Chapter 8: BBQ

It's a new day as Tadayoshi alarms start blaring but he shuts it off. He wakes up in his new bed which he sits up and rubs his eyes until twisting and stretching, popping a few bones until getting out of bed to change. After changing into his clothing, he makes his way downstairs and makes some coffee while he scrolls through his phones to see people talking about the colosseum coming up tomorrow

Tadayoshi: People get excited about such little things...

He takes off his cast and moves it a bit to find it healed until taking his coffee and sits on the couch and relax as he sips his coffee

Tadayoshi: Peace... and quiet...

Suddenly his phone buzzes beside him which he looks at but decides to ignore it

Tadayoshi: Peace...

His phone buzzes again which he looks at it again in annoyance but ignores it again

Tadayoshi: *breathes in* pea-

Phone: *buzz*

Tadayoshi: Motherfucker...

He sits in anger and picks up the phones to see who's texting him

Agent Purple: Hey

Agent Purple: Hey

Agent Purple: Hey

Agent Purple: Hey

Agent Purple: Hey

Agent Purple: Sorry, Cassie has my phone

T: Yeah... I can see that, what do you want?

Agent Purple: We're having a BBQ today and Cassie wants you to come over

T: Why? I don't see the "fun" in BBQ, all you do is just stand there and chat and besides, you know I can't taste the food

Agent Purple: I know, Amber and Diana told us... but can you please come, Cassie, is starting to shake me

T: ... Fine...

Agent Purple: Thank you, oh I almost forgot Craig is coming home along with three other agents that you didn't meet

T: And they are?

Agent Purple: Agent Orange, Green, and Pink

T: Alright, I'll see you there

Agent Purple: Same goes for you

He puts his phone away and lets out a sigh which he finishes his coffee and throws his cup into the sink.

Tadayoshi: God when am I ever going to get some alone time...

He gets up and makes his way out of the door towards the city.

After a few minutes, he arrives at the base to find Rachel and Diana setting up plates and utensils on a bench, Cassie is hanging off a tree, and Amber and Tracer and playing with Chum

Tadayoshi: I'm here, you happy now?

Cassie: *Gasp* you finally showed up!

Chum: *intense tail wagging*

Diana: Hey

Tadayoshi: Wait why are they-

Rachel: We showed them the base since they agreed to help us

Tadayoshi: I- never mind...

Cassie: Come on, I wanna chat with ya!

Tadayoshi: Yeah, yeah

Tadayoshi: Where's the old man?

Rachel: He should here in a few minutes, he's just grabbing some food for the grill

Tadayoshi: Fair enough... Through you seem to be very excited to have him coming back

Cassie: Causes he's like a grandpa to us! He spoils us a lot!

Tadayoshi: I can see that... especially with your personality

Cassie: Shut up!

Rachel: Anyways you can just relax and wait cause we got nothing else to do until gramps come back

Tadayoshi: Alright

Tracer: I just realized your arm healed fast

Tadayoshi: It's wasn't that bad

Diana: Guess we worried too much

Tadayoshi: You think?!

Cassie: Well moving that aside, how was your first day at your new home

Tadayoshi: Was nice... had some peace and quiet, until someone has to bring me here

Rachel: Hey, at least it's better than staying home doing nothing

Tadayoshi: "I could've just relaxed in peace..."

Cassie: Well even though you wanted to stay, you can at least get to know more about us

Tadayoshi: Sure...

Cassie grabs a bag of chip on the table which she starts munching on them

Rachel: Hey, don't eat too much or you won't be able to eat anything from the BBQ

Cassie: It's fine I have a huge appetite!

Tracer: Honestly I'm more surprised you haven't gain weight if you're like this

Cassie: That's because all that fat goes up to my chest!

Amber: Wished that happened to me... *looks at Diana*

Diana: I-It's not my fault my body work like that!

Tadayoshi: But isn't having a big breast is like being fat since, breast are just fat?

Cassie: *collapse* Why... did you say it like that...

Tadayoshi: I don't understand woman half of the time...

Amber: Anyways how many agent do you guys have?

Rachel: You've met 4 which is us and you'll soon meet 3 more coming here soon...

?: We're here kiddos!

Tadayoshi turns at the voice to see Craig with three different people with him, holding a batch of food

Craig: Did we miss something?


Rachel/Cassie: Craig!

Both Rachel and Cassie runs up to him and hug him which he hugs them back

Craig: Ho Ho Ho, how long has it been

Cassie: Far too long!

