Harem Part 1 (Members)

Name: Victoria (Vi).

Age: 24 years old.

Race: Lunarian.

Height: 3.13 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 100cm. Waist: 70cm. Hip: 95cm.

Position in the Crew: First Mate.

Personality + History: Victória is a very talented Nitoryu-style swordswoman with great reflexes, as well as good speed and skills. However, she is unmotivated. As long as Victoria can live well and continues to live a relaxed life, then she is fine with doing anything. Despite being a swordswoman, she initially does not want to make any effort, such as training, and looks down on anyone who is weak and has no talent in battle. She doesn't even know much about the strongest figures in the world, much to the chagrin of her competitors. Initially, she is indifferent to fighting and becoming the best swordsman, preferring to sleep than anything else. After experiencing her first defeat, Victoria starts to take more initiative and deal with the frustration of losing. She finally begins to have motivations and is willing to explore these feelings, alone if necessary, and this only happens because she realizes that her friend and captain seems to be lost against immensely strong enemies. Despite her initially indifferent exterior, Victória strives to improve her swordsmanship and Devil Fruit user skills as a result of the defeat. This desire to improve follows her like a trauma, and she can even tarnish a friendship because of it. Victória seems to care about her friends and crewmates, but she is among the best, and is selfish when it comes to winning. She only cares about her ambition, her dream and victory. But this changes as she lives with Nero.

Name: Goliath D. Cynthia.

Age: 24 years old.

Race: Human.

Height: 1.87 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 95cm. Waist: 65cm. Hip: 90cm.

Crew Position: Second Mate.

Personality + History: Cynthia has a hostile attitude and an explosive temper. She is a loud and aggressive woman who believes that actions show more than words. However, despite this, Cynthia shows a deep understanding of how to motivate others, even those she has just met. She respects anyone who wants to empower themselves and does not judge others based on their upbringing or lineage. She doesn't like Ennies Lobby, so she spends most of her time in Alabasta training, hunting wild animals and becoming stronger. Despite her initial dislike and refusal to join CP-9 as leader, she takes over when Spandam (her replacement) is incapacitated, and leads the government's secret agents against his will, hoping to one day take revenge on Akainu, the magma hellhound. She also shows a lack of modesty or a natural view of nudity, as she does not hesitate to take mixed baths. Often using this to provoke Nero.

Name: Chikara Richi.

Age: 21 years old.

Race: Oni.

Height: 1.75 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 90cm. Waist: 60cm. Hip: 90cm.

Crew Position: Combatant.

Personality + History: Being from an island in the East Blue, Chikara ran away from home due to the constant abuse she suffered in life. She ended up bumping into Nero in Loguetown, while he was walking around the city. After watching him fight and seeing how strong he is, she decides to join his crew.

Name: Riona.

Age: 28 years old.

Race: Oni.

Height: 2.75 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 98cm. Waist: 75cm. Hip: 95cm.

Crew Position: Chief of Staff.

Personality + History: Riona has a very happy and relaxed personality. But she turns into a beast when angry. Returning to normal only when she becomes calmer, or when someone offers her chocolate, leaving her as docile as a puppy. Just don't try to take the chocolate away from her, unless she doesn't have love for her own life, and wants to die in an agonizing way. She fled Wano Country when she was 8 years old with the help of a foreigner, having faced several dangers in her life, which served to make her extremely strong. She went to East Blue in search of finding the man who helped her so many years before, only to discover that he was killed a few years earlier. But hearing rumors that a descendant of that man was alive, roaming the East Blue as a pirate, she decides to find him, to join his crew. When she finds him, she is immediately enchanted by his beautiful appearance. This young man turns out to be Nero, who is surprised that Riona has met his father. And feeling the great power she possesses, he decides to accept her into his crew. Because in addition to having great physical strength, she also has a very unique sword fighting style. Having three enchanted swords, which she found during her journey, with each one having an elemental power. They are: Fire, Lightning and Darkness. In addition to having a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, the Chika Chika no Mi, which granted her an extreme increase in physical strength.

Name: Cafebela.

Age: 20 years old.

Human race.

Height: 1.80 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 90cm. Waist: 70cm. Hip: 90cm.

Crew position: Navigator.

