Chapter 55: Rachel
It is late at night with a storm going on, two guards are standing outside a gate that leads to a mansion
Guard: Why of all days, did we have to be put in charge on a rainy day?
Guard 2: Hey it pays us well so we don't have to be like the peasants
Guard: True, but don't you think that-
Suddenly the guard's neck gets cut open, causing the blood to flood his throat, and dies while the other guard panics and tries to alert the other but is quickly taken away into the darkness. Meanwhile, a Royalty is at his dinner table waiting impatiently for his meal to be given to him
Royalty: Where is my damn Filet mignon! It has been 5 damn minutes! Waiter! If I don't see it in front of me, I'm selling your damn home
Soon the butler quickly exits of kitchen, looking like a mess, and quickly puts his dinner, which has a food cover on it, onto the table in front of him
Butler: Forgive me, sir but your dinner is served!
Royalty: *tsk* About damn time! I hired those chefs to do their damn job! Yet they're so damn slow! I outta sell their children if that's what it takes for them to wake up!
Butler: I will warn them soon enough...
Meanwhile, another guard gets stabbed in the back while he's on the ground, dragging his weapon back to the guard's rear, killing him as the other guards point their weapons at the shadowy figure
Guard: Did you get in contact yet?!
Guard 2: I'm trying but it's not getting them through!
Guard 3: The hell is that monster?!
The shadowy figure looks up at the remaining guards that stand in their way. They only see through the darkness his eyes glowing, his sickles dripping with blood, and a wide smile stretching across his face. Soon the shadowy figure leaped toward them. The guards could scream... but no one could hear them
Royalty: And have you prepared my attire for the upcoming party?
Butler: Of course, all prepared for and have chosen for the best
Royalty: Heh, good! So what have the chefs made me? It better be something that fits a Royalty like me!
Unbeknownst to the Royalty, the butler couldn't help but smirk but quickly hid it as he reached for the food cover
Butler: Well... if you must ask...
The second the butler removes the food cover, the Royalty's eyes grow wide out of shock and fear as he falls off his chair, letting out a yell as he crawls back after what he witnessed
Royalty: WHAT THE FUCK?!
Butler: Hehe...
As soon as the Royalty gets a good look at the butler's face, he recognizes him. The butler then takes the food tray and leans it close to the Royalty, revealing that the food on the tray is the head of a guard with an apple in its mouth
Butler: What's the matter? Is it not cut perfectly enough?~
?: Oh don't say that my friend!
Suddenly the Royalty looks up at the ceiling, where a stranger drops down, revealing to be a man with multiple blades around his body and holding a brain in his hand
?: I believe it was done perfectly! The inside of this man's head looked so beautiful...
Butler: *tsk* At least someone here respects my work
Royalty: Y-Y-You two... Are one of the group's killers! Butcher and Knives!
Knives: Oh he even knows our name!
Butcher: Guess this Royalty does have a working brain!
Royalty: I-I can't die like this! If they are here then the others are-
The Royalty quickly gets up and tries to run out of the room but is immediately stopped by a whip-like sword, hitting the doorway, causing the Royalty to fall back again
?: Don't try to run away from your judgment now...
Soon the stranger appears as the whip-like blade retracts back, revealing the blade is his arm another stranger, who is a Demi, appears behind him, blushing while looking at the feared Royalty
Butcher: Rive... Mara...
Rive: Forgive me, we were dealing with the guards and one of them had a nice pair of eyes. Mine's getting old and need to replace them soon
Mara: They died in the most boring way possible... It's a shame none of them are good friends... it would've made such a good tragedy story... but at least maybe this one could show me a good tragedy~
The Royalty cowered in fear as the killers slowly approached, with huge grins on their faces. The Royalty couldn't say a word, only breathing heavily out of fear of what they would do to him. Unaware of another person behind him at the window with a huge smile that flashes in the lightning. Soon, the window broke as someone jumped through and landed, slowly standing up straight, and turned toward the Royalty with the same grin on his shadowy face, causing the Royalty to wet himself
Butcher: You had your fun?
?: Of course, I had... but this... This will be the best one for the night...
The shadowy figure unsheathes his sickles, slowly approaching the Royalty as crouches down and brings one of the sickles up to his face
?: I'm sure you're aware of who I am... right?
Royalty: Y-Yes... the Regnicide killer! Y-You're him!
?: Good... Then you know why I'm here...
