Chapter 58: Confrontations
Tadayoshi: Get your fucking ass back here, Boxhead!
BeatBox: Bro! Spare me! I beg you!
Somewhere in the crowd, BeatBox is trying to run through the crowd with an angry Tadayoshi following in pursuit
BeatBox: I swear I don't plan to show the video to anyone!
Tadayoshi: I don't care, I want no evidence of it! Now stop running!
BeatBox: Can we just chill out and-
Suddenly, while passing through the crowd of Royalties, BeatBox accidentally bumps into someone who falls over and drops a tray full of small cookies
BeatBox: Ow... hey bro sorry about-
?: Oh, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! Oh jeez... I-
BeatBox: Woah! Woah! Relax man, it's fine-
Suddenly he felt someone grabbing onto his shoulder, causing him to sweat nervously as he looked behind him to see Tadayoshi glaring down at him
Tadayoshi: Your phone... Boxhead...
BeatBox: ... Ok please spare me...
He takes BeatBox's phone but before he deletes the video, he looks down at the man who fell over, who was the same butler that requested him and Rachel to listen to Drake's announcement
Tadayoshi: Oh, you're that butler
?: Huh? I'm sorry sir... I can't see who you are... I lost my glasses somewhere
As he was struggling to look for the glasses that were in front of him. Tadayoshi carefully pushes the glasses to the butler with his foot who takes them and puts them on
?: T-Thank you, sir...
He tries to pick up the cookies that he dropped but one of them gets stepped on by a Royalty walking by
Royalty: Oop... *snicker*
Tadayoshi/BeatBox: ...
They both crouch down and start to pick up the rest of the cookies to the butler's surprise until standing back up after cleaning up
?: T-Thank you... I never thought some Royalties would-
Tadayoshi: I'm not a Royalty...
?: Y-You're not?
BeatBox: I am though!... apparently?
?: I-I see... So I assume you are like a bodyguard, sir?
Tadayoshi: In a way...
?: That... makes sense...
Tadayoshi: ?
?: Usually, Royalties are all mean and cruel and wouldn't have helped me like you two did...
BeatBox: Hey, I'm nothing like them! I'm more cooler than them! And besides, it would be rude of me to not help you out
Tadayoshi: It's also not a big deal...
?: It's a big deal to me! I haven't seen this kind of kindness for a long time...
Tadayoshi: ...
?: Say what are your guy's names?
Tadayoshi: ... Tadayoshi
BeatBox: And I'm the one and only, BeatBox!
Tadayoshi: ... Can you ever speak normally...
BeatBox: Hey! I'm trying to do it in style!
?: BeatBox?... I've heard of that name before... but Tadayoshi?... sounds familiar...
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: You're probably thinking of someone else!
?: Maybe...
BeatBox looks at Tadayoshi from the corner of his eye and winks while giving a thumbs up which Tadayoshi rolls his eyes
?: but my name is Cessair!
BeatBox: Caesar?
Cessair: It's spelled like C-E-S-S-A-I-R
Tadayoshi: Why isn't your name just spelled out how it normally is?
Cessair: Hehe... I know it's strange, but my parents wanted to name me something unique
Tadayoshi: Unique my ass...
Cessair: Sorry... it's just that how it is...
Tadayoshi: You don't need to apologize, just pointing out how stupid it is...
Cessair: ...
BeatBox: Forgive him, he's just... grouchy all of the time
Cessair: I-I see... umm... Tadayoshi... sir. May I ask you something?
Tadayoshi: What?
Cessair: Since you are a... bodyguard... why are you working with... the daughter of the Fleur family?
Tadayoshi: Huh?
Cessair: I'm not sure if you know, but the Fleur family is the richest Royalty in the world... and they have brought nothing but sorrow to everyone... took people's homes... companies... lives...
Tadayoshi: Why are you telling me this?
Cessair: I'm just warning you... she's a dangerous woman... one wrong move and her family could ruin your life... or possibly bring an end to you...
BeatBox: That... sounds a bit extreme for a rich family... don't you think?
Cessair: ... You have no idea what atrocities they have caused...
BeatBox: ...
Cessair: You don't have to believe me... but I recommend that you quickly leave her! It's not worth how much she's paying you!
