Chapter 7: New Home
Diana walks over to Tadayoshi, who was sitting at the dining room table with a cast and his chest covered in bandages and bring him a cup of coffee
Tadayoshi: You know, I could've gotten the coffee myself
Diana: Yes, but you are injured so you have to take it easy
Tadayoshi: I can move my legs...
Diana: Yet you can't move your arm and besides you are covered in burns and bruises! You know when a Forgotten is injured, it's usually a sign!
Amber: She's right, researchers said that when Forgotten injuries themselves, it could be a sign that they'll commit suicide!
Tadayoshi: And half of the time, the researchers are wrong, especially when they say video games can make kids into killers...
Amber: True, but we can't take the risk if it's true! This is suicide we're talking about!
Tadayoshi: *sigh*
Last night:
Tadayoshi arrives at Amber and Diana house which once he enters, he sees Diana and Amber watching Vincible
Amber: Hey do you smell something burnt?
Diana: Yeah, did you leave the oven on
Amber: No!
They both look behind them to see Tadayoshi making his way to the stairway
Tadayoshi: Shit...
Amber: Holy shit!
They both quickly jump out of their seats and run towards him, checking his injuries
Diana: What happened to you?!
Amber: Diana get the bandages!
Diana: I'm getting it!
Tadayoshi: I'm fine, it's just a flesh wound
Amber: Flesh wound my ass! What happened?!
Diana: Did someone hurt you or did you try to do something to yourself?!
Tadayoshi: No I-
Suddenly he remembers that he can't tell anyone about the Guardian base which he quickly shuts his mouth
Tadayoshi: Yeah I did something with myself
Diana: I knew I should've gone with you!
Amber: Good Dammit, if someone made you do this, I'll kill them!
Tadayoshi: "I should've just said I've gotten into a fight...."
Diana: Do you need anything else?
Tadayoshi: No I'm good, why are you treating me like this, this is torture...
Diana: I'm sorry, but I've gotta show I care, Forgotten can get very negative when they are injured especially when you kinda don't trust me.
Tadayoshi: At this point, I should just trust you so you don't have to do this to me...
Diana: Anyways I'll be in the living room with Amber, just call if you need anything
Tadayoshi: Yeah yeah, mom
Amber: Come on! I wanna beat you in Splaton!
Diana: Coming!
She makes her way to the living room as Tadayoshi sips his coffee and scrolling through his phone where he sees the news talking about some loud noises coming at the warehouse that was outside of the city
Tadayoshi: "Guess the city heard about the fight"
Suddenly his phone lets out a buzz as he sees a text message from Rachel
R: Are you coming today?
T: I am in a bit, just got to shake off some people
R: Guessing some people you know?
T: Yeah...
R: Well get here soon, Cassie came home and she wants to see you
T: Yeah, yeah
R: Alright, I'll see you soon!
Tadayoshi puts his phone away and finishes up his coffee. He gets up from his seat and sets the cup in the sink and starts to make his way to the door
Diana: Where are you going?
Tadayoshi: Somewhere...
Diana: If you are going somewhere, then one of us has to go with you, we can't risk you getting hurt again!
Amber: You even put the cup in the sink, goddammit!
Tadayoshi: Look how about this, are you two going anywhere today?
Amber: Well actually we got to meet up with our manager today so in a bit
Tadayoshi: Ok, so I'll be in the city so I'm sure you'll see me there. Just let me be by myself for a few minutes, alright?
Diana: ... Ok, but please don't hurt yourself
Tadayoshi: Yeah, I'll see you all soon
He walks out of the door and makes his way to the city as Diana lets out a sigh
Diana: I wished he worried about himself more, he's gonna get others a heart attack one day
Amber: Hey, he's a strong man and I'm sure he knows what he's doing
Diana: Yeah you're right
Amber: Now come back and finish the match against me!
Diana: I'm coming Ambie
Tadayoshi arrives at the base where Chum hops over to him happily while tripping over on the way but get back up and runs in circles around him
Rachel: Welcome back Tadayoshi, first off I want to first say thank you for putting a stop to Alpha
Tadayoshi: Yeah, where's he now
Rachel: Over there
Rachel points at the building where he sees Alpha through the window, who is playing cards with Tracer, who waves back at Tadayoshi
Rachel: We don't usually keep prisoners here but we have a cell here which we have one our agent watch until we drop him off at the Tartarus
Tadayoshi: Tartarus?
Rachel: It's strong-hold prison where the worst of the worst is sent. Prisoners have said that being in there is like being in hell and some have said that some of the notorious prisoners that were meant to be wiped from history are still in there
Tadayoshi: Even small criminals get out there?
Rachel: Well yes, but I don't think Alpha will be put into the deeper part of the prison
Tadayoshi: Deeper part?
Rachel: The prison is pretty much underground, the deep you go, the more dangerous the criminals are, but the higher you are, you're more likely going to meet criminals that are probably there for just a year or something.