Royalty: Y-You can't kill me! I didn't do anything!
?: Really now? You? A fatass Royalty man who was taken so many people's homes over food... didn't do anything?
The shadowy figure lowers his sickle to the Royalty's neck and slowly pulls back, cutting a bit into his neck, causing the Royalty to scream in pain
?: A Royalty who has taken those people's wives and children to be put to work here as slaves... or toys...
Once the shadowy figure finishes pulling his back from the Royalty's neck. The Royalty places his hand on where he was cut and yells in pain and fear while the figure lets out a sinister chuckle
?: Oh you sound just like those slaves you killed before? What did you call them?... oh right, a little piggies!
Soon the killers begin to laugh maniacally at the joke of the Royalty being compared to a pig. He wanted to say something to defend himself but was too afraid to speak
?: Now why don't you be useful for once in your life and tell me about this... Royalty Party?
The shadowy figure lefts up the envelope that he found in the Royalty's pocket as he brings his sickle back to his neck again
Royalty: OK! OK! Someone is hosting a party for all of Royalty's to come and enjoy! I even heard there gonna be some big names there like the DJ BeatBox and the Fleur Family!
?: Fleur Family?...
Soon the shadowy figure begins to chuckle which slowly turns into maniacal laughter that even the others look in confusion as to why he's laughing
?: I never thought that day will come when I find that bitch...
He pulls his sickles back and puts them away as he stands back up and turns away from him
Royalty: C-Can I leave?...
?: ... He's all yours, Cannibal...
Soon, the killers moved out of the way as a psychotic Demi girl crawled towards him, her mouth drooling. Royalty began to panic as he tried to back away deeper against the wall
Royalty: No! Please! No-
Soon Cannibal leaps onto the Royalty, biting and ripping him up as the killer could hear was scream and gurgling from drowning by his blood
Butcher: Make sure you don't eat too much! You'll get sick eating it raw!
Cannibal: ...... Meat!......
Butcher: I'll cook it later if you bring some with you
Cannibal: Yay!
Knives: Guess we should put them up! Get the guards and start setting them up
Mara: I hope someone knows one of them when they see them hanging all over the wall! The drama would be so perfect!
As the other killers are cleaning themselves up, Rive notices the shadowy figure still staring at the envelope he had in his hand
Rive: So what's your plan now?
?: Why it's simple... grab any fancy clothing that'll fit you in here!
Rive: ?
He turns at the other killers with a huge grin on his face while showing them the invitation that is covered in blood
?: We have a party to crash!...
It's early in the morning with an alarm blaring and Rachel sitting up from her bed, stretching her arms while letting out a yawn
Rachel: ... Coffee...
Soon she gets off her bed and does her daily morning routine, cleaning her bed, showering, and then changing into her kimono. She enters the kitchen to get some coffee where she finds Chum on the ground, lying on his back, and a note on the counter from Cassie
"Morning Rachel! I got called in to do some modeling today! Be back by noon! -Love Cassie!"
Rachel: *sigh* Well at least I don't have to make a giant feast today
Chum: ...
Rachel: Well other than you...
Chum: *wags tail in excitement*
Rachel: Give me a second, you impatient sardine
As she waits for coffee to be made, she quickly pours some shark food into his bowl which he quickly begins to munch down. Once the coffee was finished, she took her cup and sat at the dining room table to slowly wake herself up. Suddenly she remembers something important and pulls out her phone
R: Hey you up?
T: Yes, what do you want?
R: I need you to meet me at my place
T: New job?
R: No, I want to make sure of something
T: ?
R: It's important and I'll explain it to you later
T: I'll be there in a few minutes
R: Alright
She puts her phone away and decides to go sit on the couch while she waits for him. As she sits down, she decides to go through the pile of mail that is on the table, which she skims through until noticing an envelope from the Fleur Family
Rachel: ...
?: "A Royalty can't become friends with a peasant! You should worry about your future and marry someone equal to us!"
She shakes her head to ignore the memory and tosses all of the envelopes in the trash as none of them were important to her. After a few minutes of waiting, she finally heard a knock on her door
Rachel: You can come in!
Soon Tadayoshi enters inside as Rachel stands up and straightens out her kimono then turns towards him while Chum, who just finished eating, excitedly greets him at the door
Tadayoshi: Alright, I'm here
Rachel: Perfect timing
Tadayoshi: Were you just sitting here all by yourself?
Rachel: Yes, is that a problem?
