Chapter 16: Stare Master

Y/n was doing push-ups with his front hooves when he saw Fluttershy with a basket. He opted to ignore her, but then she noticed him.

Fluttershy: Hello, Prince Y/n.

Y/n stopped his push-ups.

Y/n: Salutations. What brings you to my domain?

Fluttershy: I was just bringing Opalescence back to Rarity after she got groomed.

Y/n: Opalescence? You mean Rarity's bitch?

Fluttershy: (gasp) Y/n!

Y/n: What? Isn't that what you call a female cat?

Fluttershy: Actually, that's a dog thing.

Y/n: Well, I never had either, so...

Fluttershy: I'm just glad I didn't have to use my special power on the pretty kitty. Have a nice day, Your Highness.

Fluttershy walked away and Y/n's eyes followed her as she left.

Y/n: (Thinking: Special power? What does she mean by that?)

At Carousel Boutique, Rarity was cleaning her room while Sweetie Belle was standing and watching.

Sweetie Belle: Won't you at least let me help you clean up?

Rarity: No. You've helped me quite enough.

Sweetie Belle: I'm sorry, sis. I just thought that if I could help, I might find my special gift and finally earn my cutie mark.

Rarity: I understand. It's just that... I need this time to fill this order without any... complications.

Rarity straightened out her last mannequin.

Rarity: Okay, all done. Now, back to work. I've lost a lot of time, and I cannot have any more interruptions.

The doorbell rang.

Rarity: Oh, what now?!

Fluttershy walked in with Opalescence.

Fluttershy: Oh, sorry. I thought the "open" sign meant you were open, but I must have been mistaken.

Rarity: (gasps) Fluttershy! Forgive me! I was so wrapped up in my work that I forgot you were bringing Opalescence back from her grooming.

Fluttershy: No worries, Rarity. I've left her there in the basket.

Opalescence got out of the basket and her fur was sparkling.

Rarity: Oh, she looks great. I just don't understand how you're able to do it. I can't get near her without getting a swipe from her claws.

Opalescence hissed and swiped at Rarity when she got close.

Rarity: Ahh! Did you use... the Stare on her?

Fluttershy: Oh, no! I wouldn't! I couldn't! I-I don't really have any control over when that happens. I-It just happens. No, I'm just good with animals. It's my special gift, you know?

Opalescence snuggled up to Fluttershy.

Rarity: Well, you should have a picture of Opal as a cutie mark instead of those butterflies.

Sweetie Belle: Ooh, ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Maybe I can be good with animals, too!

Opalescence cut off a piece of Sweetie Belle's mane and gave an evil smirk.

Sweetie Belle: Or not.

Fluttershy and Rarity gave a laugh.

Rarity: I'm sorry I can't invite you to stay and chat, Fluttershy. I've bitten off a bit more than I can chew with this order.

Sweetie Belle: But you're not eating anything.

Rarity: No, Sweetie, it's an expression. It means that I've taken on more work than I can handle. I've got twenty of these special robes to make tonight! They're due in Trottingham tomorrow morning.

Rarity showed off a golden silk that made Fluttershy look in awe.

Rarity: See? I've lined them in a special gold silk. It took so long to make, but I think it adds just the right touch, don't you?

Fluttershy: These are lovely, but twenty by tonight? How will you get it all done?

Rarity: Well, I, uh...

Sweetie Belle: Oh, oh, oh! Maybe I could...

Rarity gave Sweetie a look.

Sweetie Belle: just... just stand over here and watch.

Rarity: I'll manage.

Fluttershy: Well, maybe I should get out of your mane so you can work.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo rushed past Fluttershy.

Apple Bloom/Scootaloo: Hi, Fluttershy! Hi, Rarity!

Rarity: Hello, uh, girls...

Apple Bloom/Scootaloo: Hey, Sweetie Belle!

Sweetie Belle: Scootaloo! Apple Bloom!

Scootaloo: You ready for tonight?

