Chapter 19: The Cutie Mark Chronicles
The Cutie Mark Crusaders were on top of a tall tree with a zip-line set up and the three fillies were wearing helmets and harnesses.
Sweetie Belle: (gulp) Are you sure about this, Scootaloo? I've never even heard of a pony zip-lining before.
Scootaloo: Neither have I, but Spike told me it was awesome!
Scootaloo jumped of, which made the other two jump because they were connected. They started out fast, until they lost momentum in the middle of it and the rope broke, causing the fillies to fall. They kept falling until Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were saved by two blurrs and Apple Bloom was caught by a A/c magic grip and lightly put down with Sweetie and Scootaloo who were saved by Icarus and Maximus. The two Gargoyles then flew over to Y/n who wasn't standing too far away.
Y/n: The Tartarus were you three doing this time?
Apple Bloom: Oh, hey Y/n. It's great to see you and...
Apple Bloom looked at the Gargoyles who she didn't know.
Apple Bloom: These guys who I definitely know from somewhere.
Icarus: Oh, don't worry, kid. You don't know us.
Apple Bloom: (relived sigh) Oh, good.
Sweetie Belle: Wait, I think I recognize you two. Y/n made a drawing of you while he was watching me one time.
Maximus let out some incoherent whimpers.
Scootaloo: Uh, what's his problem?
Icarus: Oh, don't worry about him. He's always like this with first impressions. Luckily, I learned to understand whimpers. He's introducing himself as General Maximus. I am General Icarus, or just Icarus if you want.
Apple Bloom: Well, it's nice to meet you two. I'm-
Icarus: You're Apple Bloom, she's Sweetie Belle and that's Scootaloo.
Sweetie Belle: Wow, how did you know?
Icarus: Boss told us a lot about you three.
Y/n: I was just making sure they got caught up on everything that's happened since their hibernation.
Maximus: We've been healing for over 1000 years, and to wake up in a new time period is just so terrifying, terrifying.
Y/n: Now, back to my question. What were you doing?
Scootaloo: We were zip-lining in an attempt to get our Cutie marks.
Y/n: You know I admire your ambition, but there's a fine line between ambition and recklessness.
Sweetie Belle: He's right. Maybe we should do something less dangerous, like pillow testing or flower sniffing.
Apple Bloom: This town is full of ponies who have their cutie marks. Why don't we ask them how they did it?
Sweetie Belle: That's a great, safe idea.
Scootaloo: Yeah, and we can start with the coolest pony in Ponyville.
Apple Bloom: Applejack!
Sweetie Belle: Rarity!
Icarus: What about Y/n?
Sweetie Belle: Oh, yeah. I mean, he's the Prince of Equestria, so who better than him?
Y/n: Actually, I have to prepare for my soon departure for Canterlot. My sisters need help with a diplomatic meeting with the yaks. I'll be leaving, don't get into any more trouble.
Y/n walked away with his Gargoyles flying on to his shoulders.
Scootaloo: Come on, guys, I said "cool"! You know who I'm talking about. She's fast. She's tough. She's not afraid of anything!
Apple Bloom/Sweetie Belle: Pinkie Pie?
Scootaloo: No! The greatest flyer ever to come out of Cloudsdale.
Apple Bloom/Sweetie Belle: Fluttershy?
Scootaloo: No! Rainbow Dash!
Apple Bloom: Oh! Yeah, that makes much more sense.
Sweetie Belle: Of course!
Scootaloo: Let's do it. Let's find out how Rainbow Dash earned her cutie mark!
Apple Bloom/Sweetie Belle: Yeah!
Scootaloo was on her scooter, carrying the other two in a wagon attached to said scooter. They road on until a bunch of bunnies with apples hopped in the way. Luckily, Scootaloo was able to stop in time and the bunnies hopped along.
???: Get back here, you thievin' varmints!
Apple Bloom: Thievin' what, now?
Applejack came out from the same bushes the bunnies came out of and accidentally crashed into the CMC.
Applejack: Apple Bloom?