Tadayoshi: No... So what did you need from me
Rachel: As you know, the party is two days away so I want to make sure you are ready for it
Tadayoshi: I feel like I am. All I'm going to be doing is just standing there while you deal with all of those rich bastards anyway
Rachel: Yes however I need you to look like a Royalty
Tadayoshi: So you just want me to be a pig?
Rachel: Not personality-wise, smartass but you have to look nice. Do you have any fancy clothing?
Tadayoshi: ...
Rachel: *sigh* That should've been obvious to me... Well, this is why I called you here. We are getting you prepared
Tadayoshi: I thought this was important?
Rachel: It's is, we just haven't gotten to that point yet
Tadayoshi: ...
Rachel: So the first thing we need to do is to fix that hair of yours
Tadayoshi: What's wrong with it other than being a Forgotten?
Rachel: It's a mess, you look like a bird nest up there
Tadayoshi: Coming from a woman who has a curtain over her eye
Rachel: Hilarious... But we can deal with the hair later, for now, we need to do some shopping to get you some nicer clothing
Tadayoshi: "Again with the clothes shopping..."
Rachel: Don't worry, I'll be the one paying for it
Tadayoshi: ... There's a catch to this isn't there?
Rachel: Good to know you're aware
Tadayoshi: And the catch is?
Rachel: Pretty much the "important" part but you'll see after we are done shopping
Tadayoshi: ... I don't like any bit of this
Rachel: You don't even like anything other than money and coffee
Tadayoshi: ...
Rachel: Come along, we have a long day ahead of us
Tadayoshi: ... Sure...
They both exit the apartment and begin walking together to the main part of the city while Chum is the one running up ahead
Tadayoshi: Shouldn't you be... not walking around in public knowing your reputation?
Rachel: If I have you around then I got nothing to worry about
Tadayoshi: ... Thanks I guess?
Rachel: I know you don't want to be doing anything right now seeing your attitude but I need to make sure we're prepared and... I really need someone around me
Tadayoshi: It's fine, Alex would be on my ass if I said no...
Rachel: *chuckles* I'm starting to wonder if you just listen to only girls in general
Tadayoshi: Don't try to make me sound like some fucking weirdo...
Rachel: Oh you're weirdo, just not in the way you think
Tadayoshi: ... Do you just call me here to do... this whenever Cassie is gone
Rachel: Do you have a problem with me?
Tadayoshi: No, other than you're snarky comments
Rachel: And you're not any different?
Tadayoshi: ... I hate I can't think of any comeback...
Rachel: *chuckles*
Tadayoshi: But I'm trying to say that there are other people than just me you know
Rachel: Hm... I just feel like I can get along with you a lot more than the others. Besides you and I have so many similarities of interest that easier to talk to
Tadayoshi: I don't think-
Before he could say anything, Rachel looked back at him and used her umbrella to hit Tadayoshi on the head to stop him from speaking. He rubbed the spot where she hit him
Rachel: Don't try to deny it, you know I'm gonna have something to counter your words
Tadayoshi: ... I'll keep my mouth shut then...
Rachel: Trust me, you have no idea how much fresh air it is to have someone like you around
Tadayoshi: ... Very well
Rachel: Now once we get your clothing, we gotta do some groceries and-
Tadayoshi: Wait? We have more places to stop at...
Rachel: Of course, since I'm gonna be out here, I might as well grab some stuff that I need back before heading back... especially for the two gluttons that live with me
Chum: *turns at them after getting of weird feeling of being called out*
Rachel: But you don't mind, do you?
Tadayoshi: Nope... I don't mind...
Soon hours pass by with them shopping together until they exit the grocery store, finally finished with the shopping
Rachel: That should be about everything...
Tadayoshi: This suit doesn't look like it'll fit me...
Rachel: Trust me, it will. Now we can-
Before they can make their way home Rachel immediately remembers something that she completely forgot about
Rachel: Shit! I forgot the spaghetti sauce! I'm sorry but could you grab some, cause Cassie wanted spaghetti tonight and...
Tadayoshi: Yeah... Don't get into trouble while I'm gone
Rachel: Don't plan to
Chum: *stares at Rachel*
Rachel: Yes, you can go with him if you like
Chum: *smiles in glee*
Tadayoshi makes his back into the store with Chum deciding to follow him while Rachel decides to wait for him in the alleyway to avoid people seeing her
Rachel: *sigh*Hope he goes along with what I-
?: A beautiful rose...
