Chapter 5: Applebuck Season

Applejack and her big brother Big Macintosh were looking over their orchard of apple trees.

Applejack: Boy howdy! I got my work cut out for me! That there is the biggest bumper crop of apples I ever laid eyes on.

She turned to Big Mac who was chewing on some hay and had a cast around his side.

Big Macintosh: Eeyep! Too big for you to handle on your own.

Applejack: Come on, big brother. You need to rest up and get yourself better. I haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle.

She accidentally touched his hurt side.

Applejack: Oops. Sorry. I'll take a bite out of this job by day's end.

Big Mac: Biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of.

Applejack: Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises my legs can't keep?

Big Mac: Eeyep.

Applejack: Why, of all the- This is your sister Applejack, remember?! The loyalist of friends and the most dependable of ponies!

Big Mac: But still only one pony. And one pony plus hundreds of apple trees just doesn't add up to-

Applejack: Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue. I said I could handle this Harvest, and I'm gonna prove it to you! I'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this Applebuck Season all by myself!

She stared at the trees and gulped.

Y/n was in the forest breaking trees and rocks.

Y/n: That's enough for now. I'll go see if Pinkie Pie has anything for me.

Y/n walked into Ponyville and felt the ground shake, so he flew up with Rainbow to see what it was. They saw a bunch of cows rushing towards the town.

Rainbow Dash: Stampede!

The ponies began running inside all while Pinkie was vibrating on the ground.

Pinkie: (vibrating) Hey! This makes my voice sound silly!

Twilight: Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?! Run!

Mayor Mare: Everypony calm down. There is no need to panic.

Rarity: But, mayor, whatever shall we do?!

Y/n: Leave it to me.

Y/n flew towards the cows and saw Applejack with a little dog running with them.

Applejack: Yeehaw!

Y/n: Applejack, what's going on?

Applejack: I don't know, they just went wild. Good thing I've got Winona here with me.

Y/n: I'm guessing that's what that dog's name is.

Applejack: Eeyep.

Y/n: If you can lead them somewhere further away from Ponyville, me and your dog can keep them in line.

Applejack: Alrighty. Other side, Winona.

The three lead the cows away from Ponyville using a rope and magic blast to keep them straight. Everypony cheered before Applejack stopped the herd.

Applejack: Hoo-whee! Now, what was that all about?

Cow: Moo. (clears throat) Oh, my. Begging your pardon, Applejack, but Mooriella here saw one of those nasty snakes.

All the cows gasped.

Cow: And it just gave us all the willies, don't you know?

Applejack: I completely understand. Just, next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville.

Cow: We certainly will, Applejack. So long, Winona! And you two, your highness!

Applejack: Thanks for the help, Prince.

Y/n: Meh. I was just doing what I'm supposed to.

When they got back to Ponyville, everyone cheered. Applejack went back to Sweet Apple Acres while Y/n walked back to Ponyville.

Twilight: Y/n, that was amazing!

Y/n: Hmm. Thank you.

Mayor Mare: You and Applejack were just- just-

Pinkie: Appletastic!

Mayor Mare: Exactly! We must do something to thank Applejack and the Prince for saving the town.

Y/n: Please, Mayor, I require no thanks.

Mayor Mare: Very well.

Pinkie: I know!

Y/n: Let me guess, a party?

Pinkie: A party!


All of Ponyville got decorated to celebrate Applejack.

Twilight: We all ready?

Rarity: Just one last thing.

Rarity used her magic to hang up a banner with a big red apple on it.

Rarity: Now we're ready.

Twilight: Is Applejack all set?

Rainbow Dash: Actually, I haven't seen her all week.

Pinkie: Not since the stampede.

Rainbow Dash: But she'll be here for sure. Applejack is never late

Y/n: She better. This is really cutting into my training time.

A few minutes later.

Twilight went to a Podium and brought out a stack of note cards that she began to read out.

