Chapter 59: Drake
Warning: This chapter has Exploitative and/or Disturbing parts. You have been warned as I was also uncomfortable writing it
Royalty Woman: DARLING! HELP ME!
Royalty man: DEAR!
Chaos continues with the crowd continuing to avoid the guards that continue to take the Royalties. Some of the Royalties try to retrieve their weapon, only to find them locked in a case, unable for them to get it, and to be taken by the guards. Meanwhile, the group continues to be in their group defense while Alyssa and Harold are bewildered by the situation
Alyssa: What preposterous is this!?
Harold: I knew that Drake boy was trouble when I first saw him but I didn't think he-
Alyssa: So he's upset he didn't get her hand in marriage with my daughter! *tsk* Put that blame on her not us!
Harold: Dear...
Meanwhile, Alex punches down another guard who attempted to reach them as the group tries to figure out what to do
Alex: We should've left as soon as we saw him...
Cassie: It's fine! As long we huddle together, we should be able to handle this situation!
BeatBox: So this Drake guy's whole plan is to take a bunch of Royalties?
Vivian: But why does he want a lot of rich people?
Alex: Well seeing how they more focused on taking the female Royalties... I'm sure we know what his plan is... but I don't know why he's taking some of the males though?...
Tadayoshi: So what's the plan, Rachel?
Rachel: Keep holding our ground, we can't risk one of us being taken, Tadayoshi, Kriyu, and Vivian, see if you can get our weap-
Suddenly, she felt her hand being grabbed and pulled out of the group. She quickly turns for a punch but stops after she sees it's her mother who pulled her away
Rachel: What are you doing?!
Alyssa: We are leaving right now!
Rachel: Mom! We can't! We haven't figured a way out!
Alyssa: Then you or Harold figure it out now! Be useful to this family!
Rachel: Mother, would you-
Suddenly, a guard appears between Alyssa and Rachel and quickly snatches them away, causing the others to panic
Vivian: Rachel!
BeatBox: Oh fuck! Tadayoshi!
Tadayoshi: I know!
Before he can rescue her, one of Drake's bodyguards appears and jumps onto his shoulder, attempting to use a string to choke him. The other tries to reach her but are also stopped by the guards from reaching Rachel, who attempts to escape the guard's grasp but fails while her mother screams in panic and disgust
Alyssa: Get your filthy hands off... Harold! Do something!
Harold: I-I-
Another guard appears and tries to take Harold who is caught off-guard by the situation, but suddenly, Cessair appears and tackles Harold, avoiding being caught by the guard
Cessair: You alright, mister?
Harold: I- Yes... but... my family...
Cessair: Don't worry, I'll try to help them! Right now you need to be safe!
As Cessair quickly escorts Harold away with the rest of the remaining Royalties, Rachel realizes she isn't going to be able to escape the guard's grasp and turns her attention to Tadayoshi
Rachel: Tadayoshi! I trust you and the others find me!
Even though Tadayoshi was struggling to not let the string tighten, he let out a nod to reassure Rachel he would save her
Rachel: Don't get yourselves killed!
Before long, the group found themselves powerless as the guards restrained them from trying to help, forced to watch as Rachel was taken away into another room, vanishing from their sight.
Cassie: Rachie!
Tadayoshi: *grunt*
Out of annoyance, Tadayoshi reached up, grabbing onto the bodyguard's hand, and squeezing it, breaking her hand and causing her to yell pain, loosening to string around his neck. He takes this chance to reach over and grab the bodyguard and throw her off of him but she quickly recovers, pulls out a knife, and tries to attack him again
Tadayoshi: You're in my way!
He blocks the attack by grabbing her wrist, disarming her, and starting to beat her for a second and then throwing her onto the ground following up a stomp on the head. He then grabs her by the neck, spins her around, and throws her at the wall then finishes her off with a leap and kick onto her face, smashing her head through the wall, knocking her out
Kiryu: ... Jeez, did you really need to go that hard on her?
Tadayoshi: She probably just ruined my decent paycheck
Vivian: We got to go save her!
BeatBox: Oh way ahead of you!
Tadayoshi, Kiryu, Alex, and Vivian raise their hand which causes their weapon to break out of the case while Tadayoshi's spear, scoops up three rings and flies back to their owner
Tadayoshi: Cassie! Boxhead!
He tosses the rings to them which they quickly catch and put on, leading them to summon weapons
BeatBox: Oh yeah! Showtime!
He swings his arm, catching a guard by the neck and making him fall to the ground. Soon he starts swinging and punching at the guards who attempted to grab him
Guard: Get that blondie hair girl! She's friends with the Fleur girl!