Sweetie Belle: Yup! Cutie mark planning session is a go!

Apple Bloom: Tonight is the night we each try to find our own special talent.

Scootaloo: Even if it takes us all night!

Apple Bloom: I'm ready! You ready?

Scootaloo: Very ready!

CMC: Cutie Mark Crusader sleepover at Rarity's! Yay!

Sweetie Belle: And... look what I made us!

Sweetie Belle put on a red cape with a yellow pony in a blue shield.

Apple Bloom/Scootaloo: Oh, wow! That's so cool!

Fluttershy: What does that patch on your cape mean?

CMC: The Cutie Mark Crusaders! Yay!

Scootaloo: We're on a crusade, a mission...

Apple Bloom: To find our cutie marks!

Sweetie Belle: Yup, I got the idea of a cape from Y/n. And look. I lined them with this special gold silk. It took sooo long to make, but I think it adds just the right touch, don't you?

Apple Bloom/Scootaloo: Oooooh!

Rarity rushed to her sewing machine and saw there were three cuts in her golden silk.

Rarity: Sweetie Belle! What have you done? That was the last of the gold silk! Oh, now I'll have to make more! Oh, I hope I can make more. I'm gonna have to work all night! Which means... Sorry, girls, I'm afraid the Crusaders sleepover is cancelled.

Sweetie Belle: What?!

Rarity: I just won't have any time to watch you if I want to get these robes delivered on time.

Sweetie Belle: But-
Rarity: No buts this time. I'm sorry, Sweetie Belle. It's just the way it has to be.

CMC: Awwww...

Fluttershy: I, uh, I suppose I could take them for the night.

The CMC immediately perked up at that.

Rarity: I couldn't ask you to do that.

Fluttershy: Oh, it's no problem at all.

Rarity: Have you met my sister and her friends? A problem is all it would be.

Fluttershy: Did I have a problem with Opal? You've seen how well I handle small creatures!

Rarity: I suppose that's true, and I do have a lot of work to do.

Fluttershy: Come on, it'll be fun.

Rarity: I assure you, they're quite a hoofful.

Fluttershy: These sweet little angels?

Halos appeared over the CMC's heads.

Rarity: Well... all right.

CMC: Cutie Mark Crusader sleepover at Fluttershy's cottage! Yay!

They ran out the door immediately.

Fluttershy: So cute. W-wait for me!

Fluttershy flew after them.


Fluttershy: Oh, won't this be ever so fun? We can have a nice little tea party, and braid each others' tails, and sit quietly and color, and tell each other fairy tales, and-

The Crusaders were running ahead of Fluttershy until they nearly ran into Twilight.

Twilight: Hello, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Oh! Hello, Twilight. Where are you off to?

Twilight: I'm heading to the Everfree Forest to Zecora's to get some of my favorite tea.

Fluttershy: Th-The Everfree Forest? Ah, you'll be careful, won't you?

Twilight: Of course! How about you? What are you doing with the girls?

Fluttershy: Rarity has a big order to fill tonight, so I volunteered to take the girls over to my cottage for a sleepover.

Twilight: Wow. Sounds like everypony has their hooves full today. Taking care of those three fillies all by yourself? You sure you can handle it?

Fluttershy: What? These sweet little angels? They'll be no problem at all.


Twilight walked by Y/n who was lifting two rocks with his hooves.

Twilight: Oh, hey, Y/n.

Y/n: Hello. One second.

Y/n threw the rocks up in the air before destroying them with an uppercut.

Twilight: You could've just shot them with your magic.

Y/n: Then I wouldn't get physically stronger. Now, why are you here?

Twilight: I'm heading to Zecora's shack for some of my favorite tea.

Y/n: Through the Everfree Forest?Do not stay there for too long, it is getting late and there are many dangerous creatures that normal ponies would struggle against.

Twilight: I'm honored that the Prince of Equestria himself is worried about me, but I'll be fine.