Apple Bloom took a look at her sister's cutie mark.
Apple Bloom: Hey, sis, how'd you get your cutie mark?
Applejack: I never told you that story?
Scootaloo: Hey, I thought we were gonna ask Rainbow Dash.
Apple Bloom: We need all the help we can get.
Scootaloo: Ugh. Fine.
All three of them lined up to hear the story.
Applejack: Why, shoot. I was just a little filly. Even littler than y'all.
(A/n: When the mane seven are telling their stories, I'll be referring to them as "Narrarator." But I'll still be referring to their younger selves as their younger selves.)
A young Applejack was leaving Sweet Apple Acres with a bindle.
Narrator: I didn't want to spend my life on a muddy old apple farm. I wanted to live the sophisticated life, like my Aunt n' Uncle Orange. So I set out to try my luck in the big city, Manehattan! The most cosmopolitan city in all of Equestria.
Applejack was walking through the city and past by a snobbish pony.
Snobbish pony: Hey, outta the way, you rube!
Narrator: I knew I'd find out who I was meant to be in Manehattan.
Applejack went into an apartment where she knocked on a door with oranges on it and it was answered by her Aunt and Uncle.
Young Applejack: Aunt Orange, Uncle Orange, Thank y'all so much for lettin' me stay!
Aunt Orange: "Y'all". (laughs) Isn't she just the living end?
Uncle Orange: (chuckle) How quaint.
Aunt Orange: Don't worry. We'll have you acting like a true Manehattanite in no time.
Sometime later.
Applejack was at a gathering with her Aunt and Uncle and her mane was groomed in a really nice style.
Noble pony: And how are you finding good old Manehattan?
Young Applejack: Oh, it's simply divine.
Aunt Orange: Very well said, my dear.
Young Applejack: Although, I must admit the city noise took some getting used to. Where I'm from, nights are so quiet, you seldom hear a peep until the roosters wake you.
Fancy mare: The... what?
Noble pony: I say, my dear, what in the world is a "rooster"?
Young Applejack: (Thinking: What's he talking about? What do I say? I don't wanna look like a fool.)
They all heard a bell ring.
Pony: Dinner is served.
A bunch of Unicorn butlers served everyone a silver plater.
Young Applejack: Thank goodness. Being a city pony's hard work. I'm so hungry I could eat a...
When the top was taken of, it was revealed their wasn't much food on the plate, much to Applejack's dismay.
The next morning.
Applejack sadly looked out her window to watch the sunrise.
Young Applejack: Cock-a-doodle-doo... Oh, I wonder what Granny Smith and Big McIntosh are up to. I bet they're applebuckin' their way through the Red Delicious trees. Oh, what I wouldn't give for just one bite...
Narrator: I never felt so homesick in all my days as I did right then.
Applejack suddenly heard a boom and saw a rainbow pointing at Sweet Apple Acres.
Narrator: It was amazin'! A rainbow, pointin' right back to... home. In that moment, it all became clear. I knew right then just who I was supposed to be.
Applejack went back to Sweet Apple Acres where she was instantly met with a happy Granny Smith and Big Macintosh. While they were hugging, Applejack's cutie mark appeared on her flank
Narrator: That's when this here appeared.
End flashback.
Applejack: I've been happily workin' in the farm ever since.
The bunnies came back and blew raspberries at Applejack, but then they immediately ran off.
Applejack: There they are! Get back here, ya thievin' varmints!
Applejack ran after them.
Sweetie Belle: Aw. That was such a sweet story!
Scootaloo: Sweet? Try sappy. (mock-gag) Come on, we've got to find Rainbow Dash and hear the cool way to get a cutie mark.
They continued on the scooter and wagon and continued to ride.
The CMC continued down the path until Fluttershy got in the way. Scootaloo tried to stop, but she just ended up tipping over, causing her and the rest of the Crusaders to fall off. Luckily, they didn't hit Fluttershy or the baby ducks she was helping.
Fluttershy: All right, little ones. This way. This way.
The ducks made their way across.
