Ethan's Pov
Me and the girls were at Hanna's house. Emily would be living with them while her mom is visiting her dad in Texas.
Right now we were all in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.
"I thought you were getting your own room" Aria said.
"That was before the pipes went off behind the walls" Emily said.
"They had to fix the pipes and put the wall back in, so we're roomies till then" Hanna smiled.
"It'll be fun" Emily nodded.
"I know, it's gonna be like a sleepover than never ends" Hanna grinned, clearly happy.
The girls chuckled at her while I smiled and shook my head, gently patting her head.
"Has Garrett called you about Ian's messenger?" Spencer asked, looking at Emily.
"Not a sound" Emily sighed.
"Guys, we dragged Garrett into this. We just gotta trust him" Aria shrugged.
I don't know, Garrett just seems a bit suspicious to me.
I'm not sure if I can fully trust him, at least for now I'll keep an eye on him.
"We're trusting him with Ian's $10,000, and I could've used some of that to replace Melissa's ring" Spencer sighed.
"And if they traced the money from Ian to you?" Hanna asked.
"Yeah, sis, how would you explain that?" I asked.
"I just don't like waiting. If we're too quiet, A will get bored and stir the pot" Spencer said.
"And if we say something, A is gonna smack us down. I don't wanna walk into another A-stravaganza like that fashion show" Hanna explained.
"God, the look on Mrs. Dilaurentis's face" Emily sighed.
We heard the doorbell ring as Hanna walked out to go open it.
"This...isn't just about making us look like bitches anymore, is it?" Aria asked.
"No. It's about keeping us quiet" I said.
"Why?" Aria asked.
"Because A might really be the one who killed Ali. I mean, that's what we're all thinking, isn't it?" Emily asked.
"Why else go through all the trouble of setting up Ian?" Spencer asked.
I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, clearly tired.
"You guys!" Hanna yelled.
We turned around to see Hanna walking back towards us, but the only thing was that she was carrying a gift basket.
We looked at her in confusion while she sighed and gestured towards the card inside the basket.
"Look at the card" Hanna said.
Emily took the car and scanned it before reading it to us.
"What fun, two little liars under one roof. You're making it so easy. A" Emily said.
Me and the girls glanced at each other, clearly worried and confused.
Hanna took a box of candy from the basket and scanned it before scoffing and looking back at us.
"It's not even good candy" Hanna said.
We gave her unimpressed looks as she threw the candy in the trash.
The Next Day
It was the next day and I was helping Spencer gather her things for school so we can leave.
Dad was with us and was telling us how he gave Toby a job.
It's the least he can do after everything. Along with making Toby stay away from us during the whole 'Ian' situation.
"Spencer, Ethan, are you sure Toby can handle it?" Dad asked.
"Yeah, he can do the prep work while Melissa and mom are out of town" I said and Spencer nodded.
"You know, it's not just the barn. I want to clear out everything back to the property line" Dad said.
"He can do that, and then you can make sure that the contractor hires him for the nursery extension" I explained.
Spencer smiled and nodded before looking at dad.
"I think we owe him" Spencer said.
"Yes. Yes, we do" Dad nodded, nothing but guilt showing in his eyes.
Me and Spencer smiled at him, happy to see him coming around.
"He can get the back of the barn ready before Jason finishes that fence" Spencer said.
"Oh, there's not gonna be a fence" Dad said.
"There isn't?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him in confusion.
"No, I stopped that. Called the surveyor. He was building on our property" Dad said.
This made me and Spencer glance at each other before looking back at dad.
Why would he do that?
I mean, building a fence isn't a crime.
"That family is nothing if not consistent, always crossing the line" Dad scoffed.
I mean, I understand that my parents, mainly dad, have never really gotten along with the Dilaurentis's, but still.
Did dad really have to do that?
What does he have against Jason?
"Just have Toby call me, ok? See you kiddos downstairs" Dad said before leaving the room.
"Ok" me and Spencer nodded.
When dad was gone me and Spencer looked at each other.
"That was weird" I said.
"Right" Spencer nodded.
The Next Day
School yesterday was the same as always. Just boring and lots and lots of work.
It was the next day and me and Spencer were walking around in the hallway, trying to find the girls.
We still haven't heard from Garrett and we need answers, now. We can't continue to wait.
Finally we found Aria and Emily and we walked towards them.
"Morning" I smiled.
"Morning" Emily smiled.
"Hey" Spencer smiled, looking at Aria.
"Hey" Aria said.
"Did you talk to Garrett yet?"Spencer asked, looking at Emily.
"Not yet. I've been slammed with practice and the new workout" Emily said.
"Ok, uh, well, do you want us to try?" I asked.
"Yes. You and Spencer are better at getting people to talk, anyway" Emily said.
"We are?" me and Spencer asked.
"You are" Aria nodded.
"Yeah. Tag up later, ok" Emily said, closing her locker.
"Ok" I nodded.
"Bye" Spencer and Aria said.