Tadayoshi: Uh-huh, anyways I would like my payment
Rachel: Oh yes, before we went off-topic, as our gratitude for stopping Alpha, I-
?: Rachelllll! I can't find any chips!
Both Tadayoshi and Rachel turns at the voice to see a blonde hair girl walking out of the building with an upset look
Rachel: The chips got stale, Cassie! I had to throw them out, I can get new ones tomorrow
Cassie: But-
Suddenly she notices Tadayoshi which they stare at each other for a few minutes
Tadayoshi: What?
Cassie: ...
She quickly walks over to Rachel and whispers in her ear while Tadayoshi watches
Cassie: You didn't tell me he was this cute!
Rachel: I sent you an image remember?
Cassie: Yeah, but I didn't think he'd be this cute up close
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: oh sorry hi I'm Cassie, which I'm sure you know who I am, it's a pleasure to meet you cutie!
Tadayoshi: Yeah... Tadayoshi by the way...
Cassie: Tadayoshi... I like that name, so you're Agent Black
Tadayoshi: Shouldn't you know that?
Cassie: I do, just trying to know what kind of man you are depending on how you answer it
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie immediately starts circling him until she starts touching his arm which she gets surprised
Cassie: Holy shit, you some beefcakes!
Tadayoshi: Don't touch me...
Cassie: Sorry, just checking you out!
Rachel: She's Agent Yellow and I'll say she can be... difficult to deal with her
Cassie: What does that suppose to mean?!
Rachel: ...
Cassie: Rachellll!
Tadayoshi: Are going to give me my payment or what?
Rachel: Yes, as our gratitude, we give you this
She hands him a key with Tadayoshi takes and looks in confusion
Tadayoshi: What's this?
Rachel: Your new house
Tadayoshi: ... what?
Rachel: Since you said you didn't have a home, I figured I might as well awards with a new house for you to live instead of living on the streets. We also give you some money so you could deal with the house bills for a couple of days
Cassie: Wait you were sleeping outside?!
Tadayoshi: No I have not, but as much as I'm grateful for this, I'd feel like this is too much
Rachel: Don't worry about it, would you like to see it?
Tadayoshi: Might as well
Cassie: On our way there, can we get some French fries?
Rachel: Maybe on our way back home
Cassie *fist pump* yes!
Rachel: Tracer you are on watch duty!
Tracer: *thumbs up*
They walk towards the elevator which they used to exit out of the base. Once they exit out they begin walking into the city
Tadayoshi: Is this house away from the city?
Rachel: Yes, know you I'd made sure it was
Tadayoshi: Good...
Cassie: So Tadayoshi are you single?
Tadayoshi: Why are you asking?
Cassie: Cause maybe I want to get very close to you~
Tadayoshi: ...
Rachel: Cassie!
Cassie: What? I'm just testing him, and he passes again! He's quite different from the other people I meet.
Tadayoshi: Is that a bad thing?
Cassie: No no, it's a good thing, cause normally they would get a nosebleed or they just try to tackle me down, but you are in a fan meet up or something... *sigh* wish they let me have some air space once in a while especially the paparazzi...
Rachel: That's the curse every idol has
Tadayoshi: One of the reasons why I hate attention...
Cassie: You're really an edgy boy, but I like your attitude~
Rachel: Cassie!
Chum: *Shakes his head while crawling*
Cassie: You know if you weren't sleeping on the streets, where have you been staying?
Tadayoshi: Uhhh I-
?: Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi and the others look ahead of them to see Amber and Diana
Diana: Are those two...
Tadayoshi: Oh boy...
This story is interrupted by a chibi Cassie munching on some donuts while Rachel pokes her puff cheek
They arrive at the new house along. which Tadayoshi looks in surprise whiles weren't pinching on some food they got on the way
Amber: I still can't believe Tadayoshi knows you two?! *munch* What else is he hiding?!
Rachel: Trust me, I wish I knew
Diana: Yeah, but how did you get this cute shark *picks him up*
Chum: *questioning how is he floating in the air*
Cassie: I know he's a cutie aren't you!
Chum: ?
Tadayoshi: "it took a while to explain the shit to the both of them after we stop at a fast food place but I didn't think they become friends that fast..."
Rachel: So what do you think?
Tadayoshi: Pretty big place...
Cassie: Come on, I wanna see inside!
Both Amber and Cassie runs inside the house as Rachel and Chum follows them behind
Diana: So you're finally moving out
Tadayoshi: Yeah, at least I don't have to worry about your fans going to kill me staying at your place
Diana: True, but you'll come to see us once in a while right?
Tadayoshi: If necessary yes
Diana: I'm glad...
Both Diana and Tadayoshi walks into the house to find the living room and kitchen, which was huge, as Cassie and Amber were relaxing on the couch and Chum rolling around the floor
Amber: Damn this place is nice, maybe I should move to your place
Tadayoshi: Please don't
Amber: I'm kidding!
Cassie: Can't wait to come to visit your place in a while
Tadayoshi: What?