She gets a sudden surprise by a rose held out beside her shoulder but lets out a disappointed sigh as she recognizes the voice
?: Just as beautiful as you~
Rachel: The hell are you want... Drake?
She turns to see Drake behind her with a smirk on his face as he still had to rise out for her
Drake: Been a while... my fiancé~
This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi and Rachel drink tea together under a cherry blossom
Aware that she wouldn't be able to ignore him, she let out an annoyed sigh and turned to him, smacking the rose out of his hands, causing it to drop
Rachel: That's Ex-fiancée to you...
Drake: Ex or not, we both have some history together
Rachel: ugh...
Drake: What? Can't bother to greet someone? Quite rude of you!
Rachel: Then hello... Drake... and goodbye...
Drake: How cold of you. Treating your special someone in such a rude manner!
Rachel: Don't think you something special, you were just one of many chosen partners my parents wanted me to pick
Drake: Yet they saw something in me if they had me an option for you?
Rachel: They only had you because you're a Royalty like all the other candidates! And even so, you know they cut ties with you after they found you a little secret years ago
Drake: *psh* They're called rumors! You would still believe that?
Rachel: Knowing how you are, yes
Drake: ...
Rachel: Now, if you have nothing else then leave. I don't want to see your damn face
Drake: Oh come on, there's no need to rush! It's not like you're doing anything now, aren't you?
Rachel: Fucking Christ... what do you want from me?
Drake: Well, since I'm meeting you again after a long time
He leans his arm against the wall near Rachel, who tries to ignore him, and pulls out his wallet to reveal some special cards he has
Drake: How about we can go out and get a drink together? I know someplace that has some rare drinks! We can get to know each other more like our first date
Rachel: No
Drake: Oh how cold of you. Scared to go on another date with me?
Rachel: For your corrections, our "date" was never one! All you ever did was talk about your pride and money and even tried to make a move on me
Drake: Well we had to make something to remember our time together! And what better than two bodies becoming one with each other~
Rachel: God you're disgusting... I'm done with this conversation... in case you forgot the message before, I want nothing to do with you so leave now
Drake: Oh please, why don't I help you realize what you are truly missing out on~
Rachel: What?
Suddenly Drake grabs onto her hands and pins her against the wall, incapacitating her from trying to escape
Drake: Calm down, I only want to make a small memory with each other before the real event tomorrow, so relax while I do-
Before he could do anything to her, he felt a sudden grip on his arm tighten and pull away. He looks behind to see a familiar face and a shark growling at him
Tadayoshi: That's enough...
Rachel: Tadayoshi...
Drake: You...
Tadayoshi: You really want to repeat history?
Drake: Get your filthy hands off of me! Can't you see I'm trying to have a "conversation" with my fiancée, Forgotten! Unlike you, I have a special someone!
Tadayoshi: Special someone my ass. I suggest you let go of her or I'll have your face fed to this shark
Chum: *snarls*
Drake: *tsk* For a man who says he doesn't hold grudges, you sure are holding one if you're trying to stop me!
Tadayoshi: I don't but I'm not letting you try anything with the boss
Drake: Boss... you know her...
Tadayoshi: Yes, so you better let go of her... now...
Even though Drake could feel Tadayoshi gripping onto him tighter, he felt nothing but anger build up in him as it felt like a repeat of what happened to him years ago that ruined his life and reputation
Drake: *mutters* Why are you always with every girl I want...
Tadayoshi: ?
Drake: Fine...
He rips his arm out of Tadayoshi's grip and rubs on it from the pain then begins to walk away out of anger while stomping on the rose on his way out
Drake: Enjoy the moment while you can, Forgotten! But I will have my get back soon, just you wait!... enjoy the party...
Tadayoshi watches him walk away to make sure he leaves as Rachel finally lets out a breath for relief as Chum crawls up to her to make sure, she's ok
Tadayoshi: He didn't do anything to you?
Rachel: No... I'm fine, thanks...
Tadayoshi: Have a history with him?
Rachel: Yeah... he was one of my ex-fiancée...
Tadayoshi: You dated him?
Rachel: I know, it wasn't by choice. I broke off with him the second he tried to grab my ass...
Tadayoshi: Sounds like him...
Rachel: *sigh* Was hoping I'd never bump into him after hearing he was living here now...
Tadayoshi: I didn't think he would bounce back again...