Fluttershy: You really should be more careful. Somepony could get hurt. Why are you in such a hurry anyway?
Scootaloo: We're trying to find Rainbow Dash, so we can hear how she earned her cutie mark.
Fluttershy: Oh, that would be interesting. You know, I wouldn't have gotten my cutie mark if it weren't for her.
Scootaloo: Rainbow Dash?! Really?!
Fluttershy: Oh yes. It all started at Summer Flight Camp.
Narrator: You'd never guess, but when I was little, I was very shy. And a very weak flyer.
A young Fluttershy saw some Pegasi foals fly through the cloud hoops and she struggled to do so as well until almost made it and tripped and rolled down the cloud and went through a flag and landed in front of a young Dumb-Bell and Hoops.
Young Dumb-Bell: (laughing) Nice going, "Klutzershy"! They oughtta ground you permanently.
Young Hoops: Ha! My baby brother can fly better than you!
Narrator: It was the most humiliating moment of my life. And then, out of nowhere...
A young Rainbow Dash came flying in with a serious look.
Young Rainbow Dash: Leave her alone!
Young Hoops: Ooh, what are you gonna do, "Rainbow Crash"?
Young Rainbow Dash: Keep making fun of her and find out!
Young Dumb-Bell: You think you're such a big shot? Why don't you prove it?
Young Rainbow Dash: Whaddya have in mind?
Rainbow, Dumb-Bell and Hoops were on a cloud that had a start sign on it.
Young Hoops: You're going down!
Young Rainbow Dash: In history, maybe. See you boys at the finish line!
Fluttershy waved the flag and the three racers flew off in a rush. The force of their speed caused Fluttershy to slip off her cloud and fell down to the ground below, but before she could crash, a bunch of butterflies.
Narrator: I had never seen such beautiful creatures. Butterflies don't fly as high as my cloud home. And I'd never been near the ground before.
Fluttershy saw a rainbow explosion go off behind her which scared all of the animals Fluttershy was with. Fluttershy went into a bushes where she saw some bunnies huddled together.
Young Fluttershy: Shhh. It's okay.
The bunnies came out and Fluttershy next tapped on squirrel tree.
Young Fluttershy: You can come out.
She next went to a frog pond.
Young Fluttershy: Everything's okay.
She next took to the skies where the ducks were.
Young Fluttershy: There's nothing to be afraid of.
All of Fluttershy's animals came back to her.
Narrartor: Somehow I had the ability to communicate with the animals on a different level.
Fluttershy's cutie mark manifested on her flank right there.
End Flashback.
Scootaloo: Wait, wait, wait. What happened to Rainbow Dash? What about the race?
Fluttershy: Oh. Well, I wasn't there, so I don't really know what happened.
Scootaloo got on to her scooter.
Scootaloo: Come on, Crusaders. We've gotta find her. Besides, I can't take anymore singing.
Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle got back in the wagon.
Sweetie Belle: Maybe my sister knows where she is. Bye, Fluttershy!
They took off.
Fluttershy: Bye, girls!
The Crusaders ended up being models for some dresses Rarity was working on.
Scootaloo: How did we get roped into this? Oh, we'll never hear Rainbow Dash's story.
Rarity: Are you girls still obsessing over your cutie marks?
Sweetie Belle: Of course! Most of the fillies at school already have theirs.
Rarity: Mmm, I know how you feel. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I didn't have mine.
A young Rarity was back stage with her teacher while her classmates were in the play, wearing cute costumes.
Rarity's teacher: Well done, Rarity. Your costumes are very nice.
Young Rarity: Nice?! They need to be spectacular! And the performance is tomorrow!
Rarity was in her boutique working on more clothing.
Narrator: I tried every trick I could think of, but nothing seemed to work. The costumes just weren't right, and the play opened that night.
Young Rarity: Maybe I'm not meant to be a fashionista after all.
Rarity's horn suddenly lit up and began to drag her out of the boutique.
Young Rarity: Aah! What's going on?!