Personality + History: Cafebela comes from a long line of swordsmen. But because she was a woman, she was underestimated by other family members, always becoming frustrated when this happened. She then turned this frustration into fuel to improve, making her become one of the best swordsmen in the family to date. But even with such skill, she was still underestimated by the younger male members of her family, until she proved herself better than them all by undergoing an arduous, and dangerous, journey to find an ancient heirloom of her family. This being a sword forged by the greatest and most skilled blacksmith that ever existed in her family. The sword was named Kuraishi (Black Death), because an ancient legend said that the black-bladed katana was cursed, and that whoever touched it would die painfully in less than a day. But against all odds, Cafebela found the sword, and returned home with it on his waist, completely safe. With this she won everyone's appreciation. With several men wanting to have something with her, but she saw through their lies. All they wanted was to use her to gain status, since she was the daughter of the current leader of the family. But she never had eyes for any of them. But then, one day, a Navy Commander demanded that Kuraishi be handed over to him. But as Cafebela was the rightful bearer of the sword, she did not hand it over. He then offered a deal. If she defeated him in a duel, she could keep the sword. But if he won, he would keep the sword and her. She ended up accepting. And not satisfied with just defeating him, she humiliated him in an extraordinary way, defeating him with just one blow. But not honoring the agreement, he tried to kill her with a cowardly shot in the back. But to his surprise, the bullet was simply ricocheted by him, with Kuraishi's blade. Soon after, the Commander and his men were threatened by all the inhabitants of the island, with everyone wielding weapons of the most diverse types, mainly bladed weapons. As a result, the Sailors were expelled from the island. But less than a month later, the island was attacked by a large group of pirates. This attack ended up taking the lives of several people, including almost all of Cafebela's family. She then decided to go to sea, looking to become even stronger. Strong to the point of never losing someone who is important to you again. She and Nero end up bumping into each other in a bar. With the two having gotten into a fight with a group of pirates. After that, Cafebela joined the Nero crew, using her navigation skills to become the crew's navigator.

Name: Esdeath.

Age: 20 years old.

Race: Modified Human.

Height: 1.70 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 90cm. Waist: 55cm. Hip: 85cm.

Position in the Crew: Boatswain.

Personality + History: A normally happy and extroverted woman, but serious and focused when necessary. She can, at times, be a little obsessive with her Captain. But she doesn't like to talk about her past. She ended up joining Nero's crew because she owed his father a debt. The only thing she says when asked about it is that it saved her years ago. She also has an extremely strong and resistant rapier, having great skill in using it.

Name: Akame.

Age: 17 years old.

Race: Human.

Height: 1.65 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 85cm. Waist: 55cm. Hip: 85cm.

Crew Position: Battle Commander/Assassin.

Personality + History: Normally quiet and reserved, but can also let loose at times. Especially when with your Captain. Akame was born and raised into a clan of famous assassins. But one day, afraid of her abilities, the World Government ordered a Buster Call against her island, destroying everything, with Akame, being 5 years old at the time, being the only survivor. She spent a few years alone, surviving. But everything changed when she found a sword considered cursed. That sword... was the Murasame sword. Which is said to be capable of killing anyone with just ONE cut. But not knowing how to use it correctly, she ended up finding herself in trouble before long. Until a powerful pirate found her, saved her, and trained her on how to use Murasame correctly. This pirate was Nero's father, who revealed himself to be the son of the one who forged Murasame. Just as he revealed that the stories about the sword being cursed and extremely deadly were all true. He also told her about his son, with her wanting to meet him one day. After teaching Akame what she needed about Murasame, Lorenzo and Akame part ways. When Akame found out about her "master's" death, Akame vowed to find her son, and help him in any way she could.

NOTE: Esdeath and Akame ended up meeting by chance, while looking for Nero. With both of them teaming up to find him.

Name: Sakuya.

Age: 24 Years.

Race: Human/Mink Hybrid.

Height: 1.78 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 80cm. Waist: 60cm. Hip: 80cm.

Position in the Crew: Undefined.

Personality + History: Sakuya has a very lively and relaxed personality, inherited from his father. Born on a Sky Island/Kingdom of West Blue, known as the Shuilian Island/Kingdom. Inspired by her father, who was a pirate of the Mink Race, Sakuya, together with her older sisters, Kuzha and Sakurai, decides to brave the seas and live great adventures. But the three end up being captured by slave traders in the East Blue. But after being saved by Nero, the three decide to join his crew.

Name: Kuzha.

Age: 25 years old.

Race: Human/Mink Hybrid.

Height: 1.73 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 78cm. Waist: 65cm. Hip: 75cm.

Position in the Crew: Undefined.

Personality + History: Gifted with unusual intelligence, she has great skill in building the most diverse equipment. She is the most intelligent of the trio of sisters, but she also becomes very distracted when she is tinkering with one of her inventions or when analyzing something.

Name: Sakurai.

Age: 27 years old.

Race: Human/Mink Hybrid.

Height: 1.86 m.

Body Measurements: Bust: 85cm. Waist: 60cm. Hip: 85cm.

Position in the Crew: Undefined.

Personality + History: The oldest of the trio, having a more serious personality and cares a lot about her sisters. With her blaming herself for the capture of the three.

NOTE: The three end up developing loving feelings for Nero after seeing him fight so skillfully to save not only them, but also everyone who would be sold into slavery.

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