Y/n: If you say so. But remember, you've been warned.

Y/n flew away.

Twilight: (sigh) I wish he didn't see me as a normal pony to worry about, but it is nice to at least know that he cares.

She blushes before walking along.


Y/n kept flying until he saw Fluttershy with the CMC.

Y/n: Fancy seeing you lot again.

CMC: Y/n!

Fluttershy: Oh, hello, Prince Y/n. Where are you off to?

Y/n: I was just seeing if I could find any bigger rocks for my training. What are you doing with these three?

Fluttershy: Rarity had a big order today, so I decided to babysit these little angels for the night so she could focus.

Apple Bloom: We're having a sleepover tonight.

Y/n: A sleepover? Is it different from a slumber party?

Sweetie Belle: I'm not sure, actually.

Y/n: Well, either way, I hope you have fun.

Sweetie Belle: Wait, maybe you could join us.

Y/n: Join you?

Apple Bloom: Yeah, you are an honorary Crusader.

Scootaloo: And I'm sure you'd love to see our capes

Sweetie Belle: I based them off of yours after all.

Fluttershy: Oh, come on, girls. I'm sure the Prince is very busy.

Y/n: Not really. I was just going to train until night. I'd be happy to join you in watching these fillies.

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm sure they wouldn't be to much trouble.

Y/n: I'll still join you just to see these capes that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo mentioned.

CMC: Cutie Mark Crusader sleepover at Fluttershy's with Prince Y/n! Yay!


They got to Fluttershy's cottage and the Crusaders were immediately running around and touching everything.

Y/n: Not much trouble, huh?

Fluttershy: No... problem at all. Okay, girls, uh, what should we do?

The CMC weren't even listening to her.

Scootaloo: I'm gonna get my mark first!

Fluttershy: Girls?

Sweetie Belle: Nuh-uh!

Fluttershy: Should we-

Apple Bloom: I am!

Fluttershy: Girls, okay, now settle-

Scootaloo: I'm staying up all night!

Apple Bloom: Me, too!

Sweetie Belle: Me, three!

Fluttershy: I-I know you're excited, but-

They still weren't listening and kept getting into things.

Fluttershy: Girls, oh, oh, careful with the- oh, ah, girls-

Y/n: Girls, Fluttershy is talking to you!

The CMC finally stopped and looked at them.

Fluttershy: Thank you, Y/n. So, what do you wanna do? Play a game?

Scootaloo: We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!

Apple Bloom: And we want to crusade for our cutie marks!

Sweetie Belle got on Fluttershy's head.

Sweetie Belle: Um, and- And we- um... yeah, what they said!

Fluttershy: Mmm, I don't know. How about a nice, quiet little tea party?

Scootaloo: Or... we could go adventuring in the Everfree Forest!

Apple Bloom/Sweetie Belle: Yeah!

Fluttershy: Oh, no! The Everfree Forest is much too dangerous. It's filled with far too many strange creatures.

Y/n: Lots of which are nearly impossible to survive against.

Sweetie Belle: But you two could go with us, and we could catch those creatures. We could be, um, Creature Catchers!

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Yay! Cutie Mark Crusader creature catchers!

Scootaloo got on Apple Bloom's shoulders and wrapped a carpet around them and placed a basket on her head to look like a monster.

Scootaloo: Arrrr! I am a dangerous creature from the Everfree Forest! Rrrarr!

Sweetie Belle didn't seem to get what was going on.

Y/n: I think you are supposed to play along.

Sweetie Belle: Oh. Halt, dangerous creature of the Everfree Forest. I am Sweetie Belle, the creature catcher, and I'm here to catch you!

Scootaloo: You can never catch me! I am far too powerful and dangerous!

Sweetie Belle: You cannot run from me!

Scootaloo: Raaaar!

The CMC began to run around while giggling.

Fluttershy: Um, oh, maybe that's not such a- Now, girls, how about we do some nice coloring?