Narrator: I had no idea where my horn was taking me. But unicorn magic doesn't happen without a reason. I knew this had to do with my love of fashion and maybe even my cutie mark! I knew that this was... my destiny!
Rarity's horn practically took her all over the place until she hit a big rock.
Young Rarity: A rock?! That's my destiny?! What is your problem, horn?! I followed you all the way out here for a rock?! (groan) Dumb rock!
Rarity looked up and saw a rainbow explosion and the shockwave broke the rock in half, revealing a bunch of sparkling gems. Amazing Rarity.
Later that night.
It was the night of the show and all of the foals had their costumes adored with the gems from earlier. Everyone in the crowd cheered with amazement and Rarity couldn't have felt more satisfied, that's when she got her cutie mark.
End flashback.
Scootaloo: Ugh! These namby-pamby stories aren't getting us any closer to our cutie marks! They're all about finding who you really are and boring stuff like that!
Rarity: Yes, Scootaloo, that's exactly-
Scootaloo: Come on, girls! We need action! We need Rainbow Dash!
Scootaloo pushed the other two out of the boutique, but then the next thing she knew, she and the others were sitting with Twilight, listening to her story.
Twilight: As a young filly in Canterlot, I always wanted to go to the Summer Sun Celebration, where Princess Celestia raises the sun.
Narrator: And I saw the most amazing, most wonderful thing I've ever seen.
A young Twilight was in a crowd of ponies who were all gathered together to see Celestia step up on a stage where she rose the sun high into the air and Twilight could do nothing but watch in amazement.
After that.
Narrator: I poured myself into learning everything I could about magic.
Twilight was reading a book and struggled to use her magic to turn the page, but she eventually got it. She ended up reading until nightfall and that's when her parents came in with great news.
Narrator: My parents decided to enroll me in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. It was a dream come true! Except for one thing...
Twilight was in front of a group of proctors.
Narrator: I had to pass an entrance exam!.
Twilight looked really nervous, but her parents silently encouraged her to smile, which she did. Then, a pony brought in a wagon with a purple egg in it.
Proctor: Well, Miss Sparkle?
The side of the wagon had a picture of a dragon coming out of the egg. Twilight gave a nervous chuckle before aiming her horn at the egg. A few sparks came out of it, but nothing happened to the egg. She tried again, but it still didn't and the Proctors were getting impatient.
Proctor: We don't have all day.
Twilight continued to try.
Narrator: I knew it was the most important day of my life, that my entire future would be affected by the outcome of this day and I was about to blow it!
Twilight gave it one more try, but ultimately failed.
Young Twilight: I'm sorry I wasted your time.
The Proctors began to write in their clipboards and that's when a giant explosion was heard and a rainbow explosion was seen outside the window. This explosion gave Twilight's magic a sudden surge and it allowed her to hatch the egg, which turned out to be Spike's egg. However, the surge didn't end there. Twilight's eyes glowed white and a magenta aura surrounded her that imprisoned the proctors, turned her parents into plants, and made Spike bigger than the entire room. This didn't go unnoticed by Celestia who came in and put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. This allows Twilight to get a hold of herself and turn everything back to normal.
Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle...
Young Twilight: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-
Princess Celestia: You have a very special gift. I don't think I've ever come across a unicorn with your raw abilities.
Young Twilight: Huh?
Princess Celestia: But you need to learn to tame these abilities through focused study.
Young Twilight: Huh?!
Princess Celestia: Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to make you my own personal protégé here at the school.
Young Twiligh: Huh?!
Princess Celestia: Well?
Twilight looked to her parents and got the nod of approval and Twilight happily leaped into the air.
Young Twilight: Yes!
Princess Celestia: One other thing, Twilight.
Young Twilight: More?
Celestia pointed to Twilight's flank where Twilight saw...
Young Twilight: My cutie mark!
Twilight began to leap around.
Young Twilight: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
End flashback.
Twilight was leaping around and repeatedly saying "yes" like her younger self.
Apple Bloom: Okay, okay.
