do you remember what I said the first day we arrived in Ponyville? I told you that the future of Equestria didn't rest on me making friends. But the opposite is true! The friendships I've made since I've been here are what saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon, and now they need to save it from Discord!

She laid Spike in his bed and he let out a groan.

Twilight: You're right, Spike. I've got to fight for my friendships. For them. For me. For Equestria!

Spike let out another groan.

Twilight: Oh, uh... why don't you just stay here and rest? I'll take care of the whole fighting for friendship thing myself.

Twilight left Spike to rest.

Twilight: Question is, how do I do that?

She thought for a moment then remembered what Y/n said.


Twilight: But Y/n, we're friends!

Y/n: Were we? It feels like such a long time ago. If only I could, "remember."

End flashback.

Twilight: That's it! I gotta make them remember! But why would he give me a clue? Unless...

At Sweet Apple Acres.

Big Mac was in the field acting like a dog, Granny Smith was tap dancing while Applejack was just leaning against the barn, eating apples in reverse.

Applejack: And so I tried to defeat Discord, but none of my so-called "friends" would lift a hoof to help me.

Twilight showed up right then.

Twilight: Applejack, I'm here to fight for our friendship.

Big Mac came from the ground and licked Twilight's face.

Applejack: Oh, now you want to fight. Where were you when I was battlin' Discord?

Twilight tackled Applejack to the ground.

Twilight: Snap out of it. This isn't you! You're not a liar.

Twilight put her horn on Applejack's head and made the mare remember everything about Applebuck Season and more, causing Applejack to get her color back.

Applejack: Wh-what happened? Twilight! (sigh) I saw a vision of us feudin' and fightin'. I couldn't face the truth, so I started tellin' lies. Can you ever forgive me?

Twilight: I already have. Come on!


Applejack had Fluttershy tied up so Twilight could do the spell and Fluttershy got her color back.

Fluttershy: Oh no! Twilight, Applejack, I just had the worst dream!

At Carousel Boutique.
Rarity: What do you think you're doing? Get away from my gem! Get away-

Rarity had the spell casted on her and she threw out Tom.

Rarity: Let us never speak of this again.


Applejack carried a cured Pinkie in a wagon.

Pinkie: (laughing) And I-I turned gray! Can you believe it?!

At Rainbow's cloud home.

Fluttershy looked inside, but didn't see Rainbow.

Fluttershy: Huh? She's not here.

Twilight: Without Rainbow Dash, we can't use the Elements.

Applejack: She could be anywhere by now! We're never gonna find her.

Pinkie: Yeah, we will, 'cause she's right there!

Pinkie pointed to a gray Rainbow who was laying on a cloud.

Twilight: Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash: Hey, guys!

Twilight: We've been looking everywhere for you!

Rainbow Dash: That's nice.

Twilight: Discord's still on the loose! We need you to help us defeat him with your element, Loyalty!

Rainbow Dash: Pfft. Loyalty, schmoyalty! Have you guys seen Ponyville? It's a disaster! I'm staying here in Cloudsdale where everything's awesome.

Rarity: How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of clouds is Cloudsdale?

Applejack: The same way he got you to think that cheap rock was a bona fide diamond.

Rarity: I thought we agreed never to speak of that again.

Twilight: Time for plan B.


Rainbow Dash was asleep and the others flew up to her in a hot-air balloon except Fluttershy who just flew up there.

Twilight: (Whispering: Okay, Fluttershy, you grab Rainbow Dash and hold her down. Applejack will lower me down from this rope so I can cast the memory spell on her.)

Fluttershy: Got it!

Fluttershy flew down to Rainbow and instead of pinning her down, she shook her awake.

Fluttershy: Um...I'm just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?

Twilight facehooved.

Rainbow Dash: Nice try! Ponyville's your problem, not mine.

Rainbow took her cloud and zoomed off. Then a rope came down to Fluttershy.

Twilight: Come on, Fluttershy, we've got to catch her.

Fluttershy pulled the balloon to follow Rainbow who did various turns to try and confuse them, when she was suddenly hit by a powerful kick that destroyed her cloud and sent Rainbow hurtling to the ground and the others were shocked to see it was Y/n.

Y/n: Trying to fix them so you may use the Elements?

Twilight: That's exactly what I'm doing!

Twilight quickly brought the balloon down, ran to Rainbow and cast the memory spell on her.

Rainbow Dash: Wh-what happened? (gasp) How's Ponyville? Where are the Elements?! Did we stop Discord?

The mane 5 cheered and did a group with Rainbow.

Twilight: Maybe it's a little early for a group hug.

Y/n flew down to them and broke the ground and broke it when he landed.