Cassie: Hey, we just met, we got to at least get to know each other... and maybe get closer~
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: Damn you're tough, but I'll get through you one day!
Tadayoshi: Good luck
Amber: Holy shit! A Twitch is here! Diana and I could play with you when we come over!
Tadayoshi: Why are you people so excited to visit me now...
Amber: Is it bad for friends to come over and hang out?
Tadayoshi: ...
Amber: Yeah that's right!
Rachel: Upstairs is a shower, storage room, and your bedroom and outside you have your own pool
Cassie: Wait a pool?!
Amber: I gotta see that!
They quickly run outside as they were completely amazed while Chum immediately dive in, swimming
Tadayoshi: Those two...
Diana: They seem to be getting along
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
Rachel: So what do you think?
Tadayoshi: I still feel like this is too much... but it's something... thank you
Rachel: Hey you don't need to thank me, it's our gratitude.
Diana: Still shocked at how big this place is... What did he do to earn this?
Rachel: He has helped me a lot
Diana: That's it?
Rachel: It's kinda hard to explain...
Diana: I understand
Rachel: Though I'm curious how did you meet with these two? It surprises me that you know a lot of famous people
Tadayoshi: Uh-huh...
Diana: I found him on the streets so I and Amber decided to let him stay at our place until he gets back on his feet and hey, he is
Rachel: Wow, you were sleeping on the streets
Tadayoshi: Can you just lay that off...
Diana: What about you? How did you two meet
Rachel: Well-
Cassie: Rachel, I almost forgot to tell you but Craig is coming back from-
Suddenly accidentally trips over from the slide doorway which she falls over with something falling out of her pocket
Diana: You drop some-
She picks up the object that fell out of Cassie pocket, which she looks at it to find a card that read Guardian's entry card
Diana: Guardians...
Diana looks at Cassie which she turns away while Amber walk back in
Amber: You mean the myth group that put a stop to the war years ago?... it's can't be right?
They look at Rachel and Tadayoshi who are also trying to ignore their talk
Diana: Are you guys really?...
Rachel: *sigh* I guess we can't hide it, time to come clean...
Diana: So the legends were true...
Amber: And it explains where Tadayoshi goes, especially coming back with injuries
Rachel: Wished we didn't tell you but SOMEONE had to drop that card!
Cassie: It's was a mistake Rachel!
Rachel: *sigh* listen I hope you two can keep this a secret, which means not talking about it in your podcast
Amber: Relax we won't! In fact, we could help!
Diana: What?
Amber: Let's be honest, everyone watches us to hear daily news or information about what's going on in Coltopia, but what if whatever happens that has something to do with you guys as Guardians, we can make fact news to cover it up!
Diana: Ambie, you sure we could do that, that sounds like lying to our fans...
Amber: Diana, you have simps who are believe everything you say, so I'm sure even if you told them a lie they believe it
Diana: I guess
Amber: Besides we are very lucky that we've learned about the Guardians existence
Rachel: That... could be quite helpful, especially when the public goes suspicious about the warehouse yesterday...
Tadayoshi: You two are going to trust them
Amber: Tadayoshi... You've known us for a while...
Tadayoshi: Not me, I mean these two. You guys have known each other for just a bit and you've already trusted each other?
Diana: I mean they're our idols, we can't say no to them unless if necessary
Cassie: Also if you trust them, then that means they're safe!
Tadayoshi: -_-
Amber: So do you think we can be helpful?
Rachel: ... Alright, I trust you two to be able to cover up our missions, but please don't accidentally spill out our secrets
Diana: We promise we won't!
Tadayoshi: How do you guys even trust people that easily...
Cassie: So now that's settled, do we got any food here?
Rachel: No
Cassie: Fuck!
Tadayoshi: Well I mind as well get my stuff to move here
Rachel: You don't need to worry about that, I can call and hire someone to move the stuff in for you
Tadayoshi: ... How much money do you have
Rachel: When you are an idol, you have a lot of money...
Tadayoshi: Right...
Cassie: Well since moving stuff in is out of the way, you guys wanna play Smush bros?
Amber: *gasp* you have that game as well!
Cassie: Absolutely!
Amber: Oh I'll kick your ass in that game
Cassie: Try me!
Both Cassie and Amber jump over the couch and starts to play the game while Rachel and Diana walk to watch.
Amber: Once I beat you, I'll show you how I can surpass Diana's skills!
Diana: You've only beaten me a few times Ambie
Amber: Shut up!
Cassie: Ooh, someone's feisty
Rachel: Cassie, don't add more fuel to the fire...
Amber: God Dammit!
Tadayoshi watches the girls chat and plays while he begins to think back on everything he has done to get here
Tadayoshi: "I've been in this city for years now and yet... how did I meet such weird people..."
Suddenly he hears the sliding door open which he turns to see Chum crawling in with a towel around him. They both stared at each other for a bit until Chum crawls over to the couch to watch the girls play
Tadayoshi: "Then again... things have been quite... interesting... wonder how long will it last?"
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