Chapter 5: freeing a brainwashed taimanin
A/n: hey guys here's the next chapter of this story sorry it took so long but now I want to know if you guys want me to add Asagi's inner demon in to the harem
this is Kage the Inner demon of Asagi let me now in the comments if you guys want her to be in the harem now enough of me let the chapter begin
Y/n's Pov
it's been a couple of days since I got the operation to restore my eyes and obtain my Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan during those days I was resting my eyes right now is the day I get the bandages off my eyes with the help of Sakura
Sakura: okay Y/n hold still
Y/n: okay
she then begin to unwrapped the bandages as I can feel them loosen up little by little I can't help but smile as I can finally see again once these bandages are off finally Sakrua was at the final layer of bandages as I can see a bit of light peak through the cloth once they were off I saw the beautiful sight of Sakura with her orange hair and blue eyes
Y/n: *smiles* I think I may have died and went to heaven cause there is a beautiful angel in front of me
Sakura: *giggles* maybe you have or maybe you haven't but... *puts a hand on Y/n's face* I'm glade you said that
then we leaned in and kissed softly I then wrapped my arms around her waist as she did the same to my neck as we were about to get intimate we hear someone clear their throat we both separate and look to see Asagi who has a small smirk with another girl with long blue hair similar to but tied into a pony tail and a white ninja like outfit similar to Asagi's and Sakura's next to her is a woman in a business suit with black hair
business woman: are we interrupting something
Y/n: *smiles and Joking tone* maybe you are maybe your who knows *gets a couple of laughs from the girls* all jokes aside it's good to see again especially friendly and familiar faces like yours Asagi
Asagi: *smiles with a small blush* it's good to see your natural e/c eyes so how are you feeling?
Y/n: like a million bucks but I could use some training to get better control of me demon bode when I have my eternal mangekyou sharingan
blue haired girl: that can be arranged but right now miss Fuuma would like to talk to you Y/n
Y/n: *looks at the blue haired girl and business woman* if I were to guess you two must be Murasaki and Tokiko the two that I met before the operation am I right?
Tokiko: that's right it's nice to meet you with your sight back
Y/n: the feeling is mutual it's good to finally put faces on the two people that I've met since yesterday
Tokiko: Y/n there's something we need your help with if you don't mind"
Y/n: sure I don't mind what is it you need help with?
Tokiko: you see we have Asuka in a cell trying to figure out why she disappeared on a mission but the only thing we know is that she as robotic arms and legs the rest of her body is human so far she has been resisted much of our questioning I was hoping your sharingan can help us find the answers or at least have a technique that can help with that
Y/n: as a matter of fact I can help with that you see *shows his eternal mangekyou sharingan* I have a technique called "tsukuyomi" it can alow me to either torture who ever makes eye contact with me or I can or make them relive past traumatic events during my time bedore I met Asagi and Sakura I had develop the jutsu further were I can look through and see a persons memory no matter if someone repressed those memories
Tokiko: that's amazing then I'll trust you to find the answers to what happen to Asuka to you Y/n
I nod to her and Murasaki led me to the holding cell that held Asuka I hope I can find the answers their looking for cause Asagi and Sakura seem to know her
Sakura's pov
as Y/n and Murasaki left and Tokiko went to her office to do some paper work it was only me and my sister Asagi I still remember the time when she was looking close to Y/n's eyes not realizing how closer her face was to Y/n's then blushes this is my chance to talk to her about that
Sakura: hey Asagi I have a question for you
Asagi: yes what is it dear sister
Sakura: do you have a crush on Y/n *thoughts* dammit way to go brain!
Asagi: *blushes* wh what! do you mean by that I. I do not have a crush on him
SakuraL *smirk* then why are you blushing and stuttering not to mention you also blushed when you realized how close your face was to Y/n's
it was at that moment that my sister realized she just gave it away to the point she hunged her head down comedically and sighs still with a blush on her face
Asagi: you got me I do and I know you two are dating now
Sakura: when did you started to have feeling for him?
Asagi: since before I started dating Kyousuke I was going to confess my feeling to Y/n but Kyousuke told me his first and I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I dated him until now when he was just a demon trying to get to me
Sakura: oh
Asagi: yeah I don't want to have any conflict between us so I-
Sakura: if you have feeling for him too then why didn't you tell me cause if we both have feelings for him I know a good idea why not share him
Asagi: wh. what!?
Sakura: sis think about it you have feelings for him so have I think about it if we share him he won't feel conflicted on who to be with and not hurt any of our feelings
Asagi: I guess but what if the other girls do then what
Sakura: then we will just find a solution to work things out so what do you say sister
I finish with a confident smile on my face as Asagi thought about what I had just offered she as she was deeply in thought with slight blush on her face she then sighed and looked at me
Asagi: okay we'll share him and also with any other girl that may have feelings for him
with that I happily nodded to her we both then went to hangout with our friends and do a little spar to pass the time until Y/n is done in finding answers from Asuka and hopefully bring her back to her senses
3rd pov
as Y/n and Murasaki were making their way to the cell that Asuka was in Murasaki informs Y/n about her also being a Taimanin that she was on a mission in the past then disappeared after a couple of minutes of walking they made it to Asuka's cell
Murasaki: here it is she waiting on the other side
Y/n: alright thanks for taking me to see her Murasaki
Murasaki: *smiles* it's no trouble Y/n but to be perfectly honest at first I thought you were going to be any other demon who only craves to rape women and power but after getting to know a little bit about you the more you've shown you are a trust worthy person despite being a half demon
Y/n: *smiles* it's alright since the demons that follow Edwin Black desire those things it's understandable plus you can thank my parents for teaching me right from wrong plus I hope we can be friends in the future
as the two nodded to one another Y/n enters the cell as he walks in he sees Asuka in a chair with special restraints to hold back and weaken the superior strength of said robotic limbs then Asuka looks up to see Y/n in front of her
Asuka: well if it ain't the half demon Uchiha how can if you came here to try and make me talk then your just going to waste your time
Y/n: *looks at her eyes with his eternal mangekyou sharingan* I don't have to make you speak Tsukuyomi!
then the area around the two be came inverted colors of grey and black as scenes from Asuka's past played out for the two showing a young child Asuka spending time with her parents like a happy family then the scene changes to her parents being killed by Edwin Black to which made Y/n's blood boil knowing Asuka shared a similar event he had and the cause was Edwin Black then as more scenes played they finally showed the mission that Asuka was on which was a recovery mission to bring back a fallen Taimanin agent but it was an ambush that ended up getting Asuka captured with her arms and legs badly damaged then being replaced followed up by days on days of torture for her ending up her memories being repressed and not remember her time with the Taimanin after Y/n got what he was looking for he stopped the Tsukuyomi making his eyes go back to his e/c eyes as Asuka was shocked
Asuka: I... I remember now I am allied with the Taimanin I was captured and tortured to who I am today
Asuka then tears up remembering her past as Y/n walked towards her and embraced her with a hug surprising her
Y/n: it's alright go a head
she then began to cry into Y/n's shoulder remembering the death of her parents and the harsh torture she had to endured after awhile Y/n separates from Asuka and undo her restraints and brought out his hand
Y/n: come Asuka
Asuka: to where?
Y/n: *smiles* to return to the people who care about you since your disappearance
Asuka's eyes then widen as she remembered her friends in the Taimanin as tears of joy ran down her cheeks she then reached out and gently grabbed Y/n's hand with a tearful smile
Asuka: please... take me to see my friends again
To Be Continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter sorry if there wasn't a fight scene in this chapter now I want to know which faction should be taken out first the UFS or the Demon faction aka Edwin Black's group please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one
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