Y/n: So, you really think you're about to use the Elements of Harmony?

Applejack: You're darn right!

Rarity: Twilight, use the spell on him!

Twilight: I don't need to.

Mane 5: What?!

Fluttershy: Why not?

Twilight: Because I think His Highness is ready to drop the act.

The mane 5 were confused, but then Y/n's aura disappeared and his colors and eyes turned back to normal.

Y/n: Clever mare.

Mane 5: What?!

Applejack: So, let me get this straight. You weren't being controlled?!

Y/n: I was... at first. Here's what happened.


Y/n was standing across from Celestia who was flanked by Sparta and Twister.

Y/n: Hello, sister.

Princess Celestia: Y/n, what are you doing?

Y/n: I shall claim what is mine.

Sparta: Prince Y/n, please don't do this!

Twister Hurricane: We don't want to fight you!

Y/n: Too bad that's all I want to do. Icarus, Maximus, be ready if I need you!

Icarus: Of course.

Maximus: As you command.

They were about to fight when suddenly, Y/n began to grab his head and grunt, confusing everyone.

Icarus: Boss, you feeling okay?

Princess Celestia: Y/n?

Y/n let out a scream before dropping to a knee and turning back to his normal color.

Maximus: Sire! Are you alright?

Y/n opened his eyes to reveal they weren't red anymore.

Y/n: Ugh. Finally, I broke the control.

Princess Celestia: Y/n, what happened?!

One quick explanation later.

Sparta: So, this Discord tricked everyone?

Twister Hurricane: And had you fight the other Elements?

Princess Celestia: I'm sorry you had to go through that, brother.

Y/n: We knew what we were getting ourselves into.

Sparta: But wait a minute, how did you break free?

Y/n: I've always had a strong will. Gives me great resistance to anything that would mess with my psyche.

Icarus: In simple terms, he can resist mind control. Sometimes he can resist it right away. Other times, he needs a little bit to break free.

Y/n: On the bright side, I got a new power. If I fight Discord with my Generals and you Agents, we won't need the Elements of Harmony.

Sparta: That Potential Unleashed form did look pretty powerful.

Twister Hurricane: And I've been itching for some real action.

Icarus: Same here.

Princess Celestia: Hold on. I still think this problem should be solved by the Elements.

Y/n looked over to Celestia and narrowed his eyes.

Y/n: Why?

Princess Celestia: Because... you don't even know if you're enough. The Elements of Harmony are a sure win method.

Icarus: She's got you there, boss.

Y/n could tell that even though Celestia wasn't lying, he knew it wasn't the full explanation, but for now he decided not to push further.

Y/n: All right. But if Twilight fails, we do it my way. For now, I better put up an act. Discord needs to believe I beat you within an inch of your life.

Princess Celestia: How would we do that?

Y/n went over to one of Celestia's potted plants, grabbed some dirt and began rubbing it on Celestia.

Y/n: These dirt patches should look like bruises. Generals, follow my lead.

The Generals helped with the dirt rubbing.

Sparta: That actually looks pretty convincing.

Twister Hurricane: You missed the face though.

Y/n: There's a reason for that. (looks to Celestia) I apologize in advance.

Princess Celestia: For what?

Y/n entered his Potential Unleashed form and punched Celestia so hard, it left a big bruise, shocking Sparta and Twister and even the Generals.

Princess Celestia: Ow! Bitch!

Twister Hurricane: Language, dear.

Celestia narrowed her eyes at Twister before looking to Y/n for an explanation.

Y/n: If I want to make my act convincing, there needs to be at least one real bruise. Now, (uses a spell to give his color a darker shade) you lay on the ground and pretend to be knocked out.

Celestia did so and Y/n looked at his Captain and Corporal.

Y/n: Help the Solar Guards that I hurt into the medical ward. Give the one with a severely broken jaw this Mystic Berry.

Y/n handed it to his Guards and they saluted.

Y/n: I'll come back later to give you one, Celestia. Now, let's move.

Sparta and Twister ran to the door and ran past Discord.

End flashback.

Y/n: And now you're caught up. Now the real question is; How did you know I was faking, Sparkle?

Twilight: When you talked to be at the library, the way you said, "remember" it sounded like you were giving me a clue. But if what you said is true, then that means you were fully conscious when you bashed in Spike's head.

Y/n: I was, but I sent him a few things to help get better.

With Spike.

Spike had just woken up and saw Icarus and Maximus sitting beside him.

Spike: Icarus, Maximus?

He reached out and touched Maximus' nose.

Maximus: Yes, it's us.

Spike: Sorry. Had to make sure you were real or if it was just the headache making me hallucinate.

Icarus: Don't worry, bud. We got just the thing.