Rachel: I'm guessing you had some connection with him as well?
Tadayoshi: Unfortunately yes. He's been on my ass the second his reputation was destroyed
Rachel: So you were the one who exposed his true self
Tadayoshi: No, that was Alex
Rachel: ... He tried to do something to her didn't he?
Tadayoshi: Yeah... I put a stop to it before he could do anything but Alex decided to do something more than what I did. Even since then, he's hated me and Alex
Rachel: *chuckles*
Tadayoshi: What?
Rachel: Oh nothing, just didn't expect Drake to hate Alex since... you know when it comes to women with him
Tadayoshi: Fair, however I didn't expect the exposure to be this big
Rachel: Well, it's a good thing it did spread, otherwise my parent would've had me together with him...
Tadayoshi: ...
Rachel: But don't worry about me, I'm fine... did you get the spaghetti sauce?
Tadayoshi: Mhm
Rachel: Perfect, let's get back home so we can start it
Tadayoshi: Start what?
Rachel: The reason why I want you to come, so we could do that "important" part
Tadayoshi: ...
They arrive back at the apartment where Chum disappeared down the hall and Rachel sets down the stuff she bought on the counter
Tadayoshi: So what are we doing?
Rachel: The first thing is to put on your suit
Tadayoshi: I thought you knew it'd fit me?
Rachel: Oh it will, I just need you to wear for what we're about to do soon
Tadayoshi: ...
He takes his new fancy clothing and walks into the bathroom to change while Rachel starts to change into her dress that she bought as well
Rachel: "I hope would be enough of them to leave me alone..."
She finishes changing into her dress by the time Tadayoshi exits the bathroom, wearing his fancy clothing, looking uncomfortable
Tadayoshi: Christ, this collar is choking me... how the hell do these rich people wear this kind of shit?
Rachel: For impressions...
She walks up to him and gently straightens his messy tie before suggesting to Tadayoshi that they go out onto the balcony
Rachel: For Royalties, it's important for them to show that you have high standards like all of them
Tadayoshi: Uh-huh, so why are we out here
Rachel: Like I said...
Soon Chum appears on the balcony with a boombox in his mouth and sets it down as Rachel connects her phone to it
Rachel: Impressions are important and we have to make sure we make a good impression on everyone. And to make sure...
Once it was connected she set her phone down in front of Chum who used his fin to slap it, causing the boombox to play some music and Rachel began to slowly dance to the beat
Rachel: So I need you to dance with me
Tadayoshi: ... What?
Rachel: The dance floor is going to be the main priority at this party so we have to make sure it'll make us stand out
Tadayoshi: Dancing... I... don't know about that...
Rachel: I know you're not a fan of dancing but think of it as a one-time thing and it'll be over
Tadayoshi: *sigh* If BeatBox finds this out, I'm never going to hear the end of it...
He approaches her, feeling awkward and unsure of what to do. Rachel sighs and takes his hand
Rachel: First you need to have your hand on my waist and the other on my hand. You're footing must the same as mine, including when we move!
Tadayoshi: Wait... this is too weird...
Rachel: What?
Tadayoshi: Do we have to be this close?
Rachel: Yes, it's part of the dance
Tadayoshi: ... Shit...
Rachel: Now let's try to-
The second Rachel takes a step to the side, Tadayoshi is too late to respond and accidentally trips over, falling face-first on the ground which Chum immediately stops the music.
Tadayoshi: Ow... I feel so restricted with this shit on!
Rachel: *sigh* This is why I wanted you to dance in your suit... you need to know who to dance to without making us a fool
Tadayoshi: ... I already hate this...
Rachel: Of course, now come on up, we got time to practice
Tadayoshi: *sigh* "This is gonna be a long day..."
Hours go by as night has fallen and Chum is lying down, tired. Tadayoshi and Rachel were going to do their last attempt
Rachel: You ready?...
Tadayoshi: I think so...
Rachel: Chum!
Chum wearily presses the play button as Tadayoshi and Rachel gear up for their final attempt. They synchronize their movements and begin to build up a good rhythm until the beat intensifies. Then, they break apart and start mirroring each other's actions with their unique style. Every move they make syncs perfectly with the rhythm as they connect and break away from each other
Chum: !