Sweetie Belle: We're happy for you, Twilight.
Scootaloo: Yeah, thrilled. Let's get out of here while we still can.
They quickly rushed off.
The Crusaders were back on the wagon and scooter.
Scootaloo: Ugh! Why don't we ever smash into Rainbow Dash?!
???: You're looking for Rainbow Dash?
Pinkie Pie appeared in the wagon with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle out of nowhere.
Pinkie: If I was her, I'd be at Sugarcube Corner. Of course, if I was anyone, I'd be at Sugarcube Corner. Hey! I have an idea! Wanna go to Sugarcube Corner?
Sweetie Belle: Well, we're sort of looking for Rainbow Dash, so we can hear how she got her cutie mark.
Pinkie: Cutie mark?! Come with me and I'll tell you how I got mine!
The other two looked at Scootaloo.
Scootaloo: (sigh) Why not?
Pinkie: All right!
The area was dark and gloomy.
Narrator: My sisters and I were raised on a rock farm outside of Ponyville. We spent our days working the fields. There was no talking. There was no smiling. (sigh) There were only rocks.
A young Pinkie Pie, who had a slightly darker coat and a smooth mane pushed a few small rocks into a pile until she heard a bell ring and her family went inside the house.
Narrator: We were in the south field, preparing to rotate the rocks to the east field, when all of a sudden...
Pinkie heard an explosion and looked up to see a rainbow explosion push back the dark clouds and the shockwave messed up Pinkie's mane and made it like it is now. She then saw a rainbow and gave a big smile.
Narrator: I'd never felt joy like that before! It felt so good I just wanted to keep smiling forever! And I wanted everyone I knew to smile, too. But rainbows don't come along that often. I wondered, how else could I create some smiles?
The young Pinkie rushed off.
The next morning.
Pinkie Pie's father: We better harvest the rocks from the south field.
They all heard muffled music.
Pinkie Pie's mother: Pinkamena Diane Pie, is that you?
Pinkie peeked her head out of the door of the shack.
Young Pinkie: Mom! I need you and dad and the sisters to come in. Quick!
Her parents looked at each other with skepticism, but they ultimately went in and saw a party was set up.
Young Pinkie: Surprise! You like it? It's called... a party!
Pinkie looked hopeful as her family looked around with strange faces which made Pinkie drop her smile.
Young Pinkie: Oh. You don't like it.
It was a few moments of silence when her family cracked smiles of their own.
Young Pinkie: (gasp) You like it! I'm so happy!
Everyone began to dance and that's when Pinkie got her cutie mark.
End flashback.
Pinkie: And that's how Equestria was made!
Scootaloo came to a sudden stop.
Scootaloo: Wha... huh?
Apple Bloom: Look! We're here!
They were indeed at Sugarcube Corner.
Pinkie: Maybe on the way home, I can tell you the story of how I got my cutie mark. It's a gem!
Sweetie Belle: Oh, come on. She's just being Pinkie Pie.
Scootaloo: Ugh...
The three fillies went inside and Scootaloo saw the pony she's been looking for.
Scootaloo: Rainbow Dash! You're here!
Rainbow Dash was indeed there along with the rest of the Mane Seven, except for Y/n.
Rainbow Dash: I hear you're looking for my cutie mark story.
Scootaloo: (sigh) You have no idea what I've been through today to hear that story.
Rainbow Dash: It all happened during the race at Flight Camp...
Young Rainbow was at the starting line in Fluttershy's story with Dumb-Bell and Hoops.
Narrator: ...where I stood alone against all odds to defend Fluttershy's honor.
When the Young Pegasi flew off, they unknowingly knocked Fluttershy off her cloud. The foals were flying fast and at some point, Dumb-Bell crashed into a cloud pillar.
Narrator: I've never flown like that before! That freedom was unlike anything I've ever felt! The speed, the adrenaline, the wind in my mane! I liked it... a lot!
Hoops knocked Rainbow out of the lane.
Young Rainbow Dash: Ow!
Young Hoops: Ha! Later, Rainbow Crash!
