Chapter 15

Heading back to the Cove, it seems like it has been weeks to months ago since I been here the first time. I know I was entitled to come back anytime, but with everything that has been going on. There really was not a good time to come back here. It sucks that I had to miss school, but no matter there is always tomorrow.

I follow Karina back inside the Cove where to who was waiting was Aris lounging himself across the red bean bag couch.

 “Looks like you’re being comfortable.” I say.

“Well, I guess rats aren’t the only ones who haven’t shown up in weeks.” He says trying to be a bully. His punkish attitude is only going to leave him nowhere. He knows I have a messed up demonic side inside me. He needs to be careful what he says.

“You know where Mal went?” Karina asks.

“He said he to check the borders we made days ago and try to see if any demonic hellions cross any.”

“I’m sorry borders?” I question.

“The main reason we haven’t seen you these past few weeks was that there was an increase of demonic activity. Mal suggested we set up magical borders to detect any of them coming into any distance between here at the Cove, near the forest entry, and near the town outskirts.” Karina explains.

“It’s what the Nobloods like to call an emergency alarm system.” Aris states.

“Well, I think while Mal is away and the alarm system is not picking up any threats, I think it’s our best shot to handle the second trial.” She says.

“So wait you know where this Daemonum is?” I ask.

“I believe so.” She thinks as she heads to a metal table filled with assorted weapons and books. While she shuffles into that stuff, I look back to Aris as he still resting and listening to a iPod.

“Is that really yours?”


“Don’t tell me it’s stolen?”

“Oh no, it’s stolen!” He hollers as he continues lounging while listening through the ear buds and playing around with the device.

“So how you long you met Mal?”

Aris seems he does not care; and who figures. I soon walk near Karina to see if she is warm-opening unlike her buddy over there.

“Found anything?”

“I think so. I knew I remembered reading something about that book somewhere. If I can just find it.” Searching for what she to look for; “Oh and it was about two years.”

“I’m sorry?!”

“I heard you ask Aris about how long we knew Mal. It’s two years for me.”

“How he ‘recruited’ you?”

“Short story. My parents were viciously murdered and I scavenged my way through the Underworld’s poorest section. Being a female down there wasn’t easy.”

Never even knew the Underworld has a poorest section. “And then you meet Mal?”

“Yeah. He was recruiting others like me and Aris. However, after a brutal attack against Asmodeus’ guards, only Mal, Aris, and I escaped. Mal promised til this day he will restart the recruiting once more to get more outsider demons. Demons who don’t follow under Asmodeus’ rule. Those who want to make a stand.”

“Mal is like the father you never had.”

“You should know huh.”

“Why’s that?”

“I spied around the state and I witnessed street kids getting adopted by adoptive families. I’m just saying that all of us are adopted.”

“Not really. Even though my mother Anne isn’t my birth mother, she was there since I was born. She is very well my real mother.”

“I’m just saying it’s really hard to live two lives now. One as a human and the other as a…”

“A demon. Yeah it’s hard alright.” I know what she is trying to say. That living these two lives is difficult. It’s not easy living a life being a hybrid—a rare hybrid that fringes on the light and darkness. I wish I could have a wish and wished I was not this creature. However, this is who I am now. I have no choice. 

“Found it!” Karina shouts. I see her grab a magazine article and then I glance to see Aris looking our way while still listening to music with those ear buds. I look back at Karina and wonder what she found out.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“Well it’s an article from one of many magazine issues I have collected for over three months now. It showcases artworks and antiques. What is interesting is that I read this article about a month ago; it discussed about a collection of rare books owned by a demonologist who died last year. His collection was sold to a museum. And this is where it gets interesting.” She explains.

“So where is it?” I ponder.

Hesitating a few seconds, “The collection was brought by the Louisiana State Museum. It is in the Cabildo.” She answers.

“In New Orleans?!” I wonder surprisingly.

“Yup. And part of that collection, the book known as the Daemonum.” She replies.

“So how we going to get it?” I ask.

“We go down there and find the Daemonum; find the info about the Devos and destroy it.” She says.

“Just like that.” I say.

“It’s simple. We’re three demons. There is no way we can’t get in.”

“Well there are flaws in your plan. First off there are two demons and a half; plus I can’t fly like you guys do.”

Aris suddenly appears by our side. “Yeah we can let him swim across Lake Pontchatrain.”

“Not now Aris!” Karina yells at him. She then looks at me as she lays her hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry Caden, I have trust.”

If she does, maybe there is much confidence in me that I sort of lack. The faster I can complete this next trial and the next one, the faster I can understand what my father’s real purpose was with those trials.

“So how we going to get there?” I wonder.

“Unlike traveling in the water, we’re going through the air.”

“Excuse me?” I look confused.

“Take my hand.” She lays her right hand out. Not sure if I can do this until I realize the goal is to destroy whatever that book has on me, so without any backing out I lay my right hand to hers. Our hands soon hold shape and then out of the blue I look around to see the Cove interior fading away. Then I can hear Karina’s voice. “Hang on!” And then without notice, the fuzzy background fades to near white while we both start spinning.