They kept running, but Y/n stopped them with his magic.

Y/n: Stop running before you break something!

Apple Bloom: Oh, come on, Y/n. If we broke a table or something, we could fix it by being Cutie Mark Crusader carpenters.

Y/n: Can any of you three look me straight in the eye and say that you've worked with wood before?

CMC: ...No.

Y/n: I appreciate your honesty. Now, how about we play something else?

Fluttershy: I have the perfect game in mind. It's called, "Shhh!"

Scootaloo: What's that?

Fluttershy: Well, it's a game about who can be quiet the longest. Sound fun?

Y/n: I am liking it already.

Fluttershy: I'm the world champ, you know. I bet you can't beat me!

Fluttershy smiled wide before taking a deep breath and holding it in.

Scootaloo: I lose!

Sweetie Belle: Me too!

Apple Bloom: Me three!

They instantly began jumping around again which made Fluttershy sigh.

Y/n: Looks like I win.

Fluttershy: Rats.

Scootaloo: Okay, now what can we do?

Apple Bloom: Oh! How about Cutie Mark Crusader coal miners?

CMC: Yeah!

Fluttershy: No!

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Awwww!

Fluttershy: I mean, it's time for bed, don't you think? Aren't you excited to get all toasty and warm in your snuggly-wuggly widdle beds?

Y/n: Besides, where would you even coal mine?

Apple Bloom: Snuggly-wuggly? But we have more crusadin' to do!

Scootaloo: We've got plans!

Sweetie Belle: And capes!

Fluttershy lead them upstairs.

Fluttershy: Um, okay, um... Maybe the crusading can wait until morning? When it's light? And not so... dark?

The two older ponies got the CMC into Fluttershy's bed.

Apple Bloom: How are we gonna find our special talent in our sleep?

Fluttershy blew out the candle.

Fluttershy: Maybe you'll have a lovely little dream about your special talent.

Scootaloo: But we're not even tired!

Fluttershy tucked them in.

Fluttershy: How about I sing you a lullaby?

CMC: Mm-hmm, yeah!

Fluttershy cleared her throat and began to sing.

Y/n: That lullaby was anything but soothing.

They heard clucking outside.

Y/n looked out the window to see a bunch of loose chickens.

Y/n: Chickens? Is there a creature this mare won't take care of?

The Crusaders went out the window.

Y/n: Are you serious?

Fluttershy: Girls.

Apple Bloom: Fluttershy, your chickens are on the loose!

Sweetie Belle: I wonder what could have caused that.

The other two looked at her with unimpressed looks.

Scootaloo: Don't worry, Fluttershy, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will handle this!

Sweetie Belle: Cutie Mark Crusader chicken herders! Yay!

The CMC ran on.

Fluttershy: No, I don't think that's a— ah, come back! Please!

The Crusaders were running around, chasing the chickens when Fluttershy and Y/n flew down.

Fluttershy: Come on, girls, the chickens are fine. Oh, girls. um...

Y/n: You chasing them is only making it worse.

A chicken flew onto Fluttershy's head.

Fluttershy: Girls!

The girls immediately stopped chasing the chickens and that allowed Fluttershy to properly lead them to their coop

Fluttershy: Come on, in you go.

The chickens wouldn't go in until Fluttershy gave them a harsh glare that she didn't stop until the chickens were inside.

Fluttershy: There's some good chickens. Okay, you three. Isn't it about time you got into bed?

CMC: But-

Y/n: Now!

They got the Crusaders to bed.

Fluttershy: So, no more crusading for tonight, all right?

Scootaloo: Yes, Fluttershy!

Sweetie Belle: We promise, Fluttershy!

Apple Bloom: Good night, Fluttershy! You too, Y/n!

Fluttershy: Okay, good night.

The two adult ponies got downstairs.

Y/n: Fluttershy, what was that thing you did with the chickens to make them suddenly obey you?

Fluttershy: Oh, that's the special power I told you about. I call it, "The Stare."