Icarus held out a Mystic Berry.

Icarus: Just take one of these and call us in the morning.

With the others.

Y/n: Now, let's get this over with.

Y/n whispered an incantation that summoned the Element of Trust to him and he took off his crown to put it on.

With Discord.

Discord was sitting on a throne watching over the chaos he was spreading and used a chocolate milk rain cloud to fill a glass.

Discord: (laught) Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Discord was about to drink his chocolate milk when the Mane 6 showed up with their Elements.

Twilight: Not as wonderful as friendship.

Discord: Oh, this again?

Discord drank the glass, leaving the chocolate milk then threw it to the side, causing an explosion.

Applejack: That's right. You couldn't break apart our friendship for long.

Discord: Oh, Applejack. Don't lie to me.

Discord used his magic to pull Applejack closer to him by her Element.

Discord: I'm the one who made you a liar.

Discord pulled the others except for Twilight towards him.

Discord: Will you ever learn?

Twilight: Y/n!

Discord: Y/n?

Y/n came rushing in his Potential Unleashed form and punched Discord in the jaw, causing him to let the Mane 5 go.

Discord: Y/n? You betrayed me?

Y/n: Betray you? I was never on your side. I was on my friends' side.

Twilight: I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord: we've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!

Discord: Ugh, gag. Fine, go ahead. Try and use your little Elements. Friend me. Just make it quick. I'm missing some excellent chaos here.

Twilight: All right, guys, let's show him what friendship can do!

Pinkie: Wait-wait-wait!

Pinkie drank from a chocolate milk rain cloud.

Y/n: Of course.

Pinkie joined the others and the Elements began to glow.

Discord: Huh. What's this? No.

The Mane 7 were lifted into the air, their eyes burning white as they shot the rainbow blast at Discord, turning him back to stone and turning all of Ponyville back to normal.

Later at Canterlot.

The Mane 7 entered the throne room where there was a big crowd and Celestia was in front of the throne. They walked towards Celestia who greeted them with a smile. Spike, Icarus and Maximus were also there. Then Celestia addressed the crowd.

Princess Celestia: We are gathered here today to once again honor the heroism of these seven friends, who stood up to the villain Discord and saved Equestria from eternal chaos.

The crowd cheered as Celestia showed a new stained glass of the Mane 7 defeating Discord. While the others were enjoying the celebration, Y/n walked over to Celestia.

Princess Celestia: Hey, Y/n. If you've come to apologize, I want you to know that all is forgiven.

Y/n: Actually, I came to ask you about something.

Princess Celestia: Sure. What is it, little brother?

Y/n: What was the reason you were so insistent on using the Elements to stop Discord?

Princess Celestia: I already told you. So we would have a guaranteed win.

Y/n: I know that's not the full reason.

Celestia was surprised he could tell.

Y/n: I insist you tell me, sister. Or do I need to assume you're hiding things from me?

Celestia was taken aback by how Y/n was coming at her then she sighed.

Princess Celestia: Fine, I'll tell you. But you can't talk about this with anyone. Especially Icarus, that Gargoyle couldn't keep his mouth shut to save his life.

Celestia whispered into Y/n's ear and what he heard surprised him.


The Mane 7 were at the castle exit until Y/n stopped.

Twilight: Prince Y/n, what's wrong?

Y/n: You lot go ahead to Ponyville. I'm gonna rest here for a bit.

Twilight: Well, okay. Send a letter if you need anything.

Fluttershy: We hope you feel better soon, Your Highness.

Y/n went to his quarters with his Gargoyles and he laid in his bed. Looking at his hoof, he remembered what Discord said.


Y/n: They are my friends, they trust me.

Discord: I don't doubt that, but can you trust them? I bet they're just waiting for a chance to betray you and take everything. Even your own sister, Celestia isn't an exception to this. Why else would she sit in that throne all cozy and make you do her dirty work?

End flashback.

Maximus: M-My Lord, what are you thinking about?

Y/n suddenly entered Potential Unleashed.

Y/n: You know, Discord may have been a fool and a trickster, but somewhere among his tricks, maybe there was something true.

Y/n closed his eyes and his wild aura calmed down as well as go from white to violet. Y/n then opened his eyes to show they went from glowing red to violet and he gave a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Y/n: Prepare yourselves, Generals. It's time a few things changed around here.

Y/n then unexpectedly began to give a low chuckle that Icarus joined in before Y/n's chuckle turned into a demonic laugh.


The cloaked figure watch the scene with glee.

???: Yes, all according to plan. Now, I just gotta wait for him to really snap, then Equestria will be mine!

The figure let out a laugh before fading to black.

To Be Continued.

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