Guard 2: I'm sure Drake would like to see her too!
As the guards charge at her from behind, Cassie quickly summons her hammer and swings behind her, smacking a guard that attempted to grab her in the wall
Cassie: Ok... time to put my training to use!
With the case now opened the remaining Royalties quickly grab their weapons and start to huddle together in a defensive posture. Meanwhile, the group continues to fight against the guards while Drake just sighs and turns away
Drake: Keep them busy, I don't want them near me especially the Forgotten... until I'm done with our new products...
Bodyguard: *nods*
Soon Drake disappears into a different room as the second bodyguard leaps off the balcony and lands in front of the remaining guards who are standing against the group that is in battle position and unintentionally defending the remaining Royalties that are still crowded together against the main doorway
Alex: So we doing a rescue mission huh?
BeatBox: Oh yeah! But first... how about some warm-ups before getting our friend back?
Vivian: Oh this is gonna be fun!
The female bodyguard points and the rest of the guards charge while the group does the same, leading to a large battle. Before the female bodyguard can join them, Alex appears and clashes against her, starting their battle
Tadayoshi: Oi, Cassie
Cassie: Yeah?
Tadayoshi: Wanna put your training to the test?
Cassie: Oh you betcha!
They begin to charge at the guards that were coming at them as they both start smacking away any of them that comes close until Cassie smacks one of the guards to Tadayoshi who he pierces with his spear, spins him, and throws it back to Cassie who she hits him like a baseball, knocking down a portion of the guards.
Tadayoshi quickly tossed his spear up and kneeled as Cassie quickly stepped up on him, leaped up in the air, and hit the spear as hard as she could, causing the spear to strike the pile of guards and knocking the guards that were nearby from the shockwave. Cassie and Tadayoshi quickly run by as he grabs his spear and throws it at one of the guards who gets pierced in the shoulder and dragged around until flying towards Cassie who swings her hammer, pulling him out of the spear, spinning him, and then hammers him down onto the ground
Cassie: Wow... I did it!
Tadayoshi: I see you took my advice
Cassie: Well... I just wanted to... impress you... and-
In an instant, they both recognized a guard charging from behind them. Without hesitation, they executed a lightning-fast maneuver, darting past one another and decisively knocking out the guards as they collided
Tadayoshi: You're doing well with that
Cassie: *blushes* Thanks...
As both Cassie and Tadayoshi continue fighting, BeatBox gets impressed by the combo he witnessed as he punches a guard down without looking at him
BeatBox: Oh yeah! Hey Kiryu, let's do our combos!
Kiryu: We have combos?
Suddenly BeatBox starts charging at Kriyu to his surprise and grabs onto him, lifting him with one hand
BeatBox: Ally-oop!
He throws Kiryu at some guards that are unintentionally lined up to which Kiryu quickly draws out his sword and cuts them all down instantly
Kiryu: ... Holy shit, I almost messed that up-
BeatBox: Kiryu! Batter up!
Kiryu turns his attention to BeatBox who was casually grabbing each guard by their heads and throws them at Kiryu with quick speed who begins to cut down each one of them as they fly past him
Kiryu: Would you slow down! I don't know your ways of combos and I'm just getting lucky with this!
BeatBox: My bad!
As the fight continued, Harold couldn't help but feel awe as the group mowed down every guard that stood in their way, and he couldn't help but smile
Harold: Rachel's friends are quite strong... heh... I guess she's found a better family...
Meanwhile, Alex and the bodyguards continue their fight, blocking each other's attacks with every blow they trade. The bodyguards quickly drop to her hands and use her legs to attack with small blades that were on her feet but Alex breaks the blades while mid-dodging.
Alex: Seriously? Why do you even work for that guy? You know he's a piece of shit
Bodyguard: ...
Alex: Not really talkative, huh?
The bodyguard then boosts herself to do a drill kick at Alex but she blocks the attack, managing to hold her ground until she pushes her away and leans her blade back
Alex: Sorry but I have to end this quickly!
She switches her blade as hard as she could, cutting the bodyguard across her chest and sending her flying into the wall, knocking her out
Alex: Hope when you wake up, you'll quit this job
Soon all of the remaining guards fall to the ground in defeat as Vivian finishes off to what she assumes was the last opponent
Vivian: Hey! I think we got them all-
?: Take this!