An awkward silence fills the trio with BeatBox being concerned by this information while Tadayoshi just lets out a sigh that sounds a bit ignorant
Tadayoshi: ... Right... Listen, I got someone waiting for me, so if you excuse me
Cessair: O-Oh yes... I must get going as well... the host is expecting me soon...
BeatBox: Later!
Cessair: ... Oh wait, Tadayoshi sir! I have 1 more question for you...
Tadayoshi: Hm?
Cessair: What do you think of Royalties?
Tadayoshi: I hate them... they're nothing but fat greedy pigs... believing they have an easy path to life
Cessair: ... Guess I don't have to worry about you...
Tadayoshi/BeatBox: ?
Cessair: Ok, that's all I wanted to know! I won't keep you back now sir! Have a great night!
Soon the butler turns and quickly walks away, disappearing into the crowd while Tadayoshi and BeatBox stare in suspicion
Tadayoshi: Weird butler...
BeatBox: Yeah, had some big accusations against Rachel... Do you believe in his words?
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: Was it just me... or was he smiling when I gave him my answer?
BeatBox: Smiling?... I didn't catch it...
Tadayoshi: ... There's definitely something going on in this party...
BeatBox: Oh I'm still not intending to let my guard down!
Tadayoshi: Good
BeatBox: Also since I helped avoid the topic of being asked who you are, I'm sure you owe me-
Tadayoshi: You're not keeping the video
He quickly deletes the video from BeatBox's phone while BeatBox follows to his knee while screaming no from the inside as Tadayoshi tosses his phone back to him
Tadayoshi: Here's your phone back...
BeatBox: *sniff* You couldn't at least let me save it in my files...
Tadayoshi: No-
Alex: Tadayoshi!
Both Tadayoshi and BeatBox turn at the voice to see Alex, who is looking worried and in a hurry, approaching them
Tadayoshi: What's the matter with-
Alex: There's no time to explain! It's Rachel! Her parents are here!
Meanwhile, Kiryu, Cassie, and Vivian were standing from the sides, watching nervously as Rachel and her mother glared at each other
Kiryu: So this is the famous Alyssa, the one who runs the Fleur Family?
Cassie: Yeah, Rachie has told me she's threatening... but I didn't think she was serious about that...
Vivian: I mean, her dad doesn't look too bad like her mom!
Both Kiryu and Cassie look at Rachel's father, who is wearing fancy clothing but it looks roughed up and awkward compared to Rachel and Alyssa
Kiryu: He doesn't really look like he's a part of their family
Cassie: Yeah, Rachie never told me about her father so I don't know much about him
Kiryu: Guess we might find out...
Alyssa glanced around the ballroom for a moment before returning her focus to Rachel and started talking
Alyssa: Where's your so-called... partner
Rachel: He'll be here soon... but I can assume you're aware of what he is to me
Alyssa: Indeed... and I don't accept it... I could've chosen someone better for you than a Forgotten...
Rachel: I don't need your acceptance anymore, this is my way of saying that I want nothing to do with the family
Alyssa: You want nothing to do with the family?
Father: Rachel... You can't be serious... let's just-
Alyssa: Shut your mouth, Harold...
Harold: ... Yes ma'am...
Kiryu/Cassie/Vivian: ...
Alyssa: Now don't make me laugh with your jokes
Rachel: ...
Alyssa: You want to leave the only thing that you feel like a ruler? After everything this family has done for you?
Rachel: You've done nothing for me other than neglect! All because I wasn't ready to carry our stupid family legacy! That's all you ever cared about! I never once got that chance to have a childhood!
Alyssa: And that was my mistake! There is no reason for you to have some foolish childhood! You carrying our family legacy was most important... unfortunately, your stupid father made you distracted from the important parts of your life
She glares back at her husband in annoyance who slouches down and tries to look away out of fear before turning back to Rachel
Alyssa: Those distractions lead your mind to be corrupted by these... peasants!
Rachel: These "peasants" are my friends and are people who gave me the care that you couldn't give!
Alyssa: I gave you my welcome! I still kept you a part of this family even after you left! It's why you're still a Royalty!
Rachel: You only did that because your family name was tainted by the idea of me becoming a commoner!
She squints her eyes while closing her fan and leans in close to Rachel with a look of disappointment and annoyance
Alyssa: And you didn't take it as a sign that I haven't disowned you... or a warning of what I could've done to your pets...
Harold: Dear... that's too much! Let's just-
Alyssa: Zip it dear or we're gonna discuss the change of your work space!