Chum suddenly snaps out of it, realizing that their dance is going better than ever. Their moves are perfectly in sync with the music, and he can feel the excitement building up inside him. Tadayoshi and Rachel's hands come together as they hit the main part of their choreography. They exchange a nod, fully in the zone and ready to take their performance to the test
As the second act begins, the music fills the air and they release each other's hands. Rachel gracefully leans back and lifts one foot into the air, while Tadayoshi holds onto her other hand. With a swift pull, he lifts her and she spins around him. As she leans back again, completing a full circle, he holds onto her back, bringing his face close to hers. A joyful smile appears on Rachel's face as Tadayoshi, feeling a bit awkward, looks away. They continue to dance in sync with the captivating beat, creating an electrifying atmosphere with Chum dancing along from the side
Soon, the music finally comes to an end as both Tadayoshi and Rachel strike a pose while holding onto each other. Chum begins to clap his fins in applause while Tadayoshi and Rachel catch their breath.
Tadayoshi: Did... Did we do it?
Rachel: ... Yeah... we did it... we're ready...
Tadayoshi: *sigh*... Finally...
A little later, Tadayoshi is sitting on the porch, wearing his normal clothing as Rachel returns after finishing making the spaghetti noodles and handing Tadayoshi a bottle of water
Rachel: I'll admit I didn't think you would be able to improve yourself with this dance
Tadayoshi: I know my ways to adapt... as much as I hated that suit...
Rachel: Good, then we don't have anything to worry about anything tomorrow...
Tadayoshi: Why are you iffy with this party? Some kind of celebration or some shit?
Rachel: ... Normally I wouldn't be but... I found out that my parents are going to be there
Tadayoshi: Family issues?
Rachel: Is that a problem with you?
Tadayoshi: No, something I won't argue about
Rachel: Thanks, anyways I wanted to get away from my family line and... possibly start a new one, but they're trying so hard to make sure I stay because they want to make sure their bloodline lives on
Tadayoshi: ... Don't tell me Drake was-
Rachel: Yeah... he was one of my chosen partners for me to pick, but I rejected every one of them as they weren't my type
Tadayoshi: That explains why he was on your ass...
Rachel: Yeah, but I should've known my family was stubborn to not accept a no, so when I left they spread info around about my bloodline and it's the reason why I'm still a Royalty after being here on day 1
Tadayoshi: ...
Rachel: Going to this party is just a way for me to confront them so they can leave me alone. Hopefully, them seeing me together with a "peasant" would hopefully break off with them. No offense
Tadayoshi: None taken
Rachel: *sigh* I just... want to get this over with and live my life without having them on my ass
Tadayoshi: So you want to leave your family cause you don't want to be engaged with someone?
Rachel: That's not the only reason why I want to be away from them...
Tadayoshi: ?
Rachel: I hate them so much... everything they've done throughout generations is... *sigh*
She stops herself from speaking out of guilt and disgust as she can't bring herself to reveal what she knows about them but only lets out a sigh while covering her face
Rachel: If I didn't meet Cassie, I'd probably become something... worse than what I know about them...
Tadayoshi: ...
Rachel: So when we go to this party, please... don't try to be a smartass or anything that could get you kicked out of this party
Tadayoshi: As long as I'm getting paid, then you're fine
She turns at Tadayoshi who still had a blank expression but lets out a small chuckle from his response that should've been expected from her
Tadayoshi: What?
Rachel: Nothing, I'm just glad you're something "normal" in my life
Tadayoshi: Yeah?... Thanks... But I'm confused with one thing
Rachel: What?
Tadayoshi: Why do I have to be involved with your family?
Rachel: ... Well... about that...
She slightly looks away out of awkwardness which starts to worry Tadayoshi with what's her response
Rachel: I... needed you to not only be my bodyguard but-
Cassie: Rachie! I'm home!-
Rachel: -to be my "fiancé" as well
Cassie stares at Rachel in disbelief after hearing those words the second she stepped. Rachel quickly turns to her in surprise while Tadayoshi stares at Rachel in dumbfounded while Chum crawls up to Cassie to greet her, unbeknownst to what's happening
Tadayoshi/Cassie: ... What
Rachel: Wait- hold on, Cassie-
Cassie: I should've known there was some secret, you thief!
Rachel: No wait, you missing some context here!
Cassie: But I ain't gonna give up that easy!
Rachel quickly gets up to talk to Cassie as she starts to have her rant while Tadayoshi just sighs and finishes his bottle of water
Tadayoshi: "This party better be worth my paycheck"
Casual begs for a raise
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