Before Vivian could get hit, Cessair appears out of nowhere and tackles the guards, making him miss the attack and holding onto him, refusing to let go
Guard: What are you?!-
Seeing an opening, Vivian uses her mace and hits the guards across his face, knocking the guards out then turns her attention to the butler that saved her
Cessair: *Huff* *huff* Y-You ok miss?
Vivian: I'm ok! Thank you for the help!
Kiryu: Vivian! Over here!
Vivian: Coming!
She quickly approaches the rest of the group, who are gathering around Alex after she defeats her opponent and sheathing her blade. With the remaining guards defeated, the group makes their plan for their next move
Tadayoshi: You alright?
Alex: Never been better!
Cassie: So what's the plan?
BeatBox: We'll for one! We find Rachel, punch Drake in the face, and then get out!
Vivian: Sounds good to me!
Cessair: Wait!... let me help you all!
The group turns at Cessair in confusion as they never met him however Tadayoshi and BeatBox know him as they approach him and Tadayoshi grabs him by his shirt collar and lifts him up
Tadayoshi: If you want to help, tell me where your damn boss is
BeatBox: Please do tell! I don't wanna punch you, you seemed like a chill guy before!
Cessair: I-I don't know! I just started working here so they never told me too many details! But I do know he's through the doorway!
He pointed at the large door that was on top of the staircase where the group was nearby
Cessair: The doorway leads to other rooms in this manor but I'm not sure where exactly! That's what I know! I swear!
Tadayoshi: ...
He lets out a sigh and lets go of Cessair, who falls to his knees and catches his breath
BeatBox: Look, you seem like you don't know much about combat, but if you wanna help, find an exit for those Royalties ok?
Cessair: B-But I can-
Tadayoshi: Just do it...
Cessair: ... Ok...
Soon Cessair turns and makes his way back to the Royalties to help them find an exit while Tadayoshi and BeatBox turn back to inform the group of the new info
BeatBox: You good Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: ... Yeah... just find it surprising how muscular that butler is...
BeatBox: ?
Suddenly, Tadayoshi felt someone grab his shoulder, stopping him from moving forward. He let out a sigh and looked behind him
Tadayoshi: Now what?
He turns back to see it's Harold who looks worried but Tadayoshi gives him an annoyed look
Tadayoshi: What do you want old man?
Harold: Please... just make sure my daughter is safe...
Tadayoshi: ...
Harold: I know she might not see me the same way, but my main concern is her happiness. All I want is for her to be surrounded by people who can give her the love and support that I wasn't able to. Please prove to us she no longer needs to have our Royalty title...
Tadayoshi: I plan to keep her safe... but it's not because you asked...
Harold: I know... thank you...
Soon Tadayoshi turns away with the rest of the group as BeatBox punches down the large door that leads to multiple hallways
BeatBox: Now let's go save our friend!
Soon the group begins to make their way down to the hall to search for Rachel, not noticing Cessair behind them who sneakily takes a different direction as he thinks he may know what Drake is
This story is interrupted by chibi Cassie training by herself while she imagines how impressed Tadayoshi would be
After what felt like an hour, Rachel soon found herself in a dark bedroom, yet her arms and legs were tied up. She tried to break free to no avail, but soon the door opened and Drake stepped in with a rose in his hand and sniffed it calmly
Drake: Hello again... my fiancee
Rachel: Drake...
Drake: You know, I'm surprised you didn't leave the party after seeing me. But I'm grateful you didn't leave, my plans are still intact
Rachel: If all of this is your way of trying to get engaged with me, then this is just sad. This is more like you're throwing a huge tantrum
Drake: Oh no, that has nothing to do with your rejection, that is more for... my other work. Though it's a shame Diana didn't come to the party, she'd be my best product and my daily uses
Rachel: You're a sick man...
To Rachel's surprise, Drake punches the wall out of anger but quickly pulls himself together and takes a deep breath
Drake: I'm here to help you bring back your title and what you should've been with some slight changes of course! Being my wife would have so many benefits!
Rachel: Why do you want me to marry you so badly? Matter of fact, why do you need a wife? You have those damn bodyguards of yours
Drake: Oh trust me... I use them well... but I want a perfect woman who would stay by my side forever... one that doesn't get all wasted and drained...
Rachel: Everything you said is the many reasons why I would never get together with you...
Drake: It is why you are here... for now depending on if you accept this bargain or not
Rachel: And you should know my answer...
Drake: You say no but you don't know what I'm about to say... especially when it comes to someone close to you...
Rachel: ... What are you getting at...