When Emily was gone me and Spencer looked at Aria.
"Will you come with us to talk to Garrett?" I asked.
"I can't. I told my mom I'd go home and help her with dinner" Aria sighed.
This made me and Spencer gasp in realization as we looked at each other before looking back at Aria.
"Oh! That's right. It's 'guess who's coming to dinner' night" Spencer said.
"That is so not helping" Aria sighed, annoyed.
"No, it's gonna go better than you think. Trust me, Mr. Fitz will knock 'em dead" I reassured her, rubbing her shoulder.
Aria shook her head and stopped walking, making me and Spencer stop.
"It's not just Ezra. My mom invited Jason" Aria said.
"Wait she did what?" Spencer asked, shocked.
I looked at both of them in confusion, what's wrong with Jason being invited to dinner?
"Yeah, he was here at school, and she was talking to him, and invited him to dinner" Aria said.
"She invited him into your house?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah. She said she feels sorry for him" Aria sighed.
"Understandable" I nodded.
Come on, the poor guy lost his sister and him and his parents aren't exactly in the best place at the moment.
Especially after the disaster during the fashion show.
"Yeah. I guess I can understand too" Aria nodded.
I smiled softly at her while Spencer continued to look at her in shock and confusion.
"I'm later" Aria sighed before leaving.
Me and Spencer looked at each other before leaving as well.
After School
When school was over me and Spencer left to go talk to Garrett because like I said before, we need answers.
We were currently outside the police station, watching Garrett put his things in his car as he talked to us.
"Logan Reed quit his job at the messenger service after Emily talked to him" Garrett said.
"She scared him?" I asked.
"She scared him plenty" Garrett nodded as he closed the trunk of his car.
Me and Spencer glanced at each other before looking back at him.
"He's registered at Hollis college, but no one's seen him in class for a week. He's been crashing with a buddy, but, uh, buddy says he's gone" Garrett explained.
I sighed in annoyance and ran my hands through my hair.
"Gone" I nodded, crossing my arms.
"This guy can't stay underwater for long. We'll find him. If I hear anything, I'll call you guys, ok?" Garrett said.
"Ok" Spencer nodded.
Garrett was about to leave but stopped and looked at us again.
"But, uh, Spencer, Ethan, don't expect to find any surprises here. All these loose ends, they're all gonna lead back to the same place" Garrett explained.
"Ian" me and Spencer sighed.
Garrett nodded before getting into his car and driving off, leaving me and Spencer standing there.
I sighed before wrapping my arms around Spencer's shoulders as we both walked away.
Back At Home
When me and Spencer got home, Toby came over and told us what happened when he was working in the backyard.
He told us that he found a hockey stick buried in our backyard.
"A hockey stick?" I asked.
"Part of one. It was snapped off at the handle, and the blade was splintered, like somebody used it to hit something hard" Toby explained.
"And it was buried?" Spencer asked.
"I thought it was some old junk, until your dad saw it" Toby said.
"What did he say?" I asked.
"At first, I thought he was angry. Now I think he might've been scared" Toby said.
Now this caught my attention.
Dad is hardly scared of anything, why did some hockey stick make him scared?
Toby sighed before sitting down on the couch.
"It was white and blue" Toby said.
"Those are Rosewood colors" I said and Spencer nodded.
"There was a piece of tape on what was left of the handle. It had 'Hastings' written on it. I know that Ethan doesn't really play sports. So, was that yours or Melissa's?" Toby asked.
My eyes widened in slight realization as me and Spencer looked at each other.
Nobody's Pov
Aria, Spencer and Ethan were with Alison as Spencer showed her the hockey stick.
Aria was sitting on a chair, playing with a ball, while Ethan watched Spencer hand the hockey stick to Alison.
"It's just an old practice stick I use sometimes. It was Melissa's" Spencer said.
"It'll do" Alison nodded before taking the hockey stick from her.
She went into position but it looked like she was playing golf instead of field hockey.
"No, it's like this" Spencer said.
She took the hockey stick from her and showed her how she should stand.
"Oh" Alison nodded before taking the hockey stick and getting into the right position.
"Ali, when did you become so interested in field hockey?" Ethan asked.
"I'm not. Yet" Alison said when she saw the look Spencer was giving her.
She continued to play around with the hockey stick.
"I'm just considering my options" Alison smiled, looking at Spencer.
"Oh! Maybe you're interested in someone who's interested in field hockey?" Aria smirked teasingly at her.
"Boys don't play field hockey" Spencer said, a bit defensively.
"You don't have to play the game to be interested" Alison smiled.
Flashback Ends
Ethan's Pov
I'm not sure when Spencer called Aria but she did and we were both currently talking to her on speaker.
"That's the same stick that Toby found buried behind our house" Spencer said.
"Are you guys sure?" Aria asked.
"Absolutely the same one" I nodded.
It was silent on the other end before Aria spoke again.
"How did it get in your backyard?" Aria asked, confused.