Young Rainbow Dash: Hey!
They both dived down.
Narrator: Turns out the only thing I liked more than flying fast...
Rainbow sped past Hoops.
Narrator: Was winning!
Rainbow went faster until she broke the sound barrier and made a Sonic Rainboom.
Narrator: Most people thought that the Sonic Rainboom was just an old mare's tale. But that day... The day I discovered racing... I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!
Rainbow won the race an in the excitement, she didn't realize her cutie mark manifesting on her flank.
End flashback.
Rainbow Dash: And that, little ones, is how you earn a cutie mark.
CMC: Whooooaaaa...
Fluttershy: Wait a second. I heard that explosion, and I saw the rainbow, too. Rainbow Dash, if you hadn't scared the animals, I never would have learned I could communicate with them and gotten my cutie mark.
Pinkie: I heard that boom! And right afterwards, there was this amazing rainbow that taught me to smile.
Applejack: When I got my cutie mark, I saw a rainbow that pointed me home. I bet it was your Sonic Rainboom!
Rarity: There was an explosion I could never explain when I got my cutie mark.
Twilight: This is uncanny! If that explosion didn't happen when it did, I would have blown my entrance exam. Rainbow Dash, I think you helped me earn my cutie mark, too!
Pinkie tackled Rainbow to the ground.
Pinkie: We all owe our cutie marks to you!
Fluttershy: Do you realize what this means? All of us had a special connection before we even met.
Rarity: We've been BFFs forever and we didn't even know it!
Applejack: Come here, y'all.
The Mane Six huddled in a group hug.
Fluttershy: I'm so glad we're friends!
Pinkie Pie: I love you, guys!
Apple Bloom/Sweetie Belle: Awwww...
Scootaloo: Ewwww... Gimme a break. Come on, Crusaders! Maybe we just need to try zip lining again.
Scootaloo was about to leave, but Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle pulled her into a hug, so Scootaloo just sighed.
Fluttershy: Hey. How about a song?
Pinkie Pie: Definitely!
Scootaloo: Nooooo!
Y/n with his Gargoyles on his shoulder walked in.
Y/n: What's going on here?
Everyone turned to them.
Apple Bloom: Prince Y/n? I thought you had to leave.
Y/n: So did I.
Maximus: The ambassadors from Yakyakistan got delayed, so we got extra time. Oh, I hate having to wait for meetings like this.
Icarus wrapped and arm around Maximus.
Icarus: Hey, look on the bright side, bud. Boss said we get to try milkshakes while we wait. Ain't that right, boss?
Y/n: (sigh) Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie rushed in with two milkshakes.
Pinkie: Way ahead of you, N/n!
Icarus: Oh, I like her!
Pinkie: N/n, you'll never guess what we found out. All of us got our cutie marks from a Sonic Rainboom that was made by Dashie years ago!
Y/n: Is that so?
Applejack: Sure is.
Sweetie Belle: Oh, since you're here, we never did hear your cutie mark story.
Rarity: I'm actually curious myself.
Y/n: Well, I can tell you this, it doesn't connect me to any of you.
The others were surprised by this.
Pinkie: What?! Why not?!
Y/n: You may not remember this, but I'm actually around 1200 years old. I got my cutie mark way before any of you were even conceived.
Fluttershy: Oh, yeah.
Y/n: So, I guess I wasn't meant to be with you.
It was faint, but Twilight caught a glimpse of hurt in Y/n's eyes which made Twilight's face go sympathetic before turning determined.
Twilight: No! I refuse to believe that you weren't meant to be with us! Think, Y/n! You had to have seen the Rainboom at some point in this life.
Y/n thought for a moment, but then it hit him.
Y/n: I think I did.
Twilight: Really? When?
Y/n: It was back when I first came back to the mortal plane.
In an opened field there was a mountain. There was a big rainbow explosion in the sky that made one of the rocks begin to crack. It cracked more until a purple light shot out of it and when it hit the ground, it formed into a young Y/n.
Young Y/n: What's going on?