Harold: ... Sorry dear...
Kiryu: Jeez, you let her talk to you like that?
He jumps out of surprise and turns to his side to see the others approaching him for a conversation
Harold: Oh... you must be Rachel's friend... I apologize for this... mess
Vivian: It's ok! We're here to support Rachel! And have fun at the party
Harold: Heh... yeah...
Kiryu: Is... she always like this?
Harold: Not this aggressive... she's strict yes but after my daughter left, she... been off. Just yesterday, she fired most of my team and then expected us to finish our work within a week...
Kiryu: ...
Vivian: So she's a bully?
Harold: What?... No... she's... *sigh* It's complicated to think about...
Vivian: ?
Harold: She may know our business much better than I do but she needs me since we own a lot of projects and companies... Doing a lot of paperwork and meeting to be at everyone's expectations. It's stressful but it keeps the business going
Cassie: So, that's your excuse for not being there for Rachel?
The group turns to Cassie, her expression fierce as she strides toward Harold, jabbing a finger at him while he leans back, visibly uneasy
Cassie: You care more about your job than your own daughter! I get that work is important for financial stability, but choosing your job over your responsibility to care for her is unacceptable!
Harold: No... I...
Cassie: ...
Harold: *sigh* I never meant to be neglectful to my child but... it's hard to be a father when you are never given a chance to be one... I'm sorry...
Cassie: ... You should tell that to her and not us...
Harold: *Slight nods*
Kiryu: ... I mean... She may need you but does she even give you any benefits to anything as a wife?
Harold: ...
Alyssa: *sigh* Why can't you listen and understand what you are doing is pointless and ridiculous
Rachel: I'm trying to give you a chance to be my mother for once and not a Fleur leader by letting me make my choices but you can't comprehend that I want nothing with this family!
Alyssa: Because I didn't give you "love?" If you wanted my love so much, you should've focused on your studies...
Rachel: Since when does a child have to earn their care from their family...
Alyssa: That's what makes us better for everyone... We know how to make someone a perfect being...
Rachel: ... This is why I want nothing to do with this family! I'm done with this conversation! I don't want to see you and your face again! Including your family name in mine!
She goes to turn away from her but before she can walk away, Alyssa lets out a laugh out of pity before opening her fan cover and covering her mouth
Alyssa: You can't escape who you are, daughter... You carry our blood and you will carry our responsibility like a family... including our actions you found...
She stops dead in her tracks as she can feel her heart stop and slowly turns at Alyssa who has a smug smile underneath the fan
Rachel: You know...
Alyssa: Of course I know...
This story is interrupted by a young chibi Rachel drawing a bunch of clothing designs in her drawing book
14 years ago
Alyssa: Rachel, pay attention!
Five-year-old Rachel focused on her drawing, looks up at her mother, who has a prideful yet serious look on her face, and a butler holding a stack of books
Alyssa: You come from an important family line, and one day, it will be your responsibility to uphold that legacy
She snaps her finger and the butler sets down the thick books in front of Rachel to her surprise
Alyssa: Starting now, you will dedicate yourself to studying so that you are prepared to embrace this duty! Understand dear?
Rachel: Would you be proud of me?
Alyssa: Of course... as long as you earned it!
Rachel: Yes mother, I won't let you down!
Alyssa: Good... I should be expecting good things from you...
Soon days went back as she studied and became a brilliant student at her school as she believed it would make her mother proud of her. However, one day, while her mother ends an argument with her husband, Rachel appears behind her and shows a drawing she made for her
Rachel: I made this for you, Mother!
Alyssa looks down at Rachel in annoyance as she takes the picture and rips it up in front of her, much to Rachel's despair
Alyssa: If you have this much time to waste on something like that, it's clear you need to focus on your studies instead.
As she strides away, Rachel kneels, attempting to piece the drawing back together, but ultimately fails. Time passes once again as she continues her studies, yet she feels increasingly trapped in her room until a knock is heard on her door
Rachel: Yes?
Butler: Excuse me for the interruption...
Rachel: It's fine...
She turns back to back to her study as the butler cleans her room but Rachel finds herself getting bored with her studies as she starts to draw again in her notes
Butler: Fascinating artwork, Miss
She jumps out of surprise and quickly pretends to return to her studies as much it fails to fool the butler
Butler: Try to curve the line here a bit and it'll look perfect
Rachel: You know how to draw?