Twilight: Welcome, everypony. Today, we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters Great and Small... A pony whose contributions to-

Rainbow Dash: Did you see Applejack's slick moves out there? What an athlete! This week, she's gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it's gonna be so awesome!

Twilight: Exactly, and-

Pinkie: This week, I get to run Sugarcube Corner for the very first time!

Twilight: What does that have to do with Applejack?

Pinkie: (blink) Oh, Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!

Everyone began to cheer.

Twilight: Okay, that's great. Now, if I could just make a point without being inter-

Fluttershy: Twilight?

Twilight: -Rupted.

Fluttershy: Twilight, I'm so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season. She's gonna help gather them using her wonderful herding skills.

Twilight: Anyone else? Anyone?

No one else spoke up.

Twilight: No? Well, then, as I was trying to say-

The mayor was standing right next to her with a huge grin.

Twilight: Ugh! Never mind.

Mayor Mare took Twilight's place on the Podium.

Mayor Mare: (clears throat) And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to get the price Pony of Ponyville award to our beloved guest of honor, a pony of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity, Ponyville's most capable and dependable friend, Applejack!

Everyone cheered, but when they saw Applejack wasn't there, they all gasped.

Spike: Way to go, Applejack! That was awesome! I mean- (blushing)

There was a very awkward silence afterwards.

Spike: Awkward.

Applejack: I'm here! I'm here!

Applejack came on the stage with a bunch of apples and she looked really tired.

Applejack: Sorry I'm late.

She got in the mayor's face.

Applejack: Miss Mayor... Thank you kindly for this here, uh, award thingy. (yawn) It's so bright and shiny, and (chuckle) I sure do look funny. Whoo, whoo!

Pinkie/Applejack: Whoo! (giggle) Whoo!

Y/n: Has Applejack suddenly become another Pinkie?

Twilight: Okay. Well, thank you, Applejack, for saving us from that scary stampede and always being there for everypony.

Applejack: (yawn) Yeah. I like helpin' the pony folks and- (yawn) and stuff.

Applejack fell asleep for a quick second before jolting awake.

Applejack: Oh! Uh, yeah! Uh, thanks!

Applejack took the trophy with her mouth and began to drag it away.

Twilight: Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little-

Rainbow Dash: Tired?

Fluttershy: Dizzy.

Y/n: Over exerted?

Rarity: Messy?

Everyone just looked at her.

Rarity: Well, did you see her mane?

Y/n: Isn't that what it normally looks like?

Pinkie: She seemed fine to me. Whoo! Whoo!

Twilight: Hmm.

Y/n: We're checking on her, aren't we?

Twilight: Yep. Wanna come? Or are you busy?

Y/n: Well, I should do my job and make sure one of the Elements of Harmony are okay. Sure, I'll go.

They went over to Sweet Apple Acres where they saw Applejack struggling to buck a tree.

Twilight: What on Earth is that pony doing?

Y/n: If it's looking like a complete fool, she's doing it right.

Twilight: Hey, Applejack!

Applejack fell asleep.

Twilight: Applejack! Applejack!

Y/n went over to Applejack and lightly tapped her.

Y/n: Wake up, Applejack!

Applejack woke up and shook her head.

Applejack: Howdy, Y/n. Howdy, Twilight.

Twilight: What is all this?

Applejack: It's Applebuck season..

Twilight: Apple-what season?

Applejack: (grunt) It's what the Apple family calls harvestin' time. We gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell them.

Twilight: But why are you doing it all alone?

Applejack: 'Cause Big Macintosh hurt himself.

Y/n: How?

Applejack: He doesn't like to talk about it.

Twilight: Well, what about all those relatives I met when I first came to Ponyville? Can't they help?

Applejack: They were just here for the Apple family reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin' their own Orchards. So, uh, I'm on my own. Which means I should really get back to work. Hint, hint. Back to work.

Twilight: Fine.

Twilight stepped out of the way.

Applejack: Uh, could you step aside, Twilight?

Twilight: I... just did. Applejack, you don't look so good.