Drake: Now probably in a few minutes, my men will have Cassie captured and we'll have plenty of time before your bodyguard finds us meaning... I'll allow them to do whatever they want with her~
Rachel: Don't you bring her into this
Drake: Oh but you forced my hand, my dear. But don't worry, I won't lay a finger on her, it's just my men... But I won't let them do anything to Cassie if you accept to be my wife
Rachel: ... I should've had Tadayoshi snap your neck back then...
Drake: Ugh, you have to mention the Forgotten...
but no matter. If you accept this offer... we'll begin our... "adventures" here so once friends find us, they'll understand your decision. ~ But I would like to spend night after night, exploring every inch of your... potential as our celebration
He leans down to her, confidently presenting the rose to her face, awaiting her acceptance of the offer
Drake: Now... I'll ask you again... become mine... and mine alone
Rachel only looks in disgust and without hesitation, she spits in his face to Drake's dismayed yet expected response as he wipes the saliva off of his face
Rachel: I'd rather bite my tongue than marry you...
Drake: You're willing to throw away your friend's life for your stubbornness
Rachel: Oh no, 'cause I know she can handle herself now, and besides my "date" will come and find me! And I'll make sure he'll come to and smash your face in for this.
Drake: *tsk* That Forgotten knows nothing about love! What makes you think he'll-
Without warning, a guard bursts into the room in a state of panic, interrupting Drake and catching him off guard
Drake: What is it! I'm in the middle of-
Guard: Sir, we've lost most of our men in the main room and the remaining Royalties have disappeared from the building
Drake: Wh-
Realizing what might've been the cause, he looks back at Rachel, who gives a prideful smirk at him, to which he mutters in annoyance but lets out a sigh to calm himself
Rachel: I have faith in them and I'm sure my "date" will show you how he's a better man than you'll ever be!
Drake: Damn Forgotten... Since I can't convince you, I'll just have you be taught obedience
He snaps his finger and the guard grabs her, putting her on his shoulder as she struggles to escape while Drake places the rose in his shirt pocket
Drake: Put her where the rest are! And have the remaining guards be prepared for transportation! I have to make another announcement quickly...
Soon the guards take her out of the bedroom and to a room where the remaining Royalties are which was at the corner of the manor. Soon the guards toss her on the ground next to her mother
Alyssa: Rachel! Whatever he asked you to do, you better have accepted it!
Rachel: I'd be insane to accept his offer
Alyssa: You stupid girl! We could've possibly gotten out of here alive! This is your fault for rejecting him!
Rachel: ... How selfish do you must be? You rejected him too, if I remember
Alyssa: *tsk* I only did cause your damn father was annoying me! Of course, I took away 65% of his paycheck for that as the agreement! It annoys me just think about it!
Rachel: Wait... Dad did-
Soon Drake slowly approaches the Royalties who look on in fear as he fixes his tie but Rachel continues to look in annoyance and determination
Drake: Now then... you are all wondering why I have you all here... well let me make this simple... you've all been chosen to become "products" for my business!
Royalty: Products?!
Royalty 2: You think we're some kind of animal?!
Drake: Oh no... you're all more like... toys... things to keep people's stress away...
Soon the Royalties begin to mumble to each other nervously about what will happen to them but Drake clears his throat to get everyone's attention again
Drake: But... I have an offer to all of the men here... If you come to work for me, I will allow you to do whatever you like to any of the women here!
All of the male Royalties look in surprise at this information as they start to feel cautious yet interested in the offer
Royalty: A-Anything?
Drake: Of course!
Most of the male Royalties began to mumble to each other while female Royalties were in disbelief by the offer
Royalty: T-This isn't some kind of joke
Drake: Oh I'm serious! I know how most of you were eyeing some of the gals here
Female Royalty: You outta be insane to make that kind of offer!
Drake: Oh you say that... but I know how you all are...
Suddenly some of the male Royalties began to stand up and turn their attention to the female Royalties, breathing heavily as the female Royalties looked in disbelief at their decision
Male Royalty: I mean... I've been eyeing you, missy, since I got here
Female Royalty 2: W-What...
Male Royalty 2: Yeah... and you have a nice figure, ma'am...
Female Royalty 2: K-Keep away from me, you disgusting pig!
Soon, all the females started to panic as each male who made their choice was selecting their partner. It wasn't long till Rachel realized what he meant by discipline to her
Rachel: You're willing to go this far to have me...
Drake: You're the perfect woman for me to not accept and I'm not letting that damn Forgotten take-
?: D-Drake!
With the unexpected yell, everyone turns their direction to the voice where they see Cessair standing across the hallway, looking nervous
Guard: Who's that?