Butler: It was my old passion, before getting a job here. I know a thing or two?
Rachel: Really?!
Butler: Of course, if you want, I could teach you a thing or two
Rachel: Of course!
Butler: Very well. I-
Alyssa: Aren't you supposed to be working?
Both Rachel and the butler quickly look back to see Alyssa at the doorway with a displeased look on her face
Butler: F-Forgive me, I was helping her with her studies...
Alyssa: She shouldn't need help with her studies, she's a smart girl. So I suggest you get back to work!
Butler: Y-yes ma'am...
As the butler swiftly exited Alyssa's room, anticipation hung in the air. Alyssa turned back to Rachel, who quickly resumed her studies before closing the door behind her. Little did Rachel know, this would be her final encounter with the butler, as rumors of "harassment" would soon lead to his dismissal
The following day, whispers of tragedy began to swirl when his wife was discovered murdered in an alleyway, leaving a chilling mark on the community. Meanwhile, his best friend faced unjust accusations and would soon find himself arrested for illegal drug possession, throwing their circle into chaos
In the days that followed, the tension would escalate when his parents would experience a catastrophic car accident, the cause rooted in a freak malfunction. As events unfolded one after another, it would only be a matter of time before the police uncovered the grim fate of the butler, who would be found hanging in his apartment, a shocking conclusion to a series of misfortunes. All the while, Rachel, unaware of the unfolding tragedy, would continue to wait expectantly for the butler's return
Rachel: Where did he go?... I thought he was gonna teach me how to draw...
?: Unfortunately, he doesn't want to see you again...
She turns behind her out of surprise to see her mother looking down at her with what looks like anger on her face and Rachel starts to feel her heart race out of fear
Rachel: M-Mother... I-
Alyssa: I'm so sorry dear but our butler tried to take advantage of you in the hopes he would steal our family treasure! So we cut ties with him
Rachel: W-What?...
Alyssa: I should've told you before but Royalty and commoners are not equal and commoners are nothing but scum... and that butler is an example of how much of a scum they can be...
Rachel: But... he... he was like... my first friend... he... wouldn't...
Soon Rachel burst into tears and fell to her knees as her mother walked up and hugged her out of "comfort" but had a small smirk on her face
Alyssa: It's ok dear... I promise you, I will find you someone special when you get older... So do the family a favor... and continue your studies... my daughter...
Present time:
Alyssa: I should've hidden those files better... now how about you wake up to reality, dear...
Rachel: ... You're willing to put all your actions against me...
Alyssa: Of course not... if you leave the family, perhaps... You have much potential and I don't make another waste of time to find a replacement...
Silence fills the room as the group finds themselves in shock at what Rachel's mother was willing to do to keep her
Cassie: What kind of mother are you?! Trying to-
Alyssa: Stay out of this peasant or I'll have a death record in your name...
Cassie: ...
Alyssa: Now then... I encourage you to shift your mindset and consider returning to the family... it could be the best choice for everyone soon.
Rachel felt the urge to speak up, but she remained in the corner, apprehensive about what her mother might do to those who were close to her. She realized that returning to the family could very well lead to a future filled with solitude in her life
Rachel: ... I-
?: Well ain't you a bitch...
Both Rachel and Alyssa turn at the voice to see Tadayoshi standing across from them while BeatBox and Alex join with the other who are watching the argument
Tadayoshi: I can see why you wanted to leave your family now...
Rachel: Tadayoshi...
As Tadayoshi approaches the woman, anticipation fills the air. She looks him up and down with a mix of disgust and surprise at how tall he is up close. Their glaring eyes lock, hinting at an impending confrontation that neither of them can ignore
Alyssa: You must be my daughter's fiancée
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
Alyssa: And I'm sure you're aware of who I am...
Tadayoshi: Oh I'm aware...
Alyssa: Then do we agree that this engagement between you two is canceled
Tadayoshi: As if I need acceptance from a pig...
Alyssa: Excuse me?!
Harold: !
Rachel: Tadayoshi-
Tadayoshi: I'm sorry but I don't think your mother deserves a polite introduction anymore...
Alyssa: I am a part of the richest family in the world! You ought to show some respect to me especially if you want to engage with my daughter!