?: Umm do you want us to put the food on the table

Craig: Oh yes go-ahead

The agents walk over to the table to set down the food which when they pass Tadayoshi, one of the agents glares at him

Craig: Well now it's been a while, sonny boy

Tadayoshi: Same goes to you old man...

Craig: Still the same way, now where is that old friend

Tracer: Over there

Craig: Ah yes thank you, oh and welcome to the team Agent Red

Tracer: Thanks

Craig walks towards the cage where Alpha is locked in which he looks up at him

Alpha: Hello... old friend...

Craig: It's been a while...

Alpha: Surprised that you're still alive after these years

Craig: And your attitude hasn't change

Alpha: Did you come here to look down on me? Get angry at me for trying to attack you?!

Craig: No... I came to apologize for everything... I'm sorry for leaving you... I'm sorry my friend...

Alpha: ... I won't ever forgive... and don't call me a friend again...

Craig: I know... I just wanted to say that...

As everyone was setting up for the BBQ, Tadayoshi suddenly notice a small demi-human wolf staring at him in curious

Tadayoshi: Uhh, can I help you?

Demi-human: ...

Tadayoshi: Can you hear me?

The small Demi-human runs off while Tadayoshi watches her leave

Tadayoshi: Weird kid...

Suddenly Tadayoshi felt his shoulder being grabbed which he looks back to see a green-haired girl looking mad

Tadayoshi: What do you want?

?: Listen, I don't know you and you don't know me, but if you try to do anything to her, I'll kill you

She lets go of him and turns away as Tadayoshi watches her leaves

Tadayoshi: And what did I ever do to you?...

?: Sorry about her, she very strict about Vivian

Tadayoshi: You mean her? (Looks at the demi-human)

Kiryu: Yeah, but you must be Tadayoshi, my name is Kiryu and the girl that yelled at you is my sister Amelia

Tadayoshi: Uh-huh

Cassie: Are we going to eat or what? I'm hungry!

Kiryu: Hang on I'm getting to it, say Tadayoshi can you help me?

Tadayoshi: Yeah, got nothing to do...

He walks over to him which Kiryu tosses him an apron and chef hat

Kiryu: I'll cook the hotdogs while you cook the burger

Tadayoshi: Ok...

Kiryu: Oh and if I yell at you, then I apologize

Tadayoshi: ?

Kiryu opens up a package of hotdogs while Tadayoshi opens up the burger and they start to cook them as everyone starts to chat around them

Kiryu: So what do you think of being part of the Guardians?

Tadayoshi: I don't care for it...

Kiryu: I'm sure you'll get used to it

He suddenly notices a katana resting by Kiryu waist, which got his attention

Tadayoshi: Grade S katana...

Kiryu: Oh yeah, I had it since I was a kid but I don't where it came from and who gave it to me

Tadayoshi: How do you not know...

Kiryu: Hey! Not everyone can remember everything as a child!

Tadayoshi: I know...

Kiryu: But hey I'm happy that I got a good sword such as a Grade S but also I'm shocked you have a Grade S spear

Tadayoshi: Yeah, it's my grandfather (flips some patties)


Tadayoshi: ... What?...


Tadayoshi: ...ok

Tadayoshi sets away from the grill as Kiryu start to cook both the patties and hotdogs

Rachel: He gets anger issues when it comes to cooking, he's very strict

Tadayoshi: I can see that...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Chum questioning how is he alive outside of the water


Kiryu: And the burgers and hotdogs are done!

Cassie: Hell yeah!

Amber: I'm taking the biggest burger you got!

Cassie: Hell no! I'm taking it! I'm starving!

Rachel: Cassie, you just ate a bag of chips before...

Cassie: So?

Rachel: *sigh* nevermind...

As everyone was grabbing their food, Tadayoshi sits down on a bench until Vivian walked with her hotdog and sits next to him

Tadayoshi: Why are you following me?

Vivian: ... Hi

Tadayoshi: "Now she says hi..." What do you want?

Vivian: My name is Vivian... it's a pleasure to meet you...

Tadayoshi: I know, you didn't need to introduce yourself

Vivian: But Amelia said I have to introduce myself when meeting new people! It's good manners

Tadayoshi: Yeah, but you didn't to with me ok

Vivian: ok... Why do you look mad?

Tadayoshi: What?

Vivian: You look like you had a terrible day

Tadayoshi: No... it's just what I look like

Vivian: Oh... Want a hotdog?

Tadayoshi: No I'm good

Vivian: Ok...

Tadayoshi: Why are you so close to me

Vivian: You look familiar *nom* ...

Tadayoshi: What do you mean?

Vivian: I... don't know, but I felt like I've met someone like you before

Tadayoshi: You don't remember?