Y/n: If you used it more, you might actually be useful to have in battle.

Fluttershy: I only use the Stare when I absolutely have to.

Y/n: Either way, we should turn in for the night 

Fluttershy: You're right, but um, I don't know where you'll sleep. You can have the couch and I can fix myself a spot on the floor with some pillows.

Y/n: No, I will sleep outside like always.

Fluttershy: But-

Y/n stepped outside and jumped onto the roof of Fluttershy's cottage.

In the CMC's bedroom.

Sweetie Belle: Okay, so what kind of crusading do we do next?

Apple Bloom: There's not much we can do from this room... unless we become Cutie Mark Crusader cottage cleaners.

Sweetie Belle: N-no, thanks.

Apple Bloom: Well, we have to think of somethin'. We can't just waste this opportunity to find out what our special talents are.

She looked out the window.

Apple Bloom: Hey, girls! Look!

She pointed to a hole in the fence with chick footprints near the chicken coop.

Apple Bloom: Some of the chickens may have escaped!

Sweetie Belle: Into the forest!

CMC: (whispering) Cutie Mark Crusaders chicken rescuers are go!

The CMC, wearing their capes, snuck past Fluttershy who was asleep on the couch.

Fluttershy: (sleep talking) It really wasn't that hard... I mean, all I needed to do was just show them who's in charge. Nothing's gonna get past Fluttershy! Good with animals, good with kids.

The Crusaders got outside and saw Y/n standing on the roof.

Apple Bloom: (quietly) Y/n? What's he doing out here?

Sweetie Belle: (quietly) Hide!

They got into the bushes and that's when Scootaloo noticed something.

Scootaloo: Wait...

Y/n had his eyes closed and was quietly snoring.

Scootaloo: He's asleep?!

Apple Bloom: Well, I read that in olden times, soldier ponies would sleep while standing to save energy.

Sweetie Belle: But you have to be something else entirely to be able to sleep on a roof while standing up.

Scootaloo: Whatever. Let's go!

They ran out the yard, but Scootaloo slowed down because her cape got caught and ripped by the fence.

Scootaloo: Wait up!

A few minutes after they left, Y/n shot awake.

Y/n: No.

Y/n flew into the Crusaders' room and didn't see them.

Y/n: Now my senses decide to work.

Y/n went out the front door and saw the torn piece of Scootaloo's cape before a sleepy Fluttershy came outside.

Fluttershy: What's going on, Y/n?

Y/n: The Crusaders are gone.

Fluttershy: What?!

Y/n: I was training my sensory spell to work even while I was asleep, but it didn't kick in right away. That must have been when they snuck off.

Fluttershy: Well, where do you think they went?

Y/n: If I were to guess, there.

Y/n pointed to the Everfree Forest.

Fluttershy: Why would they go in there?

Y/n looked at the footprints.

Y/n: Did you make sure all of your chickens were accounted for?

Fluttershy checked the chicken coop and saw one of her chickens were missing.

Fluttershy: (gasp) Elizabeak! She's missing, too!

Y/n: Knowing those fillies, they more then likely went after that chicken.

Fluttershy: Those girls have really done it this time! They've really bitten off more than they can chew! Oh, just like me! I never should have offered to watch them.

Y/n: What's done is done. All that matters now is that we find them. Let's go.

Y/n ran in the forest and Fluttershy took a deep breath before flying after him.

With the CMC.

They were roaming around the forest, looking for Elizabeak.

Apple Bloom: Here, chick-chick-chick-chick-chick! Brawck, bawk-bawk-bawk, brawck!

Scootaloo: What are you doing?

Apple Bloom: Callin' for the chicken!

Scootaloo: That is not how you call a chicken.

Apple Bloom: Oh, and you know how to call a chicken?

Scootaloo: I know that's not the way.

Apple Bloom: Then show me.

Scootaloo: I don't have to show you!

Apple Bloom: You're just chicken!