Y/n: You're overworking yourself.

Applejack: Don't none of you six worry none. I'm just fine and dandy.

Y/n: Her fatigue is clearly catching up with her.

Twilight: Do you want some help?

Applejack: Help? (scoff) No way, no how!

Twilight: But there's no way you can do it all on your own.

Applejack: Is that a challenge?

Y/n: No, it's a fact.

Applejack: Well, I'm gonna prove to you that I can do it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got apples to buck.

Applejack walked past both of them.

Twilight: Oh, what are we gonna do?

Y/n: I don't have any options, unless you want me to knock her out.

Applejack: (from the distance) Don't you dare!

Twilight: I agree with her. I don't think you should resort to such a violent method.

Y/n: Well, you're more than free to come up with something better.

The next day.

Y/n was walking through Ponyville minding his own business when he saw a rainbow trail above him and heard screaming coming from it.

Y/n: Is that Rainbow Dash?

He ran after Rainbow and they both ended up at the Golden Oak Library where Twilight was reading on the balcony.

Twilight: Can I help you?

Y/n: I was just following this one.

Rainbow Dash: I think somepony needs your help.

Twilight/Y/n: Applejack?

Rainbow Dash: Yep.

At Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack bucked another tree, but hit her head as she was picking up an apple that's when Twilight and Y/n walked over to her.

Twilight: Applejack, can we talk?

Applejack: Can bees squawk?! I don't think so!

Twilight: No. Can we talk?

Applejack: 20 stocks?! Bean or celery?

Twilight: No! I need to talk to you!

Applejack: You need to walk to the zoo?! Well, what's stoppin' you?!

Y/n: (sigh) Her exhaustion also seems to be affecting her hearing. Here, let me. (clears throat) (booming voice) We need to talk to you!

Applejack: Oh! Well, why didn't you say so?! What you wanna talk about?!

Twilight: Rainbow Dash dropped in to see me today.

Applejack: That's quite neighborly of her!

Twilight: Yes, except that she crashed onto my balcony after you launched her into the air.

Applejack: Oh, yeah. I wasn't feelin' quite myself this mornin'.

Twilight: Because you're working too hard, and you need help!

Applejack: What? Kelp? I don't need kelp. I don't even like seaweed.

Twilight: Help! You need help!!

Applejack: Nothin' doin', Twilight. I'm gonna prove to you, to everypony, that I can do this on my own.

Applejack walked into a branch.

Applejack: Ow! Now, if you'll excuse me, I got to go help Pinkie Pie.

Y/n: What an obnoxious, stubborn mare.

Applejack: (from the distance) I heard that Y/n!

Y/n: Whatever. I'll be off.

He flew off into the Everfree forest.


Y/n went into Sugarcube Corner.

Y/n: Hey, Pinkie Pie. I was wondering if you had any-

He looked around, but didn't see Pinkie.

Y/n: Pinkie Pie?

He looked around again until he saw Mr and Mrs. Cake.

Y/n: You, Cakes.

Mr. Cake: Oh, why hello there, Prince Y/n.

Y/n: Where's Pinkie Pie?

Mrs. Cake: Oh, she got sick and had to go to the hospital. Along with a number of other ponies, but we got word that everyone's making a quick recovery.

Y/n: How did they all get sick?

Mr. Cake pulled out a plate of baked goods, but they didn't look very good.

Y/n: Let me guess. Applejack helped make these?

They both nodded.

Y/n: (takes the plate) I'll dispose of these for you then I myself will go have a talk with that mare.

Mr. Cake: Thank you kindly, your highness.

Y/n walked out then looked at the plate before he disintegrated it with a blast.

Y/n: Confections like that shouldn't exist.

Y/n walked on until he ran into Twilight.

Twilight: Oh, Y/n. I'm guessing you heard.

Y/n: Making Rainbow Dash crash was one thing, but she crossed the line when she nearly killed my baker. Tell Fluttershy that Applejack's gonna have to cancel bunny herding.