Vivian: *shakes her head*

Tadayoshi: *sigh* though I will admit you do look like someone I know

Vivian: *tilts her head*

Tadayoshi suddenly notices Chum crawling past him with a cheeseburger in his mouth which he turns and waves at them. Vivian waves back as Chum turn and crawl away

Tadayoshi: Never mind that, go eat and play with the shark

Vivian: Ok...

As Vivian leaves Tadayoshi to play with Chum, he felt something pointing at him with a weapon, he looks beside him to see Amelia aiming her SMG at him

Amelia: What did you tell her?

Tadayoshi: If I say anything you're just going to get mad at me

Amelia: If it's something shitty that you said to her

Tadayoshi: It's neither that, so quit being a bitch

Amelia: I could kill you right

Tadayoshi: Then why haven't you?

Amelia: ...

Tadayoshi: Weapons are used to kill, not to intimidate

She puts her weapon away and turns away from him

Amelia: I know how weapons are used...

Tadayoshi: ...

Craig: Agent Black

Tadayoshi: Eh?

Craig: May I have a word with you?


Tadayoshi follows Craig as they arrive at a different side of the base where they an open valley of Coltopia

Tadayoshi: What's this about?

Craig: I think it's time for me to answer your on why I recruited you

Tadayoshi: ... I'm listening...

Craig: As you know when I was an agent, there were 8 members. Rex, Oscar, me, Ryū, Cosmo, Zane, Aaron, and Finn

Tadayoshi: ...

Craig: Even though we went out separate ways, I still don't know where some of them are to this day...

Tadayoshi: Aaron... he's-

Craig: You're grandfather... He was also Agent Black and not only he was the strongest member in our group but he was the strongest being in the world! Though he was murdered that day by "those" people

Tadayoshi: ... So he was...

He pulls out his spear and looks at it as he imagines what his grandfather was like in fights

Craig: When I saw you having that spear before I did some research and found out a lot of things

Tadayoshi: ...

Craig: Don't worry, I won't arrest you but since you carry his bloodline I'd figured you'd want to follow his path

Tadayoshi: Well... not exactly...

Craig: ?

Tadayoshi: I want to be strong because of "them" but I don't want to follow his path completely...

Craig: You want to follow your own

Tadayoshi: Correct... besides I only join this "Guardians" for money, not for the title

Craig: Well he didn't earn that title for joining us

Tadayoshi: Figures probably by the war...

Craig: No not the Civil War 2... The Titanomachy War...

Tadayoshi: The what?...

Craig: ...

Cassie: Hey! What are you guys talking about? Come and join us

Craig: I'm coming in a sec! *turns at Tadayoshi* We'll talk about that later...

Craig gets up and leaves as Tadayoshi does the same. A few hours go by as everyone starts to clean up from the BBQ

Cassie: Say Tadayoshi, are you going to join the Colosseum? I heard it's going to be big this year!

Tadayoshi: (Goddammit it's always the colosseum...) No...

Amber: Really?! Not even going to at least see it?!

Tadayoshi: No...

Tracer: Damn I thought you would, I would think you would fit perfectly since you have some nice fighting skills

Tadayoshi: I don't see the interest in this colosseum at all...

Cassie: I mean one of our agents Kiryu is going to join it

Kiryu: Well, I'm only joining to get stronger, I heard a lot of strong fighters are joining so I figured they would be a good practice!

Tadayoshi: Uh-huh...

Diana: I'm curious how come you don't want to join the colosseum?

Tadayoshi: Because if you join that thing, people are going to recognize you as one of a fighter, and soon you're gonna end up with fans that won't leave you alone!

Rachel: So basically the attention part

Tadayoshi: Yes...

Amelia: Still I heard the winner of the Championship earn $5 million

Tadayoshi: ... What?

Amelia: Since the Colosseum is going to be big this year, they're giving away a lot of big things as rewards

Tadayoshi: ... Where do I get in

Amber/Diana/Cassie/Rachel: "He's only joining for the money..."

Tracer: Are you just trying to convince him to join?

Amelia: ...

Rachel: Amelia...

Amelia: Look, I don't know why you recruited him in the team so seeing him he in the colosseum can show me what's he capable of

Rachel: *sigh* if you say so

Kiryu: Well if you are joining the Colosseum, then I can help you with that! Tomorrow is the Championships, so you should be able to get the last moment to join before it starts tomorrow.

Tadayoshi: Fair enough

Kiryu: But hey, I'm looking forward to what you can do

Tadayoshi: Yeah... I'm getting the money...

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