Scootaloo: Am not!

Apple Bloom: Oh, wait, now I know how to call a chicken! Scootaloo! Scoot-scootalooooo!

Scootaloo: That's so funny I forgot to laugh.

Apple Bloom: You also forgot how to call a chicken!

Scootaloo: Why, you...

Apple Bloom blew a raspberry at Scootaloo before Sweetie Belle called to them.

Sweetie Belle: Come on, guys, we're not gonna find the chicken or our cutie marks by arguing.

Apple Bloom: Maybe that's our special talent. Arguin'!
Scootaloo: Is not!

Apple Bloom: Is too!

Scootaloo: Is not!

Apple Bloom: Is too! Anything yet?

Apple Bloom had Scootaloo check her flank, but it was still blank.

Scootaloo: Nope.

Apple Bloom: Darn.

They both laughed before continuing on.

With Y/n and Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: (quietly) Girls? Girls?

While Fluttershy was terrified, Y/n remained calm as usual.

Fluttershy: Y/n, have you found them, yet?

Y/n: I can't sense them, they must be out of my range. However, I do feel another familiar energy.

Fluttershy: Who?

Y/n: It is Twilight Sparkle's, but it is unusually calm.

Fluttershy: Wait, I think I see her up ahead.

They saw Twilight's silhouette up ahead and ran towards it.

Fluttershy: Twilight? Is that you?  We need your help. The girls are out here somewhere, and I'm afraid that they're-

The moonlight shined and Twilight was revealed to be made of stone, shocking the other two ponies.

Fluttershy: (gasp) W-What's happened to you?!

Y/n: She's been turned to stone. That's why her energy is so calm.

Fluttershy lightly tapped Twilight and tipped her over, causing Fluttershy to scream.

Fluttershy: Oh, no!

Y/n quickly checked Twilight's stone body for damage.

Y/n: Don't worry, she's fine. Which is more then I can say for the creature that did this.

Fluttershy: If she's been turned to stone, it must mean-

Y/n: I know, Fluttershy. I've seen this before.

Fluttershy: Oh no, the girls! Don't move. I'll be back for you.

Y/n: No, we're taking her with us.

Y/n used his magic to pick up Twilight and he flew of with Fluttershy following.

Fluttershy: Girls!

Y/n: Let's hope we find them soon.

Fluttershy saw a hint of worry in Y/n's eyes.

Fluttershy: I don't think I've seen you this worried before, Your Highness.

Y/n: I may find them annoying/misguided, but at the end of the day, they're still foals. And I'll be damned if I let any of them suffer this fate.

Back with the Crusaders.

They followed the chicken tracks while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were still arguing.

Scootaloo: Is not!

Apple Bloom: Is too!

Scootaloo: Is not!

Apple Bloom: Is too!

Sweetie Belle: Girls! Our special talent is not arguing. Besides, what would the cutie mark of somepony whose talent is arguing even look like?

Fluttershy: Girls? Girls?

They saw Fluttershy and Y/n fly over them.

Sweetie Belle: Fluttershy? Y/n?

Y/n looked down.

Y/n: Down there!

They flew to towards them with Twilight not far behind.

Fluttershy: Girls! Thank goodness we found you!

Apple Bloom: Fluttershy, Y/n, what-

Fluttershy: Girls, we have to leave the forest at once!

Sweetie Belle: But... we haven't found the chicken yet!

Fluttershy: There's no time for that. There's a Cockatrice on the loose!

Apple Bloom: A cocka-what now?

Fluttershy: A cockatrice! It's a frightening creature with the head of a chicken and the body of a snake. Now, come on!

The Crusaders walked ahead of the two older ponies, completely disregarding the warning.

Scootaloo: The head of a chicken and the body of a snake? That doesn't sound scary, that sounds silly!

Apple Bloom: Why, if I ever saw one of them Cocka-thingies face-to-face, I'd laugh at how silly it was.

Y/n teleported in front of them.