"Well, you don't bury old sporting equipment, do bury murder weapons" Spencer sighed.
"Are you serious?" Aria asked.
"It was in Ali's bedroom the summer she was killed. Anybody could've used it" Spencer said.
"Anybody?" Aria asked.
Nobody's Pov
Ethan was about to take out his phone to play a game before a voice called out to Alison.
"Alison!" Jason yelled.
They all turned around to see Jason walking towards them.
Ethan send a smile to his best friend, Jason saw him and gave him a small smile before turning back to Alison.
"Mom wants you" Jason said.
"Why?" Alison asked.
"I don't know. She didn't say why, ok? Just go. I got better things to do than hunt you down" Jason snapped.
"Like what?" Alison asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
Jason ignored her and snatched the hockey stick from her.
"What's this for?" Jason asked, scanning the hockey stick.
"It's for me. Give it back" Alison said as she tried reaching for it but Jason held it out of reach for her.
"Oh yeah?" Jason mockingly asked.
"Give it back, Jason" Alison said, trying to be calm.
"Or what?" Jason asked, smirking.
Alison once again tried to reach for it but Jason pulled it away from her.
Ethan was about to step in, not wanting them to fight, when Jason raised the hockey stick at her and made it seem like he was going to hit her.
All the girls, as well as Ethan, flinched at that.
"Be careful!" Spencer yelled, worried.
"Jason, don't you dare!" Ethan yelled, worried.
Jason smirked at his little sister before Alison snatched the hockey stick back from him.
Ethan tried pulling her away, only to flinch back when Alison tried hitting Jason with the stick but he managed to catch it with his hand.
"Ooh! Too bad. You're not gonna get a second chance, Ali" Jason said.
Flashback Ends
Ethan's Pov
"Jason was in the house that summer" Spencer said.
"Obviously, it's his damn house" I said.
"But so was Ian" Aria said.
"Yeah, but Jason is the one who says he can't remember the night Ali disappeared, and I'm starting to think that is awfully convenient" Spencer explained.
I stared at my sister in disbelief.
Is she literally trying to say that Jason murdered his own sister?
I get that Jason and Alison never got along, but he would never hurt her. Let alone kill her.
"Spencer, look, this could just be A playing with us again" Aria said.
"Except that we didn't find this. Somebody else did, and if my dad hadn't stopped Jason from building that fence, no one ever would've found it" Spencer explained.
"What's your dad saying about this?" Aria asked.
"We haven't spoken to him yet. He's in a meeting. He won't be home till late" I said and Spencer nodded.
"Aria!" we heard Ella yell from the other line.
"Hey, I gotta go" Aria said.
"Aria, think about this. Think about what this means" Spencer said, making me lightly glare at her.
"I'll think about it" Aria said before hanging up.
I sighed and shook my head before walking towards the fridge to make myself a sandwich. I was freaking hungry.
Late At Night
It was late at night and me and Spencer were currently in Garrett's car.
Apparently Spencer caught dad burning the hockey stick in the fire place and because of that we've been worried and confused.
Right now we're with Garrett to see if he knows anything else that could help us.
"There you go" Garrett said as he handed me and Spencer cups of coffee.
"Thanks for letting us see you" I said, sending him a tiny smile.
"It sounded important when you called" Garrett nodded.
"We have to ask you something" Spencer said and I nodded.
Garrett looked at us before nodding.
"Do the police know what kind of weapon the killer used on Alison?" Spencer asked.
"They never found the murder weapon, Spencer, Ethan, you guys know that" Garrett said.
"But do they know what it might've been?" I asked.
"It would all be in the coroner's report. They can tell a lot about a weapon by the kind of wound it leaves" Garrett explained.
"So, in the report it would say what she was hit with, like, how big, how hard, how sharp, if it was a man or a woman that used it" Spencer asked.
I sighed and put my hand on Spencer's shoulder, hoping it would calm her down.
"Spencer, slow down. It's like I said before, all of these loose ends, they're not gonna change the main fact. It was Ian, and he's gone" Garrett explained.
Spencer sighed and laid her head against her car seat.
"You guys need to take that in. Ali's killer is dead" Garrett said.
"We're not so sure about that" I sighed and Spencer nodded.
"Why not?" Garrett asked, confused.
I was about to say something when Garrett's radio thing on his uniform turned on as Garrett went to go take it.
Mine and Spencer's phone beeped as we took them out to see who it was. It was Aria.
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.
I looked at Spencer who looked at me with worry and fear in her eyes.
We both glanced at Garrett, who was still talking on the radio thing, before looking away.
I grabbed onto my sister's hand, considering she was near Garrett, and after what Aria just said I don't want her anywhere near him.
My hand made it's way onto the handle of the car door, ready to get both me and Spencer out if necessary.
"Alright. If it wasn't Ian, who do you guys think killed Ali?" Garrett asked.
Me and Spencer looked at him, unsure of what to say.
One thing is for sure. Garrett's now a suspect on the list.
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