Tadayoshi: Why should I? I know damn well you have no interest in respecting me
Alyssa: *scoff* Clever boy... Let me give you a word of advice, my daughter is part of this family, whether she likes it or not. Better accept that before you embarrass yourself further
Tadayoshi: Oh please, your whole family is a joke. I'm doing your daughter a favor and escape your circus
Alyssa: You really think you can keep Rachel away from her family, brat? You have no idea what you're up against
Tadayoshi: Yeah, some rich hag who is stubborn as a mule... you have a lot of animals I could compare you to
Soon Alyssa's face turns to anger and annoyance as she closes her fan and leans in close to Tadayoshi's face
Alyssa: You're treading dangerous waters, dear. I can ruin you, you know. A single whisper in the right ears and poof, your precious reputation will vanish
Tadayoshi: You think that would make a difference, I'm a Forgotten. It won't be any difference and believe me, I've seen worse threats than that...
Rachel: Tadayoshi-
Alyssa: Don't you dare intervene, Rachel. Your breath shouldn't even speak of this thing. You will break off this engagement with him
Tadayoshi: What's the matter, afraid a Forgotten taint your image?
Alyssa: Image? I care about my daughter's future! Something you clearly wouldn't understand. You're just a rebellious nobody, looking to stir trouble
Tadayoshi: Yeah, but at least know when someone is in shackles when I see one...
As Tadayoshi and Alyssa's argument starts to more intense as it goes on, Cassie and Harold find themselves surprised by Tadayoshi's rebellious defense against Alyssa
Harold: Is... Is he always like this?
BeatBox: I mean kinda. He's usually a dick and doesn't care about anything, but it's been a while since I last saw him act like this
Cassie: Yeah but... I thought he would shut her up and not turn it into an argument
Alex: Don't worry, this is a feeling that he understands
Harold: Understands her feelings... Heh, he's doing much better than me and my wife...
Vivian: I'm more worried about Rachel though...
They turn at Rachel, unable to see her expression but are aware she is still watching the argument continuing
Alyssa: *scoff* She wants luxury, brat! She wants the best life can offer, and that requires choices I help her make. Do you think you can offer her a better future?
Tadayoshi: No, but I can ensure she has a better life with them. I'm confident they understand how to provide her with a brighter future
BeatBox: Awww! You putting trust in us!
Tadayoshi: Don't rub it in, Box-head...
Alyssa: I refuse to listen to a Forgotten that-
Rachel: I just want to give you a chance, Mother!
Both Alyssa and Tadayoshi stop their argument and turn their attention to her alongside the other that we're watching as she steps in between them and she turns to her mother
Rachel: I'm aware of the weight our family's past carries and the consequences that have followed us. There's a lot of anger bubbling inside, but I'm eager for change. I want to give you the opportunity to turn things around, and when you do, I'll be ready to see you as my mother
She looks up at Alyssa, hoping to glimpse even a hint of guilt, but all she sees is disgust and disappointment reflecting back
Alyssa: I'm open to whatever you decide, but just know that becoming a commoner isn't part of the future I envision...
Rachel: ...
Tadayoshi: You're a failure as a mother...
Alyssa: You damn brat...
Before anything could break out, they hear a small glass singing which turns everyone in the ballroom's attention to the stairway where Drake is to everyone's confusion
Drake: Pardon me, everyone but I have another announcement to make... as I said before, this party is meant to be special for all Royalties...
Soon Rachel and Tadayoshi start to notice all of the guards and butler are moving around quickly and standing by the wall which the other starts to notice
Rachel: Don't tell me... right now?...
Tadayoshi: Oh shit...
Drake: But now... It's about time I... begin my business... as a Tribe leader!
As Drake snapped his fingers, an intense tension gripped the air, signaling the imminent chaos. The entire manor switched into lockdown, catching everyone completely off guard. Instantly, the butlers and guards sprang into action, decisively moving to secure most of the female and several male Royalties. It was clear that something monumental was about to unfold, and the atmosphere crackled with anticipation for the events about to transpire in another room
Chaos erupted as panic surged through the crowd, with guests frantically trying to escape the advancing butlers and maids. Smoke bombs detonated across the ballroom floor, shrouding the scene in darkness and amplifying the tension. The group swiftly formed a defensive stance, their attention sharpening on Drake, who remained calm amid the turmoil, surveying the chaos with a piercing gaze
Drake: Now... let the main event begin!
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