Then like it was nothing, the scenery return only to realize we are outside The Cabildo near Jackson Square. I look completely rattled after what I just experience. I then see Karina looking at me like I was a lost puppy.

“You’re okay?” She asks.

“Yeah, I think my stomach is catching up after that ride.” I answer.

She starts giggling. I look around to see citizens and visitors around the area wondering if they saw us, but what it is interesting we entered between the Cabildo and St. Louis Cathedral. I then hear a swoosh sound; I turn to see it is Aris. So happy he wants to join us.

“This city never gets old.” He says.

“You had been here?” I question.

“French Quarter nightmares. That’s what I like to call them.” He says.

I do not know what his problem is, but I love this city. This is like my second home. I usually come here for mainly Mardi Gras, Super Bowls, Essence festivals, and Voodoo Fest; and as well the delicious food. I remembered me and mom having a great time together eating at Emeril’s and Manning’s.

Karina looks around spotting any guards nearby. “Come on, this way!” She heads to the back of the French-colonial style, all grayish tone building. I follow her while seeing Aris is doing the same. We eventually spot an open door seeing men loading stuff.

We head inside the back sneaking by not trying to alert any guards at station. We continue search around until I wonder where the Daemonum could be.

“What floor it is on?” I wonder.

“I think I know. This way.” Karina answers as we continue heading. We then notice a group of visitors having a tour. We get an idea and join the group as a cover.


We reach the second floor where Karina suddenly senses something strange. “This way…I can feel it.” We follow her as we soon split up from the group. A few more minutes, we enter this council like room filled with collections of rare items. Then I notice something near a table. I walk closely to see three books; I look at the info card as it entitles.

The Discovered Works of Remy Binsfield

“Is this it?” I say as Karina and Aris stop looking at their respective places and come near me to view the three books.

“This has to be him; the demonologist who collected these rare books.” She says.

“But which is the book we need?” Aris wonders.

“I think I may know.” I say.

I look at the three books—all look the same, with the same navy color and rustic look; I ponder to myself…where is that Daemonum? I soon notice my hands tingling and thinking about my demonic side. I wonder if it knows which one. Closing my eyes, I have no other choice but to grab the one from the left. As I grab hold of the book, I start to smell something. That strange odor. Oh no, that same rotten stench is something I smell weeks ago.

“We should run…now!” Aris shouts quietly.

We turn around and to my surprise, not just one but there are three hellhounds waiting.

“Is that the book?” Karina wonders.

“I feel it is, but we need to go.” I say.

As we start to run, the hellhounds begin to chase us. They start barking at us. Not only they are after us, I notice guards are about to turn towards us. Seeing the hellhounds, Aris tells us to get out of the way. Before Aris can fire one of his fireballs, a hellhound starts attacking. We each struggle against one of those doggish freaks.    

I notice the hellhound I’m fighting is about to grab the book by biting it into the book’s spine. I try my best to hold on to it with the fullest of my strength. Not knowing it would work. I can smell that stench up close and it’s like breathing into a garbage can 24/7. Realizing we need to leave now, I start to think about my powers.

I think about that hellhound I’m fighting wishing it could just burn like Purson did. Without notice, the hellhound starts burning. I instantly hold on to the book; as I get up, the dog starts to burn, but disappears. I look to Aris and Karina still fighting with their hellhounds, but both of those hounds disappear as well.

Not knowing what just happened. “What was that?” I say.

“Probably Asmodeus way in saying they want what was inside this book.” Aris says.

“We need to go.” Karina says.

“Second that.” I say.

I start to hear guards coming and knowing they smell smoke. Before those guards spot us, I grab hold of Karina’s hand and we both disappear in a smoky light.

A half of hour later, we both return to the Cove. A few seconds later, Aris reappears. After escaping that hellhound attack, I know Asmodeus knew we were there. But what is so important about this Daemonum and what info contains about me, he wants.

“Guess we’re safe, so we can finally find out what is inside that book.” Karina says.

“You’re not the only one.” I reply.

I sit down on the red bean bag chair to open the cover. Karina is sitting near me; and Aris is looking in front of me. As I open the cover, I begin to see pages of cryptic language and images you see in cave paintings.  I hear Karina mentioning this language looks German. I then stop on the fortieth page.

“Why you stop?” She asks.

“Because this is it. I have a feeling.” I say.

“What is it?” Aris wonders.

As I look hard on the page, I have hard time reading the page.

Um A Devos Kill. Finden Sie die unbreakble Klinge, die in der Tiefe eines ägyptischen Tempel der seelenlos ist. Retereive es und Sie müssen stab es nur einmal. Einmal wird genug sein, um das Tier mit zwei Hälften zu töten.

Not this again. I cannot read German, but I notice Karina. “What’s wrong?” I ponder.