Y/n: You wouldn't be laughing if you knew what it could do.

Fluttershy: He's right! Never look one in the eye!

Y/n: Ask Twilight here what will happen if you do.

He pointed to the stone Twilight.

Sweetie Belle: Wait, that's actually Twilight?!

Scootaloo: I thought it was just a statue that happened to look like her!

Suddenly, a chicken came out of the bushes.

Apple Bloom: The chicken!

The CMC ran after the chicken.

Fluttershy: Girls! Wait!

CMC: Here, chick-chick-chick-chick-chick!

They lost the chicken for a bit, until Sweetie Belle saw its head poking from the bush.

Sweetie Belle: There he is!

Then another chicken head came out of the bushes.

Scootaloo: Two chickens?

Apple Bloom: I thought only one escaped!

Sweetie Belle: Grab them both!

Apple Bloom went for the first chicken, but it flapped out of the way. When she went for the second chicken, it came out of the bushes to reveal its big, scaley tail. This was a Cockatrice.

The Cockatrice let out a loud roar before jumping in front of the chicken, looked it dead in the eyes and turned the chicken to stone. Seeing this, the Crusaders screamed and ran Y/n jumped in front of them.

Y/n: Crusaders, stay with Fluttershy and stay behind me! I'll protect you!

Y/n threw an air punch at the Cockatrice and it hit its stomach, but the Cockatrice didn't let up as it jumped in front of Y/n and tried to look him in the eyes, but he quickly closed them and tried to punch the Cockatrice, but it jumped out of the way. Y/n only continued to fail and hit the Cockatrice.

Apple Bloom: I don't get it. Why's Y/n havin' such a hard time hitting that thing?

Fluttershy: It's because he's keeping his eyes closed and doesn't know where to hit.

Y/n continued to flail around until he stopped.

Y/n: (Thinking: Focus, Y/n. You can hit this thing if you just focus.)

Y/n focused until he felt the Cockatrice's presence and punched into a tree.

CMC: Yay! Go, Y/n!

The Cockatrice got back up and tried to stare Y/n in the eyes, but Y/n turned into the violet light he turned into during the Young Flyer's Competition and began to repeatedly hit the Cockatrice from all angles.

Sweetie Belle: Hey, that's what he did when he saved Rarity that one time.

Scootaloo: I heard about it, still wasn't as cool as Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom.

Y/n knocked the Cockatrice through another tree and was about to use a Hakai, but Fluttershy ran over to him.

Fluttershy: Wait! Y/n, the Cockatrice is the only way we can fix Twilight.

Y/n: Of course it is, but I don't think it will do so willingly. Plus, I'm pretty sure we could just ask Zecora or my sister for help.

Fluttershy: I still don't want you to erase this creature. I think we should let it be the one to help.

Y/n: Fine, I'll give you a chance. But if you fail and get turned to stone, I'm erasing that abomination.

Fluttershy stepped forward, fearful at first as the Cockatrice began to rise, but her face quickly shifted to the Stare.

Fluttershy: You! Just who do you think you are, going around turning others into stone?

The Cockatrice used its stare to turn some of Fluttershy to stone, but she didn't falter.

Fluttershy: You should be ashamed of yourself! I have a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've been up to, young man!

The Cockatrice continued to turn Fluttershy to stone, but her Stare just intensified.

Fluttershy: Now you go over there and turn Elizabeak and my friend Twilight back to normal, and don't ever let me catch you doing this again! Do you understand me?

The stone on Fluttershy broke as the Cockatrice nodded and ran off.

Fluttershy: Are you girls all right? I was so worried!

Scootaloo: Yeah, fine!

Sweetie Belle: Thanks to that stare of yours.

Scootaloo: You're like the queen of stares. You're the-

CMC: Stare Master!

Y/n: I must admit, that stare is rather impressive.

Apple Bloom: But the way you fought that Cockatrice was cool, too, Y/n!