End flashback.
Scootaloo: So, hold on. The Rainboom brought you back to life?
Y/n: Not necessarily. See, whoever brought me back must have put me into some kind of magic induced coma for some reason and the shockwave from the Rainboom must have ended my sleep early and allowed me to live again.
Rainbow Dash: So, in other words... (wraps a foreleg around Y/n) You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me.
Y/n: (sigh) Unfortunately, yes.
Rainbow gave a smirk.
Rainbow Dash: And you say you could do without me.
Pinkie: Group hug again!
They all surrounded Y/n and hugged him tight.
Y/n: All right, that's enough of that.
They broke up the hug.
Sweetie Belle: But wait, there's still something we want to know.
Scootaloo: Yeah. How did you get your cutie mark, Y/n.
Y/n stayed silent.
Apple Bloom: Please, tell us.
Icarus finished his milkshake.
Icarus: Come on, boss. What could be the harm of telling them?
Y/n: (sigh) Fine. I guess I'll give them what they want.
All three Crusaders gave a sqee to that.
Y/n: Before I tell any of you the story, I first have ask; how much about my and sisters history do you know about?
Twilight: The farthest I know is the story of Nightmare Moon.
Y/n: Well, what if I told you all me and my sisters weren't born royalty?
Mane six/CMC: Huh?
Y/n: In fact, we weren't even Alicorns. My sisters and I were born as simple unicorn knaves.
Sweetie Belle: That's interesting to know, but how does it relate to your cutie mark story?
Y/n: See, my story happened long ago.
Icarus: Yeah, even before we came into the picture.
Y/n: Icarus, Maximus, on my shoulders.
Both his Gargoyles flew on to his shoulders.
Y/n: Follow me, and I will tell you the story of not only my cutie mark, but how I became Prince of this land.
CMC: Ohhh!
They all left Sugarcube Corner and walked down the streets.
Y/n: It all started when I was a young colt.
Narrator: Before the time of my sisters' rule, five unicorn wizards would rise and lower the sun and moon, until they got too tired. That's when my sisters stepped up.
A young Celestia and Luna stepped up, but they were both Unicorns and didn't have their flowing manes. Celestia was a beautiful rose and Luna's was light blue. With a wave of their horns, Luna tried to lower the moon while Celestia tried to raise the sun. Everypony around saw the sisters efforts and gave them encouragement along with some magic which after enough magic, the sisters got their sun and moon cutie marks and became Alicorns.
Narrator: On that day, my sisters became the Bringers of day and night and also the Princesses of Equestria.
Scootaloo: Hold on, what about you.
Narrator: Oh, I was there, but I wasn't necessarily important in that moment. See, I had problems with magic at the time, so to see that my sisters could do something like that, it left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Sweetie Belle: So, why are you telling us this?
Narrator: It'll be important later. Now, I was appointed to be my sisters' personal guard and I eventually got over the bitterness, but not many ponies really liked because I had issues with my anger at the time. I heard things I didn't want hear, thought terrible things, but then came a day where my life would change forever.
A young Y/n was walking through the streets of old Equestria with an angry expression.
Young Y/n: Who did that old fool think he was talking back to me.
He heard explosion in the distance and rushed over there. It was there he saw a bunch of monsters which consisted of Hydras, Timberwolves and even an Ursa Major.
Young Y/n: What's going on?
Pony: They just came out of nowhere. We've sent for the Princesses, but I don't think they'll be here in time!
Y/n looked at all the monsters and his anger began to bubble over.
Narrator: In that moment, I knew it was time to let out some aggression.
Y/n started punching down Timberwolves with little to no effort and threw a cart at a Hydra, but his luck ran out when he punched the Major's leg and it just smacked him with its paw. Luckily, Y/n landed in some hay. He then got up and shot a blast at the Major, but it was resisting.
Narrator: Things were looking tough, but I knew I couldn't have this kingdom relay on my sisters for protection, so I thought about what to do and it hit me.
Young Y/n: Everyone, lend me your magic!