“I can read this. ‘To Kill A Devos. Find the unbreakable blade that is in the deep of an Egyptian temple of the soulless. Retrieve it and you must stab it only once. Once will be enough to kill the beast with two halves.” She translates.

“So what it’s an instruction manual to kill me.” I say worried if this was in Asmodeus’ possession.

“How did Dantailon learned about this?” Aris wonders.

“It maybe Syril the oracle; she told my dad about the Alpheus prophecy. And I bet you she told him about this. How to kill me.” I reply.

“Your father may have been told about this, but he wanted you to deal with this stuff.” Karina says.

“Well it’s not done.” I stand up closing the book along the way. I rip the page looking at it. This has to be destroyed. This is the main point of the trial, destroy this information. I look at it closely and imagine I want this page to burn. Then out of the blue, the page begins to set on fire.

“Whoa!” Aris looks amazed. Karina stands by looking at well. I drop the page and let it continue to burn itself out.

“We need to inform Mal about this and as well the hellhound attack.” Karina says.

“You guys told me those things weren't programmed to attack.” I ponder.

“No. Asmodeus reprogrammed them.” She says.

“Wait; tell Mal I’m ready to train tomorrow.” I say.

“I’ll let him know.” She nods.

“You watch yourself; Asmodeus is trying to mess with you. He probably already knew how to kill you.” Aris say in a selfish way.

“Not before I kill him first. This needs to stop before anyone I care about get hurt.” I say.

“Don’t worry we won’t let that happen.” Karina promises. I hope so because, I maybe too confident that we can do it. However, something about Aris is not right I can’t picture it. Mal and Karina needs to watch him.


A interesting Tuesday, at school during lunch eating a banana, I start peeling each layer of the yellow skin off. Once done, I take a bite of the fruit. Chewing it, I notice Liana walking with her book bag and a brown bag.

Seeing this is my chance, I rise up trying to alert her I’m here instead of ignoring me.

“Liana!” I holler as I wave my right hand and try to tell to come over. She glances at me and about to walk away, decides to come towards me. She sits down placing her black booksack and her paper lunch bag on the surface of the table. I sit back down to try to see if we can be us again.

“I’m glad you’re safe.” She says after days of ignoring me. I knew she would care about my safety. It was hard not talking to her for all these days.

“What happened? I heard about the cab attack and the driver getting murdered.” She says.

“I had blacked out during that night and like days later I woke up in the middle of the forest.” I respond.

“Well, it’s good to know that.” She says. “I wanted to go to your house and check on Anne, but I was just so mad at you I just didn’t.”

“I understand. Trust me I understand.” I say.

“You know Caden; I cried trying to figure out what happened between us. We talked every day since we met in first grade.” She states.

“I know.” I say.

“What happened to us?” She asks.

“I wish I knew.” I reply wondering that same question every day as well.

She hesitates a bit before responding. Then she looks at her watch. “You know I have to go because I have to leave early and head home.” She says that completely sad.

I halt widening my eyes after she says that and ponder why. “What’s the matter?”

“You know my Grandma Vi.” She mentions

“Yeah!?” I reply.

“Well, she is ill and my mom is away on a business trip. My neighbor helps my grandma while mom’s away and me at school, but he has to go to work, so I need to leave now and take care of her.” She explains as she gets up picking up her booksack and her lunch bag.

“Do you want me to come; I can find a way to help.” I tell her.

“All I need for you is your support. Please!” She states.

“Yeah, sure!” I say.

“Thanks.” She replies as she smiles. “We’ll talk more about us later okay.”

“Will do.” I reply.

She smiles again agreeing to my reaction, and she then winks her left eye. She takes her booksack and her bag, and walks away from the table.

I see her leaving the courtyard and onto the outside corridor of the school building heading home to help her sick grandmother. I wish I can help her, but if I do something foolhardy, it could be the end. With the two trials down, there is another out there I need to complete.

I then look back at my lunch wanting to continue eating my almost-finish banana. However, before I touch anything from the plate. I begin to feel a very incinerating sensation and painful one. The burn is not in my mind or in my eyes; is coming from my right hand.

I glance over my right hand feeling the pain and it has to be my demonic side. It’s trying to take over once again. There was a period of me and my other side working together, but I guess it was a fake. And then without notice, the burning of my hand suddenly erupts like an open stove. Checking my left side to see some people looking at me like I was real and then I turn to my right to see few others looking as well. As the pain continues to burn, I suddenly feel sweat coming down my face.

Not waiting anymore, I hastily get up and run to a nearby restroom. When I see the boy’s restroom just a mile away, I sprint like it was my heart content. I bam the door open with my left shoulder entering, and I soon check below the stalls to see anyone in there. No one is there. Feeling the burn increasing, I open one stall and close it. I lay my head back to the door still feeling the sweat and then when I look down to my hand, the burning sensation instantly generates into some more.

I look to my hand and I see a fireball emerging from my hand. 

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