Y/n: Although your flattery is appreciated, it won't make me forget how you three snuck into this forest when you were told not to.

Sweetie Belle: You're right. We're sorry we snuck out of the house and into the forest.

Apple Bloom: Yeah. We'll listen to you both from now on.

Scootaloo: We promise.

Fluttershy: Oh, you do, do you? Well, you better, or I'll give you... the Stare!

Fluttershy and Cutie Mark Crusaders let out a giggle as the Cockatrice undid the stone effect on Twilight and Elizabeak.

Twilight: What... what happened?

Y/n: It's a long story. Come on, let us head back to Fluttershy's cottage.

In the morning.

The Crusaders were running around while Fluttershy and Y/n were telling Twilight about what happened while the latter wrote it down.

Fluttershy: And that's when it brought you back from stone.

Twilight: This is gonna make quite a letter to the princess. I was wrong about you. You certainly do know how to handle those girls.

Fluttershy: Oh, I wouldn't go that far.

Twilight: Hmm? How so?

Fluttershy: I assumed that I'd be just as good with kids as I am with animals. Boy, was I wrong. I know things would've been worse if I didn't have Y/n with me. I really learned the hard way not to bite off more than I could chew.

Twilight: You and Rarity both.

That's when Rarity showed up.

Twilight: Good morning, Rarity.

Fluttershy: Did you finish all those capes?

Rarity: (sigh) Just delivered them. I have to admit, if you hadn't come along, I might not have. Thanks again.

Fluttershy: Won't you stay for some tea?

Rarity: I really must get back to the shop and clean up. Girls! Get your things. Time to go. Girls!

The Crusaders weren't even listening to her as they were too busy running around and having fun.

Rarity: Girls! Time to- Girls! Your things! Girls! It's time to- Girls!

Fluttershy: Allow me. (clears throat) Girls?

They instantly ran to Fluttershy.

Apple Bloom: Yes, Fluttershy?

Scootaloo: You called?

Fluttershy: Go and get your things. Rarity is here to see you home.

Sweetie Belle: Of course, Fluttershy. Right away.

Y/n: And be sure the bed is made before you leave.

Scootaloo: Yes, Your Highness.

The three rushed inside, leaving Rarity baffled.

Rarity: Ah, huh, ah, how did you... how did you do that?

Fluttershy: I guess I'm just as good with kids as I am with animals.

Y/n: Taking care of children takes a certain kind of skills. Skills I'm afraid you don't have.

CMC: Thank you, Fluttershy! Bye! Thank you, Stare Master!

Rarity: Uh, uh, speaking of which, I could use your help with Opal.

Fluttershy: Of course. How about later today?

Opalescence clawed herself onto Rarity's side.

Rarity: How about now?

Fluttershy and Twilight began to laugh.

Y/n: That doesn't seem so hard.

Y/n used his magic to rip Opalescence off of Rarity, causing the mare to tear up.


Twilight was about to leave when she saw Y/n sleeping on Fluttershy's couch.

Twilight: I guess it was pretty tiring last night.

Twilight stepped closer to him.

Twilight: He's still cute while sleeping. (sigh) I still haven't thanked you for helping in turning me back to normal.

Twilight leaned down and was about to kiss his forehead until...

???: Twilight?

Twilight stopped and it turned out Fluttershy was the one who called out to her.

Fluttershy: What are you doing?

Twilight: (blushing) Me? I was just, uh... checking Y/n for scratches. The last thing we want is the Princess to get mad because her precious brother got hurt.

Fluttershy: I guess you're right.

Twilight: Well, I better get going.

Fluttershy: Okay. Bye, Twilight.

Twilight walked out of the cottage and as soon as she was far enough, her face went red.

Twilight: Ohh... that was so close. Why did I just try to kiss him while he was asleep? If he found out about, I'd lose my chance with him completely!

Twilight took some deep breaths.

Twilight: Never again. At least until we're actually dating.

To Be Continued.

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