Twilight: I don't like where this is going.

Y/n: Just trust me.

He teleported to Sweet Apple Acres.

Y/n: Applejack.

Applejack: What no-

Y/n punched Applejack square in the stomach, knocking her out.

Y/n: Sorry, Honesty, but it's for your own good.

Twilight ran over to them.

Twilight: Y/n, did you really knock her out?!

Y/n: She'll thank me later. Now, let's get the others and finish this Applebuck Season.


Rainbow bucked trees to make apples fall into Pinkie's wagon and Rarity and Fluttershy did the same to fill their baskets. While Twilight and Y/n used their magic to put loads of apples in big baskets.

Y/n: And that should be the last of it. We did good, guys.

Applejack woke up and saw her trees were rid of apples.

Applejack: Wha- Y/n!

Y/n: Applejack, I did what I-

Applejack: Dangnabbit, Y/n! I thought I made it clear that I wanted to do this on my own! But no! You had to step in and be the bigger pony to make me look like a weak and unreliable mare!

Y/n: I assure you, that wasn't my intention.

Applejack: You are just some stuck up, good for nothing Prince.

All the other mares had different reactions to that. Fluttershy let out some tears, Pinkie's mane deflated a little in sadness, Rarity had a face of shock, Rainbow was disappointed and Twilight had a face of anger, even Applejack went wide eyed when she realized what she said. The only one who kept a straight face.

Y/n: So, that's what you think of me?

Applejack: Y/n, I didn't mean-

Y/n: It's fine. I know when I'm not wanted.

He flew away and Twilight ran after him.

Rainbow Dash: What was that?!

Applejack: I wasn't thinking.

Rarity: Y/n did all this because he told us that he and Twilight kept offering to help, but you wouldn't take it willingly.

Pinkie: Yeah! He didn't do this to be a meanie!

Rainbow: He also did it because he was doing his job.

Applejack: His job?

Fluttershy: (wipe away tears) He told us that you started being a threat after the baked goods.

Pinkie: Those weren't baked goods! Those were baked bads! Ew!

Rarity: And as Prince, it's his job to keep Ponyville safe.

Applejack: I didn't know.

Rainbow Dash: Of course you didn't. You were blinded by your stubbornness. Applejack, you're a great pony, but even you can't do everything on your own.

Applejack: You're right. I'm sorry, girls.

Rarity: Oh, we forgive you, darling.

Fluttershy: Yeah, it's fine. We forgive you.

Pinkie: Yeah. We're all still friends.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, but there's someone else you should apologize to.

In Ponyville.

Y/n was walking through the streets of Ponyville while Twilight was following.

Twilight: Y/n, I'm sure Applejack didn't mean what she said.

Y/n: I couldn't care less if she meant it or not.

Applejack: Y/n!

Y/n: What do you want?

Applejack: I came to apologize for what I said and for how stubborn I was actin'..

Y/n: (sigh) It's fine.

Applejack: So, are we still friends?

Y/n: I suppose. If you start excepting help and don't try to kill my baker again.

Applejack: I promise.

Y/n: Good to hear.

The two shook hooves.


Twilight was writing a letter to Celestia.

Twilight: "Dear Princess Celestia, my friend Applejack is the best friend of pony could ever have, and she's always there to help anypony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it. So while friendship is about giving of ourselves to our friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Applejack brought apple juice for everyone.

Applejack: Here, have some apple juice as my way of saying thanks, yall.

Rainbow Dash: (sips juice) All that applebucking sure made me hungry.

Spike walked up to them with the baked bads.

Spike: And I've got the perfect treat!

Pinkie: Ew! Spike, I threw those away!

Y/n: Huh, thought I destroyed all those. Oh well.

Y/n took the bads from Spike disintegrated them with another beam.

Spike: Oh, come on, Y/n!

Y/n: Those pastries were clearly a threat and I had to destroy them. Here, (levitates an apple towards Spike) eat this instead.

Spike: Fine.

To Be continued.

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