Pony: Why should we listen to you?
Young Y/n: Listen, whatever personal Vendettas you have with me, I ask that you just this once put your trust in me!
Everypony there was hesitated, but then a unicorn stallion pointed his horn at Y/n.
Unicorn stallion: Well? Didn't you hear him? Give him your magic!
More ponies gave their magic to Y/n who let out a loud scream as his beam got stronger and he turned into an Alicorn.
Narrator: Once I turned, I knew that I could win.
Y/n knocked down the Ursa Major and flew above it.
Young Y/n: Your time has come! Hakai!
Y/n destroyed the Ursa Major and left both the ponies and monsters in shock. That's when he got his cutie mark. He then looked at every other monster there.
Young Y/n: Leave this land, and never return!
The monsters instantly ran away and the ponies screamed in a cheer, that's when Celestia and Luna appeared.
Young Celestia: We're here! What's going on?!
They noticed Y/n's new form.
Young Luna: Brother, did you stop the attack.
Young Y/n: I did. Not just that. I... I think I can think clearly now.
That's when the great Unicorn wizard, Starswirl the Bearded showed up.
Young Celestia/Luna: Mentor.
Young Y/n: Starswirl.
Y/n bowed his head slightly.
Young Y/n: Please, forgive my rudeness earlier. I was just so angry and I didn't know how to deal with it.
Starswirl put a hoof on Y/n's shoulder.
Starswirl: It is quite all right, lad. In fact, I may have figured out what happened.
He turned to the crowd.
Starswirl: Equestria, who we once thought was just a colt with anger issues was actually the one who was foretold of years ago! Mares and gentlecolts, the Great Destroyer has returned!
Starswirl along with many other ponies bowed down to Y/n. The three siblings were surprised, but Celestia and Luna bowed as well.
The next day.
Y/n was backstage with Celestia and Luna.
Young Celestia: Oh, this is so exciting!
Young Luna: Yeah! I just knew you would be with us soon, elder brother!
Y/n stayed silent.
Young Celestia: Hey, what's wrong?
Young Y/n: Do I really deserve this? I mean, I mistreated so many ponies.
Young Celestia: You had rough beginnings, yes, but I believe you can move past them.
Young Luna: And if you can't, we'll always be here for.
Celestia wrapped Y/n's cape around him and Luna put on his silver crown.
Young Celestia: Just remember...
They put their heads on Y/n's shoulders.
Young Celestia/Luna: Stand tall, keep your head up, (kiss his cheeks) and good luck.
Y/n rubbed his cheeks before going out on stage.
Young Y/n: Everypony, listen up. I know some of you may have mixed feelings about me, but I promise that when Equestria is in danger; I, the Prince of Destruction, will be here to protect you and this kingdom.
Y/n placed his left hoof over his heart.
Young Y/n: This I swear to you!
Everypony there mimicked Y/n's action and chanted in unison...
Ponies: Hail Destruction! Long life Prince Y/n!
End flashback.
Y/n: And that's my story.
Everyone was in complete awe.
Apple Bloom: That was...
Rainbow Dash/Scootaloo: So cool!
Sweetie Belle: Right? But what was that motion you did in front of the crowd?
Y/n: That was the Destroyer salute. It is meant to show your loyalty to my rule. Though, it seems to have been forgotten over the years.
Y/n looked ahead and saw Hawk Eye and Twister with a chariot.
Y/n: Looks like my ride is here. It was a delight to share my story with you, but I must be going.
As Y/n was getting on the chariot, the CMC looked to each other and nodded.
Apple Bloom: Prince Y/n.
Y/n turned to the three fillies who did his salute.
CMC: Hail Destruction!
Y/n looked at them and gave a nod of approval before flying away.
Twilight went back to the Golden Oak Library to write her letter to Celestia.
Twilight: "Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned something amazing. Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe even before she's met them. If you're feeling lonely and you're still searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows? Maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow."
Spike: Gross! When did you get so cheesy?
Twilight: Just write it, Spike.
To be continued.
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