Guard 2: Ain't he the newbie?
Rachel: "The butler?"
Drake: *sigh* You better have something important to say otherwise I'll cut your paycheck for interrupting me...
Cessair: T-This whole thing has to stop!
Drake: ... *pfft* You trying to be a hero or something?
Drake and a couple of guards chuckle at him but Cessair still tries to keep his stand as much as felt scared of what he is doing
Cessair: I just wanted to work as a butler... but I never expected this to happen! I-I can't do any of this! Just let them go
Drake: Or what? Are you gonna cry? Report me to the police?
Cessair: I-I might just do that
Soon their chuckles turn to laughter while the other Royalties just look at Cessair in disgust and confusion until Drake's laugh slowly fades away
Drake: Oh please, you ever realized your working for me makes you an accomplice?
Cessair: W-What?...
Drake: Think about it, you were offered a job to work here and most jobs will tell you what to expect if you apply...
Cessair: But- I-
Drake: So the police could've just scrapped it up as you were aware what would go down. Besides I could tell a different story and they would buy it thanks to my other workers
Cessair: S-Shut up!
Drake: Face it, you can't win in any way shape or form, commoner
Cessair: I said shut up!
He charges to attack Drake who gives him a smug look as the two guards easily pin him down Drake chuckles and crouches down to him
Drake: You're a fool boy... you should've thought better when you picked this job... take him away, he can be a product or something I don't care...
The two guards lift him and drag him away as he weakly struggles to escape their grasp only to fail as the Royalties look in disappointment
Royalty: Some "hero"
Royalty 2: Then again I rather die than let some commoner save me
Royalty 3: Pathetic at its finest...
Rachel found herself in a state of disbelief at the Royalties' response, as they would rather remain in their current situation than be saved
Rachel: "They can't be serious..."
Drake: *Ahem* Now where was I?... Oh yes, if you accept my offer, continue your pick, and then we must leave soon
The room was filled with panic as the female royals tried to escape from the male royals who were selecting them, unbeknownst to Cessair slowly squeezing his fist as he was dragged away. It wasn't long before one of the male royals noticed Rachel and approached her, causing fear to crawl up her spine
Male Royalty: You- you were a cute girl when I saw you... I was jealous of that Forgotten to have you
Rachel: N-No... K-Keep away from me!
Male Royalty: D-Don't worry I can be-
Before one of the male Royalties could lay a hand on Rachel, a blade pierces through his chest, nearly touching Rachel's face. The entire place goes silent as it's revealed to be Cessair using a sickle. Soon the Royalty screams in pain and fear from the blade through his chest but Cessair only sighs in annoyance
Cessair: I think I'm done with this act long enough...
He brings his blade upwards, cutting the Royalty in half and killing him. As the corpse hits the ground, everyone screams as blood splatters on their face as the male Royalties falls to the ground, and crawls back in fear
Royalty: W-What the hell?!
Drake: What?! How?!
He looks to his sides to see his two guards all dismembered to which Drake is in disbelief at what just happened
Drake: W-What do you think-
Before Drake could say anything, Cessair swung his sickle, nearly cutting his face and causing Drake to fall to the ground out of shock
Cessair: I recommend you keep quiet, I want to save you for last...
Drake quickly crawls back with the group of Royalties as he has become a hostage as well. Suddenly something burst through the window, landing between Cessair and the Royalties. He turned to Cessair and held out a suitcase for him to take
Butcher: Boss...
Cessair eagerly snatches the suitcase from his hands, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. He sinks to his knees, unzipping the case to his outfit that was inside
Butcher: Knives and Cannibal thank you for being them the Royalties before
Cessair: Of course... shame I couldn't witness it...
Somewhere else, Harold is covered in blood and gut and the corner of the room, breathing heavily in fear.
Harold: "H-How did this happen?!... I have to warn them! I have to warm them!!"
It is revealed that Cessair never took them out of the building but brought them to their death as Knives continues to inspect every Royalty corpse while Cannibal waits for her to finish looking so she may feast on them
Royalty: W-Who are you?! You monster!?
Cessair: You don't know who I am?... Hehehe... the quite surprising... but allow me to give you a reminder
Soon Cessair puts on his wide brown fedora hat he slowly stands up straight with both sickles in his hands and turns at the Royalties with a wicked smile on his face. Soon enough, everyone in the room immediately recognizes who he is, mostly Alyssa as her pupils shrink, and she is stunned in fear
Rachel: "It's him... the one on the news..."
Cessair: I am Cessair... but you people like to call me... the Regicide...
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